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Duskruin/saved posts February 2018

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Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8461
Date: 1/6/2018
Subject: Tentative Duskruin Schedule

For 2018, we're going to be changing a few things on how we run Duskruin.

We have two varieties of Duskruin currently. The Duskruin Dig and the full event (Arena & Sewers). We generally run the full Duskruin twice a year. Moving forward, we're going to split Duskruin into 3 separate events. We are only going to run the full event once a year. We're going to run the Dig once a year. And we're going to run a newer event under the Duskruin banner. We're also going to pace these a bit better. We are aiming to do the Dig next, in February, move to having the full event in June, and the newer event in December.

We'll have more details on everything as we work through our event schedule for 2018, but I wanted everyone to have an idea of what's going on. On top of that, we are breaking away from the April and August runs of the full event so we can give a better variety of offerings.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8477
Date: 1/6/2018
Subject: Tentative Duskruin Schedule

I've been given the green light to talk about some planning that is going into events, something I've been cutoff from starting back in 2014. We've also been given some freedoms to move the events around that work better for staff.

The pieces I've talked about (Dig, full event, and new event) are just what you guys have known of each event. Each will include much more than just that. Just two months ago, the Dig was demanded in December. We are letting you know that it is still coming. The Dig will not be the only thing available in February's run.

I think we have a proven track record with Duskruin by now that we've added much more content at each one. Those of you new to Duskruin, it might be overwhelming, but those of you who are veterans will have exciting things to look forward to.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8497
Date: 1/12/2018
Subject: February Run: Tentative Dates

We are looking to run the Dig February 16th to the 25th. Keep in mind, these dates are tentative.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8515
Date: 1/17/2018
Subject: February Run: Tentative Dates

Duskruin Dig will be returning to Bloodriven Village beginning February 16th at 9:00 PM. The Sewers beneath the village will also be open for adventurers to explore, and the Village Shops will be open for business so that you can see the exciting wares offered by the many shop owners.

Two new legendary bloodrunes will be added to the mix -- I won't spoil anything now, but I'll tell you that these will go all Steve Miller on you.

New gem descriptions (as well as the previous run's gems) will be available in the Dig feeders.

Some shops will see updates, and the High End Script Shop (HESS) will also be open. Details on the contents of HESS will be forthcoming. In addition, some shops may not be open for this run of Duskruin Dig, but more information will be given as we get closer to the event.

The unique and jackpot feeders are chocked full of new items for you to discover (no teasers at this time). Items found in the feeders cannot be exchanged for other items.

~ Haliste ~
SGM, Events
Auntie H, Forever

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8547
Date: 2/11/2018
Subject: Who's ready for the Dig?

Duskruin Dig, with Sewers and Bloodriven Village, is just around the corner! Duskruin Arena, the combat portion of Bloodriven, will not be available with this run of the Dig but will be open during a later run in 2018. Here's some information to help you enjoy this event.

  • To enter the sewers, you will need a "rat" token or a "rat token jar". These are available in a gold token (single use), bronze (10-use), silver (25-use), and gold (50-use) jars. These are available in the SimuCoin store.

[Note: Arena slips will also work here if you have some from previous runs, or if you purchase the wrong item.]

  • To dig in the Dig area, you will need a "pickaxe". The following are available in the SimuCoin store.

- rusted iron: single use
- pitted iron: 10-use
- rusted steel: 25-use
- pitted steel: 50-use
- invar: 100-use
- mithril: 250-use

