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Rapture cloak

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Rapture cloaks are old and mysterious items. Seemingly crafted of pure evil, this cloak can NEVER be removed once worn. The cloak remains worn even through systems that would normally remove it automatically, such as being arrested via the justice system.


Analyze:  and sense that the item cannot be altered in any way.  The creator has provided the following information:  This black rapture cloak reeks of pure evil, plain and simple.  Once worn, it cannot be removed.  Ever.  You can tell that the cloak is as light as it can get and that its pockets could not possible get any deeper.


Verb First Third
WEAR This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Cloak can only be worn once. The cloak can NEVER be removed once worn.
OPEN You throw your rapture cloak open wide, spraying rays of blackness as the dark haze enshrouding you disperses. XXXXX throws his black rapture cloak open wide, spraying rays of blackness as the dark haze enshrouding him disperses.
OPEN (When Cloak is already opened) You spread your rapture cloak wide, sending dark waves rippling through the area. XXXXX spreads his black rapture cloak wide, sending dark waves rippling through the area.
CLOSE You wrap your rapture cloak around yourself, causing a dark haze to enshroud you. XXXXX pulls his black rapture cloak in close, protecting him from the light.
CLOSE (When Cloak is already closed) You pull your rapture cloak in close, protecting you from the light. XXXXX wraps his black rapture cloak around himself, causing a dark haze to enshroud him.
RUB You slowly run your hand down the rapture cloak, causing ripples of pure darkness to roll outward. XXXXX slowly runs his hand down his black rapture cloak, causing ripples of pure darkness to roll outward.
LOCK Red eyes on the rapture cloak's clasp flare as you lock it tightly. Eyes on the clasp of XXXXX's black rapture cloak flare red as he locks it tightly.
UNLOCK Red eyes on the rapture cloak's clasp flare as you unlock it. Eyes on the clasp of XXXXX's black rapture cloak flare red as he unlocks it.


Loresong Reaction
You detect that the black rapture cloak was created by a truely evil craftsman from pure darkness. You are nearly overwhelmed by the strength of the evil foreboding the cloak portends. You feel massive amounts of your mana being drained into the black rapture cloak! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

Additional Information


Rapture cloaks have a built-in show description that cannot be altered.

The black rapture cloak is not just black, it appears to absorb all light the comes near it leaving it nondescript and indiscernible.

In addition, ratpure cloaks cannot be inspected.

See Also

Rapture cloak Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Container
Item(s) Applied to Cloak-worn
Alterable No
Light/Deep No
Legendary Yes
Loresong Yes
Attunement Permanent
Attunes to Character
Item Verbs

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