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Lockpicks are items that are mainly used to pick locks on treasure chests found from the treasure system. They can be purchased at the local locksmith in every town. If you are within one of the three main starter towns, you can find the locksmith by typing DIRECTION LOCKSMITH where you'll be able to purchase and repair lockpicks when broken. Repairing the lockpick does reduce the modifier of the lockpick however, so eventually you will break a lockpick enough times that it should be replaced instead of repaired. Lock Mastery Masters have the ability once per month to renew a lockpick back to its original modifier.

Standard Lockpick Material Properties

Material Modifier Ranks Price Strength Precision
copper 1.0 0 100 very weak very inaccurate
brass 1.05 0 250 very weak very inaccurate
steel 1.1 1 500 below average strength inaccurate
gold 1.2 3 2,000 weak somewhat inaccurate
ivory 1.2 1 750 average strength somewhat inaccurate
silver 1.3 3 2,500 below average strength inefficient
mithril 1.45 5 6,000 very strong unreliable
ora 1.55 5 5,000 strong below average
glaes 1.6 8 9,500 incredibly strong average
laje 1.75 12 17,000 below average strength above average
vultite 1.8 20 30,000 below average strength somewhat accurate
rolaren 1.9 12 17,000 very strong favorable
veniom 2.2 25 50,000 excellent strength highly accurate
invar 2.25 35 75,000 incredibly strong highly accurate
alum 2.3 16 23,000 weak excellent
golvern 2.35 40 95,000 astonishingly strong excellent
kelyn 2.4 25 62,000 very strong incredible
vaalin 2.5 50 125,000 incredibly strong unsurpassed

Lockpick Precision Ranges

Precision Modifier Range
detrimental Below 1.0
very inaccurate 1.0 - 1.09
inaccurate 1.1 - 1.19
somewhat inaccurate 1.2 - 1.29
inefficient 1.3 - 1.39
unreliable 1.4 - 1.49
below average 1.5 - 1.59
average 1.6 - 1.69
above average 1.7 - 1.79
somewhat accurate 1.8 - 1.89
favorable 1.9 - 1.99
advantageous 2.0 - 2.09
accurate 2.1 - 2.19
highly accurate 2.2 - 2.29
excellent 2.3 - 2.39
incredible 2.4 - 2.49
unsurpassed 2.5+

Lockpick Strengths

Strength Level
flimsy 1
very weak 2
weak 3
below average strength 4
average strength 5
above average 6
strong 7
very strong 8
excellent strength 9
incredibly strong 10
astonishingly strong 11

Lockpick Conditions

It appears that bending a lockpick will move the condition value down by one. Bending a poor condition lockpick will break the tip. Bending affects the condition, but not the modifier. Repairing a bent lockpick will affect the strength and modifier.

Condition Level
excellent conditions 5
good condition 4
neglected state 3
noticeably damaged 2
poor condition 1
broken 0

Lock Mastery Crafted Lockpicks

The Rogue Guild skill lock mastery provides the ability for rogues to make their own lockpicks. Each successful lockpick attempt has a quality associated with it: far below average, fairly average, and exceptional. This determines the range the lockpick's modifier will fall into. Strength is unaffected.

Material Far Below Average Fairly Average Exceptional
copper 0.98 0.99 - 1.00 1.01 - 1.02
brass 1.03 1.04 - 1.05 1.06 - 1.07
steel 1.08 1.09 - 1.10 1.11 - 1.12
gold 1.16 1.19 - 1.20 1.21 - 1.22
silver 1.28 1.29 - 1.30 1.31 - 1.32
mithril 1.43 1.44 - 1.45 1.46 - 1.47
ora 1.53 1.54 - 1.55 1.56 - 1.57
laje 1.69 - 1.71 1.72 - 1.75 1.76 - 1.78
vultite 1.72 - 1.75 1.77 - 1.80 1.81 - 1.83
rolaren 1.83 - 1.86 1.87 - 1.90 1.91 - 1.93
veniom 2.09 - 2.14 2.15 - 2.20 2.21 - 2.24
invar 2.14 - 2.19 2.20 - 2.25 2.26 - 2.29
alum 2.19 - 2.24 2.25 - 2.30 2.31 - 2.34
golvern 2.24 - 2.29 2.30 - 2.35 2.36 - 2.39
kelyn 2.29 - 2.34 2.35 - 2.40 2.41 - 2.44
vaalin 2.35 - 2.42 2.43 - 2.50 2.51 - 2.55

See also