  • The Old Farmhouse, home to the NerveStave, will be closing after the February Duskruin Dig. It may reopen at a later date, but it's time to shut these doors.
  • The archaeologist has received a very large request for Moonshard Pendants and hopes to dry up that resource after February. Bloodrunes will still be plentiful, and plans to further research their many uses will continue.
  • A Moment In Time (easels) will not be open for February, but it will re-open during the full run of Duskruin Arena later in the year.
  • High End Scrip Shop - information is forthcoming on this. Stay tuned!
  • Spellbound has been expanded to make room for incoming inventory. While the shop is largely the same for this February, additions will make their way through its door later this year. For February, more spell preps have been added, and the exciting Shimmer Trinket -- along with an unlock certificate to add more uses -- has been placed on the wooden shelf. Enjoy!
  • Khloake and Dagger's inventory will be retired after the February event.
  • Bolt From The Blue: This shop has seen a bit of construction and is slightly larger. Items within containers have been rearranged to place like-bolts together and help with ease of browsing and selection.
  • Numerous shops have had inventory updates including (but not limited to) Cacographic Critters (with some new stuff for you to enjoy), Bloodriven Bowery, Gamac's Goods, Crosswinds and Crosshairs, Autumnal Den, and more.
  • Both the unique and jackpot feeders (available in the Dig side of the event) have been "locked and loaded" and are ready for you to find all the goodies! Want some things from the jackpot feeder to whet your whistle? How about...

> Shocklance
> Permablessed UAC
> Adamantine armor accessories
> Weight reducing container
> Elemental Circlet
> Legendary Bloodrune Cloak (brand new item)
> Watering Can (from the 2016 Auction items)
> Weighted Katana with Plasma Flares
> +5 Defender Runestaff
> Tier 2 Parasite Weapon
> And much more!

  • Two new legendary bloodrunes have been sighted -- a storm griffin and a war griffin. If you've ever wanted a bit of avian flair, these bloodrunes are for you. And, if you're lucky, you might find the new legendary bloodrune cloak which will help you settle more comfortably into your new "skin". These cloaks, which also work with previous legendary bloodrunes in a unique and wonderful way, can be found if you dare to dig amongst the rubble of the Underground Temple.

Duskruin Dig will run from Friday, February 16 at 9:00 PM through February 25 at 11:59 PM. See you there!

~ Haliste ~ SGM, Events Auntie H, Forever

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8556
Date: 2/12/2018
Subject: Who's ready for the Dig?

There are no pendants at the dig or in the sewers. Those are an arena drop. Last year, over 100 pendents were found with only ~20% used, so there are a lot out there. They can be sold for a lot of bloodscrip though, but I didn't see many being sold.

The dig is the only thing that has a feeder, so that's where GM-created drops are. Moonshards, pendants, and bloodrunes are hard coded into the other systems, but we put moonshards into the feeders. We also only put the legendary bloodrune in the dig. Random treasure drops are in the sewers. The dig does not have that either.

Both pieces of the event cater to different players. Bloodscrip is the main appeal in the sewers. Digging will have GM created items. There is no combat this run.

Wyrom, PM

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Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8709
Date: 2/18/2018
Subject: Common, Uncommon, and Rare Feeders

What is commonly called the T2, T3, and T4 feeders, are what we call the incidental loot of an event. We have named them Common, Uncommon, and Rare. We also have T5 and T6 which on the GM side are unique and jackpot. Unique is a bit unclear because it doesn't mean the item is 100% unique, it means it moves the item out of the feeder, where Common, Uncommon, and rare duplicate the items inside. Copies are generally made in the Unique and Jackpot, though we try to offer some variations where we can. That all said, I am going to post the contents of the lower feeders to help everyone make better decisions on participating. We will do this at events that use this sort of feeder system moving forward. As an example, Delirium does NOT use the same system, where Ebon Gate does.

