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Order of the Sphere and Scythe/Sacred Pilgrimages of Elanthia
Embark on a sacred journey across the enchanting lands of Elanthia, where a series of Pilgrimages await to ignite the flames of inspiration and unveil the rich tapestry of ancient lore.
Each pilgrimage is a gateway to the captivating stories of the revered Arkati, whose presence resonates within the sacred shrines. As you dive deeper into these hallowed grounds, the intricate game mechanisms concealed within will be illuminated, guiding you towards a deeper understanding of the Elanthian world that lies beneath the surface.
Moreover, these pilgrimages serve as a catalyst for boundless roleplay opportunities, igniting the imagination and inviting you to immerse yourself in the vast realms of possibilities.
This is the very reason why The Order of The Sphere and Scythe has chosen to showcase these particular elements on two separate occasions over the course of its 8-year history, and will persist in highlighting them in all future undertakings.
5117-5118 Pilgrimages
ExpandShrine of Lorminstra |
This log is from Dirvy's viewpoint, with prolog by Zailon.
Written by Sentinel Advisor Zailon Britbane Edited by: Elder Seer Rovvigen Aniket A weary traveler turns to you with a simple gesture and says “Come, over ancient reach, through twisted wood, and lands where mists arise, we shall journey for eight moons of the year...” The traveler continues his story, “Our Journey started back at Lake Eonak, under the shadows of Melgorehn’s Reach, we were making camp when we were approached by a grey-clad wanderer. The wanderer was clearly old, but unbent, unbroken by his burdens. We followed closely, guided to the edge of Lake Eonak, whereupon the Grey Wanderer said, “Call the children of tomorrow, those of sight” to which, Rovvigen responded in turn “I am of the sight. Can I help you? The children of the sight are assembled. Bring forth your business. Our numbers are few, but our faith is iron, we will answer the call.” The Grey Wanderer stated to Rovvigen, “Make your sacrifice, know that if you understood what I asked of you, I expect that you’d wither, and shrink from this burden, but prove me wrong, see what must be seen.” It was at this time Rovvigen strode forward, Tarot in hand, that a gale tore through the area, tugging a card from his his hand, as the wind pulled the card from him, we noted that it appeared to be two golden suns. The card slipped beneath the waters of the lake, causing shimmering ripples across the placid surface. Moonlight played upon the surface of the lake, slowly dancing across the surface until they came to rest upon Rovvigen. A grimace crossed Rovvigen’s stoic demeanor and he leaned over gazing into the surface of the lake, he later recount-ed to us exactly what it is that he saw. Rovvigen gathered us around a campfire shortly after, and retold the events he had foreseen within the lake, “The icy peaks of mountains were still in view, but so were the wide, tall, fortified stone walls of a huge city. Stretching up above the walls was a large stone keep, and countless silver banners whose blue phoenix emblem trembled in the wind. A blink of pale green light appeared in the distance. Soon after, a small flame appeared. Then another, then count-less more. Like a roving sea of fireflies, the host of torches moved out of the dark of the wilderness, and towards the massive gates of the huge fortified city. An army of white-armored crusaders appeared, the light of their torches cast an eerie, orange glow across their stone faces, shadows filling the creases of the crown-shaped scars along their bald scalps. They were countless, and before them walked another figure garbed in white, the collective torch light pale in comparison to the inferno of his golden eyes The sea of crusaders approached the gates, where Hendoran soldiers lined the ramparts like a polished wall of steel. A voice, gruff and commanding, shouted down at the golden-eyed man and his army of Blameless The golden-eyed man spoke. His voice was loud. His words echoed all around me, as if he stood before me. "Open the gates, allow Koar's work to be done." There was a loud cranking sound, and the wide gates of the city of Lolle began to open. The golden-eyed man marched through the opened gates of Lolle, his army of Blameless flowing in behind him. As they entered into the streets, many in the back ranks of the Blameless stopped, slowly turning to withdraw cross-bows from their flowing white cloaks. The Hendoran soldiers stood upon the ramparts, many unmoving, backs turned to the Blameless, their eyes still drawn to the outside of the city. The echo of the crossbows was resounding. A line of bolts arced up towards the walls, where the soldiers' backs were still turned. Many cried out in surprise, as dozens fell out of sight, some tumbling over the walls, others gasping as the bolts dug into their backs or sides. Chaston paused for a moment, looking back at the gates they passed through, nodding as blood began to drip from the ramparts. The streets of Lolle opened wide, many homes shuttered their windows. The golden-eyed man and his army continued their march, slowly approaching a hill where a huge stone keep stood as a looming sentinel over the city. At the base of the hill, a small army of Hendoran soldiers had already formed, weapons drawn, shouting at the crusaders as they approach Flecks of light began to appear along the narrow and winding streets and alleys of homes and buildings. Suddenly, in between the Blameless and the Hendorans, crowds of townspeople bean to pour out into the streets, weapons and torches in hand. The light of the townspeople's torches came into view, as nearly a hundred flooded into the streets. The glow of the torches finally illuminated the townspeople... and the light caught along the surface of their gold and white medal-lions and prayer beads. The cries of battle echoed out, as if all around me. The Hendoran soldiers paused briefly, and it cost them. The townspeople fell on them like vultures, clawing, fighting, slashing, stabbing, stomping, and burning every soldier in their way. Having no other course of action, the Hendorans struck back, doing their best to defend and fight. Many of the townspeople fell quickly, no different than grain to a farmer's scythe. The streets ran wet and red. Townspeople piled up, as did Hendorans, a sea of groaning, bloodied bodies. Soon the golden-eyed man moved forward again, he and his Blameless stepping over the sobbing, wounded bodies of both commoners and soldiers alike. Chaston made his way to the keep on the hill. Lake a grand hall appeared. Its ceiling was expansive, decorated with huge banners, tapestries, and stone-framed windows. Columns of stone served as rows and rows of support for the huge chamber, their surfaces chiseled with patterns and other images. The rest of the chamber came into view. Dozens of Hendoran soldiers stood before an old, stone throne, where a man of declining years sat, a parchment in his hand. There was little color left in his short, white beard. The light of the room's torches enhanced the color of the gold coronet on his head. His pale blue eyes looked up, as the doors of his throne room flew open. He let out an audible sigh. The cacophony of battle echoed out once more. The throne room was a blur, a flurry of white, blue, and blood. The sound of painful groans hung in the air. The carved stone columns were painted red with the blood of the soldiers, and behind them, dozens of Blameless rose back up to their feet, wounds healing as they pressed on. The Earl lay near his throne, hands almost as bloody as his blade. His blue and silver tabard was soaked with blood, his gold coronet fallen on the ground beside him. He coughed - blood, spit, and curses. The golden-eyed man stepped towards the throne, slowly kneeling beside the broken Earl. He placed a hand on his cheek, grinning wide, his golden eyes gleaming. With his other hand, he grabbed the coronet on the ground, then tossed it against a stone column, where it clanked and bounced away. The golden-eyed man climbed up onto the throne, as white-armored crusaders moved in around the injured Earl, jerking him up to his feet A flash of green light appeared to swirl into existence within the throne room. Three white-armored crusaders approached it, dragging the bloodied Earl with them. They disappeared into the portal, as the golden-eyed man nod-ded approvingly from the seat of the Northern Sentinel. Rovvigen then took heavily to his feet and nodded slowly, having delivered the revelations passed to him by the Gray Wanderer, Jastev incarnate. The newly minted prophet found himself burdened with heavy purpose and thus it fell to him with the aid of Mikalmas, priest of Gosaena to gather the seers, the visionaries, and others who would not turn from the visions, those who would not wither, and shrink from the duties placed before them. Thus the Order of the Sphere and Scythe was created to provide and promote education on the practice of Divination. To provide enlightenment and a better understanding of the art of divination. To assist fellow adventurers in their search for knowledge. To promote fellowship and cooperation of all races and professions. Rovvigen continued his missive to the huddled bunch, “We must set out in search of history. We must remind the world of that which it has lost, forgotten. We must awaken the gods again. The world has grown indolent, listless, in such turbulent times as we live. We shall set forth in search of artifacts, books, and history itself, leaving no stone unturned. We will make our way through the world visiting each cleric guild. We shall make offerings as appropriate in order to expand our knowledge and influence. The weary traveler turns to you, his face exposed, he appears younger than you’d expect, with a peculiar braid sporting a telltale crow’s feather, and a staff that demands notice, a soulstone orb, clutched by talons, marking him as Necromancer Zailon Britbane. He turns to you and states in a quiet voice, “And that my friend, is what you’ve so capriciously stumbled upon, so, I say to you, welcome, to our order. Find your courage, open your eyes, and do not shrink from your duty.
