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Saddle Me Up saddle

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Saddle Me Up saddles were first introduced at Rumor Woods in 2019 with the release of horses. They come in three different styles, Finnian, Kannalan, and Minstrel, which determine how certain messaging handles certain aspects of the saddle.


Finnian-style saddles are the lightest of the 3 saddle styles and feature a low-rise pommel, normal cantle, loose stirrups, and has a billet and buckle girth-type system for saddling. It will usually include a pad or not use anything underneath it at all. Per GM Kaikala, the closest real world equivalent would be an English riding saddle. While it can be altered, part of the LOOK will always retain reference to the pommel and stirrups.


Crafted in the Finnian style, the saddle bears a low-rise pommel and stirrups that hang down at a middling length.


--------- SADDLE ME UP SADDLES - ANALYZE INFO  ---------
This saddle is a saddle (hopefully obviously), meant for use with "horse" mounts.

Verb Sets active on this saddle:
  *Verb Set 1: DROP/PUT, GET, MOUNT (with styles), and DISMOUNT (with styles).

MOUNT styles -- MOUNT {STYLE} {target horse} -- that are valid for this saddle's current setup are:  RIGHT; LEFT; POMMEL; MANE; JUMP; GRACE-L; GRACE-R
DISMOUNT styles -- DISMOUNT {STYLE} -- that are valid for this saddle's current setup are:  POMMEL; MANE, JUMP, SLIDE, GRACE-L, GRACE-R

--------- ALTERATION INFORMATION ---------

The noun cannot change.  Saddle styles not covered by these are not currently to be named and put on these particular items.  So what can you do?  Any merchant may alter the article, adjective, long, and/or show description of the saddle.  Any merchant may toggle the pad/blanket status and descriptor.  All alterations must be in keeping with the saddle's style (see below).  All saddles are made of leather as their underlying base material.

Note that some aspects of the LOOK are hard-coded (such as the length of the stirrups) and cannot currently be modified by a merchant.

This saddle's style (which is not currently eligible to be changed to another style) is set to Finnian.
For alteration purposes, keep the following in mind:  The pommel is low-rise (doesn't really jut up vertically), and the cantle is what you'd expect from a "normal" saddle.  The stirrups are loose (no flaps).  It utilizes a billet and buckle girth type system for saddling.  It is lighter than the Minstrel's and Kannalan (heaviest) styles.  It will usually include a pad or not use anything underneath at all.

The saddle can have pad/blanket as part of its description (and for a few messages).  Currently the available styles are: none, single pad, single blanket, pad + blanket.  A brief descriptor of any pad/blanket can be added (for example: "sheepskin pad" and "folded blanket" are the defaults;  "red and blue-checkered blanket" "vine-embroidered blanket and pale green pad" "thick woolen pad" are a-okay.  Avoid anything much longer than those.  Don't use any descriptor or material that would not allow the pad/blanket to lie flat on a horse's back.  This saddle is set to have a single pad and it is set to use *bone white fleece pad* as its descriptor.



OTS/Verb Set 1
Verb Style First Third
DROP/PUT Steadying a lithe rose grey gelding, you place a black pashima pad on the gelding's neck, then gently slide it back to just barely cover his withers. You run the stirrups up their leathers, then set your saddle down on top of the pad, securing the keepers to the billets before sliding both the pad and saddle farther back onto the gelding's back.

Buckling the girth on one side, you next buckle it on the gelding's other side after pulling it across his underside, tightening it on both sides in an even manner. Finishing that, you slide the stirrups down to hang at a middling length.

Steadying a lithe rose grey gelding, PERSON places a black pashima pad on the gelding's neck, then gently slides it back to just barely cover his withers. He runs the stirrups up their leathers, then sets his saddle down on top of the pad, securing the keepers to the billets before sliding both the pad and saddle farther back onto the gelding's back.

Buckling the girth on one side, PERSON next buckles it on the gelding's other side after pulling it across his underside, tightening it on both sides in an even manner. Finishing that, PERSON slides the stirrups down to hang at a middling length.

GET Ensuring that a lithe rose grey gelding is calm and comfortable, you run the stirrups up their leathers. Next you unbuckle the girth, first on one side of the gelding, then on his other, and set it aside.

Lifting and pulling both the saddle and its pad, you unsaddle the gelding in one smooth motion. Before finishing up, you make certain to rebuckle the girth to one side of the saddle and unfasten the saddle's billets from the pad's keepers.

Ensuring that a lithe rose grey gelding is calm and comfortable, PERSON runs the stirrups up their leathers. Next he unbuckles the girth, first on one side of the gelding, then on his other, and sets it aside.

Lifting and pulling both the saddle and its pad, he unsaddles the gelding in one smooth motion. Before finishing up, he makes certain to rebuckle the girth to one side of the saddle and unfasten the saddle's billets from the pad's keepers.

MOUNT You affix your reins to a lithe rose grey gelding's bit, and with a firm push off the ground, you swing astride the gelding and settle comfortably into a variegated black saddle with a scarlet sinew cinch. PERSON affixes his reins to his a lithe rose grey gelding's bit, and with a firm push off the ground, he swings astride the gelding and settles into a variegated black saddle with a scarlet sinew cinch.
MOUNT RIGHT You reach up and attach your silver-studded reins to the gelding's bridle, then release them to rest against the gelding's neck.

Utilizing the stirrup on the gelding's right side, you set your right foot into it and lift yourself upward, swinging your left leg over your gelding's girth and into the left-side stirrup as you settle atop his black saddle and take your reins in hand.

PERSON reaches up and attaches his silver-studded reins to the gelding's bridle, then releases them to rest against the gelding's neck.

Utilizing the stirrup on the gelding's right side, PERSON sets his right foot into it and lifts himself upward, swinging his left leg over his gelding's girth and into the left-side stirrup as he settles atop his black saddle and takes his reins in hand.

MOUNT LEFT You reach up and attach your silver-studded reins to the gelding's bridle, then release them to rest against the gelding's neck.

Utilizing the stirrup on rose grey gelding's left side, you set your left foot into it and lift yourself upward, swinging your right leg over your gelding's girth and into the right-side stirrup as you settle atop his black saddle and take your reins in hand.

