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Evermore Hollow/live games

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About Live Games

Live games require a service pass. There are a variety of games that staff choose from, so check the current year's schedule to see what is upcoming! All participants receive a small trinket, typically, and winners typically have a variety of prizes to choose from. This may vary or change from year to year, so see the current year's information.

2024 Schedule

  • Prime Schedule
    Game Dates Times Locations
    Blind Luck Friday, October 11 9:00pm [The Gallivant, Marquee] (8085023)
    Cryptic Chronicles Saturday, October 12 2:00pm [Abandoned Cemetery] (8085034)
    Haunted Spirits Sunday, October 13 4:00pm [Gallivant Manor, Kitchen] (8085062)
    Spooky Ciphers Monday, October 14 9:00pm [Gallivant Manor, Library] (8085065)
    Pyrestarters Tuesday, October 15 9:00pm [Bonfire of the Gallivants] (8085033)
    Wheel of Misfortune Wednesday, October 16 9:00pm [Under the Manor] (8085066)
    Costume Contest Sunday, October 27 12:00pm TBD
    GHOUL Thursday, October 10 9:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Tuesday, October 15 3:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Saturday, October 19 1:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Tuesday, October 22 9:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Friday, October 25 9:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Thursday, October 31 10:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
  • Platinum Schedule
    Game Dates Times Locations
    Blind Luck Saturday, October 5 2:00pm [The Gallivant, Marquee] (8085023)
    Cryptic Chronicles Sunday, October 6 4:00pm [Abandoned Cemetery] (8085034)
    Pyrestarters Monday, October 7 9:00pm [Bonfire of the Gallivants] (8085033)
    Spooky Ciphers Tuesday, October 8 9:00pm [Gallivant Manor, Library] (8085065)
    Haunted Spirits Wednesday, October 9 9:00pm [Gallivant Manor, Kitchen] (8085062)
    Wheel of Misfortune Thursday, October 10 9:00pm [Under the Manor] (8085066)
    Costume Contest TBD TBD TBD
    GHOUL Saturday, October 5 9:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Thursday, October 17 9:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Saturday, October 26 1:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Sunday, October 27 3:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)

Participation Prizes

Every participant gets to choose between the two doll offerings. This year's are a coblynau and a flitraegt in honor of the 2024 storyline, The Ivsenra's Fate.

Winners' Prizes

Prizes will be awarded to the 1st and 2nd place finisher, and in some cases, 3rd as well.

>read sign
In the Common language, it reads:
~*~ 5124 Ebon Gate Live Games Prize Options ~*~

1.  Custom signature verb
2.  Custom swear
3.  Custom logon/logoff messaging
4.  A spell prep from the options below:
          First Person:  With a primal scream, you issue a demand to the dead.  Sinuous spirits rise from the ground and twine about your arms as you prepare to cast [Spell Name]
          Third Person:  With a primal scream, [Your Name] issues a demand to the dead.  Sinuous spirits rise from the ground and twine about [his/her] arms.
          First Person: You invoke the spirits of the harvest as you prepare the [Spell Name] spell, and dozens of will-o'-wisps in autumnal hues dance about you.
          Third Person:  [Your Name] invokes the spirits of the harvest, and dozens of will-o'-wisps in autumnal hues dance about [him/her].
5.  Death Announcement that reads:
          * In the game of life, Xynwen just rolled a natural one.
6.  Manna Bread - Aspic option.
7.  Unlocked Toasting Stein with custom toast of your choice.  (This will be a delayed service as it requires QC.)

***Winners may only pick one prize and if that prize has been picked by another winner at the same game, then that prize is not available to be picked again.***

For detailed information, see 2024 Evermore Hollow live games.

Game Descriptions

Below are a listing of game descriptions released across various years.

Blind Luck

Blind Luck is a game of spooky chance! Do you have what it takes to participate? Join everyone in [The Gallivant, Marquee] (8085023) and find out! This game goes in rounds, and you need to be there from the beginning. When instructed, each contestant will GET BOX. A variety of different outcomes may occur, but as long as you are not totally blinded, you will move onto the next round. The final two standing win!

Chilling Tales

Chilling Tales is a storytelling contest with a spooky theme. Up to ten individuals can compete. There will be a sign-up list at the event. Contestants will have five minutes to tell an original spooky story. Contestants will be cut off if they go over the time limit. Judging will be based on time, adherence to spooky theme, style, and content. The three players with the highest scores will be deemed winners and receive prizes.

