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Mandrake pet

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A mandrake is a pet that is attainable via the Evermore Hollow herb hunt.

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You analyze your wooden whistle and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

The physical appearance of your wooden whistle can be changed.

A whittled wooden whistle can be worn, and indeed should be worn or held in order to activate it.  The first time it is used, it will become ATTUNED to you.  You can do this by EXHALING into it.  When you EXHALE into it, you will summon a mandrake.

The physical appearance of your wooden whistle cannot be changed.

 Your whistle is ready to be used again.


Verb First Third
EXHALE You blow into your ironwood whistle, making no sound at all. Moments later, a piercing scream suddenly splits the air as the ground parts and an amber-eyed scaly grey ironwood mandrake sprouting dark cyan mistblooms crawls out of it onto unsteady legs. Character blows into her ironwood whistle, making no sound at all. Moments later, a piercing scream suddenly splits the air as the ground parts and an amber-eyed scaly grey ironwood mandrake sprouting dark cyan mistblooms crawls out of it onto unsteady legs.



This is a Bittermere Woods mandrake.

He enjoys playing with people when they hug, point, prod, snuggle, or tickle at him.

You can feed the mandrake any foraged item.

You can hold the mandrake, or place him on your shoulder using WEAR.


Verb Status First Third
DISMISS This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
DROP You lower the mandrake to the ground, causing her to wiggle her root-haired toes and to squirm as you place herself on the ground. The moment her feet hit the ground, she teeters as if she may fall over but manages to maintain her footing and throws her arms in the air in obvious excitement. Character lowers the mandrake to the ground, causing her to wiggle her root-haired toes and to squirm as she places herself on the ground. The moment her feet hit the ground, she teeters as if she may fall over but manages to maintain her footing and throws her arms in the air in obvious excitement.
GET Non-owner Squirming and wiggling, an amber-eyed scaly grey ironwood mandrake sprouting dark cyan mistblooms slips out of your hands. Squirming and wiggling, an amber-eyed scaly grey ironwood mandrake sprouting dark cyan mistblooms slips out of Character's hands.
Owner Stretching her arms up at you and tilting her head back, the mandrake displays toddler-like excitement at being scooped up and silently giggles. Stretching her arms up at Character and tilting her head back, the mandrake displays toddler-like excitement at being scooped up and silently giggles.
HUG Non-owner Bending over, you hug an amber-eyed scaly grey ironwood mandrake sprouting dark cyan mistblooms, who responds by placing her plant-like head upon your shoulder and patting your back with her spindled root-like fingers. Bending over, Character hugs an amber-eyed scaly grey ironwood mandrake sprouting dark cyan mistblooms, who responds by placing her plant-like head upon her shoulder and patting her back with her spindled root-like fingers.
Owner, ground Bending over, you hug an amber-eyed scaly grey ironwood mandrake sprouting dark cyan mistblooms, who responds by placing her plant-like head upon your shoulder and patting your back with her spindled root-like fingers. Bending over, Character hugs an amber-eyed scaly grey ironwood mandrake sprouting dark cyan mistblooms, who responds by placing her plant-like head upon her shoulder and patting her back with her spindled root-like fingers.
Owner, in hand You hug the mandrake, who responds by placing her plant-like head upon your shoulder. Character hugs the mandrake, who responds by placing her plant-like head upon her shoulder.
Owner, wearing Wrapping one arm around your neck, the mandrake presses her coarse face against yours and hugs you tightly for a brief moment. Wrapping one arm around Character's neck, the mandrake perched on her shoulder presses her face against her cheek and squeezes her in a brief hug.
POINT Non-owner You point at an amber-eyed ironwood mandrake, who looks over her shoulder.

You point at an amber-eyed scaly grey ironwood mandrake sprouting dark cyan mistblooms.

Issalya points at an amber-eyed ironwood mandrake, who looks over her shoulder.

Issalya points at an amber-eyed scaly grey ironwood mandrake sprouting dark cyan mistblooms.

Owner, ground You point at the mandrake, who uses one root-like finger to point at herself before canting her head to the side. Character points at the mandrake, who uses one root-like finger to point at herself before canting her head to the side.
Owner, in hand You point at the mandrake, who uses one root-like finger to point at herself before canting her head to the side. Character points at the mandrake, who uses one root-like finger to point at herself before canting her head to the side.
Owner, wearing You point at the mandrake, who uses one root-like finger to point at herself before canting her head to the side. Character points at the mandrake, who uses one root-like finger to point at herself before canting her head to the side.
PROD Non-owner You stick your finger out at an amber-eyed scaly grey ironwood mandrake sprouting dark cyan mistblooms, attempting to prod her, but the mandrake throws her arms in the air and toddles away. Character sticks her finger out at an amber-eyed scaly grey ironwood mandrake sprouting dark cyan mistblooms, attempting to prod her, but the mandrake throws her arms in the air and toddles away.
Owner, ground Crouching briefly, you poke at the nubby growth that resembles a nose in the mandrake's face, causing her to fall over. Landing sharply on her bum, an amber-eyed scaly grey ironwood mandrake sprouting dark cyan mistblooms lets herself fall all the way back and rolls on the floor in silent laughter for several seconds. Crouching briefly, Character pokes at what passes for a nose on the mandrake's face, causing her to fall over. Landing sharply on her bum, an amber-eyed scaly grey ironwood mandrake sprouting dark cyan mistblooms lets herself fall all the way back and rolls on the floor in silent laughter for several seconds.
Owner, in hand Crouching briefly, you poke at the nubby growth that resembles a nose in the mandrake's face, causing her to fall over. Landing sharply on her bum, an amber-eyed scaly grey ironwood mandrake sprouting dark cyan mistblooms lets herself fall all the way back and rolls on the floor in silent laughter for several seconds. Crouching briefly, Character pokes at what passes for a nose on the mandrake's face, causing her to fall over. Landing sharply on her bum, an amber-eyed scaly grey ironwood mandrake sprouting dark cyan mistblooms lets herself fall all the way back and rolls on the floor in silent laughter for several seconds.
Owner, wearing This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
REMOVE You carefully lift the mandrake off your shoulder, her legs dangling in the air before you place her on the ground. Character carefully lifts the mandrake off her shoulder, her legs dangling in the air before she places her on the ground.
SNUGGLE Non-owner This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Owner, ground This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Owner, in hand This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Owner, wearing This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TICKLE Non-owner This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Owner, ground This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Owner, in hand This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Owner, wearing This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
WEAR This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Wearing Items

The mandrake pet can wear different foraged items, such as flowers or bark. Wearing them can change its appearance.

Ambient Messages

The mandrake pet has a variety of different ambient messages, sometimes interacting with other things or pets in the room.

Gazing up at an elegant black stag standing above him, a nut-eyed twisted witchwood mandrake sprouting smoky violet belerias chitters.  You can't be positive, but you would swear he said, "I am root."
Mandrake pet Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Creature
Item(s) Applied to Whistle
Alterable Yes
Original Release Venue Evermore Hollow
Original Release Year 2022
Attunement Permanent
Attunes to Character
Restrictions Alterations can only be done for the mandrake wood and eyes. These are only available at Ebon Gate.
Item Verbs