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Non-corporeal critical table

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Non-corporeal critical table:

Since non-corporeal creatures do not have bodies, attacks against them, ordinarily, will not cause injuries. They will, however, lose health equal to the critical damage that corresponds to the critical rank/body location and damage type.

There are no damage values included in this table since these vary depending upon the damage type, i.e., slash, puncture, crush, fire, acid, lightning etc. The non-corporeal critical messaging will be the same for all damage types.

E.g. The Rank 4 acid head critical vs a wraith will have the same messaging as a Rank 4 puncture head critical vs a phantom, but the amount of damage will be different. The message for both attacks will be 'SWIFT STRIKE WOULD HAVE HIT MORE THAN AN EAR, IF ONLY IT WERE THERE'.The acid critical will do 20 damage from a Minor Acid (904) attack while the puncture critical will do 15 damage from a melee weapon attack.

Note: Status effects such as knockdowns are associated with the attacker's damage type.


  • A - Amputation (limb loss)N/A
  • F - Fatal critical N/A
  • K - Knockdown N/A
  • R - Injury level (rank 1, 2 or 3)N/A
  • S - Stun w/number of rounds N/A
  • V - Variable damage depending on damage type
  • x - Unknown stun round


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 V Light tap to the [target]'s head ruffles its appearance. ? N/A
1 V Quick blow to the head. Swirls of vapor dance around the [target]'s head. ? N/A
2 V Light strike to the [target]'s head. A wisp of vapor trickles earthward. ? N/A
3 V Top of the head momentarily flattened. ? N/A
4 V Swift strike would have hit more than an ear, if only it were there. ? N/A
5 V The [target]'s head wavers as your attack passes right through it! ? N/A
6 V Strong blow to the head! The [target] enjoys the breeze. ? N/A
7 V Your attack whistles right through the [target]'s face. Dimples! ? N/A
8 V The [target]'s head is split cleanly in two, but reseals from the neck up! ? N/A
9 V Strong attack separates head from shoulders. Head disappears in the breeze as a new one forms on the [target]'s shoulders! ? N/A
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 V Light blow to the neck causes even more unpleasant groans and wails. ? N/A
1 V Weak blow to neck wouldn't have scared the [target] even if it were still alive. ? N/A
2 V Flashy attack passes through the side of the neck. Ethereal fluids spray forth and quickly vanish into vapor! ? N/A
3 V Smoky tendrils rise from neck as your attack sweeps through. ? N/A
4 V Powerful hit to the [target]'s neck leaves trails of vapor in its wake! ? N/A
5 V Strong attack rips through the neck! To your horror, the [target]'s substance flows around the wound without leaving a trace! ? N/A
6 V The [target] wails eerily as your blow passes through its vocal cords. ? N/A
7 V Vicious blow to neck might have been fatal a few centuries ago. ? N/A
8 V Brutal blow to the neck sends head flying! The head floats up and settles back in place as easily as a hat. What is this, a haberdashery? ? N/A
9 V Tremendous strike! Vapor rushes from the neck following the blow! ? N/A
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 V The [target] blinks as the strike grazes the right eye. ? N/A
1 V Quick strike to the face! Just nicked an eyelid! ? N/A
2 V Nasty strike to the right eye causes it to dim a moment. ? N/A
3 V Decent shot to the right eye would have blinded a normal foe! ? N/A
4 V Quick strike sinks deep into the right eye socket. ? N/A
5 V Hard blow strikes deep into the right eye socket. Within moments the eyeball pops back out! ? N/A
6 V Smash to the cheek deforms right eye socket. Vapor swirls as the ethereal bones reform. ? N/A
7 V Blow to the right eye slides through head. The [target] twitches violently, then shudders slightly as the wound seals. ? N/A
8 V Hard blast to the side of the right eye. Strike carries right on through the bridge of the nose, the other eye, and the rest of the head! ? N/A
9 V Surgical strike to the right eye removes the top of the head! The [target] goes still for a moment while its head reshapes. ? N/A
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 V The [target] blinks as the strike grazes the left eye. ? N/A
1 V Quick strike to the face! Just nicked an eyelid! ? N/A
2 V Nasty strike to the left eye causes it to dim a moment. ? N/A
3 V Decent shot to the left eye would have blinded a normal foe! ? N/A
4 V Quick strike sinks deep into the left eye socket. ? N/A
5 V Hard blow strikes deep into the left eye socket. Within moments the eyeball pops back out! ? N/A
6 V Smash to the cheek deforms left eye socket. Vapor swirls as the ethereal bones reform. ? N/A
