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A Notice, a Meeting, a Defector, Oh My!
Category: Cities, Towns, and Outposts
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1748
Date: 03/18/2018 12:54 PM EDT
Subject: A Notice, a Meeting, a Defector, Oh My!
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1748
Date: 03/18/2018 12:54 PM EDT
Subject: A Notice, a Meeting, a Defector, Oh My!
A pair of Halfling women are washing blood from the bench and barrel in Town Center, and gossiping about the previous night. An auburn-haired woman looks at the notice in Town Center and shakes her head, "Who does she think she is anyway? And who are these Far Market fools?" Her friend chuckles to herself, as she reads the notice aloud. In the Common language, it reads: Words of wisdom during dark times: SPEAK NOT ILL OF THE QUEEN, FOR SHE IS POWERFUL AND TIMELESS ~ Followers of Daukhera and the Far Market ~ The outspoken Halfling woman continues, "Timeless... just means she's old as dirt. Couldn't even write the notice in proper Halfling, who does she think she is?" Her companion smiles at her, and chimes in, "I heard there was a young apprentice in town last night. He said this "queen" woman wants a meeting with ICICLE." Her friend snorts and says, "Oh, does she? I bet Miss Dirvy was pleased to hear that. Did she set him on fire right then or wait until he was outside the gate?" The blonde woman just chuckles, then continues, "But did you hear? There was a defector last night, too! The town was invaded by all sorts of critters, and in the middle of the chaos, this wizard fellow... I think he fancies this "queen" woman... brought down fire rain from the heavens and killed a bunch of folks." The other woman stares at her friend and says, "HE DID WHAT?! I hope they shackled him to the nearest rift crawler!" The blonde woman just shakes her head, "No, but that's not even the worst of it. He's a Halfling too! And he is ill-favored among some citizens now." Her friend scoffs and says, "And rightly so! What kind of Halfling goes against his own town? You sure he's even a Halfling? Sounds like something a drunken Dwarf would do." The women finish their cleaning, and wander up the road towards the shrine of Voln, mutter about blood in the snow.
A Little Mayhem...
Category: Cities, Towns, and Outposts
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1751
Author: THIRATA1
Date: 03/21/2018 05:13 PM EDT
Subject: A Little Mayhem...
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1751
Author: THIRATA1
Date: 03/21/2018 05:13 PM EDT
Subject: A Little Mayhem...
What began as a lovely evening of successful bandit runs and camaraderie ended with mayhem and another warning from Daukhera Darkflorr. As we sat in town center, the dark wintery sky was pierced by a glittering array of red lights which formed a shimmering caribou. Giddy giggling ensued from the shadows. Mild discussion of journalistic failings with regard to accuracy and lack of research continued. Some defended, some pointed out obvious flaws, and the citizens of Icemule overheard a passerby remarking: “"Newsby is biased against our town regardless of Her Majesty. The evidence is clear." This remark turned the conversation to a much darker subject: Queen Daukhera Darkflorr. Many disparaged the Queen, challenged her authority, and demanded answers. She in turn, mercilessly dismembered us one by one from the shadows. As we sought to heal and raise, odd child-like singing was heard, as if the loss of limbs and life were entertaining to her. Those who became impatient at the antics, and challenged her royal abilities-offending her very position were met with imploding legs, arms, voids, and death. Diablic seemed to annoy her the most, and became her fancied target for quite some time. As we Clerics and healers struggled to heal and restore life, the words rang out clear and chilling: "Your friendship, or your head on a stake." I pray we will gain an audience soon - to hear personally from the Queen the exact nature of her majesty's intent, desire, and plan as well as her definition of "friendship".
