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Rumor Woods/2021 custom swears
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Rumor Woods custom swear options.
Order by number in the Groundskeeper's Cottage to receive this service.
# | Swear | Messaging (3P) |
#1 | TIRADE | Person unleashes a seemingly endless and vitriolic tirade, ceasing only once out of breath. |
#2 | DENOUNCE | Person bellows a belligerent denouncement based more on volume than logic. |
#3 | GRIEVANCE | Person catalogs a series of mounting and increasingly improbable grievances. |
#4 | CONDEMN | Person chokes out an anguished condemnation while biting back tears. |
#5 | GARBLED | Person hurls a spat of unintelligibly garbled deprecations. |
#6 | SUBTLE-INSULT | Person delivers a polished string of subtly insinuating insults. |
#7 | VILE | Person gestures in a coarse and crudely vile manner. |
#8 | CHILDISH | Person stamps both feet in a show of childish temper. |
#9 | WILD | Person gestures wildly in a fit of unleashed anger. |
#10 | SMIRK | Person sneers haughtily with a supercilious smirk. |
#11 | MANNERED | Person curses in the mild mannered tones of one unaccustomed to swearing. |
#12 | DISGUST | Person turns away with unconcealed disgust. |
#13 | CLIPPED | Person curses in quietly muted tones, the clipped phrases ringing with both disappointment and disapproval. |
#14 | MUMBLED | Person hiccups out a slurred mumbling too garbled to deliver any real sting. |
#15 | SIGH | Person grimaces with a rueful and self-deprecating sigh. |
#16 | INJUSTICE | Person dashes wildly at streaming tears, demanding to know why the injustices never cease! |
#17 | RETORT | Person tempers what would have been a stinging retort with a teasing wink. |
#18 | DEMAND | Person lambastes the area with loud denouncements and demands for redress. |
#19 | FATE | Person mutters about the cruel and fickle nature of fate. |
#20 | DEFEAT | Person sighs with the heaviness of defeat. |
#21 | FLAMBOYANT | Person curses with a string of inventively insulting phrases, dramatizing the effect with darting eyes and flamboyant gestures. |
#22 | ANGRY | Person strings together a series of angrily issued commands that would be injurious, if not impossible, for anyone to actually attempt. |
#23 | SUGGEST | Person offers a carefully and politely worded suggestion that is anything but. |
#24 | SNIFF | Person turns away with a dismissive sniff. |
#25 | SELF-CONTROL | Person breathes deeply in a futile attempt at self-control. |
#26 | QUIET | Person curses quietly and methodically with no obvious signs of anger. |
#27 | BORED | Person drawls an amusingly stinging insult in a dry and slightly bored tone of voice. |
#28 | SMUG | Person elucidates the utter ridiculousness of the situation with a smug tone of reproof. |
#29 | SHOES | Person expounds with excessive and prolific use of very long words on the evil lurking in the hearts of those who would dare wear toe-covering shoes. |
#30 | SULLEN | Person slouches sullenly while muttering in a desultory fashion. |
#31 | YOUTHS | Person grouses irritably on the subject of today's misguided youths. |
#32 | TEARS | Person shouts loudly and angrily while squeezing out a few tears to punctuate each frustrated outburst. |
#33 | BREATH | Person manages to issue a statement simultaneously as complimentary as it is deprecating in a single breath. |
#34 | NOD | Person stomps furiously while delivering a tempestuous barrage of expletives, ending with a single, deliberate nod. |
#35 | INTIMIDATE | Person squeaks a plethora of phrases, clearly intended as a method of intimidation. |
#36 | PACE | Person howls in a fit of rage while anxiously pacing back and forth. |
#37 | NASAL | Person whines incessantly in an obnoxious, nasal tone. |
#38 | SPITTLE | Person spews spittle with each accentuated delivery of peckish expletives. |
#39 | GOSAENA | Person guffaws, "Great galloping Gosaena!" |
#40 | FIST | Person scowls indignantly with clenched fists. |