Speaking melodically to Rovvigen, Aveyln says, "Thank you most kindly." Enestrie turns to face you. Rovvigen beams happily at you! Enestrie gives you a friendly hug, and you detect the faint scent of white musk, with notes of angelica, sage, and jasmine around her. Enestrie smiles at you. Chemaine leans on Rovvigen. Rovvigen agrees with Chemaine. Rovvigen leans on Chemaine. Enestrie giggles. Enestrie leans on Flimbo. Enestrie falls over. Speaking quietly to Rovvigen, Chemaine says, "If either of us moves, we're gonna fall over." Enestrie stands up. Chemaine giggles. Rovvigen adopts an agreeable expression. Chemaine quietly says, "Like that." Speaking shrilly to Enestrie, Flimbo exclaims, "You smell like empath plants!" Chemaine nods at Enestrie. Enestrie grins at Flimbo. Enestrie giggles. Rovvigen yawns. Rovvigen falls over. Enestrie giggles at Rovvigen. Aveyln attaches a plump white souvenir sack to his rune belt. Rovvigen rolls around on the ground. Rovvigen rolls around on the ground. Rovvigen rolls around on the ground. Aveyln adopts an agreeable expression. Rovvigen stands up. Chemaine dusts Rovvigen off. Rovvigen beams happily at Chemaine! Speaking quietly to Rovvigen, Chemaine says, "Silly." Rovvigen softly says, "Always." Rovvigen softly says, "And clumbsy." Enestrie smiles. Chemaine quietly says, "Me too." Chemaine looks at Enestrie and hums. Enestrie grins. Speaking quietly to Enestrie, Chemaine says, "We need to die together soon." Speaking softly to Chemaine, Enestrie says, "Aye, we have not done that in a long while." Enestrie giggles at Chemaine. Chemaine snickers. Enestrie's face turns slightly pale. Enestrie grins at Chemaine. Speaking quietly to Enestrie, Chemaine says, "Is a lovely facility you clerics have here." Chemaine quietly says, "The trees are so beautiful." Rovvigen adopts an agreeable expression. Speaking softly to Chemaine, Enestrie says, "It is, very peaceful here." Enestrie gazes up into the heavens. Rovvigen softly says, "Wonderful beauty here." Chemaine adopts an agreeable expression. Rovvigen softly says, "More people will show just not sure when." Enestrie nods at Rovvigen. Rovvigen softly says, "We will give it until 10 after then we will start." Chemaine quietly says, "Did a crier go out? i nay heard one." Enestrie nods at Rovvigen. Chemaine quietly says, "But was nearly late." Rovvigen blushes a glowing shade of red. Rovvigen softly says, "I forgot to do one." Chemaine gazes up into the heavens. Rovvigen softly says, "But i did everything else." Rovvigen frowns. Rovvigen laughs! Enestrie softly asks, "We can do one now?" Rovvigen weeps softly, quiet tears falling from his eyes. Enestrie smiles at Rovvigen. Chemaine quietly says, "Will be fine." Chemaine's butterfly tattoo appears bored with its surroundings. Chemaine rubs Rovvigen. Enestrie rubs Rovvigen. Rovvigen softly says, "I didnt do one at all." Rovvigen softly says, "I forgot." Rovvigen slaps himself on the forehead. House Cleric Mikalmas just arrived. Rovvigen beams happily at Mikalmas! Enestrie turns to face Mikalmas. Mikalmas waves. Chemaine hugs Mikalmas. Mikalmas grins. Enestrie glances at Mikalmas and clasps her hands in a reverent gesture. Mikalmas hugs Chemaine. Rovvigen removes a plump white souvenir sack from in his rune-stitched backpack. Enestrie smiles. Rovvigen offers Mikalmas a plump white souvenir sack. Mikalmas says, "Apologies for being tardy." Mikalmas accepts Rovvigen's white souvenir sack. Mikalmas just opened a pristine white elven greatcloak elaborately hemmed with interwoven silver feather embroidery. Mikalmas attaches a plump white souvenir sack to his belt. Rovvigen softly asks, "How is everyone tonight?" Chemaine adopts an agreeable expression. Chemaine quietly says, "Doing well." Speaking softly to Enestrie, Rovvigen asks, "Have safe travels here?" Speaking melodically to Mikalmas, Aveyln says, "You are only tardy if you forgot to bring the sacred ale and holy popcorn." Aveyln nods at Mikalmas. Enestrie smiles at Rovvigen. Rovvigen laughs at Aveyln! Speaking softly to Rovvigen, Enestrie says, "I did indeed." Chemaine quietly asks, "Holy ale?" Chemaine quietly says, "I like the sound of that." Enestrie grins at Aveyln. Enestrie agrees with Chemaine. Rovvigen adopts an agreeable expression. Rovvigen softly says, "I want some popcorn now." Rovvigen giggles. Chemaine laughs! Enestrie smiles. Mikalmas flashes a wide grin. Aveyln agrees with Rovvigen. Chemaine hums a seemingly random tune. Flimbo removes a savory egg and bacon rolton burger between glazed donut buns from in his spidersilk cloak. Flimbo sniffs at his rolton burger. Rovvigen laughs at Flimbo! Enestrie smiles at Flimbo. Enestrie grins at you. Flimbo gasps. Great Lady Cerridween just arrived. Flimbo turns to Cerridween and cheers! Cerridween curtsies. Chemaine waves to Cerridween. Rovvigen beams happily at Cerridween! Flimbo skips in a circle around Cerridween. Rovvigen removes a plump white souvenir sack from in his rune-stitched backpack. Rovvigen offers Cerridween a plump white souvenir sack. Cerridween says, "I was held up at Voln, my appologies." Enestrie smiles at Cerridween. Speaking softly to Cerridween, Rovvigen says, "For the artifacts." Cerridween grins at Rovvigen. Enestrie gives Cerridween a friendly hug. Cerridween accepts Rovvigen's white souvenir sack. Chemaine chuckles. Cerridween hugs Enestrie, who wraps her in a warm embrace. Flimbo shrilly exclaims, "That's okay! Doing Voln things is important!" Cerridween adopts an agreeable expression. Goldstr just arrived. Enestrie beams happily at Goldstr! Rovvigen removes a plump white souvenir sack from in his rune-stitched backpack. Goldstr says, "Hail friends." Enestrie gives Goldstr a friendly hug. Flimbo turns to Goldstr and cheers! You nod to Goldstr in greeting. Goldstr hugs Enestrie, who wraps him in a warm embrace. Rovvigen offers Goldstr a plump white souvenir sack. Goldstr grins. Chemaine waves to Goldstr. Goldstr accepts Rovvigen's white souvenir sack. Speaking quietly to Goldstr, Chemaine says, "Gooe eve to ya." Goldstr says, "Tankee." The guard gives him a nod of recognition and waves him in. House Cleric Mikalmas just entered a large and elaborate building. Speaking softly to Goldstr, Rovvigen says, "For the artifacts during Pilgrimage." House Cleric Mikalmas just arrived. Cerridween grins at you. Goldstr hugs Chemaine. Mikalmas joins Rovvigen's group. Mikalmas grins. Chemaine gives Goldstr a friendly hug. Enestrie joins Rovvigen's group. Cerridween rubs her chin thoughtfully. Mikalmas says, "Thought I'd check in while I was standing here." Mikalmas points at an ornate bronze plaque. Mikalmas chuckles. Cerridween reaches down and carefully removes her tanned leather kit from her belt. Cerridween attaches a plump white souvenir sack to her belt. Rovvigen laughs at Mikalmas! Enestrie smiles at Mikalmas. Goldstr turns toward Mikalmas and renders a sharp salute with his white souvenir sack. Chemaine turns to Mikalmas and cheers! Rovvigen softly asks, "Shall we get started?" Enestrie giggles. You join Rovvigen. Cerridween joins Rovvigen's group. Aveyln joins Rovvigen's group. Rovvigen softly says, "Okay here goes nothing." Aveyln adopts an agreeable expression. Rovvigen blushes a glowing shade of red. Flimbo gasps. Enestrie gasps. Chemaine turns to Rovvigen and cheers! Rovvigen recites softly: "Evening everyone! Thanks for coming out tonight for the start of Sphere and Scythe s Sacred Pilgrimage." Enestrie praises Rovvigen. Aveyln lets out a cheer! Aveyln applauds. Enestrie turns an inquisitive ear toward Rovvigen. Flimbo whistles at Rovvigen! Rovvigen recites softly: "We are all honored to have you with us along this journey. Each month following this we will venture to every Cleric Guild s Shrine to learn about the specific Arkati that is represented and also receive blessed Artifacts along the way." Goldstr turns an inquisitive ear toward Rovvigen. Rovvigen recites softly: "Just a few short words of why we are going on this Pilgrimage and have invited everyone gathered to join us."
"We together will set out in search of history to remind the world of that which it has lost. We also hope to reawaken the Gods by taking this plight in our times of need by seeking out blessed Artifacts from each of these Shrines across Elanthia." Enestrie adopts an agreeable expression. Rovvigen recites softly: "This journey will be one of personal and spiritual growth in which we hope to ignite the spark of knowledge and fan the flames of enlightenment" Enestrie smiles. Rovvigen recites softly: "Now if you will all Join Me so we may proceed to the Shrine, we will start the journey as ONE!" Enestrie smiles. Flimbo joins Rovvigen's group. Goldstr joins Rovvigen's group. Rovvigen softly asks, "Everyone joined?" Chemaine joins Rovvigen's group. Rovvigen nods. Rovvigen's group just went south. [Cleric Guild, Courtyard - 17192] A small black marble building is set against the walls of the courtyard, its diminutive form shaded by a large willow tree overhead. The willow's vines sway slowly every few moments, obscuring the dark walls of the building as stray winds pass by. A pair of golden doors lead into the small structure, their surfaces engraved with a detailed rendition of keys. The very air seems to muffle all sounds, imparting a strange pervasive silence to the area. You also see a small shop. Also here: Aveyln (Cleric), Mistress Chemaine (Empath), Flimbo (Monk), High Lady Enestrie (Cleric), Great Lady Cerridween (Empath), Goldstr (Warrior), House Cleric Mikalmas (Cleric), Rovvigen (Wizard) Obvious paths: north Rovvigen's group just went through a small black marble building. [Cleric Guild, Shrine - 17194] A solid black marble altar sits to the south, nestled within a small arched alcove of ivory. Many candles sit on the various ledges within the small space, their warm light casting the statue of a woman behind the altar in a soft, enveloping glow. The woman stands firmly with an air of both grace and seriousness, though her downturned eyes give her a slightly somber look. Delicate snowblossoms are strewn across the floor, their pale white hue reminiscent of winter's winds. Also here: Aveyln (Cleric), Mistress Chemaine (Empath), Flimbo (Monk), High Lady Enestrie (Cleric), Great Lady Cerridween (Empath), Goldstr (Warrior), House Cleric Mikalmas (Cleric), Rovvigen (Wizard) Obvious exits: out Chemaine rubs her Moonstone Abbey pin. Enestrie gazes respectfully at her surroundings. Rovvigen softly says, "Here we are." Aveyln adopts an agreeable expression. Rovvigen recites softly: "Please take a minute to observe the Shrine and pay special attention to the Statue. This statue represents the Arkati named Lorminstra." Enestrie gazes respectfully at an ivory Lorminstra statue. You take a moment to observe everything you can about an ivory Lorminstra statue. Enestrie touches her white pearl chaplet lightly as she ponders. Flimbo removes a dented tin tip cup from in his spidersilk cloak. Flimbo carefully places his tin tip cup on the floor. Chemaine's butterfly tattoo seems to grow increasingly more restless as it mills about. Finally, it gathers itself and disappears behind the rose gold hip-chain covering her waist. Rovvigen recites softly: "We are honored to have a High Priestess of Lorminstra here tonight who will give us some insight and knowledge as to who Lorminstra is." Rovvigen bows to Enestrie. You carefully inspect an ivory Lorminstra statue. Goldstr bows to an ivory Lorminstra statue. Rovvigen recites softly: "With that being said, I will now turn the floor over to High Lady Enestrie" Enestrie glances at Rovvigen and clasps her hands in a reverent gesture. Flimbo grabs one end of his gold boa and waves it energetically, its feathers fluttering in a sensuous dance. Rovvigen bows to Enestrie. Chemaine applauds Enestrie. You tilt your head slightly toward Enestrie, noting the subtle changes in her muscles and breathing. Enestrie softly says, "Good Evening friends, brothers and sisters ..pilgrims." Goldstr turns an inquisitive ear toward Enestrie. Chemaine adopts an agreeable expression. Enestrie smiles at the group Aveyln smiles. Flimbo turns an inquisitive ear toward Enestrie. Enestrie softly says, "It is my privilege to offer insight into our Lady