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Icemule Trace Mayoral Election 5118
In Ivastaen 5118, it was announced that Icemule Trace would have the opportunity to elect a player character as mayor.
A weary fur-clad giantess steps out of the censor's office in Clovertooth Hall and closes a petrified oak door firmly behind her. With a simple twirl of her finger, a wispy key materializes and inserts itself into the lock, securing the entry before dissolving. The giantess gives a heavy sigh, readjusts the cumbersome bag slung over her shoulder, and heads east and out to greet a crowd that has already gathered to meet the candidates for Mayor in Icemule Trace's Decision 5118. After watching the presentations, fanfare, and colorful lights intermingling with the falling snow, she turns to make a few important announcements. A fur-clad giantess says, "Greetings, everyone. I am Lady Befionn, the Magistrate of Citizenship. I manage the Censor's Office. I imagine many of you have seen me, though few of you ask how my day is going when you pop by to check the book." A fur-clad giantess rolls her eyes slightly through her smile. A fur-clad giantess says, "I am going to assist Councillor Emeritus Igerone and Page of Honor Eilinora with managing the election to ensure fairness and integrity. I will help keep the campaigning clean. I will also facilitate one of the contests." A fur-clad giantess glances at the bag slung over her shoulder that is overflowing with parchments, and you notice a slight grimace. A fur-clad giantess says, "Because of these extra tasks, I have closed the citizenship office until the night the new Mayor is announced, on 22 Lumnea. No new citizenship applications will be processed between now and then. I simply will not have time. Only those who are citizens as of this moment will be eligible to vote on 15 - 20 Lumnea." A fur-clad giantess says, "I will now post everyone's formal declarations of candidacy on the official trees. Please take a moment to read them. Good luck to all."
Mysterious Mhoragian
Is someone trying to meddle with the Mayoral election?
On Lumnea 13, 5118 (June 13, 2018) a mysterious Mhoragian rumormonger made her way into Town Center. She sits there now spreading gossip to anyone who cares to listen. Word has it you can ASK her about ELECTION, CANDIDATES, any of the actual candidates by name, and a few other things if you've been keeping up with the Dawn of Daukhera storyline. Is there a hint of truth to what this woman claims to know about everyone? And why a Mhoragian halfling in particular, and especially now at this crucial moment in Icemulian history? Time will most certainly tell...
"Icemule is a great city with many wonderful, nice people. I want to continue Nihala's work to make it the nicest, most welcoming, friendliest city in Elanthia! Everyone should feel super welcome in Icemule Trace and be able to eat the land's finest tarts and pastries. ICICLE and White Haven are super important and helpful and I would want to work very closely and happily with them. Daukhera, on the other hand, is everything Icemule is not! She is mean, murdering, and controlling. We need to band together to stop her!"
ExpandJoskin's Rally |
4 June 2018 Joskin's Rally transcript from the TownCrier
[Icemule Trace, Town Center] A cat yowls in the distance, and is immediately followed by the sound of a shutter banging open and an angry growl, "If any one of those candidates does something about that dang cat, they'll have my vote!" A deafening voice shouts right in your ear, "Joskin's rally is about to happen in Town Center! Don't be late!" Tawariell winces. (Tawariell wiggles a finger in her ear, chuckling.) Joskin recites: "I'm going to wait a couple more minutes in case people are skating across the Lake and running late!" Joskin giggles. The crowd applauds for a moment, welcoming the candidate. A blinding flurry of snowflakes drifts down from the grey skies. Joskin laces his fingers together and loudly cracks his knuckles. As he does so, a shower of sparks erupts from the silvery sigils on the backs of his gloved hands. Joskin recites: "I am so excited to see you all here! Before I get started, is there anyone who would like a pin?" Enestrie applauds Joskin. Joskin removes a glittering tart-shaped pin that reads, "Joskin for Mayor!" written in rainbow letters from in his silvery pouch, waves it, taps it, and then puts it away. Joskin exclaims, "Of course, I'd like to welcome Tawariell!" Tawariell cocks her head at Joskin, blushes a nice shade of pink, and waves. Igerone, Shothog, and Enestrie applaud, while Hartesa applauds politely. Enestrie grins at Joskin. Joskin says, "I hope everyone here was also at her rally." Joskin exclaims, "I made the choice to stay away from the rallies of other candidates, but I appreciate her being here!" Tawariell inclines her head. Joskin says, "So." Kilded just arrived. Joskin exclaims, "Let's talk about Icemule!" Joskin exclaims, "Oh, Kilded too!" Tawariell applauds. Kilded waves to Joskin. Speaking heartily to Joskin, Kilded exclaims, "Sorry im late!" Joskin exclaims, "I'm just getting started!" Joskin says, "Anyway." Kilded applauds. Joskin exclaims, "I love Icemule. If you know me at all, you know that's true!" Joskin exclaims, "It doesn't hurt that it was a founded by Paradis like me!" Joskin giggles. The crowd grows hushed except for the occasional grunt against the freezing temperatures. A blinding flurry of snowflakes drifts down from the grey skies. Joskin says, "I've always found Icemule to be a warm place, aside from the temperatures and penguins." Sothog begins chuckling at Joskin! Joskin says, "I chose my rally for right here because of that." Kilded nods in agreement at Joskin. Jalodg adopts an agreeable expression. Jalodg's shiver is barely noticeable, as if the cold barely bothers him. Hartesa nods slowly. Joskin says, "This is the place where old friends get together, where new friends meet." Joskin says, "It's exciting here." Sothog and Hailleus nod at Joskin. Joskin asks, "And when people need help, where do they go?" Joskin says, "They come right here." Joskin points down. Kilded stares downward. Sabotage arrives in a cloud of ash. Sothog nods at Joskin. Joskin exclaims, "People know when they need help they can come here and they can find someone willing to help them out!" Hartesa nods in agreement. Sothog nods at Joskin. Joskin exclaims, "Just a few minutes ago, someone came here looking for magical help. And he found it!" Hailleus melodically says, "Every one is very friendly adn helpful." Igerone applauds Joskin. Igerone smiles at Hailleus. Joskin exclaims, "Yes!" Joskin says, "And that's so much of what I love this city." Joskin says, "We help each other." Joskin exclaims, "That's why my slogan is Icemule All Together!" Joskin says, "Because we really are." Sothog applauds Joskin. Dahush smiles at Joskin. Joskin exclaims, "Sothog just reminded me of something!" Sothog blinks at Joskin. Joskin recites: "Please help yourself to delicious Icemule tarts! They're on the bench over there!" Joskin points at a carved ice bench. Dahush gazes with interest at a carved ice bench. Sothog chuckles. Joskin says, "Icemule, of course, is the best place in Elanthia to get tarts." Joskin giggles. Joskin exclaims, "But let's talk about the future!" Joskin recites: "There are a lot of things people have talked to me about when it comes to what they want Icemule Trace to be going forward" Sothog nods at Joskin. Joskin says, "Some people are concerned about defense and making sure everyone is safe." Hartesa solemnly applauds. Joskin says, "Some people want Icemule to grow." Joskin exclaims, "Some people want Icemule not to grow!" Joskin says, "Of course, many are concerned about the woman who calls herself a queen." Someone in the back shouts, "Down with Daukhera!" Another hollers, "Long live the Queen!" The two scuffle for a moment. Joskin exclaims, "Thank you for demonstrating!" Joskin giggles. Tawariell furrows her brow, Hailleus laughs, Sothog chuckles, and Dahush scowls. Joskin says, "But let's all be friends here tonight." Sothog applauds Joskin. Jalodg adopts an agreeable expression. Joskin says, "And I know many people are concerned about our relationship with the Landing." Zailon suddenly pauses, a look of consternation crossing his features as he listens intently. Joskin recites: "I think it's OK to say that in many ways, our fortunes are tied to theirs" Dahush says, "They have stinky sewers." Joskin says, "If they do well, we'll benefit. And if they have problems, we're close enough that it could affect us." Kilded nods in agreement at Joskin. Hartesa nods somberly at Joskin. Joskin says, "So it's very, very important Lylia feels she can work with our government for mutual benefit." Sothog nods at Joskin and applauds. Joskin says, "It's a really great opportunity with her being a new Mayor and us electing a new Mayor." Jalodg agrees with Joskin. Joskin says, "Of course, we have our own people, our own issues, our own opportunities." Joskin recites: "Before I go on, I want to highlight some of the great people who have been doing so much for us." Joskin says, "First, of course, is White Haven." Sothog nods at Joskin. Tawariell smiles. Joskin says, "They have been a shining house in Icemule for years and years." Hartesa and Sothog applaud, while Dirvy applauds politely. Sothog and Tawariell smile at Joskin. Tawariell nods approvingly. Joskin asks, "How many of us have gotten spells from them? Or won some money? Or simply danced at the ball?" Tawariell gives a lopsided grin. Sothog nods at Joskin. Enestrie shushes herself! Joskin says, "And they're going to keep doing these things. So if I'm elected, I will work very closely with White Haven." Joskin says, "Of course, I'm also a member of the House." Joskin giggles. Sothog grins at Joskin. Joskin exclaims, "But I'm not an officer!" Sothog nods at Joskin. Joskin says, "There's another group. It's newer. ICICLE." Dirvy applauds politely. Joskin asks, "How about that new citizens' tent?" Joskin, Tawariell, and Sothog applaud, while Hartesa applauds warmly. A child escapes his mother's grasp and begins tumbling in the snow mumbling, "Vote for Joskin, Vote for Joskin!" Sothog grins. (Jalodg chuckles and beams at the flailing child.) Joskin sadly exclaims, "After Nihala died... ICICLE did a lot to keep Icemule together. Thank you!" Jalodg nods at Joskin. Joskin says, "I hope that, as Mayor, I can be an asset to them as they have to us." A pair of young men staggers in, supporting each other as best they can. Each carries a mostly-empty bottle and sports an impressive bruise on one eye. One slurs to the other, "Fair's fair... you don't gotta tell me who yer votin' for. I STILL say... ye hit like a gnome, though." They laugh uproariously as they stagger out of sight. Joskin recites: "Now, a few things I would like to do." Enestrie smiles at Joskin. Joskin says, "First! Community building." Sothog rubs his chin thoughtfully. Enestrie turns an inquisitive ear toward Joskin. Joskin says, "Icemule is already the friendiest city in Elanthia. I want to encourage more of that." Sothog nods at Joskin. Joskin says, "And the citizens' tent is a great idea. I propose more special perks for citizens." Joskin says, "The idea is to encourage more people who feel like they can have a home here do so." Enestrie nods approvingly. (Jalodg scoffs at the drunk's remarks.) Joskin exclaims, "But non-citizens should not feel left out!" Sothog nods at Joskin. Hartesa applauds Joskin warmly. Dahush turns an inquisitive ear toward Joskin. Joskin says, "I want to start a yearly tart-baking contest." Enestrie smiles and applauds at Joskin. Verryn smiles. Joskin exclaims, "It will help our reputation of a place for delicious food. And it will being more tourists!" You hear the growling bellies of many folks gathered nearby as food is mentioned.
Dirvy rubs Zailon's shoulders gently. Hartesa peers quizzically at Joskin. Enestrie giggles. Sothog grins. Kilded nods in agreement. Sothog nods at Joskin. Kilded tilts his head toward Joskin, examining him intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly. Joskin says, "I said this before, but this area needs tightening." Enestrie agrees with Joskin. Joskin says, "Our guards are very nice. But we need to make sure our gates are watched at all times." Jalodg agrees with Joskin. Hartesa nods thoughtfully. Joskin says, "That may mean some new recruits. That may mean incentives for the current guard to be more watchful." Joskin says, "I can work with people to see what is best." Zailon suddenly pauses, a look of consternation crossing his features as he listens intently. Sothog nods at Joskin. Joskin says, "But gate security won't mean much if vathors and nasy creatures can appear right here in front of us." Joskin says, "So we need to explore deep, strong magic to prevent that from happening." Joskin says, "I know that's being done." Zailon grins mischievously. Joskin says, "But it could be done faster with official support and resources." Joskin says, "I think that's what is most on my mind." Joskin exclaims, "I am happy to answer your questions!" Joskin asks, "Perhaps people can raise their hand?" Verryn raises his hand. Joskin points at Verryn. Speaking to Verryn, Joskin asks, "Yes?" Verryn stands up. Enestrie, Tawariell, and Sothog turn an inquisitive ear toward Verryn. Kilded frowns. Verryn quietly says, "As some of you might know, I moved here from Ta'Vaalor, for a variety of reasons. I have since become a citizen and greatly enjoyed my time here . . ." Enestrie nods at Verryn. Jalodg beams happily at Verryn! Speaking to Verryn, Joskin exclaims, "We're happy to have you!" Jalodg and Sothog applaud Verryn. Joskin cocks his head. Verryn quietly asks, ". . . One of the reasons I moved was due to disdain I felt in the Elven nations toward those of my race. As mayor, what will you do to make sure that Icemule Trace will be a place that is accepting and comforatble for all races equally?" Hartesa applauds Verryn. Enestrie smiles at Verryn. Sothog rubs his chin thoughtfully. Speaking to Verryn, Darkc says, "If i can become a citizeb here there will be no problems." Darkc snickers. Joskin recites: "As Mayor, I will pledge that nobody representing the city will ever discriminate or favor anyone based on their race." Sothog grins at Darkc. Dahush nods at Verryn. You nod at Joskin. Merekka says, "The pawnshop clerk does." Dahush begins chuckling at Merekka! Joskin frowns. Merekka says, "He does not like gnomes." Joskin says, "He doesn't work for the city." Joskin says, "But that doesn't mean he can't be reasoned with." Joskin says, "It starts with us." Sothog nods at Joskin. Enestrie agrees with Joskin. Joskin says, "And if we set the right example, other people will follow." A town guard stops you on his way to the pub and pokes you hard on the sternum. He asks, "You're voting for Sabotage, right? He's promised to hire more guards to protect this town." WIthout waiting for an answer, the guard shuffles off. Sothog agrees with Joskin. Laralana nods approvingly at Joskin. Enestrie applauds Joskin. Speaking to Joskin, Darkc says, "The pawn broker is always charging me more." Sothog and Dahush raise their hand. Darkc turns away from Joskin, ignoring him. Enestrie smiles at Sothog. Hartesa nods at Darkc. Joskin says, "I don't like that." Hartesa exclaims, "It's a travesty!" (Jalodg shrugs at the worked-up Guard while agreeing with his sentiment.) Speaking to Darkc, Joskin says, "We can talk to him, try to get him to see reason." Darkc agrees with Hartesa. Joskin says, "If not..." Joskin exclaims, "Perhaps taxes could go up!" Joskin giggles. Szad glances at Joskin. Jalodg cringes. Dahush looks over at Joskin and shakes his head. Enestrie grins at Joskin. The surroundings are engulfed in gusts of white snow. Darkc cackles! Speaking to Szad, Joskin exclaims, "Of course not!" Igerone grins at Szad. Speaking to Joskin, Sothog asks, "I'd like to ask a related question. In light of our apparent unpopularity with some in the Elven Nations, how would you propose to smooth relations between us and them?" Szad quietly says, "The donations are bad enough.." Speaking to Szad, Joskin says, "I mean for people who are mean to other people." Szad begins chuckling at Joskin! The crowd shrieks almost in unison at the mention of raising taxes. Szad quietly asks, "You're going to tax meanness?" Sothog blinks. Speaking to Szad, Joskin says, "I would consider taxing racism, yes." Dahush mutters taxes and rolls his eyes. Szad quietly exclaims, "Racism!" Merekka giggles. Szad chuckles. Hartesa rises to her feet while applauding Joskin! Dahush ponders. Speaking to Sothog, Joskin exclaims, "That is a tough one!" Merekka says, "I like the idea of taxing bigots more." Szad quietly asks, "We are surrounded by orcs and undead rolton and you're taxing racism?" Hartesa turns to Merekka and cheers! Szad quietly says, "I sometimes wonder about this town." Igerone exclaims, "Undead rolton!" Dahush asks, "The rolton are undead?" Szad quietly says, "Not all of them." Enestrie shushes Igerone! Szad quietly says, "Well, not yet." Sothog agrees with Enestrie. Igerone leans on his cane. Merekka says, "Some are zombies, though." Igerone glances at Enestrie. Speaking to Szad, Joskin exclaims, "More tax revenue means more guards at the gates!" Enestrie rolls her eyes at Igerone. Joskin exclaims, "But I need to answer Sothog!" Tawariell gazes in amusement at her surroundings. Sothog beams happily at Joskin! Joskin says, "I, too, have had an unpleasant experience in the Nations." Szad quietly says, "I haven't seen any racism in this town to be honest." Szad quietly says, "Well, apart from the gnome bar that I can't go in and whatnot." Joskin says, "But I think that is more about misunderstanding than anything." Sothog nods at Joskin. Joskin asks, "If we can work with the Landing, we can work with Illistim, right?" Szad quietly says, "Personally I'm prejudiced against anything I can't drag up an icy path.." Joskin says, "We just need to show how it's better for everyone if we are all on the same side." Szad quietly says, "But that's me." Joskin says, "That won't be easy for sure." Merekka nods at Joskin. Joskin says, "And it may take some time. But it's worth doing." Sothog agrees with Joskin. Szad chuckles. Hailleus smiles at Szad. Speaking to Joskin, Sothog says, "Thank you." Joskin says, "And I think they know a thing or two about unwanted demons." Joskin giggles. Sothog grins at Joskin. Enestrie smiles at Joskin. Szad quietly says, ""magic"." Enestrie adopts an agreeable expression. Joskin points at Dahush. Hailleus melodically exclaims, "Thanks!" Szad smiles. Speaking to Dahush, Joskin asks, "Yes?" Dahush twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved. Dahush says, "Evenin m'lord, thankee for yer time tnight. I'm fairly new so if this is already in place please enlighten me." Speaking to Dahush, Joskin exclaims, "Welcome!" Dahush asks, "When these big mean vapers or whateve come around is there a plan for us with less experience to pitch in?" Hartesa applauds Dahush warmly. Tawariell smiles at Dahush. Jalodg smiles at Dahush. Speaking to Dahush, Joskin exclaims, "I love that question!" Dahush asks, "Do you have something in mind for defenses or are we at the mercy of our elders to get the job done?" Speaking to Dahush, Darkc says, "You can shoot arrows from the walls , there used to be towers but some omron had them removed." Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "I think there's a lot that can be done." Enestrie turns an inquisitive ear toward Joskin. Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "As I mentioned, I want to commit to more research on how to keep them from getting into the city." Sothog nods at Joskin. Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "And anyone and everyone can help with that in some way." Hartesa nods slowly at Joskin. Jalodg agrees with Joskin. Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "But when they DO show up..." Jalodg mutters darnomrons. Dahush nods. Sothog turns an inquisitive ear toward Joskin. Sothog begins chuckling at Jalodg! Speaking to Joskin, Darkc says, "Start with rebuilding the towers the idjits did away with." Speaking to Dahush, Joskin exclaims, "The most important thing to do is stay safe if you feel like you're in danger. But if you want to help, there are things you can do!" Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "People will fall or get injured. They can be escorted to safety." Vereplor just went west. Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "Clerics and empaths will need things and people can get those things for them." Speaking to Dahush, Joskin exclaims, "It's not heroic, but it helps!" Enestrie applauds Joskin. Dahush ponders. Laralana smiles at Joskin. Speaking to Dahush, Joskin asks, "Does that answer your question, or were you thinking of something else?" Sothog glances at Dahush. A man shouts, "I used to work on the towers, but they are broken!" His colleague agrees. Dahush asks, "Are there any standing orders? in the hall or somewhere else where a plan of action is detailed?" Speaking to Joskin, Darkc says, "Back a long time ago Morvule wage a very long war on Icemule, there were towers then and they were extremely useful in defeating his minions." Hartesa nods enthusiastically at Dahush! Sothog glances at Joskin. Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "Ah, yes." Dahush asks, "Or am I a rolton with my head cut off trying to figure out what to do if they return?" (Jalodg turns to the shouting man and nods in enthusiastic agreement.) Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "Recently, some of us met with Brokkersten and Arshwikk about this very thing." Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "There will be leaders when it's time to mobilize." Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "I think the exact plans are still in the works, but they're being made." A woman shouts, "The time is now! Mobilize against the Queen!" Several cheer her on. Tawariell gazes with interest at her surroundings. Dahush inclines his ear, listening intently. Dahush says, "Many thanks for your time." Joskin says, "And, of course, we need to look at the towers." Darkc yells, "Repair and rebuild the towers!" Joskin says, "Smaller cities than ours have them." Dahush nods at Joskin. Tawariell nods in agreement. Enestrie applauds Joskin. Hartesa lets out a cheer! Sothog rubs his chin thoughtfully. Kilded begins chuckling at Darkc! Joskin says, "They may not prevent every demon attack, but they help people feel safe." Joskin exclaims, "And it's a lot easier to go about your day when you feel safe!" Sothog nods at Joskin. Joskin recites: "Someone mentioned the 'Queen.'" Dahush says, "A few someones." Joskin says, "I didn't talk about her on purpose. I imagine an Icemule without her." Joskin exclaims, "But, let's talk about her!" Dahush turns to Joskin and cheers! Sothog nods at Joskin. Sothog applauds Joskin. Joskin says, "We cannot allow a murderous tyrant to rule us." Sothog agrees with Joskin. Hartesa solemnly applauds. Sothog applauds Joskin. Dahush agrees with Joskin. Joskin says, "I was here when Dustybeard was executed just for saying something unkind about her." Joskin exclaims, "It was horrifying!" A child cries out, "She just wanna be friends!" before stomping off, sobbing. Joskin shakes his head. Dahush gasps. Groh asks, "Could we work along side of her?" Joskin says, "Friends do not kill friends when they are upset." Tawariell stands up. Liaison Tawariell just went east. Speaking to Groh, Joskin says, "That's what Sabotage wants to do." Speaking to Groh, Joskin says, "And that only works if you're willing to be her subject." Groh nods at Joskin. Joskin recites: "I will not be her subject and Icemule will not be her queendom!" Groh says, "Not too familiar with the situation yet, that's why I was asking." Sothog turns to Joskin and cheers! Groh nods. Dahush turns to Joskin and cheers! Laralana agrees with Joskin. Enestrie applauds Joskin. Joskin says, "Part of Icemule All Together means coming together and expelling her." Joskin exclaims, "That will be very, very hard!" Darkc recites: "Have you or any tried to negotiate or reason with her?" Dirvy softly interrupts, "It is suspected that Daukhera attacked Newsby at a party last night, via an emissary who poisoned a tart Newsby ate." Hailleus melodically says, "Who the queen? she gave mt pardon from jail." Dahush gasps. Joskin exclaims, "Yes. Several people right here did!" Hailleus melodically says, "I must have caught her on a good day." Hailleus smiles. The crowd begins to murmur loudly about the accusations, with a clear divide between those who support her and those do not. Then they return their attention to Joskin. Jalodg's jaw drops. Joskin says, "I'm not saying nothing good ever happens when she's here. She led us to undiscovered magic." Enestrie nods at Joskin. Joskin says, "But if good things only happen when we serve her and please her, that's not a way to live." Hailleus melodically says, "Well I got out of jail and dont owe her a thing." Joskin exclaims, "And if someone reacts to resistance with murder and temporal rifts, that is evil!" Enestrie adopts an agreeable expression. Joskin says, "I promise, if I'm Mayor, I won't kill anyone who disagrees with me." Joskin giggles. Enestrie grins at Joskin. Kilded nods slowly at Joskin. Sothog blinks at Joskin. Hartesa turns to Joskin and cheers! Sothog rubs his chin thoughtfully. Sothog grins at Joskin. Sothog applauds Joskin. Joskin says, "I know things are bad now. And she is a big part of what is happening now." Joskin says, "But that will pass. We'll find a way. And she'll just be an unpleasant memory." Sothog applauds Joskin. Joskin says, "We have so much more to do and offer than her." Joskin exclaims, "So let's talk about happier things!" Joskin says, "Time is running low." Joskin asks, "Does anyone else have a question?" Enestrie smiles at Joskin. Sothog raises his hand. Joskin points at Sothog. Speaking to Joskin, Sothog asks, "What are your thoughts on economic improvement for the town?" Darkc recites: "We need a once a year big fest here in Icemule" An owl sounds in the distance, and a drunken voice responds, "You can ask WHO all y'want! My mind ain't -hic- made up yet!" The voice devolves into drunken laughter. Speaking to Darkc, Joskin exclaims, "I proposed a big tart contest every year!" Verryn agrees with Joskin. Hailleus melodically says, "Provide better advertising for the locally owned shops, support our citizens." Speaking to Sothog, Joskin says, "There's a lot we can do." Sothog turns an inquisitive ear toward Joskin. Enestrie turns an inquisitive ear toward Joskin. Szad quietly asks, "I wonder, can we re-route streets?" Szad quietly asks, "You know, actual city planning?" Dahush peers quizzically at Szad. Speaking to Sothog, Joskin says, "When the deed company clears up its issues in issuing deeds for new stores, that's going to do a lot." Speaking to Sothog, Joskin says, "And I would want to put some money into advertising all the great things Icemule citizens have for sale." Igerone says, "City plannin' is more of a ICICLE thing, but y'all can certainly work together." Szad quietly asks, "Say ICICLE thing?" Szad quietly asks, "What's an ICICLE thing?" Joskin asks, "I imagine people have seen the advertisements for Zul Logoth by the river?" Hailleus melodically exclaims, "Joskin I just said that!" Jalodg smiles. Joskin says, "Events that promote tourism would be really big for us." Joskin says, "I think there's a lot there." Hailleus melodically says, "Icicle thing." Hailleus melodically asks, "What?" Speaking softly to Szad, Dirvy says, "We can talk about ICICLE after the rally, if you like." Szad quietly asks, "What?" Sothog nods at Joskin. Joskin exclaims, "I have no interest in re-doing the streets, though!" Joskin giggles. Sothog grins at Joskin. Szad shakes his head. Sothog applauds Joskin. Szad quietly says, "Joskin I don't mean ALL streets." Szad chuckles. Szad quietly says, "That'd be kind of a nutty thing to do anyway." Speaking to Joskin, Sothog says, "Thanks again." Joskin asks, "Does anyone else have a question?" Speaking to Sothog, Joskin exclaims, "Of course!" Hartesa raises her hand. Joskin points at Hartesa. Speaking to Joskin, Hartesa says, "Thank you." Joskin nods at Hartesa. Some of the crowd glances warily at Hartesa. Speaking to Joskin, Hartesa says, "At that time the Terrace was known as a center for such studies, certainly more welcoming and acommodating than the Landing." Speaking to Joskin, Hartesa asks, "What do you propose to advance Icemule's standing as a place of learning and study?" Joskin rubs his chin thoughtfully. Joskin says, "We have these great guilds here. I think it's time we worked closer with them." Joskin says, "They have these people who know so much." Sothog nods at Joskin. Joskin exclaims, "We need to coordinate with them and reach out to people. Educate the children. Hold workshops!" Joskin says, "I think that's also an area where White Haven and ICICLE can help." Dahush says, "Workshops sound interestin." Joskin says, "I did propose more perks for citizens." Joskin says, "Perhaps that can include education opportunities." Sothog nods at Joskin. [Icemule Trace, Town Center] The bustling town comes together in this square. Halflings dressed in varying fashions stand about, some chattering happily, others reclining on cloaks laid on the ground. One ancient halfling leans against the base of the large ice statue of a mule, snoring blissfully. A feeling of community pervades the area, putting you immediately at ease. You also see the Darkc disk, a pumpkin orange tabby kitten, a tidal bobcat, a bushy-tailed chipmunk, a desolate mountain spirit that is flying around, the parrot-shaped Dirvy disk, a royal penguin that is sitting, a vine-carved cherrywood cart with some stuff on it, a twisted white lectern, a twinkling bright bluish purple signboard with the words "Election Information" at the top, a blanket of snow, a carved ice bench with some stuff on it, a colorful silver-bound barrel emblazoned with a row of tiny grey penguins, a rhimar trash receptacle and a mammoth black notice. Also here: Tyrstald who is sitting, Groh who is sitting, Laralana, Rendena, Sothog, Lord Giffaxe, Darkc, Lord Zailon who is sitting, Szad, Merekka who is sitting, Kilded who is sitting, Verryn who is sitting, Dahush who is sitting, Hailleus who is sitting, Great Lord Jalodg, Executrix Dirvy who is sitting, Lady Hartesa, Councillor Emeritus Igerone, Joskin, Kittai, Enestrie who is sitting, Angellos Obvious paths: north, east, south, west Joskin exclaims, "I can take one more!" Speaking to Joskin, Hartesa says, "Thank you for your considered response." Speaking to Hartesa, Joskin exclaims, "You're welcome!" (Joskin looks over the crowd for a raised hand.) Joskin asks, "Anyone else?" Joskin exclaims, "OK, then!" Joskin exclaims, "THank you so much for coming!" Joskin removes a glittering tart-shaped pin that reads, "Joskin for Mayor!" written in rainbow letters from in his silvery pouch. Hartesa rises to her feet while applauding! Dahush, Kilded, Enestrie, and Verryn applaud Joskin. Joskin recites: "Who would like a pin?" The crowd erupts into cheers and clapping! Hartesa lets out a loud whoop as she applauds Joskin! Speaking softly to Joskin, Dirvy exclaims, "Thank you for taking the time to speak to everyone tonight. And for supplying tarts. They were delicious!" A town guard stops you on his way to the pub and pokes you hard on the sternum. He asks, "You're voting for Sabotage, right? He's promised to hire more guards to protect this town." WIthout waiting for an answer, the guard shuffles off. Darkc asks, "How do we know we can rely on a Mayor that missed the meet and greet?" Speaking to Darkc, Joskin says, "I wanted to be there, but I already had a commitment for that time before the meet was scheduled." Joskin exclaims, "Of course, I would put mayor things at the top of the list!" Speaking to Joskin, Dahush says, "I'm still a little concerned about this taxes talk but otherwise you presented some interestin ideas for me to think about." Enestrie exclaims, "And Joskin, you had a proxy--someone who stood in for you which was excellent!" Dahush says, "Thankya for speakin to us tnight." Speaking to Dahush, Joskin says, "That was not a promise! It was something to consider." Speaking to Joskin, Darkc says, "The meet and greet was actually a Mayor thing." Speaking to Darkc, Joskin says, "Part of being a Mayor is not letting down people who are counting on you." Speaking simply to Darkc, Joskin says, "I had people counting on me that night. Igerone knew I would not be able to make it." Speaking to Joskin, Darkc says, "But all the other candidates made it, thats tells me that maybe they desire to be Mayor more than you do perhaps." Speaking heartily to Darkc, Kilded says, "As another candidate, I disagree with you, and think it was perfectly fine he was able to send someone in his place." Speaking to Darkc, Joskin says, "I can't speak for anyone else's desire." Speaking to Darkc, Joskin says, "And I don't think who wants it the most is the important thing." Speaking to Joskin, Darkc says, "But it does show that they are reliable though." A cheerful gnome pops in and announces, "The night should not be scary! Let's come together and defeat those who would rip us apart! Everyone vote Joskin for Mayor!" The gnome happily bounces away. Speaking to Darkc, Joskin says, "I am reliable. I followed through on my word." Speaking to Darkc, Joskin says, "I always do what I promise I will do." Speaking to Joskin, Darkc says, "Time will tell perhaps." Joskin exclaims, "It will!" Darkc nods. You bob a quick curtsy to Joskin. Speaking to Joskin, you exclaim, "Thank you for this rally!" Angellos, Darkc, Tawariell, Joskin, Kittai, Jalodg, and a tidal bobcat fall to the ground! Jalodg melodically exclaims, "Gah!!" You blink. You thrash around on the ground. Joskin groans. Joskin stands up. Darkc exclaims, "The Queen cometh!" You ask, "What in the world?" Speaking to you, Joskin exclaims, "Welcome to Icemule!" Joskin giggles. You say, "Thank you." You exclaim, "I am fleeing back to some cover!" You feel a bit weak in the knees and find yourself wobbling. [TownCrier]-You: "Looking like there could be trouble brewing in Icemule, there was a big boom, and everything shook, and everyone fell down!" |
ExpandJoskin's Just Desserts Performance |
06/12/18 transcript recorded by Dirvy Britbane
Joskin slowly empties his lungs. Daukhera turns to face Joskin. Joskin clears his throat. Joskin recites: "Just Desserts a tale in three parts!" (Joskin waves to a nearby group of robed children, who file in behind him.) Daukhera smirks at Joskin. Joskin says, "Please welcome the Temple Burrow Choir." Joskin applauds. Joskin recites: "Part I Breakfast!" (Joskin directs the choir as they start singing.) Joskin sings: "Icemule! A lovely town! Icemule! Where the friendliness comes round!" (Joskin gestures to come costumed halflings standing off to the side, who walk into the space. They begin greeting each other. Some start pantomiming goods for sale, executing imaginary transactions with others.) Joskin recites: "In Icemule, we had things good. We could visit friends. We could go to the store and buy things. We could meet at a restaurant and have a great meal. We could go to the bakery and get fresh tarts." (Joskin points to other costumed halflings, where they act out an empath tending to an injured citizen.) Joskin sings: "Icemule! It was the place to be! Icemule! It was a wonder to see!" (Joskin waves out a sharply-dressed Halfling wearing a Mayor sash.) Joskin recites: "We all had great respect for our Mayor, who worked very hard for us!" (Joskin shakes hands with the mayor-actress, who mingles with the crowd.) Joskin slowly empties his lungs. (Joskin raises his hands into the air, calling dark clouds to hand over Town Center. Small bursts of lightning illuminate the Town Center and light thunder rumbles overhead.) Joskin recites: "Part II A devilish dinner!" Joskin sings: "We were warned We were told The beast would not be horned Her promises were fool s gold!" Daukhera squeakily says, "Ooh, I know the devil." Daukhera squeakily says, "Great gal pal." Joskin recites: "And then bad things started happening in the town. The mayor felt it was her job to help!" (Joskin draws a circle in the air, which materializes into an illusory portal. The mayor runs through it, then disappears!) Daukhera squeakily says, "Ooh, this must be when I started to see my land that had been claimed by the Paradis." (Joskin claps his hands and a blinding bolt of lightning hits Town Center with a loud crash of thunder. Standing where the mayor was is a sneering Halfling in tattered purple clothing.) Daukhera squeakily exclaims, "Wonderful history lesson!" Daukhera applauds. Joskin sings: "She is here She wants to be our friend But soon it is clear That would mean our end!" Daukhera squeakily says, "Friend. Not friend, Friend." Daukhera corrects Joskin in earnest. (Joskin cries as the newly-arrived Halfling begins to demand things of the townspeople around her. One is holding a book, which she orders handed over. She cannot hold it.) Joskin recites: "She claims this is her Queendom, this is her right." (Joskin indicates the Halfling in purple summoning terrible beasts to attack the townspeople while she laughs in delight.) Joskin recites: "Some even begin to bow to her. Is it fear? Is it something else?" Daukhera squeakily says, "It's Friendship." (Joskin stands back as several townspeople prostrate themselves before her.) Daukhera dances around the room to music only she can hear. Daukhera wraps her rapture cloak around herself, causing a dark haze to enshroud her. Daukhera throws her rapture cloak open wide, spraying rays of blackness as the dark haze enshrouding her disperses. (Joskin stands back as several townspeople prostrate themselves before her.) Daukhera squeakily says, "I love worshippers! They're the reason I even put on makeup." (Joskin guides the choir again as a solemn-faced Sylvan begins to strum a lute.) Joskin sings: "We don t need no education" Daukhera squeakily says, "Just wait until we find my throne within Pinefar." Joskin sings: "We don t need no thought control" Joskin sings: "HEY! Daukhera! Leave our town alone!" Joskin sings: "All in all we re just another ice block in the wall" Joskin recites: "Part III The dessert" Joskin recites: "Here is the part I did not write, because I cannot" Joskin recites: "This is where the decision is yours, Daukhera!" Joskin recites: "We can still have a sweet ending" Joskin removes a piece of tart lemon candy from in his fiery red backpack. Joskin drops a piece of tart lemon candy. Joskin removes a rich chocolate caramel from in his fiery red backpack. Joskin drops a rich chocolate caramel. Joskin removes a spiraled dark and white chocolate from in his fiery red backpack. Joskin drops a spiraled dark and white chocolate. Daukhera picks up a rich chocolate caramel. Daukhera licks her chocolate caramel. Joskin picked up a coin. Joskin removes a creme-filled dark chocolate coin from in his fiery red backpack. Daukhera squeakily says, "Mmmm." Joskin drops a creme-filled dark chocolate coin. Joskin removes a peach dumpling from in his fiery red backpack. Daukhera takes a bite of her chocolate caramel. Joskin drops a peach dumpling. Joskin removes a chocolate covered hazelnut from in his fiery red backpack. Joskin drops a chocolate covered hazelnut. Daukhera gobbles down a big bite of her chocolate caramel. Joskin removes a sweetened oatcake from in his fiery red backpack. Daukhera gobbles down her chocolate caramel in one enormous bite. Joskin drops a sweetened oatcake. Joskin removes a flaky berry-filled pastry from in his fiery red backpack. Joskin drops a flaky berry-filled pastry. Joskin picks up a chocolate covered hazelnut. Joskin drops a chocolate covered hazelnut. Joskin removes a flour-dusted sweet roll from in his fiery red backpack. Joskin drops a flour-dusted sweet roll. Joskin removes a budding milk chocolate rose from in his fiery red backpack. Joskin drops a budding milk chocolate rose. Joskin removes a delicate mint-chocolate rose from in his fiery red backpack. Joskin drops a delicate mint-chocolate rose. Sothog bows. Joskin removes a bright cobalt winter rose from in his fiery red backpack. Joskin drops a bright cobalt winter rose. Joskin removes a crunchy white chocolate wafer from in his fiery red backpack. Joskin drops a crunchy white chocolate wafer. Joskin gives his disk a flip that sends it spinning end over end, dumping everything inside onto the ground by his side. Joskin recites: "I have gathered these desserts from towns across Elanthia" Daukhera squeakily exclaims, "I can't eat all these. Help, Friends!" Joskin recites: "They are yours" Joskin recites: "I will buy as many as you like if you agree to leave us and never return!" Joskin sings: "That is all, that is the show Please know it is time to go We just want to be left alone So that we can continue to have our home!" Joskin blushes a florid shade of dark red. Joskin recites: "Please, a round of applause for the choir and actors!" Daukhera applauds. Daukhera squeakily exclaims, "Quite lovely. I love history!" Daukhera squeakily says, "Please, please, help eat the desserts." |
"As Mayor of the town I'd like to see our town grow and thrive by welcoming citizens from all walks of life be they elf, dwarf, giantman, of course halfling, or any other race and profession. Many of our citizens have great ideas - the citizenship tent is fantastic and the snowman field is a lot of fun. When elected I look forward to working with ICICLE and our citizens to focus our resources on ways to improve our town and draw in new citizens. This works to both make our fair town more enjoyable and also brings in new revenue for more improvements! The more passionate and interested citizens we have the better Icemule becomes! We've also had some new faces show up in our town recently -- namely the new Queen. While I haven't spent much time with her many of our citizens have grown fond of her. She was also very helpful in introducing our town to new potion-making skills and guiding us through some recent town troubles. I will be sure to keep an eye on her so we can grow our alliance. I look forward to speaking to all of you more and learning about your wishes and ideas for our town and speaking to you more about my stance on the issues! Vote Kilded! Icemule's Sexiest Warrior!"
