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< RWShop:Couturier's Retreat
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a dark crimson conical tent, [Map Room 19], Room# 8208725, Lich# LXX, go conical tent

Couturier's Retreat, Storage

[Couturier's Retreat, Storage - 8209199]
Half-full boxes and empty cartons line a large bookshelf that has been converted into a crude inventory management system. Small cards are attached to each shelf and detail the contents of every container, while a small table rests in the center of the room, ready to assist in the sorting process. You also see an elegant vellum sign and a framed opening.
Obvious exits: none
an elegant vellum sign

In the Common language, it reads:
Please note the following about the orbs on the table:

* a lustrous beetle-etched orb - 500 raikhen - Provides a Double Experience Boost when rubbed.  These boosts are the same type that are also available as Daily Login Rewards and double the amount of base experience you earn per pulse for 15 minutes.

* a luminous spider-etched orb - 450 raikhen - Provides a Fast Experience Absorption Boosts when rubbed.  These boosts are new and increase the amount of base experience you absorb per pulse by 50% for 15 minutes.  The bonus is applied before other modifiers (RPAs, etc.) and doesn't provide bonus experience, but instead causes you to absorb field experience into real experience faster.

* a crystalline horse-etched orb - 100 raikhen - A single-use magic item that extends the duration of most spells by 60 minutes.  This item can be bundled.

* a shimmering blue orb - 7000 raikhen - Provides a level 2 full experience multiplier when rubbed.  This acts as a multiplier to increase the amount of experience you earn per pulse.

* a vault expansion contract - 12500 raikhen - Grants a permanent boost of +5 maximum items to your family vault, up to 50 extra capacity.

Prices in raikhen.

On the small table you see: a crystalline horse-etched orb, a lustrous beetle-etched orb, a luminous spider-etched orb, a shimmering blue orb, and a vault expansion contract.

Item Type Info Details Price
a crystalline horse-etched orb < 1 lb
The horse-etched orb is a Spell Duration Boost.  It will extend the duration of spells when rubbed.
a lustrous beetle-etched orb < 1 lb
a luminous spider-etched orb < 1 lb
a shimmering blue orb < 1 lb
This is a 2x modifier with 500 flat experience award orb.  It is not currently attuned to any character.
a vault expansion contract < 1 lb
Read / Analyze


Bold calligraphy states simply, "This contract entitles the bearer to expand the capacity of their family vault by an additional 5 items, up to 50 extra capacity.  This choice, once made, is permanent.  If in agreement with this legally binding contract, please WRITE your acceptance on the contract."
This contract grants a permanent boost of +5 maximum items to your family vault, up to 50 extra capacity.

WRITE CONTRACT if you wish to activate it.

It cannot be altered.


a dark crimson conical tent, [Map Room 25], Lich# 28083, go conical tent

Couturier's Retreat

[Couturier's Retreat - 8209198]
Framed in dark pine, the supports of the tent are lined with ivory wool. Surrounded by cushioned benches, a small copper brazier is centered in the room, its hammered body polished to a brilliant gleam. Tucked next to the opening is a narrow rattan basket full of dry tinder and wood. Bits of material, needles, and spools of thread are neatly organized on top of a small birch worktable. You also see a well-dressed erithian seamstress and a framed opening.
Obvious exits: out

Couturier's Retreat, Storage

[Couturier's Retreat, Storage - 8209199]
Half-full boxes and empty cartons line a large bookshelf that has been converted into a crude inventory management system. Small cards are attached to each shelf and detail the contents of every container, while a small table rests in the center of the room, ready to assist in the sorting process. You also see an elegant vellum sign and a framed opening.
Obvious exits: none
an elegant vellum sign

In the Common language, it reads:
Please note the following about the orbs on the table:

* a lustrous rolton-etched orb - 500 raikhen - Provides a Double Experience Boost when rubbed. These boosts are the same type that are also available as Daily Login Rewards and double the amount of base experience you earn per pulse for 15 minutes.

* a luminous wolf-etched orb - 450 raikhen - Provides a Fast Experience Absorption Boosts when rubbed. These boosts are new and increase the amount of base experience you absorb per pulse by 50% for 15 minutes. The bonus is applied before other modifiers (RPAs, etc.) and doesn't provide bonus experience, but instead cause you to absorb field experience into real experience faster.

* a crystalline horse-etched orb - 100 raikhen - A single-use magic item that extends the duration of most spells by 60 minutes.  This item can be bundled.

