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Platinum migration

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On November 6th, 2024, GM Wyrom announced that official GameMaster support in the Platinum instance would end in Q1 of 2025. In order to provide Platinum players an opportunity to retain access to GM support, it was also announced that characters would be given an opportunity to migrate to the Prime instance.

Several details regarding the migration which were announced have needed to be adjusted to prevent those who actively began to game the system to obtain an unfair advantage. Below are the new details and an explanation of the process. Additional information regarding the transfer of Private Properties or additional perks for Platinum subscribers will be coming at a later date.

What are the character requirements for migration?

To be eligible to migrate, a Platinum character must:

  • be level 20 or higher
  • be created prior to the announcement (11/06/2024 9:00 PM EST)
  • be migrated into a Prime character of matching race and profession

What are the restrictions on items being migrated?

Characters will be limited to bringing a total of 450 items each. In addition to being account bound, most items (gear, magic, enhancive or scripted) will also have a new restriction placed on them which requires that a character must have been migrated from Platinum in order to be used.

What character data is being transferred?

An effort has been made to copy over as much data as possible. Players will have a limited set of character data options to choose from.

The following data sets may be toggled to select whether to keep the PRIME or the PLATINUM data associated with that set:

  • Character Base: This setting determines the "essence" of the character and includes many individual data points, including stats, training, skills, spells as well as RP-specific choices such as age, gender, culture, and demeanor. This is the character which will receive 100% of the experience upon migration, subject to no penalty. The experience and ascension experience from the instance not chosen will receive a 1% reduction in experience per level over 20.
  • Profession Guild: Guild membership, skills and associated data
  • Society: Society membership, rank and associated data
  • Citizenship: Citizenship status
  • OSA: OSA and SHIP information
  • Lumnis Schedule: Lumnis status and preferences
  • Adventurer's Guild: Bounty data, including task history and points
  • Customizations: Custom titles, swears, signature verbs and spell preps
  • Artisan Skills: Training in various artisan and learned skills

Note: Silvers, event tickets, login boosts and locker expansions will be the sum from both instances.

How will the process work?

In the Platinum Instance:

At a set date and time, a portal will be set up which will lead to the migration area. Eligible characters may pull a crate from the pile in which to store the items they wish to migrate with. This crate may be taken to various lockers and placed AT FEET.

Once the crate is full, a character will bring themselves and the crate back to the migration room and RETIRE (requires confirmation). At this point, the characters will be taken to an intermediate changing room. In this room, characters may GET tattoos and PUT them into their migration crate. Once this is done, you must CLOSE the crate (requires confirmation) and RETIRE a final time (requires confirmation). Upon final confirmation, the character will be taken to a final “purgatory” location. Logging into the character will not be restricted, however, no actions may be performed by the character after they have been retired.

All characters who wish to migrate in the first wave will be required to RETIRE by a specific date and time. Once that date passes, any characters will need to wait until a later migration period is offered. There are no guarantees for how many or when future migration periods occur.

In the Prime Instance:

At a set date and time, a portal will be set up leading to the migration area. Characters may go to this area and REDEEM to see a list of their retired Platinum characters which are eligible to be merged with the currently logged in character (race and profession). The Prime character MUST be able to handle the quantity of items in the migration crate.

Once a player REDEEM <name> (requires confirmation), they will be taken to an intermediate changing room with their migration crate placed in their hand. Players must OPEN their crate and take all items out including a features mask and a platinum multipass. This room will allow you to GET any tattoos from the crate and WEAR them. Before leaving this room, characters must have removed every item from their crate, worn any tattoos and have redeemed their multipass (details below).

Platinum Multipass:

Players may ANALYZE the multipass to view the current character data settings. Once this multipass is REDEEMed (requires confirmation), we are unable to reset to allow adjustments. You MUST make sure that the settings are as desired BEFORE trying to REDEEM the multipass.

When a multipass is redeemed, it will disappear from the character's hands and the player may exit the migration room.

>analyze my multipass
You analyze the platinum multipass and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This item is a Platinum Migration Multipass for use in transferring character data between instances.

Platinum Multipass Instructions ------- Migration Settings: - You may toggle an individual setting by using the VERB in parentheses beside each. - The instance selected for each determines which data will be used. Character Base: This setting determines the "essence" of the character and includes many individual data points, including stats, training, skills, spells as well as RP-specific choices such as age, gender, culture, and demeanor. This is the character which will receive 100% of the experience upon migration, subject to no penalty. The experience and ascension experience from the instance not chosen will receive a 1% reduction in experience per level over 20. Profession Guild: Guild membership, skills and associated data Society: Society membership, rank and associated data Citizenship: Citizenship status OSA: OSA and SHIP information Lumnis Schedule: Lumnis status and preferences Adventurer's Guild: Bounty data, including task history and points Customizations: Custom titles, swears, signature verbs and spell preps Artisan Skills: Training in various artisan and learned skills Note: Silvers, event tickets, login boosts and locker expansions will be the sum from both instances. REDEEM to use the multipass on an eligible character. Confirmation is required. ** WARNING: Do not REDEEM until the migration settings are configured as desired. **
Platinum Character Information ------- Name: <name> Level: <level> Race: <race> Profession: <profession> Experience: <regular experience> Ascension: <ascension experience>
Current Migration Settings -------- Character Base: Platinum (PUSH) Profession Guild: Platinum (PULL) Society: Platinum (PROD) Citizenship: Platinum (TURN) OSA: Platinum (WAVE) Lumnis Schedule: Platinum (POKE) Adventurer's Guild: Platinum (PINCH) Customizations: Platinum (CLENCH) Artisan Skills: Platinum (TWIST) You get no sense of whether or not the multipass may be further lightened.