ExpandKilded's Rally |
06/09/18 rally transcript recorded by Enestrie.
Under the massive barbican is a shadowy passageway, with sturdy stone walls on each side and overhead. Iron-barred windows provide access to this area from each of the barbican towers as well as from overhead, creating the distinct impression that someone is watching from the shadows. The sharp spikes of raised portcullises jut from the ceiling at the northern entrance to the city and the southern exit to the wilds. Also here: Kilded Obvious exits: north, south You flourish your cloth banner through the air, showing your allegiance to Kilded for Mayor of Icemule! Flimbo just arrived. You flourish your cloth banner through the air, showing your allegiance to Kilded for Mayor of Icemule! Kilded and Flimbo shake hands. A raucous noise sounds from the direction of the South Gate. An excited halfling child runs through, squealing, "I hear the band warming up! Kilded's Mayoral rally is starting up at the top of the hour!” Kilded paces back and forth. Kilded fiddles with the selanthan bloodjewel clasp in a rhimar setting on his dark wool longcloak. Kilded removes a twine-bound old sketch book from in his dark wool longcloak. Kilded paces back and forth. Lady Paerdita just arrived. Kilded and Paerdita shake hands. Kilded heartily exclaims, "Welcome!" Enestrie smiles and nods to a small group of militia. Paerdita folds her hands behind her back. A line of halfling militiamen march through, the officer at the head of the line calling cadence. They move to an unoccupied corner of the stands and take their positions, grinning uniformly at Kilded. Liaison Tawariell just arrived. Tawariell gazes in wonder at her surroundings. You hug Tawariell, who wraps you in a warm embrace. You smile at Tawariell. Tawariell hugs you, and you wrap her in a warm embrace. Speaking to Tawariell, you say, "Thank you for coming." Tawariell giggles. Speaking to you, Tawariell exclaims, "O'course!" Tawariell smiles. Kilded paces back and forth. Tawariell blinks. Tawariell shakes Kilded's hand enthusiastically. Flimbo furrows his brow. Tawariell gives Kilded a friendly hug. Speaking heartily to Tawariell, Kilded says, "Thank you for coming. I really appreciate it.” Speaking to Kilded, Tawariell exclaims, "I wouldn' miss it!” You smile at Tawariell. Maiden Leafiara just arrived. Kilded gives Leafiara a friendly hug. Leafiara hoots at Kilded. Leafiara hugs Kilded, who wraps her in a warm embrace. Kilded gives Leafiara a firm handshake. You give Leafiara a friendly hug. Kilded shakes Leafiara's hand enthusiastically. Leafiara grins. Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Kilded exclaims, "Thank you for coming!" Leafiara hugs you. The crowd swells as townsfolk pour in, chattering excitedly. You grin at Leafiara. Enestrie smiles and nods to a small group of militia. Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Kilded exclaims, "Help yourself to some campaign propaganda!” Kilded chuckles. Leafiara glances appraisingly at a heavy backpack. Leafiara removes an icy blue wooden sword painted with 'Kilded for Mayor!' in golden letters from in a heavy backpack. Leafiara raises her blue wooden sword in triumph! Kilded smiles as he overhears an elderly halfling and an young elf discussing his candidacy. "Kilded is a military man, and a warrior is a natural leader. He'll be a great mayor!” Kilded smiles at Leafiara. Leafiara waves an icy blue wooden sword painted with 'Kilded for Mayor!' in golden letters around. Kilded snickers. Kilded hoots at Leafiara. Leafiara hoots at Kilded. Leafiara points her blue wooden sword at Kilded. Leafiara nods sagely. Leafiara sheathes an icy blue wooden sword painted with 'Kilded for Mayor!' in golden letters into one of the small scabbards sewn inside of her red silk cape. High Lord Gnaeusprimus just arrived. A band kicks off into a rollicking tune at the South Gate! A halfling militia member runs through, calling out, "Kilded's Mayoral rally is starting up! Everyone head that way!” Leafiara hoots. Tsiae just arrived. Tsiae waves. Tsiae smiles. Kilded waves to Tsiae. Kilded and Tsiae shake hands. Kilded heartily exclaims, "Welcome!" The crowd buzzes aloud, clapping along with the music and cheering. Kilded and Gnaeusprimus shake hands. Tawariell smiles. Kilded nods. Kilded gives Diablic a firm handshake. The militiamen cheer in unison, stomping their feet and waving excitedly at Kilded. Leafiara draws an icy blue wooden sword painted with 'Kilded for Mayor!' in golden letters from one of the small scabbards sewn inside of her red silk cape. The crowd cheers loudly, and a few groups hold up handmade 'Kilded for Mayor' signs. Leafiara observes, "Already some excite people, it seems." Leafiara cracks her knuckles! Tsiae waves an icy blue wooden sword around. Kilded paces back and forth. You flourish your cloth banner through the air, showing your allegiance to Kilded for Mayor of Icemule! You flourish your cloth banner through the air, showing your allegiance to Kilded for Mayor of Icemule! A halfling militiaman pokes his head out of one of the tower windows, cheering loudly! You let out a cheer! You flourish your cloth banner through the air, showing your allegiance to Kilded for Mayor of Icemule! Kilded smiles and waves to the militiamen Kilded heartily says, "Hello people of Icemule and guests from other towns and lands. Thank you all for being here tonight." Tawariell applauds politely. Tsiae hums happily to herself. You gaze respectfully at Kilded. The crowd roars with appplause as Kilded begins to speak! Leafiara tilts her head toward Kilded, examining him intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly. Tsiae beams! Speaking heartily to Tawariell, Kilded says, "Thank you for being here tonight. It's always good to see other candidates and for us to hear eachother's ideas." Tawariell shakes Kilded's hand enthusiastically. You smile at Tawariell. Tsiae waves an icy blue wooden sword around. Tsiae giggles. Kilded heartily says, "I've been in Icemule a long, long time. More than many realize. I was a young boy when I first came here - fresh faced and full of optimism, and I remain optimistic about this town today." You listen carefully to Kilded. Kilded heartily says, "I speak to you from just inside one of our gates because It is one of four places of great importance to our town. It's not a bakery or a town center or a well or a pub or any of the other gathering places -- but a place that commerce and life pours in and out of this town hundreds of times a day." Kilded heartily says, "And it's constantly under attack." Kilded heartily says, "Our gates are one of our major defenses from outside incursions -- and currently they're failing to do their job. We have Dakuhera causing mayhem in our town, and in other towns." You listen carefully to Kilded. Leafiara raises her blue wooden sword in triumph! Tsiae nods at Kilded. Kilded heartily says, "We have surges of evil creatures terrorizing our women and children while our guards get drunk in the Pub or run in fear, doing nothing." You nod at Kilded. Tsiae shivers. Tawariell cocks her head. You gaze respectfully at Kilded. Kilded heartily says, "We need archers at the gate. We need to fix and fortify our towers and walls. We need to strengthen our defenses and warning systems. We must work closely with the Northern Fury, our great militiamen and the people of the Landing to learn from eachtoher and defend eachother." Kilded removes an icy blue wooden sword painted with 'A sword to protect your head! Vote Kilded!' in golden letters from in his leather scabbard. Kilded raises his blue wooden sword in triumph! You adopt an agreeable expression. Kilded waves an icy blue wooden sword painted with 'A sword to protect your head! Vote Kilded!' in golden letters around. Applause breaks out at the front of the crowd, and spreads quickly, gaining in volume as it spreads, culminating in a deafening roar of approval! Tsiae waves an icy blue wooden sword around. Tawariell applauds politely. Kilded heartily says, "And speaking of "Queen" Dakuhera -- A recent nuisance to our little town." Tawariell folds her hands. Leafiara takes a moment to observe Kilded. You furrow up your face and wince. Kilded heartily says, "She is no longer welcome, when I become mayor. She has caused trouble here long enough. I will recruit a band of strong and powerful individuals, including myself, to drive her from the town if she will not go quietly. Warriors never back down from a fight and I certainly do not plan on backing down from this threat to our city." Kilded heartily says, "My opinion is that she should take refuge up in Pinefar. A little mountain air might help clear her mind, and we can venture there to speak to her if we need to." Tsiae grins. Kilded heartily says, "Once she has proven her ability to behave and respect our town and its people, we will reconsider her entry into it." A murmur breaks out from the crowd, as pockets of excited conversation sprout. Tsiae raises her blue wooden sword in triumph! You gaze respectfully at Kilded. Kilded heartily says, "You'll also notice that both Dakuhera and her henchmen are conspicuously absent from this rally. I think they've heard my warning in past speeches." Kilded heartily says, "As for our neighbors to the south. I had a long conversation with Mayor Lylia about her position as mayor, and how she might work with the new mayor of Icemule. She was very complementary of all the candidates and very very happy to have a partner up here to work with." You fold your hands. You smile at Kilded. Kilded heartily says, "Mayor Lylia shares some of my views on Dakuhera. She told me that, in her opinion, the Dakuhera is, "Unstable, volatile, temperamental -- yet also powerful and not without the capacity for reason."." Kilded heartily says, "This aligns well with my plan and views about Dakuhera and I'm happy Mayor Lylia feels the same. I look forward to working with her on this and many other important issues when I am elected mayor." Leafiara thoughtfully taps a finger against her lips. Kilded heartily says, "Moving onto ICICLE. As some of you may be aware of the rumors I wanted to address them head on. Yes, I used to be in ICICLE briefly, and yes, I had to remove myself from the committee because I could not dedicate my full time and attention to it." Kilded heartily says, "All I can say to that is that you all know my reputation and love for this town, and for its people. I have cleared my plate of other responsibilities and will be able to dedicate my full time and attention to the Mayor's office and the responsibilities that come along with it." You applaud Kilded. Kilded heartily says, "I look forward much to working with ICICLE and helping to guide and promote its projects and great public works. Some of which have already born fruit within Icemule." Tsiae smiles. You smile at Kilded. Leafiara nods understandingly. Kilded heartily says, "I also want to thank all the other candidates for the fierce campaigning we've been doing and many many conversations we've had. I have really enjoyed speaking with them and hearing their opinions. So much so that I plan on asking them for guidance and advice after the campaign." Kilded nods. A cheer springs up amongst the crowd, and spreads to an enthusiastic round of applause! You applaud. Kilded nods at Tawariell. Leafiara flashes a quick grin at Tawariell. Tawariell inclines her head. Kilded heartily says, "Everyone has something to contribute to the well-being of this town, and all of the candidates care deeply for it." Tsiae nods at Kilded. Kilded just nudged Tawariell. You nod in agreement. Tawariell smiles. Tawariell agrees with Kilded. Kilded heartily says, "Icemule really is a fantastic place to live, hunt and work and I look forward to working with you all to make it even better." You let out a cheer! Leafiara applauds Kilded. You applaud Kilded. Tawariell nods approvingly. Tawariell applauds politely. Tsiae applauds. Hlendril just arrived. Kilded heartily says, "With that, I'd love to take your questions -- and also if you haven't grabbed a campaign sign or sword, please grab one from the backpack." Sabotage just arrived. A loud cheer goes up from the crowd, and a chant of "Kil-Ded" breaks out briefly! Kilded waves an icy blue wooden sword painted with 'A sword to protect your head! Vote Kilded!' in golden letters around. Kilded nods at Sabotage. Kilded and Sabotage shake hands. You say, "And question and answer time for Kilded is now!!!!'." Tsiae rubs her chin thoughtfully. Speaking shrilly to Kilded, Flimbo asks, "You got all the same stump speech as the everybody else does. What makes you different from all the other qualified candidates?” You listen carefully to Flimbo. You gaze respectfully at Kilded. Speaking heartily to Flimbo, Kilded says, "I would respectfully disagree. My line on Dakuhera is much harder -- you'll notice I don't refer to her as Queen." Flimbo shrilly exclaims, "So the other folks, they don't like her, but you don't like her harder!” Leafiara begins chortling at Flimbo. Tawariell says, "I don't mind her, actually." Tawariell chuckles. You laugh at Flimbo! Kilded peers quizzically at Flimbo. Speaking heartily to Flimbo, Kilded says, "I respect your opinion, however I believe it to be a bit of a false fact. I would love to answer questions on specific issues with you or hear some of your ideas for the town.” Tawariell rocks back on her heels. Speaking shrilly to Kilded, Flimbo exclaims, "I think the penguins should glow in the dark so you can see them at night!" Tsiae giggles. Leafiara raises her eyebrows and gazes quite intently at Flimbo, clearly withholding comment. Leafiara snickers. Hlendril laughs! You ponder the meaning of Flimbo's existence. Kilded nods. Kilded chuckles. Tsiae says, "That'll keep trouble out." Tsiae smirks. Speaking heartily to Flimbo, Kilded says, "Thank you for your input -- i'll be sure to write it down.” Kilded put an icy blue wooden sword painted with 'A sword to protect your head! Vote Kilded!' in golden letters in his leather scabbard. Kilded fiddles with the selanthan bloodjewel clasp in a rhimar setting on his dark wool longcloak. Kilded removes a twine-bound old sketch book from in his dark wool longcloak. (Kilded scribbles down a note in his sketch book.) Kilded fiddles with the selanthan bloodjewel clasp in a rhimar setting on his dark wool longcloak. A particularly portly halfling bellows from the front row, "What're you gonna do about tart prices?!” Kilded nods. Leafiara starts chortling. Tawariell appears to be trying hard not to grin. You giggle. Kilded smiles and chuckles at the portly halfling Kilded heartily says, "The tart prices are too damn high! If I become mayor I'll look to work with the providers of raw materials -- flour, fruit, sugar and other goods to get better pricing and lower prices for the citizens.” The crowd chuckles, but the portly halfling stands resolute, his hands somewhere around his hip area. You nod approvingly. Leafiara applauds Kilded wildly! Tsiae grins. You giggle. Flimbo scoffs. You applaud Kilded. A group of halfling militiamen begin clapping and stomping their feet in rhythm, and before long the whole crowd is joining in, until the noise becomes thunderous! You grin. Speaking to Kilded, Tsiae asks, "How far are you wanting to take the defenses of this town? As compared to say the organization and fortress-style of Ta'Vaalor?" Leafiara glances between Tsiae and Kilded. Speaking heartily to Tsiae, Kilded says, "I hear you and thank you for your question. I feel like Ta'Vaalor's defenses are a bit strict. Even as an elf I feel unwelcome there.” Leafiara nods knowingly at Kilded. You adopt an agreeable expression. Hlendril agrees with Kilded. Kilded heartily says, "I would strike a balance -- we need to get the barbican functional, we need archers at the gates." Kilded heartily says, "We don't need people to show papers and be thrown in jail for trivial reasons.” Speaking to Kilded, Hlendril asks, "No proffesional standing armies??” Kilded smiles and stomps his feet along with the militiamen. Hlendril appears to be trying hard not to grin. A halfling militia member pokes his head through the bars on one of the tower windows and hollers out, "Kilded for Mayor!" before ducking back out of sight. Speaking heartily to Hlendril, Kilded says, "We have the Northern Fury, our militia, and some great halfling militiamen here in the barbican. We need to train archers and work with them.” Hlendril lets out a cheer! Tsiae says, "That's one thing I like about Ta'Vaalor is the ability for young folk to help fire arrows in complete safety and still help the cause." Tsiae smiles. You gaze heavenward. Kilded smiles and waves up to the tower. You nod at Tsiae. Speaking to Kilded, Hlendril says, "Ahh, that`ll be good enough. From what I see, the northern city is heavily fortified.” Kilded nods in agreement at Tsiae. Hlendril quips, "Could use some Pylons though." Hlendril blinks. Kilded heartily says, "I am a warrior -- and a very organized one at that. Planning attacks, and defending myself are things I excel at.” Hlendril grins at Kilded. Tsiae nods. Hlendril nods enthusiastically! Leafiara flashes a quick grin at Kilded. Kilded heartily says, "I think a lot of that skill translates into protecting this town." You adopt an agreeable expression. You applaud Kilded. Hlendril applauds. Speaking excitedly to Kilded, Leafiara agrees, "Oh, best believe that." Leafiara nods firmly. Leafiara glances upward and whistles quietly, an innocent look on her face. A timid-looking clerk calls out, "What will you do about the demons?" Tsiae blinks. The crowd buzzes at the question, and the clerk blushes furiously and shuffles backwards. Kilded heartily says, "As a member of the Order of Voln, I am well versed in dealing demons and other manner of undead. We have ways of dealing with undead -- special magic -- that I can organize some other members to assist with in our militia." Kilded heartily says, "I'd also hope to recruit some of you to help out in this.” The crowd cheers wildly at this response, and the militiamen begin stomping once more, the rhythm shaking the ground. Kilded heartily says, "ICICLE has set forth a plan of engagement of demons which I would encourage employing as well." (Kilded writes something down in his book.) Tsiae says, "I have a long way to go before I can help out with those things." Hlendril smiles. Tsiae says, "But good to hear that there is much planning ahead." Tsiae smiles. Enestrie smiles and waves at the militia gathered at the tower. Leafiara gives Tsiae a strong, encouraging smile. Kilded heartily asks, "Who else? what other questions can I answer?" Kilded's concentration shifts and becomes more focused as he slightly tilts an ear in a particular direction. Kilded wiggles his ears. You gaze respectfully at Kilded. Flimbo raises his hand. Hlendril raises his hand. Tawariell folds her hands. Kilded points at Hlendril. Kilded heartily says, "Yes go ahead." Tsiae giggles to herself. Hlendril says, "Not to offend but..." Hlendril blushes a nice shade of light pink. Hlendril nervously says, "Lets address the Mammoth in the room..." Hlendril asks, "What about the queen?" Speaking heartily to Hlendril, Kilded says, "Sorry, I think you missed my speech." You nod at Kilded. Hlendril nods. Hlendril says, "I did, sorry." Speaking heartily to Hlendril, Kilded says, "Dakuhera -- I refuse to use her title -- needs to leave." Hlendril says, "Fair point.” Kilded heartily says, "I will cordon her off to Pinefar, and we will deal with her from afar." Kilded heartily says, "Until she can prove her ability to return." Leafiara looks thoughtfully at Kilded. You nod approvingly. Kilded heartily says, "And be respectful to this town, and all the other towns." A massive midnight black panther emits a surprisingly deep growl! Kilded heartily says, "Recently one of her henchment committed an atrocious act in the Landing." Leafiara nods. Kilded heartily says, "One I will not condone or tolerate." Tsiae frowns. Speaking to Kilded, Leafiara acknowledges, "It was pretty terrible." The crowd cheers loudly, screaming their approval! Leafiara clenches her jaw. Speaking heartily to Hlendril, Kilded says, "I think the town can help be more aware. We have a pretty safe town already and peoplle in Town Center are very respectful.” Kilded heartily says, "I wouldn't recommend licking the statue though." Tsiae adopts an agreeable expression. Kilded winces. Leafiara grins mischievously at Kilded. Tsiae chuckles. You grin. Hlendril nods at Kilded. You applaud. Hlendril applauds. Kilded nods at Leafiara. Tsiae says, "But definitely encourage others to do so." Tsiae winks. The crowd bursts into laughter, and it's followed by a healthy round of applause. Leafiara sheepishly admits, "I've fallen for it too." Speaking heartily to Leafiara, Kilded says, "It was awful." Leafiara nods once. Hlendril recites: "Kilded for mayor!” Tsiae lets out a cheer! Kilded heartily says, "I do it once in a while. Keeps the blood pumping." Leafiara flashes a wide grin at Kilded. You let out a cheer! Leafiara nods approvingly. Kilded flexes his muscles. Tsiae is admiring Kilded. Tsiae hums happily to herself. Kilded heartily asks, "Who else? Flimbo did you have a question?" Sabotage frowns at Hlendril. Flimbo nods at Kilded. Kilded peers quizzically at Flimbo. Speaking shrilly to Kilded, Flimbo asks, "In your big stump speech, you said you left the ICICLE because you didn't have the time to commit to it. In the same breath, you said you can commit to dealing with an even more bigly position to deal with ICICLE from the mayor's chair. If we vote for you, how do we know you're not gonna not even maybe have enough time to commit?" You say, "We thank both of our candidates, Sabotage and Tawariell for coming to our rally.” Speaking heartily to Flimbo, Kilded says, "As I also said in my speech -- I have cleared my slate of other responsibilities to solely focus on this position when I'm elected." Flimbo squints. Flimbo nods. Sabotage asks, "Are we headed to beat each other up?” The crowd applauds loudly, the ovation punctuated by a loud, shrill whistle of approval. Kilded heartily says, "We have just a few minutes left.” Tsiae removes an icy blue wooden sword painted with 'Vote for Kilded!' in golden letters from in a heavy backpack. Hlendril removes an icy blue wooden sword painted with 'Kilded for Mayor!' in golden letters from in a heavy backpack. Hlendril raises his wooden sword in triumph! Kilded heartily asks, "Could I answer any more questions? Do the other candidates have any questions for me?” Tawariell ponders. The halfling militiamen cheer and stomp loudly, and the crowd quickly picks up the rhythm, until the combined noise rolls across the area in a raucous ovation! Kilded heartily says, "No questions from the candiates? Well I will close with this: I think Icemule is fantastic, and we make it fantastic." Kilded heartily says, "Thank you all again for coming." You let out a cheer! Leafiara nods in agreement at Kilded. Tawariell applauds politely. You applaud Kilded. Leafiara applauds. Hlendril agrees with Kilded. Tsiae applauds Kilded. The sound of a band launching into a rollicking tune splits the air around you! The crowd begins to break up, singing along to the tune, and clustering into small groups of conversation as they start to depart. |
ExpandKilded's Just Desserts Performance |
06/12/18 transcript recorded by Dirvy Britbane.
