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The Watchfire Pact (storyline)/2023-03-08 - Ronan Commune in Icemule (log)
This log is from The Watchfire Pact storyline on 2023-03-08 from Falvicar's point of view.
Editors Note: Some Mychar information has been included in Italicized Bold to give extra context and insight.***
Preparing for the Commune
[Hall of the Mind - 2348] (u4047011)
The two halves of this room have been covered--ceiling, walls, and floor--with black granite and grey marble. Meeting seamlessly in the middle, the two kinds of stone have been carved into gently sloping, crenulated curves. Set against the backdrop of a bas-relief carving in the grey northern wall is an altar of misty white vaalin, while an altar of snowflake obsidian lies at the foot of the granite southern wall. You also see the web-draped Missoni disk, the driftwood Nalver disk, a dejected wasteland spirit that is flying around, a lazy wild dark red dog, a tiny angular lilac-point kitten, a massive snowy white tiger and the fiery red Vendayan disk.
Also here: Mohrgan, Aryleste, Lady Aliashyrah, Lord Sorlu, Envoy Lilanna, Grand Lady Opalina, Missoni, Nalver, Tikba, Perigourd, Roelon, Bakarus, Vendayan, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, Mistress Lithyia, Chatelaine Traiva
Derrevakara followed.
Tikba smiles at Traiva.
Speaking amusedly to Tikba, Missoni says, "That is not a bad suggestion."
You join Roelon.
Tikba flutters her wings at Traiva.
Perigourd nods in greeting at Lithyia.
Lithyia smiles at Sorlu.
Traiva flutters her wings at Tikba.
Lithyia smiles at Aliashyrah.
Perigourd turns toward Traiva and renders a sharp hand salute.
Lithyia nods to Perigourd in greeting.
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Lithyia. She inclines her head as well, giving Lithyia a brief nod.
Traiva flutters her wings at Perigourd.
Bakarus smiles at Roelon.
Perigourd bows to Teaberry.
Missoni smiles.
Roelon adds Derrevakara to his group.
Nalver says, "There are 17 of us. That is a powerful number."
Bakarus says, "Eternal Light, all."
Missoni gives Lithyia a friendly hug.
Lilanna nods to Lithyia in greeting.
You pant.
Lithyia gives Missoni a friendly hug.
Missoni gives Traiva a lingering kiss on the cheek.
Lithyia nods to Lilanna in greeting.
Roelon dusts off his black woolen kilt.
Missoni nods to Teaberry in greeting.
Aliashyrah glances appraisingly around the room.
Traiva kisses Missoni tenderly, first on one cheek, then the other.
You point at an obsidian altar.
Nalver says, "Now more."
Lithyia says, "Good to see so many friends here."
Lithyia smiles.
Mohrgan turns around.
Raelee suddenly fades into view.
Missoni nods to Bakarus in greeting.
The voice of Jiarine says, "More than that if you are not counting those hidden from view."
You say, "Remember.. the obsidian altar is Lord Ronan's."
Opalina says, "Good evening Bakarus."
Nalver sniffs at Raelee.
Roelon nods to Raelee in greeting.
Touching his fingers and thumbs together, Nalver folds his palm and pulls his woven bracelet free from his wrist.
You nod firmly.
Vendayan asks, "Did you count the kitten twice?"
Missoni nods to Raelee in greeting.
Raelee surreptitiously glances at Nalver.
Nalver taps an intricately woven bracelet of silver-chased Ashrim beads and lilac-sheened tropical sea nettles, which is in his right hand.
You remove a silvery black sword-shaped candle from in your night-hued silk cape.
You carefully place your sword-shaped candle on an obsidian altar.
You remove a silvery black sword-shaped candle from in your night-hued silk cape.
You carefully place your sword-shaped candle on an obsidian altar.
You remove an ornate Ronan statuette from in your night-hued silk cape.
Tikba turns to face an obsidian altar.
Lithyia smiles at Tikba.
Sorlu grins at Aliashyrah.
Lord Randsford just arrived.
You hear a rumor that Hazelnut Honeybrook, renowned Chronicler and bard and slightly less renowned diplomat, has been sighted somewhere near the temple.
Perigourd casually observes his surroundings.
Speaking deeply to Nalver, Roelon says, "And the many eyes and spirits within the temple."
Bakarus smirks.
Raelee folds her arms over her chest.
Raelee takes a deep breath, blinking a couple of times before resuming a calm expression.
Roelon surveys the area.
You say, "Hmm.. we should wait for Hazelnut."
Hazelnut just arrived.
Perigourd gazes south.
You nod.
Dendum just moved quietly into the room, his group following closely.
You carefully place an ornate Ronan statuette on the floor.
Perigourd nods in greeting at Hazelnut.
Sorlu surreptitiously glances at Raelee.
Roelon nods to Hazelnut in greeting.
Lithyia nods to Dendum in greeting.
Drawing her left leg behind her right, Teaberry briefly dips into a respectful curtsy before Hazelnut and bows her head.
Aryleste glances at Randsford and clasps her hands in a reverent gesture.
Hazelnut asks, "Did I miss it?"
Lithyia waves to Queatus.
You nod to Hazelnut in greeting.
The voice of Jiarine says, "Yes."
You shake your head.
Lithyia gives Queatus a friendly hug.
Lilanna turns toward Randsford and renders a sharp hand salute.
With straightened posture and a firm chin, Sorlu presents himself to Hazelnut with a short, courteous bow.
Nalver nods at Hazelnut.
Lithyia waves to Ceilia.
Nalver says, "Wait."
Randsford nods to Aryleste in greeting.
Jiarine suddenly fades into view.
Missoni nods to Hazelnut in greeting.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "Not all.. right in time."
Teaberry says, "We haven't started yet."
Ceilia's eyes crinkle upward at the edges, though the rest of her face is concealed by the folds of her cowl.
Raising her arms slightly, Jiarine arches her back and gently lets her head rock back.
Lilanna waves to Hazelnut.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Sorlu says, "Good evening, Hazelnut."
Vendayan looks over at Hazelnut and shakes his head.
Queatus waves to Lithyia.
Ceilia waves to Lithyia.
Nalver says, "That was a nod of greeting, not a nod of yes you missed it."
Speaking calmly to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "No, though we may all wish we had before it is over."
Lithyia says, "Ah and more friends."
Lithyia smiles.
Sorlu smirks at Aliashyrah.
Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Aliashyrah.
Speaking deeply to Aliashyrah, Roelon says, "Such encouragement."
Roelon grins.
Aryleste reaches out and touches her Oleani prayer beads.
Lithyia begins chuckling at Aliashyrah!
Roelon dusts off his ritual satchel.
Opalina says, "Good evening Hazelnut."
Lithyia turns her pendant and it glows with a soft blue phosphorescence.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Sorlu whispers aloud, "I don't disagree."
Sorlu appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Speaking unconvincingly to Roelon, Aliashyrah encourages, "I have no doubt of your success."
Speaking to Nalver, Jiarine says, "Kittens are the best."
Aliashyrah smirks.
Hazelnut nods to Teaberry in greeting.
Hazelnut nods to Opalina in greeting.
Speaking deeply to Aliashyrah, Roelon says, "To which success ah am curious about."
Speaking to Jiarine, Nalver says, "I want a penguin."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Missoni glances expectantly at Bakarus.
Sorlu nods.
Lithyia nods at Sorlu.
Jiarine asks, "Why?"
Missoni nods once.
Jiarine says, "They cannot fly."
Lithyia smiles at Sorlu.
