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Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 9005
Author: GS4-RETSER
Date: 06/05/2018 03:48 PM EDT
Subject: New Duskruin Weapons: Sprite Weapons

Hey everyone, new to this Duskruin run will be a collection of sprite weapons. These weapons hold a sprite within them that can do a lot of stuff. These are similar to parasite weapons, but with a jovial sprite that feeds on mana instead of blood. Some things may change before they hit the shelves, but here is a sneak peak. I'm 95% sure they will be ready in time.

The staff itself has two appearances. Active and inactive. In addition, it summons a sprite companion that hangs out with you and is fantastically charming.


You see GameMaster Retser.
He appears to be a bro.
He is holding a splintered wooden crook covered in burn marks in his right hand.

Retser pushes his hand down the surface of his wooden crook. A small white sprite materializes near the end of his crook. The distorted surface begins to mend as glyphs appear and fade across its surface. A final pulse of white light reveals a glowing wooden crook. The white sprite flits just over his shoulder.

The white sprite flying above Retser's shoulder whispers something to him.

You see GameMaster Retser.
He appears to be a bro.
There is a small white sprite flying above his shoulder.
He is holding a glowing wooden crook in his right hand.


Sprite Swarm: Attacks with a wave of sprites.
Cooldown: 10 minutes.
Verb: Raise

Sprite Power: Calls upon sprite swarms instead of your standard sprite flare for 60 seconds.
This can only happen once every 10 seconds during that time.
Cooldown: 120 minutes.

Sprite Drain: Increases your mana regeneration for 10 minutes.
Cooldown: 60 minutes.

Fairy Ward: Allows wielder to block dispel spells by consuming stored mana. This effect lasts for 10 minutes.
Limit: 1 Major or 3 lesser.
Cooldown: 60 minutes.

Sprite Flares: Damages target with sprite at the cost of mana.
Verb: Prod to turn ON/OFF.


The sprite itself interacts with you in a variety of ways, it has a ton of messaging of which more unlocks as you unlock it further.
The white sprite flitting over your shoulder leans over and whispers, "Do you know how fast an unladen sprite is?"

Sprite Flares

The flares themselves can be turned on and off, cost mana, and come with a damage type of krush. A very rare service will be available to change this to any damage type. In addition, they grow stronger with higher affinity.

incant 702 You trace an intricate sign that contorts in the air while forcefully invoking Mana Disruption...
Your spell is ready.
You gesture at an Ithzir adept.
CS: +408 - TD: +388 + CvA: +25 + d100: +89 == +134
Warding failed!
A masterful strike for 45 points of damage!
... 15 points of damage!
Blood in the Ithzir adept's right eye boils. Red steam rises from socket.
You feel a slight sting as the sprite draws upon your power to attack.
The white sprite on your shoulder sends forth a cylindrical, white blast of magic at an Ithzir adept's abdomen!

... 25 points of damage!
Knocked back several feet by blow to abdomen.

Sprite Swarm

This uses the base sprite swarm, and its damage type,
You lift your wooden crook skyward, creating a trail of white runes to appear between your wooden crook and your white sprite. Your white sprite chants audibly before releasing several pulses of white magical energy into the surroundings!
You feel a slight sting as the sprite draws upon your power to attack.

The white sprite on your shoulder sends forth a cylindrical, white blast of magic at an Ithzir adept's left arm!
[SMR result: 169 (Open d100: 75)]
... 35 points of damage!
Left arm ripped from socket at the elbow!
The Ithzir adept is stunned!
You feel a slight sting as the sprite draws upon your power to attack.

The white sprite on your shoulder sends forth a cylindrical, white blast of magic at an Ithzir adept's left arm!
[SMR result: 146 (Open d100: 51)]
... 30 points of damage!
Hard hit shatters shield arm.
The Ithzir adept is stunned!
You feel a slight sting as the sprite draws upon your power to attack.

The white sprite on your shoulder sends forth a cylindrical, white blast of magic at an Ithzir adept's right hand!
[SMR result: 153 (Open d100: 58)]
... 30 points of damage!
Blast to hand reduces it to pulp!
The Ithzir adept is stunned!
You feel a slight sting as the sprite draws upon your power to attack.

The white sprite on your shoulder sends forth a cylindrical, white blast of magic at an Ithzir adept's right eye!
[SMR result: 187 (Open d100: 93)]
... 50 points of damage!
Smash to cheek driving bone through the eye and into the brain.
The Ithzir adept falls to the ground in a crumpled heap.
You feel a slight sting as the sprite draws upon your power to attack.