* a shimmering blue orb - 7000 raikhen - Provides a level 2 full experience multiplier when rubbed.  This acts as a multiplier to increase the amount of experience you earn per pulse.

* a vault expansion contract - 12500 raikhen - Grants a permanent boost of +5 maximum items to your family vault, up to 50 extra capacity.

Prices in raikhen.

On the small table you see: a vault expansion contract, a crystalline horse-etched orb, a lustrous rolton-etched orb, a luminous wolf-etched orb, and a shimmering blue orb.

Item Type Info Details Price
a vault expansion contract < 1 lb
Read / Analyze


Bold calligraphy states simply, "This contract entitles the bearer to expand the capacity of their family vault by an additional 5 items, up to 50 extra capacity.  This choice, once made, is permanent.  If in agreement with this legally binding contract, please WRITE your acceptance on the contract."
This contract grants a permanent boost of +5 maximum items to your family vault, up to 50 extra capacity.

WRITE CONTRACT if you wish to activate it.

It cannot be altered.
a crystalline horse-etched orb < 1 lb
The horse-etched orb is a Spell Duration Boost.  It will extend the duration of spells when rubbed.
a lustrous rolton-etched orb < 1 lb
a luminous wolf-etched orb < 1 lb
a shimmering blue orb < 1 lb
This is a 2x modifier with 500 flat experience award orb.  It is not currently attuned to any character.


a dark crimson conical tent, [Map Room 25], Lich# 28083, go conical tent

Couturier's Retreat

[Couturier's Retreat - 8209198]
Framed in dark pine, the supports of the tent are lined with ivory wool. Surrounded by cushioned benches, a small copper brazier is centered in the room, its hammered body polished to a brilliant gleam. Tucked next to the opening is a narrow rattan basket full of dry tinder and wood. Bits of material, needles and spools of thread are neatly organized on top of a small birch worktable. You also see a framed opening and a well-dressed erithian seamstress.
Obvious exits: out
>look at well-dressed erithian seamstress
Dressed in the western style, a well-dressed erithian seamstress is wearing a soft leather kirtle with split sides that exposes azure linen riding breeches.  High boots adorn her feet, while her hands are unfettered by cloth or rings.  Elaborate braids keep her hair free from her round face, which sports a dimple in each cheek.

>ask seamstress about appraise
A well-dressed erithian seamstress says, "What exactly were you expecting me to look at, friend?"

>ask seamstress about weight
A well-dressed erithian seamstress says, "What exactly were you expecting me to look at, friend?"

>ask seamstress about confirm
A well-dressed erithian seamstress says, "What exactly were you expecting me to look at, friend?"

Hold a container in your right hand while asking questions.

The seamstress says, "You can ASK me for an APPRAISAL or applying weight REDUCTION to your item."

Couturier's Retreat, Storage

[Couturier's Retreat, Storage - 8209199]
Half-full boxes and empty cartons line a large bookshelf that has been converted into a crude inventory management system. Small cards are attached to each shelf and detail the contents of every container, while a small table rests in the center of the room, ready to assist in the sorting process. You also see a framed opening and an elegant vellum sign.
Obvious exits: none
an elegant vellum sign

In the Common language, it reads:
Please note the following about the orbs on the table:

* a lustrous stag-etched orb - 250 raikhen - Provides a Double Experience Boost when rubbed. These boosts are the same type that are also available as Daily Login Rewards and double the amount of base experience you earn per pulse for 15 minutes.

* a luminous lion-etched orb - 225 raikhen - Provides a Fast Experience Absorption Boosts when rubbed. These boosts are new and increase the amount of base experience you absorb per pulse by 50% for 15 minutes. The bonus is applied before other modifiers (RPAs, etc.) and doesn't provide bonus experience, but instead cause you to absorb field experience into real experience faster.

* a crystalline horse-etched orb - 50 raikhen - A single-use magic item that extends the duration of most spells by 60 minutes.  This item can be bundled.

* a shimmering blue orb - 3500 raikhen - Provides a level 2 full experience multiplier when rubbed.  This acts as a multiplier to increase the amount of experience you earn per pulse.

On the table you see: a shimmering blue orb, a luminous stag-etched orb, a lustrous lion-etched orb, and a crystalline horse-etched orb.