Hazelnut quietly says, "This sort of thing is dangerous work."
Sorlu smiles.
Bakarus kneels down and begins to recite prayers.
Perigourd nods in agreement.
Queatus grins.
Opalina agrees with Hazelnut.
Speaking sincerely to Roelon, Aliashyrah says, "I am confident that you shall reach someone. Whom is up for debate, but may your faith guide you."
Speaking to Jiarine, Nalver says, "Because I think Ronan would find it interesting."
Sorlu adopts an agreeable expression.
Nalver shrugs at Jiarine.
Randsford nods slowly.
Jiarine asks, "Unless you plan on kicking it around?"
Nalver says, "And they are cute."
You nod in agreement at Hazelnut.
Lithyia just opened a beaded bauble bag.
Speaking mildly to Nalver, Tikba says, "Councilor Sorlu seems to know where to find penguins."
Lithyia removes a small silver tin from in her bauble bag.
Mohrgan adopts an agreeable expression.
Lithyia removes some dark blue coral prayer beads from in her silver tin.
Lithyia put a small silver tin in her bauble bag.
Lithyia just closed a beaded bauble bag.
Randsford whispers something to Roelon.
Lovingly stroking the clear glass, Sorlu coos softly at the tiny dead penguin chick preserved in his jar.
Roelon slowly empties his lungs.
Lilanna nods at Nalver.
Speaking to Roelon, Aliashyrah adds, "I am certain that what is meant to be will be. That is the inevitability of life."
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "We don’t this lightly. It's been a while since I tried to do this."
You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.
Opalina stares at Sorlu.
You clench your rolaren sword symbol and take a deep breath, calming yourself. After a moment you are filled with a sense of peace and you release your grip.
Perigourd scratches at his beard.
Jiarine glances at a king penguin.
Speaking hesitantly to you, Hazelnut says, "What is it that you're, ah..."
Roelon whispers something to Randsford.
Hazelnut glances at an obsidian altar.
Perigourd furrows his brow.
Hazelnut asks, "...entreating for?"
You give a sidelong glance at Roelon.
Lithyia shivers.
Randsford nods slowly at Roelon.
Roelon glances at you.
Randsford glances between Roelon and yourself.
Lithyia contemplatively rubs her fingers across her coral prayer beads.
Speaking deeply to Hazelnut, Roelon says, "Our Lord has shown me..ah glimpse of what could be ah believe."
Derrevakara surveys her surroundings carefully.
You nod at Roelon.
Jiarine asks, "Will this be finished by the time the humans want to attempt to hold Court?"
Lithyia turns an inquisitive ear toward Roelon.
Randsford says, "Best of luck to you both, just let the rest of us know what you need."
Randsford nods firmly.
Jiarine slowly exhales as her posture slumps.
Missoni looks thoughtfully at Roelon.
Aryleste agrees with Randsford.
Sorlu chuckles to himself.
Bakarus agrees with Sorlu.
Dendum grabs some yew and moonstone prayerbeads from a warg fur-lined pocket with wyrwood toggles inside of his buckskin jacket.
A trumpeting note of alarm suddenly pierces the air, a distress call from somewhere nearby.
Randsford bows his head and chants a short prayer, causing vibrant red and pale pink light to momentarily coalesce in front of him.
Randsford nods in agreement at Aryleste.
The acorn amulet hanging from Perigourd's neck glows forest green.
Jiarine blandly says, "I KNOW they would be overjoyed to see me again."
Dendum frowns.
Aliashyrah raises an eyebrow.
Speaking deeply to Hazelnut, Roelon says, "It is the first thing we wish clarity on. As if what ah dreamed comes to pass..."
Lithyia begins chuckling at Jiarine!
Roelon surveys the area.
Lithyia says, "Well you have quite the shining personality."
Lithyia snickers.
You nod at Roelon.
Sorlu glances around the room.
Tikba looks thoughtfully at Roelon.
Tikba kneels down.
Lilanna begins chortling at Lithyia.
Jiarine says, "I want to know who was on that elven ship who though they knew me by name."
Jiarine sniffs.
Ceilia nods slightly at Queatus.
Speaking to Sorlu, Aliashyrah asks, "Are the guards equipped with trumpets that you are aware?"
Lithyia grins at Lilanna.
Speaking to Jiarine, Nalver says, "Probably someone from Ta'Vaalor."
Hazelnut frets.
Speaking smoothly to Aliashyrah, Sorlu says, "I'm sure it's all under control."
Speaking to Jiarine, Aliashyrah says, "I could be wrong, but I do not believe this will be a free for all to ask questions."
Perigourd raises an eyebrow in Aliashyrah's direction.
Lithyia nods at Aliashyrah.
Nalver asks, "Weren't you all talking about making conflict with the Empire?"
Lithyia chuckles.
Hazelnut faintly says, "I've never had a question that was important enough to ask Cholen."
Lithyia indicates her coral prayer beads with a smile.
Jiarine asks, "When do I bother asking permission?"
Jiarine smirks.
Aryleste agrees with Aliashyrah.
Tikba grins wryly at Hazelnut.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Perigourd says, "Perhaps if there were a joke you simply couldn't figure out the end to."
Hazelnut says, "I usually assume his answers would be something on the order of 'Yes, drink more!' or 'No, drink more!' so a communion, well..."
Aliashyrah amusedly says, "By all means, go ahead. I enjoy a good lightning strike."
Hazelnut shrugs.
Perigourd nods knowingly at Hazelnut.
You think to yourself, "I don't do this lightly. And lords willing, perhaps word from Redding or at the The Night's Blade Order if not Master Ronan"
Sorlu grins at Hazelnut.
Roelon chuckles.
Traiva begins chortling at Hazelnut.
Aliashyrah begins chuckling at Hazelnut!
Missoni gazes in amusement at Perigourd.
Queatus grins.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Traiva says, "More music."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "You are blessed to be so in tune to the wants and desires of your deity."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nalver says, "Make your hair more golden."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah asks, "Perhaps those who follow Ronan must wake him from time to time?"
Aliashyrah shrugs.
Sorlu appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Speaking deeply to Hazelnut, Roelon says, "Such would be ah welcomed answer. Considerin' what else could answer."
Roelon chuckles.
You nod knowingly.
Roelon deeply says, "Drink more usually solves much problems. Or creates it in the first place."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Jiarine says, "From my experience these things... things, go perfectly to plan all of the time."
Roelon grins at Jiarine.
You grin at Roelon.
Aliashyrah gazes in amusement at her surroundings.
Aryleste says, "I think it wisest to let the trio treat with their patron, as we respectfully and quietly observe."
Jiarine says, "I mean if you all die it was meant to be."
Tikba nods in agreement at Aryleste.
Lithyia agrees with Aryleste.
Jiarine steeples her fingers together, quietly observing her surroundings.
Roelon slowly empties his lungs.
Aliashyrah nods in agreement at Aryleste.
You quietly whisper to Mohrgan, "After this, scotch is on me."
Teaberry grins at Jiarine.
Jiarine says, "I do have Court to attend later though so try to keep me out of your stupidity."
Speaking to Aryleste, Aliashyrah says, "I believe most stand as witness and little more."
Lithyia glances at Jiarine.
Missoni folds her hands.
Speaking to Jiarine, Lilanna says, "Feel free ti depart at any, soonest moment."
Lithyia agrees with Lilanna.
Jiarine says, "Good idea."
You tilt your head slightly toward Roelon, noting the subtle changes in his muscles and breathing.
Randsford leans against the north wall.