Letter for Tempton (IC)
Category: Cities, Towns, and Outposts
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1753
Author: OUTZENB1
Date: 03/21/2018 09:42 PM EDT
Subject: Letter for Tempton (IC)
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1753
Author: OUTZENB1
Date: 03/21/2018 09:42 PM EDT
Subject: Letter for Tempton (IC)
To Grand Inspector Tempton Sinklair From Sothog Yorag, Fortuneer, Badge No. 747 Hail, fellow Fortuneer! I have both good and bad news for you. First, the good news: you may be interested to know that Icemule Trace's town council has recently decided to make a number of civic improvements - in particular the Historical Society is to be turned into a full-fledged museum! This is exciting news, if any location is being sought to display the various collections of historical artifacts acquired by our society. If our members wish to tell fish tales about who has brought home the better proverbial catch, this will be the place to prove it! If the town remains standing, that is. Now for the bad news: Despite the considerable efforts of the townsfolk (myself included), an extradimensional pocket prison found in town has been breached, releasing a person calling herself Daukhera Darkflorr. This woman has so far: a) demonstrated herself to be of considerable sorcerous power; b) declared herself Queen; c) proven to be - well, a few tarts short of a dozen, if you take my meaning. Further complicating things is her apparent connection to something called the Far Market, which appears to be a group involved in the magical black market - although it is possible the black marketeering may be a front and in fact these may be followers of hers of some sort. The exact relationship between the two is unclear for the moment. I will at least recommend exercising caution when dealing with this Far Market. It would be appreciated if any information related to either this Darkflorr person or the Far Market be sent our way if at all possible. Presuming the town can move past this situation, any donations for the museum's construction would be welcome; for that matter, as things near completion exhibits will be sought as well. For now, inquiries regarding the museum should be sent to I.C.I.C.L.E., Clovertooth Hall, Icemule Trace. I look forward to your reply. In the meantime, may your heart remain light and your coffers full! Respectfully, S. Yorag (#747)
An "invitation" from Daukhera
Category: Cities, Towns, and Outposts
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1754
Author: GS4-NECIOS
Date: 03/25/2018 12:34 PM EDT
Subject: An "invitation" from Daukhera
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1754
Author: GS4-NECIOS
Date: 03/25/2018 12:34 PM EDT
Subject: An "invitation" from Daukhera
While members of ICICLE and some invited guests gather around a brazier for warmth at the organization's makeshift headquarters, all the while chatting about the latest quakes and anticipating future episodes of violence, a large, strange bubble of ether emerges from the floor and forms into a young sorcerer's apprentice dressed in all black. The room grows silent as several of those present take a few small steps backward, trembling in fear. The apprentice smirks and catches everyone's gazes before speaking. In a high-pitched voice, he announces, "Her Majesty Queen Daukhera demands an audience with so-called Chairwoman Dirvy and alleged Co-Chairwoman Laralana, as well as other members of this "group" that aims to sully Her Majesty's ancient and powerful name, and anyone else who wishes to be present, in front of Clovertooth Hall. Her Majesty requires this meeting take place on Leyan, 29 Charlatos at 10pm as the elves tell time." Without awaiting a response, the apprentice gestures and reforms into a bubble of ether which expands rapidly, exploding into bits of an icky black substance which cover and stick to everyone's faces and clothing, making a general, gooey mess of things. The apprentice is nowhere to be found.
Journal Entry: Icemule Town Hall Meeting
Category: Cities, Towns, and Outposts
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1758
Author: THIRATA1
Date: 03/29/2018 04:48 PM EDT
Subject: Journal Entry: Icemule Town Hall Meeting
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1758
Author: THIRATA1
Date: 03/29/2018 04:48 PM EDT
Subject: Journal Entry: Icemule Town Hall Meeting
Enestrie pens in flowing script the key revelations from the Town Hall Meeting, stubbornly brushing away the mounting tears at some of the sentences she writes. First, the Queen's apprentice holds what seems to be a semblance of the man she once knew as Hibbits in magical binds. It is clear he suffers greatly for the secret to unlocking Daukhera's tome which he will not reveal. Enestrie weeps softly for her friend, praying for some measure of strength from Lorminstra to fall on him. Second, Sabotage's report of the Queen's lineage and captivity fills her with dismay. Is it possible that Paradis necromancers did indeed imprison Daukhera in order to secure the lands of what is now Icemule Trace for their own gain? And if so, where could the proof of her Majesty's lineage be found? Daukhera's servants excavate, while the town quakes with the onslaught of their searching. Mouldo: A man coerced by the Far Market into seeking Daukhera's tome while his wife and child are held captive, and slaughtered. She can only suppose the fate of the child, as Mouldo was savagely beheaded by the bandits before he could disclose secrets that would have perhaps thwarted this deadly group. The information on where the child might be could not be gleaned from this tortured soul. A mole remains in ICICLE, obscured by the death and destruction that requires the group's full attention. Death. The Queen shows us what disrespect of her, her apprentice, and friends will bring. A White Haven officer breaks decorum, demanding the rule of no violence be observed, and is dismembered. Sparks of magic are sent in the direction of Lady Dirvy as she challenges the relationship of the Queen to the Far Market and is vehemently told they are not in liaison. Slowly, Enestrie places the quill back into it's stand and stares at the heavily inked pages. Bowing her head in agonized supplication to Lorminstra, she begins to fervently pray.
