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Praeteria's Gems and Jewels

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Praeteria's Gems and Jewels is a gemshop in Zul Logoth that purchases gems and jewelry and resells pawned jewelry items.

The proprietor is gem dealer Praeteria.
[Praeteria's Gems and Jewels] Room: 13010003
A stocky, middle-aged dwarf works behind a long, low counter, sorting gems and purchasing jewels from miners. A long, wide shelf behind her contains several boxes with various titles. She purchases the gems, then sorts them into the boxes. When a box becomes too full, she empties it onto a tray and shoves the tray through an opening in the back wall. The only other furnishings in this sparse shop are some crates stacked against the south wall and two amber toadstools in stone pots. You also see a small doorway (13010043, open) and the gem dealer Praeteria.
Obvious exits: out

Praeteria's Trinkets and Curios

Directions: through the doorway from Gems and Jewels

[Praeteria's Trinkets and Curios] Room: 13010043
Unmarked crates line the wall opposite a small doorway, beneath a series of stone shelves. A dwarven assistant occasionally meanders in to sort and inventory the wares. The lone illumination for this small room is a luminescent toadstool standing in the corner, its mottled cap just barely touching the ceiling. You also see a magic shelf with some stuff on it, an imbeddable shelf with some stuff on it, a jewelry shelf with some stuff on it, a figurine shelf with some stuff on it, a miscellaneous shelf with some stuff on it and a bauble shelf with some stuff on it.