PERSON reaches up and attaches his silver-studded reins to the gelding's bridle, then releases them to rest against the gelding's neck.

Utilizing the stirrup on rose grey gelding's left side, PERSON sets his left foot into it and lifts himself upward, swinging his right leg over his gelding's girth and into the right-side stirrup as he settles atop his black saddle and takes his reins in hand.

MOUNT POMMEL You reach up and attach your silver-studded reins to the gelding's bridle, then release them to rest against the gelding's neck.

You grab on to the pommel of the gelding's saddle and heave yourself up and onto it, then take your reins in hand.

PERSON reaches up and attaches his silver-studded reins to the gelding's bridle, then releases them to rest against the gelding's neck.

PERSON grabs on to the pommel of the gelding's saddle and heaves himself up and onto it, then takes his reins in hand.

MOUNT MANE You reach up and attach your silver-studded reins to the gelding's bridle, then release them to rest against the gelding's neck.

You weave your fingers through a lithe rose grey gelding's mane, then, clinging to the top of his neck, you use your grip and a little leap to pull yourself up onto his black saddle. You then take your reins in hand.

PERSON reaches up and attaches his silver-studded reins to the gelding's bridle, then releases them to rest against the gelding's neck.

PERSON weaves his fingers through a lithe rose grey gelding's mane, then, clinging to the top of his neck, he uses his grip and a little leap to pull himself up onto his black saddle. He then takes his reins in hand.

MOUNT JUMP You reach up and attach your silver-studded reins to the gelding's bridle, then release them to rest against the gelding's neck.

With a running leap, you acrobatically vault up onto a lithe rose grey gelding, landing neatly in proper riding position atop his black saddle. You then take your reins in hand.

PERSON reaches up and attaches his silver-studded reins to the gelding's bridle, then releases them to rest against the gelding's neck.

With a running leap, PERSON acrobatically vaults up onto a lithe rose grey gelding, landing neatly in proper riding position atop his black saddle. He then takes his reins in hand.

MOUNT GRACE-L You reach up and attach your silver-studded reins to the gelding's bridle, then release them to rest against the gelding's neck.

Lightly placing your left foot in the stirrup on the gelding's saddle, you push off of your right foot and transfer your weight into the left as you gracefully mount your gelding's black saddle. You twist your body so that your right foot floats over your gelding's girth and slides into the right-side stirrup. As you position yourself atop his saddle, you take your reins in hand.

PERSON reaches up and attaches his silver-studded reins to the gelding's bridle, then releases them to rest against the gelding's neck.

Lightly placing his left foot in the stirrup on the gelding's saddle, PERSON pushes off of his right foot and transfers his weight into the left as he gracefully mounts his gelding's black saddle. He twists his body so that his right foot floats over his gelding's girth and slides into the right-side stirrup. As he positions himself atop his saddle, he takes his reins in hand.

MOUNT GRACE-R You reach up and attach your silver-studded reins to the gelding's bridle, then release them to rest against the gelding's neck.

Lightly placing your right foot in the stirrup on the gelding's saddle, you push off of your left foot and transfer your weight into the right as you gracefully mount your gelding's black saddle. You twist your body so that your left foot floats over your gelding's girth and slides into the left-side stirrup. As you position yourself atop his saddle, you take your reins in hand.

PERSON reaches up and attaches his silver-studded reins to the gelding's bridle, then releases them to rest against the gelding's neck.

Lightly placing his right foot in the stirrup on the gelding's saddle, PERSON pushes off of his left foot and transfers his weight into the right as he gracefully mounts his gelding's black saddle. He twists his body so that his left foot floats over his gelding's girth and slides into the left-side stirrup. As he positions himself atop his saddle, he takes his reins in hand.