Journal Entry: Tilamaires, Day 10 of Olaesta, 5118 The Queen is not Deceived
Category: Cities, Towns, and Outposts
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1763
Author: THIRATA1
Date: 04/11/2018 08:02 PM EDT
Subject: Journal Entry: Tilamaires, Day 10 of Olaesta, 5118 The Queen is not Deceived
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1763
Author: THIRATA1
Date: 04/11/2018 08:02 PM EDT
Subject: Journal Entry: Tilamaires, Day 10 of Olaesta, 5118 The Queen is not Deceived
As I struggle to understand the fabric of time speeding up and slowing down all around me, I notice how still Town Center seems. Suddenly a group of disheveled adventurers comes tearing through a sliver of shadows that I had not noticed before! As I stare at the small group trying to make sense of what I have seen, they begin to offer everyone in Town Center a book! All kinds of books! I am dubious about these books, given Icemule’s own trouble with a certain Tome that continues to plague us, so I firmly decline their books. Suddenly Chronomage Denbora and her group appear through the same sliver of shadows. Denbora yells “STOP!” I realize that some of the Icemule citizens have indeed accepted these books, and as they peruse them, they find the books to be rather strange and incomplete. Denbora claims that this group of adventurers which include Erecia, Vishra, Naamit, along with others, have stolen a book from the Chronomages. Deidricht roars for an immediate search, and chaos ensues until - Queen Daukhera appears in a shroud of black ether, and once again the quiet is very loud. Sensing powerful magic other than her own, the Queen arrived to investigate and was met with a raucous crowd. The boldest of this crowd, Erecia, began to woo Daukhera with platitudes, praises, and promises. Erecia claimed that the Chronomages were trying to steal her secrets, (which of course the queen was sympathetic to, given her own background). Daukhera asked Erecia what secrets she was holding, which resulted in Erecia stalling with mention of perhaps trading her secrets. She asked Daukhera about her own tome, and promised to give the Queen something to unlock the Tome’s secrets. Intrigued, Daukhera asked Erecia what she wanted in return and Erecia replied, “Get rid of the Chronomages chasing me". Erecia continued to deceptively push the idea of Denbora and Deidricht trying to steal her secrets—and perhaps pursuing Daukhera’s own tome. Anxious to secure the secret to being able to pick up her own tome, Daukhera listened attentively to Erecia. Denbora and Deidricht called for justice, becoming outraged that the Queen would entertain the claims of a thief. The Queen killed Denbora, and sent Deidricht hurdling into a void. Claiming the answer was within, Erecia gave Daukhera a dark cerise book. Her Majesty was not fooled for a second, as there was not even a tinge of power flowing from the book she was given. As Erecia’s lie was exposed, so was her fragility as the Queen imploded her into tiny bits. Furiously, the Queen stormed to and fro, until she sensed the essence of power that led her to investigate in the first place. She led us through a portal that appeared suddenly from the east. Once through the portal, we found ourselves in the beautiful shining city of Ta’ Illistim. As the stories unfold, Daukhera is told of the sudden discovery of chronomage tunnels and their various abilities. She was showered with gifts and her face lit up with delight as she uncovered a vanity case and special jewelry. I realize that I am struck by her beauty as she poses and preens. As she exited through the portal she told us to learn about the new transportation discovered, so we stayed, listening to the warnings about the travel tunnels, and dangerous possibilities. We returned to Icemule, agreeing to pursue this new knowledge on the morrow. It occurs to me now that the Queen bravely led us to this exciting knowledge. Perhaps her Majesty is truly noble.
Secrets and Spies
Category: Cities, Towns, and Outposts
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1764
Author: GS4-NECIOS
Date: 04/13/2018 01:56 AM EDT
Subject: Secrets and Spies
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1764
Author: GS4-NECIOS
Date: 04/13/2018 01:56 AM EDT
Subject: Secrets and Spies
"You!" the irrefutable voice of Her Majesty Queen Daukhera splits the dark, wintry night in half, echoing down and across the slopes of Pinefar as if playing a game of tag. "It was you who leaked the secret..." A crack of thunder follows her livid accusations. Suddenly, a tiny gnome dressed in pitch black comes rushing, sliding, even tumbling down the mountainside desperately clutching something in his hand until - WHAM! - he slams into a thick wall of essence that Daukhera, who had materialized mere moments before, conjured to stop him in his slippery tracks. "You can't keep this ancient glory a secret!" the little one hollers in protest, now having dropped the trinket in favor of tending a broken leg. Through his pain, he howls, "The people deserve this power in their own hands!" "The people deserve what I say," snaps Daukhera. "They need to quit assuming my intentions are evil, especially that snooty 'Highness in the East with her fancy proclamations and endless exposition of propriety." Her eyes shift to the gnome and grow narrow. "Now, for you..." The gnome scrunches his face as if to protect it somehow... and it's the last thing he ever does. Instantly, he becomes red and black dust upon the glimmering, moonlit snow. The Queen sighs demurely, tugging for a moment on her lip ring, then bends down to retrieve the fallen relic, a faintly glowing core. With a snap of her fingers and a partially malevolent giggle, she dissolves into thin air.
