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Fire critical table

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Fire critical table - Element: Fire

This is the critical table for the wizard spells Minor Fire (906) and Major Fire (908) and the arcane spells Flaming Aura (1706) and Firestorm (1715). The source of fire criticals is not limited to the aforementioned spells. Other spells, various creature attacks, specially enhanced weapons, and environmental effects may cause fire damage injuries or death. Due to its special properties, weapons forged from drakar, a flat, unreflective metal, may flare causing additional damage to the target in the form of fire criticals.

The damage values (hit points) associated with each message within this table are bolt AS based. CS based attacks that produce fire criticals will frequently have damage that differs from those listed here. Although the damage may increase/decrease for a particular crit rank, the associated injury ranks, stun rounds, knockdowns and instant deaths will not vary, except in cases where targets have special immunities or resistances to these status effects.


  • A - Amputation (limb loss)
  • F - Fatal critical
  • K - Knockdown
  • R - Injury level (rank 1, 2 or 3)
  • S - Stun w/number of rounds
  • x - Unknown stun round


Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Blast of hot air to head dries foe's hair. none none
1 5 Minor burns to head. That hurts a bit. none R1
2 10 Burst of flames to head catches ears on fire! Yeeoww! S1 R1
3 15 Burst of flames char forehead a crispy black. S3 R2
4 20 Flames engulf head searing hair and scalp. Sickening! S6 R2
5 25 Flames incinerate scalp completely and blacken scullcap. S10 R3
6 30 Head explodes in flames! Grab some marshmallows. F R3
7 35 Flame sets a [target]'s head alight like a torch. Burned beyond recognition. F R3
8 40 Head reduced to a charred stump. F R3
9 50 Head explodes, splattering sizzling bits of flesh and bone everywhere. F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Flames brush foe's neck. Some sweat but not much else. none none
1 2 Minor burns to neck. Looks uncomfortable. none R1
2 5 Burst of flames to neck. Yuck! S1 R1
3 10 Burst of flames chars neck a crispy black. S2 R2
4 12 Flames incinerate muscle tissue in neck exposing trachea. More than you ever wanted to see. S4 R2
5 15 Flames burn neck into a bubbling mass of flesh. Forget lunch. S8 R3
6 20 Fire burns through neck and destroys carotid artery. Painfully bloody way to die. F R3
7 25 A [target] takes a breath of super-heated air and expires gasping. F R3
8 30 Neck consumed in flame and charred to a crisp. F R3
9 40 Neck completely incinerated; head drops to the ground and rolls to your feet! F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Flames tickle right eye. Eyebrow singed. none none
1 1 Minor burns to right eye. Foe blinks back the tears. none R1
2 3 Burst of flames to right eye bakes eyelid. S1 R1
3 5 Burst of flames to right eye incinerates eyelid. Gruesome. S3 R2
4 10 Horrid burns seal right eye. Consider an eyepatch. S5 R2
5 20 Flames toast right cornea. Consider an eyepatch. S10 R3
6 30 Right eye propelled out of socket by fiery explosion! S12 R3
7 40 Right eye catches fire, quickly bringing [target]'s brain to a boil. F R3 eye/head
8 45 Right eye evaporates in a burst of flame. Death from shock follows. F R3 eye/head
9 50 Super-heated flame causes right eye to explode inward. F R3 eye/head
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Flames tickle left eye. Eyebrow singed. none none
1 1 Minor burns to left eye. Foe blinks back the tears. none R1
2 3 Burst of flames to left eye bakes eyelid. S1 R1
3 5 Burst of flames to left eye incinerates eyelid. Gruesome. S3 R2
4 10 Horrid burns seal left eye. Consider an eyepatch. S5 R2
5 20 Flames toast left cornea. Consider an eyepatch. S10 R3
6 30 Left eye propelled out of socket by fiery explosion! S12 R3
7 40 Flame engulfs foe's left eye, setting it ablaze. Mercifully, death follows quickly. F R3 eye/head
8 45 Intense heat causes left eye to evaporate. Death from shock is unavoidable. F R3 eye/head
9 50 Left eye explodes. Sizzling pieces of brain drip from the empty socket. F R3 eye/head
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Burst of flames to chest. Didn't hurt much. none none
1 5 Minor burns to chest. That hurts a bit. none R1
2 10 Burst of flames to chest toasts skin nicely. none R1
3 15 Burst of flames char chest a crisp black. S1 R1
4 20 Nasty burns to chest make you wish you never heard of heartburn. S3 R2
5 25 Flames burn hole in chest exposing ribs. S5 R2
6 30 Flames cook a [target]'s chest. Looks about medium well. S6 R3
7 50 Skin and some muscle burnt off chest. S8 R3
8 60 Flames engulf body. Chest left a smoldering ruin. F R3
9 70 Fire completely surrounds [target]. Blood boils and heart stops. F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Burst of flames to abdomen. Didn't hurt much. none none
1 5 Minor burns to abdomen. Looks painful. none R1
2 10 Burst of flames to abdomen toasts skin nicely. none R1
3 15 Burst of flames chars abdomen a crispy black. S1 R2
4 20 Nasty burns to abdomen, [target] shrieks in pain! S3 R2
5 25 Abdomen bursts into flames. Would be funny without the blood. S5 R2
6 30 Flames cook [target]'s abdomen. Looks about medium well. S6 R3