DISMOUNT You climb down from the black saddle on a lithe rose grey gelding and carefully detach some silver-studded reins from his bit. PERSON climbs down from the black saddle on a lithe rose grey gelding and carefully detaches some silver-studded reins from his bit.
DISMOUNT POMMEL You grab on to the pommel of your saddle and heave yourself off of the gelding, then detach some silver-studded reins from your gelding's bridle. PERSON grabs on to the pommel of his saddle and heaves himself off of the gelding, then detaches some silver-studded reins from his gelding's bridle.
DISMOUNT MANE Tangling your fingers in your rose grey gelding's mane near the nape of his neck, you hold on tightly as you dismount from your black saddle, sliding down the side of the gelding. You reach up and detach some silver-studded reins from your gelding's bridle. Tangling his fingers in his rose grey gelding's mane near the nape of his neck, PERSON holds on tightly as he dismounts from his black saddle, sliding down the side of the gelding. He reaches up and detaches some silver-studded reins from his gelding's bridle.
DISMOUNT JUMP In a daring display of acrobatics, you tuck your legs up under you, momentarily balancing your toes on your black saddle, then leap off of it, neatly landing next to your rose grey gelding in an overly dramatic dismount. You reach up and detach some silver-studded reins from your gelding's bridle. In a daring display of acrobatics, PERSON tucks his legs up under himself, momentarily balancing his toes on his black saddle, then leaps off of it, neatly landing next to his rose grey gelding in an overly dramatic dismount. He reaches up and detaches some silver-studded reins from his gelding's bridle.
DISMOUNT SLIDE Throwing all caution to the wind, you bend and swing one of your legs forward and over the saddle's pommel, then half-leap, half-slide down from your rose grey gelding. You reach up and detach some silver-studded reins from your gelding's bridle. Throwing all caution to the wind, PERSON bends and swings one of his legs forward and over the saddle's pommel, then half-leaps, half-slides down from his rose grey gelding. He reaches up and detaches some silver-studded reins from his gelding's bridle.
DISMOUNT GRACE-L Securing your left foot in the saddle's stirrup, you twist your body back and to the right, gliding your right leg over the backside of your rose grey gelding as you gracefully dismount and detach some silver-studded reins from your gelding's bridle. Securing his left foot in the saddle's stirrup, PERSON twist his body back and to the right, gliding his right leg over the backside of his rose grey gelding as he gracefully dismounts and detaches some silver-studded reins from his gelding's bridle.
DISMOUNT GRACE-R Securing your right foot in the saddle's stirrup, you twist your body back and to the left, gliding your left leg over the backside of your rose grey gelding as you gracefully dismount and detach some silver-studded reins from your gelding's bridle. Securing his right foot in the saddle's stirrup, PERSON twists his body back and to the left, gliding his left leg over the backside of his rose grey gelding as he gracefully dismounts and detaches some silver-studded reins from his gelding's bridle.
(saddle in hand)
Removing the stirrups and girth from your black saddle, you pull out a small cloth and first dust off each piece of tack. Then you use a new cloth and water to thoroughly clean the items, allowing them ample time to dry before carefully conditioning the leather and reattaching the stirrups and girth to the saddle. Removing the stirrups and girth from his black saddle, PERSON pulls out a small cloth and first dusts off each piece of tack. Then he uses a new cloth and water to thoroughly clean the items, allowing them ample time to dry before carefully conditioning the leather and reattaching the stirrups and girth to the saddle.
Verb Set 2
Verb Style First Third
(saddle on horse)
You run your hands over the saddle on a lithe rose grey gelding, thoroughly inspecting its placement and the sturdiness of its straps, then continue the inspection of your gelding by checking each of his hooves. PERSON runs his hands over the saddle on a lithe rose grey gelding, thoroughly inspecting its placement and the sturdiness of its straps, then continues the inspection of his gelding by checking each of his hooves.
(while mounted)
You turn slightly as you inspect your black saddle, then reach back behind it to pat his rose grey gelding's rump. PERSON turns slightly as he inspects his black saddle, then reaches back behind it to pat his rose grey gelding's rump.
(saddle in hand)
Retrieving your saddle's black pashima pad, you shake it out, then fold it up neatly before stowing it away again. Retrieving his saddle's black pashima pad, PERSON shakes it out, then folds it up neatly before stowing it away again.
(saddle on horse)
You playfully set one hand against the black saddle on a lithe rose grey gelding, and the other on the side of his neck, nudging him to take a step back. PERSON playfully sets one hand against the black saddle on a lithe rose grey gelding, and the other on the side of his neck, nudging him to take a step back.
(while mounted)
You tighten your thighs around your black saddle and cluck your tongue, nudging your rose grey gelding into a slow trot around the area. As he comes back to a stop, you run your fingers through his mane. PERSON tightens his thighs around his black saddle and clucks his tongue, nudging his rose grey gelding into a slow trot around the area. As he comes back to a stop, PERSON runs his fingers through his mane.
(saddle in hand)
You pull at the stirrup straps on your black saddle, adjusting their lengths to be adjusting them to a long length. PERSON pulls at the stirrup straps on his black saddle, adjusting their lengths to be adjusting them to a long length.
(saddle on horse)
You reach up to adjust the saddle's stirrups, pulling the leathers so that they hang at a short length on the side of a lithe rose grey gelding. PERSON reaches up to adjust the saddle's stirrups, pulling the leathers so that they hang at a short length on the side of a lithe rose grey gelding.
(while mounted)
You lean one hand on your rose grey gelding's neck, and with your free hand, you reach in front of your left thigh and adjust the length of your left stirrup while still keeping your foot in it. Once you've re-buckled that stirrup's leather, you then do the same for your right side, both stirrups now hanging at a middling length. PERSON leans one hand on his rose grey gelding's neck, and with his free hand, he reaches in front of his left thigh and adjusts the length of his left stirrup while still keeping his foot in it. Once he's re-buckled that stirrup's leather, he then does the same for his right side, both stirrups now hanging at a middling length.
(saddle in hand)
You pull out a light cloth and sweep your black saddle over it, giving it a good, thorough dusting off. PERSON pulls out a light cloth and sweeps his black saddle over it, giving it a good, thorough dusting off.
(saddle on horse)
You stand to the side of gelding, lightly resting one of your hands against his black saddle, and occasionally rubbing at his neck, as you gesticulate with your other hand to show your gelding off. PERSON stands to the side of gelding, lightly resting one of his hands against his black saddle, and occasionally rubbing at his neck, as he gesticulates with his other hand to show his gelding off.
(while mounted)
You lean forward in your saddle and rub the side of your gelding's neck, then pat him gently while quietly uttering several words of encouragement. PERSON leans forward in his saddle and rubs the side of his gelding's neck, then pats him gently while quietly uttering several words of encouragement.
(saddle in hand)
You push your hands down on your black saddle, checking its sturdiness. PERSON pushes his hands down on his black saddle, checking its sturdiness.
(saddle on horse)
You idly lean up against a lithe rose grey gelding, resting your head against the side of his black saddle. PERSON idly leans up against a lithe rose grey gelding, resting his head against the side of his black saddle.
(while mounted)
You roll back onto your seat bones in your black saddle, square your shoulders over your hips, and sit up straight atop your rose grey gelding as you assume a proper riding posture. PERSON rolls back onto his seat bones in his black saddle, squares his shoulders over his hips, and sits up straight atop his rose grey gelding as he assumes a proper riding posture.
Verb Set 3
Verb Style First Third
(saddle in hand)
You tilt your saddle to one side while you run a finger over it, inspecting the quality of the leather. PERSON tilts his saddle to one side while he runs a finger over it, inspecting the quality of the leather.
(saddle on horse)
You move to stand near your rose grey gelding's head, facing it, and take hold of the pastern on his left leg, stretching the leg forward, then do the same for right side, ensuring no wrinkles are present under his black saddle. PERSON moves to stand near his rose grey gelding's head, facing it, and takes hold of the pastern on his left leg, stretching the leg forward, then does the same for right side, ensuring no wrinkles are present under his black saddle.
(while mounted)
You tilt forward in the black saddle, urging your rose grey gelding into a gallop. He circles around the area once, nearly mowing PERSON over, then comes to an abrupt halt as you pull up on your silver-studded reins. PERSON tilts forward in the black saddle, urging his rose grey gelding into a gallop. He circles around the area once, nearly mowing PERSON over, then comes to an abrupt halt as he pulls up on his silver-studded reins.
(saddle in hand)
Displaying your black saddle for all to see, you heft it up, turning it from side to side before lowering it back down. Displaying his black saddle for all to see, PERSON hefts it up, turning it from side to side before lowering it back down.
(saddle on horse)
You unfasten the straps of a variegated black saddle with a scarlet sinew cinch and lift it up, moving its placement on your rose grey gelding's back and black pashima pad a smidgen. Once satisfied, you settle it back down, refasten the straps and give a lithe rose grey gelding a pat on the rump. PERSON unfastens the straps of a variegated black saddle with a scarlet sinew cinch and lifts it up, moving its placement on the rose grey gelding's back and black pashima pad a smidgen. Once satisfied, he settles it back down, refastens the straps and gives a lithe rose grey gelding a pat on the rump.
(while mounted)
You raise yourself up in your black saddle's stirrups, standing tall atop your rose grey gelding as your eyes sweep over your surroundings. PERSON raises himself up in his black saddle's stirrups, standing tall atop his rose grey gelding as his eyes sweep over his surroundings.
(saddle in hand)
You lightly walk your fingers along your black saddle as you gaze around the area. PERSON lightly walks his fingers along his black saddle as he gazes around the area.
(saddle on horse)
Running your fingers around the outside edge of your black saddle's pommel, you find the spot you were looking for on your rose grey gelding's withers and scratch it, causing the gelding's lip to quiver slightly and his eyes to glaze over. Running his fingers around the outside edge of his black saddle's pommel, PERSON picks a spot on his rose grey gelding's withers and scratches it, causing the gelding's lip to quiver slightly and his eyes to glaze over.
(while mounted)
Carefully poised atop your rose grey gelding, you spread your fingers out along the the edge of the low-rise pommel of his black saddle with only a feather-light touch. Poised atop his rose grey gelding, PERSON carefully spreads his fingers out along the the edge of the low-rise pommel of the gelding's black saddle with, seemingly, a feather-light touch.
(saddle in hand)
You grip a variegated black saddle with a scarlet sinew cinch in your hands and raise it up to chin-level several times, getting a good feel for its heft. PERSON grips a variegated black saddle with a scarlet sinew cinch in his hands and raises it up to chin-level several times, getting a good feel for its heft.
(saddle on horse)
Brushing your fingers down a lithe rose grey gelding's neck, you then move back several steps to grip one of the stirrups hanging down from a lithe rose grey gelding and give it good, hard tug, ensuring that it won't slip once weight is applied to it. Brushing his fingers down a lithe rose grey gelding's neck, PERSON then moves back several steps to grip one of the stirrups hanging down from a lithe rose grey gelding and gives it good, hard tug, ensuring that it won't slip once weight is applied to it.
(while mounted)
You tightly grip the sides of the pommel of your rose grey gelding's saddle and hang on for dear life. PERSON tightly grips the sides of the pommel of the black saddle on his rose grey gelding, as if he is hanging on for dear life.
(saddle in hand)
Retrieving your saddle's black pashima pad, you shake it out, then roughly brush your hands over it, thoroughly removing dust, hair, and any loose debris. Retrieving his saddle's black pashima pad, PERSON shakes it out, then roughly brushes his hands over it, thoroughly removing dust, hair, and any loose debris.
(saddle on horse)
Your rose grey gelding attempts to nuzzle you as you begin inspecting his black saddle. You affectionately pat his nose before pushing it away. PERSON's rose grey gelding attempts to nuzzle him as he begins inspecting his black saddle. He affectionately pats his nose before pushing it away.
(while mounted)
You lean forward in your black saddle, and, using the stirrups as leverage to lift yourself farther up, you give your rose grey gelding a little rub between his ears. Once you sit back down, you ensure your feet are properly angled in the stirrups, then relax your legs. PERSON leans forward in his black saddle, and, using the stirrups as leverage to lift himself farther up, he gives his rose grey gelding a little rub between his ears. Once he sits back down, he ensures his feet are properly angled in the stirrups, then relaxes his legs.