Letter to Her Majesty: Queen Daukhera Darkflorr
Category: Cities, Towns, and Outposts
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1782
Author: THIRATA1
Date: 04/26/2018 11:27 AM EDT
Subject: Letter to Her Majesty: Queen Daukhera Darkflorr
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1782
Author: THIRATA1
Date: 04/26/2018 11:27 AM EDT
Subject: Letter to Her Majesty: Queen Daukhera Darkflorr
Enestrie sits at her writing desk and carefully pens a note on a pristine white scroll to the Queen. "Your Majesty, You were missed at the Grand Opening of the Icemule Citizens Tent last eve. The new Citizens tent features a most efficient sentinel at the entrance with all the sassiness we are so fond of from halflings. Councillor Emeritus Igerone generously came to oversee the ceremony, making sure that all citizenship pins were acquired by Icemulers. He took the time to beautifully engrave each citizen's name and the date of their citizenship on every pin. A fine cart of refreshments bore a newly released Nihala's Reserve wine which was an especially poignant touch. You will love the announcement board in the main room of the tent, for now all decrees and announcements may be recorded there for Icemule Citizens. There is a room for new citizens in which to find donated warm attire, which will help protect them from the wintery environs as they get settled here in Icemule. The large meeting room features a lecturn where you or other speakers can store your notes, and command your audience with a large comfortable bench, and plenty of space for everyone to gather! This room is comfortably warmed by a masterfully crafted stove. No longer will you have to conduct gatherings out in the weather! The comfort of our townsfolk and you will be well-served by this wonderful new establishment courtesy of ICICLE. I do hope you will visit the tent and make use of it soon." Sincerely, Enestrie, High Priestess of Lorminstra LightWeaver, House White Haven Intercessor, ICICLE Carefully sealing the scroll with a wax seal in the shape of a silvery "E", Enestrie calls, "Calpa!" Calpa merrily skips into the room. "Yes, M'lady?" Enestrie cautions: "You must make yourself presentable at once and hand deliver this note to Queen Daukhera Darkflorr and be polite, as well as hasty! Do not cause the Queen any ire!" Calpa pales. " deliver this to the Queen? In person?" Calpa begins to wail mournfully, wringing her hands. She cries: "Oh M'Lady! I am sorry! Have I offended you so that you would send me straight to my death?" Enestrie giggles at Calpa. "Shush, it is not that bad, the Queen will be delighted to accept your note. But do not tarry too long or touch anything!" Calpa takes the scroll and carefully secures it in her pack. She rushes to Enestrie and hugs her. Calpa woefully replies, "If I do not return, know that I care for you greatly, M'Lady" Calpa straightens up, does her best to look “heroic” and with a dramatic sigh, hurries away.
Category: Cities, Towns, and Outposts
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1783
Author: GS4-NECIOS
Date: 04/28/2018 11:46 PM EDT
Subject: Re: Letter to Her Majesty: Queen Daukhera Darkflorr
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1783
Author: GS4-NECIOS
Date: 04/28/2018 11:46 PM EDT
Subject: Re: Letter to Her Majesty: Queen Daukhera Darkflorr
A hooded figure dressed in solid black passes through Town Center, spots Enestrie, and hands her a scroll closed with a royal seal. "To Enestrie, Cleric of Lorminstra: On behalf of Her Majesty, the Most Exalted and Beautiful Queen Daukhera, I give you thanks for your correspondence. Indeed, the Queen had a representative report to her from the opening of the citizen's tent, just to keep an eye, as she is largely busy overseeing the scouring of Pinefar amidst this weather (and with horrendous help, as you may have heard), and could not attend, and likely did not care to much, as she has no desire to interfere in "governance" affairs given her bloodline, thus her claim to royalty and authority with no one has need to debate as we well know. She remains politically neutral, but appreciative of the continued betterment of Icemule for her Friends such as you, and again praises the gifts of makeup and nail polish, having not had such luxuries during a thousand years of injustice. (A note: more gifts grow increasingly appropriate given the lack of progress in the mountains and Her Majesty's temper of late should a spontaneous visit to the town soon occur.) Regards, Her Youthful Excellence's humble scribe"
Something to Trade
Category: Cities, Towns, and Outposts
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1786
Author: GS4-NECIOS
Date: 05/06/2018 10:13 PM EDT
Subject: Something to Trade
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1786
Author: GS4-NECIOS
Date: 05/06/2018 10:13 PM EDT
Subject: Something to Trade
Splashing in the slush near the town well, an elven child, looking out of place and likely visiting Icemule with his family, stumbles upon a tattered but lengthy scroll singed along the edges. Luckily, the text is still legible. He attempts to make something of the wide loops and dramatic squiggles as the note is written in halfling, but he cannot. He quickly hands it to his father and asks to know what it says. The father squints at the scroll, then leans toward a nearby halfling, asking for help. The halfling reads it aloud to them in a hushed voice. "The Far Market has offered to trade us the key to the tome for something of greater mystical value. Citizens, I call upon you to explore these lands and find something of merit. Under no circumstances can QD get her hands on the electrum key. I can only imagine the peril that would befall us. I am sorry my visits have been in secret, but if you only knew the torture I have endured to keep this information away from her... Soon I will reveal the details of my escape from "Her Majesty's" prison. I will use my leads to find out what other items from across the realms might interest the Far Market. I promise to return when I can. In the meantime, please help me seek out an item of power for which to trade the key. I have seen what QD is planning, and we absolutely cannot let our town's fate become that of her "dynasty." Councillor Emeritus Igerone shall return from retirement and stand in for me regarding gubernatorial affairs for the foreseeable future, including elections for a new mayor. Stay abreast of current news on the official announcement tree. Be safe, warm, and well - HH" Hands trembling, the elven man tosses the scroll into the well and watches it sink out of sight. "This is none of our concern," he tells his son. "I think we'd best head back home as soon as we can."
