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North by Northwest (storyline)/2023-01-15 - Freepudiation (log)

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Lormesta 15-16, 5123


Mayor Thadston gives a speech outside of Moot Hall that he's tired of the word "freedom" coming from every angle and redefined. He says Wehnimer's Landing already has it and that's why demands on his desk aren't made for freedom, but for protection, peace, harvests, walls, and trade. He rebukes the petition of the black thorns as illusionary, says he doesn't recognize half the names, criticizes the Dae'randir as having forgotten the words of Turinrond, and tells the names and organizations affiliated with Icemule that they're less welcome than the Imperials and if they continue to meddle, then he'll go north with a "measure" of his own and "win."

He says the Empire has protected the Landing's freedom and bitter voices are threatening to unravel this turning point in history that has the Landing positioned for more prosperity, opportunity, and value, then gives a warning that if they continue to work against the future, no tunnel nor thorns will hide or protect them.


Awaiting Thadston

[Town Square Central]

This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Kelfyr disk, a grizzled porcupine, an inlaid leather grimoire soaring around with its gilt-swept ethereal violet pinions, a frost-covered yellow-eyed silvery lor mandrake, the web-draped Missoni disk, the repousse copper Perigourd disk raised in leafy designs, a lazy wild greyish-black dog, a morose wasteland spirit that is flying around, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, the Beldannon disk, the Arahnim disk, a touchy spring spirit that is flying around, the skull-shaped Irval disk, a blue crystal, a large acorn, an orange-eyed white cat, a large acorn, a large acorn, a luminescent indigo mushroom, a coconut-frosted Karazja vanilla cupcake, a silver-traced carved mahogany cart with some stuff on it, a black iron cauldron, some wide stone benches with some stuff on it, an herbal remedy donation bin and a round silver-banded barrel.

Also here: Roelaren, Mourdeyan, Pukk, Koul, Kelfyr, Drektor, Missoni, Perigourd, Town Councilor Kiyna, Stormyrain, Town Councilor Kayse, Tikba, Seaward Gutstorm, Conquerer of Reim Beldannon, Arahnim, Irval, Rolliio who is sitting, Xanxen who is sitting

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Stormy, wot kinda sylvan ye be?"

Pukk recites:

"Everybody join Kayse!"

Mourdeyan says, "Or Gusty."

Pukk recites:

"I mean Stormyrain!"

Speaking to Pukk, Kayse mouths, "Why?"

Stormyrain says, "Absolutely not."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me group am full, shorry."

Bristenn observes, "Ah, old dependable."

[General] Thadston thinks, "Good evening."

[Realm] Perigourd thinks, "Fair eve."

[General] Irval thinks, "Evening Mister mayor."

[General] Guarrin thinks, "Mayor."

Mourdeyan says, "Itsa party now."

[General] Dwi thinks, "Wanna be mayer.."

[General] Tikba politely greets, "Mayor."

[General] Goldstr exclaims, "Evenin Mayor Andrews!"

[General] Dwi thinks, "I petted da real mayer dis affernoon."

[General] Cryheart thinks, "Good evening Mayor."

Guarrin says, "I imagine he is in Moot hall. Heading over."

Cryheart says, "The Mayor speaketh."

[travel, but he's actually not there yet]

[General] Thadston thinks, "I'll be along to outside Moot Hall in time. I've some things to share."

[Town Square, East]

Here in the center of a broad plaza near the commercial area of the bazaar stands the impressive facade of the slate-roofed Moot Hall, where the citizens of Wehnimer's Landing hold various official, religious and social functions. Facing the square are some of the town's more prosperous shops, still doing business with the many customers who still frequent the streets at night. You also see a large purple wooden barrel, a blanket of snow, a black imperial wagon with a glowing blue-white pylon on it, a silver-inked ivory parchment nailed to a wall outside of Moot Hall and a dark green wreath with Imaera's lace hanging from the doors of Moot Hall.

[General] Lylia thinks, "Excellent."

[General] Dwi asks, "Silbers?"

Roelaren says, "I have not seen it."

Cryheart asks, "Aye?"

Speaking cheerfully to Lylia, Missoni says, "Fair eve."

Speaking to Missoni, Lylia says, "Fair, and chill! It is good to see you."

Speaking to Lylia, Missoni says, "Yes, I am trying to ignore the chill."

Missoni admits, "It is not entirely working."

Gutstorm forms several angular gestures while chanting rumbling phrases of power in the Dwarven tongue...

Gutstorm momentarily gets a faroff look in his eyes, and then returns to normal.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dey gittin married."

[General] Gutstorm drunkenly thinks, "Congatchamationchinsh on da nuptualsh."

Roelaren gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...

Roelaren gestures.

Roelaren gets a frustrated look on her face.

Roelaren says, "Unseen force."

Cryheart says, "Fear and angst does make folks do foolish thing."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Thadshton gonna have 4 wive den." [think he was off with Kayse, Kiyna, Stormyrain, and Vaemyr; not sure who the fourth wife was supposed to be unless Guts is either counting Vaemyr, counting his first wife (now deceased) Saraphene, or thinks Thadston's married to Casiphia (he's not)]

Lylia says, "Ah, you must be speaking of the 'Black Thorns.'."

Dendum says, "Could be talk about Pookia."

Speaking to Xorus, Lylia asks, "Did I say that aloud?"