Kannalan-style saddles are the heaviest of the 3 saddle styles, and feature a horn, stirrups with flaps, and a cinch/latigo/D-ring type of system for saddling. It will commonly utilize a blanket or pad and blanket combination. Per GM Kaikala, the closest real world equivalent would a Western saddle. While it can be altered, part of the LOOK will always retain reference to the pommel and stirrups.


Crafted in the Kannalan style, the saddle bears a horn jutting up from the pommel and stirrups that hang down at a middling length.


--------- SADDLE ME UP SADDLES - ANALYZE INFO  ---------
This saddle is a saddle (hopefully obviously), meant for use with "horse" mounts.

Verb Sets active on this saddle:
  *Verb Set 1: DROP/PUT, GET, MOUNT (with styles), and DISMOUNT (with styles).

MOUNT styles -- MOUNT {STYLE} {target horse} -- that are valid for this saddle's current setup are:  RIGHT; LEFT; HORN; MANE; JUMP; GRACE-L; GRACE-R
DISMOUNT styles -- DISMOUNT {STYLE} -- that are valid for this saddle's current setup are:  HORN; MANE, JUMP, SLIDE, GRACE-L, GRACE-R

--------- ALTERATION INFORMATION ---------

The noun cannot change.  Saddle styles not covered by these are not currently to be named and put on these particular items.  So what can you do?  Any merchant may alter the article, adjective, long, and/or show description of the saddle.  Any merchant may toggle the pad/blanket status and descriptor.  All alterations must be in keeping with the saddle's style (see below).  All saddles are made of leather as their underlying base material.

Note that some aspects of the LOOK are hard-coded (such as the length of the stirrups) and cannot currently be modified by a merchant.

This saddle's style (which is not currently eligible to be changed to another style) is set to Kannalan.
For alteration purposes, keep the following in mind:  It has a horn.  Its stirrups have stirrup flaps.  It utilizes a cinch/latigo/D-ring type of system for saddling.  It is heavier than the Finnian (lightest) and Minstrel's styles.  It will most commonly utilize a blanket or pad + blanket combination.

The saddle can have pad/blanket as part of its description (and for a few messages).  Currently the available styles are: none, single pad, single blanket, pad + blanket.  A brief descriptor of any pad/blanket can be added (for example: "sheepskin pad" and "folded blanket" are the defaults;  "red and blue-checkered blanket" "vine-embroidered blanket and pale green pad" "thick woolen pad" are a-okay.  Avoid anything much longer than those.  Don't use any descriptor or material that would not allow the pad/blanket to lie flat on a horse's back.  This saddle is set to have a single blanket and it is set to use *padded orange wool blanket* as its descriptor.



