Erantok's Emporium

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Erantok's Emporium is a shop in Kharam Dzu that sells player shop furnishings. It is located through the large double-doored archway at the entrance of Canyon Alley.

The proprietor is Erantok the dwarven clerk.

Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium

[Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium] Room: 732006
Adjusting to the coolness and dim lighting of this cavernous warehouse, the vastness of the space isn't immediately apparent. One long aisle stretches out to far back wall, and wooden partitions along its length segment the cave. Directly to the west stands an open indigo thanot door leading into a small boxy office.
Obvious exits: east, out

Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium

Directions: through the door from entry

Erantok is located here for shop needs.
[Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium] Room: 732007
The office is a flurry of activity, as several workers come and go with bills of laden requiring approval and signatures. Occasionally one will pause to ask a question or two, receiving rapid instructions, then rush off to perform their duties. A long counter separates the front of the room from a network of warehouse access passages in the rear. You also see Erantok the dwarven clerk and an open indigo thanot door.

Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium

Directions: east then north from entry

Shop containers available here.
[Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium] Room: 732009
All manner of baskets, trunks, chests, and display cases reside here, just waiting to be purchased and toted off to their new home. Each grouping has been carefully arranged appealingly, and features notations on what other styles are available. You also see a bamboo-framed parchment sign.
Obvious exits: south


  1. a glaes-covered wicker display case (holds 12 inside)                20000 silvers
  2. a glaes-covered ebony display case (holds 12 inside)                 20000 silvers
  3. a glaes-covered haon display case (holds 12 inside)                  20000 silvers
  4. an open-front willow display case (holds 5 inside)                   10000 silvers
  5. an open-front reed display case (holds 5 inside)                     10000 silvers
  6. an iron-banded white wicker trunk (holds 17 inside)                  35000 silvers
  7. an iron-banded black wicker trunk (holds 17 inside)                  35000 silvers
  8. an iron-banded haon chest (holds 17 inside)                          35000 silvers
  9. an iron-banded ebonwood chest (holds 17 inside)                      35000 silvers
 10. a small carved haon table (holds 6 on top)                           10000 silvers
 11. a small white wicker table (holds 6 on top)                          10000 silvers
 12. a small black wicker table (holds 6 on top)                          10000 silvers
 13. a large carved haon table (holds 18 on top)                          30000 silvers
 14. a large white wicker table (holds 18 on top)                         30000 silvers
 15. a large black wicker table (holds 18 on top)                         30000 silvers
 16. a small carved haon shelf (holds 6 on top)                           10000 silvers
 17. a large carved haon shelf (holds 18 on top)                          30000 silvers
 18. a small carved haon rack (holds 6 on top)                            10000 silvers
 19. a large carved haon rack (holds 18 on top)                           30000 silvers
 20. a small set of carved haon hooks (holds 6 on top)                    10000 silvers
 21. a large set of carved haon hooks (holds 18 on top)                   30000 silvers
 22. a small carved haon display (holds 6 on top)                         10000 silvers
 23. a small white wicker display (holds 6 on top)                        10000 silvers
 24. a small black wicker display (holds 6 on top)                        10000 silvers
 25. a large carved haon display (holds 18 on top)                        30000 silvers
 26. a large white wicker display (holds 18 on top)                       30000 silvers
 27. a large black wicker display (holds 18 on top)                       30000 silvers
 28. a small white wicker counter (holds 6 on top)                        10000 silvers
 29. a small black wicker counter (holds 6 on top)                        10000 silvers
 30. a small carved haon counter (holds 6 on top)                         10000 silvers
 31. a large white wicker counter (holds 18 on top)                       30000 silvers
 32. a large black wicker counter (holds 18 on top)                       30000 silvers
 33. a large carved haon counter (holds 18 on top)                        30000 silvers
 34. a simple cloth mannequin (holds 12 on top)                           15000 silvers
 35. a simple wire frame mannequin (holds 12 on top)                      20000 silvers
 36. a silk-covered dress mannequin (holds 12 on top)                     25000 silvers
 37. a carved haon armoire (holds 25 inside)                              40000 silvers
 38. a small green willow creel (holds 10 inside)                         15000 silvers
 39. a large green willow creel (holds 25 inside)                         40000 silvers
 40. a small woven reed basket (holds 10 inside)                          15000 silvers
 41. a small white wicker basket (holds 10 inside)                        15000 silvers
 42. a small black wicker basket (holds 10 inside)                        15000 silvers
 43. a large woven reed basket (holds 25 inside)                          40000 silvers
 44. a large white wicker basket (holds 25 inside)                        40000 silvers
 45. a large black wicker basket (holds 25 inside)                        40000 silvers

Just ORDER the number of the item you want.

Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium

Directions: east then south from entry

Shop signs available here.
[Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium] Room: 732010
Small signs, large signs, tall signs, short signs -- signs of all kinds are propped up and mounted, giving shopkeepers a bountiful selection for advertising their wares. You also see a bamboo-framed parchment sign.


