Talk:Deity messaging

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LST Tags

I told myself when LST functionality was added that if they ever added a deity I would go through and fix the page to use LSTs and get the messaging to feed through a template. Well darn, I thought I had longer. I figured it out and this page is being overhauled to add LSTs so display will be consistent throughout the wiki, and it will be really easy to add to individual deity pages, as well as the spell page samples. I'm going to go section by section, and chant will be changed shortly, so if you have any display input, let me know, and hopefully it's an easy find/replace. Otherwise for the most part the page will look the same as now. VANKRASN39 (talk) 11:05, 17 October 2017 (CDT)

Natural Sanctuaries

The natural sanctuaries list was furnished by Nilandia. Credit moved from main page. VANKRASN39 (talk) 13:21, 17 October 2017 (CDT)

Liabo, Lornon, and Neutral

I feel that if this page is ever redesigned at some point, it needs to also be re-assessed how the information is displayed.

In example, for CHANT it lists only Gosaeana and Zelia under the main category Pantheon of Neutrality. Also in example it lists Voln under the main category Lesser Spirits.

While this is true in game lore, mechanically it is slightly different.

With the release of Sanctify (330), and through sense, there is now a mechanical way to determine what type of deity location a particular spot is. For the purposes of Sanctify, there is only Liabo, Lornon, and Neutral. Many listed under Lesser Spirits are mechanically in Neutral (and Liabo/Lornon).

Perhaps switching to just a list of deities in alphabetical order for each top level section (chant, sanctuary, smite/bane, etc)?

Just some thoughts I have.

WINTERDAWN (talk) 14:08, 19 December 2021 (CST)

This page was set up solely with the intent to feed messaging into other pages, not to provide any mechanical information. Given the fluff nature of messaging, it was organized according to game lore. If a spell is set up mechanically different from lore, the difference should be described on that spell page, or if the lesser spirits are mechanically one way or another, it should be specified on that lesser spirit's page. Obviously the PTB are going to do what they feel is best, but I wanted to provide some history for context. Also, redoing this page would take a lot of work, and kudos to Motte for keeping it in working order through the Cleric review. VANKRASN39 (talk) 01:02, 3 September 2022 (CDT)