Lorminstra tonight as well as to ask her blessing and her favor on each of you during this pilgrimage." Enestrie softly says, "As you know, Lorminstra is our Goddess of Death and Rebirth." Enestrie smiles. Goldstr nods. Enestrie softly says, "She is also the eldest child of Koar and Lumnis. As followers of Lorminstra we pledge to rejoice in not only birth, but rebirth, as it is our duty to protect it from all unnatural harm." Enestrie gazes heavenward. Enestrie softly says, "We find the heart of Lorminstra in the season of winter, when the land itself becomes cold and dead, not unlike a soul separated from its body by death. Lorminstra is the deliberator and decision maker in the death of each of us. She alone decides if she will grant Givers of Life's appeals to restore life to a soul. For this reason-we clerics take our prayers to her seriously, for once her mind is made up, it cannot be swayed. She is indeed the gatekeeper of our souls, and her symbol as you may know is a golden key." Enestrie reaches out and touches her gold key symbol. Cerridween places her hand on her scrollwork emblem. Enestrie softly says, "For many years, she petitioned Koar for aid in the struggle of the undead. Luuko's enslavement of souls to fortify his undead armies is an abomination to her and her brother Ronan. Legend has it that the great warrior Voln is a direct answer to her many pleas for some control of Luuko's deplorable attempts to create legions of enslaved souls. That struggle continues today as we carry on in her service." Enestrie softly says, "Some might see your pilgrimage as purely historical, or perhaps adventure seeking. Some of us would rather support the idea that the very key to fighting all dangers to our lands depends on you-your sight, your divination, and your diligence in seeking truth." Goldstr rubs his enruned gold ring. Enestrie softly says, "As you embark on your journey, it will be my prayer daily that you will find the history hidden in our lands. And also that your mind's eye will be opened completely without filter. That you will once again awaken the Gods that have slept for so long to learn from them. That you will find truth." Enestrie touches her white pearl chaplet lightly as she ponders. Cerridween places her hand on her banded onyx key symbol. Enestrie smiles. The diamond eyes of Lorminstra's statue sparkle slightly as the candlelight flares up for a moment. Enestrie softly says, "I ask now that you commit to silence while I link us to Lorminstra." Enestrie gazes heavenward. Enestrie clasps her hands in a reverent gesture. Enestrie raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison... Enestrie gestures. Goldstr hangs his head. Flimbo gazes heavenward. Flimbo clasps his hand over his mouth. Enestrie softly says, "Er." Enestrie gazes heavenward. Goldstr gazes heavenward. Cerridween carefully unties her raven prayer-feather from her hair and removes it. Enestrie softly says, "Let us now pray." Cerridween brings her raven prayer-feather to her lips, whispering a silent invocation. Aveyln kneels down. Goldstr kneels before the altar to recite his prayers. Rovvigen kneels before the altar to recite his prayers. Aveyln continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance. Cerridween kneels before the altar to recite her prayers. Enestrie softly says, "Our Lady Lorminstra, daughter of Koar, gate keeper for free souls, we come to you now to ask your favor and your guidance for each one of these pilgrims." Enestrie gazes heavenward. You fold your hands behind your back, waiting patiently. Goldstr continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance. Enestrie softly says, "Let your divine light shine on them. Let your hand guard their souls from harm." Enestrie gazes heavenward. Cerridween sweeps her raven prayer-feather out before her in a gentle arc. Enestrie softly says, "Guide them--show them how to unlock the gates of history and shine your ray of knowledge for them so that they can pursue this cause of enlightenment, justice, and truth." Enestrie gazes heavenward. Chemaine seems a bit less imposing. Flimbo fidgets. You nod firmly. Enestrie softly says, "Blessed be all that seek that which is lost, that which is forgotten in their quest." Enestrie kneels down. Goldstr continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance. Enestrie clasps her hands in a reverent gesture. Enestrie stands up. Goldstr stands up. Rovvigen stands up. Enestrie touches her white pearl chaplet lightly as she ponders. Flimbo removes a small white marble shrine from in his spidersilk cloak. Chemaine quietly says, "Blessed be." Chemaine adopts an agreeable expression. Enestrie softly says, "Thank you all." Flimbo reverently sets his white marble shrine on the floor. Enestrie smiles. Flimbo bows his head down while tracing a finger along the edge of a small white marble shrine. Mikalmas gently wraps his hand around his silver sickle symbol and murmurs a softly spoken prayer. Cerridween stands up. Aveyln stands up. Aveyln adopts an agreeable expression. Rovvigen removes a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds from in his spidersilk bag. Goldstr says, "Amen." Flimbo picks up a small white marble shrine. Cerridween quietly says, "Blessed be." Flimbo put a small white marble shrine in his spidersilk cloak. Cerridween gently slides her raven prayer-feather into her hair, tying it securely to a strand. Rovvigen recites softly: "I will now pass a jar of uncut diamonds around please take one and hold the gem in your hand"
Chemaine put a pale brown faewood runestaff capped with a crimson blazestar in her tooled stave harness. Rovvigen offers Aveyln a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Goldstr put a plump white souvenir sack in his spidersilk cloak. Aveyln accepts Rovvigen's short glass jar. Aveyln gives his jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into his hand. Flimbo grabs one end of his gold boa and waves it energetically, its feathers fluttering in a sensuous dance. Chemaine attaches a plump white souvenir sack to her rose gold hip-chain. Aveyln offers Flimbo a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Flimbo holds one end of his gold boa in each hand and yanks it taut, striking a dramatic pose. Flimbo accepts Aveyln's short glass jar. Flimbo gives his jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into his hand. Cerridween gazes with interest at a large black tome on a black marble altar. Flimbo offers Chemaine a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Enestrie smiles. Flimbo sniffs at his uncut diamond. Enestrie gazes respectfully at an ivory Lorminstra statue. Rovvigen pokes Chemaine in the ribs. Chemaine accepts Flimbo's short glass jar. Rovvigen smiles chemane Flimbo tosses the end of his gold boa back over his shoulder in a flamboyant gesture. Chemaine quietly says, "Sorry was still praying maybe." Chemaine gives her jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into her hand. You giggle at Flimbo. Enestrie smiles at Chemaine. Speaking softly to Flimbo, you tease, "You are such a pretty princess." Flimbo beams happily at you! Rovvigen points at Mikalmas. Enestrie giggles. Chemaine offers Mikalmas a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Chemaine giggles. Chemaine mutters scatterbrained. Mikalmas accepts Chemaine's short glass jar. Flimbo holds his gold boa near its end and spins it with a flick of his wrist, causing the feathers to twirl wildly around. Chemaine points at herself. Rovvigen softly asks, "Did everyone get a souviner sack?" Mikalmas put an ancient white pastoral staff in his white elven greatcloak. Chemaine taps a plump white souvenir sack that she is wearing. Mikalmas gives his jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into his hand. Mikalmas offers Cerridween a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Cerridween accepts Mikalmas's short glass jar. Cerridween gives her jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into her hand. Cerridween offers Mikalmas a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Chemaine put an uncut diamond in her white souvenir sack. Rovvigen softly asks, "Everyone get an uncut diamond?" Speaking shrilly to you, Flimbo exclaims, "It's a very serious spirit tool! You can't perform the traditional erotic ghost punching dance without it!" Chemaine adopts an agreeable expression. Goldstr says, "Nae." Enestrie grins. Rovvigen points at Goldstr. You nod slowly at Flimbo. Mikalmas accepts Cerridween's short glass jar. Mikalmas offers Goldstr an uncut diamond. Mikalmas offers Goldstr a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Goldstr accepts Mikalmas's short glass jar. Flimbo removes a savory egg and bacon rolton burger between glazed donut buns from in his spidersilk cloak. Rovvigen softly says, "Dirvy is next then Enestrie then ill go last." Flimbo offers Enestrie a savory egg and bacon rolton burger between glazed donut buns. Goldstr gives his jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into his hand. Speaking shrilly to Enestrie, Flimbo exclaims, "Don't give that to any rats! It's the last one!" Goldstr offers Mikalmas a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Enestrie softly says, "Oh not me, I already have one." Enestrie giggles. Enestrie accepts Flimbo's rolton burger. Rovvigen nods at Enestrie. Enestrie put a savory egg and bacon rolton burger between glazed donut buns in her pristine white vestment. Mikalmas accepts Goldstr's short glass jar. Enestrie grins at Flimbo. Mikalmas asks, "Everyone have one?" Mikalmas offers Rovvigen a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Flimbo raises his uncut diamond skyward! Rovvigen accepts Mikalmas's short glass jar. Rovvigen gives his jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into his hand. Enestrie turns to face a black marble altar. Goldstr rubs an uncut diamond in his hand. Enestrie removes a white pearl chaplet from her neck. Rovvigen has accepted your offer and is now holding a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Enestrie raises her white pearl chaplet high, shouting the name of Lorminstra to the heavens. Rovvigen tucks a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds into one of the large pouches lining the inside of his red silk overcoat. Enestrie hangs a white pearl chaplet around her neck. Cerridween puckers up and blows a kiss at an uncut diamond in her hand. Enestrie smiles. Goldstr removes a plump white souvenir sack from in his spidersilk cloak. Flimbo picks up a dented tin tip cup. Flimbo put a dented tin tip cup in his spidersilk cloak. Rovvigen recites softly: "Now one at a time please place this diamond on the altar Please ay attention to the message as you do for you will be the only one able to see it" Enestrie nods. Mikalmas sets the diamond on the altar and it disappears soon after as he stares at something unseen. Chemaine removes an uncut diamond from in her white souvenir sack. Rovvigen recites softly: "As you place this uncut diamond on the altar it will be your gift to Lorminstra" Flimbo shrilly exclaims, "And if Lorminstra comes out, then there will be six more weeks of summer!" Enestrie grins at Flimbo. Chemaine sets the diamond upon the altar, and smoky trails of white light begin to pour forth from its heart, wrapping about her and completely obscuring her vision. As the wisps of pure white hue enshroud her, Chemaine stares fixedly at the gem as it disappears, then gazes blankly into the distance. Suddenly a bright flash of light comes from Chemaine's hand! Cerridween gives Flimbo a rather puzzled look. Aveyln glances at Flimbo. Rovvigen beams happily at Chemaine! Flimbo grabs one end of his gold boa and waves it energetically, its feathers fluttering in a sensuous dance. Chemaine hums a seemingly random tune. Cerridween gazes in awe at Chemaine. Chemaine quietly says, "Is lovely." Cerridween glances between Chemaine and an uncut diamond. Cerridween bites her lip. Rovvigen recites softly: "If you did not get a blessed Artifact I will pass around the jar of diamonds some more" Cerridween sets the diamond upon the altar, and smoky trails of white light begin to pour forth from its heart, wrapping about her and completely obscuring her vision. As