Common Feeder
a jagged white sunstone shard Common moonshard
a black opal fragment Common moonshard
a white dreamstone sliver Common moonshard
a broken white opal sphere Common moonshard
a twisting blue-green potion Temporary enhancive charge (1800 seconds)
a blue feather-shaped charm -100 encumbrance for 1800 seconds
Uncommon Feeder
a cracked ur-barath stone Uncommon moonshard
a thin platinum strip Uncommon moonshard
a coarse grey moonstone shard Uncommon moonshard
a blood red garnet chunk Uncommon moonshard
an Adventurer's Guild voucher pack 5 reassignment vouchers
an Elanthian Guilds voucher pack 5 guild task trades
a stability contract 1 login bridge
Rare Feeder
a golden glimaerstone nugget Very rare moonshard
a sharp golden topaz shard Very rare moonshard
a lopsided moonstone sphere Rare moonshard
a thin kakore strip Very rare moonshard
a splintered fire agate shard Rare moonshard
a broken fire opal chunk Rare moonshard
a thin iron strip Rare moonshard
an enruned gold ring 100 use gold ring
a silvery blue potion -100 encumbrance points for 5 days
a squat pale grey crystal bottle 5 spellup pills
a blood-infused white crystal Bloodrune crystal

You can sell the majority of items in the feeders for bloodscrip, keep that in mind.

We won't give a list of all the T5s and T6. But how about some more teasers? For Platinum, I'll post over there in a little bit.

Unique Feeder
Feature changing masks
Large enhancives
Ice cream maker
Shimmer trinket certificates (for more charges)
Resistance armors
Special cloak clasps
Lapidary boxes
Pinata-creating boxes
Hair quirk mirrors
Forging slabs
Countless weapons
..and over 300 other items.

Jackpot Feeder
A magical boot of legend
Capsules loaded with SimuCoin Store items
An orc coin hand
Auction-quality ice cream maker
Alter wand
Wyrdling ring (an etched gold ring)
Weight reduction cloak
Skinning knife
Flaring katana
Shock lance (spear)
Watering can
Recharging crystal
2x a day 425 periapt
...and over 100 other items.

Wyrom, PM

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Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8652
Author: GS4-ESTILD
Date: 2/17/2018
Subject: Shimmer Trinkets
Well, the GSWiki for 'shimmer trinket' says that it's in Spellbound... ...but the page itself has only a mention of it (no listing) when you Ctrl+F(ind) 'shimmer', and while there are ten found 'trinket's, none of them appear to shimmer.
Any chance you could wander over and update that page, with 'where it is' and 'what it costs'?

The Shimmer Trinket and its unlock certificates are in Spellbound on the dilapidated wooden shelf (be sure to specify "get trinket from shelf" to avoid referencing the other trinket in the room). The trinkets cost 5,000 bloodscrip and comes with 3 charges. The unlock certificates cost 1,000 bloodscrip and add 1 maximum charge to the trinket. Each charge lasts for 30 days (so by default, you only have to recharge the trinket every 3 months), then can be recharged by monks via Shroud of Deception (1212) or recharging merchants. You can realistically unlock it as many times as you want (i.e. with 9 unlocks, the trinket will last 12 months between full charges). Once on the last charge and it will expire in 7 days or less, you'll get a warning a few seconds after every login. Elemental Detection (405) and loresinging can provide details on the current and maximum charges the trinket has, with the latter providing the most information. I'll add this information to the wiki later tonight.

GameMaster Estild

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High End Scrip Shop

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8583
Date: 2/15/2018
Subject: High End Scrip Shop: February 2018

We're changing a few things up this time around with the High End Scrip Shop (HESS).

Many items will no longer scale in price, but we used historic data to limit quantity and use an average price. Items that do scale will now only scale after a certain quantity is sold. The scaling will be a bigger jump, and I'll publish those numbers in a response to this thread a little later. We reset or lowered the price on many items on sale that scaled too high.

The Coraesine Relic is retired. Permabless will be returning in June.

Retiring this run are Undead Bane and Weight Reduction certificates.

New to this run are sanctifying certificates, uncommon, and rare flare certificates. What flares are which? Well here is a list!
[+]UNCOMMON: Disintegrate, Disruption, Acid, Vacuum, Plasma, and Steam.
[+]RARE: Dispel†, Unbalance, Grapple, Slash, Puncture, and Crush.
[+]† Priced differently.

We will also have very limited supplies for a hidden bracer and a troll heart. These will retire in February whether they sell or not.

