Talk:Research:Tehir Language

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There's some extra question around the translation of G, as tu/te or just T.

Examples from official:

  • qut = big (appears to be just T)
  • tate = huge (huge should be tati if G=T, or tatui/tatei if G=TU/TE. May be running into a 'drop vowel if X' rule)
  • tudy = girl (appears to be just T)
  • teuod = goat (Here we may overlap with a potential eu=o, that Xorus brought up)
  • tzaor = she-goat (while sh=tz, we seem to be missing some letters here, so this might have been massaged/there may be structure rules I'm not seeing.)

If G is just T straight up, there's no call for special substitution rule of gh=tt, since both g and h would be t naturally. This may be another mark in favor of G=T. MOURNE (talk) 07:52, 2 February 2018 (CST)

  • If G were T(fem) and TE (masc) though, then we have these:
    • tate: t=h, a=u, te=g. Hug. Instead of t=h, a=u, te=g, ie=e tatei/huge. Error or excessive vowel droppage?
    • teuod: te=g, u=o, o=a, d=t. Goat
    • tzaor: tz=sh, a=o, o=u, r=t -- Shout. Instead of she-goat literally as tzi-tuor, tz=sh, i=e, t=g, u=o, o=a, r=t. Error or easter egg?
    • teuriz. if G were T(fem) and TE (masc), then te=g u=o, null=d, r=l, i=e z=ss?
    • mu teur as an alternative of heavens: m=n, u=o, te=g, u=o, r=t/l/ng = no got/gol/gong. Teur as it stands doesn't seem to make God (te=g u=o, null/e=d) which would've made sense; it's a possible error in decision to end teur with an R, or maybe "No Gong" is an easter egg. Or, possibly or No Gold (m=n, u=o, te=g, u=o, r=l null=d), but there isn't a precedent for omission of D without surrounding vowels so far that I've seen.

NAAMIT (talk) 14:00, 2 February 2018 (CST)


Question of whether O may also translate as eu, not just u.

Examples that support may be overlapping with G, which is also in question above.

  • teuriz = godless, but is the o=eu or u?

MOURNE (talk) 07:52, 2 February 2018 (CST)


Uncertain on whether the ST substitution (v) is also the same as an STR substitution (otherwise vd/vb)

Argument for:

  • vur = strong, v=st(r?), u=o, r=ng

MOURNE (talk) 07:52, 2 February 2018 (CST)


  • On Zomjii/Zhomjii: 'tankee' and 'thankee' are quite informal but one could also consider: zhomjz for thanks, uzhomj-aua for I thank you. Though it doesn't explain any of the excessive vowel rules that could be caught up in aua' for you
  • Possible error in official word list. The word for 'knife', meiv, should be miev or muv?
  • Possible error in official word list. The word for 'Liabo', Ufura, translates directly as ivoty or ivoly. Should be Ufuda or Ufuba assuming that u(i), f(v), u(o), d/b(r) a(y).

NAAMIT (talk) 14:00, 2 February 2018 (CST)

  • Re: teur as an alternative of 'god': If R=D/B, then it appears the R at the end of Teur was translated forward then shifted backward to English letter in craft. Ufura/Ufuda/Ufuba had this problem as well Are there any other such oddities presenting themselves as 'errors' doing this?

NAAMIT (talk) 7:28, 3 February 2018 (CST)