the wisps of pure white hue enshroud her, Cerridween stares fixedly at the gem as it disappears, then gazes blankly into the distance. Suddenly a bright flash of light comes from Cerridween's hand! Goldstr sets his diamond on the altar, and its core begins to pulse with a bright white glow, the rapid flashing remniscent of a quickly-beating heart. Goldstr gazes intently at the uncut diamond for several moments, then blinks as it fades out of sight. A chilly draft wafts into the room, swirling about in a column of cold air. Suddenly, a tiny snowflake drifts down from somewhere and lands on the altar, melting within seconds of contact. Flimbo skips in a circle around you. Flimbo sets the diamond on the altar and it disappears soon after as he stares at something unseen. Flimbo gasps. Goldstr exclaims, "Wow!" Cerridween reverently says, "Goodness.." Rovvigen recites softly: "The artifact given in return will be a brilliant white diamond" Chemaine adopts an agreeable expression. Flimbo shrilly exclaims, "Lorminstra stole my diamond! Summer is over!" Speaking quietly to Flimbo, Chemaine says, "Means ya be evil." Aveyln sets his diamond on the altar, and its core begins to pulse with a bright white glow, the rapid flashing remniscent of a quickly-beating heart. Aveyln gazes intently at the uncut diamond for several moments, then blinks as it fades out of sight. Chemaine put a brilliant white diamond in her white souvenir sack. Speaking shrilly to Chemaine, Flimbo says, "I'm definitely not evil! I'm super good! I punch -all- the ghosts." Rovvigen recites softly: "Has everyone had a chance to place diamond on the altar?" Goldstr nods. Cerridween glances at Aveyln. Cerridween frowns. Rovvigen recites softly: "Now who here did not recieve an artifact" Aveyln glances at Cerridween. Flimbo raises his hand. Aveyln appears less confident. Goldstr raises his hand. The glowing specks of energy surrounding Cerridween suddenly shoot off in all directions, then quickly fade away. Aveyln raises his hand. Enestrie softly says, "Keep these diamonds and use them as reminders of the hope we have in Lorminstra they will fortify your mind and spirit on the upcoming journey." Flimbo shrilly exclaims, "It's like her big deed scheme for individual advancement all over again!" Rovvigen grabs a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds from one of the large pouches lining the inside of his red silk overcoat. Cerridween put a brilliant white diamond in her white souvenir sack. Rovvigen softly says, "Jar is coming around again." Rovvigen nods. Enestrie softly says, "Once you have received them." Cerridween becomes solid again. Rovvigen offers Goldstr a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Flimbo's grumpy kobold hand-puppet puffs out its little chest and straightens its shoulders. Goldstr accepts Rovvigen's short glass jar. Goldstr put a plump white souvenir sack in his spidersilk cloak. Flimbo returns to normal color. Goldstr gives his jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into his hand. Rovvigen softly says, "Please pass it to those who have not recieved an artifact." Enestrie smiles. Goldstr offers Rovvigen a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Chemaine quietly says, "Oh, i have one." Rovvigen points at Aveyln. As you set the diamond upon the altar, its core begins to pulse with a bright white glow, the rapid flashing remniscent of a quickly-beating heart. As you gaze into its depths, your vision is overwhelmed by several scenes... The morning sun rises onto the blooming spring morning... Lush forest surrounds you as summer reaches its peak... Dark-hued leaves fall gently onto the cold sparse ground... Ice encases everything in a frozen land of winter... The morning sun rises onto the blooming spring morning... As each recurring vision flashes past you, you get a sense of a neverending, peaceful cycle. In an instant, they are gone, and you notice that your offering has also disappeared. Enestrie smiles at you. You softly say, "Lorminstra is not happy I only died 6 times this week." You chuckle. Aveyln turns to face Goldstr. You raise your fist in a display of defiance. Enestrie adopts an agreeable expression. Enestrie softly says, "Aye." Enestrie gazes heavenward. You softly say, "But I died fighting for Teras when they were invaded, that should count for something." You chuckle. Flimbo looks thoughtfully at you. Cerridween grins at you. Enestrie softly says, "And I can vouch for your heroic efforts." Enestrie smiles at you. Flimbo turns to you and cheers! Aveyln adopts an agreeable expression. Goldstr offers Aveyln a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Speaking shrilly to you, Flimbo exclaims, "Ten years good luck in the Great Kobold's graces!" Rovvigen softly asks, "Who has diamond jar?" You chuckle. Aveyln accepts Goldstr's short glass jar. Lifting its beak, a cloisonne turtle dove coos a slow sad lament before falling silent. Aveyln gives his jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into his hand. Aveyln offers Rovvigen a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Goldstr points at Aveyln. Rovvigen accepts Aveyln's short glass jar. Speaking melodically to Goldstr, Aveyln exclaims, "Not I!" Aveyln grins. Rovvigen softly says, "Now again place diamond on altar." Enestrie nods. Cerridween places one hand on her golden heart locket, curling her fingers protectively around it. After a moment, her hand drops, a look of disappointment on her face. Aveyln turns to face a black marble altar. Aveyln kneels down. Goldstr sets his diamond on the altar, and its core begins to pulse with a bright white glow, the rapid flashing remniscent of a quickly-beating heart. Goldstr gazes intently at the uncut diamond for several moments, then blinks as it fades out of sight. Aveyln continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance. Rovvigen offers Goldstr a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Aveyln sets the diamond on the altar and it disappears soon after as he stares at something unseen. Goldstr says, "Verra nice." Speaking softly to Goldstr, you ask, "You too, huh?" You chuckle. Flimbo shrilly exclaims, "Oh! oh! I'll be right back!" Flimbo just skipped merrily out. You glance out. Goldstr asks, "Again? 3?" Rovvigen softly says, "No one is leaving here without and artifact." You give your eyebrow a little workout. Enestrie adopts an agreeable expression. Aveyln gasps. Goldstr accepts Rovvigen's short glass jar. Enestrie softly asks, "May I try again Rovvi?" Goldstr gives his jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into his hand. Flimbo just skipped merrily in. Speaking melodically to Rovvigen, Aveyln asks, "So its to be a kidnapping is it?" Flimbo joins Rovvigen's group. Aveyln grins at Rovvigen. Speaking softly to Enestrie, Rovvigen says, "Of course." Enestrie nods at Rovvigen. Goldstr offers Rovvigen a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Enestrie reaches out and touches her gold key symbol. Rovvigen accepts Goldstr's short glass jar. Rovvigen offers Enestrie a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. You softly say, "I will need another also, when the jar is free." Enestrie accepts Rovvigen's short glass jar. Aveyln stands up. Flimbo removes a snow white bodice from in his spidersilk cloak. Enestrie gives her jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into her hand. Flimbo offers Goldstr a snow white bodice. Goldstr asks, "We keep puttin em on altar?" Rovvigen nods at Goldstr. Enestrie smiles at Goldstr. You nod at Goldstr. Goldstr sets the diamond on the altar and it disappears soon after as he stares at something unseen. Cerridween rubs her banded onyx key symbol. Cerridween grins. As you set the diamond upon the altar, its core begins to pulse with a bright white glow, the rapid flashing remniscent of a quickly-beating heart. As you gaze into its depths, your vision is overwhelmed by several scenes... The morning sun rises onto the blooming spring morning... Lush forest surrounds you as summer reaches its peak... Dark-hued leaves fall gently onto the cold sparse ground... Ice encases everything in a frozen land of winter... The morning sun rises onto the blooming spring morning... As each recurring vision flashes past you, you get a sense of a neverending, peaceful cycle. In an instant, they are gone, and you notice that your offering has also disappeared. Rovvigen softly says, "I have extra diamonds dont worry." You stamp your feet. Enestrie kneels down. You gaze heavenward. Enestrie sets the diamond on the altar and it disappears soon after as she stares at something unseen. Goldstr relaxes and no longer maintains the Shield Riposte Stance. Goldstr says, "Different vision that time." You softly ask, "Woman! Our deeds are not enough?" Enestrie sighs. Speaking shrilly to you, Flimbo exclaims, "She really doesn't like you!" Cerridween looks thoughtfully at you. Speaking to you, Cerridween says, "I have an idea." Rovvigen softly asks, "Who here has not recieved a brilliant white diamond?" Speaking shrilly to you, Flimbo exclaims, "You heal too many people probably! Lorminstra likes it when people die so that they buy more deeds!" Aveyln raises his hand. Cerridween rummages through a shadowy obsidian silk cloak trimmed with raven feathers, pausing once in a while and then quickly resuming the search. Speaking softly to Flimbo, you say, "Probably because when I die, I tend to curse a great deal." Goldstr raises his hand. You feel your face flush to the tips of your ears. Enestrie softly says, "Perhaps I shoud try to link us again." Cerridween removes a gold-traced banded onyx key symbol from in her obsidian silk cloak. You wiggle your ears at Flimbo. Rovvigen offers Aveyln a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Enestrie gazes heavenward. Aveyln accepts Rovvigen's short glass jar. Flimbo put a snow white bodice in his spidersilk cloak. Rovvigen softly says, "Keep jar until you get one." Flimbo agrees with Enestrie. Aveyln gives his jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into his hand. Rovvigen nods at Enestrie. Aveyln offers Rovvigen a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Speaking to you, Cerridween says, "Place this around your neck and CHANT to it. See if Lorminstra hears you." Cerridween offers you a gold-traced banded onyx key symbol. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds. Enestrie softly says, "Here we go." You accept Cerridween's offer and are now holding a gold-traced banded onyx key symbol. Rovvigen accepts Aveyln's short glass jar. Goldstr asks, "Does the altar give th brilliant one?" Enestrie softly says, "Lets all gather around the altar." Enestrie softly says, "Yes." Flimbo removes some chambray pants from in his spidersilk cloak. Rovvigen nods at Goldstr. Enestrie nods at Goldstr. Aveyln sets the diamond upon the altar, and smoky trails of white light begin to pour forth from its heart, wrapping about his and completely obscuring his vision. As the wisps of pure white hue enshroud him, Aveyln stares fixedly at the gem as it disappears, then gazes blankly into the distance. Suddenly a bright flash of light comes from Aveyln's hand! You chuckle. Aveyln kneels before the altar to recite his prayers. Rovvigen turns to Aveyln and cheers! Flimbo seems to lose some dexterity. Enestrie softly says, "Gather and we will try to pray again." Rovvigen offers Goldstr a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Goldstr walks toward Enestrie. Enestrie nods at Rovvigen. Flimbo skips over to Enestrie merrily. You hang a gold-traced banded onyx key symbol around your neck. Enestrie raises a hand while murmuring a soft orison... Enestrie gestures. Enestrie falls into a deep trancelike state while muttering softly, the exact words you cannot discern. After a few silent moments, Enestrie calmly opens her eyes. You chant a reverent orison and lightly clasp your banded onyx key symbol. A rush of divine power washes over you. Your symbol pulses once and you feel the eternal watchfulness of Lorminstra staring through your eyes. Flimbo put some chambray pants in his spidersilk cloak. Flimbo removes a small white marble shrine from in his spidersilk cloak. Rovvigen softly says, "Keep jar