Kilded clearly says, "Your Majesty, I would like to offer you a gift. This gift is a short skit depicting circumstances and life s beautiful as well as ugly sides. The moral of this skit this eve is one I think will bring you hope and a measure of revelation. That is my hope at least." (Kilded turns sharply and nods at his assistant.) Kilded lies down. (Kilded curls up on the ground in a tightly knit ball.) Daukhera makes a weird face, but listens. (Kilded listens as his assistant says, "A child comes forth from dark power.") Kilded moves to a kneeling position. (Kilded listens as his assisant recites, "A child becomes aware of the world around her and takes delight in the vast beauty of her home.") (Kilded rises and skips around in a happy little circle plucking a winter rose here and there, playing with the forest animals, calling them my friends.) (Kilded listens as his assisant recites, "A child comes to know pain.") (Kilded winces in pain as his assistant reaches forward and draws a thin line of essence from his soul.) (Kilded watches as his assistant continues to pull the essence as he turns paler and paler, a blue tinge creeping across his skin.) Kilded screams! Kilded lies down. (Kilded becomes very still, as is frozen in a large block of ice, and then goes limp to the ground thawing quickly.) (Kilded cries out in pain.) A pained expression crosses Daukhera's face. Kilded fearfully exclaims, "What are you doing? This hurts!" Daukhera squeakily exclaims, "Ohhh, the pain!" Kilded moves to a kneeling position. (Kilded kneels again, rocking and hugging himself.) Kilded sways side to side on his knees. (Kilded listens as his assisant says, "I must do this! You must accept this! It will only take a little more! Hush! You must be strong! It is who you are!") Daukhera hugs her crosier close. Kilded stands up. (Kilded watches as suddenly the air grows thick and a force of militia surround him and his assistant. His assistant is killed immediately and he is covered in chains and thrown in a dark deep cavernous space.) (Kilded ages. He cries out from time to time.) Kilded fearfully exclaims, "Is anyone there? Let me out!" (Kilded is released from bondage suddenly in a blinding flash.) (Kilded remembers the pain and lashes out. He remembers his friends and looks for more. His soul what is left of it is marred and weak. He tries to find warmth. He tries to find love. All is lost.) (Kilded watches as a kind soul appears. She takes him by the hand. She says: You cannot cause pain and expect to find love in the same breath. Come with me. The soul and Kilded travel to a wooded forest. Here the soul tells Kilded: You must heal. You must find beauty. You must find love. Only then can you work with others to rise above your pain and lead the way to greatness.) Kilded lies down. (Kilded cries at the thought of being alone again. Suddenly, a small penguin appears and keeps Kilded company for a few days.) Kilded sobs. (Kilded awakens and finds a tiny bejeweled heart and a tasty tart where the penguin once lay with him. A brief smile crosses his face as he feels for the first time true love.) Kilded fiddles with the selanthan bloodjewel clasp in a rhimar setting on his dark wool longcloak. Kilded removes a kumys-glazed snowberry tart from in his dark wool longcloak. Kilded removes a heart of blue onyx from in his dark wool longcloak. Kilded stands up. Kilded stares at his blue onyx. Kilded stares at a kumys-glazed snowberry tart on a vine-carved cherrywood cart. Kilded stares at his snowberry tart. Kilded sighs. Kilded offers Daukhera a kumys-glazed snowberry tart. Daukhera accepts Kilded's snowberry tart. Kilded offers Daukhera a heart of blue onyx. Daukhera put a wildly deformed greyish-black illthorn crosier capped with a living eye caged in electrum in her rapture cloak. Daukhera accepts Kilded's blue onyx. Kilded bows to Daukhera. Kilded heartily says, "Thank you." Daukhera squeakily exclaims, "How precious!" Kilded sits down. Kilded bows. Daukhera examines an empty spot in her crown for the onyx heart. Daukhera takes a bite of her snowberry tart. Daukhera takes a bite of her snowberry tart. Daukhera squeakily exclaims, "Cinnamon... yuck!" Daukhera takes a bite of her snowberry tart. Daukhera takes a bite of her snowberry tart. |
ExpandKilded's Icy Elegance Performance |
06/14/18 transcript recorded by Jastalyn.
Sparkling off the drifts of snow, starlight refracts against the crystal tower standing tall in the nearby courtyard. A fine layer of ice traps delicate vines in their slow crawl up the bordering stone wall, creating a latticework of frozen patterns. Along the eastern edge of the stone wall, some crystalline ice sculptures can be spied amidst the foliage. Jutting out into an ice-covered pond is a wooden dock, a sign tied to one post reading "Swim at Your Own Risk!". You also see a jubilant luck spirit that is flying around, a tidal bobcat, the Tawariell disk, an erratic celestial spirit that is flying around, the Diablic disk, a majestic king cheetah that is sitting, a blue-eyed calico cat that is sitting, a vine-carved cherrywood cart with some stuff on it, a small fire, a glass door, an icy blue steel fishing chest and a rhimar-bound telescope. Also here: Arbiter Jastalyn, Katiesa, Percy, Great Lord Jalodg, Liaison Tawariell, Master Neovik, Lord Diablic who is sitting, Selaesia, Conquerer of Reim Nodyre, Olgretien, Page of Honor Eilinora, Kilded Obvious paths: east, out You see Kilded Crastan the Roisterer. He appears to be a Sylvankind. He is tall. He appears to be very young. He has beautifully ice white-outlined twitching grey eyes and pasty white skin. He has long, straight white hair divided into several elegantly twisted sections and adorned with some delicate lacy frost opal snowflakes. He has an angular face, a pointed nose and a broad chest. He has a frosted arctic white gloss brushed onto his perfectly manicured fingernails. He has a slender gold spike in his left nostril, a coiled black dragon tattoo on his neck, a tattooed symbol of V'Tull on his wrist, and a thin silver rod in the upper ridge of his right ear. He is in good shape. He is holding an icy blue wooden sword painted with 'A sword to protect your head! Vote Kilded!' in golden letters in his right hand. He is wearing a back pendant of pearl-tipped crystalline snowflakes, a floor-length brilliant white polar bear fur greatcloak clasped with an icy blue diamond, a gold filigree snowflake hung from a pale silk ribbon, a silvery blue icicle-draped gown, a snowy polar bear fur handwarmer lined in smooth plum silk, a blood-hued black leather scabbard inlaid with selanthan bloodjewels, some thigh-high stockings of white silk netting, and some frosty white ice skates with silver blades. Kilded seriously exclaims, "This .... is the dance of a warrior!" Neovik ducks his head. Neovik sits up. Eilinora examines Kilded closely, sizing him up and taking note of all the details. Kilded removes an ice white kohl stick from in his polar bear fur greatcloak. Kilded opens the white kohl stick and skillfully draws a thin ice white line across his eyelids, accenting his eyelashes making them appear more sultry. Kilded put an ice white kohl stick in his polar bear fur greatcloak. Eilinora appears to be struggling to keep a straight face. Kilded removes a frosted white glass bottle from in his polar bear fur greatcloak. Eilinora applauds. Tawariell gazes in amusement at Kilded. Kilded dips the brush of his white glass bottle into the gloss within and precisely applies it to his fingernails with a sweeping finish. Kilded put a frosted white glass bottle in his polar bear fur greatcloak. Kilded nods once. Selaesia grins. Kilded quietly says, "A snow warrior." Neovik laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement. You hear very soft footsteps. In one blurring motion, Kilded snatches an icy blue wooden sword from his scabbard, brandishing it for all to see. Percy turns to Kilded and cheers! Kilded raises his blue wooden sword in triumph! Kilded stares at his blue wooden sword. Kilded grasps his sword with both hands and flips backwards, heels over head three times, but while attempting another flip, Kilded flails about in the air and lands awkwardly. Kilded grasps his sword with both hands and flips backwards, heels over head four times, and lands gracefully on both feet, brandishing his sword with flair! Speaking to Tawariell, Neovik says, "And I thought you were going to win this round." >_menu #-10781675 3 Kilded skates gracefully around the pond. Neovik snickers to himself. >look #-10781675 Tawariell grins at Neovik. Jalodg takes a drink from his lime-infused water. Kilded skips lightly across the ice, flashing his blades, while executing an intricate series of steps. Kilded leaps into the air and lands on one foot, gliding along the ice. Speaking to Neovik, Tawariell says, "See? Told you." (Kilded then faces the audience and begins the step clap, as he works his feet he claps and motions the audience to join in.) You hear very soft footsteps. Eilinora says, "Wow." Kilded strides a few steps forward. (Kilded claps once.) Kilded strides a few steps forward. (Kilded claps once.) Kilded strides a few steps forward. (Kilded claps once.) Eilinora claps. Percy applauds. (Kilded stops suddenly, a serious look across his face.) Eilinora claps. Nodyre deeply says, "What a lovely gown he's wearing." Kilded removes an icy snowflake-filled jar from in his polar bear fur greatcloak. Percy applauds. Speaking to herself, Katiesa murmurs, "In a gown, even." Kilded waves an icy snowflake-filled jar around. Eilinora claps. Kilded waves an icy snowflake-filled jar around. Percy applauds. Nodyre nods at Katiesa. Kilded put an icy snowflake-filled jar in his polar bear fur greatcloak. The single-winged samara hanging from Katiesa's neck glows silvery blue. The pudgy snowcat kitten licks his right paw, seemingly oblivious to the world around him. Neovik laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement. Kilded shakes out his polar bear fur greatcloak, sending loose snowflakes and flecks of ice flying from its thick fur. Kilded shakes out his polar bear fur greatcloak, sending loose snowflakes and flecks of ice flying from its thick fur. Jalodg takes a drink from his lime-infused water. Kilded throws his head back and howls! Kilded skips lightly across the ice, flashing his blades, while executing an intricate series of steps. There is some movement within Neovik's beard. A tiny armored frost dragon appears and starts hurling tiny bits of garbage out of Neovik's beard! Kilded does an easy spin on two feet, turning around twice. Kilded skates gracefully around the pond. Eilinora smiles. Eilinora applauds. The light blue glow leaves Olgretien. Nodyre applauds. Kilded stands an icy blue wooden sword painted with 'A sword to protect your head! Vote Kilded!' in golden letters on his nose and begins to balance it skillfully. [TownCrier]-GSIV:Newsby: "[CAPPED] Congratulations to Qiana for reaching level 100 this Monday evening! Her reward? Fireballs from the sky!" Kilded stops balancing his blue wooden sword on his nose. Kilded skates gracefully around the pond. Jalodg carefully inspects his strength pin. Kilded skips lightly across the ice, flashing his blades, while executing an intricate series of steps. Kilded raises his fist defiantly. Kilded raises his fist defiantly. Percy turns to Kilded and cheers! Kilded rubs the thick fur of his greatcloak vigorously, releasing a small flurry of snowflakes. Kilded skips lightly across the ice, flashing his blades, while executing an intricate series of steps. Eilinora applauds. Kilded removes a perfect blood red-hafted maul inset with selanthan bloodjewels from in his leather scabbard. Kilded gathers up an icy blue wooden sword and a perfect blood red maul in his hands. One by one, he tosses them in the air where they flip end over end until all of the weapons are airborne. Kilded catches each one as they fall and sends them back in the air, creating a dazzling aerobatic display. A sloe-eyed nighthawk flexes its talons on Katiesa's shoulder, ruffling its feathers as it scans the area alertly. Kilded stops juggling, carefully catching each weapon as it falls. Kilded returns the weapons to where he found them. Kilded put an icy blue wooden sword painted with 'A sword to protect your head! Vote Kilded!' in golden letters in his leather scabbard. Kilded put a perfect blood red-hafted maul inset with selanthan bloodjewels in his leather scabbard. Kilded skates gracefully around the pond. Kilded leaps into the air and lands on one foot, gliding along the ice. Neovik grins. Kilded does an easy spin on two feet, turning around twice. Jalodg's jaw drops. In one blurring motion, Kilded snatches an icy blue wooden sword from his scabbard, brandishing it for all to see. Kilded winks at Olgretien. Kilded swings his blue wooden sword just inches above Olgretien's vultite greathelm! Deep blue motes swirl away from Olgretien and fade. The deep blue glow leaves Olgretien. Kilded cackles! Kilded waves an icy blue wooden sword painted with 'A sword to protect your head! Vote Kilded!' in golden letters around. Eilinora gasps. (Kilded claps once.) Kilded skates gracefully around the pond. Eilinora glances at Olgretien. (Kilded claps once.) Katiesa takes a few graceful steps backward. Kilded skates gracefully around the pond. Eilinora claps. Kilded skates gracefully around the pond. Percy applauds. Kilded skips lightly across the ice, flashing his blades, while executing an intricate series of steps. Kilded does an easy spin on two feet, turning around twice. Kilded does an easy spin on two feet, turning around twice. Kilded does an easy spin on two feet, turning around twice. Percy applauds. Kilded tosses his blue wooden sword in the air, sending it into a spiraling blur. At the perfect moment, he snatches it competently by the handle. [TheCave]-You: "gotta give credit for the gown" Kilded skips lightly across the ice, flashing his blades, while executing an intricate series of steps. Eilinora's jaw drops. (Kilded spins in a perfect pirouette.) Neovik folds his arms, grasping his shoulders. Nodyre applauds. Eilinora's jaw drops. Kilded grasps his sword with both hands and flips backwards, heels over head four times, and lands gracefully on both feet, brandishing his sword with flair! Eilinora applauds. (Kilded scrapes his blade against the ice as he turns and pirouettes.) Kilded grasps his sword with both hands and flips backwards, heels over head four times, and lands gracefully on both feet, brandishing his sword with flair! Nodyre deeply exclaims, "Wow!" Eilinora inclines her ear, listening intently. Kilded spins his blue wooden sword over his head, leaps into the air and tucks his legs beneath him as he swings the sword where his legs were just an instant ago. Kilded skates gracefully around the pond. Kilded skips lightly across the ice, flashing his blades, while executing an intricate series of steps. Kilded does an easy spin on two feet, turning around twice. (Kilded indicates the Ice pond with a flourish. A faint design is etched onto the ice. As you stare, you realize it is an etching of a penguin!!!!) Kilded slashes his sword through the air, his weapon becoming such a blur that you momentarily see the initials K.C. flash before your eyes. Eilinora beams! Eilinora applauds. Kilded holds his arms out at the side as if he were flying over the ice! Kilded does an easy spin on two feet, turning around twice. Percy claps his hands rhythmically. A low chirping sound comes from within a gem-studded vaalin cricket box. Kilded grasps his sword with both hands and flips backwards, heels over head four times, and lands gracefully on both feet, brandishing his sword with flair! Jalodg blinks. Kilded places his blue wooden sword on his foot, then straightens. With a deft kick, he sends the sword into the air, causing it to arch nicely and land in his leather scabbard! A tidal bobcat twitches her whiskers. (Kilded bows deeply.) * The soft susurrus of lazy ocean waves builds as Ktovashy appears by your side. Eilinora lets out a cheer! Percy turns to Kilded and cheers! Eilinora applauds wildly! Percy applauds Kilded. Neovik applauds. Jalodg gasps. The calico cat gazes at Kilded. Nodyre applauds Kilded. Selaesia applauds Kilded. Kilded stumbles and goes flying across the ice on his belly! Jastalyn applauds. You hear a flawless imitation of the hoot of a barred owl come from Jalodg! >app You hear a flawless imitation of the hoot of a great horned owl come from Jalodg! You hear a flawless imitation of the hoot of a barn owl come from Jalodg! Appraise what? Katiesa nods appreciatively at Kilded. A lone frog croaks raucously. Jastalyn grins. Speaking deeply to Kilded, Nodyre exclaims, "Amazing performance!" Selaesia nods approvingly at Kilded. (Kilded pants heavily.) Diablic turns to Kilded and cheers! Jalodg giggles at Kilded. Kilded sits up. Neovik applauds Kilded. Jalodg glances at Kilded, teeth chattering and rubbing his hands together for warmth. Nodyre removes a wide cloth banner from in his flowing twill cape. Eilinora applauds. >appl You applaud. Nodyre raises his cloth banner up in the air, proudly supporting his candidate of choice, Kilded. Olgretien applauds Kilded. Jastalyn grins. Kilded snickers. Nodyre raises his cloth banner up in the air, proudly supporting his candidate of choice, Kilded. Percy exclaims, "Now do it with a runestaff!" Tawariell applauds Kilded. Nodyre raises his cloth banner up in the air, proudly supporting his candidate of choice, Kilded. Kilded hoots. Kilded hoots. Nodyre put a wide cloth banner in his twill backpack. Eilinora exclaims, "Thank you, Kilded!" Percy blushes a glowing shade of red.
