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Summoning item
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Summoning items are purchased from Rumor Woods and used to muster a character's mount. They are one of the multiple items involved with the Mount System. Each type of mount uses a different noun for its summoning item. ReinsReins are used to summon horse mounts. These include nightmare steeds and unicorns.
You analyze your golden leather reins and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun." The creator has also provided the following information: This is a summoning item and will currently summon: a lithe golden charger, which is a mountable creature that has the following characteristics: Height: just over 17 hands Face: white-starred Ears: pointed Forelock: sleek Body: lithe (NOTE: this sets/changes mount article) Coat: flawless (Optional) CoatClr: golden (NOTE: this sets/changes mount adjective) Mane: blunt-cut ManeQrk: decorated with onyx bands (Optional) TailQrk: voluminous TailClr: dark brown Unique: None set Summoning devices can now be altered as long as the noun does not change. USAGE: HOLD (refresh HOME timer - must be in same room), PULL, WAVE (summon mount) Mounts cannot be: - summoned while inside. - ridden inside or in water. - used while in combat. You will be knocked off your mount if you are attacked and may be unable to mount the creature for a short time after combat has ended. Mounts will: - return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are summoned and not mounted within 10 minutes. (HOLD reins to refresh.) - return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are slapped by the owner/summoner. - remain in their permanent "home" (if you have purchased a stall) indefinitely. - return to your side if summoned in an appropriate location, regardless of where you left them. This mount has a permanent stable in Wehnimer's Landing. You get no sense of whether or not the reins may be further lightened.
LeadA lead is used to summon the tortoise mount.
You analyze your yellow hemp leads and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun." The creator has also provided the following information: This is a summoning item and will currently summon: a smooth yellow tortoise, which is a mountable creature that has the following characteristics: Height: about 2 feet Face: small Ears (beak): flat Body (skin): smooth (NOTE: this sets/changes mount article) CoatClr (neck): yellow (NOTE: this sets/changes mount adjective) ManeQrk (scute detail): outlined in beige (Optional) TailQrk (tail): thin Unique: None set Texture (shell): domed Material (scutes): round Summoning devices can now be altered as long as the noun does not change. USAGE: HOLD (refresh HOME timer - must be in same room), PULL, WAVE (summon mount) Mounts cannot be: - summoned while inside. - ridden inside or in water. - used while in combat. You will be knocked off your mount if you are attacked and may be unable to mount the creature for a short time after combat has ended. Mounts will: - return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are summoned and not mounted within 10 minutes. (HOLD reins to refresh.) - return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are slapped by the owner/summoner. - remain in their permanent "home" (if you have purchased a stall) indefinitely. - return to your side if summoned in an appropriate location, regardless of where you left them. a smooth yellow tortoise. You get no sense of whether or not the leads may be further lightened. Halter strapThe halter strap is used to summon cervidae-based mounts.
This is a summoning item and will currently summon: a sleek tan gazelle, which is a mountable creature that has the following characteristics: Height: approximately 38 inches high Face: slender Ears: tall Body: sleek (NOTE: this sets/changes mount article) Paw: cloven Summoning devices can now be altered as long as the noun does not change. USAGE: HOLD (refresh HOME timer - must be in same room), PULL, WAVE (summon mount) Mounts cannot be: - summoned while inside. - ridden inside or in water. - used while in combat. You will be knocked off your mount if you are attacked and may be unable to mount the creature for a short time after combat has ended. Mounts will: - return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are summoned and not mounted within 10 minutes. (HOLD reins to refresh.) - return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are slapped by the owner/summoner. - remain in their permanent "home" (if you have purchased a stall) indefinitely. - return to your side if summoned in an appropriate location, regardless of where you left them. HarnessThe harness is used to summon lizard-based mounts.
You analyze your black rope harness and sense that the item is largely free from merchant alteration restrictions, but the creator has stated that "The item has restrictions on changing the noun." The creator has also provided the following information: This is a summoning item and will currently summon: a colossal gold wastesdragon, which is a mountable creature that has the following characteristics: Face: wedge-shaped Body (Size): colossal (NOTE: This sets/changes mount article.) Coat (Hide): thick-scaled CoatClr (Hide color): gold (NOTE: this sets/changes mount adjective.) Texture (Hide Pattern): daubed EyeColor: burnished gold EyeChar: pupilless Summoning devices can now be altered as long as the noun does not change. USAGE: HOLD (refresh HOME timer - must be in same room), PULL, WAVE (summon mount) Mounts cannot be: - summoned while inside. - ridden inside or in water. - used while in combat. You will be knocked off your mount if you are attacked and may be unable to mount the creature for a short time after combat has ended. Mounts will: - return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are summoned and not mounted within 30 minutes. (HOLD <harness> to refresh.) - return to their "home" (either permanent or otherwise) if they are sent home by the owner/summoner. (DISMISS/SLAP) - remain in their permanent "home" (if you have purchased a stall). - follow you wherever you go, provided you are in a location where the mount is capable of reaching you. You get no sense of whether or not the harness may be further lightened. Resources |