gold until you recieve an artifact." Flimbo tinkers with his white marble shrine. Cerridween beams happily at you! Flimbo reverently sets his white marble shrine on the floor. You remove a gold-traced banded onyx key symbol from around your neck. Flimbo kneels down. Rovvigen points at Goldstr. Goldstr accepts Rovvigen's short glass jar. Cerridween has accepted your offer and is now holding a gold-traced banded onyx key symbol. Enestrie softly says, "Our Lady Lorminstra, daughter of Koar, gate keeper for free souls, we come to you now to ask your favor and your guidance for each one of these pilgrims." Cerridween put a gold-traced banded onyx key symbol in her obsidian silk cloak. Flimbo places his hands over the top of a small white marble shrine. He then looks up and zealously recites several words of verse. You softly say, "Perhaps she and Imaera had a falling out." Goldstr gives his jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into his hand. Enestrie softly says, "Let your divine light shine on them. Let your hand guard their souls from harm." The brilliant aura fades away from Cerridween. The divine power suffusing your actions wanes, leaving you bereft of Lorminstra's aid. Goldstr sets the diamond on the altar and it disappears soon after as he stares at something unseen. Aveyln gazes in awe at a brilliant white diamond in his hand. Enestrie softly says, "Guide them--show them how to unlock the gates of history and shine your ray of knowledge for them so that they can pursue this cause of enlightenment, justice, and truth." Goldstr gives his jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into his hand. Enestrie softly says, "Blessed be all that seek that which is lost, that which is forgotten in their quest." Flimbo places his hands on a small white marble shrine, lacing his fingers through each other as he prays with vehemence. Goldstr sets his diamond on the altar, and its core begins to pulse with a bright white glow, the rapid flashing remniscent of a quickly-beating heart. Goldstr gazes intently at the uncut diamond for several moments, then blinks as it fades out of sight. Enestrie gazes heavenward. Enestrie clasps her hands in a reverent gesture. Goldstr gives his jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into his hand. Cerridween kneels down. Goldstr sets the diamond on the altar and it disappears soon after as he stares at something unseen. Cerridween chants a reverent orison and lightly clasps her banded onyx key symbol. A rush of golden light flows out of her symbol, attaching itself to her like a second skin of infinite points of light. You rub Goldstr gently. Enestrie gazes heavenward. Speaking softly to Goldstr, Rovvigen says, "Keep trying." You lean back slightly, fanning your face with your hand as you look down at your skirt, your thoughts drifting of their own accord. Enestrie continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance. You softly say, "Warm here." Goldstr asks, "I donna die often, maybe she mad?" Goldstr gives his jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into his hand. The shade of Cerridween's skin changes, as if some light has gone out of her. Goldstr sets his diamond on the altar, and its core begins to pulse with a bright white glow, the rapid flashing remniscent of a quickly-beating heart. Goldstr gazes intently at the uncut diamond for several moments, then blinks as it fades out of sight. Enestrie softly says, "No, it is just that she requires the offering perhaps." Enestrie nods. Flimbo picks up a small white marble shrine. Flimbo stands up. Flimbo put a small white marble shrine in his spidersilk cloak. Goldstr gives his jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into his hand. Enestrie just opened an elegant golden satchel. Flimbo grabs one end of his gold boa and waves it energetically, its feathers fluttering in a sensuous dance. Goldstr sets the diamond on the altar and it disappears soon after as he stares at something unseen. Enestrie removes a plump white souvenir sack from in her golden satchel. Rovvigen softly says, "Yes these are gifts to our Lady Lorminstra." Enestrie just closed an elegant golden satchel. Goldstr gives his jar a hard shake, causing an uncut diamond to fall into his hand. Goldstr sets the diamond upon the altar, and smoky trails of white light begin to pour forth from its heart, wrapping about his and completely obscuring his vision. As the wisps of pure white hue enshroud him, Goldstr stares fixedly at the gem as it disappears, then gazes blankly into the distance. Suddenly a bright flash of light comes from Goldstr's hand! Speaking melodically to Goldstr, Aveyln asks, "Your dedication and persistance is being tested perhaps?" Enestrie softly says, "Here is what the diamond will look like." Rovvigen turns to Goldstr and cheers! Enestrie just opened a plump white souvenir sack. Cerridween grins at Goldstr. Enestrie removes a brilliant white diamond from in her white souvenir sack. Goldstr beams! Enestrie shows you a brilliant white diamond, which she is holding in her left hand. You see nothing unusual. You nod at Enestrie. Enestrie shows Cerridween her white diamond. Goldstr offers Enestrie a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Enestrie shows Goldstr her white diamond. Enestrie declines Goldstr's offer. You hold your palm out toward Goldstr, looking for a handout. Enestrie shows Flimbo her white diamond. Goldstr offers Rovvigen a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Enestrie shows Aveyln her white diamond. Flimbo put a brilliant white diamond in his white souvenir sack. Enestrie shows Mikalmas her white diamond. Rovvigen recites softly: "I think everyone has receieved a blessed artifact?" Flimbo removes a fur-lined viper skin hat from in his spidersilk cloak. Rovvigen accepts Goldstr's short glass jar. Enestrie put a brilliant white diamond in her white souvenir sack. Cerridween removes a brilliant white diamond from in her white souvenir sack. Flimbo offers Goldstr a fur-lined viper skin hat. Enestrie just closed a plump white souvenir sack. Enestrie just opened an elegant golden satchel. Goldstr removes a plump white souvenir sack from in his spidersilk cloak. Aveyln put a brilliant white diamond in his white souvenir sack. Aveyln just closed a plump white souvenir sack. Goldstr raises his white diamond skyward! Enestrie put a plump white souvenir sack in her golden satchel. Enestrie just closed an elegant golden satchel. Enestrie beams! Enestrie stands up. Speaking softly to Rovvigen, you ask, "Are there some left in the jar?" Goldstr put a brilliant white diamond in his white souvenir sack. Aveyln stands up. Rovvigen recites softly: "This brilliant white diamond will serve as a sign of spiritual growth and knowledge" You softly say, "If not, I can go get my jar." Cerridween gazes in awe at a brilliant white diamond in her hand. Rovvigen offers you a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds. Enestrie nods at Rovvigen. You set the diamond upon the altar, and smoky trails of white light begin to pour forth from its heart, wrapping about you and completely obscuring your vision. As the wisps of pure white hue enshroud you, you begin to see the faint forms of souls, their number innumerable as they swirl past you. As you watch transfixed, you see the whirling column of spirits slowly ascending to a gate blacker than a starless night, and an overwhelming sense of peace passes over you as each soul drifts through them. Suddenly a feeling of deep resolution not your own makes itself known in your mind, as if this endless cycle of life and death must never be interrupted or meddled with in any fashion. As soon as it came, the visions and feelings pass away as a somber sigh echoes through your mind. You feel a slight weight in your hand. Enestrie softly says, "Remember to get deeds before the journey." You glance down to see a brilliant white diamond in your right hand and a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds in your left hand. Flimbo turns to you and cheers! Enestrie softly asks, "And is there anyone here that does not have at least one chrism?" Rovvigen recites softly: "From each Guild in the different cities we will gain a blessed artifact as we journey on" Rovvigen has accepted your offer and is now holding a gold-banded short glass jar containing uncut diamonds. Speaking softly to Cerridween, you say, "Thank you, it seemed to work." Cerridween's face turns slightly pale. Cerridween says, "That's what I forgot to do." Flimbo put a fur-lined viper skin hat in his spidersilk cloak. Enestrie turns to face Cerridween. Cerridween smiles at you. Cerridween blushes a light pink shade at Enestrie. Speaking softly to Cerridween, Enestrie asks, "What did you forget?" Rovvigen recites softly: "Does anyone have any questions about this Pilgrimage?" Enestrie smiles at Cerridween. Chemaine shakes her head. Cerridween says, "You reminded me that I exhausted my personal stash of chrisms and was going to need to raid the family locker." Cerridween shows Enestrie her scrollwork emblem. Cerridween blushes a bright light pink to the tops of her ears. Enestrie nods at Cerridween. Goldstr says, "No question, a verra winderful ting." The very powerful look leaves you. The white light leaves you. Enestrie softly says, "I have one to get you started." Enestrie just opened an elegant golden satchel. Rovvigen recites softly: "Next month we will journey to Rivers Rest Shrine" Enestrie removes a sovyn-incised diamond from in her golden satchel. Aveyln adopts an agreeable expression. Enestrie offers Cerridween a sovyn-incised diamond. Cerridween beams happily at Enestrie! Enestrie just closed an elegant golden satchel. Cerridween put a brilliant white diamond in her white souvenir sack. Cerridween accepts Enestrie's diamond. Cerridween hugs Enestrie, who wraps her in a warm embrace. Cerridween stands up. Enestrie softly asks, "Anyone else without a chrism?" Enestrie gives Cerridween a friendly hug. Cerridween takes off an intricate scrollwork emblem. Goldstr put a plump white souvenir sack in his spidersilk cloak. Flimbo shrilly exclaims, "Even Rivers need a rest sometimes!" Rovvigen recites softly: "We will learn about Aeia and see what blessed artifact she has in store for us" Flimbo shrilly exclaims, "They're always running!" An iridescent glow radiates from the emblem as Cerridween seats a sovyn-incised diamond into her scrollwork emblem's bezel setting. Enestrie giggles at Flimbo. A chilly draft wafts into the room, swirling about in a column of cold air. Suddenly, a tiny snowflake drifts down from somewhere and lands on the altar, melting within seconds of contact. Cerridween sighs happily. Cerridween shows Enestrie her scrollwork emblem. Cerridween puts on an intricate scrollwork emblem. Enestrie softly says, "Ah." Enestrie softly says, "Lovely." Speaking to Enestrie, Cerridween says, "Thank you." Goldstr says, "I looks forward to dat." Enestrie smiles at Cerridween. Rovvigen beams happily at Goldstr! Speaking softly to Cerridween, Enestrie says, "Most welcome." Your intensity subsides. Your heart staggers briefly before slowing to a more regular speed. Dark red droplets seep out of your skin and evaporate as the influence of Troll's Blood leaves you. Rovvigen softly says, "The month following will be on Tears." Rovvigen softly says, "Teras." Rovvigen blushes a glowing shade of red. Aveyln melodically says, "Tears of ash." Aveyln adopts an agreeable expression. Enestrie grins at Rovvigen. Aveyln melodically says, "On Teras." Speaking quietly to Enestrie, Chemaine says, "Well done hon, thank you." Goldstr adopts an agreeable expression. Enestrie nods. Cerridween bounces up and down, dislodging a storm of ashen clumps from her clothing. Chemaine hugs Enestrie, who wraps her in a warm embrace. Enestrie nods at Aveyln. Chemaine gives Enestrie a lingering kiss on the cheek. Rovvigen softly says, "Dont worry though we have a friend with a private boat we will journey to those lands on." Enestrie gives Chemaine a friendly hug. Enestrie nods at Rovvigen. Goldstr lets out a cheer! Speaking melodically to Rovvigen, Aveyln says, "That sounds most interesting in itself." Rovvigen recites softly: "I want to Thank everyone