Neovik the Guardian of Icemule Trace
"As the potential Mayor of Icemule Trace, the success and protection of the people of this town are my highest priority. One of many steps in making Icemule a safe place is to work on establishing a formalized alliance with our neighbors for mutual military support and aid to strengthen our bonds. We will establish an organized militia like the Landing Militia that will train and work closely with the current organizations that have protected Icemule daily. We must bolster our defenses and secure funding to build weaponry that will stop any invaders in their tracks and make them think twice about picking a fight with us. A safe Icemule will increase trade and lead to the overall success and development into a much stronger Icemule! Our people should no longer have to live in fear for their survival. It’s time things change!"
ExpandNeovik's Rally |
05/31/18 rally transcript recorded by Dirvy Britbane.
[The Nightowl Pub, Entry - 2389] A young, beautiful woman rushes past you. "I don't want to be late to Neovik's rally," she says to herself, giggling. "I hear the drinks -- and flirting -- are free!" She heads off in the direction of the Nightowl Pub, Entry. Neovik exclaims, "Hello everyone! Thanks for taking the time to come here tonight!" Neovik says, "Tonight I wanted to make this a more relaxed event rather than an event where you just listen to me talk with a speech I've written. Well maybe a quick short speech." Neovik chuckles. Neovik says, "We all share the same goals and I've become more aware of that thanks to my discussion with Dirvy the other day." Aranrhod just arrived. Neovik smiles. Neovik says, "It sounds like ICICLE has it's hands full with quite a few amazing projects in the works. Projects that will help keep Icemule safe and improve the overall life of our citizens. It's all in the name." Neovik exclaims, "As Mayor I will do whatever I can do to support ICICLE and to help them in anyway possible. That also goes for any other organization that has worked hard to make our town great!" Neovik smiles. Neovik says, "I have to say though I'm excited about the projects they currently have in the works. That alarm alone is a great idea! The impact that alone will have on this town is tremendous." Neovik says, "I also want to encourage any other organizations to reach out to me with any concerns, needs or questions. It doesn't have to be now. It could be at anytime. I will make time for you to hear what's going on and how I can help." Neovik asks, "Ok... enough with the speech here. The whole purpose that I had in mind for this Rally tonight was to hear what you the people of Icemule have to say and to find out what's important to you?" Yhtrin says, "Ahem." Yhtrin raises his hand. Neovik nods at Yhtrin. Speaking to Yhtrin, Neovik asks, "Hey there! do ya have a question or any ideas?" Yhtrin says, "I am curious what you, and all the other candidates, intend to do about the Queen." Neovik says, "For me, I am no fan of the queen in any way. I have a plan in mind that I have running around in my head on how to handle her." Yhtrin asks, "And would you share it?" Neovik says, "I don't want to reveal details on that just in case of her minions being about." Neovik says, "But she will not be welcome in Icemule." At the mention of the word "Queen," the crowd gets a bit noisier, some folks slamming their glasses down angrily. Yhtrin asks, "You intend to deny her entry? How?" Neovik says, "She's made it obvious of her intentions with her minions attacking this town." Speaking to Yhtrin, Neovik says, "I don't think I can stop her quite yet. But I want to procure something that may assist in combating her." Neovik says, "I have a secret mission in mind for the organizations of Icemule." Yhtrin says, "Secret missions don't get people elected." Yhtrin chuckles. Pietra says, "Secret missions should probably not be discussed out loud." Neovik says, "Secret missions that are expose don't work either though." You softly say, "Secret missions sometimes get people elected, when those missions deliver results." Laralana says, "Well, huh........sounds like Neovik cares more about the town's welfare than being elected...." Laralana nods approvingly. Claudaro says, "Asking someone to reveal a plan to deal with their foe publically, among those whom may not need to know the details, is not sound strategy." Yhtrin asks, "And should we see results from this mission quickly?" Neovik says, "If it cost me the election not revealing it then so be it. I would risk my life for this town. As long as this town is safe. That's all that matters to me." Yhtrin says, "Surely you can say aloud wether or not you intend to deal with the Queen sooner than later." Neovik says, "I would even like to talk to the organizations ahead of time to tell them my plans in secret." The crowd murmurs loudly. A man hollers something indiscernible from the back. Neovik says, "I think that man needs another drink back there." (Claudaro orders an ale and passes it back to the man in the back.) Neovik exclaims, "Hey there!" Speaking to Giffaxe, Neovik asks, "Got a question for me?" Neovik asks, "Or idea?" Giffaxe says, "Yes sir." Giffaxe asks, "As some of you may know, I have just return to this land after being away for a long time. I remember Icemule as a place full of people. It seems smaller, now. Do you have a plan to help build up the polulation of Icemuel?" Giffaxe says, "Thank you." Someone shouts, "No! Keep our community small and friendly!" Another voice shouts, "No! Bring 'em in! Tourists and citizens! Open the borders!" The crowd gets louder as more drinks are consumed. Speaking to Giffaxe, Neovik says, "I think once we make Icemule a safer place again it will help bring more trade back to this town. I feel like ICICLE also has a lot of improvements that they have coming as well. Outside of the defense of the town as well that will attract people here." Giffaxe says, "Thank you for your answer." (Claudaro goes over to the hostess and asks her to pour weaker drinks for those in the back.) Neovik says, "The Embassy will help quite a bit." Neovik says, "Once we get rid of the Queen and her minions that will make things so much better." Neovik says, "That way we can focus on everything else that's important to this town." Neovik says, "We will also need to work with the Landing to help secure the trail." Neovik says, "That will also assist in keeping traders safe." Neovik says, "We'll have to improve upon our alliances with our neighbors for the overall safety of the region." A trader pops her head in and exclaims, "Here here!" Yhtrin asks, "Do you have any particular plans to foster these alliances?" Speaking to Igerone, Neovik asks, "Where are the fireworks?" Neovik snickers. Yhtrin asks, "If you can talk about anything specific...?" Yhtrin grins. Igerone gazes heavenward. Igerone says, "Er, we're inside, youngin'." Speaking to Yhtrin, Neovik says, "I want to reach out to the Landing leadership as a start." Neovik says, "One of the good things that will come in handy is that we already have ambassadors to some of the towns. Thanks to ICICLE." Neovik says, "I'll be working with them pretty closely to see what we can do to improve relations." Speaking melodically to Neovik, Jalodg says, "I has a little-types question." Speaking melodically to Neovik, Jalodg exclaims, "My waters tastes great with infusions of lime but I thinks if coulds be sparklied ups!" Speaking melodically to Neovik, Jalodg asks, "Thinks we could researchings on how to put bubbles into my stilly, but tasty, water??" Jalodg shows Neovik his lime-infused water. Speaking to Claudaro, Neovik exclaims, "Sparkle it up!" Neovik snickers. Igerone glances at Jalodg. Jalodg breaks out in a sweat. Jalodg shows Neovik his lime-infused water. Claudaro smirks. Neovik smiles. Speaking to Claudaro, Neovik asks, "Think you can sparkle it up with magicks?" Claudaro says, "Oh, I thought you meant YOU." Speaking to Jalodg, Noknok suggests, "Or get a straw and blowing into it." Claudaro grins at Neovik. (Jalodg backs away slowly but still seeming genuine.) Neovik ducks his head. Speaking melodically to Noknok, Jalodg exclaims, "I trieds thats!" Jalodg melodically says, "I thinks we needs some specials alchemy type knowledgy." Speaking to Neovik, Yhtrin says, "You seem to be relying quite heavily on this ICICLE group. Are you affiliated with them? Who are they for those that don." Yhtrin coughs. Yhtrin says, "Don't know." Jalodg melodically exclaims, "Anyway. I thinks we could be known for being the firsts to does it!" Speaking to Yhtrin, Neovik says, "I'll be affiliated with any group that is here to help make Icemule great." Neovik says, "All groups will be open to approach me with their ideas." Neovik says, "Now or whenver. I'm free to talk whenever they have time." Yhtrin says, "That...didn't exactly answer my question." Claudaro says, "If you do not know about ICICLE, there are several representatives here who may prefer to speak for themselves as to what they are about, rather than though him." Claudaro smiles at Yhtrin. Speaking to Claudaro, Yhtrin says, "Oh? I thought it was his night to speak. My apologies." Speaking to Yhtrin, Neovik says, "I'm not currently a member or anything. But I have attended one of their meetings recently. They do great work and it's worth talking about it." Yhtrin nods at Neovik. Speaking to Yhtrin, Neovik says, "I plan to work very closely with them." Neovik says, "And any other organization." Neovik exclaims, "Anything for a more united Icemule!" A halfling child escapes his mother's grasp and lights a series of firecrackers! The fuse burns quickly and then BAM! BAM! BAM! BAM! They explode in rapid succession. The noise is deafening for a moment. Speaking softly to Yhtrin, Dirvy interrupts, "We worked with Mayor Nihala prior to her death." Neovik exclaims, "Need a healer!" Noknok gasps in terrified panic, trembling and flailing her arms about! Thailmore winces. Speaking deeply to Neovik, Niful asks, "Do you have any plans for after the Queen?" Neovik nods at Niful. Speaking to Niful, Neovik says, "For now I want to continue to support the active projects that are currently going and before we take on any other projects." Claudaro says, "Folks, a reminder, please let me know when you have a question to ask, there are some folks patiently waiting their turn, I will make your question known for Neovik to call on you when it's your turn." Neovik says, "Oh sorry." Neovik ducks his head. Speaking to Neovik, Zebarian asks, "Which projects do you think are most pressing?" Zebarian exclaims, "Sorry!" Speaking to Claudaro, Neovik asks, "Who had that question?" Claudaro says, "Our friend Lornieh here, had a question waiting." Neovik waves to Lornieh. Lornieh asks, "Forgive me, I came a few minutes late, so I apologize if it's already been asked.... but two part question, what would you say is your greatest strength and your greatest challenge or fault?" Igerone says, "Good question." Igerone nods at Lornieh. Claudaro says, "I'd say his greatest challange is not hitting his head walking around this town..." Claudaro smiles. Lornieh chuckles. Noknok cackles! Noknok says, "Is big." Noknok nods. Neovik begins chuckling at Claudaro! Neovik says, "One of my greatest strength is that I'm an extremely persistent person who will do whatever I can do to see things through no matter what. It'll probably be the death of me." Neovik says, "I would risk my life for the success of this town." Neovik says, "As Mayor I would put the town first above my own life." Neovik says, "And apparently bacon might be the death of me." Lornieh says, "You and Ferrumus." Lornieh grins at Neovik. With his cast iron skillet firmly in hand, Thailmore begins to briskly rub the side of the pan. Within moments, sizzling noises fill the air, and the aroma of bacon pervades the area. As he stops rubbing the pan, the crackling noise fades away, but the scent remains. Noknok drools at Thailmore! Neovik says, "There was a second part too." Noknok says, "Eggs." Neovik begins chuckling at Noknok! Neovik says, "One of my greatest challenges." Neovik says, "Hmm..." Lornieh says, "I know they're probably aren't many." Lornieh chuckles. Neovik laughs at Lornieh! Neovik says, "Oh there have been quite a bit." Neovik says, "When I first came into this town a long time ago. I was a River Rat. It was a challenge at first becoming part of the town." Neovik says, "The Deputy even through me in jail a few times." Neovik says, "But eventually I turned things around and became a better person." Yhtrin murmurs, "River rat." Neovik says, "And did what I could to help fight the Warden." Neovik says, "And became a better person out of it all in the end." Neovik says, "Icemule became my home." Neovik says, "My favorite place. I never thought I would say that after being a River Rat for so long." Neovik says, "So maybe my challenge was the Deputy." Neovik says, "He's mean." Neovik snickers. Speaking to Laelithonel, Neovik says, "Not eating bacon every day is a challenge too." Neovik nods at Laelithonel. Neovik chuckles. Lornieh says, "Mmm, bacon." Speaking to Lornieh, Neovik says, "Hopefully that answer the question." Neovik snickers. Claudaro says, "I believe Zebarian is up next, if you are done with that question." Speaking to Neovik, Lornieh says, "Yes it did, thank you." Neovik nods in greeting at Zebarian. Zebarian nods at Neovik. Zebarian exclaims, "Thank you. Sorry I was late. I couldn't find the pub! I am very new to the lands, and Icemule. What do you plan to do to help us new folk figure out which way is up? I keep slipping on my bottom every time I leave the gates!" Neovik exclaims, "Hey there!" Neovik begins chuckling at Zebarian! Speaking to Zebarian, Neovik says, "We have a pretty good group of people here in Icemule. Everyone is extremely helpful to each other." Laelithonel rummages around in her pockets. Several inebriated folks demonstrate slipping on the ice outside town, roaring with laughter at each other. Neovik laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement. Speaking to Neovik, Yhtrin asks, "What do you plan to do about the lack of Empaths in town?" Yhtrin grins at Neovik. Claudaro glances at Yhtrin. Giffaxe says, "Good point." Claudaro says, "If you have a question, please let me know, there are others waiting patiently." Speaking to Zebarian, Neovik says, "I'm always here to answer any questions to help out or do anything. Usually if you hang out in Town Center someone is always about to help." Speaking to Yhtrin, Lornieh asks, "When will you start following directions?" Neovik says, "I think the mentors are usually about too." Lornieh smiles. Speaking to Claudaro, Yhtrin says, "My apologies." Zebarian says, "Oh I have more to learn it seems." Speaking to Lornieh, Yhtrin asks, "Hmm, when you put it that way why would I bother?" Speaking to Zebarian, Neovik says, "If you want I can help out afterwards and we can talk." Neovik smiles. Lornieh begins chuckling at Yhtrin! Lornieh shakes her head. Zebarian bows to Neovik. Neovik forcefully crosses one arm over his black leather coat-of-plates, and offers a formal bow. Speaking to Neovik, Zebarian exclaims, "Thank you! I may take you up on that!" Neovik nods. Neovik smiles at Dirvy. Speaking to Dirvy, Neovik asks, "I hear you have a question for me?" Speaking softly to Neovik, Dirvy asks, "People seem curious as to why you keep mentioning ICICLE and why you would be associated with us. I realize there are a lot of newcomers to Icemule who are unfamiliar with our work, but we have been around for half a year, working to improve Icemule. My question is in two parts. How important is it to you to carry on Nihala Winterberry's legacy, by working with a group that was formed to aid the Mayor's office, in the hopes of improving the lives of Icemule citizens and visitors? And despite Daukhera Darkflorr's presence in Icemule, how important is it to Icemule's morale that these improvements continue, whether they are fortifying the wall defenses or renovating a shop?" Speaking to Dirvy, Neovik says, "Continuing Mayor Nihala's work is extremely important to me. I've known her for quite some time and helped assist her in fighting Kubilew." Speaking to Dirvy, Neovik says, "It is extremely important that we continue to carry out that work. Town defenses come first but all the other improvements are improtant." Neovik says, "You guys are making it a bit easier at laying a plan forward for the next Mayor." Neovik chuckles. Dirvy nods at Neovik. Dirvy smiles at Neovik. Neovik says, "I would want to help focus on that and assist you guys in any way possible." Speaking softly to Neovik, Dirvy says, "ICICLE welcomes the input and assistance of all who are interested, always." Neovik says, "The citizens of this town will appreciate all the work your organization has put into this town." Speaking softly to Neovik, Dirvy says, "Thank you for answering my questions." Neovik says, "Just the thought of all those improvements alone will help the morale of this town with something to look forward to." Neovik bows to Dirvy. In the scope of her current pose, Dirvy executes a strange and awkward curtsy. Upon completion, she buries her face in the fabric of an ice blue traveling gown of subtly cascading snowflake lace layers in an attempt to hide her expression. Neovik nods at Anditus. Speaking to Anditus, Neovik asks, "Hey there! have a question for me?" Speaking to Neovik, Anditus asks, "Your slogan here talks about a Higher Vision, what is your vision?" Speaking to Anditus, Claudaro says, "He's just really tall." Claudaro chuckles. Neovik nods at Claudaro. Lornieh begins chuckling at Claudaro! Enestrie grins at Claudaro. Speaking to Claudaro, Neovik says, "Pretty much." Neovik snickers. Neovik says, "I'm definitely in no way higher other than that." Anditus frowns. Pietra amusedly says, "Puns are always good." Neovik says, "For the most part it's just my vision of a safe Icemule." Anditus asks, "So if you are just going to do what ICICLE wants, couldn't anyone fill that position?" Dirvy raises an eyebrow in Anditus's direction. Neovik says, "I want our citizens to be safe at night when they sleep." Taelarn nods at Anditus. Enestrie smiles at Anditus. Noknok crosses her eyes. Speaking to Anditus, Neovik says, "One of my plans is to form a Militia for the town." Speaking to Anditus, Neovik says, "I want this town to have it's own Militia to work with all of the organizations that keep this town safe on a daily basis." Ferrumus nods approvingly. Speaking to Anditus, Neovik says, "Once we address the safety of this town and boot out the Queen I want to look into other plans to keep our town safe from any future threats." Anditus asks, "Such as?" Neovik says, "I want to look into acquring more weaponary that we can use during