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Kayse (prime)/Vignette: How Badly
Kayse walks into the Pie Shop and brushes the snow off of her jacket swiftly, sending a pile of white powder onto the floor. Her wings follow suit and flick the thin layer of snow that has accumulated on top of them. Inhaling deeply, the scents of vanilla and cinnamon brush her senses and for a moment she pauses to take in the atmosphere.
Making her way through the customers, she moves into the backroom, a couple of bakers pausing a moment as the Aelotoi enters the area. Shrugging her off, they continue with their tasks--her pear green eyes shooting them a calculated look before browsing the blackboard. Her eyes move to her vanity case and her right hand side of her lips curve up into a slight smile. She snatches up a piece of chalk and quickly scribbles on the board, "Goblyn, Thank you for your analysis of the situation and the...sample you provided. ~Kayse"
Stepping back into the cold night, Kayse ducks down an alley and carefully removes a glass that has been secured inside of her vanity case. She slowly brings the liquid to her lips, just enough to coat them with the contents--the drink thick with a metallic smell. She licks her lips, brushing the rich sanguine color off of them before tucking the glass back inside for safety. Closing her eyes, she takes a deep breath of the cold night air and holds it in, a small wave of euphoria passing over her whole body. Her knees buckle beneath her and her body drops into the fluffy snow.
She awakes a few moments later, her stare vacant as the snowflakes fall upon her warm skin. Turning her head to her arm laying out besides her, she wiggles her fingers slowly..."I'm not dead?"
Pushing herself upward, she cracks her neck as she turns her attention towards her vanity case, "Perhaps this--craving will be manageable in small doses." A wicked grin forms on her lips, then her brow furrows as she makes a realization.
Her voice echoes in her mind, "You will eventually run out, Kayse."
Frowning, she quickly grabs a notebook and quill and begins to write:
The handwriting is neat and slanted save for the phrase " you want it back?" The writing seems to be cut off and not as fluid as the other words and letters.
Naimorai, Judging by your expression the other evening, I got the answer of what I needed to know. I have the you want it back? ...And how badly? ~Kayse