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RWShop:Eight-legged Innovators
Current Shop Listing
a brass-framed pavilion of mahogany and silk, [Map Room 60], Room# 8208759, Lich# LXX, go mahogany pavilion
Fryc and Shives Laboratories
[Fryc and Shives Laboratories - 8209451] | |
An iron-framed dome of stained green and blue glass casts dancing beams of light across the clay-tiled floor of the vestibule, illuminating the gilded aragless set into each tile. Wood-crafted clocks dominate the planked walls, the available space between the duo of mahogany doors covered in brass-pinned sheets of parchment scrawled in dark ink. A gear-fused, mixed-metal automaton stands at the center of the room, the mechanical device covered in a coating of thin oil and grease. | |
Obvious exits: northeast, northwest, out |
Office of Engineers
[Office of Engineers - 8209452] | |
Elongated sheets of parchment unfurl across the wood-planked walls of the office, the charcoal-sketched surfaces connected by thread-strung pins wrought into brass-winged beetles. The tall mahogany bookshelves are overstuffed in a variety of leather-bound tomes and folios marked with strips of copper wire and scraps of velvet. A rectangular glass lantern sits partially buried upon the well-oiled walnut table, wedged between the stacks of finely inked vellum and tool-filled rolls of brushed suede. | |
Obvious exits: out |
On the walnut table you see: a set of charcoal sketches.
Office of Alchemist-Mages
[Office of Alchemist-Mages - 8209453] | |
Brass-framed pieces of slate cover the velvet-draped walls of the office, their rectangular surfaces linked by threadlike webs of silk scattered with tiny clockwork spiders. Glass-filled racks of cork-stoppered bottles and jars are placed along the periphery of the office, the components framed by tall bookcases crafted from petrified roots. A tri-legged iron cauldron sits amongst a bevy of scrolls and leathery grimoires, the ingredients scattered across the marbled surface of an ebonwood table. | |
Obvious exits: out |
Eight-Legged Innovators, Common
[Eight-Legged Innovators, Common - 8209454] | |
Motes of multicolored light hang suspended before several rune-carved mahogany platforms, casting colorful shadows across the mechanical mounts perched on the elevated stands. Graduated glass flasks and bottles line the iron-forged racks on the surrounding walls, the surrounding slate tiles covered in calligraphic strokes of chalk outlining varying instructions. A short wooden ladder stands in the corner of the room, the trio of rungs decorated in glistening webs. You also see a mechanical metal wolf spider, a mechanical metal velvet spider, a mechanical metal velvet spider and a mechanical metal wolf spider. | |
Obvious exits: southeast, northwest |
Prices in raikhen.
On the metal spider you see: a web-covered metal device.
Item Type Info Details Price a web-covered metal device < 1 lb Mount Summoning Item
AnalyzeAnalyze:Body: mechanical (NOTE: This sets/changes mount article.) Coat (Carapace): solid CoatClr (Carapace style): metal (NOTE: this sets/changes mount adjective.) Texture (Fitting Material): steel EyeColor: black onyx9,000
On the metal spider you see: a web-covered copper device.
Item Type Info Details Price a web-covered copper device < 1 lb Mount Summoning Item
AnalyzeAnalyze:Body: mechanical (NOTE: This sets/changes mount article.) Coat (Carapace): solid CoatClr (Carapace style): metal (NOTE: this sets/changes mount adjective.) Texture (Fitting Material): steel EyeColor: black onyx9,000
On the metal spider you see: a web-covered copper device.
Item Type Info Details Price a web-covered copper device < 1 lb Mount Summoning Item
AnalyzeAnalyze:Body: mechanical (NOTE: This sets/changes mount article.) Coat (Carapace): solid CoatClr (Carapace style): metal (NOTE: this sets/changes mount adjective.) Texture (Fitting Material): steel EyeColor: black onyx9,000
On the metal spider you see: a web-covered metal device.
Item Type Info Details Price a web-covered metal device < 1 lb Mount Summoning Item
AnalyzeAnalyze:Body: mechanical (NOTE: This sets/changes mount article.) Coat (Carapace): solid CoatClr (Carapace style): metal (NOTE: this sets/changes mount adjective.) Texture (Fitting Material): steel EyeColor: black onyx9,000
Innovators, Uncommon
[Innovators, Uncommon - 8209455] | |
Glass-crafted cauldrons serve as lanterns for the velvet-covered platforms at the center of the room, each vessel engulfed in a webwork of aragless illuminating the sigil-carved floor. A labyrinth of mixed-metal pipes covers the rear wall, the hammered tubes extending into a series of spigots spread across a stone-set worktable, its surface decorated in grimoires and suede-spined manuals covered in complex mathematics. An arachnid-shaped clock adorns the far upper corner, nestled in a web of thin wires. You also see a mechanical metal tarantula, a mechanical metal huntsman and a mechanical metal birdeater. | |
Obvious exits: southeast, northwest |
Prices in raikhen.
On the metal tarantula you see: a web-covered platinum device.
Item Type Info Details Price a web-covered platinum device < 1 lb Mount Summoning Item
AnalyzeAnalyze:Body: mechanical (NOTE: This sets/changes mount article.) Coat (Carapace): solid CoatClr (Carapace style): metal (NOTE: this sets/changes mount adjective.) Texture (Fitting Material): steel EyeColor: black onyx22,500
On the metal huntsman you see: a web-covered silver device.
Item Type Info Details Price a web-covered silver device < 1 lb Mount Summoning Item
AnalyzeAnalyze:Body: mechanical (NOTE: This sets/changes mount article.) Coat (Carapace): solid CoatClr (Carapace style): metal (NOTE: this sets/changes mount adjective.) Texture (Fitting Material): steel EyeColor: black onyx22,500
On the metal birdeater you see: a web-covered bronze device.
Item Type Info Details Price a web-covered bronze device < 1 lb Mount Summoning Item
AnalyzeAnalyze:Body: mechanical (NOTE: This sets/changes mount article.) Coat (Carapace): solid CoatClr (Carapace style): metal (NOTE: this sets/changes mount adjective.) Texture (Fitting Material): steel EyeColor: black onyx22,500
Eight-Legged Innovators, Rare
[Eight-Legged Innovators, Rare - 8209456] | |
Alchemical formulas engulf the slate-covered back wall, the ceiling-high display highlighted by a scattering of clockwork-set aragless arachnids suspended from the wire-crafted webs decorating the corners. A solitary platform of copper-riveted mahogany rotates at the center of the floor, surrounded by a circle of marble stands displaying miniature models of previous mount incarnations. Set to the side is a glass-paned cabinet, the long shelves filled with wax-sealed bottles and colorful clay jars. You also see a mechanical metal orbweaver. | |
Obvious exits: southeast |
Prices in raikhen.
On the metal orbweaver you see: a web-covered electrum device.
Item Type Info Details Price a web-covered electrum device < 1 lb Mount Summoning Item
AnalyzeAnalyze:Body: mechanical (NOTE: This sets/changes mount article.) Coat (Carapace): solid CoatClr (Carapace style): metal (NOTE: this sets/changes mount adjective.) Texture (Fitting Material): steel EyeColor: black onyx100,000