for joining us tonight on this Pilgrimage" Chemaine adopts an agreeable expression. Rovvigen recites softly: "And look forward to seeing everyone in the second leg of our journey" Goldstr says, "I tanks ye fine folks fer havin us." Goldstr bows. Speaking quietly to Rovvigen, Chemaine says, "Thanks." Enestrie clasps her hands in a reverent gesture. Rovvigen softly says, "Of course." Flimbo shrilly exclaims, "Remember to buy deeds or Lorminstra will come and find you and kill you and send you to the demonic!" Rovvigen softly asks, "Anyone have questions about the Sphere and Scythe?" Enestrie giggles at Flimbo. Rovvigen agrees with Enestrie. Enestrie looks over at Flimbo and shakes her head. Goldstr says, "I neveh walks bout wid less den 20 deeds." Enestrie nods at Goldstr. Speaking shrilly to Enestrie, Flimbo says, "It's a widely believed -fact-" Rovvigen agrees with Goldstr. Enestrie glances at Flimbo and folds her arms over her chest. Enestrie shakes her head at Flimbo and clucks her tongue. Speaking quietly to Goldstr, Chemaine says, "I am lucky to have 10." Flimbo skips in a circle around Enestrie. Flimbo holds one end of his gold boa in each hand and yanks it taut, striking a dramatic pose. Aveyln nods at Rovvigen. Enestrie grins at Flimbo. Goldstr says, "In fack all me bugs gets me deeds." Cerridween bows her head slightly toward Enestrie as she drops into a deep respectful curtsy before her. Speaking softly to Flimbo, you tease, "I believe Lorminstra would be quite pleased with you, Flimbo, if you were to sacrifice yourself this night in her name." Enestrie glances at Cerridween and clasps her hands in a reverent gesture. Speaking to Enestrie, Cerridween says, "Thank you for leading us on this leg of our pilgrimage." Enestrie grins at you. Goldstr starts chuckling at you! Enestrie nods at Cerridween. Enestrie softly says, "I am honored." Enestrie smiles. Speaking wickedly to Flimbo, you say, "Allow me to help you with that..." You unsheathe the butcher knife from one of the narrow scabbards along the side of your grey wolf fur satchel. Speaking shrilly to you, Flimbo exclaims, "She would! She would! She's all about sacrifices! I heard! It's a whole big deed scheme for individual advancement!" You grin wickedly at Flimbo. Enestrie gawks at you. Enestrie shakes her head at you and clucks her tongue. Rovvigen recites softly: "Yes please give High Lady Enestrie a round of applauds for tonight" Rovvigen bows to Enestrie. You duck your head. Goldstr applauds. You grumble to yourself. Enestrie glances at Rovvigen and clasps her hands in a reverent gesture. Flimbo shrilly exclaims, "But my only sacrifices are for the Great Kobold!" You wipe off the blade and sheathe the butcher knife into one of the narrow scabbards along the side of your grey wolf fur satchel. Enestrie grins at you. Chemaine applauds Enestrie. Goldstr applauds Enestrie. Enestrie rubs you gently. Aveyln turns to Enestrie and cheers! Rovvigen nods at Aveyln. The silvery luminescence fades from around Chemaine. Flimbo applauds with enthusiasm, seemingly oblivious to his surroundings. Speaking softly to you, Enestrie asks, "Another area of the lands, perhaps?" Enestrie smiles at you. Enestrie softly says, "I know killing goes on somewhere.........." Enestrie glances at you. Speaking softly to Enestrie, you say, "You did a spectacular job of ensuring Lorminstra found favor in us all. Thank you for your help." Enestrie softly says, "Thank you all." You chuckle. Rovvigen softly says, "Any other questions for Enestrie tonight about Lorminstra." Enestrie grins at you. Speaking softly to you, Enestrie says, "Thank you dear." Aveyln ponders. Enestrie smiles at Aveyln. Speaking melodically to Enestrie, Aveyln says, "Thank you for sharing your wisdom and knowledge with us this eve." Goldstr asks, "Do one a da shrines respect me Lord Kai?" The diamond eyes of Lorminstra's statue sparkle slightly as the candlelight flares up for a moment. Aveyln bows to Enestrie. Enestrie glances at Aveyln and clasps her hands in a reverent gesture. Deep blue motes swirl away from Chemaine and fade. Enestrie softly says, "Welcome, it is my honor." Cerridween whispers something to Enestrie. Enestrie gazes respectfully at an ivory Lorminstra statue. Cerridween removes a gold-traced banded onyx key symbol from in her obsidian silk cloak. Rovvigen softly says, "No Kai shrines that offer blessed artifacts." Cerridween offers Enestrie a gold-traced banded onyx key symbol. Enestrie beams happily at Cerridween! Goldstr nods. Enestrie accepts Cerridween's banded onyx key symbol. Goldstr says, "Unnerstood." Goldstr nods. Rovvigen softly says, "But there are shrines that are devoute to Kai." Goldstr beams! Cerridween smiles at Enestrie. Enestrie gazes in wonder at her surroundings. Goldstr shows Rovvigen his granite tear. Enestrie softly says, "It is beautiful." Enestrie smiles at Cerridween. Goldstr shows Enestrie his granite tear. Chemaine seems to lose some dexterity. Enestrie smiles at Goldstr. Rovvigen softly says, "Yes very Beautiful." Rovvigen nods at Goldstr. Speaking softly to Goldstr, Enestrie says, "Lovely Kai symbol." Enestrie nods at Goldstr. Enestrie put a gold-traced banded onyx key symbol in her pristine white vestment. Speaking to Enestrie, Cerridween says, "I know that he would want you to have it, as a sign of Lorminstra's blessing." Enestrie nods at Cerridween. Speaking softly to Cerridween, Enestrie says, "I met a cleric who shared that he was on a pilgrimage." Enestrie softly says, "It has been a little while ago." Cerridween grins slowly. Cerridween shows Enestrie her golden heart locket. Cerridween removes a Lord Ryndith portrait from in her obsidian silk cloak. Enestrie softly says, "He gave me a couple of those symbols." Cerridween shows Enestrie her Ryndith portrait. Enestrie beams! Enestrie softly exclaims, "That is him!" Goldstr says, "Was verra good time an I mus be off. Duty calls soon." Cerridween beams happily at Enestrie! Goldstr bows. Goldstr waves. Cerridween put a Lord Ryndith portrait in her obsidian silk cloak. Speaking softly to Goldstr, you say, "Have a good evening." Goldstr just went out. Rovvigen softly says, "Thanks again everyone." Speaking softly to Cerridween, Enestrie says, "He gave me two symbols, and I gave them both away." Enestrie giggles at Cerridween. Cerridween grins at Enestrie. Chemaine's butterfly tattoo suddenly emerges from underneath her rose gold hip-chain and disappears behind the smooth glaes armband covering her arm. Aveyln agrees with Rovvigen. Your ring pulses with energy. The pulsing fades and a glimmering silver earring affixed with an iridescent azure butterfly saewehna remains. Enestrie softly says, "We agreed I would give one away, but I found two that were interested, so I gave them away." Enestrie softly says, "So now," Enestrie softly says, "I have my very own symbol from you." Enestrie gives Cerridween a friendly hug. Rovvigen softly says, "We shall meet again." You offer your black rings to Enestrie, who has 30 seconds to accept the offer. Click CANCEL to prematurely cancel the offer. Enestrie pouts. Rovvigen softly says, "To continue our Sacred Pilgrimage." Rovvigen beams! Aveyln smiles. Cerridween grins at Enestrie. Enestrie beams happily at you! Chemaine adopts an agreeable expression. Enestrie has accepted your offer and is now holding some twisted black rings etched with Lorminstran symbols. Enestrie softly says, "Oh." Enestrie slides her rings through some tiny puncture wounds in her ears. Enestrie gasps. Speaking to Enestrie, Cerridween says, "Although Ryndith was not able to join us here today, I will be sharing what I've learned of this shrine with him. I know it will delight him greatly." You nod approvingly at Enestrie. Cerridween rubs her dark crystal anklet, causing darkness to stream across its surface briefly. Cerridween gets an odd look on her face. Speaking softly to Enestrie, you say, "Perfect." A chilly draft wafts into the room, swirling about in a column of cold air. Suddenly, a tiny snowflake drifts down from somewhere and lands on the altar, melting within seconds of contact. Enestrie gives Cerridween a friendly hug. Rovvigen softly says, "Everyone have safe travels home." Speaking softly to Cerridween, Enestrie says, "Do that and give him my regards." Cerridween grins at Rovvigen. Enestrie gives you a friendly hug, and you detect the faint scent of white musk, with notes of angelica, sage, and jasmine around her. Speaking softly to Enestrie, Rovvigen says, "Thanks again for the information." Rovvigen hugs Enestrie, who wraps him in a warm embrace. You put a plump white souvenir sack in your medic's kit. You smile at Enestrie. Enestrie glances at Rovvigen and clasps her hands in a reverent gesture. Rovvigen nods at Enestrie. Rovvigen beams happily at Enestrie! Enestrie gives you a friendly hug. Enestrie smooches you on the cheek. Cerridween just closed a plump white souvenir sack. Cerridween removes a plump white souvenir sack from her belt. Enestrie softly says, "Thank you all." Cerridween put a plump white souvenir sack in her obsidian silk cloak. Cerridween reaches for the orange tabby kitten, but backs away warily when it smacks her hand away with its outstretched paw. Rovvigen bows to Enestrie. Cerridween removes a mithril-reinforced tanned leather kit from in her obsidian silk cloak. Cerridween reaches down and carefully attaches her tanned leather kit to her belt. Aveyln bows. With a flick of her wrist, Cerridween releases the clasp on her tanned leather kit and it snaps open. Aveyln smiles. Rovvigen softly says, "Everyone be safe." Rovvigen nods at Enestrie. Chemaine hugs Rovvigen. Enestrie nods at Rovvigen. Chemaine hugs Enestrie, who wraps her in a warm embrace. Enestrie gives Chemaine a friendly hug. Rovvigen hugs Chemaine. Chemaine hugs Mikalmas. Enestrie smooches Chemaine on the cheek. Rovvigen hugs Enestrie, who wraps him in a warm embrace. Enestrie gives Cerridween a friendly hug. Enestrie hugs Rovvigen. Rovvigen hugs Aveyln. Chemaine quietly says, "Time to hunt methinks." Enestrie hugs Flimbo. Cerridween hugs Enestrie, who wraps her in a warm embrace. Speaking quietly to Enestrie, Chemaine exclaims, "So get home soon!" Enestrie hugs Aveyln. Chemaine giggles. Cerridween says, "Time to brew another potion or twenty." Speaking melodically to Flimbo, Aveyln asks, "Is there a shrine to the great kobold where with the proper offering you are set aflame?" Enestrie softly exclaims, "I am!" Enestrie giggles. Rovvigen cackles at Chemaine! Enestrie dances around the room to music only she can hear. Enestrie waves. Cerridween flashes a quick grin. Chemaine waves. High Lady Enestrie just went out. Flimbo shrilly exclaims, "Yeah!" Speaking softly to Aveyln, you say, "I can arrange this..." Mistress Chemaine just went out. Rovvigen laughs at Aveyln! You grin sheepishly. Flimbo shrilly exclaims, "It's in the chief's hut at the Kobold village!" Aveyln nods. Speaking melodically to Flimbo, Aveyln says, "Perhaps you will have an opportunity to demonstrate during our journey." Aveyln bows to Flimbo. Flimbo blushes a nice shade of light pink. You give Rovvigen a friendly hug. You hug Mikalmas, stirring the scent of wisteria and calla lily over white sandalwood, rose attar, and frankincense from his skin, who wraps you in a warm embrace. You softly say, "Wonderful event, boys." Flimbo shrilly says, "Oh you can't do that sort of thing in front of ladies." Flimbo shrilly says, "It's a very private experience." Aveyln melodically says, "A good night to you all. May the winds be at your back." Aveyln kneels before the altar to recite his prayers. Aveyln chants a short but reverent orison, asking for the blessing of the winds. Mikalmas grins. Flimbo shrilly exclaims, "But I could maybe even take us there and show everybody how it works!" Aveyln stands up. Aveyln adopts an agreeable expression. Cerridween grins at Aveyln. Speaking to Aveyln, Cerridween says, "Wind beneath your wings." Cerridween bows her head slightly toward Aveyln as she drops into a deep respectful curtsy before him. Aveyln smiles at Cerridween. Rovvigen beams happily at you! Aveyln bows to Cerridween. Aveyln just went out. |
5124 Pilgrimages
ExpandShrine of Aeia |
This log is from Rovvigen's viewpoint.