On a small table
Item Type Weight Details Price
a shimmering blue orb < 1 lb Level 2 Experience Modifier
2x modifier with 500 flat experience award orb
a luminous stag-etched orb < 1 lb Double experience boost 225
a lustrous lion-etched orb < 1 lb Fast experience absorption boost 250
a crystalline horse-etched orb < 1 lb Spell Duration Boost
You analyze the horse-etched orb and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

The horse-etched orb is a Spell Duration Boost. It will extend the duration of spells when rubbed.


a dark crimson conical tent, [Map Room N], Lich# 28083, go conical tent

Couturier's Retreat, Entry

[Couturier's Retreat - 28085]
Framed in dark pine, the supports of the tent are lined with ivory wool. Surrounded by cushioned benches, a small copper brazier is centered in the room, its hammered body polished to a brilliant gleam. Tucked next to the opening is a narrow rattan basket full of dry tinder and wood. Bits of material, needles and spools of thread are neatly organized on top of a small birch worktable. You also see a framed opening and a well-dressed erithian seamstress.
Obvious exits: out
>look at well-dressed erithian seamstress
Dressed in the western style, a well-dressed erithian seamstress is wearing a soft leather kirtle with split sides that exposes azure linen riding breeches.  High boots adorn her feet, while her hands are unfettered by cloth or rings.  Elaborate braids keep her hair free from her round face, which sports a dimple in each cheek.

>ask seamstress about appraise
A well-dressed erithian seamstress says, "What exactly were you expecting me to look at, friend?"

>ask seamstress about weight
A well-dressed erithian seamstress says, "What exactly were you expecting me to look at, friend?"

>ask seamstress about confirm
A well-dressed erithian seamstress says, "What exactly were you expecting me to look at, friend?"

Hold a container in your right hand while asking questions.

The seamstress says, "You can ASK me for an APPRAISAL or applying weight REDUCTION to your item."

Couturier's Retreat, Storage

[Couturier's Retreat, Storage - 28086]
Half-full boxes and empty cartons line a large bookshelf that has been converted into a crude inventory management system. Small cards are attached to each shelf and detail the contents of every container, while a small table rests in the center of the room, ready to assist in the sorting process. You also see a framed opening.
Obvious exits: none
elegant vellum sign
Please note the following about the orbs on the table: * a lustrous stag-etched orb - 250 raikhen - Provides a Double Experience Boost when rubbed. These boosts are the same type that are also available as Daily Login Rewards and double the amount of base experience you earn per pulse for 15 minutes. * a luminous lion-etched orb - 225 raikhen - Provides a Fast Experience Absorption Boosts when rubbed. These boosts are new and increase the amount of base experience you absorb per pulse by 50% for 15 minutes. The bonus is applied before other modifiers (RPAs, etc.) and doesn't provide bonus experience, but instead cause you to absorb field experience into real experience faster. * a crystalline horse-etched orb - 50 raikhen - A single-use magic item that extends the duration of most spells by 60 minutes. This item can be bundled. * a shimmering blue orb - 3500 raikhen - Provides a level 2 full experience multiplier when rubbed. This acts as a multiplier to increase the amount of experience you earn per pulse.

On the small table you see: a shimmering blue orb, a luminous stag-etched orb, a lustrous lion-etched orb and a crystalline horse-etched orb.

a shimmering blue orb Weight: <1 pound Level 2 Experience Modifier
analyze, examine
You analyze the blue orb and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.

This is a 2x modifier with 500 flat experience award orb. It is not currently attuned to any character.

Blue tendrils writhe within the orb. Your desire to rub and caress it is nearly overwhelming.

a luminous stag-etched orb Weight: <1 pound Double experience boost 225
a lustrous lion-etched orb Weight: <1 pound Fast experience absorption boost 250
a crystalline horse-etched orb Weight: <1 pound Spell Duration Boost
You analyze the horse-etched orb and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

The horse-etched orb is a Spell Duration Boost. It will extend the duration of spells when rubbed.


a dark crimson conical tent, [Map Room N], Lich# 28083, go conical tent

Couturier's Retreat

[Couturier's Retreat - 28085]
Framed in dark pine, the supports of the tent are lined with ivory wool. Surrounded by cushioned benches, a small copper brazier is centered in the room, its hammered body polished to a brilliant gleam. Tucked next to the opening is a narrow rattan basket full of dry tinder and wood. Bits of material, needles and spools of thread are neatly organized on top of a small birch worktable.
Obvious exits: out
>look at well-dressed erithian seamstress
Dressed in the western style, a well-dressed erithian seamstress is wearing a soft leather kirtle with split sides that exposes azure linen riding breeches.  High boots adorn her feet, while her hands are unfettered by cloth or rings.  Elaborate braids keep her hair free from her round face, which sports a dimple in each cheek.
>ask seamstress about appraise
A well-dressed erithian seamstress says, "What exactly were you expecting me to look at, friend?"
>ask seamstress about weight
A well-dressed erithian seamstress says, "What exactly were you expecting me to look at, friend?"
>ask seamstress about confirm
A well-dressed erithian seamstress says, "What exactly were you expecting me to look at, friend?"