7 50 Permanently debilitating burns across stomach. S8 R3
8 60 Intestines rupture from intense heat; dies a slow, painful death. F R3
9 70 Flame burns through abdomen. Greasy smoke billows forth. F R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Blast of flames to back. More bother than pain. none none
1 5 Minor burns to back. Looks uncomfortable. none R1
2 10 Burst of flames to back toasts skin nicely. none R1
3 15 Burst of flames to back fries shoulder blades. S1 R1
4 20 Nasty burns to back. Won't be sleeping on that for awhile. S3 R2
5 25 Back bursts into a spectacular display of flames. Bet it hurts too. S5 R2
6 30 Flames cook [target]'s back. Looks about medium well. S6 R3
7 50 A large patch of flesh is seared off [target]'s back. S8 R3
8 60 Flame engulfs back: [target] flambe! F R3 back/nerves
9 70 Back burnt to the bone. Smoke curls up from what's left.. F R3 back/nerves
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Flames tickle right arm. Hair singed. none none
1 3 Minor burns to right arm. That hurts a bit. none R1
2 7 Burst of flames to right arm burns skin bright red. none R1
3 8 Burst of flames to right arm toasts skin to elbows. S1 R1
4 10 Nasty burns to right arm. Gonna need lots of butter. S2 R2
5 15 Flames incinerate right arm to the bone. Not a pleasant sight. S3 R2
6 20 Extreme heat causes [target]'s right arm to expand and snap. That must hurt! S5 R2
7 25 Right arm scorched so bad it might as well be gone. S6 A R3
8 35 Right forearm burned clean off. At least it's cauterized. S8 A R3
9 40 Flame consumes [target]'s right arm all the way to the shoulder. S10 A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Flames tickle left arm. Hair singed. none none
1 3 Minor burns to left arm. That hurts a bit. none R1
2 7 Burst of flames to left arm burns skin bright red. none R1
3 8 Burst of flames to left arm toasts skin to elbows. S1 R1
4 10 Nasty burns to left arm. Gonna need lots of butter. S2 R2
5 15 Flames incinerate left arm to the bone. Not a pleasant sight. S3 R2
6 20 Extreme heat causes [target]'s left arm to expand and snap. That must hurt! S5 R2
7 25 Blaze chars [target]'s left arm. What's left is unusable. S6 A R3
8 35 Left arm burnt away at elbow. Ointment won't help. S8 A R3
9 40 Left arm incinerated. Unfortunate. S10 A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Burst of flame to right hand singes knuckles. none none
1 1 Minor burns to right hand. Ouch! none R1
2 3 Burst of flames to right hand burns fingers bright red. none R1
3 5 Burst of flames to right hand fries palm. Ouch! none R1
4 7 Nasty burns to right hand. Gonna need lots of butter. S1 R2
5 8 Right hand fried to a crisp. Think barbecue sauce. S2 R2
6 10 Extreme heat melts the skin off [target]'s right hand. Gross! S3 R2
7 15 Skin and muscle seared off right hand. Not much left. S4 A R3
8 25 Right hand reduced to smoking ash. Too bad would have come in handy. S5 A R3
9 30 Unbelievable heat melts hand down to the wrist. S7 A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Burst of flame to left hand singes knuckles. none none
1 1 Minor burns to left hand. Ouch! none R1
2 3 Burst of flames to left hand burns fingers bright red. none R1
3 5 Burst of flames to left hand fries palm. Ouch! none R1
4 7 Nasty burns to left hand. Gonna need lots of butter. S1 R2
5 8 Left hand fried to a crisp. Think barbecue sauce. S2 R2
6 10 Extreme heat melts the skin off [target]'s left hand. Gross! S3 R2
7 15 Several fingers consumed from left hand. The rest are unusable. S4 A R3
8 25 Flame burns everything but the bones from left hand. S5 A R3
9 30 Left hand burned off. Only a stump remains. S7 A R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Flames tickle right leg. Feels warm. none none
1 5 Minor burns to right leg. That hurts a bit. none R1
2 10 Burst of flames to right leg burns skin bright red. none R1
3 15 Burst of flames to right leg blackens kneecap. S1 R1
4 17 Nasty burns to right leg. Gonna need lots of butter. S3 K R2
5 20 Flames incinerate right leg to the bone. Not a pleasant sight. S5 K R2
6 25 Extreme heat causes right leg to expand and snap. That must hurt! S6 K R2
7 30 Right leg horribly scorched. Won't be usable for weeks. S8 A K R3
8 40 The lower half of [target]'s right leg is almost completely burned away. S10 A K R3
9 45 Right leg aflame. When the smoke clears, there's nothing left. S12 A K R3
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Rank Damage Message Status Effects Wounds
0 0 Flames tickle left leg. Feels warm. none none
1 5 Minor burns to left leg. That hurts a bit. none R1
2 10 Burst of flames to left leg burns skin bright red. none R1
3 15 Burst of flames to left leg blackens kneecap. S1 R1
4 17 Nasty burns to left leg. Gonna need lots of butter. S3 K R2
5 20 Flames incinerate left leg to the bone. Not a pleasant sight. S5 K R2
6 25 Extreme heat causes left leg to expand and snap. That must hurt! S6 K R2
7 30 Scorching heat shrivels left leg to a useless black mass. S8 A K R3
8 40 Left leg burned off at the knee. Ouch. S10 A K R3
9 45 Left leg completely charred. S12 A K R3
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Noncorporeal critical table for messaging with fire based attacks against Noncorporeal creatures.

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