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Hunt for History
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The Hunt for History was a pay event which had its second, and thus far last, run in 2003. The premise of the hunt was to follow clues presented with items of historical significance to locate and solve puzzles hidden throughout the world and uncover history in the process.
- Amber-bound flesh globule pendant
- Amber-inlaid engraved silver flute
- Ancient cracked leather tome
- Ancient horsehide mantle
- Ancient human skull
- Ancient invar claidhmore
- Ancient twisted rosewood staff capped with a faceted star sapphire
- Battered vultite Ublish shield
- Beaded white goathide mocassins
- Bone-handled rolaren baselard
- Braided horsehair wristlet
- Brocaded silk and haon fan
- Burgundy leather tome
- Charcoal Khanshael waraxe
- Chipped deep blue mermaid’s-tear shaped sapphire
- Colorful Malghavan wool cloak
- Contoured mottled black leathers
- Deathstone-inset enruned steel claidhmore
- Deep black riding cloak
- Deep black rolaren scalemail
- Deep cerulean glazed clay mug
- Deep ebon leather boots
- Deeply hooded inky black cloak
- Delicate amethyst windflower
- Diamond-edged slender eahnor longsword etched along the blade with ancient Ardenai runes
- Diamond-edged slender eahnor longsword etched along the blade with ancient Ashrim runes
- Diamond-edged slender eahnor longsword etched along the blade with ancient Faendryl runes
- Diamond-edged slender eahnor longsword etched along the blade with ancient Illistim runes
- Diamond-edged slender eahnor longsword etched along the blade with ancient Loenthran runes
- Diamond-edged slender eahnor longsword etched along the blade with ancient Nalfein runes
- Diamond-edged slender eahnor longsword etched along the blade with ancient Vaalorian runes
- Dirty brass slug-horn wrapped in leather near the mouthpiece
- Double-bit rolaren axe
- Dwarven-forged mithril hammer with a golden anvil emblazoned on the haft
- Eagle-winged blue vultite longsword
- Ebony staff of Sharath
- Enruned gold signet ring set with a brilliant fire pearl
- Eonake chisel engraved with silvery thorns along its sharp beveled edge
- Etched rolaren ice hammer
- Faceted silver-flecked dragonfire emerald
- Faded and torn silk blindfold
- Flawless Sylvan linden bow
- Forked hazel divining rod
- Full suit of heavy invar platemail etched with ancient Dwarven runes
- Furry fenghai talisman
- Gem-clasped ivory velvet cloak trimmed with silver thread
- Gem-clasped thorn patterned satchel
- Gold-flecked Kezmonian honey beryl gem
- Green bronze leaping panther charm
- Half-melted obsidian shard
- Hammered gold and silver ring
- Hammered vultite shield
- Hand-knotted fishing net
- Hardened black invar half-plate
- Hoof-hilted curved vultite dagger
- Mhoragian pony medallion
- Misty blue snake-stone
- Mithril-eyed dwarven miner doll
- Moon-etched fractured star-of-Tamzyrr diamond
- Mounted elven toy soldier
- Salt-encrusted astrolabe
- scarred ora Kazunel war hammer with a mithril-wrapped haft
- Scratched mithril-bound manacle
- Scuff-covered feathered hide mantle edged with hexagonal rolaren studs
- Scuffed red leather tavern cap
- Shard of urnon
- Shimmering crimson Dhe'nar bastard-sword
- Shimmering crimson Dhe'nar shield
- Silver black seed pearl anklet
- Silver diamond-studded waist-chain
- Silver replica blade
- Simple fleece-covered shield
- Single hawk feather
- Sleek rolaren-clasped case
- Small white shield amulet
- Smooth silver coin
- Snarling ebon boar’s head ring
- Soft green studded leather brigandine
- Sturdy vultite-plated shortbow
- Suit of jet black casting leathers
- Supple leather headband
- Sylvan recurve bow
- Tan leather tome
- Tarnished silver armband
- Tattered bloodstained armband marked with an ancient imperial insignia
- Tattered vellum scroll
- Teardrop-shaped dragonfire pendant