Jiarine asks, "Did you think it up yourself?"
Opalina assumes a meditative posture, sitting with legs folded and hands resting upon her knees. She closes her eyes, pauses and breathes deeply, clearly concentrating on something.
Lithyia whispers something to Lilanna.
Speaking to Jiarine, Dendum says, ""You have been traveling well. This is good for mind."
Lithyia glances at Jiarine.
Roelon whispers, "Shall we?"
Speaking to Jiarine, Dendum inquires, ""Have seen any interesting things in the travels?"
Sorlu inquires, "Will this commune require a blood sacrifice?"
You quietly whisper to Mohrgan, "Ready fellow Blade?"
Sorlu surreptitiously glances at Jiarine.
Tikba shakes her head at Sorlu and clucks her tongue.
Vendayan leans on his staff.
Speaking to Jiarine, Lilanna says, "Pretty sure we're all thinkin it."
Speaking to Dendum, Jiarine says, "I see many things all of the time."
You tilt your head slightly toward Mohrgan, noting the subtle changes in his muscles and breathing.
Perigourd folds his arms over his chest.
Mohrgan glances at you.
Speaking approvingly to Sorlu, Aliashyrah agrees, "That does tend to get attention."
Mohrgan whispers, "As ready as can be, all considered."
You nod at Mohrgan.
Speaking to Jiarine, Dendum replies, ""Ahh yes, this is truth and with the right frame of mind it can all be interesting...this is wisdom."
Sorlu adopts an agreeable expression.
You turn to face Roelon.
You nod at Roelon.
Hazelnut slowly empties his lungs.
Lilanna's concentration shifts and becomes more focused as she slightly tilts an ear in a particular direction.
You clench your rolaren sword symbol and take a deep breath, calming yourself. After a moment you are filled with a sense of peace and you release your grip.
You remove some pink freesia incense from in your night-hued silk cape.
Randsford nods encouragingly at Hazelnut.
You carefully place your freesia incense on the ground.
You turn to face an obsidian altar.
You light the sword-shaped candle, which flickers and begins to burn.
Mohrgan folds his hands behind his back.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Randsford says, "We must be hopeful this will bring some answers."
You light the sword-shaped candle, which flickers and begins to burn.
You light the freesia incense, which flickers and begins to burn.
Aryleste nods at Randsford.
Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.
Jiarine suddenly lets out a noise sounding much like a stuck rolton.
You clench your rolaren sword symbol and take a deep breath, calming yourself. After a moment you are filled with a sense of peace and you release your grip.
Mohrgan tilts his head up.
Dendum blinks at Jiarine.
You kneel before an obsidian altar.
You grasp the edge of your night-hued silk cape and hold it out as you bow low.
Speaking to Jiarine, Dendum asks, ""You have been mucking with roltons?"
Bakarus takes a deep breath.
Randsford says, "Regardless of what happens I fear we will both have answers and also reach something we wish not to. We must prepare for whatever occurs as a result."
Commune with Ronan
Your soul reaches out, and you channel your energies into opening up a link between yourself and Ronan.
You fall into a deep trancelike state while muttering a quiet prayer in the hope that Ronan will hear. After a few silent moments, you calmly open your eyes.
Lithyia begins chuckling at Dendum!
Speaking to Dendum, Jiarine says, "Yes I came through these gates."
Tikba gazes with interest at you.
Lilanna says, "Roltons everywhere would be offended."
Vendayan glances at Raelee.
Speaking to Raelee, Vendayan asks, "No journal?"
Lithyia folds her hands.
Traiva takes a moment to observe you.
Missoni breathes in slightly.
You say, "Lord Ronan, please hear our prayer and answer us this night. We wish for thy wisdom and guidance to save our beloved town of Icemule."
Perigourd casually observes his surroundings.
Speaking quietly to Vendayan, Raelee says, "Not yet."
Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.
Nalver sits down.
The shadows of the chamber shift and lurch suddenly, then grow still despite the dancing of the candleflame.
You think to yourself, "Master Ronan please hear our prayer, True Lord of Dreams. We wish to follow up on Roelon's vision"
Tikba clasps her hands in a reverent gesture.
Tikba shuts her eyes for a brief moment.
Hazelnut glances down.
You murmur some prayers under your breath.
Hazelnut hurriedly kneels.
Mohrgan gently wraps his hand around his obsidian sword symbol and murmurs a softly spoken prayer.
Traiva kneels down.
Roelon reaches out and touches his ebony symbol of Ronan.
Teaberry kneels down.
Randsford nods at Grutak.
Derrevakara moves to a kneeling position.
Roelon nods once.
Jiarine kneads at her forehead with the elegant fingers of one hand, her expression transitioning from exasperation to forced neutrality.
Derrevakara continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Roelon removes a gold-traced crystalline vial dangling a quartet of diamond moons from his neck.
Roelon anoints the ground with some oil from his vial.
Geijon put a gleaming rune-scribed maul in his threaded war harness.
Roelon carefully hangs his vial around his neck.
In a strange gesture, you bow to an obsidian altar.
Lithyia smiles at Lilanna.
Roelon kneels down.
Roelon continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Perigourd nods at Geijon.
Randsford gazes heavenward.
Roelon slowly empties his lungs.
Vendayan nods to Geijon in greeting.
Randsford slowly empties his lungs.
Cocking his head to one side in curiosity, Dendum casually observes Jiarine, with a raised eyebrow, his gaze full of calculation.
Roelon leans forward.
Geijon nods at Vendayan.
(Roelon removes handfuls of pitch back sand from his ritual satchel and spreads it carefully on the ground into a loose circle.)
Geijon nods at Perigourd.
Roelon removes a black silk prayer-feather cloth from in his ritual satchel.
Roelon removes a bone-shafted ebon falcon prayer-feather from in his ritual satchel.
Missoni gazes with interest at Roelon.
Roelon put a black silk prayer-feather cloth in his ritual satchel.
Roelon casually observes his surroundings.
Speaking to Dendum, Jiarine says, "I have always thought that trying to rely on some deity is..."
(Roelon works at filling the empty space of the circle with more of fine black particles, smoothing it as he spreads the sand with his ebon falcon prayer-feather. He then traces a single Saramar rune on the edge closest to himself.)
The odor of night-blooming jasmine and blossoming poppies floods the hall, intense but tantalizingly sweet.
Jiarine continues, "Less than brilliant."
You think to yourself, "Lord Ronan if thy hear us, bless Roelon with guidance and meaning of his dream."
Vendayan kneels down.
Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.
Roelon put a bone-shafted ebon falcon prayer-feather in his ritual satchel.
Perigourd furrows his brow.
Missoni takes a deep breath.
Speaking to Jiarine, Dendum admits, ""While we do not share similar thoughts on this thing can agree that trying to attract the attention of great spirits is....dangerous thing."
Perigourd grabs a perfectly clear crystal sphere from a raw leather bag cinched with braided maoral roots inside of his green suede cloak.
Perigourd gazes intensely into his clear crystal sphere.
Perigourd tucks a perfectly clear crystal sphere into a raw leather bag cinched with braided maoral roots inside of his green suede cloak.
Speaking to Grutak, Jiarine says, "Keep your lips away from my ears unless you want to lose them."
(Roelon reaches within the folds of his black woolen kilt and removes another handful of sand, this time of bright silver. Leaning in as close as he can, he starts to slowly allow the sand to escape his gloved hand. Soon the outlines the of a sword takes shape within the black circle, the remaining sand being carefully stashed back within his black woolen kilt.)