I'm sure there are questions, so I'll leave this post at that.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8588
Date: 2/15/2018
Subject: High End Scrip Shop: February 2018

>>[+]Anything in the shop last time, that isn't mentioned here, is back again? (Perhaps with modifications to base price / quantity / scaling)

Yes, unless something is glaringly wrong in our notes somewhere. If you want to confirm something, feel free to post about it and I'll look.

>>[+]You have fully listed all the new additions to the shop? No other surprises in store?

That's the full additions, but the other take away is also resetting or lowering the price of things from the end price in August 2017. One thing we are going to try to make sure we do is give notice when something is being pulled. If before the end of this run, we don't mention it's being removed or retired, it will be there for next run.


No, but I'll talk more about the scaling later.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8589
Date: 2/15/2018
Subject: High End Scrip Shop: February 2018

It was asked on Discord if Greater Elemental flares were returning. The answer is...YES! They are.

Some more details I forgot to share. This year, you will REDEEM your certificate, which will send out an email to Haliste and myself. The certificate will crumble at that point. Turnaround will depend on your availability, volume of services, and the specific service.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8598
Date: 2/15/2018
Subject: High End Scrip Shop: February 2018

To try to tackle the scaling costs, we looked at the quantities of items sold at each event and the average pricing.

Items that are not scaling are:
Undead Bane
Weight Reduction
Knockout Flares
Bubble Flares
Polearm Flares
Master Quality Instruments Upgrades
Ithzir Unlocks
Uncommon and Rare Flares (excluding Dispel)
Troll Heart
Hidden Bracer
Enchanting Potions
Multi-setting rings

The other items will scale only after a certain number have sold. Those are:
Acuity Flares
Mana Flares
Greater Elemental Flares
Dispel Flares

We have put many items to have a certain quantity, but we made sure to look at the totals that were sold at previous events so that we are on track with expectations.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8601
Date: 2/16/2018
Subject: High End Scrip Shop: February 2018

>>Re: Item service limit.

We're going to lift the item service limit this run and see how it goes.

>>Re: Flares + Weighting/Padding/Sighting

Not this run. It's something we'll talk about for future runs. Honestly, this slipped my mind entirely.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8604
Date: 2/16/2018
Subject: High End Scrip Shop: February 2018

One more tidbit before tomorrow. We typically stagger the event opening and the HESS opening. This is to ensure we can give maximized attention to anything that arises during the first night. HESS will likely open an hour or so after the event opens.

Wyrom, PM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8655
Date: 2/17/2018
Subject: High End Scrip Shop: February 2018

>>Re: Pricing.

While I understand some of the pricing has made a few things unobtainable to some of you, the pricing we used was always less than what someone paid last year. Here's an example.

RotFlares was priced at 250,000 bloodscrip last run. It sold 4 of the 5 we wanted to sell. Should the last one have sold, it would have been 610,351. But someone did pay 390,625 and 488,281. So we reduced the price below the last one that sold and it's pretty close to the second from last one. We priced it by taking the total bloodscrip spent as 2,051,788 (rounded to 2mil) and dividing it by 5 (the number we'd sell) to price it at 400,000.

We tried to tackle the issues of scaling prices in a way that worked in terms of expected bloodscrip and quantities. I know acuity is probably a lot more costly than last time, but many more have sold this time around already.

Prices weren't going to be reset this run, we reset them in 2017 for a couple of reasons. One being we killed the shop on a new version roll in.

Lastly, I need to fix the shop, as we are now at about 13 refunds/exchanges for wrong certificate purchases. I need to add back quantities and drop some of the scaling back down. If you think you paid too much for one after I get done with this, shoot me an email.

Wyrom, PM

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Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8586
Date: 2/12/2018
Subject: Smithy Updates

Smithy Invites will drop in the sewers. They were occur on the same chance you find treasure in the sewers. You can only have one invite at a time and they are nontransferable.

