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Gender male
Race Dwarf
Culture Toktrog
Status Alive

Stigur is a dwarven explorer. In late 5122, he and a group of trailblazers discovered long lost ruins deep in the Dragonspine Mountains north of Zul Logoth. While it was not clear who was responsible for building the area, or even what it had been, there was an artifact discovered - a scroll bearing a before unseen spell. Upon invoking the spell, a strange rip appeared in the air. The scroll immediately disintegrated, and while nothing came through the rip, upon peering inside, a cache of seven scrolls was found, each one unique.

The group returned home and gave the scrolls to the clan leader who immediately instructed their most learned magical scholars to examine the artifacts. Stigur was then sent on a mission with copies of the seven scrolls as a gift to clan leader Rodverg of the Grevnek Clan.


You see Stigur the Pathfinder.
He appears to be a Dwarf of the Toktrog Clan.
He is short.  He appears to be bent with age.  He has bright blue-grey eyes and dusky skin.  He has long, braided white hair worn in a ponytail.  He has a wrinkled face, a prominent nose and a long braided beard.
He is in good shape.
He is holding a smoothed birch walking stick in his right hand.
He is wearing a deep blue eostone triangle, a weathered grey canvas pack, an open-collar dark blue wool shirt, some black canvas pants, and some soft black leather boots.