Speaking politely to Jiarine, Tikba says, "It is no different than relying on a powerful friend."
The glow from a silvery black sword-shaped candle softly illuminates the shadows.
Lithyia glances at Jiarine.
Lithyia begins to twitch.
Speaking mildly to Jiarine, Tikba says, "Perhaps you do not approve of that either."
Roelon deeply says, "The old ways show me the way to call to the spirits. Ah do this to aid Falvicar in his attempt to reach our Lord Ronan. To strengthen his purpose. To lay ah foundation against those that may answer the call instead."
Lithyia turns an inquisitive ear toward Roelon.
Roelon stands up.
Missoni nods encouragingly at Roelon.
Roelon's eyes suddenly flash with a deep sanguine glow.
Roelon playfully flips the folds of his black woolen kilt.
Roelon deeply says, "Let this sand infused with mah prayers do just this."
(Roelon calls to the spirits around him in a final prayer before he scatters the sand away.)
You remove a silver-edged black steel athame inlaid with tiny diamond stars from in your night-hued silk cape.
Calling out to the powers of chaos and life, Roelon weaves the uncomplicated somatic components of his spell and releases it into the air.
Roelon gestures.
A strong breeze suddenly picks up and begins to blow around in different directions through the area!
One of the shadows stretches toward Roelon, pooling at his feet.
You rub your black steel athame and it glimmers with a faint silvery light.
Roelon makes a simple gesture, and the strong breeze stops as suddenly as it arrived.
Lithyia gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.
Roelon kneels down.
Aliashyrah brushes her fingers lightly against her jade-leafed pendant.
Opalina assumes a meditative posture, sitting with legs folded and hands resting upon her knees. She closes her eyes, pauses and breathes deeply, clearly concentrating on something.
Lithyia contemplatively rubs her fingers across her coral prayer beads.
Dendum grasps his moonstone prayerbeads firmly, whispering a prayer to Imaera.
Tikba continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
(Lithyia squeezes Grutak's hand.)
Geijon bows.
Lithyia wraps her coral prayer beads around her hand with a look of devotion on her face.
Perigourd takes a moment to observe Roelon.
Laralana casually observes her surroundings.
Hazelnut glances between Roelon and yourself.
Speaking to Roelon, Jiarine says, "I hope Brat leaves your sand alone."
Lithyia stares at Jiarine.
Lithyia begins to twitch.
You think to yourself, "Master Ronan, there are enemies about us within this town that are new within Moonsedge and even within Hinterwilds. We are seeing signs that remind of us all too well of the Dark Alliance dark days. These new foes are strong, and there are strange relics therein... and though even givith Roelon a vision that we dont fully understand. Please aid us my Master"
Randsford squints at Roelon.
You murmur some prayers under your breath.
Laralana casually observes her surroundings.
Roelon reaches out and touches his ebony symbol of Ronan.
Roelon continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Roelon tilts his head up.
Aryleste reaches out and touches her Oleani prayer beads.
Randsford reaches out and touches his Oleani pendant.
Mohrgan kneels down.
Lithyia gazes in meditation at her coral prayer beads.
Aryleste kneels down.
Aryleste continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Ceilia nods almost imperceptibly at Queatus.
Randsford kneels down.
Roelon whispers, "Ah shall dream as ye prayer. Let us find our lord."
Randsford beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
You try to draw on the power of your symbol of Ronan, but nothing happens.
Roelon rubs his eyes.
The shadows stretch toward you, crawling along the ground in fits and spurts. One twines about your leg, and you feel cold as your vision goes black.
Hazelnut gasps.
Tikba gazes with interest at you.
Raelee cocks her head.
Roelon gazes in awe at you.
Lithyia gazes fondly at you.
Perigourd furrows his brow.
Traiva raises an eyebrow.
Aliashyrah gazes with interest at you.
Teaberry gazes fondly at you.
Randsford stares at you.
Missoni looks at you with concern.
Dendum squeezes his eyes shut and shakes his head in disbelief.
Mohrgan tilts his head up.
Raelee levels her gaze at you, staring intently without blinking her eyes.
You think to yourself, "Darkness..."
Mohrgan clutches his obsidian sword symbol tightly.
Roelon continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Jiarine asks, "That is a fancy parlor trick. Can I pay you for my next one hundred year birthday celebration?"
Lithyia stares at Jiarine.
Speaking quietly to you, Tikba asks, "What do you see?"
You say, "Darkness...."
Bakarus glances at you.
Opalina bites her lip.
Lithyia nods at Grutak.
Lithyia smiles at Grutak.
Nalver shifts his weight.
You say, "But... without darkness there is no light.. as Lord Redding once told me."
Ronan Speaks
In a voice not your own, you rasp, "Not all that moves in the shadows moves for ill."
Lithyia nods to you.
Lithyia's jaw drops.
Speaking to Lithyia, Jiarine chides, "Staring is rude. Stop id."
Lithyia begins to twitch.
Randsford raises an eyebrow.
Tikba looks thoughtfully at you.
Hazelnut leans forward.
Speaking deeply to you, Roelon says, "Lord Ronan.."
Tikba nods slowly to you.
Traiva glances at you.
Missoni murmurs, "I can agree with that."
Vendayan grins at you.
Mohrgan breathes in slightly.
Teaberry's shiver is barely noticeable, as if the cold barely bothers her.
Roelon deeply says, "He has taught me such as well."
Roelon shifts his weight.
You think to yourself, "indeed my Lord."
Mohrgan softly intones, "Those who bear the Light in their hearts need not fear the Darkness."
Speaking to Roelon, Aliashyrah whispers aloud, "If you have questions, perhaps now is the time to ask?"
Tikba looks thoughtfully at Mohrgan.
Dirvy's pumpkin seed amulet flickers various shades of blue.
Opalina agrees with Aliashyrah.
Speaking to Mohrgan, Vendayan says, "This is Ronan's darkness."
In a voice not your own, you rasp, "Vile powers move as they have moved before, shrouded in dusk."
Vendayan nods at Mohrgan.
Lithyia gazes fondly at you.
Perigourd nods thoughtfully.
Tikba nods thoughtfully to you.
Perigourd surreptitiously glances at Sorlu.
Speaking to you, Grutak asks, "What vile powers?"
Nalver says, "I wonder what those in the shadows seek."
Missoni bites her lip.
Sorlu picks idly at a slender Nalfein-styled cane.
Speaking deeply to you, Roelon asks, "The dusk. Rammael, ye know who he serves, has spoken such. Mah Lord. Kin we stop what ye hae shown me?"
Lithyia turns an inquisitive ear toward Roelon.
(Falvicar stays kneeled upon the ground and appears to be allowing the voice to take over willingly.)
Roelon deeply says, "Flames of blue light. Twisted bodies."
Roelon shakes his head.
Speaking deeply to you, Roelon says, "The Abbey..."
Jiarine asks, "Whoever that is just said not all of the shadows bring darkness... Which is this darkness - good or bad?"
Five pillars of blackness stretch along the southern wall, lightless and impenetrable against the dark marble.
Lithyia gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Roelon casually observes his surroundings.
Missoni gazes south.
Touching his fingers and thumbs together, Nalver folds his palm and pulls his woven bracelet onto his wrist.
Randsford glances at the south wall.
Nalver stands up.
Nalver removes a burled fireleaf staff embedded with a splintered bear claw from in his sandy brown harness. At his touch, a number of sigils worked into its grain take on a faint luminescence.
Ceilia surreptitiously glances around the room.