The Smithy limit has been lifted on a single item, so you can go beyond 25 services should you want to spend the bloodscrip in that way.

Wyrom, PM

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Legendary Bloodrune Cloak

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8571
Date: 02/13/2018
Subject: Legendary Bloodrune Cloak


I'm here to tell you about the new Legendary Bloodrune Cloak!

This cloak is a highly scripted cloak that is max-light and max-deep. But let me tell you what the analyze has to say about it:

You analyze your trollhide cloak and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This trollhide cloak is designed to work in conjunction with a Moonshard Pendant that houses a Legendary Bloodrune.

If you have the Troll-king Legendary Bloodrune active in your Moonshard Pendant, then you will receive special messaging when you use the following verbs:

Blink, Chuckle, Get, Glance, Pinch, Point, Preen, Pull, Put, Rub, Scratch, Shake, Snap, Stretch, Thump, Wave.

If you do not have a corresponding Bloodrune active, then you will get generic messaging for the above verbs.

This trollhide cloak may have a long or show description, but its adjective should never change.

Lastly, a gristled trollhide cloak must only ever be a cloak-worn item.

You can tell that the cloak is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

Default Messaging that will work for anyone
Verb 1st Person 3rd Person
Blink You blink oddly at your trollhide cloak. Thandiwe blinks oddly at her trollhide cloak.
Chuckle You chuckle at your trollhide cloak as if it has shared some strange secret with you. Thandiwe chuckles at her trollhide cloak.
Get You slip your hand into your trollhide cloak and pull out (item). Thandiwe slips her hand into her trollhide cloak and pulls out (item).
Glance You glance sharply at your trollhide cloak. Thandiwe glances sharply at her trollhide cloak.
Pinch You pinch at the raw edge of hide on your trollhide cloak and try to tug it free. When it doesn't budge, you give up with a shrug. Thandiwe pinches at the raw edge of hide on her trollhide cloak and tries to tug it free. When it doesn't move, she casually shrugs.
Point You point at a spot on your trollhide cloak. Thandiwe points at a spot on her trollhide cloak.
Preen You preen slightly as you shift a gristled trollhide cloak further back on your shoulders. Thandiwe seems to be preening while shift her trollhide cloak further back on her shoulders.
Pull You pull upon the collar of your trollhide cloak. Thandiwe pulls upon the collar of her trollhide cloak.
Put You slip (item) into the folds of your trollhide cloak and deposit it into one of the pockets. Thandiwe slips (item) into the folds of her trollhide cloak, seconds later withdrawing an empty hand.
Rub You run your hand down the length of your trollhide cloak. Thandiwe runs her hands down the length of her trollhide cloak.
Scratch You scratch at the trollhide of your cloak. Thandiwe scratches at the trollhide on her cloak.
Shake You shake your head in a negative gesture, the collar of your trollhide cloak riding up around your neck ever so slightly. Thandiwe shakes her head in a negative gesture, causing the collar of her trollhide cloak to ride up around her neck.
Snap You snap a loose thread from your trollhide cloak. Thandiwe snaps a loose thread from her trollhide cloak.
Stretch You stretch your back slightly, causing your trollhide cloak to fall open. Thandiwe stretches her back slightly, causing her trollhide cloak to fall open. (this will open the cloak)
Thump You thump your open hand upon your trollhide cloak. Thandiwe thumps her open hand upon her trollhide cloak.
Wave You wave the edge of your trollhide cloak in an attempt to cool yourself. Thandiwe waves the edge of her trollhide cloak open and closed. (this will close the cloak)

Now for the the Legendary part...

