Custom swear

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A custom swear is a unique or otherwise different swear that your character has access to with the SWEAR verb. Certain merchants can give you a swear customized to your character. Pre-written custom swears are also available at various festivals, pay events, and at Bayview Villa on Mist Harbor. Custom swears are activated by typing SWEAR MINE {swear}. A custom swear is a delayed service when the player is writing their own.

Fully custom swears must follow specific guidelines due to how the swear system functions. They cannot use his/her. The verb must remain the same for all messaging (1st, 3rd, and targeted 1st/2nd/3rd). The substance of the swear must remain the same.

One example of how to format a custom swear:

1st person: glower
3rd person: glowers
Targeted: glowering
Substance of swear: while muttering something indecipherable and twitching violently with anger.

Examples utilizing the above:

1st person: You glower while muttering something indecipherable and twitching violently with anger.
3rd person: Quilic glowers while muttering something indecipherable and twitching violently with anger.
Targeted 1st: You swear at (target), glowering while muttering something indecipherable and twitching violently with anger.
Targeted 2nd: Quilic swears at (you), glowering while muttering something indecipherable and twitching violently with anger.
Targeted 3rd: Quilic swears at (target), glowering while muttering something indecipherable and twitching violently with anger.

In the example above, the substance of the swear doesn't change in any of the messaging; it just gets slapped on after the verb. The example also does not use his/her at all. All custom swears must fall within these guidelines.

Examples of SWEAR MINE messaging include the following from options available at Rumor Woods:

Person chuffs about idiots trying to cram square pegs into round holes.

Person issues a quiet curse, insisting that some people are more useless than a ring gear load bolt.

Person raises an angry fist to the sky and rails at the waste of spilled blood.

Person expounds upon all the unflattering features that accosts the senses, ending with "... No better than a weather-bitten harpy!"

Person unflatteringly laments upon the capricious nature of the elements, the sky, and the very weather that has destroyed the mood.

Person blurts out, "Rassa frassa frazzle git."

Additional examples of pre-written custom swears can be viewed in the character customizations category.

See Also