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Ooh La La!

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Vincien cheerfully exclaims, "Hello hello!"
Vincien says, "Quite a nice gathering of familiar faces I see."
Vincien nods approvingly.
Vincien walks to stand behind an arboreal linden wood lectern.
Aavia put a pale silk gown traced with a latticework of jewels on a pair of dress forms.
Aavia put a lavaliere of chain-linked silver feathers on a pair of dress forms.
Vincien says, "Please feel free to help yourselves to refreshments, I'm sure you all know where they are now."
Vincien exclaims, "Alright then!"
Vincien says, "Gather close, no skulking at the back or dozing off."
Vincien exclaims, "Good afternoon all and welcome to the final lecture of the weekend!"
Vincien says, "Boo, I hear you cry."
Vincien inclines his ear, listening intently.
Akenna playfully exclaims, "Boo!"
Vincien says, "So far this weekend we have covered alterations, nature-inspired designs and the use of accessories so, today, I'd like to talk about two renowned designers and their creations in particular."
Vincien says, "We're going to get a little technical which is why I would prefer you all sat close."
Vincien grins.

(OOC) Vincien's player whispers to the group, "As this is effectively an IC lecture, I'll be avoiding OOC references but will try to emphasize useful terms or verbs by using capital letters and when I refer to other sources, I'll whisper the website links to the group."

Vincien says, "Jewels or gems have the power to be the one little thing that makes us feel unique."
Vincien holds up two fingers and slowly pinches them together until they are almost touching.
Vincien says, "Whether that's by simply wearing jewelry or by the subtle - and in some cases, not so subtle - addition of them to your clothing."
Vincien says, "Two ladies have made it their career to design and create clothing and accessories that make extensive use of gemstones."
Vincien says, "They are Joola and Veola."
Vincien grins.
Vincien exclaims, "Lovely ladies, both!"
Vincien says, "Featuring at many festivals, Joola is known for her creative and versatile pieces that allow for adaptation with the addition of gems."
Vincien says, "Joola's outlets offer a limited range of items with ready-made settings."
Vincien glances at a pair of dress forms.
Vincien says, "But it is worth noting, that the settings can also be applied to your own items by highly skilled merchants such as Estefan, Oirisu, and, of course, Joola herself."
Vincien says, "The basic item, when purchased off-the-shelf, allows you to PUSH gems into pre-made settings or "sockets"."
Vincien reaches out and touches a pale silk gown traced with a latticework of jewels on a pair of dress forms.
Vincien says, "The gems are easily removed with a gentle PULL, which does not damage the item or jewel in any way."
Vincien says, "It is rumored that the items can also be made a little extra special by the Mist Harbor merchant, Xerria."

(OOC) Vincien's player whispers to the group, "There is an additional tier that unlocks the verbs CLEAN, POKE, and TILT."