Opalina frowns.
Tikba glances appraisingly south.
Opalina gazes about with intense interest at her surroundings, her brilliant cerulean eyes pausing briefly on everything nearby.
Bakarus glances south.
Speaking to Jiarine, Vendayan asks, "Most would say good?"
Roelon touches Randsford.
Randsford beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Lithyia wraps her coral prayer beads around her hand with a look of devotion on her face.
Randsford stares at you.
Jiarine dismissively says, "Everyone is willing to be blindsided when they open their arms for everyone and then act shocked when bad things happen."
Jiarine shrugs.
Speaking to you, Nalver asks, "How many have been pulled back?"
Fropple just arrived, skipping merrily.
Hazelnut glances at you.
Grutak asks, "If there's a battle to be fought, we are we asking the sleeper?"
Fropple frets.
Zailon leans on Dirvy, resting his hand upon her shoulder.
(Falvicar turns his head to the pillars.)
Fropple kneels down.
Speaking quietly to Grutak, Dendum reminds, "It is said that the keeper of the night is also its most active guardian."
Roelon nods at Dendum.
Speaking to Dendum, Perigourd says, "Proven in the war."
Lithyia smiles at Grutak.
The moss green sprite flying above Dendum's shoulder quickly launches into the air, a trail of magical energy following it.
Sorlu smiles at Aliashyrah.
Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.
Speaking to Dendum, Grutak says, "Takes more than a nap to kill things."
Aryleste beseeches her deity for some divine assistance.
Speaking to you, Randsford says, "Ronan, spirit, whatever you are. Don't hold back on us now."
Randsford stares at you.
Lithyia gently pulls a single prayer bead through her fingers.
You think to yourself, "my body is yours my Lord Ronan."
Mohrgan lightly brushes his fingers over his obsidian sword symbol in a reverent gesture.
Nalver says, "Kelsha."
The chill within you becomes intense, almost unbearable. Using your voice, the invasive entity rasps, "Their hand stretches across the face of the world. Alone, you will fall. Together, there is hope."
Perigourd frowns at you.
You realize that your nose is bleeding. It feels almost like an afterthought.
Tikba looks at you with concern.
Traiva raises an eyebrow.
Mohrgan raises an eyebrow.
Missoni bites her lip.
Roelon reaches over and gently rests his hand on your shoulder.
Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.
Lithyia softly says, "Together."
Speaking to you, Randsford asks, "Who's hand?"
Lithyia nods.
Derrevakara sniffs.
Sorlu glances between Roelon and yourself.
Tikba murmurs, "Ronan, he cannot bear your power for long."
Jiarine says, "There is your blood sacrifice."
Roelon deeply says, "Five fingers in the hand.... if ah am to guess. Five within this coven of dusk."
You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.
Randsford raises an eyebrow in Roelon's direction.
You think to yourself, "I can endure this."
Mohrgan squints at an obsidian altar.
Roelon deeply says, "We must open our eyes to them, before they make what ah dreamed ah reality."
Lithyia turns an inquisitive ear toward Roelon.
Speaking to you, Nalver asks, "Why do they stretch their hand?"
Tikba looks thoughtfully at Roelon.
Mohrgan quietly murmurs, "Together..."
Mohrgan surveys the area.
Roelon nods at Mohrgan.
Missoni closes her eyes for a moment.
Dendum twitches his thin fingers ever so briefly.
You think to yourself, "Together, strong...."
Queatus nods.
Perigourd nods at Roelon.
Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.
Roelon slowly empties his lungs.
Neovik grins.
Grutak says, "Probably need to pull him back before Ronan kills him."
Laralana ponders.
Lithyia fidgets.
Roelon deeply says, "Thse vile ones hae been makin' us fight each other."
Grutak says, "Never a good sign when blood drips from the nose."
Roelon shakes his head.
The voice speaking with your mouth and lungs sounds more tenuous, like a candleflame burning low. "They must not claim... the knowledge..."
Laralana glances at you.
Perigourd furrows his brow.
Bakarus nods at Sorlu.
Lithyia shudders.
Perigourd gazes west.
Speaking to Roelon, Jiarine says, "I know who you can blame for that."
Traiva furrows her brow.
Neovik cringes.
Mohrgan retrieves a small dose of tightly bound aloeas from within his neutral-toned pouch.
(Raelee's gaze suddenly focuses more intently on you.)
As you concentrate on your sigil, you feel a brief surge of vitality course throughout your body.
Mohrgan clutches his dose of aloeas tightly.
Nalver nods at Roelon.
Missoni cocks her head.
Laralana glances at you.
Roelon nods at Mohrgan.
Mohrgan furtively glances at you.
Speaking to Roelon, Nalver says, "This seems to be exactly as I said."
Speaking urgently to you, Tikba asks, "The knowledge of what?"
Speaking to Tikba, Nalver says, "Tormtor."
Missoni nods thoughtfully at Perigourd.
With a last burst of energy, the voice groans, "Unity. Or destruction."
Your heart begins to beat faster as your entire body becomes awash with a pleasantly warm sensation.
Speaking to you, Jiarine says, "Congratulations. You are being led around by your nose."
<Falvicar dies>
Roelon slowly empties his lungs.
Mohrgan tilts his head down.
Raelee tilts her head down.
Missoni winces.
Sorlu nods slowly.
Ceilia manages to offend an inordinate number of gods with an especially vitriolic spasm of oaths.
Grutak says, "Told ya..."
Laralana glances at Dirvy.
Lithyia says, "Oh my."
Raelee sighs.
Mohrgan glances at a small dose of tightly bound aloeas in his hand.
Tikba sighs.
Neovik blinks.
Mohrgan glances at you.
Raelee glances at Tikba.
Aliashyrah is staring at you. Being dead, you have no choice but to stare lifelessly back.
Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.
Traiva slowly empties her lungs.
Mohrgan tucks a small dose of tightly bound aloeas away within the morduska hide-lined depths of his neutral-toned pouch.
Speaking quietly to Tikba, Raelee murmurs, "It is rarely enough."
Opalina slowly empties her lungs.
Speaking to Roelon, Aliashyrah says, "Let us hope you have found the answers you sought."
Randsford frowns.
Queatus pokes you to see if you'll move.
With a flicker, the shadows begin to move freely once more, dancing like puppets at the mastery of the candlelight.
Nalver says, "I'd say a death is a small price to pay."
Hazelnut takes a deep breath.
Fropple buries his face in his hands.
Fropple buries his face in his hands.
Laralana agrees with Dirvy.
Tikba looks thoughtfully at Raelee.
Tikba nods in agreement at Raelee.
Vendayan stands up.
Speaking to you, Aliashyrah asks, "Would you like my assistance?"
You think to yourself, "Tis alright"
You give a ghostly chuckle.
Leafiara glances at you.
Neovik works his fingers under his vultite greathelm and scratches his head.
You beseech Ronan for some divine assistance.
Images of memories fade as you feel yourself falling through darkness. Your surroundings become more clear as you fall as if waking from a dream. When you stop, you open your eyes alive once again.
You feel a sudden jolt of nothing short of the raw power of divine intervention. For some reason, you cannot bring yourself to move quite yet, but feel relieved nonetheless.
Post Commune Musings
Aliashyrah gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Aliashyrah gestures at you.
You are no longer stunned.
Speaking to Roelon, Randsford says, "Five fingers...five columns with shadows against the south wall..."
Randsford nods at Roelon.
Speaking deeply to Aliashyrah, Roelon says, "And more. Let the answers be fir all. What threatens Icemule, seems to theaten all."
