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Elanthian Elegance
Elanthian Elegance is a Meeting Hall Organization near Wehnimer's Landing. It was founded in 2005.
Founder Member ~ Jolena Zrenigotham
Current Chatelaine ~ Rohese Bayvel
Mission Statement
Our mission is to bring the fully rounded aspects of fashion and culture to the people of Elanthia in fun, interesting and informational ways via events, educational classes and gatherings. Elanthian Elegance's focus will be on exploring and celebrating the various differences of fashion in each culture, race and religion. This will include things such as ceremonial traditions, dancing, etiquette, and socialising.
Statement of Purpose
Elanthian Elegance hopes to bring the people of Elanthia together -- regardless of age, religion, race or status -- in an effort to forge friendships and alliances through focus on fashion, social gatherings, educational classes regarding culture, race and etiquette, and events.
Membership is restricted to the democratic voting decision of the founder and current members, and is only given to those that wish to participate in setting up and running events, gatherings, and classes. This is not an open membership MHO for this reason. Our wish is simply to provide a social and fashion-oriented outlet for the people of Elanthia by providing them with events, classes and gatherings to attend.
There will be no membership fees or monthly/yearly dues. All funding for the Elanthian Elegance events, gatherings and classes is to be provided by donations made by either the public of the members of the MHO and/or monies profited from sale of goods.
Members must be able to attend at least 3 events per year to remain active in the Elanthian Elegance. Members must also be able to attend at least 1 meeting every other month to remain active so that they are up to date and can offer their input with any changes, ideas of activities upcoming to the MHO. If a member cannot meet these guidelines, an email is to be sent to the (Chatelaine) explaining the situation. In most instances, this can be excused until the situation resolves itself. If it becomes an issue with a member not participating either in meetings or events, or both, on a regular basis, the rest of the members and founding member (or Chatelaine) will vote democratically on whether or not to continue membership status.
All members are required to submit at least 2 ideas every 6 months for events, classes or gatherings. This is to ensure that each member in Elanthian Elegance is contributing their creative talents to the organisation proportionately.
Lily Manor is located at the Melgorehn's Valley Crossing in Wehnimer's Landing (lich ID #3758)
Fashion Week
Elanthian Elegance are the main sponsors of Elanthian Fashion Week.
Lecture Circuit
Academics within the organization are available to deliver lectures on all aspects of cultural fashion and etiquette. Please contact Rohese Bayvel for more information.
Topics covered to date include:
- The Long and the Short of It: Alteration 101
- The Art of Accessorizing: Jewelry
- The Art of Accessorizing: Hats, Gloves, and Scarves. Oh My!
- Oh La La! ~ A closer look at the creations of Veola and Joola
- Behind the Mask ~ A discussion of the history and uses of masks
- Second Nature ~ A journey through fashion’s love affair with nature
Other events include:
- Rolton Race Day
- Grand Auctions
- Cocktail Parties