OTS/Verb Set 1
Verb Style First Third
DROP/PUT Steadying a fiery-eyed nightmare steed, you place a layered ashen grey wool blanket on the steed's neck, then gently slide it back into place on her back. You hook the right stirrup and cinch over your saddle's horn, then heft the saddle and set it down on top of the blanket, which you pull up and under the saddle's horn before dragging the stirrup and cinch back down.

You move to the other side of the steed and, first hooking that stirrup over the horn, reach under her to pull the cinch across her underside, threading the latigo through the cinch buckle, back up to the saddle's D-ring, and through the buckle again, then continuing with the cinching up process until the saddle is secure and the left stirrup back in place.

Steadying a fiery-eyed nightmare steed, PERSON places a layered ashen grey wool blanket on the steed's neck, then gently slides it back into place on her back. She hooks the right stirrup and cinch over her saddle's horn, then hefts the saddle and sets it down on top of the blanket, which she pulls up and under the saddle's horn before dragging the stirrup and cinch back down.

PERSON moves to the other side of the steed and, first hooking that stirrup over the horn, reaches under her to pull the cinch across her underside, threading the latigo through the cinch buckle, back up to the saddle's D-ring, and through the buckle again, then continuing with the cinching up process until the saddle is secure and the left stirrup back in place.

GET Ensuring that a fiery-eyed nightmare steed is calm and comfortable, you hook the left stirrup up over the saddle's horn and work on undoing the cinch, loosening the knotting and unweaving the latigo out of the cinch buckle and D-ring until at last the cinch is loose. You pull the stirrup down from the horn and move to the steed's other side.

Hooking the cinch and right-side stirrup over the horn, you lift and pull both the saddle and its blanket off of the steed in one smooth motion, settling the stirrup and cinch back into place once you've fully unsaddled your steed.

Ensuring that a fiery-eyed nightmare steed is calm and comfortable, PERSON hooks the left stirrup up over the saddle's horn and work on undoing the cinch, loosening the knotting and unweaving the latigo out of the cinch buckle and D-ring until at last the cinch is loose. She pulls the stirrup down from the horn and moves to the steed's other side.

Hooking the cinch and right-side stirrup over the horn, PERSON lifts and pulls both the saddle and its blanket off of the steed in one smooth motion, settling the stirrup and cinch back into place once she's fully unsaddled her steed.

MOUNT You affix your reins to a fiery-eyed nightmare steed's bit, and with a firm push off the ground, you swing astride the steed and settle comfortably into a dusky leather saddle embossed with a pattern of twisting flames. PERSON affixes her reins to her a fiery-eyed nightmare steed's bit, and with a firm push off the ground, she swings astride the steed and settles into a dusky leather saddle embossed with a pattern of twisting flames.
MOUNT RIGHT You reach up and attach your leather reins to the steed's bridle, then wrap them around the horn of the steed's leather saddle.

Utilizing the stirrup on the steed's right side, you set your right foot into it and lift yourself upward, swinging your left leg over your steed's girth and into the left-side stirrup as you settle atop her leather saddle and take your reins in hand.

PERSON reaches up and attaches her leather reins to the steed's bridle, then wraps them around the horn of the steed's leather saddle.

Utilizing the stirrup on the steed's right side, PERSON sets her right foot into it and lifts herself upward, swinging her left leg over her steed's girth and into the left-side stirrup as she settles atop her leather saddle and unwinds her reins from the horn and takes them in hand.

MOUNT LEFT You reach up and attach your leather reins to the steed's bridle, then wrap them around the horn of the steed's leather saddle.

Utilizing the stirrup on nightmare steed's left side, you set your left foot into it and lift yourself upward, swinging your right leg over your steed's girth and into the right-side stirrup as you settle atop her leather saddle and take your reins in hand.

PERSON reaches up and attaches her leather reins to the steed's bridle, then wraps them around the horn of the steed's leather saddle.

Utilizing the stirrup on nightmare steed's left side, PERSON sets her left foot into it and lifts herself upward, swinging her right leg over her steed's girth and into the right-side stirrup as she settles atop her leather saddle and unwinds her reins from the horn and takes them in hand.

MOUNT HORN You reach up and attach your leather reins to the steed's bridle, then wrap them around the horn of the steed's leather saddle.

Tightly gripping the horn, you nimbly pull yourself up and onto the steed's saddle, then take your reins in hand.

PERSON reaches up and attaches her leather reins to the steed's bridle, then wraps them around the horn of the steed's leather saddle.

Tightly gripping the horn, PERSON nimbly pulls herself up and onto the steed's saddle, then unwinds her reins from the horn and takes them in hand.

MOUNT MANE You reach up and attach your leather reins to the steed's bridle, then wrap them around the horn of the steed's leather saddle.

You weave your fingers through a fiery-eyed nightmare steed's mane, then, clinging to the top of her neck, you use your grip and a little leap to pull yourself up onto her leather saddle. You then unwind your reins from the horn and take them in hand.

PERSON reaches up and attaches her leather reins to the steed's bridle, then wraps them around the horn of the steed's leather saddle.

PERSON weaves her fingers through a fiery-eyed nightmare steed's mane, then, clinging to the top of her neck, she uses her grip and a little leap to pull herself up onto her leather saddle. She then unwinds her reins from the horn and takes them in hand.

MOUNT JUMP You reach up and attach your leather reins to the steed's bridle, then wrap them around the horn of the steed's leather saddle.

With a running leap, you acrobatically vault up onto a fiery-eyed nightmare steed, landing neatly in proper riding position atop her leather saddle. You then unwind your reins from the horn and take them in hand.

PERSON reaches up and attaches her leather reins to the steed's bridle, then wraps them around the horn of the steed's leather saddle.

With a running leap, PERSON acrobatically vaults up onto a fiery-eyed nightmare steed, landing neatly in proper riding position atop her leather saddle. She then unwinds her reins from the horn and takes them in hand.

MOUNT GRACE-L You reach up and attach your leather reins to the steed's bridle, then wrap them around the horn of the steed's leather saddle.

Lightly placing your left foot in the stirrup on the steed's saddle, you push off of your right foot and transfer your weight into the left as you gracefully mount your steed's leather saddle. You twist your body so that your right foot floats over your steed's girth and slides into the right-side stirrup. As you position yourself atop her saddle, you unwind your reins from the horn and take them in hand.