In the year 5116 of the Jastatos era, the esteemed Order of the Sphere and Scythe's Seers found themselves compelled to engage in deep introspection rather than their usual practice of divination. They understood that without taking the time to reflect, they could never truly fulfill their destined roles. Thus, from the month of Lumnea in 5117 to Charlatos in 5118, this wise group of Seers embarked on a series of Sacred Pilgrimages across the vast lands of Elanthia, visiting revered temples along their spiritual journey. As they embarked on each new journey, they found themselves inching closer to unraveling the mystery behind why they had been selected to share their unconventional talents with the world. By presenting unique offerings at sacred temples along the way, they were granted a special blessing in return. These blessings played a crucial role in helping them discover their ultimate purpose and true destiny. This is the invaluable experience that WE, the Order, aim to offer YOU, the people of Elanthia, once more. Embark on an extraordinary adventure with The Order of the Sphere and Scythe as we traverse through the enchanting lands of Elanthia. Commencing in the month of May, we will set out on a series of expeditions to visit the revered sites that hold great significance, with each destination being explored every alternate month. First destination below: The Sacred Pilgrimages across Elanthia have commenced as the Order of the Sphere and Scythe embarks on their journey. Aeia will be their chosen destination for this leg of the odyssey, where they will seek self-discovery and hunt for blessed artifacts. Joining them on Thursday, May 16th at 7pm in River's Rest, Town Commons, will be the esteemed guest speaker, Lightkeeper Kayse Thaellian, adding an extra touch of wisdom and insight to the gathering.
Start of a Sacred Journey:
"This evening holds a profound significance for our order, The Sphere and Scythe, as we find ourselves embarking on a momentous journey once again. It is a night that carries with it a sense of nostalgia, reminiscent of a past era, specifically the year of 5117." Tilting its head, a leucistic red-tailed hawk whistles a few soft crooning cries for a moment before falling silent. Kayse notes, "Good year." You nod in agreement at Kayse. You softly say, "Busy year infact." Sullvane asks, "Heavens, that was seven years ago already?" You softly say, "Indeed it was." You recite softly: "In this period, we unearthed our authentic selves and mission. We are honored that each of you have chosen to come along on this transformative voyage with us, hoping that you too can uncover your true self and purpose through our shared experiences." Sullvane shakes his head. Ntinly squeakily says, "Will be good ta learns of it. Ma family was pushed underground ere in da Rest rounds 5103 an didn return to da surface til 5023 er so." You grin at Ntinly. You recite softly: "Occasionally, it becomes crucial to pause and step back from the chaotic events occurring in Elanthia, allowing us to reconnect with ourselves and realign our focus on personal objectives, as well as extending a helping hand to those in our community." You recite softly: "Over the course of a year, we will embark on a journey that will take us to various towns, with each visit occurring every other month. Legend has it that within each town, there exists a Sacred spot where individuals can connect with a particular deity and be bestowed with a special gift. Yet, this gift does not come without a price. A blessing must be offered in return to obtain this significant artifact." Ntinly squeakily asks, "WE gotsa sacrifice a halflin?" Ntinly peers quizzically at you. Sullvane says, "Oh? You had my attention, now you have my interest." Dirvy wags one finger at Ntinly in a no-no-no gesture. You softly say, "Heavens I hope not." You recite softly: "This evening, we have assembled in Rivers Rest for a very specific reason. Rumors have been circulating that one of the Sacred spots is hidden somewhere within the confines of this town. Luckily, we are equipped with a precise map that will guide you straight to the specific location you are looking for." Whisp asks, "I just stripped off 500 pounds of junk to wear a sundress and now I am going to need something?" Behavin fidgets, glancing at you. Sullvane amusedly exclaims, "Well! Isn't that handy!" You gaze intently at your parchment map, tracing various routes with your finger. Speaking to Whisp, Wonkus exclaims, "That just means it's summer for girls, because you got no pockets. You should wear a cape!" You recite softly: "Join me as we venture to this location to kick off the evening's festivities. It is essential that you stay by my side throughout the night to ensure we have a memorable experience together. Let's embark on this journey together and make the most of the evening ahead." Ntinly squeakily says, "Aas Dwi would says, 'Stay wif da tour!'." Ntinly giggles. You recite softly: "We have an honored guest here tonight and they will lead us to another location for their speech if that is ok then we will venture to the Sacred space" You smile at Kayse. Speaking softly to you, Dirvy asks, "Will the followers need their weapons and magickal defenses on the way to this sacred place?" Ntinly squeakily exclaims, "Da Sacred space better nae be ma secret brinery where I keeps all ma pickles!" You softly say, "We will not need any weapons as this is not dangerous." Speaking to Dirvy, Wonkus exclaims, "Baaawwk buhcawk!" Speaking to Dirvy, Wonkus exclaims, "More people getting hurt seems like a boon for you!" Kayse mentions, "We are lucky to have two shrines in River's Rest dedicated to Aeia. We will visit the one in the citadel first." Dirvy gives a sidelong glance at Wonkus. Kayse asks, "Shall we?" Speech on Aeia: Light Keeper Kayse takes the group to the beautiful Citadel, Garden [Citadel, Gardens] Lined with tile, a large pool rests in the center of the citadel's garden. A statue carved in the likeness of Aeia, a local goddess of the earth, stands in the middle of the pool. The water that feeds the pool seeps forth from the base of the statue. Also here: Mistress Tryxx, House Sage Anferis, Executrix Dirvy, Picklemaster Ntinly, Adalfuns, Sullvane, Miss Behavin, Wonkus, Master Fisher Aerocus, Whisp, Light Keeper Kayse Obvious paths: southeast, southwest, northwest Kayse nods to you. You smile at Kayse. Speaking to Ntinly, Aerocus says, "Feels iike I steped back in time. in the rest with the picklemaster." Aerocus says, "You should have the key to the the city." Ntinly squeakily says, "Has been ma families home for long times." You recite softly: "Tonight we have a very special speaker with us, the Lightkeeper Kayse Thellian, who will speak here and later in the Sacred place" Wonkus applauds wildly! Sullvane nods politely at Kayse. Ntinly turns an inquisitive ear toward Kayse. You recite softly: "Please pay her respect as they discuss" Kayse inclines her head. (Kayse moves to the front of the crowd and surveys the area, a brief smile touching her lips.) Kayse serenely begins, "Tonight I will discuss a lesser known goddess. Only lesser known because a lot of her followers do not extend outside of my home, River's Rest." Kayse didactically informs, "Aeia was worshiped widely during the Kannalan Empire and was a goddess of considerable importance. After the decline and eventual fall of the Citadel, however, her followers have diminished." You listen carefully to Kayse. Kayse adoringly emphasizes, "She is the Patroness of the earth and gardens--also known as the earth mother. It is said that any garden plot that is decorated with a statue of Aeia will bloom and flourish." Kayse ruefully notes, "Unfortunately, because of the fall of the citadel, not a lot of Aeia is known and most of the lore or knowledge about her is speculation." Sullvane rubs his chin thoughtfully. Kayse clearly says, "This tale is about how the earth mother saved those of River's Rest. It is one that has been passed down from one generation to the next." . Aerocus suddenly pauses, a look of consternation crossing his features as he listens intently. Kayse gently says, "Aeia has a fondness for gardens and perhaps because of her adoration for flowers, a white lily is the symbol that represents her." Kayse brightly says, "Since Aeia lived in River's Rest, she had a large garden which was filled with a variety of different types of flowers--many of them various species of lilies." Kayse frankly interrupts, "Now besides Elven and Aelotoian, I like to consider myself versed in the language of flowers." Mikalmas says, "A beautiful masterpiece." Kayse agrees with Mikalmas. Kayse thoughtfully marvels, "Every flower has a meaning and can be used to communicate a message or phrase." Kayse grabs a pair of steel shears wrapped with leather from a small pocket inside of her leather jacket. (Kayse walks over to a bed of flowers. Taking the steel shears she snips an orange tiger lily at the stem.) Kayse gazes thoughtfully at her tiger lily. Sullvane wonders, "Oh? How elegant." Kayse flashes a quick grin. Kayse tucks a pair of steel shears wrapped with leather into a small pocket inside of her leather jacket . Kayse casually mentions, "Tiger lilies have the meaning of "wealth" and they got that meaning through Aeia and this story I am about to tell." Kayse cautiously observes, "Back in the day, Krolvins raided River's Rest frequently, and it was not always the peaceful backwater we see it as today." Kayse seethes, "They were after anything portable that would bring them wealth." Ntinly mutters sankir. Kayse desperately says, "After frequent invasions, the people of River's Rest had nothing left to give them." Kayse frustratedly spits, "The krol outraged by this, slaughtered people in the streets of the town." Kayse pauses a moment before continuing in a soft tone, "Aeia watched helplessly as her people suffered." You weep softly, quiet tears falling from your eyes. Kayse quickly says, "Looking around her garden, she saw the bright golden-orange tiger lilies swaying in the salt breeze." (Kayse twirls the tiger lily around her fingers as she speaks.) Kayse measuredly says, "Swiftly moving through her