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Krenlumtrek Wood Supply

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Krenlumtrek Wood Supply is a shop in Zul Logoth that specializes in blocks of wood.

The proprietor is Vakand.
[Merchant Complex, Krenlumtrek] Room: 13010062
Torches mounted to the walls flare above a tall maple counter built on a wooden platform that covers the floor. Upright racks line the wall behind the counter, organizing some finished planks. Neat bundles of sticks lay next to stacks of logs nearby that are tagged and ready for sale. A wood handle rises from the bit of an axe that's been hacked into a short upright standing log behind the counter. You also see Vakand the Logger.
Obvious exits: east, south, west


  1. an ash block        9. a mahogany block
  2. a carmiln block     10. a mossbark block
  3. a deringo block     11. an orase block
  4. an ebonwood block   12. a rowan block
  5. a fel block         13. a ruic block
  6. a hazel block       14. a tanik block
  7. an ironwood block   15. a yew block
  8. a kakore block 

Backroom Inventory

  Backroom List
  16. a black ash block   19. a mesille block
  17. a faewood block     20. a villswood block
  18. a hoarbeam block    21. a white ash block