invasions." Neovik says, "Hopefully if I can procure what I want to fight against the Queen." Neovik says, "It'll also come in handy in the future." Neovik grins. Igerone exclaims, "We have time for three er four more questions!" Neovik says, "But overall a safe Icemule is good for trade." Claudaro says, "Please let me know if you'd like to ask a question still, I'm keeping a list so that everyone gets their fair turn." Neovik nods. Neovik asks, "Ythrin next?" Yhtrin asks, "A simple question, this time. What makes you different from the other candidates?" Neovik says, "Well I know a couple of candiates are in support of the Queen. I'm definitely in no way alike in that aspect." Yhtrin peers quizzically at Neovik. Lornieh lets out a cheer! Selaesia nods approvingly at Neovik. Noknok nods in agreement. Laralana nods approvingly. Speaking to Yhtrin, Neovik says, "I'm here to risk my life for Icemule. I don't know how far the other candidates will go." Neovik says, "And I'm sure they all have the best interest of Icemule in mind as well." Igerone exclaims, "Three cheers for our candidate fieldin' the tough questions!" Neovik says, "We just have different paths at accomplishing it." Igerone lets out a cheer! Enestrie lets out a cheer! Enestrie lets out a cheer! Enestrie lets out a cheer! Claudaro lets out a cheer! Lornieh lets out a cheer! Igerone applauds. Authriea lets out a cheer! Neovik smiles. Jalodg applauds. Aranrhod smiles. You hear a flawless imitation of the hoot of a barn owl come from Jalodg! Ferrumus lets out a cheer! Laelithonel whistles at Neovik! Neovik forcefully crosses one arm over his black leather coat-of-plates, and offers a formal bow. Yhtrin applauds. Jalodg raises his lime-infused water in a toast! Pietra applauds. Noknok lets out a cheer! Noknok lets out a cheer! Noknok lets out a cheer! Taelarn applauds. Ferrumus belches. Laralana applauds Neovik. Kilded applauds. Laralana smiles at Neovik. Neovik asks, "Thanks for coming everyone. I hope everyone got drinks. Also if there are any other people that have questions?" Claudaro says, "I'm sorry to those who didn't get the chance to ask your questions." Speaking to Claudaro, Igerone asks, "Who all's left to ask a question?" Claudaro says, "We had two folks left." Claudaro says, "Taelarn, and Aranrhod." Taelarn says, "I had a simple question really." Neovik asks, "Let's hear them?" Neovik smiles. Igerone says, "Tell ya what. Let's give 'im a break fer a minute, pass out pins, and those who have a final question er two can stick around." Speaking to Neovik, Taelarn asks, "You claim you seek to improve the life of those who live here in Icemule. My partner and I have recently taken up residence, but we aren't citizens, will you still wish to help us and how do you seek to encourage more people to come here? Will youy use commerce, or some other method to encourage people to travel to Icemule?" Claudaro smiles. Speaking to Igerone, Taelarn says, "I am alright with that as well." Ferrumus deeply says, "Ooo great question..." Speaking to Taelarn, Neovik says, "Keep all people safe here in Icemule is very important. If you aren't a citizen you definitely won't be left out in my plans." Neovik says, "With a safe Icemule we'll continue to improve trade." Taelarn raises an eyebrow. Neovik coughs. Speaking to Taelarn, Neovik asks, "So what encouraged you and your partner to move to Icemule?" Claudaro offers Neovik a flagon of blackdew grog. Neovik grins at Claudaro. Neovik accepts Claudaro's blackdew grog. Speaking to Neovik, Taelarn says, "It was a change for us." Speaking to Neovik, Taelarn says, "We wanted some place new to ply our own trades, and we had tired of the town we were in." Taelarn shrugs. Claudaro grins. Neovik ducks his head. Speaking to Taelarn, Neovik says, "We can talk afterwards some more." Neovik asks, "Would anyone like any badges first?" Speaking to Neovik, Taelarn says, "That's fine. We've been around and will continue to be so." Neovik nods at Taelarn. Laralana taps a phalanx of crested shields badge that reads, "Vote for Neovik, the Guardian of Icemule Trace!" that she is wearing. Claudaro says, "It's a shame one of those puppets of the pretender didn't show up, we could place a pin on it and send it back to her royal craziness." Claudaro grins at Neovik. Neovik grins at Claudaro. Noknok snickers. Thailmore laughs! Lornieh begins chuckling at Claudaro! Thailmore grins. Yhtrin says, "The night is young." Igerone exclaims, "I'm callin' it a night, youngins. Congrats on a good rally to Neovik! Enoy yer campaign!" Yhtrin says, "I have to say, I am concerned to hear some of the candidates are supporting this Queen." Claudaro nods at Yhtrin. Claudaro says, "If I recall from opening night, three of them are." Claudaro says, "Neovik and Joskins were the only two whom I recall speaking out against her." Yhtrin nods at Claudaro. Taelarn says, "A shame. I have said since the start that this." Taelarn says, "Queen...will be problems for the new Mayor." Neovik nods at Taelarn. Speaking to Taelarn, Neovik says, "Once we get rid of her things will be much better." Dirvy softly says, "Well, some citizens and visitors think she is just misunderstood. However, you would not hug a crocodile that continues to bite you." Neovik starts chuckling at Dirvy! Jalodg agrees with Dirvy. Selaesia grins. You shrug at Neovik. Speaking to you, Thailmore says, "I prolly would." Selaesia agrees with Dirvy. Selaesia grins at Thailmore. Speaking softly to Thailmore, Dirvy says, "Yes, you probably would." Claudaro nods to Dirvy. Thailmore starts chortling. Laralana chuckles. Jalodg melodically says, "Issy handles with brains and diplomacies, likes my mamie woulds always say." Lornieh says, "Not sure how you can misunderstand a demon sicked on you." Claudaro says, "If she wants to be understood, she should send less hordes to attack us." Speaking to Taelarn, Neovik says, "I feel like this town will flourish once we get it's safety under control. Trade will pick up." Laralana bursts out in a sudden snort of laughter. Claudaro chuckles. Taelarn says, "It's also disheartening that anyone aligned with the town wouldn't be wary of some stranger, a powerful one too, coming in and claiming a title and requiring certain respect without earning it." Ferrumus chuckles. Lornieh agrees with Taelarn. Laralana agrees with Taelarn. Neovik says, "A Queen shouldn't have to proclaim herself as queen if she is a queen." Neovik snickers. Lornieh says, "Respect is earned, not demanded." Speaking melodically to Taelarn, Jalodg says, "Her family goes wayings back in Iceymule, she claimings." Speaking to Neovik, Taelarn says, "I agree, but there has been a great deal of upheaval here and I am sure that that causes many to stay away." Neovik nods at Lornieh. Laelithonel says, "Hidulah had a nice bite." Laelithonel nods at Neovik. Selaesia agrees with Lornieh. Kittai agrees with Neovik. Jalodg melodically says, "Lotsa histories there to discover closer." Laelithonel says, "But needed help in th'end." Taelarn nods in agreement. Laelithonel says, "Despite th'blood shed." Neovik nods at Taelarn. Speaking nervously to Neovik, Noknok says, "Is hoping you is living still on election day, and not just a head decorating a spike." Taelarn says, "Aside from the fact that she demands respect, she is obviously searching for something." Neovik begins chuckling at Noknok! Noknok gulps. Speaking to Neovik, Merekka asks, "How're you gonna deal with What's her name, the fake queen?" Laelithonel says, "An'in th'end we helped her." Laelithonel sighs. Laralana glances at Noknok. Laralana's face turns slightly pale. Laelithonel says, "But nobody thinks of such things anymore." Claudaro says, "He'll be alive, he's survived me thus far, some crazed witch won't do him in." Claudaro grins at Noknok. Speaking to Neovik, Taelarn says, "Yes, you have courage at the very least. Standing up and proclaiming that you wish to run this town as Mayor takes a modicum of bravery." Enestrie grins at Claudaro. Jalodg melodically says, "Goods nightsy for now my friendies." Neovik says, "Once we deal with the Queen. The good news will be heard by everyone and trade will pick up again." Neovik says, "We just have to make sure that we deter any future threats with our resolve." Speaking to Enestrie, Laelithonel says, "She was a wicked thing. We fought her to th'bitter end an'at th'end it was jus' sad." Laelithonel says, "She needed more help than anyone knew." Enestrie nods at Laelithonel. Claudaro says, "Thank you all for coming out." Speaking to Merekka, Neovik says, "That's a secret for now." Speaking to Neovik, Taelarn says, "Thank you for your time." Neovik grins at Merekka. Claudaro says, "Please feel free to reach out if you have any more questions or comments for him." Neovik exclaims, "Thanks everyone!" Laelithonel says, "An'she walked back out through our gates peacefully in th'end." Enestrie nods at Laelithonel. Speaking to Neovik, Laralana exclaims, "It's been a pleasure. Thanks so much!" Speaking softly to Neovik, Dirvy says, "Thank you for taking the time to answer questions tonight. You gave everyone some very valuable information as to your plans for Icemule." Lornieh nods in agreement at Neovik. Neovik exclaims, "Thank you for coming out!" Neovik smiles at Dirvy. Speaking to Dirvy, Neovik says, "Thanks for coming! I hope to attend more meetings." Neovik nods to Dirvy. Ferrumus smiles. Claudaro ponders. Neovik takes a drink from his blackdew grog. Claudaro says, "So..." Claudaro glances at Neovik. Claudaro asks, "Do you still want to win?" Claudaro begins chuckling at Neovik! Neovik nods at Claudaro. Neovik exclaims, "Of course!" |
ExpandNeovik's Just Desserts Performance |
06/12/18 transcript recorded by Dirvy Britbane.
Neovik says, "But I won't be doing anything fancy... just making it really good." Neovik nods at Daukhera. Neovik reaches out and pulls a thin faceted glass vial from thin air! Neovik reaches inside one of the containers hanging from his shadowy grey bandolier and grabs a warm apple cinnamon tart. (Neovik discreetly pours the vial with the words, "NOT POISON" etched on it's side, with a slightly torn label partially exposing several skulls below it over his tart.) Neovik whistles a carefree tune, the perfect picture of innocence. Neovik raises his apple cinnamon tart skyward! Speaking to Daukhera, Neovik exclaims, "The best tart around!" Neovik offers Daukhera a warm apple cinnamon tart. Neovik whistles a carefree tune, the perfect picture of innocence. Daukhera accepts Neovik's apple cinnamon tart. Neovik nods at Daukhera. Daukhera squeakily says, "ANOTHER CINNAMON TART." A bolt of lightning streaks down from the sky and strikes Neovik! ... 1 point of damage! Heavy spark to left eye causes tears and redness. Neovik cackles! Daukhera gobbles down a big bite of her apple cinnamon tart. Speaking to Daukhera, Neovik asks, "Is that all ya have?" Daukhera gobbles down a big bite of her apple cinnamon tart. Neovik gazes in wonder at his surroundings. Speaking squeakily to Neovik, Daukhera exclaims, "I think you know what I have, insolent one!" With a closed mouth, Neovik moves his jaw up and down in a circular motion. Turning his head toward Daukhera, Neovik forcefully ejects a wad of spit, narrowly missing her feet. Daukhera opens the onyx kohl stick and skillfully draws a thin onyx line across her eyelids, accenting her eyelashes making them appear more sultry. Daukhera flutters her eyelashes. Speaking to Daukhera, Neovik asks, "Ye are still standing after that?" Daukhera put an onyx kohl stick in her rapture cloak. Neovik ducks his head. Neovik tosses his faceted glass vial into the air, where it appears to vanish! Neovik says, "It's just like the one your minion used to poison Newsby." Neovik grins at Daukhera. Daukhera's stomach gurgles. Neovik smiles as Daukhera starts to get a pale look on her face Daukhera's face turns slightly pale. Neovik asks, "Not feeling too well?" Daukhera belches. Daukhera squeakily says, "Gross." Speaking to Daukhera, Neovik asks, "Ya haven't died yet from that?" Neovik grins at Daukhera. Daukhera squeakily says, "I lived in a prison for a thousand years..." Daukhera squeakily asks, "Do you think a little cinnamon will kill me?" Speaking to Daukhera, Neovik says, "It was a bit more than cinnamon." Neovik grabs a thin faceted glass vial from a small pocket inside of his grey leather greatcloak. Neovik offers Daukhera a thin faceted glass vial. Daukhera accepts Neovik's faceted glass vial. Neovik says, "Have a drink." Neovik grins. Daukhera sniffs at her faceted glass vial. Neovik asks, "If ya aren't afraid of a little cinnamon?" Neovik grins. Daukhera takes a drink from her faceted glass vial. Daukhera takes a drink from her faceted glass vial. Neovik grins. Daukhera looks sickly. Neovik gets a far-off look in his eyes, and a wicked grin spreads over his face. Neovik smiles as Daukhera beings to get a deathly look on her face Neovik seems to be waiting for something. Speaking to Claudaro, Neovik asks, "Thought she was suppose to die by now?" Neovik scratches his head. Daukhera squeakily exclaims, "I'm a necromancer... I feel deathly... a welcome embrace!" Speaking to Goblyn, Neovik says, "I think I need better training in the art of poisoning." Neovik flails his arms about. Daukhera pretends to die, clutching her chest in mock horror. Her minions rush in and raise her to life again. Daukhera dusts herself off. Speaking to Claudaro, Neovik says, "No more apple tarts for the "queen"." Neovik grumbles. Neovik draws a green-tinted vial filled with thick acrid smoke from one of the weapon loops sewn inside of his grey leather greatcloak. Speaking to Daukhera, Neovik asks, "Drink this too?" Neovik offers Daukhera a green-tinted vial filled with thick acrid smoke. Neovik snickers. Speaking to Daukhera, Neovik says, "Or bathe in it or something." Neovik grumbles. Neovik slips a green-tinted vial filled with thick acrid smoke into one of the weapon loops sewn inside of his grey leather greatcloak. Neovik forcefully crosses one arm over his black leather coat-of-plates, and offers a formal bow. |
"I would like for the town to become a true gambler's paradise. I want card games, roulette, etc. I want spas and fine dining restaurants. I want this to be a freezing cold Albatross. I also think we should get that tome unlocked and give it to me. Other than that I'm sure some glaring weakness will present itself and we'll take care of the Queen in due time."
ExpandSabotage's Rally |
06/01/18 rally report and transcript recorded by Qafziel Nalfein.
Qafziel Nalfein reporting on Sabotage's Icemule Trace mayoral rally held on Day of the Huntress, Lumnea 1 with reported events occurring beginning at 10:10 pm elven time and ending at 11 pm elven time. Before the rally begins, Sabotage stands near the Silvermule Gaming Hall passing out buttons and speaking with fellow mayoral candidate Tawariell. The two even exchange buttons and Sabotage states, "I would love to have Tawariell as a deputy mayor should I win, I feel our views are fairly aligned on some key issues." Sabotage begins his stump speech which includes pushing for more gambling options in the town and some luxury relaxation facilities. He claims he wishes to use the revenue to pay for better defenses for Icemule Trace. Sabotage explains that Icemule Trace has had increasing invasions from creatures of another realm, and he feels it is imperative for citizens to feel safe at night. He states that the town can't rely solely on adventurers and that there is much to do to get the town self-sustaining. He does feel that the goal is within reach. At the conclusion of his speech, Sabotage opens the floor to questions from the audience. The first question uttered is by Sothog who asks how Sabotage would balance the return of gambling's enefits against any negative social consequences. Sabotage takes a waiting stance and states he is "only asking to increase the number of options to try and increase tourism revenue." He also seems confused about what social consequences there coud be, to which Sothog explains that some people may gamble too much and cause issues for their family. Sothog asks of Sabotage would regulate this in any way, to which Sabotage responds that he trusts the families are strong enough to pull together to help those in need. "I'm not sure you can regulate people's behavior, only offer them support," he states. The second question is by Laralana who asks what sort of "luxury relaxation facilities" Sabotage has in mind. He answers "Hot rocks steam rooms and heated tubs" and adds that he is also open to suggestions. Enestrie, a member of ICICLE, asks the third question relating to whether or not Sabotage has or plans to reach out to visit with ICICLE about their plans to improve the town. Sabotage states he hasn't yet, but would love to hear from anyone about what they feel the town needs, and would gladly meet with ICICLE. Claudaro asks the fourth question, caveating that he is a manager for another candidate, "I've travelled wide and far, and seen many towns with different gambling options. My concern would be, what would draw outside visitors here to spend their silver? It is common for most games to run in the houses favor, my concern would be our local citizens losing their money to these new games, rather than outside tourists." Sabotage responds that the goal would be to draw in money from visiting adventurers as well as other people or means. He stated he doesn't feel it will be an overhwelming problem. A portly halfling in the crowd asks the fifth question about how Sabotage will be handling the price of tarts. Sabotage answers that he feels more bakers will help lower the price of tarts and it goes hand in hand with having more relaxation facilities. The sixth question came in from Sothog asking about Sabotage's position on the Queen who has been causing so much woe around town. Sabotage responded, "I feel the diplomatic approach is best. She is very powerful at the moment and rushing into anything would be a bad decision in my opinion." Laralana asked a second question as well, "You asserted that it is imperative that citizens of the town feel safe. I think everyone can agree on that. Could you share a bit about your ideas regarding how to make Icemule a safer place?" Sabotage assured her that he would double the guard to ensure someone was always covering the gate entrances and would also install mechanisms on the wall to repel invaders. The rally ends with a beautiful fireworks display and a touching exchange between the two mayoral candidates who were present. >Tawariell and Sabotage shake hands. >Speaking to Sabotage, Tawariell says, "Have a good rest of your evening." >Tawariell smiles. >Speaking to Tawariell, Sabotage says, "You as well." >Sabotage smiles. >Tawariell waves.