Hibbitts Reaches Out
Category: Cities, Towns, and Outposts
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1794
Author: THIRATA1
Date: 05/19/2018 11:38 PM EDT
Subject: Hibbitts Reaches Out
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1794
Author: THIRATA1
Date: 05/19/2018 11:38 PM EDT
Subject: Hibbitts Reaches Out
Arriving in Town Center tonight, I am encouraged by the exciting whispering amongst the townfolk about the upcoming Mayoral Election. I smile as I ponder the possibilities. So many good folk in this town--so many capable people that could be our Mayor. Suddenly, my mind is pulled; rather, yanked back in time. The memory of the Communion with Koar roars into my head. I see two fists side by side. They begin to dissolve, like sand. I see the familiar face of my dear friend Hibbitts. I sense him calling to me, calling desperately. With a blinding flash, my blood runs cold as I see the Queen, Daukhera, setting something on her tome, pitch black rays of necrotic energy bursting forth from the tome as she finally lays hands on it. A shiver courses up my spine. She is able to grasp the tome. The vision leaves, but my heart is filled with urgency. I hear his voice. The voice of Hibbitts. He calls to me, "Help me! Help me find the key!" I barely have time to cast my sanctuary before my body collapses in a heap, exhausted from the onslaught of despair and terror I have experienced. Kneeling before Lorminstra, my soul bared with agony at the vision I have just seen, I pray until my senses calm. I reach out with my mind for Hibbitts. "I pray you are safe. Do not fail to be watchful. She is everywhere. And seeking you." A warm but fleeting presence is near for a moment, then fades. I renew my prayers. There is a measure of comfort knowing that I am part of a small group. We are dedicated. We will find the key.
A Far Market Stalking
Category: Cities, Towns, and Outposts
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1799
Date: 05/21/2018 04:06 PM EDT
Subject: A Far Market Stalking
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1799
Date: 05/21/2018 04:06 PM EDT
Subject: A Far Market Stalking
Sitting at her desk, Dirvy tugs on her white blonde hair gently, frustration creasing her brow. She taps her quill against the wooden surface a moment, trying to compose her thoughts, but still a little shaken from her earlier encounter. With a soft sigh, she dips her quill in the inkpot and begins to write... The 20th of Ivastaen 5118 Dearest Enestrie, I wanted to put my thoughts to paper while they are still fresh in my mind. Earlier this evening, you remember me introducing you to my new friend Ryaz? Zailon and I took her to the frozen battlefield to test her training. She has been asking me for advice over the last couple of days, and we wanted to see how it was going. While we were there, a group of bandits showed up, one yelling, "Get her!" At first, I was confused, none of us had been hired by the Adventurer's Guild for a bandit patrol. Then, it dawned on me, bandits never roam the frozen battlefield. My first concern was protecting our charge, as she is very young. The bandits were easily dispatched, but left us with questions. And then a voice called out from the shadows, "The Far Market is always watching!" We resumed our training, only to hear another bandit call out once again, "Get her!" This time, it was a lone rogue, probably the one who had warned of Far Market watching. Unfortunately for this one, his death was not swift. Zailon removed his leg, and we watched him struggle and bleed in the snow. After a short time, I finally took pity on him and snuffed out his light. After that, it was quiet. But it concerns me. If the Far Market wants our help, why are they sending their hoodlums after me? I have to presume they were after me, considering Ryaz had not been in Icemule more than an hour. Trying to elicit fear is definitely not a way to get me to help them. It typically has the opposite effect - you know how stubborn I am - and makes me angry. However, I wonder if this was an act, a sort of lighting a fire under our tushes, to get a move on with our task. Something else that has been weighing on me lately, is the recent invasion by creatures from Mount Aenatumgana. The other night was the second time we've seen them in and around town. Something is stirring them up and forcing them South. A band of us went into the mountains to search for signs that Daukhera is digging, but we found nothing. I think it is more than just digging, that is sending the creatures to town. Digging may cause avalanches, but creatures in the mountains would be used to this, avalanches are not a new event in those parts. We may need to look into this further. I look forward to discussing all of this with you in more detail. I am sure we will see each other around town tomorrow. Yours, Dirvy Dirvy waits for the ink to dry, then rolls up the parchment and seals it with her insignia. Hilytha steps forward and takes the parchment from her Lady, knowing who the recipient is without even asking. The housekeeper moves to the door and steps out into the night, quietly closing the door behind her and locking it for her Lady's safety. She then heads towards Enestrie's home, leaving Dirvy with her thoughts.