[Realm] The invoker thinks, "Residents of Wehnimer's Landing, I am currently at Town Square, Small Park and offering spells to those in need."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Oooh, voker."

Dendum says, "Bah...owe Urpy 2000 silvers now."

Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "I suppose I should finish aloud too, then. I read the names; I did not count as many citizens as I did names."

[General] Urpy thinks, "Scuttlebutt says the invoker has been spotted in the small park."

Cryheart says, "Ye hae time for the invoker."

Lylia says, "Pardon me a moment."

Roelaren says, "Ok are we going as a group."

Mourdeyan says, "Ahh."

[General] Directed to Urpy, Dendum thinks, "Owe Urpy 2000 silvers....scuttlebutt was right."

[General] Etravalo thinks, "Just found a 90 lb box on a hobgoblin."

[General] Kelfyr thinks, "Careful, might have a hobgoblin hiding in it."

[General] Archales thinks, "Sounds like someone is retiring early."

[General] Loamian thinks, "They do so love their bricks."

[General] Linguist exclaims, "Congrats on your 12 Heavy Quartz Orbs!"

[General] Dendum thinks, "Golvern makes good socks."

[General] Dwi thinks, "Good bowls too."

[General] Kelfyr thinks, "Make sure to guard whoever picks that for you. Would have for them to get ambushed."

[General] Dwi thinks, "Anna doors."

[General] Kelfyr thinks, "Hate, as well."

[General] Dwi thinks, "Also, axes."

[General] Mourdeyan thinks, "Got my best find t'date the other eve, 181 pound box."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Lylia, wanna wrashle?"

Lylia primly says, "No, wrestling is not fighting."

[General] Dwi asks, "Was Goldstr innit?"

[General] Chayesor thinks, "Sheesh, that's like three times my body weight."

Lylia admits, "Although wrestling might be warmer than standing until snow-drifts build over my boots."

Speaking to Lylia, Mourdeyan says, "Or knees."

[General] Gutstorm thinks, "Prolly Raelee."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Oopsh."

Tikba asks, "Who would be feeding information to Gnul?"

Lylia mournfully says, "Or at this rate, navel."

Tikba apologetically says, "I am sorry. I am not good at whispering."

Speaking to Tikba, Lylia says, "I can think of many who would. And I am terrible at it too."

Lylia dryly remarks, "Voice made for oratory."

Alosaka says, "I do wonder sometimes, on slow days, why there was so much plinite stored in the Outpost."

Dendum says, "Someone should feed Gnul location of cliff to walk off of."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Nalver gimme'd."

Speaking to Alosaka, Missoni says, "Research, I expect."

Mourdeyan says, "Aye, someone good at propaganda."

Tikba wryly notes, "Under the outpost."

Kelfyr says, "That's some intensive research to require it in that volume."

Dwi heartily asks, "Why ye all waitin onna da street?"

Lylia says, "We sometimes read into such matters after the fact when really, it may have been a string of oversights. 'Oh, where should we put this? Let us let that other fellow decide, and we shall leave it here.'."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Warshef!"

Speaking to Dwi, Archales says, "I dunno I just lurk here."

Tikba says, "The Mayor suggested he would speak. I believe he may be being spoken to."

Speaking to Dwi, Akenna explains, "We're slowly waiting to be engulfed by this snow."

Xorus says, "Storage within and below an imperial fortress is a reasonably secure location for a cache of plinite."

Xorus says, "Unfortunately, it was a cavern rather than a metal vault."

Speaking to Xorus, Kelfyr says, "Should have been, at least."

Speaking to Xorus, Alosaka says, "A fair point."

Tikba notes, "The Town Council may be with him."

Mourdeyan says, "Keep the snow tunnel open Dwi."

Dendum says, "Yes they meet inside....accidently followed into secret meeting listening to Pukk."

Speaking heartily to a silver-inked ivory parchment nailed to a wall outside of Moot Hall, Dwi says, "We needa new chalkboard."

Dendum says, "Well...not secret just not open to all."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dat mean shecret."

Speaking amusedly to Dendum, Tikba says, "I thought Kayse could spot you."

Speaking to Tikba, Dendum says, ""Eh...the Kayse thinks that too sometimes."

Speaking to Gutstorm, Kelfyr says, "I'm sure you could get in on it if you run for office next term."

Speaking heartily to Goldstr, Dwi asks, "It's a tent?"

Thadston's Announcement

Mayor Thadston's group just arrived.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Me am to offich to hold offish in dish town, nuthin lesh then Kingship will properly do."

Cryheart says, "Evening."

Thadston clears his throat.

Kelfyr says, "And through the door too."

Thadston says, "Evening everyone."

Guarrin cordially greets, "Mayor. Marshal."

Speaking heartily to Thadston, Dwi exclaims, "Dont innerupt...we haffin a meetin!"

Citan deeply says, "Hello's."

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm slurs, "No chair down here."

Mourdeyan says, "Mayor."

Lylia replies, "Good evening to you as well, albeit a chill one."

Irval says, "Evening. Aye it's a bit chilly out. Freezing my bone bits off."

Dendum honestly says, "Is cold evening but peaceful enough."

Thadston says, "This blasted snow."

Thadston says, "I haven't been this cold in eight years."

Thadston says, "Part of it is refreshing."

Thadston says, "Reminds me why we fight. Why I fight."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "It colder den ma witchesh.....nebermind."

Vaemyr says, "It is, certainly colder than our typical winters."