Before the rally begins, Sabotage stands near the Silvermule Gaming Hall passing out buttons and speaking with fellow mayoral candidate Tawariell. The two even exchange buttons and Sabotage states, "I would love to have Tawariell as a deputy mayor should I win, I feel our views are fairly aligned on some key issues." >A vortex of air spins and whirls around Sabotage. >You see Sabotage Develop the Rainmaker. >He appears to be a Mhoragian Halfling. >He is taller than average and has a heavy, potbellied body. He appears to be mature. He has silver-flecked crystal green eyes and fair skin. He has short, straight blue-black hair shaved at the temples. He has a delicate face, a small nose and a thick scar that sweeps across his neck from one ear to the other. >A scarlet owl quill with a silver nib stained with ink peeks out from behind his ear. >He has an expansive drake and Ur-daemon battle tattoo on his arm, and a tattoo of a glowing yellowed tome with "Koar save the Queen" beneath it in block lettering on his neck. >Faint patterns of vibrant red flame dance across his body, sending occasional sparks of golden energy into the air. >He is in good shape. >He is wearing a pointed brown wizard's hat, a black cloak crafted from vruul skin, a pair of leathery vruul wings, a stylized golden griffin pin, a coiled dragon-shaped button that reads, "Vote for Sabotage!", a frozen scalp weapon harness slung over his shoulder, a purple-veined black leather backpack, some embossed full leather, an asymmetrical inky leather wand belt, a black leather dhe'nari alchemy bag, a silvery pouch, a soft leather scrip pouch, a rounded copper flask, and some midnight blue socks stitched with silver constellations under some white kidskin boots with black steel toes. >A harried-looking clerk steps in and announces, "Sabotage's rally is being held shortly at Silvermule Gaming Hall. All interested parties should head there with haste!" The clerk then scurries off. >A stray dog runs by, a campaign button hanging loosely from its collar, and trailing some bedraggled streamers from its tail. Sabotage says, "Going to give people 10 minutes or so to get here." You nod at Sabotage. Sabotage says, "I can certainly answer any questions you have while we wait." >A crowd starts to form, as townsfolk make their way in and start to stake out positions. The voice of Enestrie says, "I just wanna know if you feel like you are being "watched"." You hear someone giggling. Sabotage chuckles. Tawariell appears to be trying hard not to grin. Sabotage says, "Now I know how you all feel." Sabotage grins. The voice of Enestrie says, "Yes." The voice of Enestrie says, "Been waiting to get even." >A rowdy group of patrons stumbles out from the Gaming Hall's inner depths and takes up position to watch the rally, grinning widely at Sabotage. Sabotage asks, "Would anyone like a button while we wait?" Speaking to Tawariell, Laelithonel says, "Ahm tempted t'collect buttons for history's sake." Laelithonel grins crookedly. Tawariell nods understandingly at Laelithonel. Sabotage removes a coiled dragon-shaped button that reads, "Vote for Sabotage!" from in his silvery pouch. Sabotage says, "And its purdy." Laelithonel chuckles. Laelithonel adopts an agreeable expression. Laelithonel says, "Dragons are lovely." Laelithonel takes a drink from her watermelon slush. Enestrie smiles at Sabotage. Enestrie says, "I will take one." Enestrie nods at Sabotage. Sabotage offers Laelithonel a coiled dragon-shaped button that reads, "Vote for Sabotage!". Laelithonel accepts Sabotage's dragon-shaped button. Sabotage removes a coiled dragon-shaped button that reads, "Vote for Sabotage!" from in his silvery pouch. Speaking to Tawariell, Laelithonel exclaims, "History!" Sabotage offers Enestrie a coiled dragon-shaped button that reads, "Vote for Sabotage!". Tawariell agrees with Laelithonel. Laelithonel says, "Ah need t'get one from th'other two now." Enestrie accepts Sabotage's dragon-shaped button. Speaking to Sabotage, Tawariell asks, "Want to trade buttons?" Tawariell giggles. Enestrie put a coiled dragon-shaped button that reads, "Vote for Sabotage!" in her bourde jacket. Sabotage chuckles. Sabotage exclaims, "Sure!" Sabotage removes a coiled dragon-shaped button that reads, "Vote for Sabotage!" from in his silvery pouch. Tawariell removes a silvery moon-shaped button painted with the words, "Community. Unity. Icemule. Vote Tawariell." from in her sheepskin rucksack. Sabotage offers Tawariell a coiled dragon-shaped button that reads, "Vote for Sabotage!". Tawariell offers Sabotage a silvery moon-shaped button painted with the words, "Community. Unity. Icemule. Vote Tawariell.". Laelithonel says, "Ah like kindness an'such." Sabotage accepts Tawariell's moon-shaped button. Tawariell accepts Sabotage's dragon-shaped button. Laelithonel says, "Refreshin'." Tawariell rubs a coiled dragon-shaped button that reads, "Vote for Sabotage!" in her hand. Enestrie says, "This is good." Tawariell exclaims, "Is a dragon!" Tawariell roars! Laelithonel agrees with Enestrie. Tawariell put a coiled dragon-shaped button that reads, "Vote for Sabotage!" in her sheepskin rucksack. Sabotage begins chuckling at Tawariell! The crowd claps approvingly as a vendor makes the rounds, selling drinks and tarts to the growing crowd. Enestrie says, "And it fosters the kind of comraderie we need." Sabotage says, "Its like a circle." Sabotage grins. Laelithonel says, "In th'end no matter who wins th'lot of yas should work t'gether anyway." Laelithonel says, "T'some degree.. course." Enestrie says, "Okay I will hush and not preach." Sabotage says, "I would love to have Tawariell as a deputy mayor should I win, I feel our views are fairly aligned on some key issues." Tawariell smiles at Sabotage. Tawariell places a hand over her heart. Tawariell inclines her head. Sabotage says, "5 more minutes and we'll get this started." >The crowd swells as more residents make their way in, everyone trying to find a good spot to see. Speaking to Sabotage, Laralana asks, "Might i have a button?" Laralana smiles at Sabotage. Sabotage removes a coiled dragon-shaped button that reads, "Vote for Sabotage!" from in his silvery pouch. Sabotage says, "But of course." Sabotage offers Laralana a coiled dragon-shaped button that reads, "Vote for Sabotage!". Laralana accepts Sabotage's dragon-shaped button. Laralana beams happily at Sabotage! Laralana says, "Thank you." >A voice cries out, "Sabotage's Mayoral Rally is about to begin at Silvermule Gaming Hall! All interested should make their way there quickly if they want a spot!" >A pair of young men staggers in, supporting each other as best they can. Each carries a mostly-empty bottle and sports an impressive bruise on one eye. One slurs to the other, "Fair's fair... you don't gotta tell me who yer votin' for. I STILL say... ye hit like a gnome, though." They laugh uproariously as they stagger out of sight. (Qafziel frowns disapprovingly.) [Tavern Burrow, Gaming Hall - 3436] On either side of a carpeted entry are two dark yew trees, trimmed into the shapes of mules and sprinkled with silvery powder. A young halfling in silver and blue livery bows low as you pass by, gesturing toward the doorway with an inviting smile on his lips. From inside the gaming hall comes a rising cry, as someone wins another hand. You also see a massive midnight black panther, the Kittai disk, the Tawariell disk, a rearing dragon-shaped banner that reads, "Vote for Sabotage! He'll Bring Gambling Back!" and a Silvermule doorkeeper. Also here: Floof who is sitting, Lady Hartesa who is sitting, Kittai, Laralana, Sothog, Laelithonel, Liaison Tawariell, Merekka, Sabotage, Enestrie who is sitting Obvious paths: north, east, south, southwest, west Sothog shakes his head. >A halfling boy tugs on his mother's arm and whines, "Mommmm! Why can't I go in with Dad and play? You said they have GAMES in there!" His mom shushes him quickly, blushing. Tawariell chuckles. Tawariell gazes in amusement at her surroundings. Floof chuckles. You hear someone giggling. Laelithonel appears to be trying hard not to grin. Merekka giggles. Sabotage nods at Laralana. Kittai raises an eyebrow. Kittai searches around for a moment. Kittai grins. Enestrie comes out of hiding. Enestrie flails her arms about. You cough. Sabotage says, "Its 10% better than the others." Sabotage winks at Laralana.
>The crowd mills about, then a few loud hisses can be heard, as a few of the townsfolk shush the louder members of the group so they can hear. Sabotage recites: "Greetings friends and fellow citizens." >The crowd applauds loudly, the noise punctuated by a few shrill whistles of approval. Laralana smiles at Sabotage. Hartesa applauds Sabotage. Enestrie smiles at Sabotage. Sothog applauds. Sabotage recites: "I am here tonight to discuss anything and everything. I am here to discuss my plans as well as your concerns." Enestrie nods approvingly. Sabotage recites: "As you may have heard I will be pushing for a more gambling options in the town. As well as some more luxury relaxation facilities." >A roar of approval goes up from the crowd, their combined voices merging into a raucous cheer! Sabotage recites: "With the increased revenue from these ventures we can help to pay for better defenses for the town." Tawariell gazes with interest at Sabotage. Enestrie turns an inquisitive ear toward Sabotage. Hartesa nods slowly. Tawariell folds her hands. Sabotage recites: "We have seen increased invasion from creatures of another realm. It is imperative that the citizens of this town feel safe at night." Enestrie turns an inquisitive ear toward Sabotage. Sothog nods at Sabotage. Hartesa nods firmly. Conquerer of Reim Claudaro just arrived. Laralana agrees with Sabotage. Sabotage recites: "We cannot only rely solely on adventurers like you." Sabotage recites: "There is much to be done to get this town self sustaining but I feel the goal is within reach"
Sabotage answers questions from the audience. Sabotage recites: "With that I will take questions from the audience If you would whisper to me if you have a question, I will get to each of you in turn." >The crowd howls its approval, the sound of footstomps accompanying the cacophany of applause. Hartesa steeples her fingers in her lap, quietly observing her surroundings. Sabotage turns to face Laralana. Speaking to Sabotage, Sothog asks, "How would you balance the return of gambling's benefits agaisnt any negative social consequences?" Sabotage asks, "You haev a question?" Laralana glances between Sabotage and Sothog. Sabotage nods at Laralana. Sabotage turns to face Sothog. Laralana smiles. Lacing her fingers together, Hartesa's body stiffens as she listens quietly. Speaking to Sothog, Sabotage says, "I would have to see, I am only asking to increase the number of options to try and increase tourism revenue." Sothog nods at Sabotage. Sothog says, "Thank you." Enestrie nods. Speaking to Sothog, Sabotage asks, "I'm not sure that would have many social consequences, are there ones in particular you are worried about?" Laralana ponders. >The crowd murmurs their appreciation, and applauds, a couple of 'Yeah's punctuating the reaction. Sabotage rubs his chin thoughtfully. Sabotage nods at Laralana. Sabotage turns to face Laralana. Laralana nods at Sabotage. Speaking to Sabotage, Laralana asks, "You mentioned more gambling facilities, but you also mentioned 'luxury relaxation facilities'... What sort of facilities? Could you elaborate on that a bit more specifically?" Hartesa nods vaguely. Tawariell gazes with interest at Sabotage. Speaking to Sabotage, Sothog asks, "Some who gamble get too much of a taste for it, to the detriment of both themselves and their families. Will you seek a regulatory solution?" Speaking to Laralana, Sabotage says, "Hot rocks steam rooms and heated tubs to start." Claudaro whispers something to Sabotage. Enestrie nods at Sothog. Sothog nods at Sabotage. Enestrie smiles at Sabotage. Floof stands up. Floof just went east. Laralana nods at Sabotage. Speaking to Laralana, Sabotage says, "I am open to suggestions as well. Perhaps there is a contraption I haven't heard of." Sabotage smiles at Laralana. Enestrie grins. Laralana smiles at Sabotage. Speaking to Sabotage, Laralana says, "Thank you." >The crowd breaks out into murmurs as small conversations start to spring up, then are quickly drowned out by a rising swell of applause. Sabotage turns to face Sothog. Hartesa applauds. Speaking to Sabotage, Laralana says, "I have another after anyone else finishes." Laralana smiles. Enestrie nods approvingly. Speaking to Sothog, Sabotage says, "I trust that our families are strong enough to pull together and help those in need. I'm not sure you can regulate people's behavior, only offer them support." Enestrie smiles. Hartesa nods once. Sothog rubs his chin thoughtfully. Sothog nods at Sabotage. >The crowd murmurs its approval at the answer, and a fresh wave of applause breaks out. Sothog says, "Sab Again, thank you." Sothog coughs. Sabotage turns to face Enestrie. Sabotage asks, "You have a question?" Laelithonel ponders. Enestrie grins at Sabotage. Enestrie asks, "Yes, I am a member of ICICLE as you know and I wonder if you have been given the opportunity, or if you will seek the opportunity to visit with ICICLE about their plans for improvements to the town?" Enestrie smiles at Sabotage. Laralana nods at Enestrie. Laralana adopts an agreeable expression. >A cat yowls in the distance, and is immediately followed by the sound of a shutter banging open and an angry growl, "If any one of those candidates does something about that dang cat, they'll have my vote!" Enestrie giggles. Tawariell chuckles. Speaking to Enestrie, Sabotage says, "While I haven't had the time as of yet, I would love to hear from anyone about what they feel this town needs most." Enestrie nods at Sabotage. Speaking to Sabotage, Enestrie says, "Thank you." Enestrie smiles at Sabotage. Speaking to Enestrie, Sabotage says, "I would gladly set an appointment to meet with a representative of your organization." Enestrie nods at Sabotage. Laralana nods approvingly. Enestrie points at Laralana. Enestrie giggles. Sabotage turns to face Claudaro. Laralana giggles. Claudaro smiles at Sabotage. Laralana gives Enestrie a quick little smooch. Laralana looks over at Enestrie and shakes her head. Laralana points at Claudaro. Claudaro says, "This question piggybacks on an earlier one." Laralana giggles. Sabotage asks, "You had a question from another candidate?" Claudaro says, "Not from my candidate, but I wanted to make clear, I am their manager, and thus, have a bias." Claudaro smiles. Sabotage nods at Claudaro. Sabotage says, "Ask away." Claudaro says, "As I understand, increasing gambling here is a key point you focus on." Speaking to Claudaro, Sabotage says, "That is my plan for the future, not the present." Laralana ponders. Claudaro says, "I've travelled wide and far, and seen many towns with different gambling options. My concern would be, what would draw outside visitors here to spend their silver? It is common for most games to run in the houses favor, my concern would be our local citizens losing their money to these new games, rather than outside tourists." Claudaro says, "I would just like to hear your thoughts on that." Deep in thought, Hartesa laces her fingers before her. Enestrie ponders. Kittai adopts an agreeable expression. Sabotage rubs his chin thoughtfully. Speaking to Claudaro, Sabotage says, "That would be the goal, to draw in money from visiting adventurers as well as other people or means." Claudaro nods at Sabotage. Speaking to Claudaro, Sabotage says, "Like I said before we can offer them support." Hartesa touches one finger to her lips. Claudaro smiles. Speaking to Claudaro, Sabotage says, "Though I don't think this will be an overwhelming problem." Claudaro says, "Just a concern I had, thank you." Claudaro nods at Sabotage. >A particularly portly halfling hollers, "What're ye gonna do about the price of tarts!?" The crowd around him snickers, but his face remains stern, his hands perched somewhere in the vicinity of his hips. Enestrie giggles. Tawariell chuckles. You clasp a hand over your mouth. Sothog chuckles. Merekka giggles. Enestrie exclaims, "Yes I want to know as well!" Enestrie giggles. Speaking to Sabotage, Sothog asks, "What is your position on dealing with the Queen who has been causing so much woe as of late?" Sabotage says, "Well, I think that could go hand in hand with the relaxation facilities." Sabotage says, "More bakers would help to lower the prices of them." Laralana chuckles to herself. Enestrie nods at Sabotage. Enestrie giggles. >The crowd claps loudly at the response, and a cheer rises up over the top of it. The halfling nods once, looking appeased, and an embarrassed smile creeps across his face. Enestrie grins. Laralana smiles. Sothog grins at Sabotage. Sothog applauds Sabotage. Merekka frowns. Sabotage turns to face Sothog. Speaking to Sothog, Sabotage says, "I feel the diplomatic approach is best. She is very powerful at the moment and rushing into anything would be a bad decision in my opinion." >A cheerful gnome pops in and announces, "The night should not be scary! Let's come together and defeat those who would rip us apart! Everyone vote Joskin for Mayor!" The gnome happily bounces away. Sothog nods at Sabotage. Speaking to Sabotage, Sothog says, "Thanks again." Sothog smiles at Sabotage. Kittai pokes Tawariell in the ribs. Sabotage asks, "Did I miss anyone with question?" Speaking to Sabotage, Laralana says, "I have a second one, if everyone else is done." Hartesa shifts her eyes to Laralana. Sabotage turns to face Laralana. Tawariell gazes with interest at Laralana. Laralana smiles at Sabotage. Speaking to Sabotage, Laralana asks, "You asserted that it is imperative that citizens of the town feel safe. I think everyone can agree on that. Could you share a bit about your ideas regarding how to make Icemule a safer place?" Laralana smiles at Tawariell. Tawariell nods approvingly. Speaking to Laralana, Sabotage says, "I would like to double the guard, so there is always someone at the gate entrances." Sothog nods at Sabotage. Sothog rubs his crystal amulet. Hartesa peers quizzically at Sabotage. Laralana ponders. Speaking to Laralana, Sabotage says, "I would also like to take a page from our neighbors to the south and install some mechanisms on the wall to repell invaders better." >A large giantman at the back of the crowd hollers, "Sabotage!" Before he can even finish, the rest of the crowd roars along, their cheers rolling across the area. Laralana adopts an agreeable expression. Tawariell applauds. Hartesa applauds. Sabotage says, "Thank you all for your questions." Enestrie adopts an agreeable expression.
>A glittering firework streaks across the sky from behind Silvermule Gaming Hall, losing speed quickly. Just before it is poised to fall back to the ground, it explodes in bright streamers of white and blue which in turn pop into smaller streamers, covering the sky momentarily in white and blue. Enestrie smiles. Tawariell gazes up into the heavens. Tawariell beams! Enestrie gazes up into the heavens. You glance up. Tawariell whispers something to Sabotage. Claudaro smiles. Sabotage says, "Feel free to find me anytime if you have more." >A screaming firework is launched into the night sky, a bright white streak emitting tiny yellow sparks as it goes. Without slowing, it explodes, sending spiralling yellow sparks in every direction, each one accompanies by a shrieking whine that quickly fizzles out. Laralana glances up. Hartesa stands up. Tawariell smiles. Enestrie grins. Enestrie stands up. Hartesa applauds Sabotage. Laralana ponders. Laralana gazes up into the sky. Enestrie applauds Sabotage. Merekka gazes up into the sky. >A loud BOOM echoes through the area, and a sputtering red firework climbs lazily into the night sky. When it reaches its apex, it explodes into the rough shape of a massive red dragon! It holds its form for a few heartbeats, then the pieces dissipate into nothingness. Tawariell beams! Laralana smiles. Laralana gazes up into the sky. Laralana says, "Neat." Laralana chuckles to herself. Claudaro says, "Top notch fireworks." Claudaro grins. Laralana agrees with Claudaro. Enestrie adopts an agreeable expression. Sothog applauds Sabotage. Laralana applauds Sabotage. Sabotage bows. Hartesa says, "Thank you for speaking to us." >The crowd roars its approval, and the applause is thunderous. Tawariell smiles at Sabotage. Speaking to Sabotage, Enestrie says, "Thank you so much." Tawariell applauds. Laralana agrees with Hartesa. Sabotage exclaims, "Thank you all again!" Laralana smiles at Sabotage. Sabotage asks, "Would anyone like a button?" Speaking to Sabotage, Laralana says, "Thank you for your candor. Best of luck in the race." Laralana smiles at Sabotage. Claudaro says, "Be well folks." Sabotage says, "It matches the fireworks." Enestrie agrees with Sabotage. Enestrie says, "Very nice." Enestrie nods. Sothog smiles. Sothog waves. Sabotage waves. Sothog just left. >The crowd starts to disperse, excited conversations springing up from every corner as small clusters make their way back home. Tawariell and Sabotage shake hands. Speaking to Sabotage, Tawariell says, "Have a good rest of your evening." Tawariell smiles. Speaking to Tawariell, Sabotage says, "You as well." Sabotage smiles. Tawariell waves. |
ExpandSabotage's Just Desserts Performance |
06/12/18 transcript recorded by Dirvy Britbane.
Speaking to Daukhera, Sabotage says, "Since dessert is the typically the last part of the meal, my present to you is an offer to end to the hostilities between you and this town." Sabotage removes a piece of ivory parchment from in his black leather backpack. Sabotage offers Daukhera a piece of ivory parchment. Daukhera accepts Sabotage's ivory parchment. Speaking to Daukhera, Sabotage exclaims, "Just think of the large influx of friends you will get!" Daukhera laughs at Sabotage! Daukhera squeakily says, "Unlikely, but very funny." Speaking to Daukhera, Sabotage says, "This offer can only be signed by the Mayor and yourself. Should someone else win the position I hope they will agree to the terms as I would. Though I cannot guarentee it." Daukhera recites squeakily: "It says: Peace Agreement of 5118 Queen Daukhera and the citizens of Icemule hereby agree to cease from any hostile acts inside the town of Icemule against one another or by agents of either party. And it has two signature lines." Daukhera squeakily says, "I'll, uh..." Daukhera squeakily asks, "Take it into consideration?" Daukhera swiftly rolls up the parchment. Daukhera put a piece of ivory parchment in her rapture cloak. |
Liaison Tawariell Andrenae
"To the good citizens of Icemule Trace, Icemule is a small town with big potential. Our sleepy little nook amongst the mountains deserves some progress and that is why I am announcing my candidacy for Mayor. I am running to bring the creative and collaborative solutions that we need for Icemule. My priorities are to rebuild our defenses, improve the Town and businesses, come to a pragmatic resolution with Queen Daukhera, and work on relations between Icemule and Wehnimer’s. As an Officer of White Haven, I stand for Hope, Service and Wisdom. With the joint effort of the Great House, MHOs and citizens alike we can work together to prosper and thrive. My door will always be open to you. Vote Tawariell Andrenae and help bring warmth back to Icemule."
ExpandTawariell's Rally |
06/01/18 rally transcript recorded by Rovvigen Aniket.
Mayoral Rally By: Elder Seer Rovvigen Aniket
You softly ask, "Will someone inform me as to what is happening at 7:30 elven?" You peer quizzically at Tawariell. Svardin trudges up to a frost-hued pudgy snowcat kitten and stares defiantly. Tawariell smiles at you. Speaking to you, Tawariell exclaims, "My Mayoral Rally!"