Daukhera gets her "Just Desserts," plus "Icy Elegance" coming up
Category: Cities, Towns, and Outposts
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1830
Author: GS4-NECIOS
Date: 06/13/2018 06:44 PM EDT
Subject: Daukhera gets her "Just Desserts," plus "Icy Elegance" coming up
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1830
Author: GS4-NECIOS
Date: 06/13/2018 06:44 PM EDT
Subject: Daukhera gets her "Just Desserts," plus "Icy Elegance" coming up
The Mayoral Games are in full swing and the competition is fierce! Last night, a sizeable crowd packed into Tartifacts to watch our beloved Queen's delight and disappointment at the gifts the candidates presented to her. Little did she know that the candidates were being scored on their originality, presentation, and the theme of "Just Desserts"; she was unwittingly playing a part in politics! Let's hope she never finds out! ICICLE officers Dirvy, Enestrie, and Laralana served as judges with Igerone supervising. Big thanks to them! The final results (out of 15 points) were: 1: Joskin (13) (5 votes) 2: Tawariell (11) (tie, 3 votes) 2: Kilded (11) (tie, 3 votes) 4: Neovik (10) 5: Sabotage (7) After the contest, Miss Goblyn and the Queen met in person for the first time and seemed to find one another... amusing to say the least, and stated intentions to get together again in the near future. Goblyn seemed especially interested in the tale of the missing key to the Queen's tome and the stories of the Far Market, while the Queen expressed her frustration at Hibbits, who hasn't been seen in weeks. Who knows what will become of our dear town if this trio unites? Stay tuned! Our next contest, "Icy Elegance," will be held at White Haven, Ice Pond on two days due to otherworldly scheduling conflicts. It is an ice skating contest! Players will have 5 minutes to use all the SOLO skating verbs available to them on an ice skating pond ( plus SMILE and ACT. Players are also encouraged to make it a routine by singing, reciting, yelling, or whatever else might fit! Members of White Haven, Northern Fury, and Fenog's Regulars will judge this competition based on costume (5 points), execution (5 points) and theme (5 points). The theme is important to address! If you're wearing a summery gown while competing in "Icy Elegance," well... you might get docked in the theme category! Contestants who go over the 5 minute time limit will lose 1 point. As before, first place earns 5 votes, second 3, third 1. Be sure to get a pair of ice skates! * Competition day 1: Kilded and Neovik: Niiman, 14 Lumnea (Thursday, June 14) 10:30pm elven * Competition day 2: Joskin and Tawariell: Restday, 17 Lumnea (Sunday, June 17) 2:00pm elven (Sabotage has declined to participate in this contest) * In between: Day of the Huntress and Feastday (Friday and Saturday), you should be at Duskruin! Good luck, candidates, and hope to see more big crowds there supporting Icemule!
Could it be true?
Category: Cities, Towns, and Outposts
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1831
Author: GS4-NECIOS
Date: 06/14/2018 12:10 AM EDT
Subject: Could it be true?
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1831
Author: GS4-NECIOS
Date: 06/14/2018 12:10 AM EDT
Subject: Could it be true?
Is someone trying to meddle with the Mayoral election? Tonight a mysterious Mhoragian rumormonger made her way into Town Center. She sits there now spreading gossip to anyone who cares to listen. Word has it you can ASK her about ELECTION, CANDIDATES, any of the actual candidates by name, and a few other things if you've been keeping up with the Dawn of Daukhera storyline. Is there a hint of truth to what this woman claims to know about everyone? And why a Mhoragian halfling in particular, and especially now at this crucial moment in Icemulian history? Time will most certainly tell... P.S. Enjoy this new little element as we prepare to open the polls on the 15th!
Hibbits spotted in Solhaven!
Category: Cities, Towns, and Outposts
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1866
Author: GS4-NECIOS
Date: 07/13/2018 11:40 PM EDT
Subject: Hibbits spotted in Solhaven!
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1866
Author: GS4-NECIOS
Date: 07/13/2018 11:40 PM EDT
Subject: Hibbits spotted in Solhaven!