Active Moonshard Pendant and Attuned to Troll-King
Verb 1st Person 3rd Person
Blink As you blink, the coarse hair of your eyelashes scrapes against the flare of your wide nostrils. Thandiwe's coarse eyelashes scrape against the wide nostrils of her nose as she blinks.
Chuckle Your chuckle turns into a cackle of unbridled glee, a froth of drool dripping from your lips. Thandiwe's chuckle turns into a cackle of unbridled glee, a froth of drool dripping from her lips.
Get Scraping a broken fingernail over the flesh of your forearm, you create a wound and begin digging around in your flesh until your fingers find purchase on (item) charm, which you pull free. The small wound you've created instantly seals itself. Slowly, the (item) charm begins to enlarge in your hand until it has returned to its natural state. Scraping a broken fingernail over the flesh of her forearm, Thandiwe creates a wound and begins to root around in it for several seconds before pulling free (item) charm. The small wound almost instantly seals up when both charm and fingers are free of it. Slowly, the (item) charm begins to enlarge in her hand until it has returned to its natural state.
Glance You glance about, feeling the rage of your form filter through your eyes. Thandiwe glares about with unbridled rage reflected in her eyes.
Pinch You pinch one of the warts that encrusts your leather skin, which causes it to burst and ooze. Thandiwe pinches one of the warts that encrusts her leather skin, which causes it to burst and ooze.
Point You point at the floor, the small gesture filling the air with the scent of rot and unwashed bodies. Thandiwe points at the floor, the small gesture filling the air with the scent of rot and unwashed bodies.
Preen You use one broken, craggy nail to clean your teeth and manage to only move some of the rotted flesh around. Thandiwe uses one broken, craggy nail to clean her teeth and manages to only move some of the rotted flesh around.
Pull You angrily tug a bit of rotted flesh out of your teeth and throw it on the floor. It hits with a wet smack but quickly rots away. Thandiwe angrily tugs a bit of rotted flesh out of her teeth and throws it on the floor. It hits with a wet smack but quickly rots away.
Put You hold (item) in your hand for several seconds, and watch as it shrinks in size until it is no larger than a small charm. You run a snaggled, broken fingernail over the flesh of your forearm and shove the (item) charm into the oozing wound. Within seconds, the injury heals over. Thandiwe holds (item) in her hand for several seconds, and it slowly shrinks in size until it is no larger than a small charm. She runs a snaggled, broken fingernail over the flesh of her forearm and shoves the (item) charm into the oozing wound. Within seconds, the injury heals over.
Rub You rub at your dark green leathery skin, causing one of the scabs to pull free. You quickly scoop it up and pop it into your mouth. Thandiwe rubs at her dark green leathery skin, causing one of the scabs to pull free. She quickly scoops it up and pops it into her mouth.
Scratch You scratch at your scalp with your claws and are rewarded with a sharp pain. Thandiwe scratches at her scalp with her claws causing her hair to darken.
Shake You shake your head slowly, your vacant gaze taking in very little. Thandiwe shakes her head slowly, her vacant gaze flashing with an odd jade green light.
Snap You attempt to snap your fingers, but your razor-sharp claws make it difficult. Instead, you end up clacking your claws together oddly. Thandiwe clacks her clawed fingertips together.
Stretch Lifting your arms high in the air, you stretch with a primal grunt. Lifting her arms high in the air, Thandiwe stretches with a primal grunt.
Thump You thump about the area, a barely suppressed rage welling inside you. Thandiwe thumps about the area, her rage-filled eyes flashing with hatred.
Wave With the back of your hand, you swat at some imaginary insect buzzing in your ear. With the back of her hand, Thandiwe swats at the air near her ear.

There is a cloak for each Legendary Bloodrune that has been released and for the new one that is going out.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8578
Date: 02/13/2018
Subject: Legendary Bloodrune Cloak

Who is ready for a Yeti?

Default messaging is the same for all types, so I'm not going to repeat that.

The analyze:

You analyze your black fur cloak and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This black fur cloak is designed to work in conjunction with a Moonshard Pendant that houses a Legendary Bloodrune.

If you have the Black Yeti Legendary Bloodrune active in your Moonshard Pendant, then you will receive special messaging when you use the following verbs:

Blink, Chuckle, Get, Glance, Pinch, Point, Preen, Pull, Put, Rub, Scratch, Shake, Snap, Stretch, Thump, Wave.

