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Myharl (prime)/Northwatch Alliance Perspectives and Proposal by Myharl
Title: Perspectives on Northwatch and Proposal by Myharl
Author: Myharl
Presented on Niiman the 21st of Charlatos in 5124 M.E.
Perspectives on Northwatch
Presently, the concept of Northwatch remains amorphous. Some wish for it to become an empire unto itself, calling for a King of the North. Others wish to see it become a governing body with vast authorities over federated nation-states that make up the region.
As a free citizen of the North, Myharl adheres to the belief that the right of regional autonomy is imperative to survival in the frozen frontiers, yet he also sees the need for unification as a means of preservation—particularly in regard to repeated incursions and threats levied by foreign nations and entities.
It is Myharl's hope that Northwatch can become an alliance of sovereign states with all Signatories bearing equal representation as arbiters in pact with the sole purpose to guarantee the freedom and security of its members through political and military means. It is also his hope that Northwatch will promote democratic values, individual freedoms, and provide the nation-states of the North a reliable platform to consult and cooperate on defense and security-related issues, foster trust, and mitigate internal conflicts.
In short, Myharl believes that mutual unity and collective effort, not unilateral control, is the road to a secure and prosperous North. Long live the North! Long live Freedom!
Myharl's Proposal
- Recognition of 'Northwatch Alliance' being the official title. This reinforces that sovereign nation-states remain autonomous and united in purpose. It also dispels the perspective of Northwatch being a broader ruling body.
- The Nothwatch Alliance shall retain a policy of inclusiveness to all parties of the North that have demonstrated sustained efforts to align their political objectives with the goals of the Alliance set forth in the Treaty.
The Northwatch Treaty The signatories of this Treaty reaffirm their commitment to the purpose and principles of the Northwatch Alliance and its desire to ensure peace with all peoples and governments. The Northwatch Alliance is determined to protect the freedom, common heritage, and civilizations of the North and is founded on the principals of democracy, individual liberty, and the Rule of Law. The Northwatch Alliance seeks to promote stability and well-being in the region, and are resolute in efforts of collective defense and the preservation of peace and security. Article I — Signatories shall settle interregional disputes in such a manner that the peace and security of the North are not endangered, and shall refrain in interregional relations from the threat of force in any manner that is in direct conflict of the articles defined in this Treaty. Article II — Signatories shall contribute towards the development of peaceful and friendly interregional relations by promoting conditions of stability and well-being. They will seek to eliminate conflict in interregional economic policies and encourage economic collaboration between all regional powers in the North. Article III — Signatories shall separately and jointly maintain and develop their individual and collective capacity to resist armed attack against the North, by means of continuous and effective self-preparedness and mutual aid. Article IV — Signatories shall consult together whenever the territorial integrity, political independence, or security of any member of the Alliance is threatened. Article V — Signatories agree that an attack against one or more members of the Alliance is an attack against them all and consequently agree that in response to such an armed attack that each may exercise the right of individual or collective self-defense and that all Signatories shall commit necessary armed force to restore and maintain the security of the North. Article VI — Signatories declare that any existing interregional conflicts and engagements now in force against any other member of the Alliance is not in conflict with articles defined in the Treaty, and agree not to enter into any interregional engagement in conflict with this Treaty. Article VII — Signatories hereby establish a Senate, on which each member of the Alliance shall be granted equal representation to consider matters concerning the implementation of this Treaty. The Northwatch Senate shall be organized to be able to meet promptly at any time. The Senate shall set up subsidiary bodies as may be deemed necessary and shall maintain a Defense Committee which shall recommend measures for the implementation of Articles III and IV. Article VIII — Signatories, by unanimous agreement, may invite any other Northern power in a position to further the principles of this Treaty and contribute to the security of the North to become a Signatory to this Treaty. Article IX — This Treaty shall be ratified and its provisions carried out by the Signatories in accordance with their respective Rule of Law. The Treaty shall enter into force between all signatories upon the date of Signatory signing. Artcile X — After the Treaty has been in force for ten years, or any time thereafter, the Signatories shall, if any of them so request, consult together for the purpose of reviewing the Treaty. Article XI — Signatories agree to maintain one suitable structure in their respective territories reserved solely for the use as a consulate by the Northwatch Senate and that the assigned structure shall maintain clearly identified property boundaries wherein confined space is neutral territory in which all Signatories declare an irrevocable non-aggression pact.