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North by Northwest (storyline)/2023-01-04 - Log it Down (log)
Lormesta 4-5, 5123
After hearing that some of the Landing has begun constructing towers for the Imperial campsite, Gnul's forces launch another attack and hurl some trees into town for good measure.
Idle Chatter in the Snow
Icy flakes of snow flutter down from the sky.
A cold wind stirs through the area.
[Town Square Central]
This is the heart of the main square of Wehnimer's Landing. The impromptu shops of the bazaar are clustered around this central gathering place, where townsfolk, travellers, and adventurers meet to talk, conspire or raise expeditions to the far-flung reaches of Elanith. At the north end, an old well, with moss-covered stones and a craggy roof, is shaded from the moonlight by a strong, robust tree. The oak is tall and straight, and it is apparent that the roots run deep. You also see the Hiea disk, the Peche disk, the Mordus disk, a large acorn, the skull-shaped Irval disk, the Arahnim disk, a volatile forest spirit that is flying around, the Kezoku disk, the discordant Lahanna disk, a black leather book flying around with its feathery wings, a pale-faced coppery barn owl, a rose-marrow potion, a gleeful will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, the Citan disk, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, a large acorn, some wide stone benches with some stuff on it, an herbal remedy donation bin, a round silver-banded barrel and obvious signs of someone hiding.
Speaking to Tikba, Kiyna says, "I needed you here, is the thing."
[General] Helsfeld thinks, "Brute is the best."
(Kiyna stands just next to Tikba to break the wind.)
Speaking to Tikba, Kiyna says, "There we go. Don't move."
Speaking lightly to Kiyna, Tikba says, "If you wish shade from the snow, a giant would be better."
[General] Helsfeld thinks, "I had to make rent on my shop 3 months ago and brute helped me pay the 75k."
Speaking to Tikba, Kiyna says, "Maybe I don't want to stand next to a giant."
Speaking to Dendum, Tikba asks, "How did the war go?"
[General] Whayle thinks, "I wanna be like brute when i grow up."
Speaking to Tikba, Dendum remarks, "" confusing."
[General] Woulfgar thinks, "Was sure you did as you weren't there when i got there."
Speaking to Tikba, Vaemyr asks, "War?"
Speaking to Tikba, Dendum says, ""Suspect the Nalfein."
Speaking to Dendum, Vaemyr asks, "What war?"
Dendum says, "Ta'vaalor has landed troops in Icemule."
Speaking uncertainly to Dendum, Tikba asks, "Do you mean the particular Nalfein, or the Nalfein in general?"
Speaking to Tikba, Dendum remarks, ""They have airships as well."
Speaking to Dendum, Vaemyr asks, "Oh... was that, I'm guessing, not welcomed?"
Speaking to Tikba, Ulfwine says, ""I saw a squad of them buzz the town earlier tonight."
Citan deeply says, "Ooo.. a little bit a chill."
Speaking neutrally to Vaemyr, Tikba says, "It seemed that the Vaalorians were building a tower west of the Dragonspine."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Dendum says, ""Yes the Icemule council is not this was not welcomed."
Speaking to Dendum, Tikba says, "I am still curious as to how Hazelnut knew of it before anyone else had seen it."
Speaking to Tikba, Dendum remarks, ""Hrmm some of us had seen activity on the mountain."
Speaking to Tikba, Vaemyr says, "I mean they've been "building" a whole outpost supposedly at the Village for years now? I still wonder why we haven't heard anything from them about the new barony."
Kelfyr says, "What did that end up being? My young wizard friend sent me a note about an airship and a mountain."
Speaking to Tikba, Dendum informs, ""Not enough to make it as clear exactly what they were doing, certainly not so clear as to see the flag as it was tonight."
Irval asks, "The firebird?"
Kelfyr says, "Vaalorian, from what he said."
Tikba says, "We heard construction, and Elven speech."
Tikba says, "There was a sword and a banner in Vaalorian colors as well."
Tikba says, "I have heard there was much logging today."
Ulfwine says, "And much kobold thievery too."
Speaking to Ulfwine, Kelfyr asks, "What was it they were after?"
Nyaria quietly says, "Ooh that is my queue to...."
Ulfwine says, "They came and ran off with some logs we cut."
Kelfyr asks, "Whatever for?"
Ulfwine says, "Good question."
Speaking to Tikba, Vaemyr says, "The towers already taking shape... pretty impressive what people might do in a single day."
Kelfyr says, "Strange days."
Speaking to a masked owl, Evia says, "There can be only one..."
Ulfwine says, "Perhaps a large wooden Rolton to invade the town with."
Speaking neutrally to Vaemyr, Tikba agrees, "Yes."
Speaking melodically to Ulfwine, Urpy says, "Precisely."
The ground beneath you violently shakes and rumbles causing you to fall down!
[everyone falls down]
Ulfwine exclaims, "Stop eatin the peanuts!"
Nyaria quietly says, "Im thinking that wasnt peanuts."
