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Fishies are scripted pets introduced at Ebon Gate 2018 by GM Quilic and distributed and unlocked by an NPC named Ambie at Caligos Isle only. At release, fishies had four tiers available. At Ebon Gate 2019, fishies received an upgrade that provided two additional tiers, for a total of six.


Below is the base ANALYZE. Additional information found in the ANALYZE as part of tier unlocks can be found beneath each additional tier.

You analyze your translucent sack and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

You get the feeling that your sack contains a very special "Fishie"!

This is a relatively small piranha.
This fish is muddy brown in color.
This fish has milky white eyes.
This fish's sack is being held closed by a length of wire.

Certain merchants may alter the items listed above in bold text, but no other alterations are possible.

Your fishie is Tier 2 of 6.  It will now react to STARE, RAISE (when worn), POKE, and POINT.  In addition, a singsong voice in your head reminds you that "Fishies don't like kitties!"
It will also react to TAP, NUDGE, and TURN, and you can feed it meat!  Be aware that you will LOSE any meat you feed it!

Tier 0

This is the intial release version.

Tier 1

At this tier, fishies learn to eat meat.


Verb First Third
NUDGE You casually nudge your translucent sack. Your fish stoically ignores you, its tail twitching slightly in annoyance as the water shifts around it. XXX casually nudges her translucent sack. The fish inside completely ignores her, drifting stoically as the water shifts around it.
PROD You reach down and prod your translucent sack. Your fish glares up at you for a long moment before turning its attention to your surroundings. XXX just prodded her translucent sack. The fish inside glares up at her for a long moment before turning its attention back to its surroundings.
TURN You glance at your translucent sack for a moment, then reach down and give the wire holding it closed an extra turn, just to be safe. Your fish watches you closely, tracking your every movement until you withdraw your hand, at which point it goes back to patrolling its territory. XXX glances down at her translucent sack, then reaches down to give the wire holding it closed an extra turn. The fish inside watches her closely, then turns its attention away as she finishes.

Tier 2

At this tier, fishies get more verbs and become to interact with Dhu kittens.


Verb First Third
POKE You poke an extended finger against the side of your translucent sack, pushing it inward towards your fish, which recoils momentarily before gathering itself and charging towards your finger! In the split second before its oversized teeth can close around the digit, you jerk it away. Your fish bounces harmlessly off the side of the sack, but it's clearly none too pleased. XXX pokes an extended finger against the side of her translucent sack, pushing it inward towards her fish, which recoils momentarily before charging towards it! In the split second before the fish's oversized teeth can close around her finger, she jerks her finger free. The fish bounces harmlessly off the side of the sack, but seems none too pleased about it.
POINT Your fish glares up at you in annoyance, clearly uninterested. N/A
at Dhu Kitten
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RAISE You heft your translucent sack in one hand without removing it from your belt. The fish darts down towards the bottom of the sack, jaws open as it closes in on a finger! At the last moment it veers away, giving you a reproachful look as you settle the sack back in its original position. XXX reaches down and hefts her translucent sack in one hand without removing it from her belt. The fish inside darts down towards the bottom of the sack, jaws open as it closes in on her finger! At the last moment the fish veers away, and XXX settles the sack back into place.
STARE Something in your translucent sack catches your eye. Your fish is staring up at you, its milky gaze unwavering. After a moment, you glance away, a small shiver running down your spine. XXX stares down at her translucent sack. The fish's milky gaze stares back at her for a long moment, before she turns away with a slight shiver.

Tier 3

At this tier, Ambie will add a name to the fishie which only the owner will see in all the verb messaging. This unlocks another verb as well.


Verb First Third
SHAKE You grab hold of the wire holding your translucent sack closed and give the sack a hard shake! FISH NAME goes tumbling around the inside of the sack, flailing wildly before slowly recovering his equilibrium. His gills flare wide for several moments, then he turns with deliberate menace to face you, staring directly into your eyes. His jaw shifts, exposing far more teeth than he should possibly possess, and flicks his tail once. When he feels you've gotten the message, he turns away once more and glides to the far side of the sack, ignoring you completely. XXX grabs hold of the wire holding his translucent sack closed and gives the sack a hard shake! His fish goes tumbling around the inside of the sack, flailing wildly before slowing recovering its equilibrium. The fish then turns slowly to face XXX, staring at him for a long moment before turning away once more and gliding to the other side of the sack.

Tier 4

At this tier, the fishie acquires ambient scripts and the ability to toggle them on and off.


Verb First Third
Enables Ambients
You reach down and prod your translucent sack. FISH NAME does not appear pleased at this, and he glares up at you for a long moment before turning his attention to your surroundings. XXX just prodded his translucent sack. The fish inside glares up at him for a long moment before turning its attention back to its surroundings.
Disables Ambients
You run a hand across the surface of your translucent sack, and FISH NAME calms immediately, his milky eyes turning half-lidded as he lets hisself drift in the water. XXX runs a hand across his translucent sack, and the fish inside calms immediately.

Tier 5

At this tier, the fishie can eat low cost items that are neither magical nor metal.

Tier 6

At this tier, the fishie will eat magical and metal items of higher cost.


You get the feeling that your sack contains a very special "Fishie"!

This is a relatively small pirahna.
This fish is muddy brown in color.
This fish has milky white eyes.
This fish's sack is being held closed by a length of wire.

Certain merchants may alter the items listed above in bold text, but no other alterations are possible.

Your fishie is Tier 6 of 6.  It has ambient scripts which can be toggled with RUB and PROD!
It will also react to STARE, RAISE (when worn), POKE, POINT, NUDGE, TURN, and SHAKE.  Your fishie has a name, and you can feed it anything at all (that's not too valuable)!  Be aware that you will LOSE any item you feed it forever.
Fishie Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Creature
Item(s) Applied to
Alterable No
Light/Deep No
Customizable Yes
Custom Size and type of fish
Color of fish
Eye color of fish
Closure of sack
Original Release Merchant Ambie
Original Release Venue Ebon Gate 2018
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 7
How to Unlock Merchant
Item Verbs

Additional Information

Fishes can only be upgraded by the original owner. However, many of the verbs are functional for whoever is wearing the sack.


Fishies come in "a translucent sack", which cannot be altered in any way. There are four items that can be customized, however, by any willing merchant: the fish size and type, fish color, fish eyes, and sack closure. When LOOKed at, the sack shows:

This translucent sack is a little more than half-filled with brackish water.  Drifting in the sack is (a relatively small piranha), with some decidedly unusual features.  The fish's head is too large for its body, and its scales are a (muddy brown) color.  Massively oversized teeth protrude from the fish's jawline, and its eyes are bloodshot, with one twice the size of the other.  The translucent sack is held tightly shut with (a length of strong wire).


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See Also