7 V Blow to the left eye slides through head. The [target] twitches violently, then shudders slightly as the wound seals. ? N/A
8 V Hard blast to the side of the left eye. Strike carries right on through the bridge of the nose, the other eye, and the rest of the head! ? N/A
9 V Surgical strike to the left eye removes the top of the head! The [target] goes still for a moment while its head reshapes. ? N/A
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 V Did you even connect? Nope, that was just wind damage. ? N/A
1 V Weak blow leaves a brief imprint on the [target]'s chest! ? N/A
2 V Direct assault cleaves straight through the breastbone. Alas, it mends before you can make a wish. ? N/A
3 V The [target] fades for a second as the blow passes through the chest. ? N/A
4 V Smash to the chest! Good thing there were no ribs there to shatter. ? N/A
5 V Attack whistles right through the chest! It's like fighting fog! ? N/A
6 V Strong hit to the chest! Tendrils of mist explode as the strike passes right through. ? N/A
7 V Brutal assault cuts a swath through the torso! Fortunately for the [target], it doesn't need lungs. ? N/A
8 V Mighty blow rips through the [target]'s chest, causing it to pause as it reforms. ? N/A
9 V Massive strike to the chest crashes through the [target]'s back in a cloud of vapor. ? N/A
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 V Half-hearted strike to the midsection. The [target] seems unfazed. ? N/A
1 V Quick blow to the belly causes the [target] to drift backwards slightly. ? N/A
2 V Glancing blow to the stomach. Good thing it won't be eating soon. ? N/A
3 V Hit passes right through the midsection. Nothing hurts like an empty stomach. ? N/A
4 V Strike swipes cleanly through the abdomen, but seals up a moment later! ? N/A
5 V Massive blow strikes the [target] and drives it back! Good thing those ribs aren't made of bone. ? N/A
6 V Strong strike splits the belly open, revealing ghostly organs. Haggis anyone? ? N/A
7 V Hard strike to the abdomen. Ethereal entrails seem to spill from the [target]'s mangled substance, vanishing into misty tendrils as they strike the ground. ? N/A
8 V Strike to the abdomen goes right through, leaving misty trails in its wake. ? N/A
9 V Amazing strike enters one side and exits the other, neatly cutting the [target] in half! ? N/A
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 V Light tap to the [target]'s lower back. Seems more of an annoyance than anything else. ? N/A
1 V Misjudged timing. You barely catch the [target] in the back! ? N/A
2 V Hard strike connects with the [target]'s back! A thin arc of mist spews forth, evaporating quickly. ? N/A
3 V Quick strike connects with the [target]'s lower back! Luckily there was nothing vital there. ? N/A
4 V Hard shot to the [target]'s back sends it drifting forward! ? N/A
5 V Deft blow to the spine cuts along the ethereal bones. Fillet of soul? ? N/A
6 V Attack whistles right through the lower back encountering little resistance! ? N/A
7 V Body swirls violently from a strong hit to the back. Neat effect! ? N/A
8 V Incredible strike to the [target]'s back smashes through the chest! Too bad it melts back together. ? N/A
9 V Amazing shot cleaves the torso in half at the waist! You watch agape as the misty form knits itself back together! ? N/A
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 V Ineffectual strike knocks a wisp of ether from the [target]'s right arm. ? N/A
1 V Glancing blow to the right arm leaves a trail of vapor in its wake. ? N/A
2 V Large gash to the right arm seals as strike passes through. ? N/A
3 V Quick strike rips right arm open! To your dismay it quickly closes on its own. ? N/A
4 V Strong hit rips arm from wrist to elbow. The wound vanishes as the ethereal flesh swirls around in chaotic patterns. ? N/A
5 V Good hit! Right shoulder is ripped from its socket, then wriggles back into place. ? N/A
6 V Hard strike shatters arm into vapor. The arm reforms before your eyes! ? N/A
7 V Right arm ripped in half at elbow! The fallen arm evaporates as a new one materializes. ? N/A
8 V A massive blow to the right shoulder hoists the [target] high into the air. It hangs there a moment, suspended, before falling forward. ? N/A
9 V Huge hit explodes right arm into cold, viscous mist. When you look again, the arm has reformed. ? N/A
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 V Ineffectual strike knocks a wisp of ether from the [target]'s left arm. ? N/A
1 V Glancing blow to the left arm leaves a trail of vapor in its wake. ? N/A
2 V Large gash to the left arm seals as strike passes through. ? N/A
3 V Quick strike rips left arm open! To your dismay it quickly closes on its own. ? N/A
4 V Strong hit rips arm from wrist to elbow. The wound vanishes as the ethereal flesh swirls around in chaotic patterns. ? N/A