The white sprite on your shoulder sends forth a cylindrical, white blast of magic at an Ithzir adept's left hand!
[SMR result: 119 (Open d100: 25)]
... 25 points of damage!
Left hand mangled horribly.
The Ithzir adept is stunned!
You feel a slight sting as the sprite draws upon your power to attack.

The white sprite on your shoulder sends forth a cylindrical, white blast of magic at an Ithzir adept's right leg!
[SMR result: 147 (Open d100: 52)]
... 25 points of damage!
Right leg mangled horribly.
It is knocked to the ground!
The Ithzir adept is stunned!
You feel a slight sting as the sprite draws upon your power to attack.

The white sprite on your shoulder sends forth a cylindrical, white blast of magic at an Ithzir adept's abdomen!
[SMR result: 201 (Open d100: 79, Bonus: 28)]
... 25 points of damage!
Knocked back several feet by blow to abdomen.
The Ithzir adept clutches at its wounds as it falls, the life fading from its eyes.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

Sprite Power

When used, it will replace your standard flare with the sprite swarm. This can only occur once every 10 seconds and lasts for 60 seconds.

Sprite ward

This effect lasts for 10 minutes and can protect against 3 minor dispels OR 1 major dispel.

nuzzle crook
You turn your head to lock eyes with your sprite and nod. The sprite flying above your shoulder places its hands out in front of itself, chanting in an odd tone. A magical barrier forms around you.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

An Ithzir adept gestures and utters a phrase of magic.

An Ithzir adept gestures at you.
The protective barrier surrounding you absorbs an Ithzir adept's magic!

Sprite Drain

You hold your wooden crook aloft and chant in unison with your sprite. Fibrous tendrils of mana coalesce from the surroundings and coat your form.
You feel the inflow of magical energies around you increase.
Roundtime: 3 sec.

This applies a general mana regeneration effect on you. It increases your mana regen by 10% for 10 minutes. Minimum of 1, maximum of 50. The item must remain in your hands for this effect to persist.

Retser, ASGM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 9343
Author: GS4-RETSER
Date: 6/20/2018
Subject: Parasite and Sprite Weapons - Affinity rate INCREASE

Hey Everyone, I just rolled in an update that doubles the rate at which you gain affinity.

IE: You summon a sprite weapon for 10 mana, you will get 20 affinity.

I hope this makes the process a little less painful.

Retser, ASGM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 10929
Author: GS4-RETSER
Date: 8/5/2019
Subject: Teaser - Parasite And Sprites - BOW FLARE UPGRADE!

At this Duskruin you will be able to purchase a side-unlock for parasite or sprite bows. There will be a limited number of these unlocks.
This will allow your bow to flare. The flares are the same as the regular flare variant and scale with the affinity.

You can use any ayanad crystal to power these new flares with a charge.

ayanad = 100% chance to consume the charge per flare.
s'ayanad = 50% chance to consume the charge per flare.
t'ayanad = 25% chance to consume the charge per flare.
n'ayanad = 10% chance to consume the charge per flare.

The flares automatically apply to any arrow that does not have any flare, script, and is 5 times enchanted or lower. This effect will consume the arrow.

load bow with crystal
You smash the ayanad crystal awkwardly against your bow. Your white sprite huffs in annoyance before saying, "The crystal goes in the crystal hole! Let me help you!" The white sprite on your shoulder begins to chant. Slowly, the ayanad crystal seems to melt into the surface of your bow. Your bow glows dimly before the light fades.

You nock an arrow in your bow.
You fire an arrow at a triton combatant!
AS: +430 vs DS: +200 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +22 = +272
... and hit for 38 points of damage!
Nice shot to the head gouges the triton combatant's cheek!
You feel a slight sting as the sprite draws upon your power to attack.
The white sprite on your shoulder sends forth a cylindrical, white blast of magic at a triton combatant's throat!
... 25 points of damage!
Neck broken.
The triton combatant twitches several times before dying.
The triton combatant collapses, gurgling once with a wrathful look on its face before expiring.
Your bow continues to glow.
The arrow explodes with a white light.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

Retser, ASGM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 10993
Author: GS4-RETSER
Date: 8/9/2019
Subject: Teaser - Parasite And Sprites - BOW FLARE UPGRADE!