PERSON reaches up and attaches her leather reins to the steed's bridle, then wraps them around the horn of the steed's leather saddle.

Lightly placing her left foot in the stirrup on the steed's saddle, PERSON pushes off of her right foot and transfers her weight into the left as she gracefully mounts her steed's leather saddle. She twists her body so that her right foot floats over her steed's girth and slides into the right-side stirrup. As she positions herself atop her saddle, she unwinds her reins from the horn and takes them in hand.

MOUNT GRACE-R You reach up and attach your leather reins to the steed's bridle, then wrap them around the horn of the steed's leather saddle.

Lightly placing your right foot in the stirrup on the steed's saddle, you push off of your left foot and transfer your weight into the right as you gracefully mount your steed's leather saddle. You twist your body so that your left foot floats over your steed's girth and slides into the left-side stirrup. As you position yourself atop her saddle, you unwind your reins from the horn and take them in hand.

PERSON reaches up and attaches her leather reins to the steed's bridle, then wraps them around the horn of the steed's leather saddle.

Lightly placing her right foot in the stirrup on the steed's saddle, PERSON pushes off of her left foot and transfers her weight into the right as she gracefully mounts her steed's leather saddle. She twists her body so that her left foot floats over her steed's girth and slides into the left-side stirrup. As she positions herself atop her saddle, she unwinds her reins from the horn and takes them in hand.