Tikba nods approvingly to you.
Perigourd nods gratefully to you.
You move to a kneeling position.
Lithyia softly says, "Unity..."
Aliashyrah nods to you.
You nod once.
Speaking slowly to you, Leafiara says, "So, uh..."
Hazelnut hesitantly says, "Unity."
Speaking deeply to Randsford, Roelon says, "Coven of Dusk, five fingers of this hand."
Lithyia nods at Hazelnut.
Mohrgan softly echoes, "Unity."
Speaking to you, Perigourd asks, "You're alright?"
Hazelnut says, "We've had precious little of that lately."
Sorlu casually glances at Hazelnut.
Aryleste glances at you.
Roelon nods to you.
You nod.
Mohrgan surveys the area.
Lithyia agrees with Hazelnut.
Speaking to Leafiara, Aliashyrah says, "He danced with Ronan and Ronan was a bit rough."
Laralana glances at Hazelnut.
A blinding flash of blue-white light bursts from Neovik's imflass leg greaves.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Sorlu agrees, "Unity."
Sorlu smiles.
Leafiara nods understandingly at Aliashyrah.
Speaking to Roelon, Randsford asks, "An enemy approaches then...?"
Speaking to Leafiara, Neovik says, "I didn't do it."
Randsford glances south.
Lithyia gazes fondly at Grutak.
Lithyia says, "Together."
Lithyia smiles.
You say, "If my Lord requires me to die, then I would do it again."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Missoni says, "Let us hope we find some of it."
Grutak smiles at Lithyia.
You nod once.
Speaking to Randsford, Vendayan asks, "You think they are in the south?"
Randsford shrugs at Vendayan.
Grutak says, "Unity implies respect."
Speaking deeply to Randsford, Roelon says, "They hae been here all this time, ah feel."
Roelon slowly empties his lungs.
Perigourd nods in agreement at Roelon.
Speaking to Vendayan, Randsford says, "The shadows crawled against the southern wall, the five columns. Could be coincidence it was south but I think not."
Speaking to Randsford, Vendayan says, "The sun only casts northern shadows in the north."
Vendayan shrugs.
Speaking deeply to you, Roelon says, "Thank ye, Falvicar."
Speaking to Roelon, you say, "Twas an honor."
Opalina rubs your shoulders soothingly, giving you a little affectionate squeeze.
Leafiara chuckles.
Speaking to Randsford, Vendayan says, "Southern shadows in the south."
Vendayan nods.
Laralana glances south.
Hazelnut stands up.
Randsford stands up.
Randsford nods in agreement at Vendayan.
Hazelnut glances at the south wall.
You stand back up.
Lithyia softly says, "Thank you for allowing us to witness this with you."
Jiarine holds her hand out in front of her, gazing at her elegant fingers decorated in an urglaes thumb-ring. Jiarine lifts her haughty gaze.
Mohrgan nods once to you.
Speaking quietly to Lithyia, Hazelnut asks, "Yes, but what did it mean?"
You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.
Sorlu gazes thoughtfully at the south wall.
You nod once at Mohrgan.
You put a silver-edged black steel athame inlaid with tiny diamond stars in your night-hued silk cape.
Speaking softly to you, Mohrgan says, "Thank you for your sacrifice."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Traiva says, "Unity."
Lithyia says, "I dont know Hazelnut...I do not know."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dendum says, ""The ways of great spirits are hard to know....."
Aryleste stands up.
Mohrgan nods respectfully to you.
Perigourd says, "The southern wall is simply Ronan's wall within this part of the temple."
Speaking to Mohrgan, you say, "Thank you for being here my Brother."
You give Mohrgan a friendly hug.
Lithyia says, "But unity is something we shall have to work towards."
Hazelnut asks, "Rammael... and others?"
Perigourd says, "I wouldn't jump to conclusions about it being specifically a southern threat."
Perigourd chuckles.
Roelon nods at Hazelnut.
Speaking to Lithyia, Bakarus says, "It is, indeed."
Derrevakara continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Fropple rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dendum says, ""Perhaps they unified first."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Randsford says, "It means we must put aside our squabbles and unite and prepare for whatever threat comes next."
Lithyia nods at Bakarus.
Roelon deeply says, "Rammael. But ah dinnae forget others who dwell here."
Randsford nods firmly at Hazelnut.
Lithyia nods at Randsford.
Hazelnut asks, "We scarcely handled ourselves against one Andelasian. Are there five?"
Hazelnut shivers.
Aryleste nods at Randsford.
Speaking worriedly to Perigourd, Missoni says, "It sounded to me like the threat is everywhere. He spoke of it reaching across the world."
You quietly whisper to Mohrgan, "I tried to stay alive longer but... no regrets."
Speaking to Perigourd, Vendayan says, "Just working a riddle. It's not a conclusion."
Tikba looks thoughtfully at Hazelnut.
Tikba nods in agreement at Bakarus.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Perigourd says, "It's quite likely Ivas is invovled."
Sorlu glances at Perigourd.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "Messages from the Arkati can be difficult to interpret. They have many layers."
You gibber incoherently.
Randsford shakes his head.
Aliashyrah raises an eyebrow in Perigourd's direction.
Grutak says, "One finger here, another in the Landing, another in the Empire, one in Illistim and one in Vaalor."
Tikba looks thoughtfully at Perigourd.
Nalver nods at Perigourd.
Lithyia softly says, "Sometimes people can come together...even when you least expect it."
You glance south.
Speaking to Perigourd, Nalver says, "And Luukos."
Lithyia glances down.
Randsford says, "It is more imperative than ever that we find new allies. We should search out any of the clans we can."
Speaking softly to Grutak, Traiva says, "Five fingers."
Speaking deeply to Hazelnut, Roelon says, "Ah believe this is why our Lord stressed we must unite."
Randsford nods at Roelon.
Missoni shifts her weight.
Perigourd glances appraisingly at Sorlu.
Roelon nods at Randsford.
Leafiara gives an approval gesture with her hand.
Grutak nods at Traiva.
Speaking to Perigourd, Aliashyrah asks, "So quick to forget how Ivas and those who serve Her have aided this town?"
Aliashyrah shoots Perigourd the smallest of dismayed glances, conveying her disapproval.
Sorlu smiles quietly to himself.
Neovik slowly exhales as his posture slumps.
Neovik spins his urglaes thumb-ring and adopts a grim look of empowerment.
Jiarine says, "That was fun. Nothing was learned per usual."
Mohrgan quietly mentions, "If unity is needed, perhaps it would do to consider who benefits from ongoing divisions."
Speaking to Perigourd, Grutak says, "You want unity, the price tag on that comes with showing respect."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Perigourd says, "The note that Rammael used was from Solhaven, and the woman who posed as the Baron's healer, then threw Lady Sayilla out the window was wearing an Ivasan cloak."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Nalver says, "Did not Ivas try to take over the area and corrupt the Sisters of the Abbey while looking for....something."
Nalver attempts to hum a merry little tune.
Perigourd shrugs nonchalantly at Aliashyrah.
Hazelnut takes a deep breath and steadies himself.
You slowly and deliberately empty your filled lungs.
Randsford nods in agreement at Mohrgan.
Speaking deeply to Aliashyrah, Roelon says, "Nae all who sevre one Arkarti kin bare the burden of another who does harm."
Dendum spins his urglaes thumb-ring, twitches his neck to the side, and adopts a grim look of empowerment.
Roelon deeply says, "This much ah believe."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Perigourd says, "I suspect her of being his connection for poisons he was using."