If you do not have a corresponding Bloodrune active, then you will get generic messaging for the above verbs.

This black fur cloak may have a long or show description, but its adjective should never change and because it is meant for a black yeti, its color can never be anything but black.

Lastly, a shaggy black fur cloak must only ever be a cloak-worn item.

You can tell that the cloak is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possibly get any deeper.

Active Moonshard Pendant and Attuned to Black Yeti
Verb 1st Person 3rd Person
Blink Tiny ice crystals that cling to your face are dislodged as your blink your black-lashed, (your eye color) eyes. Tiny ice crystals that cling to Thandiwe's face are dislodged as she blinks her black-lashed, (your eye color) eyes.
Chuckle You chuckle lightly, a rime of frost forming on the black fur around your mouth. Thandiwe chuckles lightly, a rime of frost forming on the black fur around her mouth.
Get Scratching at your shaggy fur, you fret at the tangled mess until you reveal (an item) charm, which you quickly pull free. Slowly, the (item) charm begins to enlarge in your hand until it has returned to its natural state. Scratching at her shaggy fur, Thandiwe frets at the tangled mess until (an item) charm is revealed, which she quickly pulls free. Slowly, the (item) charm begins to enlarge in her hand until it has returned to its natural state.
Glance You give a derisive snort that ruffles the shaggy black fur on your face as you glance about. Thandiwe gives a derisive snort that ruffles the shaggy black fur on her face as she glances about.
Pinch You pinch at the air around you, trying to squish one of the black flies that seems to spiral around your head. Thandiwe attempts to squish one of the black flies that spirals around her head out of the air.
Point You point at your stomach and feel a wave of hunger wash over you. Thandiwe points at her stomach, an atavistic hunger crossing her countenance.
Preen You attempt to fingercomb the matted fur at your side but almost immediately give up on the futile exercise. A reeking odor wafts away from the dirty, unwashed hair and body of Thandiwe.
Pull You pull at your matted, shaggy black fur causing tiny bits of debris to clatter to the floor. Thandiwe pulls at her matted, shaggy black fur causing tiny bits of debris to clatter to the floor.
Put You hold (an item) in your hand for several seconds, and watch as it shrinks in size until it is no larger than a small charm. You carefully part the shaggy fur on your chest and deposit the (item) charm into the space you've created. With a lack of care, you tousle the fur and hide it from view. Thandiwe holds (an item) in her hand for several seconds, and it slowly shrinks in size until it is no larger than a small charm. Thandiwe carefully parts the shaggy fur on her chest and deposits the (item)charm into the space she's created. With a lack of care, she tousles the fur and hides it from view.
Rub You rub your hands together for a brief moment and then let them flop at your side, your knuckles brushing the floor. Thandiwe rubs her hands together for a brief moment and then lets them flop at her side, her knuckles brushing the floor.
Scratch Bending slightly, you scratch at the floor in search of something to eat. Bending slightly, Thandiwe scratches at the floor in search of food.
Shake You shake your head from side to side, the tiny black flies that seem to be your constant companions when you are in this form follow the motion. Thandiwe shakes her head from side to side, the tiny black flies that encircle her follow the motion.
Snap You tug at one of the twigs sticking out of your shaggy fur, and it breaks with a resounding SNAP! Thandiwe tugs at one of the twigs sticking out of her shaggy fur, and it breaks with a resounding SNAP!
Stretch You stretch your arms over your head and stand to your full, ominous height. Thandiwe stretches her arms over her head and stands to her full, ominous height.
Thump You stomp about, your enormous feet making a slapping sound upon the floor. Thandiwe stomps about, her enormous feet making a slapping sound up the floor.
Wave You bat at the black flies that constantly seem to be swarming you. Thandiwe bats at the black flies that constantly swarm around her.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 8616
Date: 02/16/2018
Subject: Legendary Bloodrune Cloak

While you wait the 10 long minutes until it is time....