  1. a rustic haon sign                                                   15000 silvers
  2. a bamboo-framed haon sign                                            20000 silvers
  3. a scrollworked silver sign                                           25000 silvers
  4. a filigreed gold sign                                                30000 silvers
  5. a bronze palm frond-etched sign                                      30000 silvers
  6. a lava red round ora sign                                            30000 silvers
  7. a sea blue wave-etched sign                                          30000 silvers
  8. a sea green fish-etched sign                                         30000 silvers
  9. a multicolored shell-trimmed sign                                    30000 silvers
 10. an iridescent abalone sign                                           30000 silvers
 11. a gold-trimmed mother-of-pearl sign                                  30000 silvers
 12. a pearl-trimmed blackened steel sign                                 30000 silvers

Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium

Directions: two east and one north from entry

Floor decor available here.
[Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium] Room: 732012
Potted plants, tall vases, and other standing decorations are arranged in maze-like rows, allowing room to walk around and examine their craftsmanship from all angles. Small squares of parchment have been painted with different colors and surface treatments, demonstrating the choices available. You also see a bamboo-framed parchment sign.
Obvious exits: south


  1. a dark green rubber tree plant                                        5000 silvers
  2. a pale green bamboo plant                                            10000 silvers
  3. a fragrant pink jasmine plant                                        15000 silvers
  4. a well-trimmed boxwood topiary plant                                 15000 silvers
  5. a vibrant pink bougainvillea plant                                   20000 silvers
  6. a brilliant red hibiscus plant                                       20000 silvers
  7. a bird of paradise-filled vase                                       10000 silvers
  8. a scarlet torch ginger-filled vase                                   10000 silvers
  9. a white vanilla orchid-filled vase                                   10000 silvers
 10. an orange protea-filled vase                                         10000 silvers
 11. a small iron dwarf statue                                            20000 silvers
 12. a small marble V'tull statue                                         30000 silvers
 13. an alabaster bathing maiden statue                                   40000 silvers
 14. a silver Kai warrior statue                                          45000 silvers
 15. a gold embraced lovers statue                                        50000 silvers
 16. a small white marble fountain                                        50000 silvers
 17. a tall grey marble fountain                                          50000 silvers
 18. a large black marble fountain                                        50000 silvers
 19. a tiered alabaster fountain                                          50000 silvers

Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium

Directions: two east and one south from entry

Wall decor available here.
[Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium] Room: 732013
Tapestries, paintings, and sconces have been mounted along all the wall space available, giving buyers the best demonstration of the way they'll look and operate when placed in shops. Spread open on a central table are several books that hold samples of the colors and styles available. You also see a bamboo-framed parchment sign.
Obvious exits: north


  1. a simple floral tapestry                                             10000 silvers
  2. a simple fauna tapestry                                              10000 silvers
  3. an ornate silver samite tapestry                                     15000 silvers
  4. an ornate gold samite tapestry                                       15000 silvers
  5. an ornate blue samite tapestry                                       15000 silvers
  6. an Arkati pantheon painting                                          25000 silvers
  7. an Elanthia map painting                                             25000 silvers
  8. a thrown weapons shadowbox                                           35000 silvers
  9. a blunt weapons shadowbox                                            35000 silvers
 10. an edged weapons shadowbox                                           35000 silvers
 11. a brawling weapons shadowbox                                         35000 silvers
 12. an ornately rendered family crest                                    40000 silvers
 13. an ornately rendered clan crest                                      40000 silvers
 14. an oil-filled iron sconce                                            10000 silvers
 15. an oil-filled brass sconce                                           15000 silvers
 16. an oil-filled copper sconce                                          15000 silvers
 17. an oil-filled silver sconce                                          20000 silvers
 18. an oil-filled gold sconce                                            25000 silvers

Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium

Directions: three east and one north from entry

Shop exteriors available here.
[Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium] Room: 732015
Artistic renderings of stone, brick, clay, and wood storefront facades are mounted along the walls. Each painting represents a different style and smaller parchments nearby show the same feature with alternate roofing options. You also see a bamboo-framed parchment sign.
Obvious exits: south


  1. a grey riverstone shop                                               35000 silvers
  2. an earth-hued adobe shop                                             35000 silvers
  3. a half-timbered storefront                                           35000 silvers
  4. a glaes-paned storefront                                             35000 silvers
  5. a gilt-trimmed haon boutique                                         50000 silvers
  6. a bay-windowed white granite boutique                                50000 silvers
  7. a balconied ivory marble store                                       70000 silvers
  8. a two-story sienna marble store                                      70000 silvers

Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium

Directions: three east and one south from entry

Shop roofs available here.
[Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium] Room: 732016
Miniature shop replicas sit upon a long counter display, each one with a different style of roof. Several samples of the various materials available are displayed nearby, offering some suggestions about the choices possible. You also see a bamboo-framed parchment sign.
Obvious exits: north