Roelaren says, "Lots of snow it seems."

Irval says, "And why is that Mister Mayor. Put words to your thoughts so that we may all be reminded of it in this time of uncertainity."

Some townspeople gather within the square, huddled in close for warmth, hugged tightly in their heavy coats and wrapps.

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Uh oh."

Dwi yells, "Git in close! Easier to aboid da rocks!"

Falvicar whispers something to Yukito.

Thadston twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.

Thadston steps to the front of Moot Hall, standing before those gathered. His eyes narrow.

Speaking in Dwarven, Dwi heartily says something you don't understand.

Speaking gently to Roelaren, Stormyrain says, "I will be fine my friend, thank you."

Roelaren says, "Ok my dear."

Thadston twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.

Thadston recites:


Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Lettem finich."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Ooof...I think I pulled sumpthin."

Thadston twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.

Thadston recites:

"I have grown so tired of this word tossed about from every side, from every mouth, acting as if each mind can suddenly redefine or redraw its meaning and purpose. Freedom is not an opinion or an angle. Freedom is a truth, and it ascends men and borders and strangling thorns. There are small voices clamoring to make noise louder than they are. I stand at the highest peak of Wehnimer's Landing. My ears are reached daily with the needs of our farmers, our merchants, our dockworkers, our families. My desk is littered daily with the demands of our blacksmiths, our fishermen, our loggers and our shipwrights. Do you know what they speak of? Do you know what they ask?"

Thadston recites:

"They ask for protection from nefarious men in masks claiming to be a Brotherhood. They ask for peace in their streets without threat of harassment for their opinions. They ask for bountiful harvests to help feed their families and fill their storehouses. They ask for walls of stone to deter great beasts and shield against strong winds. They ask for increased trade to open a world of opportunity for them and beyond. Do you know what they do not speak of? Do you know what they do not ask for?"

Irval says, "Tell us1."

Thadston recites:


Thadston recites:

"Do you know why?"

Irval exclaims, "Why!"

Dwi heartily asks, "Da price o' ale?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "They like being shlave?"

Kelfyr asks, "They believe they have it already?"

Thadston nods at Irval.

Thadston recites:

"It is because they already have freedom. That is why they do not bombard with me such requests. Because our townspeople, our true heart of this town and community, refuse to waste time in asking for that which they already have and acknowledge. Yet here I stand before you, having to address these tiny mouths with loud bellows. Oh, but you have penned a letter and collected signatures. How incredibly noble. Except, they are as illusionary as the threat you swear to work against."

Thadston recites:

"Half of these organizations who stir up chaos under the guise of defending Wehnimer's Landing do not even call the town their home. They creep down here from Icemule Trace to spread their cold lies, since apparently their home does not have enough troubles as it is. I promise you this, if you come south to Wehnimer's Landing and bring trouble, I will come north and bring a measure of my own. I will win. You should work well to avoid that embarrassment and tarnish on your history. "

Thadston recites:

"Half of these names I see signed I do not even recognize. Some of you must dwell so deep in the shadows that you might as well be a ghost. I do not hear your name shouted in the midst of invasions as townspeople declare their appreciation for your assistance, your shield, or your healing or services. Your names have not echoed in my mind as battle commands are proclaimed while we defend the great Wehnimer's Landing. Perhaps you should remain under the rocks or return to whatever town you came from."

Dwi heartily says, "Gimme da thing...I'll sign it."

Thadston twists his head slightly, cracking his neck. He looks relieved.

Thadston recites:

"Oh, the Dae'Randir, how you have strayed from your roots, stretching too far and too wide to be nourished properly and grow. Do you not recall the words of the Coyote himself? "

Speaking to Dendum, Tikba murmurs, "Perhaps you should have spent time with Pukk."

Bristenn remarks, "Man was a tosser."

Irval exclaims, "Boo!"

Thadston recites:

"Ours is a refuge and safehouse for the lost and hapless shadow. Ours is the even scale of balance amidst a world of predictable and unpredictable challenges. Ours is a spiritual enlightenment for those who lack or want. We offer our services and insight to all who walk Elanthia. It is found that even the most chaotic of souls craves a little order upon occasion, a little direction. Even the most organized, controlling, and orderly of souls, can benefit from a little freedom of action and inspired change in their lives. Those are the words of Turinrond. He understood balance, and order, and welcomed all not as enemies first. You would do well to remember too."

Thadston recites:

"Claws of the Drake, do you even deserve my words right now? You call Icemule Trace home, so why can I hear you from here? Keep your eyes and voices attuned to your own hearth. I will not tolerate you coming here and trying to sway the minds of our hardworking people. You are less welcome than the imperials you rail against. When you return, I would suggest you revisit your purpose. You say you serve the greater good of the lands and accept all races and cultures who are willing to contribute. You seek to promote the exchange of ideas throughout the lands and increase cultural understanding and unity across culture divides. Yet your actions and your words are the opposite of that. You operate in lies. "

Irval exclaims, "Preach on mayor!"

Bristenn whispers something to his group.

Irval exclaims, "Boo!"

Thadston recites:

"Fenog's Regulars, have you filed the appropriate paperwork to move your organization's headquarters from Icemule to Wehnimer's? No? Nothing? Then perhaps you should think twice before lending your name and complaints to matters of our town. You say your main goal is to assist the community of our lands as a whole, lending a helping hand wherever needed. There are imperial settlers who have braved the new land and need your assistance. Are you true to your word, or in fact just charlatans? "

Speaking quietly to Asben, Dwi says, "I dint bote fer him."