#41 | BOIL | Person belts out, "You are worse than the boils on the backside of an orc!" |
#42 | OOZE | Person belts out, "You are slimier than the ooze on a magru's skin!" |
#43 | CRAB | Person belts out, "I'll stuff and saute you like a crab cake!" |
#44 | MONGREL | Person belts out, "Why, you little silver pinching mongrel! Choke on your ill-gotten gains!" |
#45 | ROLTON | Person belts out, "I'll split you like a rolton going on the fire for the evening meal!" |
#46 | MOTHER | Person weaves together a string of insults that leaves no one's mother unmentioned. |
#47 | ENEMY | Person grunts an angry threat at enemies seen and unseen. |
#48 | FRUSTRATED | Person struggles to summon sufficiently vicious words, but spitting in frustration is all that occurs. |
#49 | BILIOUS | Person summons a bilious, swilling curse that is more spat than spoken. |
#50 | WRATH | Person conjures an insult to the gods almost potent enough to invoke their wrath. |
#51 | RIGHTEOUS | Person blasphemes the gods with righteous anger! |
#52 | INSULT | Person unleashes a cascade of rather lovely-sounding yet unmistakably vicious insults. |
#53 | REVENGE | Person turns away with a barely audible promise of revenge. |
#54 | KOAR | Person lets loose an angry tirade involving a horse, the Church of Koar, and a chamber pot. |
#55 | INDIGNITY | Person promises this latest indignity will be the last! |
#59 | MUTTER | Person mutters an under-the-breath curse about a motherless rolton. |
#60 | LUUKOS | Person curses bitterly, condemning everyone in sight to Luukos' Maw. |
#61 | EXHALE | Person exhales a quiet curse while rubbing a temple with two fingers. |
#62 | SNEER | Person curses bitterly, lips pulled back in an enraged sneer. |
#63 | LUUKOS2 | Person murmurs a bitter curse, condemning everyone in sight to Luukos' embrace. |
#64 | EYEROLL | Person swears quietly with a roll of the eyes. |
#65 | GROWL | Person growls several dirty phrases, bitterly, from between gritted teeth. |
#67 | LOVE | Person spits out a hail of profanities directed at the fickle nature of love. |
#68 | TARTS | Person squeaks out a volley of benign curses against cold coffee, curdled milk, and broken tart kilns. |
#69 | WENCH | Person murmurs wistful mutterings about saucy wenches and ice cold brews. |
#70 | VOMIT | Person vomits an offensive thesaurus of vulgarity that would secretly impress any bibliophile. |
#71 | BUFFET | Person lays out a lexical buffet of vulgarity to satisfy even the most profane of appetites. |
#72 | RECEPTACLE | Person suggests delicately that your deity can take his holiness and place it in his holy receptacle. |
#73 | OYSTER | Person mutters a suggestion involving an anatomically impossible arrangement of Charl and his oysters. |
#74 | WITHER | Person spouts a fervent invocation involving an intimately targeted casting of Wither. |
#75 | LITANY | Person rattles off a concisely constructed and alliterated litany lambasting the recipient's amoral matrilineal propensities. |
#76 | CURDLE | Person blurts out such an unending stream of execrable terms that it would curdle beer. |
#132 | SAILOR | Person glares while letting loose a string of expletives that would make a sailor blush. |
#133 | SAILOR2 | Person mutters an invective to the powers of the sea. |
#134 | MERMAID | Person calls upon the mermaids of the far oceans to smite your enemies. |
#135 | PIRATE | Person curses your enemies for a pox to come upon them! |
#136 | ERITHI | Person whispers an invective in sharp Erithi. |
#137 | ARKATI | Person insinuates an unnatural and improbable occurrence between several of the Arkati. |
#138 | EMPATH | Person intimates empaths are involved in nefarious conspiracies. |
#139 | CLERIC | Person bedamns the usury rates of clerics and their strange fascination with the dead. |
#140 | ROGUE | Person curses all rogues and their pickpocketing propensities. |
#141 | NIIMA | Person cries out a curse in Niima's name filled with the salty language of a true pirate. |