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Tayler (prime)

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Tayler Ta'Thyriel Faendryl, born on the 27th of Jastatos, 4786, is a Dark Elven warrior currently living in Rivers Rest. He has a typically friendly demeanor, more than happy to talk with anyone, and can often be found in the Town Commons, or in Town Square Central in Wehnimers Landing, usually with his wine press in hand, trying out some new concoction. He's quick to laugh and always has a ready smile. He spends a lot of time in the Landing, but considers River's Rest to be his home, for now.

He grew up in New Ta'Faendryl, and after some struggles with his family, eventually moved west of the Dragonspines, and he's picked up a few hobbies since then, namely beverage crafting, and adventuring. He became particularly enthralled by the craftsmanship of the Gnomes in 5121, after acquiring a fantastic little device known as a wine press, and has been seeking out their craft since.

Tayler Ta'Thyriel Faendryl
Race Dark Elf
Culture Faendryl
Profession Warrior
Religion Amused by Charl
In-a-Word Entertained
Disposition Adventurous, friendly
Demeanor Friendly
Flaw Struggling with family issues.
Habits Fidgeting with gadgets
Hobbies Making wine, Making tea, Sailing, Collecting rare materials.
Soft Spots Wine, Cigars
Loyalties The Patriarch, New Ta'Faendryl, the Drakes Vanguard, River's Rest, his friends.


You see Sarissa Tayler Ta'Thyriel Faendryl the Palestra.
He appears to be a Dark Elf.
Resting elegantly on his head is an elegant lor crown, the polished wooden surface masterfully inlaid with twining lines of crushed veil pearl.  Set within the centerline of the crown are dozens of arathiel jewels, their slight 
internal luminescence ranging between ianthine and viridian.
He is strikingly tall and has a well-defined physique.  He appears to be in the spring of life.  He has ianthine-flecked vivid viridian eyes and sleek, caramel-colored skin.  He has waist-length, layered ebony hair that cascades down 
the back in a series of dark waves with scarlet highlights masterfully blended in, the layers fading through a gradient of red hues as they reach the waist.  He has a fine-boned face, a slender, delicately flared nose and well-muscled 
shoulders and arms.
He has a flame-wreathed phoenix tattoo with outstretched wings on his finger, and an intricate pattern of silver inked about the left eye and winding down the cheek.
He is wearing a perforated matte ebon bascinet crested with a canary plume, an ebon traveler's cloak showcasing vivid ianthine lining, a paisley ebon flyrsilk waistcoat with iridescent veil pearl buttons, a suit of spiked Faendryl field plate, a pale grey flyrsilk shirt with veil pearl buttons, some tenebrous black alloy vambraces, a veil pearl and silver signet ring, a red-stitched ebon leather belt with a sterling silver flask hanging from a small pouch on the side, an ocean blue cage of twisted mithril wire, a blackened gold case inlaid with spiraling lines of crushed amethyst, a moonshade black leather sheath inlaid with star-swept sky opals, a neutral-toned pouch of diamond-scaled rattlesnake skin, some elegant ebon naraina jirlan sporting an opalescent green sheen, and some ebon morduska hide calf-high boots studded with bleakstones.

Flickering near Tayler is a fire-wreathed firebird, its luminous figure composed of dark scarlet energy. Ember-filled eyes alight with alertness, it spreads its flame-wreathed wings wide.

His every day outfit, formal enough to go most places. The dense shroud of shadows is brigandine armor generated by his shadowdeath vambraces, it allows him to quickly drop them for conversation, or don them with a simple tap of the vambraces to quickly ready for battle without donning his full plate.


Tayler was born by the third wife of his Father, Archchancellor Talreth Ta'Thyriel Faendryl. Second of three siblings born to Maerelie Kyestri Faendryl (Maiden name), Tayler grew up in extreme wealth and decadence, his Fathers side being descended from a famous general and war hero, his father holding an important position as the Archchancellor of Domestic Trade. He quickly grew bored of that life, and his Fathers interference in his desires, and instead of pursing a career in sorcery and politics, chose to apply to the Palestra academies. He was not selected to one of the major academies, but lead his Father to believe that he was, to claim the rights to his Grandfathers storied sword; Thorn.

After securing the weapon from his families vaults, his father learned the truth and tried to reclaim the sword since someone accepted into the "Lesser" academies was not worthy of it. Tayler left in the night, securing passage to Solhaven first, where he was eventually discovered by his Father again, and he decided to try hiding in the lesser known parts of the empire. River's Rest was just the place, offering the privacy he required to practice his skills, and the antics of the other citizens brought him great joy. He has since temporarily moved to Wehinimer's Landing, to attempt to grow closer to the Faendryl Enclave, as well as increase his general knowledge of the world.

5122 - Ashes to Ashes

Insurance Claim

Treasured items

a massive coraesine sword wrought with a spiral of incarnadine sigils - Pure coraesine bastard sword, named "Thorn" massive coraesine sword wrought with a spiral of incarnadine sigils

Two bands of sigils are engraved along the length of the blade, intertwining among one another as they twist and shift slowly.
The swirling orb-shaped sigil pulses rapidly with a pale white glow.
A wreath of misty thorns continually spiral and twist around the length of the coraesine sword in a twining dance, their tips swept with deep scarlet.

a gnomish clockwork wine press - Gnomish clockwork wine press

Built of a mismatch of gears and cogs, several highly polished metal "foot-shaped" pounders have been affixed to a large camshaft over an aged oak barrel.  A small crank juts out to one side.

some tenebrous black alloy vambraces - Lesser Shadowdeath vambraces

Made of an odd sort of black alloy, the vambraces give the odd appearance of something akin to ebon water trapped under glass.  Currents ebb and flow, light catching occasionally here and there causing odd variations in the shades trapped within.  The large guards may be worn with adjustable straps made of the same material, but give the distinct impression that it would be difficult to get a good fit without some additional assistance.  Other than the odd properties of the metal, nothing else stands out.

Commission by Farwin Art -