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Lucretia's Fashions
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Lucretia's Fashions is a shop in Zul Logoth that sells apparel. It is in the Chalcedony tunnel on the south eastside of town. The shop is accessed through a leather-covered door.
The proprietor is Lucretia.
[Lucretia's Fashions] | Room: 13010118 |
A pair of dwarven-proportioned mannequins, one covered in leather and one in suede, frame each side of the doorway, staring across a narrow aisle at each other. Beyond one mannequin, hooks have been carved from the living stone of the wall, but remain empty while the opposite side has been formed into a large rack. The back wall of this cozy shop has been taken up by a motif of a golden suede anvil on a wide brown leather backing. You also see a leather-covered door and a small sign. |
Catalog ---------------------------------------------------------------------- 1. a thick mithril-clasped belt 23. a coal felt skirt 2. a thin tan leather belt 24. a moss green cotton skirt 3. a woven cloth belt 25. a brown jaquard-weave skirt 4. some ebon leather suspenders 26. a bleached white cotton shirt 5. some white linen suspenders 27. a red and black flannel shirt 6. a silver-edged black leather greatcloak 28. a thick brown plaid flannel shirt 7. a heavy grey rolton wool mantle 29. a navy cable-knit sweater 8. a buff leather jacket 30. a roomy natural linen tunic 9. a grey canvas coat 31. a bleached white cotton blouse 10. a quilted burgundy doublet 32. a jade cotton blouse 11. a pair of grey steel-toed boots 33. a sapphire linen blouse 12. a pair of thick black canvas boots 34. a pale green suede tunic 13. some robust black leather boots 35. a thin white cotton shirt 14. some reddish brown suede shoes 36. a white-striped red cotton kerchief 15. some cocoa brown slippers 37. a black large-rim bonnet 16. some laced brown leather trousers 38. an oiled-wool charcoal knit cap 17. some high-waisted trousers 39. a beige linen undershirt 18. some blue brushed-wool pants 40. a pale gauze undershirt 19. some charcoal canvas pants 41. a navy cotton nightshirt 20. some brick canvas pants 42. a gold satin chemise 21. a long brown split leather skirt 43. a white silk chemise 22. a chestnut felt skirt
# | Item | Type | Info | Details | Price |
1 | a thick mithril-clasped belt | ||||
2 | a thin tan leather belt with a brass buckle | ||||
3 | a woven cloth belt interlaced with shades of blue | ||||
4 | some ebon leather suspenders embossed with geometric patterns | ||||
5 | some white linen suspenders with brown leather tabs | ||||
6 | a silver-edged black leather greatcloak | ||||
7 | a heavy grey rolton wool mantle | ||||
8 | a buff leather jacket with wide lapels | ||||
9 | a grey canvas coat with sterling silver buttons | ||||
10 | a quilted burgundy doublet fastened with brass buckles | ||||
11 | a pair of grey steel-toed boots | ||||
12 | a pair of thick black canvas boots | ||||
13 | some robust black leather boots with thick soles | ||||
14 | some reddish-brown suede shoes with brass eyelets | ||||
15 | some cocoa brown slippers lined with white fur | ||||
16 | some laced brown leather trousers | ||||
17 | some high-waisted tweed trousers with short legs | ||||
18 | some blue brushed-wool pants secured with wooden toggles | ||||
19 | some charcoal canvas pants with leather knee patches | ||||
20 | some brick canvas pants with brushed steel buttons | ||||
21 | a long brown split leather skirt | ||||
22 | a chestnut felt skirt embroidered with a snail shell spiral | ||||
23 | a coal felt skirt with a white flannel lining | ||||
24 | a moss green cotton skirt stitched with tiny white mushrooms | ||||
25 | a brown jacquard-weave skirt with snail shell buttons | ||||
26 | a bleached white cotton shirt | ||||
27 | a red and black flannel shirt with cinnabar buttons | ||||
28 | a thick brown plaid flannel shirt with green enamel buttons | ||||
29 | a navy cable-knit sweater with white stripes | ||||
30 | a roomy natural linen tunic with an open collar | ||||
31 | a bleached white cotton blouse | ||||
32 | a jade cotton blouse with billowy sleeves | ||||
33 | a sapphire linen blouse embroidered with tiny canaries | ||||
34 | a pale green suede tunic with dark green leather laces | ||||
35 | a thin white cotton shirt with silvery galena buttons | ||||
36 | a white-striped red cotton kerchief | ||||
37 | a black large-rim bonnet with a satin bow | ||||
38 | an oiled-wool charcoal knit cap with a short leather bill | ||||
39 | a beige linen undershirt | ||||
40 | a pale gauze undershirt | ||||
41 | a navy cotton nightshirt | ||||
42 | a gold satin chemise | ||||
43 | a white silk chemise |