Hazelnut quietly says, "So, Andelas, Ivas... and three others."
You say, "Andelas.. Ivas..."
Sorlu folds his arms over his chest.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nalver says, "Amasalen."
Jiarine reaches for the orange tabby kitten, but backs away warily when it smacks her hand away with its outstretched paw.
Mohrgan glances north.
Missoni frowns.
Lithyia shivers.
Jiarine reaches for the black kitten, but backs away warily when it smacks her hand away with its outstretched paw.
Perigourd says, "Which we were searching for rather aggressively several months ago."
You say, "'if it means each room down south.."
Speaking deeply to Hazelnut, Roelon says, "If our old enemy is nae truely gone....."
Bakarus nods understandingly.
Jiarine shakes her head at a pumpkin orange tabby kitten and clucks her tongue.
Roelon deeply asks, "But who did he serve other them himself?"
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
You nod at Roelon.
Roelon deeply asks, "Amasalen? Luukos?"
Dendum frowns at you.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nalver says, "Amasalen is the only one to have read the book in Moonsedge, so I suspect."
Mohrgan muses, "V'tull?"
Mohrgan glances north.
Speaking to Roelon, you say, "Amasalen shares the room with V'tull."
Roelon nods at Mohrgan.
Lithyia raises an eyebrow in Mohrgan's direction.
Missoni glances north.
Idly picking at her chipped fingernail, Tikba seems distant, but you get the impression she is taking in everything.
Speaking to Lithyia, Grutak says, "Already the crowd turns and forgets. Probably a waste of time to be here."
You say, "If memory serves."
Speaking to Raelee, Vendayan asks, "What knowledge might 'they' be looking for?"
Tikba places her hand on her six-tentacled star.
Speaking to Roelon, Hazelnut says, "We can hope not. All signs suggest that Zeban is truly gone since the disir tore him apart."
Lithyia asks, "Do you want to go somewhere else?"
Lithyia gazes fondly at Grutak.
Speaking to Vendayan, Raelee says, "I could not offer anything save for wild speculation."
You peer quizzically at Dendum.
Speaking quietly to himself, Hazelnut says, "Though... Amasalen does seem to have a special hatred for this town."
Randsford glances at Bakarus.
Speaking to Dendum, you ask, "Everything alright?"
Speaking to Raelee, Vendayan says, "That's all I ask for."
Speaking deeply to Hazelnut, Roelon says, "Ah hope so as well. But to think otherwise has been our downfall."
You nod at Hazelnut.
Tikba nods in agreement at Raelee.
Dendum nods.
Speaking to Vendayan, Raelee says, "I do not speculate wildly. I require at least a sliver of fact."
Speaking to Bakarus, Grutak says, "You might watch yourself. You'll be lynched afore you know it by this crowd."
Bakarus says, "Thankfully Zeban was completely destroyed."
Bakarus grins at Grutak.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "If I were to take an educated guess... each of those five pillars save one is shared by two."
Speaking to Roelon, Jiarine says, "This was fascinating. Truly."
Speaking to Grutak, Bakarus says, "They tried that once."
Roelon glances at Bakarus.
Roelon deeply says, "His body, aye."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Sorlu says, "I still do not understand why Ivas is being accused of having any part in this."
Speaking to his broadcloth backpack, Grutak says, "Doesn't mean they won't keep trying. Zealots, the lot of'em."
Speaking to Lithyia, Grutak says, "Lets get a table."
Aliashyrah says, "apparently because someone wore an "Ivasian" cloak to do something evil."
Lithyia nods at Grutak.
Dendum whispers, "It is the one that is disturbing."
Lithyia gives Grutak a lingering kiss on the cheek.
Lithyia curtsies.
Speaking to Bakarus, Perigourd says, "I don't think lynching was ever on the potential of sentences."
Sorlu frowns at Aliashyrah.
Perigourd begins chuckling at Bakarus!
Leafiara chuckles.
You say, "So with Andelas being known as well as Ivas... it's almost safe to scratch off Fash'lo'nae and Mularos and since Eorgina has her own room.. that would make three."
Speaking to Sorlu, Nalver says, "Probably because one of her supporters weaseled his way into office and tried to start an unwinnable war."
Speaking to Sorlu, Aliashyrah asks, "Were you unaware that devotion and alignment are determined by clothing now?"
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Sorlu says, "I would imagine that were Ivas involved in...whatever this might be, She would have surely sent an army of undead crashing down the mountain to overtake Icemule by now. No, surely She is not involved."
Hazelnut says, "Perhaps we ought to go elsewhere? This feels... sacrilegious."
Speaking to Sorlu, Nalver asks, "And befoe you say we won, if a cat is messing with a mouse, then turns it attention elsewhere, has the mouse really won?"
Hazelnut glances around.
Roelon stands up.
Mohrgan closes his eyes for a moment.
Sorlu gazes in amusement at Nalver.
Roelon deeply says, "Ah think we need ah drink." Leafiara observes her surroundings with a keen eye.
Roelon slowly empties his lungs.
You ask, "The V'tullian at the Hinterwilds suggests V'tull... which is four which leaves either the Jackal or Marlu as the fifth?"
You hear someone snicker.
You say, "But tis my guess."
You shrug at Hazelnut.
Traiva stands up.
Randsford joins Roelon's group.
The sword-shaped candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the surroundings.
The faint scent of freesia fills the air.
Speaking to Nalver, Sorlu says, "If that was his intention, then yes."
Bakarus joins Roelon's group.
Traiva attends to her indigo velvet gown, making the gown as presentable as possible.
Sorlu nods at Nalver.
Leafiara joins Roelon's group.
Dendum joins Roelon's group.
Speaking to Sorlu, Perigourd says, "Perhaps she's simple more subtle in workings."
You stands in front of an obsidian altar.
Perigourd smiles at Sorlu.
You bow to an obsidian altar.
Mohrgan gently wraps his hand around his obsidian sword symbol and murmurs a softly spoken prayer.
Traiva joins Roelon's group.
You pick up an ornate Ronan statuette.
Ceilia joins Roelon's group.
Mohrgan stands up.
Perigourd corrects, "Simply, rather."
Queatus joins Roelon's group.
Speaking to you, Dendum says, ""The names being served are perhaps less important than this knowledge they seek."
Roelon deeply says, "To the pub we shall go then."
Randsford squints.
Roelon chuckles.
Teaberry stands up.
Sorlu smiles at Perigourd.
Teaberry joins Roelon's group.
Traiva nods in agreement at Dendum.
Speaking to Perigourd, Aliashyrah says, "I believe many here are letting their predjudice decide their "truth". A dangerous slope to traverse."
Roelon forcefully crosses one arm over his leather coat-of-plates and offers a formal bow.
Roelon adds Derrevakara to his group.
Mohrgan carefully placed an amethyst butterfly wing under an obsidian altar.
A wisp of smoke rises from a silvery black sword-shaped candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.
The faint scent of freesia fills the air.
Bakarus stands up.
Zailon removes a thick-striped bacon candy cane from in his ebon bag.
Bakarus nods at Roelon.
Roelon nods.
Roelon smiles.
Fropple joins Roelon's group.
Fropple stands up.
Roelon grins at Tikba.
Tikba stands up.
Dirvy kisses Zailon on the lips for what seems like an eternity.
Roelon nods.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Perigourd says, "Reading too much into things is a possibility, which is why I'm following the facts as they present as best I can."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Perigourd says, "It may be my deductions are wrong."