Hold a container in your right hand while asking questions.

The seamstress says, "You can ASK me for an APPRAISAL or applying weight REDUCTION to your item."

Couturier's Retreat, Storage

[Couturier's Retreat, Storage - 28086]
Half-full boxes and empty cartons line a large bookshelf that has been converted into a crude inventory management system. Small cards are attached to each shelf and detail the contents of every container, while a small table rests in the center of the room, ready to assist in the sorting process.
Obvious exits: none
elegant vellum sign
Please note the following about the orbs on the table: * a lustrous coney-shaped orb - 250 raikhen - Provides a Double Experience Boost when rubbed. These boosts are the same type that are also available as Daily Login Rewards and double the amount of base experience you earn per pulse for 15 minutes. * a luminous tortoise-shaped orb - 225 raikhen - Provides a Fast Experience Absorption Boosts when rubbed. These boosts are new and increase the amount of base experience you absorb per pulse by 50% for 15 minutes. The bonus is applied before other modifiers (RPAs, etc.) and doesn't provide bonus experience, but instead cause you to absorb field experience into real experience faster. * a crystalline horse-etched orb - 50 raikhen - A single-use magic item that extends the duration of most spells by 60 minutes. This item can be bundled. * a shimmering blue orb - 3500 raikhen - Provides a level 2 full experience multiplier when rubbed. This acts as a multiplier to increase the amount of experience you earn per pulse.

On the small table you see:
Special [4]: a shimmering blue orb, a luminous tortoise-shaped orb, a lustrous coney-shaped orb, a crystalline horse-etched orb

a shimmering blue orb Weight: <1 pound
analyze, examine
You analyze the blue orb and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This is a 2x full role playing award orb. It is not currently attuned to any character.

Blue tendrils writhe within the orb. Your desire to rub and caress it is nearly overwhelming.
a luminous tortoise-shaped orb Weight: <1 pound
Tendrils of essence writhe across the surface the orb. Your desire to rub and caress it is nearly overwhelming.
a lustrous coney-shaped orb Weight: <1 pound
Tendrils of essence writhe across the surface the orb. Your desire to rub and caress it is nearly overwhelming.
a crystalline horse-etched orb Weight: <1 pound
Tendrils of white-green essence writhe across the surface the orb. Your desire to rub and caress it is nearly overwhelming.


a dark crimson conical tent, [Map Room #], Lich #28085, go conical tent

Couturier's Entry

[Couturier's Retreat]
Framed in dark pine, the supports of the tent are lined with ivory wool. Surrounded by cushioned benches, a small copper brazier is centered in the room, its hammered body polished to a brilliant gleam. Tucked next to the opening is a narrow rattan basket full of dry tinder and wood. Bits of material, needles and spools of thread are neatly organized on top of a small birch worktable.
Obvious exits: out

Hold a container in your right hand while asking questions.

The seamstress says, "You can ASK me for an APPRAISAL or applying weight REDUCTION to your item."

Couturier's Retreat, Storage

[Couturier's Retreat, Storage - 28086]
Half-full boxes and empty cartons line a large bookshelf that has been converted into a crude inventory management system. Small cards are attached to each shelf and detail the contents of every container, while a small table rests in the center of the room, ready to assist in the sorting process.
Obvious exits: none
Please note the following about the orbs on the table:
* a lustrous serpent-shaped orb - 250 raikhen - Provides a Double Experience Boost when rubbed. These boosts are the same type that are also available as Daily Login Rewards and double the amount of base experience you earn per pulse for 15 minutes.
* a luminous phoenix-shaped orb - 225 raikhen - Provides a Fast Experience Absorption Boosts when rubbed. These boosts are new and increase the amount of base experience you absorb per pulse by 50% for 15 minutes. The bonus is applied before other modifiers (RPAs, etc.) and doesn't provide bonus experience, but instead cause you to absorb field experience into real experience faster.

On the small table you see:

a lustrous serpent-shaped orb Weight: <1 pound


You get no sense of whether or not the orb may be further lightened.
a luminous phoenix-shaped orb Weight: <1 pound


You get no sense of whether or not the orb may be further lightened.