Vincien exclaims, "Let's have a demonstration!"
Vincien says, "Take a LOOK ON the dress form."
Vincien glances at a pair of dress forms.
Avawren leans forward.
Vincien says, "It is currently modelling a lovely off-the-shelf outfit."
Vincien taps a pale silk gown traced with a latticework of jewels on a pair of dress forms.
Faella gazes with interest at a pair of dress forms.
Avawren gazes thoughtfully at a pair of dress forms.
Vincien taps a lavaliere of chain-linked silver feathers on a pair of dress forms.
You nod approvingly.
Vincien says, "They're all Joola designs but none of them have any gems added yet."
Vincien says, "Although the outfit is lovely in simple pale hues, let me show you how easy it is to change the LOOK with the simple addition of some beautiful gems."
The red and grey fox barks.
Vincien exclaims, "The fox agrees!"
Vincien nods to the red and grey fox.
Akenna laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Vincien grins.
Daevian grins.
Vincien says, "We had a discerning mouse this morning and now a fox."
Vincien chuckles.
Vincien removes a thin blade of verdant sea glass from in his black sack.
Vincien raises his verdant sea glass skyward!
Vincien says, "A rather pretty piece of glass, don't you think."
Daevian gazes with interest at Vincien.
Vincien tilts his verdant sea glass side to side, making the light play off it.
Daevian nods in agreement.
Speaking in Elven, Ithilwyn softly says, "Lovely."
(Vincien holds up verdant sea glass for all to see. A nacreous silver-white glaze bathes the surface of the verdant sea glass, giving the delicate green coloring a frothy and foamy affect. The fragment is sharp-pointed and closely resembles a sculptural piece of shoal grass swaying underwater.)
Vincien says, "Watch how it can be applied to the gown."
Vincien removes a pale silk gown traced with a latticework of jewels from on a pair of dress forms.
Vincien pushes his verdant sea glass into an empty socket on his gown and clicks it into place.
Vincien says, "With a simple push."
Vincien put a pale silk gown caught by a jewel-feathered corset of verdant sea glass on a pair of dress forms.
Daevian applauds.
Vincien dusts off a pale silk gown caught by a jewel-feathered corset of verdant sea glass on a pair of dress forms.
Faella interestedly whispers aloud, "Oooh!"
Ithilwyn beams!
Vincien removes a ship-etched sky blue sapphire from in his black sack.
Faella claps her hands together in delight!
Vincien exclaims, "And this!"
Vincien removes a lavaliere of chain-linked silver feathers from on a pair of dress forms.
Speaking in Elven, Ithilwyn softly says, "Simply stunning."
Ithilwyn sighs happily.
Vincien pushes his sky blue sapphire into an empty socket on his lavaliere and clicks it into place.
Akenna softly remarks, "So wonderful."
Vincien put a lavaliere of silver-linked sky blue sapphire feathers on a pair of dress forms.
Vincien exclaims, "Now it is a dazzling water bird in blue and green glass!"
Vincien grins.
Avawren nods approvingly.
Daevian nods.
Vincien says, "The addition of gems really enhances the overall LOOK of the item and, with the many gems available, you can see how versatile a Joola piece can be."
Vincien says, "If you are fortunate enough to find a merchant who is willing to work with them, it is also possible to alter the way the gem is attached."
Vincien says, "This can be done to both the detail seen by the casual onLOOKer and also to that revealed when SHOWn to or INSPECTed by someone."

(OOC) Vincien's player whispers to the group, "Joola items can be altered with both a LONG and a SHOW provided reference is made in the SHOW description to the empty "sockets" or inserted gem."

Vincien says, "Let's take a look at a modified Joola."
Vincien removes a tall gorget of intricate silver latticework from in his black sack.
Vincien taps a tall gorget of intricate silver latticework, which is in his right hand.
(Vincien holds up latticework gorget for all to see. A delicate lattice of pure silver has been crafted to form a snug-fitting gorget. The piece has an open, web-like arrangement that extends across the wearer's decolletage, whilst a narrower latticework with a large socketed centerpiece in the hollow of the throat climbs upward to embrace the jawline. The rigid structure of the gorget forces an unwavering posture, elevating the chin and elongating the silhouette of the neck. The latticework gorget has an empty socket that looks ready to have a gem pushed into the gorget.)
Vincien asks, "You see the socket I referred to?"
Daevian nods at Vincien.
Akenna nods slowly.
Vincien points at his latticework gorget.
Faella murmurs, "Mmhmm!"
Vincien put a tall gorget of intricate silver latticework on a pair of dress forms.
Vincien says, "We'll just borrow the sapphire."
Vincien says, "And ..."
Vincien pushes his sky blue sapphire into an empty socket on his gorget and clicks it into place.
(Vincien holds up latticework gorget for all to see. A delicate lattice of pure silver has been crafted to form a snug-fitting gorget. The piece has an open, web-like arrangement that extends across the wearer's decolletage, whilst a narrower latticework with a ship-etched sky blue sapphire centerpiece in the hollow of the throat climbs upward to embrace the jawline. The rigid structure of the gorget forces an unwavering posture, elevating the chin and elongating the silhouette of the neck. It appears that a firm pull would unseat the sapphire.)
Vincien taps a silver latticework gorget framing a ship-etched sky blue sapphire, which is in his right hand.
Vincien exclaims, "Quite different!"
Vincien says, "This piece shows you how it is possible to create something quite exceptional."
Vincien says, "From one talented "La" to another of equal renown and flare."
Vincien grins.
Vincien says, "Veola is the creator of extremely versatile and highly sought-after hats and other headworn accessories."
Vincien says, "Veola creations have been available for the past few years at the occasional festival, mostly Ebon Gate, but they are rare so it is always advisable to purchase one when you have the opportunity."
Vincien says, "Her off-the-shelf designs are stunning in themselves and can be worn without further embellishment."
Vincien exclaims, "However!"
Vincien says, "Not only do the pieces allow for the addition of gems, like the aforementioned Joola items, they also work with feathers."
Vincien exclaims, "But that's not all!"
Vincien says, "Wearing a Veola has the added advantage of improving your hairstyle."
Vincien says, "For ease of recognition - when it comes to a milliner working with them - they come in three categories or classifications: hats, barrettes, and headbands."
Vincien grins.
Vincien says, "Let's start with the first. These come as hats, caps, tricorns, tricornes, and capotains."
(Vincien marks each off with his fingers.)
Vincien says, "Next we have the more ornamental category which come as barrettes, haircombs, fascinators, cockades, ornaments, and ribbons."
Vincien says, "Finally there are the more elaborate headbands, diadems, tiaras, crowns, garlands and headpieces."
Vincien says, "All of these benefit from the addition of gems or feathers by simply PUSHing them into place."
Vincien says, "As before, with the Joola items, a gentle PULL will remove the adornment quite easily without any damage."
Vincien says, "This is where it gets a little technical ..."
Vincien leans against an arboreal linden wood lectern.
Vincien says, "Each of these three variations - plain, with a gem, or with a feather - can be altered by a skilled merchant but it is important to remember that a hat cannot be made into a diadem nor can a ribbon become a crown."
Vincien repeats, "Three variations."

