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Kayse (prime)/Vignette: The Return
The warmth of her quick exhales hit the bitter cold as she caught her breath. Despite the weekly visits, the journey up Melgorehn’s Reach was always tedious.
The silver moon sliced through the clouds illuminating the ground and the chamber entrance cut into the rock to the left of her. The altar area itself sent a shiver up her spine--memories of Rowmi and the Ithzir attack years ago flooded her thoughts.
“Keep your mind clear,” she snapped at herself. A delicate snow began to fall and Kayse took shelter under a tree.
Closing her eyes, she calmed her mind. Relaxing it against outside thoughts and extending her mana outward to reach out to a specific person.
Reaching into her bag, she withdrew numerous stems of lavender and laid them in her lap. Her fingers worked nimbly as she wove together a chain of the blooms.
What Did You Do?
Her green eyes skimmed over the reflection of Lake Eonak that was mixing with the evening sunset creating a watercolor of hues across the water. Despite being winter, it felt rather mild and the brief chill in the air was refreshing especially after where she had just been.
Reaching into her case, the aelotoi pulled out two crystalline ampules and shifted her eyes to the pottery mug she already held in her hand. Treacle-colored liquid filled the mug and carefully she poured it equally to each ampule.
Releasing a heavy sigh she placed one ampule back on her person and the other she encased in a locket and strung it around her neck. As her hand lowered, she recoiled at her orange sticky palm--as if she had forgotten what had just happened. The events from earlier now just sinking in.
Tilting her hand, she examined it with a pair of calculating eyes until she noticed the dried coppery hand print wrapped around her wrist. Her eyes widened.
Lunging towards the water, Kayse began scrubbing frantically at her skin. The silence of the area interrupted by violent splashing and frantic gasps. Her breathing labored, she held her appendage underwater for a few moments, the freezing water numbing her skin--momentarily dulling the emotional distress in her mind.
As the calm and peace returned to the area and herself, she removed her arm from the lake, the faint stain of blood still covered her right hand.
Negotiations Begin
The dark cavern's cool air carried a musty scent of damp wood and stone. There was very little light, just a brief warm glow of orange from the torches along the rough stone walls.
Kayse’s eyes focused on the notebook she cradled in her arm. Her concentration occasionally broken to monitor the activity around her. A stout dwarf and a few others were loading a small rowboat with black-hand stamped crates.
Her expression was pensive for a moment as she looked over her writing. Quickly she signed the paper with a flourish and sheathed her quill.
“That’s all of the shipment, Captain,” the dwarf reported.
Her eyes shifted downward to him as she ripped a page from her notebook. “Very good. The Ashen Brine is parked at the North
dock. Be sure she is well stocked.”
The dwarf nodded once and stepped into the boat. Unwrapping the rope from the weathered dock, she tossed the rope to another of the crew and pushed the helm of the dinghy away. “I will be there momentarily. I have an errand to run.”
She watched the boat break through the obsidian waters as it disappeared into the darkness of the tunnel.
Removing an envelope from her leather jacket, she stuffed the paper into it. Sealing it with her signature moss green wax and entwined lilies, she marked the envelope with an, “A” before disappearing into the darkness herself.