  1. a palm frond-thatched roof                                           20000 silvers
  2. a green reed-thatched roof                                           20000 silvers
  3. a rich brown tanik-shingled roof                                     30000 silvers
  4. a dark red maoral-shingled roof                                      30000 silvers
  5. a pale grey haon-shingled roof                                       30000 silvers
  6. a dusky blue clay-tiled roof                                         50000 silvers
  7. a deep orange clay-tiled roof                                        50000 silvers
  8. a sea green clay-tiled roof                                          50000 silvers

Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium

Directions: four east and one north

Shop walls available here.
[Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium] Room: 732018
Stripes of all shades and materials display here in strips that run floor to ceiling. Wall coverings of every medium and hue butt up against each other, ringing the room in a riot of color. The ability to touch and examine each sample is important for the discerning customer. You also see a bamboo-framed parchment sign.
Obvious exits: south


  1. a natural modwir wall                                                 5000 silvers
  2. a natural oak wall                                                    7500 silvers
  3. a natural maple wall                                                 10000 silvers
  4. a natural mahogany wall                                              10000 silvers
  5. a natural rosewood wall                                              15000 silvers
  6. a natural cherrywood wall                                            15000 silvers
  7. a natural mistwood wall                                              20000 silvers
  8. a pale grey haon wall                                                20000 silvers
  9. a white-washed ash wall                                              20000 silvers
 10. a dusky blue tanik wall                                              20000 silvers
 11. a midnight-hued ebonwood wall                                        30000 silvers
 12. a coal black felwood wall                                            30000 silvers
 13. a white oak wainscoted wall                                          40000 silvers
 14. a red silk-covered wall                                              40000 silvers
 15. a white silk-covered wall                                            40000 silvers
 16. a gold silk-covered wall                                             40000 silvers
 17. a black silk-covered wall                                            40000 silvers
 18. a blue silk-covered wall                                             40000 silvers
 19. a gilt-trimmed white marble wall                                     50000 silvers
 20. a gilt-trimmed black marble wall                                     50000 silvers

Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium

Directions: four east and one south of entry

Floors available here.
[Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium] Room: 732019
Samples of several floor coverings have been laid out in small blocks along the ground, giving purveyors an idea of what choices are available. Some domestic wares created locally seem to be popular, but several imported options merit curiousity. You also see a bamboo-framed parchment sign.
Obvious exits: north


  1. a simple modwir floor                                                10000 silvers
  2. a simple oak floor                                                   10000 silvers
  3. a simple maple floor                                                 15000 silvers
  4. a simple mahogany floor                                              20000 silvers
  5. a simple rosewood floor                                              20000 silvers
  6. a simple cherrywood floor                                            20000 silvers
  7. a simple mistwood floor                                              25000 silvers
  8. a midnight-hued ebonwood floor                                       30000 silvers
  9. a coal black felwood floor                                           30000 silvers
 10. a dark grey slate floor                                              35000 silvers
 11. a terra cotta clay tile floor                                        35000 silvers
 12. a colorful rug-covered floor                                         40000 silvers
 13. a sweet-scented rush-covered floor                                   40000 silvers
 14. a pine sawdust-covered floor                                         45000 silvers
 15. a grey-speckled white marble floor                                   50000 silvers
 16. an onyx-flecked pink marble floor                                    50000 silvers
 17. a gold-veined black marble floor                                     50000 silvers
 18. a black and white marble floor                                       50000 silvers
 19. a grey and white marble floor                                        50000 silvers
 20. a lapis and malachite tile floor                                     50000 silvers

Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium

Directions: five east of entry

Ceilings available here.
[Warehouse, Erantok's Emporium] Room: 732020
Taking up the entire end of the cave are several displays stacked with materials for the various types of ceilings that can be ordered. Clearly noted with description and price, the only tough decision left is picking out the perfect match. You also see a bamboo-framed parchment sign.
Obvious exits: west


  1. a white painted ceiling                                              10000 silvers
  2. a grey painted ceiling                                               10000 silvers
  3. a sky and clouds painted ceiling                                     15000 silvers
  4. a moon and stars painted ceiling                                     15000 silvers
  5. a domed ceiling                                                      20000 silvers
  6. a white silk-covered ceiling                                         30000 silvers
  7. a black silk-covered ceiling                                         30000 silvers
  8. a grey silk-covered ceiling                                          30000 silvers
  9. a red silk-covered ceiling                                           30000 silvers
 10. a blue silk-covered ceiling                                          30000 silvers
 11. a gold silk-covered ceiling                                          30000 silvers
 12. a stained glaes ceiling                                              40000 silvers
 13. a glaes-skylit ceiling                                               40000 silvers
 14. a basket-woven golden bamboo ceiling                                 50000 silvers