A potbellied halfling who had clearly been hoofing it back to Icemule Trace finally arrives at Town Center, heaving and panting between muffled words. He tells the gathered crowds who have taken pause, some aloof and others in amusement, between gasps and bending over, that he recognized Hibbits incognito in Solhaven headed toward River's Rest. "I tried... ta stop... him... ta even ask... about the key... or... <pant>... the tome... but he took off quicker... than ah made it here... said somethin' bout... River's Rest..." The halfling collapses, barely able to continue, but with some gentle encouragement, he is shares something about a visit to the Far Market, finding Goblyn, and finally getting the key to keep the mystical volume away from Daukhera tomorrow evening (Feastday/Saturday). The halfling, having run at full throttle all the way from Solhaven, is then carted off to visit the local medic, nearly unconscious. (Also, buy deeds. Also, get in shape, halflings.)
Journal entry (IC)
Category: Cities, Towns, and Outposts
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1869
Author: OUTZENB1
Date: 07/15/2018 02:07 PM EDT
Subject: Journal entry (IC)
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1869
Author: OUTZENB1
Date: 07/15/2018 02:07 PM EDT
Subject: Journal entry (IC)
Koaratos 15, of the year 5118 I try to keep my hands from shaking as I write this. Last night, many hopes were dashed due to a great betrayal, and placing Daukhera Darkflorr much closer to her goals. A messenger arrived yesterday claiming that Hibbits had been seen heading towards River's Rest, possibly to finalize a deal with the Far Market regarding the key to the tome that has been the center of so much calamity the past several months. Many gathered in Icemule Trace's town square in anticipation of finally putting an end to things and claiming the tome before the mad Queen did. Quakes and shrieks of anger could be heard as she punished her minions yet again for not locating the ruins of her people's former dwelling place, while other minions searched Icemule from the skies. Fortunately, Hibbits was able to arrive unseen and reveal his intentions to those present. With his proposal, our ciitzens here became resolved to escort him to River's Rest to meet with a representative of the Far Market to discuss terms of a trade to finally obtain the key. Those of us who accompanied the Deputy Mayor on the journey witnessed the terse negotiations. The representative demanded a vial of the blood of Goblyn, with the intention of harnessing its power - power which I will admit I am unfamiliar with. These dealings were interrupted briefly when Sabotage attacked, striking down the representative - but not without reprisal (to Sabotage's woe). Amazingly, the highwayman who held the key manage to regenerate himself and slip away. Our next move was to head to Wehnimer's Landing to meet with Goblyn and procure the blood needed. We were met in the treehouse by Goblyn herself, who seemed rather amused with all the unexpected company. After some discussion, she agreed to accompany us to Icemule Trace to help complete the trade. However, as we were shocked to find, she had something quite different in mind... Instead of offering her blood, she offered something of a different kind entirely - an artifact containing (of all things) the souls of Mhoragian ponies - an artifact with immense cultural significance. After thinking to his superiors, the Far Market representative eagerly accepted - and handed over the key - a delicate flower, of all things. Once the deal was completed and the representative departed we moved quickly to where the tome was secured, and Hibbits inserted the key - opening the tome. Suddenly, Daukhera appeared, striking down Hibbits with a single spell for opening the tome without waiting for her, and then taking it for herself. To our shock, Goblyn had cut her own deal - procuring the opened tome for Daukhera, in exchange for a period of access to its contents. Queen Darkflorr gleefully declared the tome would help speed her discovery of the ruins considerably. The mad Queen then performed a brief demonstration of power, invoking strange manifestations with the use of the tome, before demanding details of what had transpired. We were reluctant to tell her much at first, but when those among us revealed what was traded for the tome, her wrath unleashed was greater than seen previously, and all but the most hale of us fell to her minions. Now, much is in doubt, and that madwoman is closer to her twisted goals than ever. On top of that, the new artifact presents an unexpected - and equally dangerous - complication. Now the Far Market is in possession of an artifact that halfling patriots - or a Queen - would kill for.... even start a war for....
