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Marcketel Mushroom Exporters

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Marcketel Mushroom Exporters is a shop in Zul Logoth that sells food and specializes in mushrooms. It found in the Crystalline Cavern on the east side of town next to the pawnshop behind a bright green door.

[Marcketel Mushroom Exporters] Room: 13010116
A damp, earthy smell permeates this shop and the light-giving potted mushrooms seen everywhere in town are almost lost in the profusion of other fungi. Trays of mushrooms in damp soil are racked on the walls using wire shelves. Small polished rocks have been strung on twine to form a bead curtain between the storefront and kitchen. Beside the curtain, a smooth slate counter holds a variety of mushroom-prepared foods. You also see a bright green door and a mushroom-shaped sign.
|            -------------------------------           |
|          ---  Marckatel's Marvelous Mushrooms ---    |
|            -------------------------------           |
|      ITEMS FOR SALE                          PRICE   |
|  Lightly fried and breaded mushroom           500    |
|  Steamed mushroom stalk                       100    |
|  Salted and fried mushroom chip                50    |
|  Handful of gnollish mushrooms                400    |
|  Mushroom and rolton stew                     800    |
|  Marinated broiled mushroom cap               300    |
|  Greens and mushroom salad                    250    |
|  Peppery mushroom-cheese omelet               300    |
|  Mushroom and cheese drizzled breadstick      100    |
|  Sauteed onions and mushrooms                 200    |


  1. a steamed mushroom stalk           6. a mushroom and cheese drizzled breadstick
  2. a salted and fried mushroom chip   7. a fried and lightly breaded mushroom
  3. a greens and mushroom salad        8. a handful of gnollish mushrooms
  4. some rolton and mushroom stew      9. a marinated broiled mushroom cap
  5. a peppery mushroom-cheese omelet   10. some sauteed onions and mushrooms