Irval exclaims, "Boo!"

Thadston recites:

"The Northern Regulators. Your very name implies a form of control and restriction, so I find it laughable that you lend your whiny voice to some misconstrued fight for freedom. Your group is dedicated to the protection of Icemule Trace. Go then, stay there, prepare to defend, prepare to protect. Because if you continue to meddle in the affairs of my town and home, Icemule will need you more than ever."

Irval exclaims, "Boo!"

Thadston recites:

"RYSK you cannot even spell. You exist to sail the seas and have been formed under the banner of ale. Are you even sober enough to know what you signed? I think you've received all of the attention you deserve from me. "

Dwi heartily says, "Like dat eber stopp'd anybudy."

Thadston recites:

"Let me be very clear. I am the Mayor of Wehnimer's Landing. I speak for the town, for the voices of our populace have given me that honor and that right. I speak for them so that you are not confused and do not need to. The Empire is not our enemy. Division within the town is our enemy. The rot of the Brotherhood of Rooks is our enemy. The entanglement of baby thorns is our enemy. They are as oppressive as the opponent they claim to defend against. "

Irval exclaims, "Wait Rysk is apart of these upstars? I may have to redress my affiliations with them. As an officer. I had no Knowledge of this Mayor!"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "When da next mayoral lection?"

Dwi heartily asks, "Acorn dont fall far frem da tree eh?"

Thadston recites:

"The Empire has already given and protected our freedom. They have soaked our own lands with their blood. Hendor. Bourth. Vornavis. Mestanir. They did not die here to enslave us. They died to fight with us, to defend our small jewel on the bay. They died so that our true freedom could live, because they recognized its value to us, and perhaps in some ways they envied parts of it and wished it for themselves. We do not bend to a Baron, or an Earl, or an Emperor. We are led by an office, within a wooden building, within spitting distance of the heart of town."

Thadston recites:

"We vote for our mayor. We vote for our councilors. We rise each morning unshackled, and we lay our heads to rest each night unchained. If anything, our freedom has allowed voices of dissent to even exist. Yet those voices do not see the true threat they bring. We have entered a turning point in our history. Wehnimer's Landing is uniquely positioned to gain more prosperity, more opportunity, and more value. Yet bitter voices threaten to unravel all of that, and tip over the apple cart, leading to chaos and distrust and perhaps even war."

Dwi heartily says, "Some us dint bote."

Dwi just tried to pull a leg.

Thadston recites:

"We are a protectorate. It comes with more blessings than curses. It is time we spend our efforts to ensure a fair future, of mutual gain, of mutual defense, of true acceptance, and unity, that the organizations who signed their name to a letter once vowed to make their purpose. Is it any surprise, that you cannot muster many names of organizations who call Wehnimer's home to your cause? It is because the true people of this town, and the true heroes of this town, welcome a brighter future of agreement and peace, not chaos and resentment. "

Dwi shows Thadston her leg.

Dwi heartily asks, "Wanna pull da udder one?"

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi asks, "Who pertects dis town?"

Thadston recites:

"Oh yes, the north is free. It will always remain such. But it should also be free from those that would seek to sow chaos. Your time has ended. This is a warning more than a proclamation. If you continue to work against the future of Wehnimer's Landing, there is no tunnel and no wall of thorns that can hide or protect you. "

Speaking drunkenly to Dwi, Gutstorm slurs, "We do."

Thadston says, "Goodnight."

Mayor Thadston just marched stiffly into the Moot Hall.

Alosaka says, "Ah, well."

Dwi yells, "Werst speech eber!"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Think me votin fer Amos next lection."

Alosaka says, "Thadston is as diplomatic as always."

Dendum says, "Ahh....was good running away."

Speaking flatly to Stormyrain, Kayse says, "I am glad that's cleared up now."

Kelfyr says, "I'm gonna guess that's a No to the question posed then."

Many in the huddled crowd cheer, while some look on with deep concern.

Dwi heartily says, "We bote fer nuffun."

Speaking mildly to Kayse, Tikba asks, "Do you think that it is cleared up?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Dat him opinion."

Dwi heartily says, "Acorn...tree."

Speaking to Dwi, Lylia remarks, "Yes. I do protect this town, and I have done too poor a job of it if outside agitators come here and spread malign nonsense while still calling it a 'Landfill.' I have defended it with magic and not with words, Dwi, and I regret it."

Speaking blandly to Guarrin, Bristenn replies, "So this -was- an internal matter."

The townspeople slowly depart, hudddled in their furs, moving towards their homes.

Discussion Afterward

Archales says, "So listen Hendor,, not our neighbors in Icemule, I don't follow the logic."

Kiyna says, "That was rather stressful."

Mourdeyan says, "An yet, ye wait til he's gone to speak up."

Stormyrain says, "That is the official stance of the Mayor of the Landing. We posed to him the idea of a vote, the answer was just given. There will be no vote. We should now move to focus on the true enemy, Gnull--and not on continuing to fracture our attention."

Speaking to Bristenn, Guarrin says, "It seems so. I appreciate you coming by anyway, of course."

Stormyrain corrects, "Gnul."

Dendum says, "If they truly thought this was just outsiders."