DISMOUNT You climb down from the leather saddle on a fiery-eyed nightmare steed and carefully detach some scorched leather reins from her bit. PERSON climbs down from the leather saddle on a fiery-eyed nightmare steed and carefully detaches some scorched leather reins from her bit.
DISMOUNT HORN You grab on to the horn of your saddle and nimbly dismount your steed, then detach some scorched leather reins from your steed's bridle. PERSON grabs on to the horn of her saddle and nimbly dismounts her steed, then detaches some scorched leather reins from her steed's bridle.
DISMOUNT MANE Tangling your fingers in your nightmare steed's mane near the nape of her neck, you hold on tightly as you dismount from your leather saddle, sliding down the side of the steed. You reach up and detach some scorched leather reins from your steed's bridle. Tangling her fingers in her nightmare steed's mane near the nape of her neck, PERSON holds on tightly as she dismounts from her leather saddle, sliding down the side of the steed. She reaches up and detaches some scorched leather reins from her steed's bridle.
DISMOUNT JUMP In a daring display of acrobatics, you tuck your legs up under you, momentarily balancing your toes on your leather saddle, then leap off of it, neatly landing next to your nightmare steed in an overly dramatic dismount. You reach up and detach some scorched leather reins from your steed's bridle. In a daring display of acrobatics, PERSON tucks her legs up under herself, momentarily balancing her toes on her leather saddle, then leaps off of it, neatly landing next to her nightmare steed in an overly dramatic dismount. She reaches up and detaches some scorched leather reins from her steed's bridle.
DISMOUNT SLIDE Throwing all caution to the wind, you bend and swing one of your legs forward and over the saddle's pommel, then half-leap, half-slide down from your nightmare steed. You reach up and detach some scorched leather reins from your steed's bridle. Throwing all caution to the wind, PERSON bends and swings one of her legs forward and over the saddle's pommel, then half-leaps, half-slides down from her nightmare steed. She reaches up and detaches some scorched leather reins from her steed's bridle.
DISMOUNT GRACE-L Securing your left foot in the saddle's stirrup, you twist your body back and to the right, gliding your right leg over the backside of your nightmare steed as you gracefully dismount and detach some scorched leather reins from your steed's bridle. Securing her left foot in the saddle's stirrup, PERSON twist her body back and to the right, gliding her right leg over the backside of her nightmare steed as she gracefully dismounts and detaches some scorched leather reins from her steed's bridle.
DISMOUNT GRACE-R Securing your right foot in the saddle's stirrup, you twist your body back and to the left, gliding your left leg over the backside of your nightmare steed as you gracefully dismount and detach some scorched leather reins from your steed's bridle. Securing her right foot in the saddle's stirrup, PERSON twists her body back and to the left, gliding her left leg over the backside of her nightmare steed as she gracefully dismounts and detaches some scorched leather reins from her steed's bridle.
Verb Set 2
Verb Style First Third
(saddle in hand)
Removing the stirrups and cinch from your leather saddle, you pull out a small cloth and first dust off each piece of tack. Then you use a new cloth and water to thoroughly clean the items, allowing them ample time to dry before carefully conditioning the leather and reattaching the stirrups and cinch to the saddle. Removing the stirrups and cinch from her leather saddle, PERSON pulls out a small cloth and first dusts off each piece of tack. Then she uses a new cloth and water to thoroughly clean the items, allowing them ample time to dry before carefully conditioning the leather and reattaching the stirrups and cinch to the saddle.
(saddle on horse)
You run your hands over the saddle on a fiery-eyed nightmare steed, thoroughly inspecting its placement and the sturdiness of its straps, then continue the inspection of your steed by checking each of her hooves. PERSON runs her hands over the saddle on a fiery-eyed nightmare steed, thoroughly inspecting its placement and the sturdiness of its straps, then continues the inspection of her steed by checking each of her hooves.
(while mounted)
You turn slightly as you inspect your leather saddle, then reach back behind it to pat her nightmare steed's rump. PERSON turns slightly as she inspects her leather saddle, then reaches back behind it to pat her nightmare steed's rump.
(saddle in hand)
Retrieving your saddle's layered ashen grey wool blanket, you shake it out, then fold it up neatly before stowing it away again. Retrieving her saddle's layered ashen grey wool blanket, PERSON shakes it out, then folds it up neatly before stowing it away again.
(saddle on horse)
You playfully set one hand against the leather saddle on a fiery-eyed nightmare steed, and the other on the side of her neck, nudging her to take a step back. PERSON playfully sets one hand against the leather saddle on a fiery-eyed nightmare steed, and the other on the side of her neck, nudging her to take a step back.
(while mounted)
You tighten your thighs around your leather saddle and cluck your tongue, nudging your nightmare steed into a slow trot around the area. As she comes back to a stop, you run your fingers through her mane. PERSON tightens her thighs around her leather saddle and clucks her tongue, nudging her nightmare steed into a slow trot around the area. As she comes back to a stop, PERSON runs her fingers through her mane.
(saddle in hand)
You pull at the stirrup straps on your leather saddle, adjusting their lengths to be running your stirrups up to the top of their leathers so that they lay against the saddle flaps. PERSON pulls at the stirrup straps on her leather saddle, adjusting their lengths to be running her stirrups up to the top of their leathers so that they lay against the saddle flaps.
(saddle on horse)
You reach up to adjust the saddle's stirrups, pulling the leathers so that they hang at a middling length on the side of a fiery-eyed nightmare steed. PERSON reaches up to adjust the saddle's stirrups, pulling the leathers so that they hang at a middling length on the side of a fiery-eyed nightmare steed.
(while mounted)
You lean one hand on your nightmare steed's neck, and with your free hand, you reach in front of your left thigh and adjust the length of your left stirrup while still keeping your foot in it. Once you've re-buckled that stirrup's leather, you then do the same for your right side, both stirrups now hanging at a short length. PERSON leans one hand on her nightmare steed's neck, and with her free hand, she reaches in front of her left thigh and adjusts the length of her left stirrup while still keeping her foot in it. Once she's re-buckled that stirrup's leather, she then does the same for her right side, both stirrups now hanging at a short length.
(saddle in hand)
You pull out a light cloth and sweep your leather saddle over it, giving it a good, thorough dusting off. PERSON pulls out a light cloth and sweeps her leather saddle over it, giving it a good, thorough dusting off.
(saddle on horse)
You stand to the side of steed, lightly resting one of your hands against her leather saddle, and occasionally rubbing at her neck, as you gesticulate with your other hand to show your steed off. PERSON stands to the side of steed, lightly resting one of her hands against her leather saddle, and occasionally rubbing at her neck, as she gesticulates with her other hand to show her steed off.
(while mounted)
You lean forward in your saddle and rub the side of your steed's neck, then pat her gently while quietly uttering several words of encouragement. PERSON leans forward in her saddle and rubs the side of her steed's neck, then pats her gently while quietly uttering several words of encouragement.
(saddle in hand)
You push your hands down on your leather saddle, checking its sturdiness. PERSON pushes her hands down on her leather saddle, checking its sturdiness.
(saddle on horse)
You idly lean up against a fiery-eyed nightmare steed, resting your head against the side of her leather saddle. PERSON idly leans up against a fiery-eyed nightmare steed, resting her head against the side of her leather saddle.
(while mounted)
You roll back onto your seat bones in your leather saddle, square your shoulders over your hips, and sit up straight atop your nightmare steed as you assume a proper riding posture. PERSON rolls back onto her seat bones in her leather saddle, squares her shoulders over her hips, and sits up straight atop her nightmare steed as she assumes a proper riding posture.
Verb Set 3
Verb Style First Third
(saddle in hand)
You tilt your saddle to one side while you run a finger over it, inspecting the quality of the leather. PERSON tilts her saddle to one side while she runs a finger over it, inspecting the quality of the leather.
(saddle on horse)
You move to stand near your nightmare steed's head, facing it, and take hold of the pastern on her left leg, stretching the leg forward, then do the same for right side, ensuring no wrinkles are present under her leather saddle. PERSON moves to stand near her nightmare steed's head, facing it, and takes hold of the pastern on her left leg, stretching the leg forward, then does the same for right side, ensuring no wrinkles are present under her leather saddle.
(while mounted)
You tilt forward in the leather saddle, urging your nightmare steed into a gallop. She circles around the area once, then comes to an abrupt halt as you pull up on your leather reins. PERSON tilts forward in the leather saddle, urging her nightmare steed into a gallop. She circles around the area once, then comes to an abrupt halt as she pulls up on her leather reins.
(saddle in hand)
Displaying your leather saddle for all to see, you heft it up, turning it from side to side before lowering it back down. Displaying her leather saddle for all to see, PERSON hefts it up, turning it from side to side before lowering it back down.
(saddle on horse)
You unfasten the straps of a dusky leather saddle embossed with a pattern of twisting flames and lift it up, moving its placement on your nightmare steed's back and layered ashen grey wool blanket a smidgen. Once satisfied, you settle it back down, refasten the straps and give a fiery-eyed nightmare steed a pat on the rump. PERSON unfastens the straps of a dusky leather saddle embossed with a pattern of twisting flames and lifts it up, moving its placement on the nightmare steed's back and layered ashen grey wool blanket a smidgen. Once satisfied, she settles it back down, refastens the straps and gives a fiery-eyed nightmare steed a pat on the rump.
(while mounted)
You raise yourself up in your leather saddle's stirrups, standing tall atop your nightmare steed as your eyes sweep over your surroundings. PERSON raises herself up in her leather saddle's stirrups, standing tall atop her nightmare steed as her eyes sweep over her surroundings.
(saddle in hand)
You lightly walk your fingers along your leather saddle as you gaze around the area. PERSON lightly walks her fingers along her leather saddle as she gazes around the area.
(saddle on horse)
Running your fingers around the outside edge of your leather saddle's pommel, you find the spot you were looking for on your nightmare steed's withers and scratch it, causing the steed's lip to quiver slightly and her eyes to glaze over. Running her fingers around the outside edge of her leather saddle's pommel, PERSON picks a spot on her nightmare steed's withers and scratches it, causing the steed's lip to quiver slightly and her eyes to glaze over.
(while mounted)
Carefully poised atop your nightmare steed, you twine you fingers around the horn of her leather saddle, holding on to it with only a feather-light touch. Poised atop her nightmare steed, PERSON carefully twines her fingers around the horn of the steed's leather saddle, holding on to it with, seemingly, a feather-light touch.
(saddle in hand)
You grip a dusky leather saddle embossed with a pattern of twisting flames in your hands and raise it up to chin-level several times, getting a good feel for its heft. PERSON grips a dusky leather saddle embossed with a pattern of twisting flames in her hands and raises it up to chin-level several times, getting a good feel for its heft.
(saddle on horse)
Brushing your fingers down a fiery-eyed nightmare steed's neck, you then move back several steps to grip one of the stirrups hanging down from a fiery-eyed nightmare steed and give it good, hard tug, ensuring that it won't slip once weight is applied to it. Brushing her fingers down a fiery-eyed nightmare steed's neck, PERSON then moves back several steps to grip one of the stirrups hanging down from a fiery-eyed nightmare steed and gives it good, hard tug, ensuring that it won't slip once weight is applied to it.
(while mounted)
You tightly grip the horn of your nightmare steed's saddle and hang on for dear life. PERSON tightly grips the horn of the leather saddle on her nightmare steed, as if she is hanging on for dear life.
(saddle in hand)
Retrieving your saddle's layered ashen grey wool blanket, you shake it out, then roughly brush your hands over it, thoroughly removing dust, hair, and any loose debris. Retrieving her saddle's layered ashen grey wool blanket, PERSON shakes it out, then roughly brushes her hands over it, thoroughly removing dust, hair, and any loose debris.
(saddle on horse)
Your nightmare steed attempts to nuzzle you as you begin inspecting her leather saddle. You affectionately pat her nose before pushing it away. PERSON's nightmare steed attempts to nuzzle her as she begins inspecting her leather saddle. She affectionately pats her nose before pushing it away.
(while mounted)
You lean forward in your leather saddle, and, using the stirrups as leverage to lift yourself farther up, you give your nightmare steed a little rub between her ears. Once you sit back down, you ensure your feet are properly angled in the stirrups, then relax your legs. PERSON leans forward in her leather saddle, and, using the stirrups as leverage to lift herself farther up, she gives her nightmare steed a little rub between her ears. Once she sits back down, she ensures her feet are properly angled in the stirrups, then relaxes her legs.