garden, she picked and gathered all that she had and prayed to Imaera for guidance." Dirvy reaches out and touches her emerald Imaera symbol. Kayse grins at Dirvy. Ntinly's firewheel flower stretches, the petals shifting slightly as it repositions itself. As it settles down, the stem clings tightly to her. (Kayse closes her eyes a moment and takes a slow breath before slowly opening them again, her eyes brightly shining.) Kayse carefully recalls, "Trodding warily to the town commons, she began dropping the tiger lillies, one by one, every few steps from there to Maelstrom Bay." Kayse disbelievingly says, "As she gracefully moved, she went untouched by the Krol--for as each lily dropped from her hand, it turned into gold." Kayse gazes thoughtfully at her tiger lily. (Kayse moves her hands with a flourish, the lily disappears before your eyes and in its place is a gold coin.) Kayse grins smugly. Kayse suddenly says, "The krolvin stopped attacking the citizens and greedily snatched up the golden coins." Kayse apprehensively says, "When she reached the shore of the bay, she had one lily left." Kayse steadily says, "Staring into the dark waters of the bay, she threw the last lily into Charl's embrace." Kayse tensely says, "The foamy water tossed around the flower enticing the krol to come and get it." Kayse takes a deep breath, her eyes wide. "Several of them swam out after it, but as burdened as they were with all the coins they had gathered, they drowned immediately." Kayse amusedly says, "The rest of the krol, upon seeing the intervention of the Arkati fled to their longships and into the receding tide to escape." Kayse dramatically says, "But they quickly learned, they might have been better off on the dry land. No sooner had they ventured out to sea that a kraken of the same golden orange and brown as the tiger lilies rose up out of the water and devoured them." Kayse shakes her head, clucking her tongue. Kayse concludes, "That is just one example of how Aeia has saved the people of River's Rest." Kayse carefully confides, "This is not the only time Aeia has looked out for the people of River's Rest." Kayse discloses, "Years ago, she sent me visions to aid the town and denizens of River's Rest against Chaston and the Blameless. A religious zealot who was slaughtering anyone who didn't worship Koar." Sullvane scowls. Kayse reminds, "5117." Kayse explains, "The visions allowed a small group of us to arrive from Wehnimer's to River's Rest and protect this very shrine. It was the first time in that long conflict that no innocents died that evening due to her warning." Kayse says, "If you look in the pool, you will see a statue of her." Sullvane takes a moment to observe a large pool. Mikalmas says, "Stunning feature." Monza softly exclaims, "Water lilies!" Monza gasps. Speaking to you, Kayse asks, "I am prepared to move to the next location. Shall I lead?" You softly say, "Jastev came to me then as well in Lake Eonake. That was a very busy year. But that is a part of History for another time." You nod at Kayse. Kayse grins at you. You softly ask, "Sure you may lead the way, need the map?" You tap a faded parchment map scarred by scorch marks, which is in your right hand. Sullvane says, "I knew little of Aeia before, coming from Ta'Faendryl, but she seems gentle-hearted and nurturing, but not without teeth." Sullvane says, "A goddess to be respected." Kayse grins at Sullvane. Dirvy agrees with Sullvane. Speaking to you, Kayse says, "I can use the map if you like.." Kayse winks at you. Ntinly squeakily says, "I wish she could have lent elp afore Sankir da Czag Dubras Bloodfist kilt most a ma family all dem years ago......" Kayse has accepted your offer and is now holding a faded parchment map scarred by scorch marks. You softly say, "Its a delicate old map."
Light Keeper Kayse's group makes their way to the Cleric Guild, Garden Shrine.
Kayse studies her parchment map closely and gets a frustrated look on her face. With a slight blush, she quickly turns the map in her hands to reorient it and resumes studying it. Kayse offers you a faded parchment map scarred by scorch marks. A short, feeble-looking human man garbed in verdant green robes wanders in and smiles at you. Shuffling over toward the altar quietly, he picks up a small watering can from behind it and gently waters the sapling growing upon its surface. He bends to offer a bow of respect and slowly shuffles off. You softly say, "Ahh the Sacred spot, thank you kindly for leading the way." Kayse nods slowly to you. You recite softly: "Now we can proceed to the next stage of the journey." Speaking to you, Kayse says, "I do have sapphires for everyone to use here as well." Kayse tucks a deep green spherical sapphire into a small pocket inside of her leather jacket. Speaking softly to Kayse, you say, "Thank you for that inspiring tale." Wonkus applauds. Whisp agrees with you. You recite softly: "Take a moment to observe the statue's intricate details in the shrine, particularly the color of its eyes. It serves as a hint for what needs to be sacrificed in order to obtain the artifact. Does anyone have a guess as to what this item might be?" Wonkus turns to Kayse and cheers! You point at a wooden Aeia statue. Dirvy takes a moment to observe a wooden Aeia statue. You softly say, "Think Kayse gave it away just now." Sullvane rubs his chin thoughtfully. Wonkus exclaims, "Oh! Oh! Grass!” You softly say, "It is not grass but the color of it." Sullvane says, "I've a green garnet, but I do not think that will do it." Behavin asks, "Green sapphires?" Speaking softly to you, Dirvy says, "We can paint Wonkus." Kayse points at Behavin. You softly say, "Green sapphires it is." Sullvane concludes, "Too many inclusions." You recite softly: "It is a green sapphire, we will be handing out a few of each to you. Please be patient as this takes place." You recite softly: "MIkalmas has a bottle of them please take 2 or 3 each and dont do anything with them" Whisp asks, "Is she sort of like a Imaera but not?" You softly say, "Please each one of you shake and get 2 or 3 out and hold them please." Speaking to Whisp, Kayse says, "In some ways. She's is not a full goddess necessarily." Whisp says, "Ahhh. But she is most loveable for her nature aspect." Speaking softly to Whisp, Dirvy says, "Aeia? She does seem to enjoy the more natural aspects of our world, just as my Verdant Lady does. There are others who enjoy the beauty of nature. Perhaps she was guided by my Lady's hand in her love for gardens." Whisp nods at Dirvy. You recite softly: "Fun part is coming up I promise" Whisp says, "I was thinking along those lines. I follow Imaera as well. Well, not as a cleric you know..." You softly say, "Now watch me carefully." . You softly say, "Before I do will Kayse do the honors in leading us in a quick prayer to bless the ceremony." Kayse stares at you. You softly say, "A simple one will suffice." Speaking vaguely to you, Kayse says, "And Aeia might not be....favorable of me at the moment.." You softly ask, "Or anyone care to bless this ceremony?" Mikalmas says, "I can." Mikalmas kneels down. Mikalmas recites: "Aeia we come before you this night to guide us on our journey of self discovery" Kayse gazes with interest at Mikalmas. Mikalmas recites: "We ask that you put your hand on each and everyone of these souls so they may walk with unburdened hearts and see the ways of goodness in this world" Kayse rubs a deep green spherical sapphire in her hand. Mikalmas recites: "And with that I seek your mercy in my own trials" You softly say, "Alright now you may watch me." You softly say, "This is very important and not to be rushed as it may take a couple tries." You softly say, "You will take one at a time a green sapphire." Kayse adds, "Or twelve." You softly say, "Sometimes it does take 12." You laugh at Kayse! You softly say, "We have plenty on us." You softly say, "And you will place it on the altar." You softly say, "If Aeia chooses she will give you an item in return." Kayse says, "Everyone receives her blessing in some way." You softly say, "But no one is leaving here tonight until you all get one." You kneel before a wooden Aeia statue. You drop the green sapphire onto the altar and watch it disperse in a green tendril of energy. One of the unblossomed lilies upon the altar suddenly opens, revealing tiny spheres of flickering viridian light that float over and dance about your head playfully. A soft, nurturing voice makes itself known in your mind, "Such pretty things, my child. Gazing into their depths one is reminded of the earth and the wonderful things that may blossom from it. It reminds one what the world could become." The lips upon the statue seem to sparkle just a bit as the voice fades away. Suddenly a burst of green light comes from your hand, revealing the sapphire you just offered, except its form is slightly different now. You tap a deep green spherical sapphire, which is in your right hand. You softly say, "See the blessed artifact in return." One by One the crowd follows Elder Seer Rovvigen Aniket’s lead and drops a green sapphire at the wooden altar to honor Aeia, and each receives the Sacred Artifact.
Whisp says, "Oh that was lovely." Speaking softly to Kayse, you say, "Thanks so much for your time this evening." Kayse wishes, "Fair evening all." You give Kayse a friendly hug, stirring the scent of blue lilac suspended in the sheerest whisper of incense smoke from her skin. Wonkus exclaims, "It looks like one of those scarabs from the box now! I like it!" Sullvane notes, "I will have to get myself a reliquary pouch." You softly say, "Yes because not next month but the one after next we will journey to Solhaven." You softly say, "Keep in mind not every town has a sacred artifact." You softly say, "And this will span over a years time so just be patient." You softly say, "Alright now that everyone has received their sacred/blessed artifact, I will take you back to town commons so you may be on your way." You recite softly: "I do want to Thank you all again for sharing this joyous moment with us" You recite softly: "May this set of Pilgrimages guide you like it has us" Ntinly squeakily says, "Tank yas fer bringin us Rovvi an Kayse." |