(OOC) Vincien's player whispers to the group, "When discussing the options with a merchant, they are generally referred to as "sides." Most merchants will usually offer to alter just one side at a time because it can be very time consuming e.g. they will alter the plain side or gem side or feather side only."

Vincien repeats, "With a gem, with a feather and without."
Vincien nods.

(OOC) Vincien's player whispers to the group, "Remember to stick within the category. Also note that the NOUN and MATERIAL must remain the same for all three sides regardless of how many sides are being altered at the time."

(OOC) Vincien's player whispers to the group, "Occasionally a merchant will work on more than one so it is always advisable to be ready with ALL your options just in case."

Vincien says, "It is also possible to change how your Veola creation can be worn."
Vincien says, "An off-the-shelf hat, for example, is usually worn at a rakish angle for best effect."
Vincien exclaims, "Quite stylish, I think!"
Vincien says, "Should you be fortunate enough to find a skilled merchant, they may be able to adjust the fit so that it can work with new hairstyles."
Vincien asks, "Do you fancy wearing all your hair tucked up inside your hat, for example, or left tumbling over shoulders in a carefree way?"
(Vincien wafts his hand over his head for dramatic effect.)

(OOC) Vincien's player whispers to the group, "It is also possible to temporarily customize your hair when the Veola item is worn."

(OOC) Vincien's player whispers to the group, "As with the gem and feather variations, it too has "sides." You can add up to three customized hairstyles as well as the default setting. ANALYZE will tell you what you currently have."

Vincien exclaims, "A quick TURN of the hat or ribbon or tiara in your hands and you have a new LOOK!"
Vincien says, "Just let the milliner know you would prefer to work with that aspect of your Veola rather than the way gems or feathers are added."
Vincien nods.
Vincien says, "Similar to Joola's, it is sometimes possible to have additional flare added to your Veola creation that suit your demeanor."
Vincien grins.

(OOC) Vincien's player whispers to the group, "Veola's can be unlocked twice for additional verbs. The first unlocks TWIST, TAP, and ATTEND. The next unlocks NOD and SHAKE, the versions of which vary with your demeanor settings."