Speaking heartily to Lylia, Dwi asks, "Wanna borrow an axe?"

Dendum asks, "Would they fear the vote?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "He wouldnt lishten to wut we hadda shay anyway."

Lylia says, "No, but thank you. I prefer a sharper blade."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "He made up his mind afore he shpoke to anyone."

Archales says, "He seemed agitated, far beyond what a few pamphlets could explain."

Berkana says, "Like her tongue."

Dendum says, "If Thadston stands at highest peak was because of vote."

Mourdeyan says, "I think he's heard, and is sick of hearing of dissidence."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Wot did he say anyways? I waddnt lissenin."

Archales says, "Its kind of his job."

Irval yells, "Down with the Illoke! Down with Gnul! Down with those who seek to throw our efforts into chaos while true enemies march at our gate!"

Falvicar says, "Icemule has enough problems as is... and some of those organizations named are part of the problem. Afraid that just touches the surface."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "He threw a tantrum like dish lasht time da council voted differently den him."

Speaking wryly to Dendum, Tikba says, "I fear it would have been wiser to know which of your signatories were citizens."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "He mus be new here."

Lylia says, "He is sick of people coming in from outside this town, dumping the garbage of their thoughts at our feet, and then complaining that they dislike the smell in the gutters here."

Dendum says, "Make no mistake Rooks were formed from landing not listening, Consortium was formed from landing not listening...the vote was peaceful path forward."

Lylia says, "As am I."

Speaking heartily to Lylia, Dwi says, "Der's some good stuff inna da garbage tho."

Speaking dryly to Lylia, Bristenn quips, "I present detritus, thank you, not garbage."

Lylia says, "This is not a matter of Rooks. Rooks, no matter what I think of them, are here. They are of the region, root and stem."

Goldstr exclaims, "Da Mayor's thoughts do be me own!"

Irval exclaims, "And will be ripped out soon enough. Root AND stem!"

Archales says, "I think anyone could have their opinions, I find it kind of silly to get lectured about listening to outsiders from a Hendorian."

Speaking to Dendum, Alosaka says, "Master Dendum, perhaps this is an opportunity for us to focus on the more immediate problem: Gnul. Once he is dispatched with, I'm sure there will be more patience for arguments about borders and politics and rule."

Speaking quietly to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "But ye already knew I neber lissen to da oldsters anyways...."

Tikba mildly says, "Thadston is a citizen."

Archales says, "Yes."

Tikba lightly says, "Anyone who wishes to sign the book may lecture as they wish. It is a free city."

Speaking to Dendum, Vaemyr says, "We did speak about a vote, but that setting precedence that any group at any time can force a vote without going through our government... sets bad precedence. He is right though, I've heard also from dock workers, miners, farmers, and many others about daily concerns. Protectorate, honestly has I think never come up in those requests."

Dwi heartily asks, "Kin we go attack sumpthin now?"

Mourdeyan says, "And a duly elected represennative."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Dendum says, ""It is the year of the vote."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Lylia says, "Just so. Imagine, if someone could storm into Icemule Trace and demand that the Vaalor get their due, and there should be a vote on the matter..."

Mourdeyan says, "I agree fully."

Tikba says, "Yes, but here in the Landing there is no court. Even those who were not born with titles may speak their mind."

Speaking to Vaemyr, Dendum says, ""Can hide behind the truth for a few more months if it is what you wish."

Lylia derisively asks, "Should we then bring in Vaalorans to vote as well?"

Dwi yells, "Join da one Pukk woulda said if'n Pukk said sumpthin!"

Mourdeyan says, "That's no license to work from the shade to undermine our purpose."

Archales asks, "What are these demands?"

Archales asks, "Are they so heinous as to not be spoken?"

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Vaalorian think our town ish a gutter, a noble from dere shaid it hershelf dish mornin."

Akenna says, "I must say, fractured interests will not help defeat Gnul. We must unite to bring down the real enemy here."

Dendum says, "To give voice to the many and not just those of the middle of the night is not working in the shadows it is shining light on the lie that the town stands besides such decisions."

Speaking to Lylia, Mourdeyan says, "Well put."

Alosaka says, "We can disagree on political matters while still working together to defeat Gnul and his armies."

Speaking heartily to Dendum, Dwi asks, "Why ye soundin smart alla sudden?"

Cryheart says, "Opinions do vary."

Speaking heartily to Dendum, Dwi asks, "Who is ye?"

Speaking to Dendum, Vaemyr says, "I have no need to, nor have been hiding behind anything, I half been working, and will continue to work to procide a safe, proseperous, and free place for all to live here."

Speaking to Dendum, Tikba says, "The townspeople who stopped to hear the speech did not seem upset, I fear."

Lylia sourly remarks, "Go deal with giving a voice to your own 'many,' people. If you are not citizens here, you do not get to demand a vote on an issue of concern to you."

Irval says, "Thorns."

Speaking to Alosaka, Guarrin asks, "Why?"

Archales asks, "So the only demand was to have a vote?"

Speaking politely to Guarrin, Tikba asks, "Why, what?"

Speaking to Guarrin, Alosaka says, "Most of the political issues we are debating are secondary to the immediate threat posed by Gnul, which is the potential destruction of the town and the death of all who live here."

Xorus whispers something to Lylia.

Dwi heartily exclaims, "I bote to not bote!"

Dendum says, "Fine, we can wait until the summers thaw and do this and the blood spilled will be greater because of it......"