Citan deeply says, "No nuts about that one."
Koul hoarsely says, "Da spiri be restless."
A heavy blanket of ashen snow continues to fall like a white curtain from the sky.
Xorus idly says, "I have not seen it snow like this since I was in the Wyrdeep."
Speaking to Xorus, Guarrin says, "Yes, surprising to see it further south as well."
Vaemyr says, "I assume this is the great storm that we were told about."
Thrassus says, "If you hear of it snowing in New Ta'Faendryl, then you worry."
Lylia says, "Another day of it and it shall be to the tops of my boots."
Speaking to Lylia, Kiyna says, "Just walk atop the snow, like the truefolk do."
Speaking to Lylia, Vaemyr says, "I think we got like more than a week of it left if what we were told is true... Perhaps I might advise some stylish snowshoes."
Lylia admits, "I am a bit heavier."
Xorus says, "Perhaps the Magister is flooding the town, through one layer of indirection."
Speaking to Evia, Lylia says, "I thought of you earlier at a dinner party I attended. One of the dishes was this rustic flax bread with white cheese atop it."
The voice of Raelee asks, "... but if I were to flood the town, why would I have waited so many years?"
Tikba says, "You will need to stay airborne soon."
Tikba nods to the coppery barn owl.
Kelfyr says, "Timing."
Speaking to Lylia, Evia exclaims, "Ooh my!"
Lylia asks, "To provide false hope, perhaps?"
Xorus says, "Biding time."
Lylia says, "But no, that would just be wicked, not sensible."
Kisun says, "I mean, Solhaven has flooded a few times over the years."
Speaking to Lylia, Raelee says, "Precisely."
Speaking to Kisun, Tikba says, "Thus there is nothing to learn from flooding Solhaven again."
Speaking to Vaemyr, Kiyna says, "That sylvan 'seer' said fourteen days. I'm counting. She won't get away with almost."
Xorus says, "It is more efficient to flood with water. Certainly."
Speaking to Kiyna, Kelfyr asks, "Still doubting?"
Speaking to Tikba, Kisun says, "We can see who is a better swimmer, that old lady, or our old warrior."
Speaking to Kelfyr, Kiyna says, "No reason to believe, every reason to doubt."
Speaking to Kiyna, Ulfwine says, ""Your cycnicism does you credit."
Speaking to Hiea, Ulfwine exclaims, ""you looked bette roff than the last time I saw you!"
Speaking to Ulfwine, Hiea says, "I try."
[General] Kisun thinks, "Dark orcs in town, nothing bigger spotted yet.."
Speaking to Urpy, Kelfyr asks, "Is that the thorn missive?"
Vaemyr says, "Uh oh."
Vaemyr says, "Looks like Gnul maybe."
Vaemyr says, "Going to scout a bit."
Nyaria quietly says, "Looks lik im relocating to voln."
Speaking to Urpy, Ulfwine says, ""A bit over the top."
Urpy melodically says, "Not my writing."
[General] Nyaria thinks, "Setting up in voln if anyone needs."
Thrassus says, "Sentinels, it's definately Gnul."
Speaking to Urpy, Ulfwine says, ""I pretty much disagree with it all, but to each their own."
Lylia says, "Well. I am not dressed for a fight."
Guarrin says, "We'll head to the gate. Moving out shortly."
[General] Vaemyr thinks, "Gnul's forces about, careful all."
Julenne softly says, "Hmmm."
Guarrin says, "Moving in a few moments."
[Realm] Urpy exclaims, "Alright land lovers, time to defend your town!"
Nairena says, "I wake up from a nap and I hear baddies outside the Rusty Cutlass."
[General] Vaemyr thinks, "Stronger stuff as you approach the Danjirlands."
[General] Citan thinks, "They are swinging Feras Weapons.. Careful."
Guarrin says, "Moving out."
[travel, then commence battle, thus cutting to hard edits]
[General] Gnul thinks, "Crunch crunch crunch, is the welcomed sound of your bones."
[General] Gnul thinks, "I heard you were chopping down trees to build great towers of kindle for your new imperial overlords...."
[General] Gnul thinks, "Here...have some extra trees...."
A splintered tree suddenly arcs up over the forest and soars towards Wehnimer's Landing!
A splintered tree suddenly arcs up over the forest and soars towards Wehnimer's Landing!
A tree falls in the Upper Trollfang. A moment later, a splintered tree comes hurling through the sky towards the town!
[General] Gnul thinks, "I can still smell the burning flesh of Green Sisters. It's never left me."
[General] Gnul thinks, "You hide at Voln as it can protect you forever..."
[General] Asthenea asks, "The landin safe yet?"
[General] Gnul thinks, "It never will be again."
[General] Gnul thinks, "If you need more trees for your imperial masters, just let us know..."
For a moment, a huge bulking figure appears on a far peak of the Thanatoph, but the icy snow continues to fall, blanketing the world in bitter white, and as some of it clears, the giant is gone.