Cryptic Chronicles

Welcome to Cryptic Chronicles, a game of graverubbings and storytelling! At the start of the event, a sign-up list will be available. Those wishing to participate should JOIN (LIST) when it is opened; only the first ten (10) to sign up will be able to participate. Ten minutes before their turn, the contestant will be given a blank slip of graverubbing paper. They will RUB (PAPER NOUN) ON (GRAVE NOUN). This will generate a graverubbing, and they can LOOK at the paper and/or READ it to get information. Contestant should then craft a spooky story, poem, or other unique work based on the graverubbing. They will have then five (5) minutes to tell their story, which must be spooky and related to the graverubbing. They will be judged on Content, Style and Flair, Theme, and Time Management. When it is their turn, the contestant shall give the game runner their paper, so the judges can see for themselves what the prompt was (if the contestant wishes it for a souvenir, they can request it back after the judges read it).

Location: This year's Cryptic Chronicles will be held in the [Abandoned Cemetery] (8085034) on the Gallivant Manor grounds. Once there, you can LOOK MARKERS and LOOK SITES to see the different gravestones that will be available for the contestants to choose.

Ghastly Guts

How well can you fling some guts at a target? Come on by and find out! Up to forty contestants can participate. The illustrious judges will provide you with five bits of gut-flinging materials. Scoring is based off where you hit the target. All five attempts will be totaled. Top two high scores will receive prizes.

Haunted Spirits

Haunted Spirits is a creepy, mixed drink game! An hour before the start of the event, the containers in [Gallivant Manor, Kitchen] (8085062) will be opened, so players can see the this year's ingredients. Only ten contestants can participate, so a sign-up list will be posted at the start of the event. You must create a drink using at least 4 of the supplied ingredients. You can also use water for free and one ingredient of your own choosing. Plus, you will also draw a special item that you must incorporate in. You will draw this 10 minutes before your turn starts.

When it is your turn, you will have five minutes to make your drink. You do this using ACTs and other RP verbs, speaking, etc. Judging will be done by NPCs on the four categories of Time Mgmt, Theme, Style and Flair, Content.

Lethal Libations

Lethal Libations is a game of chance, and it may be lethal, so come prepared! When it is your turn, you pick a libation from the basket and drink it. If you are poisoned, you are out! Rounds will continue until we are down to the last man standing! Last two will receive prizes.

Otherworldly Omens

Fancy yourself a master at divination? A purveyor of all things clairvoyant? Well, come show how good you are at Otherworldly Omens! Up to ten contestants can participate. Ten minutes before your turn, you will be given a sack containing the item you are to attempt your reading on. When it is your turn, you will have five minutes to perform the reading. Contestants will be cut off if they go over the time limit. Judging will be based on time, adherence to divination theme (such as incorporating the item given, doing a reading, etc), style, and content. The three players with the highest scores will be deemed winners.


Join the Naidem residents at the [Bonfire of the Gallivants] (8085033) on the grounds of Gallivant Manor and teach everyone your favorite method to create an Eve of the Reunion-themed bonfire.

OOC Description: In the room will be a barrel with leaves, a rack with logs, and a crate with twigs that you can take from. These are non-description (a log, a small twig, a leaf) so you can describe them how you like. You can also bring and use your own items. Up to 9 items can be placed in the stone circle when it is your turn. You should describe what each item does, why the order matters (if it does), and what the final, lit bonfire would look like (details like scent, color, smoke, etc. Use the RP tools at your disposal such as ACT, SMILE, TONE, other verbs, and items, etc. "Eve of the Reunion-themed" just means something that fits EG -- it may be a bonfire you light for the dead, for the fall, for harvest, for remembrance, etc. Judging will be done by NPCs on the four categories of Time Mgmt, Theme, Style and Flair, Content

Spooky Ciphers

Spooky Ciphers will take place in [Gallivant Manor, Library] (8085065). Your hosts will read out a word that may be a little mixed up, different, or spooky! It is your job to decipher it first. First person to decipher it wins a point. The game continues through ten anagrams or one hour. The contestants with the two highest scores win the game and get prizes.

Wheel of Misfortune

The Wheel of Misfortune is a dagger-tossing game of chance! It will be held below Gallivant Manor in [Under the Manor] (8085066). A volunteer will be strapped to a board, and while they are spinning, a contestant will TOSS BOARD. Each contestant will get 5 tosses. Each toss scores points dependent on the location. After 5 tosses, the huckster will yell out your total score. Top 2 scorers will win prizes. In the case of a tie, the top scorers will go again until there is a clear 1st and 2nd place.

Additional Games

Costume Contest

Participants are invited to show off their costumes in the annual Ebon Gate Costume Contest. The Costume Contest may be held outside of the traditional Live Games week of the festival. Prizes for the Costume Contest are handled differently than with most other live games.

See 2024 Costume Contest for detailed information about this year's costume contest, including rules and judging criteria.


GHOUL is a game similar to BINGO that was first introduced in 2015 at Feywrot Mire. Unlike most of the other live games, GHOUL is held multiple times throughout the festival. Prizes for GHOUL are handled differently than with most other live games.