Speaking drunkenly to Archales, Gutstorm slurs, "And you shaw how he reacted...."

Speaking to Alosaka, Guarrin asks, "Do we need them to fight Gnul?"

Archales says, "Why be mad about that, if it was held youd be sure to win since they cannot participate."

Speaking to Alosaka, Guarrin asks, "Will we not fight Gnul anyway?"

Speaking to Guarrin, Perigourd says, "We will."

Lylia whispers something to Xorus.

Speaking to Guarrin, Alosaka says, "We will, but I will not turn aside any allies in this fight."

Speaking heartily to Archales, Dwi says, "Cause some oldsters issa babies."

Speaking to Guarrin, Perigourd says, "And will help the innocent, as we do."

Speaking to Alosaka, Guarrin says, "Allies. Interesting."

Rolliio asks, "What I walk into?"

Speaking to Guarrin, Perigourd says, "And we needn't point fingers of blame at anyone to do it."

Cryheart says, "We need to focus on the immediate threat, Gnul, together."

Berkana asks, "Is anyone really innocent?"

Speaking to Cryheart, Lylia says, "Absolutely."

Speaking to Dwi, Archales says, "It sounds like the real complaint is that they don't like being questioned."

Speaking to Irval, Kelfyr says, "There's a perfectly good barrel right there if you must make a statement."

Bristenn neutrally reminds, "The company a man-at-arms keeps is a reflection upon himself."

[Realm] Directed to Alosaka, Yukito thinks, "Do not conflate the two. This discussion is different from that discussion."

Speaking to Bristenn, Guarrin says, "Just so."

Irval says, "Its more dramatic this way."

Speaking heartily to Cryheart, Dwi says, "Why? Imma enjoyin da free feral weppins...not like dey cause any real damages."

Lylia says, "Others are welcome to join in that fight. Fighting one another, though? It is pointless. I no longer have the breath to waste on it."

Speaking to Irval, Kelfyr says, "Yeah. So it is."

Speaking to Lylia, Dendum says, "Inhale...sure will find more."

Tikba mildly quotes, "'To aid those who are in need, if their cause is just.'."

Cryheart says, "If ye cannae stand with us to defend against Gnul.."

Speaking heartily to her feras falchion, Dwi says, "Hit a wall wit worse fer ye."

Dwi heartily says, "But hitta troll..."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Hey, ye all titled to yoo pinion, wetter ye gree wit one nudder or not, town come firsht."

Akenna respectfully says, "While we should be mindful of the company we keep. Unity helps us focus on a single point, in fighting keeps one distracted to an enemies advantage."

Irval exclaims, "I still claim Gnuls head for my really big belt ima gonna have made!"

Speaking to Stormyrain, Guarrin says, "We will continue to work with the Militia and the Marshal of course."

Irval says, "Or paper weight for a really big piece of paper..."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Guarrin says, "My point is that we will stick to our Oath and defend the town."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Bear used to haff free drinks inna der."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Guarrin says, "Fight Gnul. Fight the Rooks. Whatever threat may come."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Pookie got starberry milk."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "I aint lookin wash a dog."

Speaking to Guarrin, Stormyrain inquires, "And welcome the aid of any from the Landing wishing to throw their weapon, their blood, and their life in support of the same goal?"

Speaking to a lazy wild greyish-black dog, Berkana says, "Meow."

Irval says, "Let them come. We'll are ready. Just not really a fan of rocks...or arrows from those we seek to protect from the corruption that brews within."

Tikba says, "Every citizen of the Landing is a member of the militia. Some just do not know it."

Lylia says, "Probably accurate."

Kelfyr says, "It is odd to hear the Rooks and Gnul spoken of as enemies together, when the one has done much to defend this town against the other."

Speaking to Stormyrain, Guarrin says, "We must consider the safety of our organiation, but that aside, of course."

Speaking heartily to Gutstorm, Dwi says, "Shore...Imma lil hungry."

Speaking to Guarrin, Stormyrain says, "And I will always be mindful of that as well, as you know I hope."

Town Councilor Kiyna just arrived.

Kiyna takes a drink from her cinnamon apple cider.

Speaking to Kiyna, Stormyrain says, "For a moment I thought that smelled like one of the scones."

Speaking to Guarrin, Tikba asks, "Is the Order is in danger?"

Irval says, "Trash deserves to be trashed."

Speaking to Tikba, Guarrin says, "Nothing we haven't dealt with before."

Bristenn simply comments, "Their profession is danger, to be fair."

Cryheart says, "Tis part of the duty."

Berkana says, "They have dealt with worst."

Dwi heartily exclaims, "Meetin dismess'd!"

Dwi takes a bite of her salty peanuts.

The ground around you seems to shake violently, making it hard to stand.

[everyone falls over]

Dwi just went north.

Cryheart yells, "Dwi!"

[everyone stands up]

Kelfyr says, "Spicy peanuts, those."

Tikba patiently says, "As I was saying."

The coppery barn owl moves closer to Stormyrain.

Tikba says, "I do not think anyone here would say a word against the Gryphons and their honorable service to this town."

Markx yells, "Extra crunchy!"

Vaemyr says, "Whisper [message snipped since it was supposed to be a whisper to someone, but I have to leave in that he slipped up in some form since it draws responses]."

Speaking to a pale-faced coppery barn owl, Stormyrain murmurs, "Not on your life, Owly. These are not sharable."