5 V Good hit! Left shoulder is ripped from its socket, then wriggles back into place. ? N/A
6 V Hard strike shatters arm into vapor. The arm reforms before your eyes! ? N/A
7 V Left arm ripped in half at the elbow! The fallen arm evaporates as a new one materializes. ? N/A
8 V A massive blow to the left shoulder hoists the [target] high into the air. It hangs there a moment, suspended, before falling forward. ? N/A
9 V Huge hit explodes left arm into cold, viscous mist. When you look again, the arm has reformed. ? N/A
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 V Weak blow to the hand. Rapping its knuckles will only make it mad! ? N/A
1 V A weak slap on the wrist. That's not going to reform a soul. ? N/A
2 V Weak attack slips silently through the [target]'s fingers, stirring the breeze. ? N/A
3 V The [target] glares maliciously as the strike slides through its right hand. ? N/A
4 V Hard blow to the right hand sends fingers flying. Alas, they reform soundlessly from thin air. ? N/A
5 V A fine blow splits the back of the hand. Tendrils of vapor intertwine as the wound seals before your eyes. ? N/A
6 V The [target]'s hand explodes from the brutal strike! Trails of ether spurt high into the air in all directions. ? N/A
7 V Strong smash to the right hand! The [target] quails and sinks momentarily as its right hand reforms before your eyes. ? N/A
8 V A strong blow cleaves the right wrist! The hand dangles, spinning slowly, and then snaps back in place! ? N/A
9 V A mighty attack shatters the right hand into a thousand fragments. To your horror, the fragments turn to vapor and reform the hand. ? N/A
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 V Weak blow to the hand. Rapping its knuckles will only make it mad! ? N/A
1 V A weak slap on the wrist. That's not going to reform a soul. ? N/A
2 V Weak attack slips silently through the [target]'s fingers, stirring the breeze. ? N/A
3 V The [target] glares maliciously as the strike slides through its left hand. ? N/A
4 V Hard blow to the left hand sends fingers flying. Alas, they reform soundlessly from thin air. ? N/A
5 V A fine blow splits the back of the hand. Tendrils of vapor intertwine as the wound seals before your eyes. ? N/A
6 V The [target]'s hand explodes from the brutal strike! Trails of ether spurt high into the air in all directions. ? N/A
7 V Strong smash to the left hand! The [target] quails and sinks momentarily as its left hand reforms before your eyes. ? N/A
8 V A strong blow cleaves the left wrist! The hand dangles, spinning slowly, and then snaps back in place! ? N/A
9 V A mighty attack shatters the left hand into a thousand fragments. To your horror, the fragments turn to vapor and reform the hand. ? N/A
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 V A weak tap grazes the right ankle. Feeling nervous yet? ? N/A
1 V Right ankle stung! The [target] stamps in silent annoyance. ? N/A
2 V Wild attack passes through the right leg, viciously assaulting the air! ? N/A
3 V A strong blow bursts the right calf open in a spray of vapor. New muscle erupts from the middle of the wound, consuming the injured tissue. ? N/A
4 V A fine strike pins the right leg for an instant. The [target] looks miffed. ? N/A
5 V Quick strike to the right leg! The [target] makes no bones about it. ? N/A
6 V Strong assault amputates the leg at the knee. It floats in the air a moment before drifting back into place! ? N/A
7 V Painful attack flays the leg from thigh to calf. New skin lies, snakelike, beneath the old. ? N/A
8 V Massive blow obliterates the right knee. The [target] falters as a sickly light flows freely down its leg. ? N/A
9 V Huge strike vaporizes the right thigh. The [target] convulses, falling inward upon itself while the leg mends. ? N/A
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 V A weak tap grazes the left ankle. Feeling nervous yet? ? N/A
1 V Left ankle stung! The [target] stamps in silent annoyance. ? N/A
2 V Wild attack passes through the left leg, viciously assaulting the air! ? N/A
3 V A strong blow bursts the left calf open in a spray of vapor. New muscle erupts from the middle of the wound, consuming the injured tissue. ? N/A
4 V A fine strike pins the left leg for an instant. The [target] looks miffed. ? N/A
5 V Quick strike to the left leg! The [target] makes no bones about it. ? N/A
6 V Strong assault amputates the leg at the knee. It floats in the air a moment before drifting back into place! ? N/A
7 V Painful attack flays the leg from thigh to calf. New skin lies, snakelike, beneath the old. ? N/A
8 V Massive blow obliterates the left knee. The [target] falters as a sickly light flows freely down its leg. ? N/A
9 V Huge strike vaporizes the left thigh. The [target] convulses, falling inward upon itself while the leg mends. ? N/A
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