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RWShop:Of Sand and Rain/2022

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< RWShop:Of Sand and Rain
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a yellow ochre and verdigris muslin tent, [Map Room 54], Lich #31182, go verdigris tent

Of Sand and Rain

[Of Sand and Rain - 8209327]
Large tapestries stretch from wall to wall on each side of the tent. One displays sweeping dunes in a variety of golden shades against a horizon of aquamarine. Colorful caravans file one after the other, bright beneath the saffron sun above. The other tapestry depicts a sweeping landscape that transforms from lush, verdant rainforests at one end to ashen wastelands on the other. In the space between the tapestries, a circular mirror-topped table sits in the center on a circular rug, and on the table is a small electrum-framed case. You also see a simple parchment sign.
Obvious exits: out
a simple parchment sign

In the Common language, it reads:

Greetings!  In honor of the visitors from the Tehir and Dhe'nar cultures, we have two new perfumes (and matching jewelry) for each!

For the Tehir, we have Red Desert Sands and Strange Land.

For the Dhe'nar, we have Heart of the Rainforest and Forest of Ash.

Each bottle has 200 uses, and each jewelry item has 50 uses.

Please enjoy!

a lustrous black glass vial etched with a lotus flower - Forest of Ash
an oqaque white glass bottle with an orchid-embossed stopper - Heart of the Rainforest
a sand-frosted pale azure glass vial with a domed stopper - Strange Land
a delicate handblown scarlet glass bottle traced with copper - Red Desert Sands

an elaborate obsidian lotus chased with electrum - Forest of Ash
a delicately carved pink ruby moth orchid charm - Heart of the Rainforest
a cluster of carved ivory sweet olive blossoms - Strange Land
a hollow scarlet glass beetle adorned with copper leafing - Red Desert Sands

On the table you see: a delicate handblown scarlet glass bottle traced with copper, a sand-frosted pale azure glass vial with a domed stopper, an oqaque white glass bottle with an orchid-embossed stopper, and a lustrous black glass vial etched with a lotus flower.

On a circular mirror-topped table
Item Type Weight Details Price
a delicate handblown scarlet glass bottle traced with copper < 1 lb Perfume
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a sand-frosted pale azure glass vial with a domed stopper < 1 lb Perfume
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an oqaque white glass bottle with an orchid-embossed stopper < 1 lb Perfume
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a lustrous black glass vial etched with a lotus flower < 1 lb Perfume
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In the case you see: a hollow scarlet glass beetle adorned with copper leafing, a cluster of carved ivory sweet olive blossoms, a delicately carved pink ruby moth orchid charm, and an elaborate obsidian lotus chased with electrum.

In a small electrum-framed case
Item Type Weight Details Price
a hollow scarlet glass beetle adorned with copper leafing pin-worn < 1 lb
a cluster of carved ivory sweet olive blossoms pin-worn < 1 lb
a delicately carved pink ruby moth orchid charm pin-worn < 1 lb
an elaborate obsidian lotus chased with electrum pin-worn < 1 lb