Dendum asks, "How about that ale?"

Dendum says, "Good ale."

Dendum says, "The weather is also cold."

Speaking loudly to Vaemyr, Guarrin says, "What, a little louder, the ground rumbled."

Lylia dryly remarks, "We agree on that one thing."

Gutstorm drunkenly slurs, "Yeah, we agree we vote on Amos next lection."

Ulfwine says, "Fair evening and safe rest all."

Mourdeyan says, "G'night all."

Roelaren says, "Nites all."

Goldstr says, "Gare an rest well folks."

Goldstr says, "Fare."

Lylia says, "Goodnight. Safe travels to those who have a long way to travel to return home."

Markx says, "Cool story."

Dendum says, "Yes...good luck on path to Sol Haven for most here."

Kelfyr says, "Enough."

Irval asks, "Is it though?"

Kelfyr says, "Yes."

Speaking to Kiyna, Guarrin asks, "Can you clarify what you mean please?"

Bristenn innocently confesses, "I didn't vote for him."

Markx says, "That was facetious."

Alosaka weakly says, "Please excuse me, friends."

Goldstr says, "I fer one agreR a hunnrt percrnt wid da Mayor's dis eve."

Archales says, "I don't agree with much Thadston has to say."

Archales says, "Tonight was no exception."

Berkana says, "I guess that's it then."

Speaking brightly to Kayse, Lylia says, "Well, that certainly sparked some warmth on a cold evening."

Berkana says, "Time to go find a fireplace."

Speaking to Kiyna, Guarrin says, "To answer your question. Half of your council signed a document with the intention of revoking the protectorate status while there are illoke at the gates, Rooks beneath the streets, Stone somewhere, an undead lich, and some krol waiting to return at some point."

Speaking airily to Lylia, Kayse says, "Apparently so though I am still feeling the chill rather intensely from others."

Speaking to Kiyna, Guarrin says, "So, I am not overly concerned with the council, as I think we have different priorities."

Speaking to Guarrin, Kelfyr says, "The document called for a vote on the matter."

Bristenn slowly remarks, "Right, the lich."

Speaking to Guarrin, Kelfyr says, "Not its direct revocation."

Bristenn confesses, "That one is perhaps on me for not finishing the job."

Lylia says, "I have not forgotten the lich."

Speaking to Bristenn, Guarrin says, "Everyone always forgets the lich."

Stormyrain says, "I wish I could forget the damned lich."

From nearby, you hear Markx yell, "Should we go attach the Illoke and see what happens>"

Speaking to Lylia, Guarrin says, "I am glad it is not just me."

Speaking frustratedly to Guarrin, Kayse says, "Perhaps the council had its reasons and you're being too stubborn to even ask one of them why."

Bristenn wryly jests, "No one forgets their first lich."

Akenna says, "It certainly reads like one. Help us when we need it, get lost when we don't."

Speaking to Archales, Irval says, "Your welcome to disagree, but you are not of Landing. So we really dont care? No offense. Im sure you are a fine fellow."

Bristenn carefully reasons, ".. I believe he was my third."

Xorus distantly says, "It was so long ago."

Speaking to Guarrin, Kiyna says, "A vote which was denied. I can't speak for the other councilors."

Speaking to Irval, Archales asks, "Are you speaking to me?"

Speaking to Irval, Archales says, "Who are you? I don't think we've ever met."

Tikba mildly says, "The Landing is governed by the vote. Perhaps the councilors felt that the people should have the opportunity to govern."

Speaking to Archales, Irval says, "Pretty sure I spoke directly to you in response to your comments about OUR Mayor."

Irval says, "Not yours."

Speaking to Tikba, Guarrin says, "The Order, also, has citizens."

Speaking to Tikba, Guarrin asks, "Which councilor spoke to them?"

Guarrin muses, "It seems only some were considered."

Perigourd says, "I'd also point out that their vote was represented in both their choice of councilors as well as Mayor."

Perigourd says, "Such is the nature of represnatative government."

Akenna severely says, "The Northern Sentinel has kept this place from the brink so many times and he has never once asked for anything more than a mutual understanding. He does not want the Landing, all his actions over the years has surely proven that as he send troops to defend these lands."

Speaking to Guarrin, Vaemyr says, "We did what we should do, we brought up the proposed to speak with the council as a whole and the Mayor, you heard the decision tonight. But yes we do have many things we have to work on besides Gnul's pressence, but you and the Martial I trust in the leadership there, and I stand by to assist whenever it is needed."

Markx says, "Anyone care to take a run at the Illoke? They seem determind to take our home. I submit we take stone valley."

Irval says, "I like the sound of that."

Irval says, "And their bones break so deliciously."

Tikba says, "As I said, I did not expect the vote to succeed. I can count the names of citizens."

Lylia says, "Perhaps the request for a vote had much the same effect as a vote -- if the voices of the people should be heard, they certainly are now."

Speaking to Markx, Rolliio says, "Have a feeling we arn't needed."

Speaking to Lylia, Tikba demurs, "As I said to you, a vote that failed would show the truth. I am not sure a vote angrily refused will do the same."

Markx says, "There will be votes. There will be talk with common consensus to the contrary but why has this not been considered>"

Speaking to Tikba, Lylia says, "I recall when we spoke of it, your counsel was to hold a vote and allow it to fail. I see the wisdom in that too."

Tikba says, "It seemed easiest."

