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Updates to Foraged Item Props

Discord Message Link:
Author: GM Thandiwe
Date: 10/06/23

The Foraged Item props have been updated with the following changes:

  • Flower Position 1 - This can now have flower, mushroom, leaf, or cone
  • Flower Position 2 - This can now have flower, mushroom, leaf, or cone
  • Flower Position 3 - This can now have flower, mushroom, leaf, cone, or tree mushroom
  • Flower Position 4 - This can now have flower, mushroom, leaf, cone, or stick/twig
  • Flower position 5 - This can now have flower, mushroom, leaf, cone or thorn

Some Clarification Points:
Positions 1 - 5 can have poison flowers. This makes them edible.
Positions 1 - 5 can have mushrooms. This always makes them edible. They can also be poisonous.
Positions 1 - 5 leaves will be edible.
Positions 1 - 5 cones will never be edible.

Poisoned items:
Anything that is turned into a poison item will never be allowed to be snipped for a weaving item. The reason for this is that the poison is a subscript, which blocks the snips.

You can now also make nut or seed or rosehip or edible flower. For fruits, rosehips, or edible flowers you can have someone find the closest food messaging to the type of fruit, rosehip, or edible flower that you pick. However, there are incredibly FEW seed and nut options, therefore they will always default to the following:

Standard taste message 1:
You see "First cracking the shell, you get at the meat of the (nut) and dig it from the nooks and crannies of its hiding place. The skin of the (nut) is crackly with a slight hint of bitterness, but the flesh beneath is soft and flavorful, leaving a bit of an oily flavor on your tongue."
Standard taste message 2:
You see "Picking a bit of (nut) from its cracked shell, you pop it into your mouth. The first faintly bitter notes of the nut's skin quickly fall away as you taste the flesh beneath, which is soft and flavorful."
Standard taste message 1:
You see "Slightly bitter, (the seed) yields an earthy flavor that mingles with an unidentifiable smokiness."
Standard taste message 2:
You see "Light and ethereal, there is a ribbon of smokiness that lingers as if an afterthought by nature. The tenebrous flare washes away all sense of initial bitterness in (the seed)."

These will always have a default food taste of:

Standard taste message 1:
You see "Slightly spongy, the mushroom has a pleasant, natural spiciness to it and carries the earthy scent of loam and oak."
Standard taste message 2:
You see "The thin cap is a little tougher than its delicate structure implies and carries with it a rich, earthy flavor that is inherently spicy."

Standard Leaf Position:

  • These are always edible.
  • They may have the noun needle/needles, but if they do they will not be edible.

Note On Fruits:

  • They must make sense for the plant.
  • If they are not listed as having a default messaging for taste, then they will automatically get the closest possible flavor.
  • Potted Plants are designed for things grown in urns, window boxes, etc. That means it would be limited to certain kinds of fruits and must match the base item. For example: Roses could yield rosehips. Certain edible flowers could be mixed into your other flowers: Pansy, chamomile, calendula, viola, squash blossoms (personally, I'd do this on a ground cover plant but you know), dandelion, nasturtium, marigolds, chives, elderflower, etc.

Description Information

The following information was shared by GM Thandiwe in March 2022:

New Foraged Item Prop

Private Properties have plenty of flowers, plants, trees, and other organic offerings built on very basic systems. This new Foraged Item Prop allows for further customization of the “plant” on your property, and will create “forage” bases that can work with other systems. Some examples are:

If you have a tree on your property, this new system can expand it by:

Giving it a look, adding a foraged fruit, adding up to five foraged flowers, adding a foraged leaf, adding foraged bark, and providing a custom scent for the tree.

If you have a bush or vine on your property, this new system can expand it by:

Giving it a look, adding a foraged fruit, adding up to five foraged flowers, adding a foraged leaf, and providing a custom scent for the bush.

If you have a flower, this system can expand it by:

Giving it a look, a foraged flower, adding a foraged leaf, and providing a custom scent for the flower.

On top of the above, the new system will also denote the following:

Height of foraged item:

Trees provide reaching above head messaging for getting everything but bark.
Shrubs provide waist-level messaging for getting items.
Ground-cover plants provide bending messaging.

Position of person interacting with foraged item:

All interactions with the item will note if you are standing, sitting, kneeling, or lying down.

Racial differences: If you are a Halfling and you are not wearing tall shoes, then you may have difficulty reaching things on a tree.
If you are a giantman, your positioning is ignored in favor of a longer reach.

Lastly, this prop provides the following verbs:

Gaze: Provides a list of harvest-able items
Attend: Randomly les you toy with one of the foraged items
Pinch: (only if leaf is an option) lets you pull a leaf off.
Pull: (only if fruit is an option) lets you pull a piece of fruit off.
Pluck: (only if flowers are present) lets you pluck a flower free (randomizes if more than one flower is available).
Scratch: (only if bark is present) lets you remove a bit of bark.
Smell: (only if smell is added) lets you get the customized scent of plant.

You can populate as many fields as the foraged replacement allows. With the certificate, you would be able to pick which organic item on your property you want to replace (only current tap-able props for the moment) and any qualifying slots.

Additional Helpful Information

The following information was shared by GM Thandiwe in March 2022:

Foraged Item Prop
1. All items will need to be cleared and passed through QC.
2. Rooms will not be repainted to accommodate new plants.
3. If your room description mentions a plant but it is not a tangible object, then one can be added.
4. If there is an item in your property that mentions a plant of some kind, then we can update the item to handle the new foraged item prop.
5. You may add a foraged item prop that does not get imbedded into the room description

  • A plant is defined as a tree, a flower, a bush, a vine, a shrub, or any other kind of natural growth.
  • Rift Plants are denied. All other plants will be screened accordingly.
  • Plants can be anything found in the real world and 98% of Elanthian plants are allowed.

Email Sent to Redeemers

The following email was sent to those who purchased a custom foraged item prop at the Duskruin auction in February 2022:

Good day,

If you could please provide me with the following information, then I can start working on your Foraged Item.

Name of Room: please provide the name of the room where you would like to add the foraged item. Include [Room Name]Description of Room: please provide the description of the room.  If you are hoping to have an embedded item replaced, please bold the item in the body of the text.

Replacement Item: Please provide the 15/15/15 and any LOOK descriptions of the item.Current Production: Please provide the 15/15/15 that the current item produces.

New Data

In order to start working on your request, I will need to know the following:
Base Plant Type: tree, shrub, bush, plant, flower, vine
Desired height: This will be determined by the type above.  
Please note: flowers in flowerbeds will be considered ground-cover, vines on trellises will be considered above head, trees (unless dwarf) will be considered above head, etc.
Look: Please provide how you would like the new plant to look.
Fruit: (trees and bushes only at this time) Please provide the 15/15/15 of a single piece of fruit
Bark: (trees only at this time) Please provide the 15/15/15 of the bark piece (example: a curl of off-white bark, a piece of papery birch bark, etc)
Leaves:(any plant) Please provide the 15/15/15 of a single piece leaf (example: an elliptical bright green leaf, a heart-shaped russet leaf, a burnished orange oak leaf, etc)
Flowers:(any plant) Please provide the 15/15/15 of up to 5 flowers.
Scent:(any plant) Please provide a brief (no longer than 211) description of the scent of the plant.
Things to keep in mind: Plants need to adhere to climate/terrain restrictions if they are being built in the surrounding grounds.
Plants in potted vessels don't adhere to the above rule.
Rare plants may have restrictions.
Rift plants are not allowed. At this time, the foraged item is not able to handle poisoned plants.  I won't have time to update that option anytime soon.
I look forward to hearing from you.