You listen carefully to Tawariell. Speaking to you, Tawariell explains, "I'll be giving a brief speech and answering questions." Tawariell adopts an agreeable expression. (Tawariell waves to the group as they pass.) You softly say, "I am sure the public is looking forward to hearing you speak." Tawariell says, "I certainly hope so! I'm looking forward to hearing from them tonight." Tawariell folds her hands. Speaking to an ice statue, Svardin says, "Only dey would be lookin forward ta der speech." Speaking softly to Tawariell, you ask, "Times like these before a big speech, do you normally get nervous?" Speaking to you, Tawariell says, "Only sometimes." Floof softly says, "Only when people asks her if she gets nervous." Floof chuckles. You softly say, "Well I am sure you will do fine, I will let you gather your thoughts before you begin, but thanks for taking the time to speak with me before your rally." Speaking to you, Tawariell says, "Absolutely! Anytime." Tawariell hugs you.
Laelithonel skips in a merry little circle around a pale silvery silk banner that reads, "Community. Unity. Icemule. Vote Tawariell Andrenae!". Bibbia gazes admiringly at a pale silvery silk banner that reads, "Community. Unity. Icemule. Vote Tawariell Andrenae!". Bibbia cheerfully gushes, "Tawariell! The future mayor of Icemule!" Speaking softly to Bibbia, you ask, "Excited to hear her speak?" Bibbia nods quickly! Bibbia exclaims, "I forgot my button!" Bibbia's lower lip trembles slightly. Speaking softly to Bibbia, you say, "I am sure she has another." Speaking to you, Bibbia exclaims, "Tawariell for mayor! Unite our people! Let out town thrive!" Bibbia gazes in wonder at Tawariell. You softly say, "I see you are a strong supporter." Bibbia flushes slightly, some color reaching her cheeks. A tiny fireworks display explodes out of nowhere over the signboard! Speaking softly to Bibbia, you ask, "May I ask why before she begins?" You listen carefully to Bibbia. Bibbia leans over and whispers, "I have heard she is not only interested in peace and solid trade relations, but that she is also a fierce warrior beneath the healer's hand and will fight to protect our town."
You quietly whisper to Bibbia, "Thanks for the information." You softly say, "I am Rovvigen from TownCrier and Ill be reporting live as the Mayoral Rally takes place." Tawariell beams happily at you! Tawariell nods approvingly. Speaking to you, Hartesa asks, "A rally, is it?" Bibbia applauds you. Speaking softly to Hartesa, you say, "Thats what I was told." Tawariell nods at Hartesa. Tawariell walks to stand behind a twisted white lectern.
Tawariell warmly greets, "Good evening citizens and friends of Icemule! It is wonderful to once again see all of you out here in support of our great town's election!" Tawariell beams! Tawariell waves.
Tawariell announces, "Before we begin, however, I would like to announce that people have been donating to my campaign. Well I do not accept donations for my campaign and every last silver has gone right back into this town, to ICICLE and White Haven!" Tawariell continues, "So far we have raised ONE MILLION in funds for this community! Each silver goes towards bringing you fine folks events and improvements. So thank you for that!" Tawariell applauds. Tawariell intones, "If you were present at my speech, you know that I have talked to you mainly of my plans for defenses and relations to the Landing, now let us talk of Icemule itself." Tawariell kindly says, "So without further ado I will answer any questions you may have for me! I am happy to expand upon any ideas and plans I ve previously spoken of, or discuss new ones." Tawariell blushes a nice shade of pink. Hartesa cocks her head. Tawariell splutters.
Speaking to Tawariell, Yhtrin asks, "Let's open the same way as last time, with the most important question. What are your plans regarding the Queen?" Laelithonel bends over her notebook and begins writing with her stylus. After a moment, she lifts her head and scans back over what she has written with a critical eye. Tawariell slowly says, "It is my belief.." Arasel turns an inquisitive ear toward Tawariell. Tawariell says, "That th'Queen is not what she seems. She is sick. She is ill from thousands of years of imprisonment. We do not know that she was rightfully imprisoned. I want to see the proof of what she speaks of, of her heritage and "Rights" to this Land." Tawariell says, "As she so claims."
Yhtrin asks, "And if she provides such proof?" Tawariell says, "Then we will form a treaty or an accord. However it may be, Icemule WILL remain independant from her." Yhtrin says, "Excellent. Words I am sure all are glad to hear." Speaking to Tawariell, Sothog asks, "What are your plans helping our town's economy succeed?" Speaking to Sothog, Tawariell exclaims, "A great question!" (Tawariell looks particularly pleased.) Speaking to Sothog, Tawariell says, "New shops! Refurbish the old ones, if the proprietor wishes it. Add a trading post outside of town, and encourage merchants and tourism." Tawariell says, "Anyone else? I am also open to ideas or suggestions." Tawariell inclines her ear, listening intently. Hartesa says, "What of our sorcerous defenses? We've seen demons summoned by our diminuative insurgent right past the walls of the town."
Tawariell says, "Ahh yes. Well, ICICLE recently had a talk on demon defenses that I was unable to attend. I would hope to work closely with them, or my Defense advisor to come up with stratigies to keep them out if a threat." Tawariell says, "I don't mind th'demons that sorcerers have fixed control over." Tawariell chuckles. Brewyte nods to Dirvy in greeting. Speaking to Tawariell, Faulkil asks, "What do you intend to do about the Jeril situation if elected mayor?" Speaking to Faulkil, Tawariell says, "Beg the deputy." Bibbia raises her hand. Tawariell turns to face Bibbia. Tawariell nods at Bibbia. Bibbia says, "Oh." Bibbia blushes a nice shade of light pink. Speaking to you, Bibbia asks, "Did you get to ask your question, sir?" You softly say, "Oh i did not." Tawariell cocks her head. Speaking to Bibbia, Faulkil says, "Apologies if I spoke out of turn." Speaking to Tawariell, Bibbia says, "Him first, please." Tawariell turns to face you. You softly say, "Thanks." Speaking to Faulkil, Bibbia says, "I was still mulling my question over." Speaking softly to Tawariell, you ask, "I know you are an officer in White Haven, my question is this do you feel you will be able to be Mayor and commit to that as well as your duty to White Haven?" Speaking to you, Tawariell says, "Yes. I feel that I will be able to accomplish both. White Haven is dear to my heart and I would be remiss to leave it." Laelithonel turns an inquisitive ear toward Tawariell. You softly say, "Thanks for answering." Speaking to Tawariell, Sothog asks, "For those of us who weren't at your speech, what are your thoughts on improving relations with other nations?" Darkc says, "I has a question for ya."
Speaking to Darkc, Faulkil says, "A little further. You've almost got it." Speaking to Sothog, Tawariell says, "I am hoping that with the join effort of organizations here, and the Mayoral cabinet we can work to boost commerce and business in both towns, as we and our brothers to the south in the Landing, are well known for trade. I am certain that upon speaking with Mayor Lylia we can come up with something." Speaking to Sothog, Tawariell says, "The Landing has been known to defend us in time of need and I wish to extend the same courtesy to them."
Speaking to Darkc, Tawariell asks, "Your question?" Speaking to Tawariell, Darkc says, "My question is simple." Yhtrin murmurs, "The crowd has surely chosen their favorite, it seems." Darkc asks, "Can i have a kiss?"
Speaking amusedly to Darkc, Tawariell says, "Sorry, but I'm afraid I cannot." Tawariell asks, "Any more questions? Suggestions?" Tawariell smiles. Speaking to Tawariell, Faulkil says, "I think you would make an awesome mayor if elected." Speaking to Tawariell, Darkc asks, "On a serious note how as Mayor will you work with the militias that come to defend here?"
Speaking to Tawariell, Darkc says, "But the Northern Fury are not the only militias that fight for this town." Speaking to Darkc, Tawariell says, "Then the goal would be to bring them together. We are in need of organization and structure. We feel scattered."
Speaking to Tawariell, Darkc says, "But I still want a smoochy." Arasel says, "Thank you Tawariell, I learned a lot." Speaking softly to Tawariell, you say, "Thanks for taking the time to speak with everyone here today, I am sure they appreciate it." Speaking to Tawariell, Faulkil asks, "Nihala campaigned on building a snow resort of some sort. What are your thoughts on this unfinished project?" Speaking to Faulkil, Tawariell says, "I will have to see these plans for myself before a decision can be made." Speaking to Faulkil, Tawariell adds, "But its not a bad idea." Speaking to Tawariell, Darkc asks, "Oh one more thing? can we bring back the towers?" Speaking to Darkc, Tawariell says, "I should like to. The walls are in need of repair as well." Tawariell asks, "Anyone else before I close for th'eve?" Speaking to Tawariell, Yhtrin asks, "To your detractors who say you support the Queen, what do you have to say to them?" Speaking to Yhtrin, Tawariell says, "To them I say that we are a town of healing. And that includes everyone. There are things far darker and forces far scary than Daukhera herself. And we should keep that in mind."
Tawariell says, "In closing..." Tawariell continues, "Thank you all for coming this evening and showing your support! It could not be done without you for this evening has been both informative and enjoyable! Remember- Community! Unity! Icemule!"
A pale white firework streaks through the sky overhead, cutting a bright line across your vision. When it reaches its apex, it explodes into pale white sparks which form the rough shape of a crescent moon for a long moment before dissipating.
ExpandTawariell's Just Desserts Performance |
06/12/18 transcript recorded by Dirvy Britbane.
Tawariell says, "Once upon a time, long ago before any of us, but perhaps just after the beginning of your imprisonment.." Tawariell says, "Snow sprites filled the land that we now know as Icemule. They were everywhere, a gift from Oleani herself, born of winter roses. Everyone knows roses are Oleani s flower." Tawariell says, "The sprites were special to the halflings cause their Patroness had seen to it that they were creatures of joy and magic, bringing warmth despite their chilly existence." Tawariell smiles. Tawariell glances up. Tawariell chuckles. Tawariell continues, "This tree attracted them in droves. Perhaps because it is the most ancient. It is speculated that long before it was a neighborhood it was once a central gathering place though we ll never be sure. But because of this gathering of the sprites this tree became sacred. Here the Truefolk were free to leave offerings, to the sprites or to Oleani. They came here to celebrate and merrymake, they came here to mourn and to pray." Tawariell rubs a hollow tree. Tawariell says, "Things continued peacefully for the snow sprites and the halflings for a time.." Tawariell warningly says, "And then the Paradis came." Daukhera squeakily says, "Oleani, what a wench." Tawariell darkly says, "They marched westward to here, lost warriors of a war long over, a war laden with shame so great they could not return home to face their kin. So they came upon the area we now know as Icemule and saw the forests, the other halflings, happy and fat, and longed for these comforts themselves." Tawariell continues, "It was discussed, and it was decided. They would turn this place into a town of commerce and gambling. A home for future generations of Paradis to come. Nevermind the Truefolk that lived there currently- they could submit or be removed." Tawariell continues, "So the Paradis began to work without concern for the others, mostly dismissing them as inferior. They took food as they pleased, shelter as they pleased and began the cutting down of trees to make way for the town they envisioned." Tawariell casually observes her surroundings. Tawariell asks, "The other halflings panicked, though what could they do against such warriors?" Tawariell continues, "They were not fighters, their arcane skills were limited, why, it was rare they hurt a rolton! A quick haste was made to the tree, glittering with all its frosted might. Surely if they prayed, surely Oleani would hear." Tawariell frets. Tawariell fidgets. Tawariell says, "Pleading, chanting, and singing carried on through the long hours of the night, into the break of dawn. Yet they were met with silence." Tawariell sighs. Tawariell says, "Few days passed, many trees had been felled, much lumber and resources were ready to start." Tawariell says, "What would be the finest gambling Hall, the first building planned." Tawariell continues, "The Paradis, for all their wandering the forests, finally came upon the Sprite Tree, tucked away in the depths of the foliage." Daukhera squeakily asks, "Dead sprites?" Tawariell leans against a hollow tree. Tawariell wonderingly says, "It was one of the most beautiful things they had beheld. The icy glaze of the wood gave it a blue sheen. The prismatic sparkle of the icicles and frosty latticework cast a rainbow glow. It must have been then their folly was decided for they wanted that wood. It would be the sturdiest, most perfect finish to their grand architecture." Daukhera squeakily asks, "Necrotic sprites?" Daukhera tentatively licks her rainbow-swirled lollipop. Tawariell says, "Saw blades poised, the Paradis came down upon the tree. Rigging and lashing themselves to it." Tawariell says, "They lifted their tools of destruction and started to cut. And as the teeth of the saw nibbled through the first layers of wood a sudden stillness took hold and the powerful, sorrowful wailing of a woman was heard." Tawariell furrows her brow. Tawariell inclines her ear, listening intently. Tawariell casually observes her surroundings. Tawariell quietly says, "Fear fell over the invaders and they halted their construction, terrified by the ghostly echoings of the heavens." Tawariell loudly continues, "The weeping only seemed to grow louder, and louder still! Until.. Silence fell once more. And then the most horrifying sound of all, a low, ominous rumbling in the distance, coming from the mountains." Tawariell explains, "You see, it was Oleani who wept, wept for her Truefolk and the forests, mourned the snow sprites and the damage to the treasured tree. Her tears fell down, down, down to the earth, freezing over from the wretched cold and rising into mountainous glaciers, the very same you see before you today." Tawariell ominously says, "The vast formations thundered and quaked as they jutted upwards, causing a cacophonous tumbling of volatile avalanches that washed down over the Paradis, sweeping them away, undoing all they had done so far. Terrible misfortune befell the warriors, now lost amongst the icy white. Many were buried deep, and others died of the cold." Daukhera squeakily says, "Buried near my ruins, I bet." Tawariell says, "And the tree itself, damaged and dishonored, began to die." Tawariell says, "The snow sprites soon after began to disappear." Tawariell says, "And this, well this is all that remains of it all." Daukhera squeakily says, "Thank the gods and the devil herself." Tawariell taps a hollow tree. Tawariell says, "More came westward, as you can tell, and that is how we have Icemule as we know it today. But the first group of Paradis did not fare so well. Lesson learned, do not disrupt sacred places, do not anger the Arkati. You ll end up getting your just desserts." Tawariell exclaims, "The end!" Tawariell bows. |
Candidate | Fists of Justice | Just Desserts | Icy Elegance | Manic Mayor Mission | Total |
Joskin | 0 | 5 | 3 | 3 | 11 |
Kilded | 0 | 3 | 3 | 5 | 11 |
Neovik | 5 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 5 |
Sabotage | 1 | 0 | - | 0 | 1 |
Tawariell | 3 | 3 | 5 | 1 | 12 |
- The winner of each contest receives 5 extra votes toward the final tally, and the one who achieves second place receives 2 extra votes
- If contests are judged, judges will be chosen by spinner from the crowd to ensure fairness
- We will do our absolute best to ensure all candidates can compete simultaneously if possible, or to provide fair alternatives should scheduling conflicts arise
- This portion of the month-long event will take place tentatively from 11 - 14 Lumnea (Monday, June 11 - Thursday, June 14)
Fists of Justice
On Lumnea 9, 5118 (June 9, 2018), Icemule mayoral candidates visited the famous Icehouse Tavern in Icemule Trace to test their brawling skills against each other.
As Icemulers love to do, they headed to the Icehouse Tavern for "Fists of Justice" to settle who is right and who is wrong. The competitors were eliminated in rounds after collapsing in a heap! Neovik was left standing at the end, claiming his victory and being named Icehouse Champion.
The results were:
1: Neovik (5 votes)
2: Tawariell (3 votes)
3: Sabotage (1 vote)
4: Joskin
5: Kilded
Just Desserts
The next contest is called "Just Desserts" and that could be a bit of a misnomer. This is game of creativity and strategy as it is a judged contest. The objective is to prepare a "gift" for Queen Daukhera that fits into the theme of "Just Desserts." The use of the terms "gift" and "Just Desserts" loosely. The candidates' "gifts" do not have to be a physical object; it could be an interpretive dance or a scavenger hunt or a quest for the Queen to complete. "Just Desserts" does not require that the candidates to bring food. They need to use their imagination and the various ways "Just Desserts" can be interpreted! They need to use what they know about her to lead her on if they need to!
Members of ICICLE will be asked to judge this contest. Candidates can earn a maximum of 15 points: 5 for originality, 5 for presentation, and 5 for relevance to the theme.
Candidates ARE allowed to ask their friends or campaign managers for help on this task. They ARE allowed to use other people for props if required. They ARE allowed to ACT your "gift" doing something like blowing up in the Queen's face... but they may not ACT that she dies.
It is rumored that the Queen will make multiple appearances this week. Her first appearance might be around 10pm elven on Tilamaires (10pm on Tuesday).
Dirvy, Laralana, and Enestrie of ICICLE served as guest judges for this competition.
The results were:
1: Joskin - with a combined vote of 13 (5 votes)
2: Tawariell - with a combined vote of 11 (3 votes)
3: Kilded - with a combined vote of 11 (1 vote)
4: Neovik - with a combined vote of 10
5: Sabotage - with a combined vote of 7
Icy Elegance
Igerone recites:
"Candidates, if you're still around, I'll briefly explain the next contest and we will schedule it ASAP. It is called Icy Elegance. This time, you'll be judged by White Haven, Fenog's Regulars, and the Northern Fury. You'll prepare an ice skating routine!"
Igerone recites:
"You'll be judged on your costume, your execution, and again, THE THEME. "Icy Elegance.""
Igerone recites:
"Tonight the judges discussed at various points that the candidates did not do much to incorporate the theme into their gift. Remember that for the next contest!"
OOC: Our next contest, "Icy Elegance," will be held at White Haven, Ice Pond on two days due to otherworldly scheduling conflicts. It is an ice skating contest! Players will have 5 minutes to use all the SOLO skating verbs available to them on an ice skating pond plus SMILE and ACT. Players are also encouraged to make it a routine by singing, reciting, yelling, or whatever else might fit! Members of White Haven, Northern Fury, and Fenog's Regulars will judge this competition based on costume (5 points), execution (5 points) and theme (5 points). The theme is important to address! If you're wearing a summery gown while competing in "Icy Elegance," well... you might get docked in the theme category! Contestants who go over the 5 minute time limit will lose 1 point. As before, first place earns 5 votes, second 3, third 1. Be sure to get a pair of ice skates!
- Competition day 1: Kilded and Neovik: Niiman, 14 Lumnea (Thursday, June 14) 10:30pm elven
- Competition day 2: Joskin and Tawariell: Restday, 17 Lumnea (Sunday, June 17) 2:00pm elven (Sabotage has declined to participate in this contest)
The results were:
1: Tawariell (14) (5 votes)
2: Joskin (11) (tie, 3 votes)
2: Kilded (11) (tie, 3 votes)
4: Neovik (6)
5: Sabotage (forfeited)
Manic Mayor Mission
Igerone recites:
"I know you're all wondering about the fourth contest as well... I'll drop a clue. It involves a bag and a thing and a person!"
Our LAST contest (whew, finally), "Manic Mayor Mission," will take place tomorrow night, Volnes 18 Lumnea, at 9:30 elven, and fortunately everyone's schedule will allow for them to be there at the same time. No advance prep can be done and no outside help can be sought; it's a race against time! We'll kick it off with a nearly empty sack, and candidates will quest for a person, uncover a thing or two, and make their way across Western Elanthia as quickly as they can! (What the heck?! Think something like a scavenger hunt with some major twists along the way!) More details will be explained as we prepare to begin. Come to TC to support the candidates. All election officials will be present tomorrow including Councillor Emeritus Igerone, Page of Honor Eilinora, and Coordinator Sylphon to take part.
- Only IMT citizens can vote
- The voting booths will be hauled into town and open from 15 - 20 Lumnea (Friday, June 15 - Wednesday, June 20)