See Evermore Hollow GHOUL information for detailed information and prize offerings.

Historical Information

  • 2023 Live Games
  • Prime Schedule
    Game Dates Times Locations
    Costume Contest Sunday, October 1 2:00pm [Icebriar Lake, Winter's Edge] (8083079)
    Blind Luck Friday, October 6 9:00pm [The Gallivant, Marquee] (8085023)
    Cryptic Chronicles Saturday, October 7 2:00pm [Abandoned Cemetery] (8085034)
    Pyrestarters Sunday, October 8 4:00pm [Bonfire of the Gallivants] (8085033)
    Spooky Ciphers Monday, October 9 9:00pm [Gallivant Manor, Library] (8085065)
    Haunted Spirits Tuesday, October 10 9:00pm [Gallivant Manor, Kitchen] (8085062)
    Wheel of Misfortune Wednesday, October 11 9:00pm [Under the Manor] (8085066)
    GHOUL Thursday, October 12 9:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Tuesday, October 17 3:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Saturday, October 21 1:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Tuesday, October 24 9:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Friday, October 27 9:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Sunday, October 29 8:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
  • Platinum Schedule
    Game Dates Times Locations
    Cryptic Chronicles Sunday, October 1 4:00pm [Abandoned Cemetery] (8085034)
    Blind Luck Sunday, October 1 6:00pm [The Gallivant, Marquee] (8085023)
    Pyrestarters Monday, October 2 9:00pm [Bonfire of the Gallivants] (8085033)
    Spooky Ciphers Tuesday, October 3 9:00pm [Gallivant Manor, Library] (8085065)
    Haunted Spirits Wednesday, October 4 9:00pm [Gallivant Manor, Library] (8085065)
    Wheel of Misfortune Thursday, October 5 9:00pm [Under the Manor] (8085066)
    Costume Contest Sunday, October 15 3:00pm [Yvalyst Manor, Ballroom] (u8089005)
    GHOUL Saturday, October 7 8:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Sunday, October 15 1:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Tuesday, October 17 9:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
    Sunday, October 29 3:00pm [The Sorrowwood Crypt, Tombs] (u8083365)
In the Common language, it reads:
~~ 5123 Ebon Gate Live Games Prize Options ~~

1. Custom signature verb
2. Custom swear
3. Custom logon/logoff messaging
4. A spell prep from the options below:
      First Person:  With a primal scream, you issue a demand to the dead.  Sinuous spirits rise from the ground and twine about your arms as you prepare to cast [Spell Name]
      Third Person:  With a primal scream, [Your Name] issues a demand to the dead.  Sinuous spirits rise from the ground and twine about [his/her] arms.
      First Person: You invoke the spirits of the harvest as you prepare the [Spell Name] spell, and dozens of will-o'-wisps in autumnal hues dance about you.
      Third Person:  [Your Name] invokes the spirits of the harvest, and dozens of will-o'-wisps in autumnal hues dance about [him/her].
5. Death Announcement that reads:
      In the game of life, Xynwen just rolled a natural one.
6. Manna Bread - Aspic option.
7. Unlocked Toasting Stein with custom toast of your choice.  (This will be a delayed service as it requires QC.)

Winners may only pick one prize and if that prize has been picked by another winner at the same game, then that prize is not available to be picked again.

  • 2022 Live Games
  • Prime Schedule
    Game Dates Times
    Haunted Spirits Friday, October 7 9:00pm
    Lethal Libations Saturday, October 8 2:00pm
    Cooking Contest Saturday, October 8 5:00pm
    Chilling Tales Sunday, October 9 4:00pm
    Otherwordly Omens Monday, October 10 9:00pm
    Spooky Ciphers Tuesday, October 11 9:00pm
    Ghastly Guts Wednesday, October 12 9:00pm
    GHOUL Thursday, October 13 9:00pm
    Saturday, October 15 1:00pm
    Costume Contest Monday, October 17 9:00pm
    GHOUL Tuesday, October 18 3:00pm
    Tuesday, October 25 9:00pm
    Friday, October 28 9:00pm
    Sunday, October 30 8:00pm
  • Platinum Schedule
    Game Dates Times
    Ghastly Guts Saturday, October 1 2:00pm
    Chilling Tales Sunday, October 2 4:00pm
    Cooking Contest Sunday, October 2 7:00pm
    Lethal Libations Monday, October 3 9:00pm
    Haunted Stories Tuesday, October 4 9:00pm
    Otherworldly Omens Wednesday, October 5 9:00pm
    Spooky Ciphers Thursday, October 6 9:00pm
    Costume Contest Friday, October 14 7:00pm
    GHOUL Friday, October 14 8:00pm
    Sunday, October 16 11:00am
    Tuesday, October 18 9:00pm
    Sunday, October 30 3:00pm