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Opened in 5104 on Solhaven's Fishmarket Pier, the Lobstereum is a museum dedicated to lobsters. Rustie Hayshen is its proprietor. The museum features a gift shop known as Ye Olde Crusty Shoppe.
Fishmarket Pier
[Dilapidated Shack] | RNUM: 1579 |
A dilapidated shack sits proudly on the edge of the pier in all its gaudy splendor, having been cobbled together from mud, seashells, and the remains of abandoned shipping crates. Rusted cages that house tiny paper lobsters hang precariously from chaotically draped old fishing nets that serve as a makeshift canopy. Dangling from the crooked doorway, uneven strands of beads glint metallic red in the dappled sunlight. You also see a monstrous wooden sign and a one-eyed halfling. | |
Obvious exits: north |
>look sign Spanning nearly the entire width of the canopy, the monstrous sign could easily crush the shack it rests upon if not for the beams at its sides providing added support. As if the numerous crustaceans surrounding it were not a good enough indication of the attraction, bright red letters spell out "Lobstereum" against the sun-faded wood. >look beads Each bead has been fashioned crudely into the shape of a lobster and painted a metallic red for a noticeable, eye-catching gleam. >look at halfling Rustie Hayshen, proprietor of the Lobstereum, stares out over the pier with a singular beady blue eye. The scraggly patches of red hair that cling to his head and his lobster-stitched eye patch are signs that his life has not always been calm and idyllic. A loud-mouthed grouch, this stout halfling has been known to remove his peg leg and use it as a club on those who make mocking comments about his star attraction.
[Lobstereum] | RNUM: 10064 |
The briny air from the nearby sea assaults the senses in this dark, dank, and enclosed space. Slivers of light filter through the numerous scattered wormholes, highlighting the filthy orange hue of the lobster-shaped mat that spans the muddy floor. Mounted askew on the rotting wooden walls are displays of prized catches, complete with their cages suspended from the ceiling on a web of mooring rope. A boldly painted sign hangs above a ratty oilskin curtain to the west while a dimly lit passage leads further in. You also see a tiny lobster display, a large claw display and a crooked doorway. | |
Obvious exits: north |
In the Common language, it reads: "See the Three-Clawed Lobster!"
>look at lobster display The numerous gouges and scars on the carapace of this lobster mark it as a full-grown adult. The rounded coin nailed beside it gives testament to the lobster's shockingly abnormal size. A small silvery plaque is set underneath the display. >read silver plaque In the Common language, it reads: "Caught this one in the summer of 5101, Fhyllis said I shoulda tried a bigger bait!"
>look at claw display The exhibit appears to be not so much a lobster as it is a single large claw. Easily the size of two lobsters put end to end, the surface of the claw is marred by a number of scuffs and scratches, though a dull shine indicates more then a few attempts to buff and polish. A small golden plaque is set under the display. >read gold plaq In the Common language, it reads: "Prize of my collection, next to Peenchee! Brought it up in a trap after the great storm of 5100. I just hope the rest of the bottom crawler never comes back looking for it!"
[Lobstereum, Showroom] | RNUM: 10100 |
Desiccated local fish have been set upon boughs of dried seaweed that drape across the ceiling. A layer of gritty sand has worked itself into the cracks and crevices of the weathered floorboards which, combined with the omnipresent mist of the sea, makes traction an uncertain prospect. A large tank, its contents announced by a garish purple and yellow sign, occupies what little floor space is available. You also see a ratty oilskin curtain. | |
Obvious exits: none |
In the Common language, it reads: "Behold Peenchee, the three-clawed lobster! Captured in the depths of Solhaven Bay in 5102, a living example of the mysteries of Charl's domain! Watch your fingers, he can be a mean one! Be sure to visit Fhyllis over in our gift shop!" -Rustie
>look tank Lined with sand and various aquatic plants, the rather large tank features a small stone castle with an open drawbridge. An unusual specimen of a lobster basks in the underwater kingdom, with a third limb growing out of the middle of its back. >look in tank In the tank you see a three-clawed lobster. >look lobster in tank The lobster would be like any other ordinary lobster, were it not for the third arm growing out the middle of its back. A young boy wanders over to the tank and presses his face against the glass. Without warning, the lobster within charges forward and bangs at the side of the tank with its claws! The youngster gives a startled cry and runs to hide behind the legs of his mother, who sighs and pats his head reassuringly. The lobster sits quietly in the tank, slowly picking at the sand. Suddenly, a rotting fish head drifts by in the water. The lobster's third claw darts forward and snatches up the fish head, then passes it down to the lobster's mouth, where it is messily devoured in a matter of moments.