Vincien exclaims, "Time for another demonstration!"
Vincien removes a twilled graphite wool flat cap from in his black sack.
Ithilwyn smiles.
Vincien says, "This is a Veola creation straight off-the-shelf from her establishment."
Vincien taps a twilled graphite wool flat cap, which is in his right hand.
Avawren grins.
Vincien exclaims, "It falls under the category of, you guessed it, a hat!"
Vincien gazes thoughtfully at his graphite wool cap.
Vincien dusts off the graphite wool cap in his hand.
Vincien exclaims, "Let's see how it looks with the gem!"
Vincien gently places a sapphire in his graphite wool cap, taking care to arrange it just so.
Vincien says, "A simple push and ..."
Vincien taps a graphite wool flap cap with sky blue sapphire-buttoned ear flaps, which is in his right hand.
Vincien exclaims, "Ear flaps!"
Vincien says, "Not suave but certainly ... interesting."
Vincien nods slowly.
With a gentle hand, Vincien carefully removes the sapphire from his graphite wool cap.
Vincien put a ship-etched sky blue sapphire in his black sack.
Vincien removes a glossy black toucan feather from in his black sack.
Vincien exclaims, "A feather!"
Vincien waves a glossy black toucan feather around.
Vincien gently places a feather in his graphite wool cap, taking care to arrange it just so.
Vincien says, "Similarly, a quick push and ..."
Vincien taps a soft graphite wool cap with a downswept black toucan feather, which is in his right hand.
Vincien exclaims, "Dashing!"
Vincien offers Aavia a soft graphite wool cap with a downswept black toucan feather.
Faella exclaims, "Oh, they can have different appearances for gem versus feathers, I had no idea!"
Faella beams!
Speaking to Aavia, Vincien exclaims, "If you would be so kind!"
Vincien nods at Faella.
Aavia accepts Vincien's graphite wool cap.
Aavia smiles.
Vincien says, "Note our lovely model’s current hairstyle."
Vincien looks thoughtfully at Aavia.
Aavia tosses back her head and straightens out her wings.
Aavia dons her graphite wool cap.
Vincien exclaims, "And now!"
Vincien amusedly says, "Rakish."
Aavia removes the cap from atop her head.
Aavia offers Vincien a soft graphite wool cap with a downswept black toucan feather.
Vincien accepts Aavia's graphite wool cap.
Vincien winks at Aavia.
With a gentle hand, Vincien carefully removes the feather from his graphite wool cap.
Vincien says, "This next piece has been worked on considerably."
Vincien taps an opaline clock face ornament framed in bronze, which is in his right hand.
Vincien says, "As you see."
Vincien says, "It falls under the category of an ornament for the hair."
Vincien gazes thoughtfully at his clock face ornament.
Vincien says, "This time with the gem again."
Vincien gently places a sapphire in his clock face ornament, taking care to arrange it just so.
Vincien taps a clock face ornament rimmed with sky blue sapphire numerals, which is in his right hand.
Vincien exclaims, "Pretty numerals!"
With a gentle hand, Vincien carefully removes the sapphire from his clock face ornament.
Vincien says, "And with the feather ..."
Vincien gently places a feather in his clock face ornament, taking care to arrange it just so.
Vincien taps a clock face ornament displaying black toucan feather hands, which is in his right hand.
Vincien exclaims, "Feather hands on the clockface!"
Vincien says, "Let's see it on our model."
Vincien offers Aavia a clock face ornament displaying black toucan feather hands.
Aavia accepts Vincien's clock face ornament.
Aavia dons her clock face ornament.
Vincien says, "You see how her hair is braided and fixed with the ornament."
Vincien is admiring Aavia.
Aavia reaches up and removes the ornament from her copper red hair.
Vincien says, "Notice how our model can change her hairstyle with a simple TURN. Take a LOOK at her hair each time she manipulates the piece."
Aavia adjusts her clock face ornament, taking care that it is just so.
Aavia smiles.
Aavia dons her clock face ornament.
Ithilwyn grins.
Vincien exclaims, "And now with a single braid!"
Aavia reaches up and removes the ornament from her copper red hair.
Aavia adjusts her clock face ornament, taking care that it is just so.
Aavia dons her clock face ornament.
Vincien says, "And a simple style."
Daevian nods.
Aavia reaches up and removes the ornament from her copper red hair.
Aavia adjusts her clock face ornament, taking care that it is just so.
Aavia dons her clock face ornament.
Vincien says, "And lastly, curls."
Vincien grins.
Vincien says, "Thank you, Aavia."
Aavia smiles.
Aavia reaches up and removes the ornament from her copper red hair.
Aavia offers Vincien a clock face ornament displaying black toucan feather hands.
Aavia bobs down and back up in a quick curtsy.
Vincien accepts Aavia's clock face ornament.
Vincien winks at Aavia.
Vincien says, "The versatility of Veola's millinery can be quite overwhelming at first so take your time."
Vincien says, "Don't be afraid to seek help from those around you who appear to be familiar with her work."
Vincien exclaims, "Trust me, the merchant will appreciate your preparation!"
Vincien says, "And that, ladies and gentlemen, is Joola and Veola in a nutshell."
Vincien says, "So, to end this afternoon's lecture, I just want to leave you with this thought ---"
Vincien exclaims, "Don't ever let anyone dull your sparkle!"
Vincien nods.
Speaking to Ithilwyn, Avawren says, "... I only just now got the title of this lecture ... La La."
Avawren flushes slightly, some color reaching her cheeks.
Vincien grins at Avawren.