Markx says, "Give war a chance."

Speaking to Tikba, Guarrin says, "It may have brought even more to the front, that is true."

Lylia says, "But ultimately, allowing outside agitators to influence what your own people vote upon...well. I cannot disagree with Vaemyr on the risky precedent inherent in that."

Bristenn simply remarks, "And that is why my order does not interfere in internal matters."

Speaking to Lylia, Kiyna says, "Something that we considered in our discussions."

Lylia quips, "This would all end if you simply had a Matriarch."

Tikba wryly quotes, "The Free North."

Xorus taps a black vruul skin button with a three-lobed burning eye reading, "Obey Xorus" that he is wearing.

Speaking teasingly to Xorus, Lylia repeats, "Matriarch."

Speaking to Perigourd, Missoni mouths, "Matriarch."

Speaking to Lylia, Xorus says, "We all know you would be true power regardless."

Speaking to Missoni, Perigourd says, "Betrayal."

Speaking to Lylia, Akenna mentions, "My grandmother is an Essylda, she leads our settlement, we have very few issues."

Speaking to Akenna, Lylia says, "How large is your settlement? I find the more people, the more troubles..."

Speaking to Guarrin, Tikba says, "Those who spoke in the meeting said that if the vote failed, they would have to reconsider, but they knew it would not. I would have liked to test it. As you say, many of the Silver Gryphons are citizens, with the vote."

Tikba wryly says, "I mentioned that as well."

[General] Kelfyr asks, "A dead body or your dead body?"

Speaking to Tikba, Kiyna says, "I had hoped to proceed with that plan, myself."

Speaking to Lylia, Akenna says, "My grandmother has allowed elves, half-elves, sylvan into the settlement, we've grown quite large. Her only rule is no humans, she... she is not fond of humans. I'm trying to persuade her to accept them."

Irval says, "Markx, Arahnim, and myself are about to take the fight tonight to the Illoke."

Speaking to Tikba, Perigourd says, "It's often over looked that those of us who hold citizenship elsewhere are no less attatched to the well being of this town, and have spent much blood and effort in its growth in years past."

Markx says, "We are goin to check stone valley."

Irval says, "If any care to join."

Markx says, "The Gods always be watvhing."

Speaking respectfully to Perigourd, Tikba says, "As Thadston said, it is known to all of us who stands at the gates when danger calls, and who does not."

Lylia says, "Let us be very blunt. This town elected someone who splashed paint in a bare room and pissed off to the back of the candy shop because they thought she was 'fun.' I would not put any vote, no matter how preposterous, beyond all chance of passing."

Markx says, "Lets scout and see if we live."

Speaking to Bristenn, Guarrin says, "Internal matter."

Bristenn casually ventures, "You have a candy shop, still?"

Speaking to Guarrin, Bristenn replies, "I would like to see this internal matter."

Speaking to Bristenn, Akenna exclaims, "There is!"

Lylia says, "We do, a rather fine one, in fact."

Bristenn slowly announces, ".. this is now imperial property."

Bristenn takes a bite of his chocolate candy cane.

Stormyrain murmurs, "If you will all excuse me, I have the day's dramatics within the barracks to still attend to."

Missoni curiously asks, "Have recent issues been put to a citizens' vote between Mayoral and Council elections? Or would this have been very irregular?"

Speaking amusedly to Bristenn, Tikba says, "Ah, but you are not the Empire, sir knight."

Speaking to Missoni, Vaemyr says, "Not that I'm aware of."

Bristenn agrees, "Just a small part of it."

Perigourd says, "Fair eve all."

Speaking to Missoni, Lylia says, "Not of late, to my knowledge. And I do try to keep an eye open for important measures."

Speaking to Yukito, Guarrin says, "Yes, perhaps so. I care deeply for this town and the Order."

Tikba says, "You are a good man. I am sure you would be one without the Empire."

Speaking to Missoni, Vaemyr says, "People vote for a council and mayor, they are our leaders that have been chosen "by the people" for the most part. In the past the council has... well not nesecarily all been chosen by vote."

Tikba says, "Now I must see if this fellow in Solhaven is still dead."

Tikba says, "We must all go and help one another, when the need is there."

Speaking to Yukito, Guarrin muses, "Perhaps too much so."

Lylia says, "Ask me how I feel about some past Town Councils. Please, just ask me. And then stand back."

Speaking to Lylia, Guarrin says, "How do you feel about past town councils."

Tikba says, "Good evening, friends."

Xorus says, "It might surprise you to learn that she has some dislike for them."

Vaemyr says, "Anyways, I will continue to work to support this town, to protect it, to grow it, to do my duty to it's citizens."

Lylia says, "The best thing I can say is that I have learned to take no half measures, to hold power with both fists and cut down anyone who dares to pry my fingers off."

Kiyna laments, "Lylia loathes me."

Lylia says, "No, on the contrary."

Lylia says, "I wanted to talk to you and Vaemyr about a house matter."

[General] Irval thinks, "Come , lets make enough noise in the bowels that even Gnul's ancestors will hear."

Speaking to Lylia, Vaemyr asks, "Oh?"

Speaking to Bristenn, Lylia says, "See? Outstanding candy."

[General] Dwi asks, "Um...noise der?"

Raelee says, "... it has been an interesting evening."

Raelee adds, "Good evening."

[General] Dwi thinks, "Da plan needs zaminin."