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Mana Leech (516)

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Mana Leech (516)
Mnemonic [MANALEECH]
Duration Instantaneous
Attack Magic - Damage  
Subtype Warding 
Target(s) Single 
Interval One-Shot 
Damage Type Mana
Major Elemental Spells
Sleep (501) Attack
Chromatic Circle (502) Attack
Thurfel's Ward (503) Defensive
Slow (504) Attack
Hand of Tonis (505) Attack
Celerity (506) Utility
Elemental Deflection (507) Defensive
Elemental Bias (508) Defensive
Strength (509) Offensive
Hurl Boulder (510) Attack
Floating Disk (511) Utility
Cold Snap (512) Attack
Elemental Focus (513) Offensive
Stone Fist (514) Attack
Rapid Fire (515) Utility
Mana Leech (516) Utility
Charge Item (517) Utility
Cone of Elements (518) Attack
Immolation (519) Attack
Mage Armor (520) Defensive
Meteor Swarm (525) Attack
Elemental Disjunction (530) Attack
Haste (535) Utility
Temporal Reversion (540) Defensive
Time Stop (550) Utility

Mana Leech is a warding spell that creates a dull grey ray between the caster and its target to steal mana from the target and transfer it back to the caster. The target must have mana for the spell to function, and Mana Leech can never steal more mana than the target possesses. Successfully warding a target costs one (1) mana, while a failed warding check costs the expected sixteen (16) mana.

Four skills determine various aspects of the spell:

  1. Major Elemental spell ranks determine the maximum amount of mana that can be leeched.
  2. Harness Power determines the maximum mana a player can leech without any recovery.
  3. Elemental Mana Control determines the recovery rate and amount of mana drained each cast.
  4. Elemental Lore, Water provides a chance to add an additional 20 mana to the amount drained from the target each time it is cast.

Mana drained from target = (1/3 warding success) + (MjE ranks ÷ 5) + (EMC Skill ÷ 10)
  • Capped at MjE ranks minus 1
  • The amount of mana drained will be reduced if the caster has less than 100 Elemental Mana Control skill.
  • +20 if the caster passes the Water Lore check

The maximum amount of mana a caster may steal on any given cast of Mana Leech is determined by the caster's number of Major Elemental spell ranks, minus one (1) mana for the cost of the casting (e.g. a caster with 50 ranks in Major Elemental spells will be able to steal a maximum of 49 mana from its target). This is not capped at level.

Across multiple casts, a caster can leech a total amount of mana equal to their maximum mana capacity. Over time the capacity to leech mana recovers (see Recovery Time table below). The message: You no longer feel the effect of casting mana leech. indicates that the caster has fully recovered from the effects of Mana Leech (they can once again leech up to their maximum mana capacity).

Mana Control Benefits

Training in Elemental Mana Control (EMC) provides multiple benefits:

Efficiency of Mana Drain

EMC determines the percentage of mana that is successfully transferred to the caster, with 100% efficiency achieved at 100 skill.

  • With 0 skill in EMC, no mana will be successfully drained, even if the warding roll succeeds.
  • With 50 skill in EMC, for example, 50% of the expected mana will be drained.

The number of ranks that can be applied towards this percentage is capped at the caster's level.

  • i.e. a caster at level 20 may only have 20 ranks of EMC apply, which is 90 skill and thus 90% maximum mana drain efficiency.

Mana Drained from Target

EMC will increase the amount of mana drained from a target by skill bonus/10.

Elemental Mana Control ranks 2 4 6 8 10 13 15 18 20 24 27 30 35 40 50 60 70 80
Additional mana drained from target 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
Elemental Mana Control ranks 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 160 170 180 190 200 210 220 230 240 250
Additional mana drained from target 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35

Recovery Time

A recovery period that starts from your first successful cast of Mana Leech (516). It keeps track of how much mana you've drained while the effect has been active. Then each minute, it reduces the amount by ((max mana / 30) + 1 at 100 EMC, then +1 per 20 skill past that). So at level 50, if a wizard had 150 mana and was 1x in EMC (150 skill), their recovery amount is reduced by 8 per minute. If they had drained 30 mana from a target, it would take 4 minutes before the recovery effect ends.

Lore Benefit

Training in Elemental Lore, Water provides a chance for an additional 20 mana to be added to the amount drained from the target based on seed 2 summation of ranks. This benefit does not override the maximum leeching allowed before the cooldown, but will get the caster to that limit faster without the risk of failed casts.

Elemental Lore, Water ranks 2 5 9 14 20 27 35 44 54 65 77 90 104 119 135 152 170 189 209 230 252
Chance for +20 mana 1% 2% 3% 4% 5% 6% 7% 8% 9% 10% 11% 12% 13% 14% 15% 16% 17% 18% 19% 20% 21%


Cooldown end
You no longer feel the effect of casting mana leech.


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