For those curious how the parasite messaging would look.

load my bow with my crys
You hold the ayanad crystal aloft near your indigo bow. Suddenly, a collection of indigo tentacles lash out grabbing hold of the ayanad crystal. Rows of teeth form a maw along the surface of the tentacles as they consume the ayanad crystal. The tentacles writhe wildly in response as they seem to ooze with power. A gurgling, coarse voice whispers, "Consume... feed... destroy!"

You nock an arrow in your indigo bow.
As you fire your indigo bow, indigo tentacles jump from the bow and onto the arrow!
You fire an arrow at an Ithzir adept!
AS: +400 vs DS: +262 with AvD: +25 + d100 roll: +52 = +215
... and hit for 55 points of damage!
Slash across back of hand, tendons sliced!
The Ithzir adept is stunned!
You wince as the indigo bow draws upon your blood as it strikes.
A slender indigo and black tendril lashes out from an arrow and slashes an Ithzir adept's right hand!
... 20 points of damage!
Strong slash to the Ithzir adept's right hand cuts deep.
The tentacles surrounding your indigo bow retreat back within the bow.
The tentacle-wrapped arrow crumbles into dust.

Retser, ASGM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 12013
Author: GS4-RETSER
Date: 8/12/2020
Subject: Parasite Weapons - Perfect Host Ability Update

The Affinity 9 ability of parasite weapons, Perfect Host, will now last 5 minutes up from 2 minutes.

Retser, SGM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 12328
Author: GS4-RETSER
Date: 9/1/2020
Subject: Parasite, Energy Weapons, Sprite weapons - Daily Blood/Energy/Mana tracker change.

Hey everyone, the 24 hour timer for tracking blood/mana/energy has been reduced to 22 hours. This change is now live.

Retser, SGM

Category: General GemStone IV Discussion
Topic: Items and Inventory
Message #: 3999
Author: GS4-RETSER
Date: 8/13/2021
Subject: Parasite Weapons Penalty

Hey everyone, the penalty on Parasite weapons has been reduced from 250 to 200 so that it matches that of other similar weapons.


Retser, SGM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 10929
Author: GS4-RETSER
Date: 8/5/2019
Subject: Teaser - Parasite And Sprites - BOW FLARE UPGRADE!

At this Duskruin you will be able to purchase a side-unlock for parasite or sprite bows. There will be a limited number of these unlocks.
This will allow your bow to flare. The flares are the same as the regular flare variant and scale with the affinity.

You can use any ayanad crystal to power these new flares with a charge.

ayanad = 100% chance to consume the charge per flare.
s'ayanad = 50% chance to consume the charge per flare.
t'ayanad = 25% chance to consume the charge per flare.
n'ayanad = 10% chance to consume the charge per flare.

The flares automatically apply to any arrow that does not have any flare, script, and is 5 times enchanted or lower. This effect will consume the arrow.

load bow with crystal
You smash the ayanad crystal awkwardly against your bow. Your white sprite huffs in annoyance before saying, "The crystal goes in the crystal hole! Let me help you!" The white sprite on your shoulder begins to chant. Slowly, the ayanad crystal seems to melt into the surface of your bow. Your bow glows dimly before the light fades.

You nock an arrow in your bow.
You fire an arrow at a triton combatant!
AS: +430 vs DS: +200 with AvD: +20 + d100 roll: +22 = +272
... and hit for 38 points of damage!
Nice shot to the head gouges the triton combatant's cheek!
You feel a slight sting as the sprite draws upon your power to attack.
The white sprite on your shoulder sends forth a cylindrical, white blast of magic at a triton combatant's throat!
... 25 points of damage!
Neck broken.
The triton combatant twitches several times before dying.
The triton combatant collapses, gurgling once with a wrathful look on its face before expiring.
Your bow continues to glow.
The arrow explodes with a white light.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

Retser, ASGM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 12269
Author: GS4-RETSER
Date: 8/26/2018
Subject: Sprite Weapon - Sprite Power

The affinity 6 ability on sprite weapons, Sprite Power, will now have a 1 hour cooldown. This is down from the existing cooldown of 2 hours.

The ability will also now also last for 120 seconds up from 60 seconds.

Retser, SGM

Category: Paid Events: Adventures, Quests, and SimuCoins
Topic: Duskruin Arena
Message #: 12328
Author: GS4-RETSER
Date: 9/1/2020
Subject: Parasite, Energy Weapons, Sprite weapons - Daily Blood/Energy/Mana tracker change.

Hey everyone, the 24 hour timer for tracking blood/mana/energy has been reduced to 22 hours. This change is now live.

Retser, SGM