"The" Saddle (aka Katet's Saddle)
Category: Cities, Towns, and Outposts
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1873
Date: 07/18/2018 07:37 PM EDT
Subject: "The" Saddle (aka Katet's Saddle)
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1873
Date: 07/18/2018 07:37 PM EDT
Subject: "The" Saddle (aka Katet's Saddle)
Hey guys, Just wanted to pop a quick note in here to clarify that it's just one "pony spirit" (sorry if I giggle a little!) in the saddle rather than multiples. I went ahead and posted a little bit of info on the item and its history (and that it's now back in the modern world) on the wiki so that you have a good reference point for it both ICly and OOCly. (Though not a full on 'document', the page is currently blocked from editing since the lore housed on it is officially vetted/approved.) ~Kaikala
A Break in the Silence
Category: Cities, Towns, and Outposts
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1919
Author: THIRATA1
Date: 09/30/2018 04:33 AM EDT
Subject: A Break in the Silence
Topic: Icemule Trace
Message #: 1919
Author: THIRATA1
Date: 09/30/2018 04:33 AM EDT
Subject: A Break in the Silence
Awakened suddenly by a stillness in the air, I quickly dressed and made my way to Town Center. As I hugged Mayor Tawariell, the light snowfall that is common this time of year was replaced by huge flakes as a dense, low layer of clouds began to ominously roll in. Maven Brokkrsten arrived, immediately remarking, “odd weather, eh?” Our Mayor said, “Strange winds tha’ say be wary….” Then speaking to herself questioningly, “a darkness?”. I brightened the area and considered her words as Kittai and Laelithonel begin to spell the folks gathered in town. As Brokkrsten and I were meditating, an all too familiar rumbling reverberated through the ground knocking us all down. Glancing at Mayor Tawariell I asked, Her Majesty is about? The quiet reply came with a question. “Maybe so, more excavating?” The voice of Laelithonel exclaimed, "Unless th'ground is goin' t'erupt in a series of mechanical orc dragon hybrids ridden by zombied gnomes, ah have had enough of th'ground knockin' me over like an overexcited belch!" Kittai snickered as the rest of us quietly stifled our amusement. A deep, reverberating voice penetrated the howling noise of the blizzard. It shouted, "You fools think your Queen has abandoned you. I know the truth." It trailed off with a hearty laugh. The voice continued after a prolonged pause. "The Far Market knows that the Queen studies her tome, lost in time in its necrotic magic. She grows more powerful with each passing second, as if bound to eternity. Your efforts to establish this 'mayor' and 'council' are laughable!" Squinting, Tawariell curiously asked, "Truthspeaker! If tha's wha' you are.... tell us th'truth then! Hmmm? I am supposing you have a solution?" As we waited for an answer that never came, we heard sounds of scuffling coming from the South Gate. Tawariell flatly stated, "Whate'er is, wants its words heeded--" Our Mayor proceeded to give direction, urging Empaths and Clerics to Voln and able bodies to the South gate. Those of us present from her Council joined her, armed and ready. As we approached the South Gate, Rex was lounging as usual. We continued through the gate and just outside the wall, out of thin air, a shadowy figure took shape before our eyes materializing into a red-eyed yellow phantom! We vanquished the phantoms without breaking a sweat and suddenly heard struggling near the South Gate again. As we backtracked, a sorrowful tune arrived on the breeze. The wailing grew louder, reaching an excruciating pitch as a pale decaying dirge arrived! In the battle, the ground violently shook causing us to repeatedly fall, Brokkrsten pulled us all to our feet, and we marched on, vanquishing each onslaught, until the quiet came. The short-lived quiet. As we returned to Town Center, a terrible shriek pierced the night, and nervous chittering was heard again at the South Gate. This time the creatures seemed stronger as we stared at a sea of arachnoids, grotesque horrors, skinless zombies, rotting wart-nosed hags, snow wraiths, miners, pookas, orc ghosts, tree spirits, night hounds, black spiders, dirges, mummies, and ghouls. It crossed my mind that someone indeed left the graveyard gate open. We made short work of the new intruders, amidst the ground rumbling once more. A shout was heard this time. “Kill the MAYOR…Kill the MAYOR!” As we moved to cover Mayor Tawariell, she calmly reached for her cleaver, and tilted it side to side, contorting her face in a lunatic grin. Roblar joined our group as we felt a shift in the air. Creatures had kept us busy at the gate as others stealthily made their way toward Town Center. We arrived at Town Center and quickly dispatched the spider swarms and other various pests. While we healed and took a moment to breathe, wisps resembling blobs of necrotic energy materialized in the air. They quickly transformed into a piece of warped parchment that drifted lazily onto the snow. We struggled to read the recovered parchment, written in Halfling. A passing citizen remarked, "It has to be from the Queen. It came from within dark energy.” Claudaro translated the parchment for Mayor Tawariell. It said, “I will return, and I have found my home.” Before we had a chance to ponder the parchment’s words, a blood-curdling scream echoed through the streets! "No one is guarding the gates! They are coming toward Town Center again!" We rose to battle again, casualties were low, and we once again beat back the mismatched group of mostly undead. Gradually, the sounds of battle grew dim as the creatures retreated. The deep, reverberating voice returned, "I believe her message is clear. Perhaps you will take time to trust the Far Market in time, for there is much we know." The voice vanished with soft, snow-padded footsteps. As I arrived home and knelt to pray, the memory of a familiar cackle seemed to tease my mind as well as many questions. “Trust the Far Market?” “The Queen has found her home?” “She is returning?” As I climbed into my bed, a focus of thought seemed to come. We have a Mayor now. We have a leader. No longer will we blindly be tossed from side to side with the ease of snow flurries. We will have direction. The warmth of hope caressed my heart as I drifted off to sleep.