I thought I would tease you with the griffin.

Active Moonshard Pendant and and Attuned to Griffin
Verb 1st Person 3rd Person
Blink You rapidly blink, your eyes sharply flashing with jade green light. Thandiwe rapidly blinks, her eyes sharply flashing with jade green light.
Chuckle A deep, rumbling purr fills the air as you chuckle. A deep, rumbling purr issues from Thandiwe.
Get Slipping one taloned claw into the feathers of your chest, you pull free (item) charm from amid them and then spend a few moments laying the feathers flat once more. Slowly, the (item) charm begins to enlarge in your hand until it has returned to its natural state. Slipping one taloned claw into the feathers of her chest, Thandiwe pulls free (item) charm from amid them and then spends a few moments laying the feathers flat once more. Slowly, the (item) charm begins to enlarge in her hand until it has returned to its natural state.
Glance You glance sharply about, your eyes briefly flashing with jade green electricity. Thandiwe glances sharply about, her eyes briefly flashing with jade green electricity.
Pinch Lifting your front leg, you pinch your talons together until they are almost touching. Lifting her front leg, Thandiwe pinches her talons together until they are almost touching.
Point You gesture with your wing, causing a small gust of wind to briefly eddy upon the floor. Thandiwe gestures with her wing, causing a small gust of wind to briefly eddy upon the floor.
Preen Tilting your head towards your extended wing, you preen until you feel that everything is arranged just so and then flip your wing closed with a loud CRACK. Tilting her head towards her extended wing, Thandiwe preens for several moments and then flips her wing closed with a loud CRACK.
Pull You feel something stir within your feathered body and snap down on it with your beak. Seconds later, you pull a flea from your body and quickly gulp it down. Thandiwe suddenly snaps her beak into the downy feathers of her body and digs around. Seconds later, she pulls a flea from her body and quickly gulps it down.
Put You hold (item) in your hand for several seconds, and watch as it shrinks in size until it is no larger than a small charm. You carefully part the feathers on your chest and deposit the (item) charm into the space you've created. With great care, you smooth the feathers over and hide it from view. Thandiwe holds (item) in her hand for several seconds, and it slowly shrinks in size until it is no larger than a small charm. Thandiwe carefully parts the feathers on her chest and deposits the (item) charm into the space she's created. With great care, she smooths the feathers over and hides it from view.
Rub You run your talon over the feathers on your chest, picking off bits of dander and dust. Thandiwe runs her talon over the feathers on her chest, picking off bits of dander and dust.
Scratch You dig your beak deeply into your feather-coated body and scratch away at something that is irritating your back. A deep, rumbling sigh escapes you as you find a sense of relief from the brief movement. Thandiwe digs her beak deeply into her feather-coated body, scratching away at her back for several moments before filling the air with a deep, rumbling sigh of relief.
Shake You give your feathered head a mighty shake, your eyes briefly flashing with jade green light. Thandiwe gives her feathered head a might shake, her eyes briefly flashing with jade green light.
Snap You snap your beak closed with a loud CRACK. Thandiwe snaps her beak closed with a loud CRACK.
Stretch You stretch one talon-clawed foot in front of the other and then arch your feathered back before giving a mighty shake of your body. Thandiwe stretches one talon-clawed foot in front of the other and then arches her feathered back for a moment before giving her body a mighty shake.
Thump You thump your mighty hind paws into the floor, causing a crackle of golden blonde electricity to dance across your feathers. Thandiwe thumps her mighty hind paws into the floor, causing a crackle of golden blonde electricity to dance across her feathers.
Wave Rising on your hind legs, you flap your wings for balance as you claw at the air. Dust swirls through the area until you settle back down on all fours. Rising on her hind legs, Thandiwe flaps her wings for balance and claws at the air. Dust swirls through the area until she settles back down on all fours.

~*~ Thandiwe ~*~

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