Minstrel's saddles are the mid-weight saddle option and feature an upright pommel and cantle, loose stirrups, and a billet and buckle girth-type system for saddling. It is most common to not have anything underneath it, but can have a pad if anything is used for that purpose. Per GM Kaikala, the closest real world equivalent would be a 14th c. jousting saddle. While it can be altered, part of the LOOK will always retain reference to the pommel and stirrups.


Crafted in the Minstrel's style, the saddle bears a vertically upright pommel and cantle, along with stirrups that hang down at a middling length.


--------- SADDLE ME UP SADDLES - ANALYZE INFO  ---------
This saddle is a saddle (hopefully obviously), meant for use with "horse" mounts.

Verb Sets active on this saddle:
  *Verb Set 1: DROP/PUT, GET, MOUNT (with styles), and DISMOUNT (with styles).

MOUNT styles -- MOUNT {STYLE} {target horse} -- that are valid for this saddle's current setup are:  RIGHT; LEFT; POMMEL; MANE; JUMP; GRACE-L; GRACE-R
DISMOUNT styles -- DISMOUNT {STYLE} -- that are valid for this saddle's current setup are:  POMMEL; MANE, JUMP, SLIDE, GRACE-L, GRACE-R

--------- ALTERATION INFORMATION ---------

The noun cannot change.  Saddle styles not covered by these are not currently to be named and put on these particular items.  So what can you do?  Any merchant may alter the article, adjective, long, and/or show description of the saddle.  Any merchant may toggle the pad/blanket status and descriptor.  All alterations must be in keeping with the saddle's style (see below).  All saddles are made of leather as their underlying base material.

Note that some aspects of the LOOK are hard-coded (such as the length of the stirrups) and cannot currently be modified by a merchant.

This saddle's style (which is not currently eligible to be changed to another style) is set to Minstrel's.
For alteration purposes, keep the following in mind:The pommel sits just upright (pretty much vertically) from the trunk, as does the cantle.  The stirrups are loose (no flaps).  It utilizes a billet and buckle girth type system for saddling.  It is typically heavier than the Finnian style but lighter than the Kannalan style.  It will most commonly not utilize anything underneath it, but if it does, a pad is the most likely choice.

The saddle can have pad/blanket as part of its description (and for a few messages).  Currently the available styles are: none, single pad, single blanket, pad + blanket.  A brief descriptor of any pad/blanket can be added (for example: "sheepskin pad" and "folded blanket" are the defaults;  "red and blue-checkered blanket" "vine-embroidered blanket and pale green pad" "thick woolen pad" are a-okay.  Avoid anything much longer than those.  Don't use any descriptor or material that would not allow the pad/blanket to lie flat on a horse's back.  This saddle is set to have no pad or blanket.



OTS/Verb Set 1
Verb Style First Third
DROP/PUT This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
GET This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
MOUNT This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
MOUNT RIGHT This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
MOUNT LEFT This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
MOUNT HORN This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
MOUNT MANE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
MOUNT JUMP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
MOUNT GRACE-L This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
MOUNT GRACE-R This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
DISMOUNT This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
DISMOUNT HORN This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
DISMOUNT MANE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
DISMOUNT JUMP This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
DISMOUNT SLIDE This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
DISMOUNT GRACE-L This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
DISMOUNT GRACE-R This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Verb Set 2
Verb Style First Third
(saddle in hand)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(saddle on horse)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(while mounted)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(saddle in hand)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(saddle on horse)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(while mounted)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(saddle in hand)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(saddle on horse)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(while mounted)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(saddle in hand)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(saddle on horse)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(while mounted)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(saddle in hand)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(saddle on horse)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(while mounted)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
Verb Set 3
Verb Style First Third
(saddle in hand)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(saddle on horse)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(while mounted)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(saddle in hand)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(saddle on horse)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(while mounted)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(saddle in hand)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(saddle on horse)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(while mounted)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(saddle in hand)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(saddle on horse)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(while mounted)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(saddle in hand)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(saddle on horse)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!
(while mounted)
This section has not been added yet; please add to it now! This section has not been added yet; please add to it now!


See Also

Saddle Me Up saddle Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Miscellaneous
Item(s) Applied to Mount saddle
Alterable Yes
Light/Deep No
Customizable Yes
Custom Pad/Blanket
Original Release Venue Rumor Woods
Tiered Yes
Number of Tiers 3
How to Unlock Certificate
Corresponding Item Scripts Horse mount
Restrictions The noun CANNOT change. Alterations can include article, adjective, long and/or show description. Some aspects of the LOOK are hard coded. Pad/blanket customization material must make sense to lay across a horse's back.
Item Verbs