Ritual Potion

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Ritual Potions were sold at the Wrong Turn Tavern at Ebon Gate in 2017, 2018, 2019.

Ritual Potion


You analyze the blood potion and sense that the creator has provided the following information:

This blood potion is intended to be a ritualistic potion of some sort.  You can try to POUR, TURN, TILT, DRINK, and MEASURE it.

Some skilled merchants can alter this potion.  It can have a long or a show description, though generally the visible description should match up in some way with its contents.  Ideally, the noun is a container (since you are pouring out of it), though in some cases something more generic like "potion" will be acceptable.  You should also be explicit with the merchant about what sort of liquid is contained within it.  The liquid will always need to make sense within this phrasing:  "a circular stain of <liquid descriptor> <liquid noun>" -- and it must be appropriate for pouring out and leaving a visible stain on the ground, such as "blood", "venom," and things of that nature.  Note that the <liquid noun> must fit within 15 characters.  The <liquid descriptor> can be longer but most merchants will not allow counts to go too far beyond 15.  (Currently the liquid is: silver-streaked blood.)
Verb Style First Third
DRINK Style You bring the vial to your lips and tilt your head back, taking a deep drink of <liquid> in a reverent fashion. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
MEASURE Style You carefully study <base/long description> and estimate that there's <amount> left. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
POUR anything other than ritual dagger You hold <base/long description> at arm's length and tilt it slightly, and a thin trail of <liquid> trickles steadily forth from it. You let it pour around you as you turn around slowly, and are soon bordered by a circle of <liquid>.

Roundtime: 15 secs.

This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
POUR on ritual dagger You carefully pour your <adjective noun> over one side of your <ritual dagger>'s blade, then turn it to similarly drench the other side. Some of the <liquid> seeps into the blade's surface.
TILT Style You swirl the <liquid> back and forth languidly. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
TURN Style You hold <base/long description> at arm's length and tilt it slightly, and a thin trail of <liquid> trickles steadily forth from it. You let it pour around you as you turn around slowly, and are soon bordered by a circle of <liquid>.

Roundtime: 15 secs.

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Circular Stain

Created by pouring or turning the Ritual Potion. This appears in the room description as 'a circular stain of <liquid>' after "You also see".


A circular stain of venom is a bit insubstantial for that.


Verb First Third
GO You walk through the rough circle of the <liquid> and stand within it, kneeling down reverently then bowing your head in supplication. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
RUB (empty hands) You begin to rub at a circular stain of <liquid> vigorously in an attempt to clean it up. After a good amount of work it slowly fades away.

Roundtime: 30 secs.

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TOUCH You lean down and slowly run a finger across a circular stain of <liquid> briefly. This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!

See Also

Ritual Potion Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Miscellaneous
Item(s) Applied to Potion
Original Release Venue Caligos Isle
Original Release Year 2017
Corresponding Item Scripts Goblyn Ritual Dagger
Item Verbs