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Jousting is the featured event at Rumor Woods, pitting two rival teams against one another in friendly mounted combat.

General Information

Those who are interested in jousting must first choose which side they will ride for. They will then don traditional jousting gear, saddle up on their steed of choice, and prepare for battle! Jousting wins will be tallied toward your faction’s total, and once the event ends, those aligned with the winning side will receive not only bragging rights, but new titles as well!


  • Raikhen
  • a potent blue-green potion (8 uses, 14400 seconds per use, SK enhancive temp recharger)
  • an urchin guide contract (30 days)
  • a flexing arm token (15 uses, enhancive pause)
  • an Elanthian Guilds voucher pack (2 vouchers)
  • a blue feather-shaped charm (1 use, encumbrance)
  • an Adventurer's Guild voucher pack (2 vouchers)
  • a swirling yellow-green potion (30 days, enhancive recharger)
  • an Adventurer's Guild task waiver (standard)
  • a sun-etched gold ring (30 days)
  • a locker runner contract (30 days)
  • a larger locker contract (+50 locker spots for 30 days)


There are two entrance locations for the joust, one for each team. The names of the entry locations change from year to year, depending on the mascots for each year's joust.

Entrance #1: [Tourney, Entry of the Rolton - 28041] (u8208001)

Entrance #2: [Tourney, Entry of the Wolf - 28062] (u8208002)

Exit: [Intersection of Anvil and Equid - 28050] (u8208743)


The Joust has its own set of titles. EVENT STATS RUMOR allows for easy tracking of title prerequisites. While some titles are available from year-to-year, others are specific to an individual year as they refer to the two competing teams.

Title Type Year Requirement
Jouster Prename All 100 joust entries
Horseman/woman Prename All 500 joust entries
Dragoon Prename All 2500 joust entries
Combatant of the Summit Postname All 25 joust entries
Armiger of the Summit Postname All 100 joust entries
Equine Specialist Postname All 500 joust entries
Joust Master of the Summit Postname All 2500 joust entries
Pundit of the Tourney Postname All 5000 joust entries
Squire of the Summit Postname All 100 perfect joust wins
Banneret of the Summit Postname All 500 perfect joust wins
Champion of the Summit Postname All 1000 perfect joust wins
Coppery Scion of the Clattering Wings Postname 2024 100 joust wins for Beetle
Clockwork Knight of the Bloodied Scarab Postname 2024 500 joust wins for Beetle
Shadowed Leg of the Skittering Spider Postname 2024 100 joust wins for Spider
Clockwork Knight of the Sable Arachnid Postname 2024 500 joust wins for Spider
Gear-worked Engineer of the Ineffable Swarm Postname 2024 100 joust entries, win more jousts for Beetle than Spider, and Beetle wins the event
Crushed Gadgeteer of the Sable-stomped Throng Postname 2024 100 joust entries, win more jousts for Spider than Beetle, and Beetle wins the event
Sable-shadowed Inventor of the Clockwork Brood Postname 2024 100 joust entries, win more jousts for Spider than Beetle, and Spider wins the event
Conquered Manipulator of the Clicking Web Postname 2024 100 joust entries, win more jousts for Beetle than Spider, and Spider wins the event
Shepherd/ess of the Tranquil Flock Postname 2023 100 joust wins for Rolton
Knight of the Arctic Glade Postname 2023 500 joust wins for Rolton
Protector of the Universal Pack Postname 2023 100 joust wins for Wolf
Knight of the Frigid Timberland Postname 2023 500 joust wins for Wolf
Cupbearer of the Divine Fleece Postname 2023 100 joust entries, win more jousts for Rolton than Wolf, and Rolton wins the event
Discarded of the Divine Fleece Postname 2023 100 joust entries, win more jousts for Wolf than Rolton, and Rolton wins the event
Alpha Among the Ferocious Pack Postname 2023 100 joust entries, win more jousts for Wolf than Rolton, and Wolf wins the event
Zeta Among the Ferocious Pack Postname 2023 100 joust entries, win more jousts for Rolton than Wolf, and Wolf wins the event
Standard-Bearer of the Draconic Orders Postname 2022 100 joust wins for Dragon
Obsidian Knight of the Draconic Way Postname 2022 500 joust wins for Dragon
Wielder of the Dreaming Spiral Postname 2022 100 joust wins for Unicorn
Pearlescent Knight of the Thistled Path Postname 2022 500 joust wins for Unicorn
Scaled Conqueror of the Obsidian Claw Postname 2022 100 joust entries, win more jousts for Dragon than Unicorn, and Dragon wins the event
Ravaged Surrenderer of the Obsidian Claw Postname 2022 100 joust entries, win more jousts for Unicorn than Dragon, and Dragon wins the event
Torchbearer of the Spiraled Light Postname 2022 100 joust entries, win more jousts for Unicorn than Dragon, and Unicorn wins the event
Shadow-chained of the Spiraled Light Postname 2022 100 joust entries, win more jousts for Dragon than Unicorn, and Unicorn wins the event
Hunter/Huntess for the Pride Postname 2021 100 joust wins for Lion
Lionhearted Knight Postname 2021 500 joust wins for Lion
Chasseur of the Herd Postname 2021 100 joust wins for Stag
Surefooted Knight Postname 2021 500 joust wins for Stag
Protector of the Platinum Pride Postname 2021 100 joust entries, win more jousts for Lion than Stag, and Lion wins the event
Victim of the Platinum Pride Postname 2021 100 joust entries, win more jousts for Stag than Lion, and Lion wins the event
Niveous Knight Postname 2020 500 joust wins for Coney
Virescent Knight Postname 2020 500 joust wins for Tortoise
Lictors of the Umber Creep Postname 2020 100 joust entries, win more jousts for Tortoise than Coney, and Tortoise wins the event
Defeated of the Umber Creep Postname 2020 100 joust entries, win more jousts for Coney than Tortoise, and Tortoise wins the event
Vermilion Knight Postname 2019 500 joust wins for Phoenix
Serpentine Knight Postname 2019 500 joust wins for Serpent
Victor of the Phoenix Postname 2019 100 joust entries, win more jousts for Phoenix than Serpent, and Phoenix wins the event
Defeated by the Phoenix Postname 2019 100 joust entries, win more jousts for Serpent than Phoenix, and Phoenix wins the event

Competing Teams by Year

  • Serpent vs Phoenix
  • Coney vs Tortoise
  • Stag vs Lion
  • Unicorn vs. Dragon
  • Rolton vs. Wolf
  • Beetle vs. Spider

Additional Information