Roelon just slipped quietly through a heavy oak door, with his group following closely.
Roelon just moved quietly west, with his group following closely.
(Traveling through town)
[Honeybeer Inn, Tap Room - 3449] (u4043217)
The lower walls are tinted plaster over stone, as evidenced by the chips at the exact level of the chair backs. The bar itself is worn, and the low brass footrest is polished only by the shoes of the many customers who have cradled a pint while leaning against the bar. You also see a massive snowy white tiger, a polished oak menu and a halfling bartender.
Also here: Lord Sorlu, Envoy Lilanna, Grand Lady Opalina, Missoni, Nalver, Tikba, Perigourd, Bakarus, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, Chatelaine Traiva, Aryleste, Mohrgan, Magister Raelee, Chronicler Falvicar, Lord Randsford, Hazelnut, Dendum, Ceilia, Vendayan, Derrevakara, Fropple, Queatus, Whimweaver Leafiara, Roelon
Queatus nods.
Sorlu nods at Perigourd.
Missoni glances between Falvicar and Roelon.
Aliashyrah nods slightly at Perigourd.
You smile.
Roelon deeply says, "Right, ah think we all need ah good drink."
Roelon appears to be checking his pockets for something, but finds them empty.
Missoni says, "Thank you both for allowing me to observe."
You wrap Opalina in a tender embrace.
Vendayan says, "Then push the entire thing our of your head. There are no facts in a metaphor."
Roelon deeply says, "Falvicar, perhaps, ten."
Missoni says, "That was most interesting."
Roelon grins at you.
Neovik just arrived.
Speaking to Perigourd, Aliashyrah says, "Let us hope all who are jumping to conclusions maintain your more measured approach."
Speaking to Mohrgan, you say, "We've a lot to ponder on."
Speaking deeply to you, Roelon says, "Nae ah easy thing to do, channel our Lord."
Bakarus adopts an agreeable expression.
Queatus takes a bite of his cinnamon roll.
Sorlu chuckles to himself.
You gaze in amusement at Roelon.
Traiva removes a bottle of dark amber liqueur from in her back-slit cloak.
Speaking hesitantly to you, Hazelnut asks, "Are you all right?"
Bakarus nods at Raelee.
Sorlu glances appraisingly at you.
Neovik joins Roelon's group.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "Aye.. I am. I'd do it again if needed."
Fropple nods slightly.
Roelon nods at you.
Missoni moves to Perigourd's side and they lace their fingers together.
Speaking softly to Falvicar, Mohrgan says, "I think we need to pay close attention to the...ahhh...divisions amongst ourselves, and seek out their root causes."
Speaking respectfully to you, Tikba says, "Thank you for allowing us to observe your meeting with your arkati."
Speaking to you, Randsford asks, "You certain you didn't draw out any other spirits we need to worry about?"
Tikba turns to you and bows low, spreading her wings for all to see.
Fropple places an order and pays the halfling bartender.
Randsford squints at you.
Speaking wryly to you, Hazelnut says, "Great, but... don't."
Fropple removes some fiery hot burnt rice soup from on a polished wooden bar.
Fropple takes a drink from his burnt rice soup.
Roelon grins at Hazelnut.
You grin at Hazelnut.
Speaking to you, Sorlu wonders, "What does it feel like to be filled with the essence of an Arkati?"
Sorlu cocks his head at you.
Perigourd turns toward Roelon and renders a sharp hand salute.
Roelon nods at Perigourd.
Missoni wishes, "Fair eve, everyone."
Roelon forcefully crosses one arm over his leather coat-of-plates and offers Perigourd a formal bow.
Perigourd turns toward you and renders a sharp hand salute.
Perigourd waves.
Traiva flutters her wings at Missoni.
Her hand lowered, Missoni gives a subtle wave.
Perigourd's group blurs into a white fog and vanishes!
Laralana's group just arrived.
Roelon slowly empties his lungs.
Speaking to Sorlu, you say, "Darkness, but twas an unexpected but honored."
Roelon sits down.
Laralana rummages around in her pockets.
Opalina examines you closely, sizing him up and taking note of all the details.
Tikba says, "Ah, I fear I must head south as well. Be well, my friends."
Laralana removes a Wehnimer's promissory note from in her suede greatcloak.
Tikba nods respectfully.
Ceilia nods at Tikba.
Tikba flutters her wings at Traiva.
Speaking to you, Dendum reminds, ""That could have been worse...foolish but brave path to walk."
Traiva flutters her wings at Tikba.
Hazelnut asks, "I suppose I should let Mayor Dabbings know what happened. How exactly does one report on a divine intervention?"
Hazelnut slowly empties his lungs.
Dendum says, "Or brave but foolish..."
Lilanna waves to Tikba.
Leafiara grins at Hazelnut.
Tikba just went east.
Roelon begins chuckling at Hazelnut!
Speaking to Hazelnut, Traiva says, "Matter-of-factly."
Hazelnut nods.
Traiva shrugs her shoulders, lifting her wings slightly.
Speaking softly to Hazelnut, Mohrgan suggests, "With reverence?"
Hazelnut nods at Traiva.
Sorlu seems hesitant, looking unsure of himself.
Lilanna seems slightly different.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Randsford says, "Drinks, lots and lots of drinks."
Leafiara amusedly asks, "Why's it any different than reporting a mundane intervention?"
Leafiara chuckles.
Neovik ponders.
Randsford grins at Hazelnut.
You seem slightly different.
Speaking to Traiva, Hazelnut says, "Dancing shadows, right."
Speaking deeply to Hazelnut, Roelon says, "Be thankful we did nae do any collateral damage. Ah hate to explain that to him."
Derrevakara and Traiva seem slightly different.
Roelon wipes the sweat from his brow.
Laralana takes a drink from her Icemule bock.
Speaking flatly to Hazelnut, Dendum informs, ""Word for word..."
Vendayan seems slightly different.
You look at Opalina and hum.
Teaberry says, "And Falvicar didn't have any shadow at all."
Roelon nods at Bakarus.
Hazelnut nods at Roelon.
Fropple seems hesitant, looking unsure of himself.
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "I promise it's me."
Speaking to Roelon, Randsford says, "Lets hope there are no lingering effects."
Opalina smiles at you.
Randsford nods in agreement at Roelon.
Speaking quietly to himself, Hazelnut says, "Unity."
Hazelnut just went east.
Speaking to you, Opalina says, "We'll see."
You wiggle your ears at Opalina.
Bakarus says, "Eternal Light, all. Please do be safe."
Fropple leans against a polished wooden bar.
Bakarus nods respectfully.
Fropple takes a drink from his burnt rice soup.
Leafiara gazes in amusement at her surroundings.
Sorlu nods at Bakarus.
You nod.
Randsford waves to Bakarus.
Bakarus just went east.
Sorlu says, "Good evening, Bakarus. Do be safe."
You say, "Interesting..."
Fropple takes a drink from his burnt rice soup.
Speaking deeply to Randsford, Roelon says, "Ah am nae doubt those of that hand were listening."
Teaberry says, "Unity or destruction. Not much of a choice."
Roelon nods at Teaberry.
Randsford nods grimly at Roelon.
Mohrgan agrees with Teaberry.
You tilt your head toward Teaberry, examining her intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.
Speaking to Teaberry, you ask, "No shadow hm?"
Dendum says, "Unity against a foe means something is not part of the unity...."
Roelon nods at you.
Speaking to Teaberry, Sorlu says, "It is much as I have been saying. It is only through standing together, united, that we will see our way through the darkness."