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The Watchfire Pact (storyline)/2023-04-04 - We're Confederating (log)
This is a log of a specially called open Icemule Town Council meeting captured from the viewpoint of Aliashyrah.
Before the Meeting
[Clovertooth, Auditorium - 29536] (u4043075)
Raw cedar timbers perfume the air, comprising the walls of the expansive hall. Living evergreen boughs contrast frame the southern entrance, brightly illuminated by faceted glimaerstone orbs set high into the ceiling. The light scatters over a few dozen rows of comfortably padded seats and rugs covering parts of the polished floor. A central aisle delineated by a quartet of braziers leads toward an expansive cedar and pine stage framed by silver-trimmed blue curtains. You also see the Lithyia disk.
Also here: Falconblood, Lord Randsford, Great Lady Taeffryl who is sitting, High Lord Grutak, Fropple, Nalver who is sitting, Eofora, Dendum, Great Lord Avondell who is sitting, Queatus who is sitting, Draelor, Commodore Loralaii who is sitting, Roelon who is sitting, Anyauma who is sitting, Naliya, Perigourd, Faerinn, Ceilia, Lord Sorlu, Envoy Lilanna, Mistress Lithyia
Grutak says, "I brought the platoon back for respite."
Grutak says, "We are not far from here. perhaps a days journey."
Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "It is good you could make it..I know your mission has seen you cover quite a distance already."
Speaking to Grutak, you say, "Commander. Always good to see you."
Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak says, "There have been some... disturbances... over by Zul Lugoth."
Lilanna says, "Evnin."
Sorlu frowns at Grutak.
Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "I have heard the rumors of such."
Grutak says, "Not the watchers."
Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "I regret that my business here has kept me from speaking to the dwarves there over the last couple weeks."
Grutak says, "This is something... different."
Grutak says, "I left men there to explore the peaks above Zul Lugoth."
Lithyia says, "Evening Faerinn."
Grutak says, "But I can speak on all that later."
[General] Sorlu thinks, "Good evening. For those interested in the future of Icemule, I encourage you to gather in the auditorium within Clovertooth Hall. We shall begin our meeting shortly."
Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "We will have quite a bit of catching up to do."
Grutak asks, "I do not see Councilors Sorlu or Opalina?"
You glance between Grutak and Sorlu.
Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu asks, "Councillor Roelon, you mean?"
Speaking playfully to Sorlu, you say, "Try waving."
Grutak says, "Sorry..."
Lithyia grins at you.
Sorlu grins at you.
Grutak says, "I am a bit tired from my travels."
Grutak chuckles.
You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement.
Lithyia rests a gentle hand on Grutak's arm.
Lithyia says, "It's alright."
Lithyia nods at Grutak.
Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "I spoke to him earlier. I believe he will make it. Councillor Opalina is currently preparing for White haven's service night."
Speaking to Grutak, you say, "I believe Councillor Roelon will be arriving shortly and Councilwoman Opalina may have other obligations."
Sorlu says, "Speaking of..."
Speaking to Grutak, you say, "Speaking of."
You squint at Sorlu.
Roelon forcefully crosses one arm over his leather coat-of-plates and offers a formal bow.
Sorlu smirks at you!
Lithyia waves to Roelon.
Speaking playfully to Sorlu, you say, "Stop that."
Speaking to you, Sorlu says, "Stop it."
Sorlu chuckles.
Roelon deeply says, "Evenin' to ye all."
You laugh out loud!
Sorlu stares off into space.
Lithyia says, "Roelon..."
Lithyia says, "Look."
Lithyia points at Grutak.
Lithyia beams!
Grutak glances at Roelon.
Roelon deeply says, "Ah also encourage those here to visit White Haven after. We are providin' some services tonight."
Sorlu casually glances around the room.
Sorlu smiles.
Grutak asks, "And where is the Lady Opalina. Is she not coming to a town meeting?"
Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "I believe she is at White Haven currently."
Nalver beams happily at Grutak!
Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "And I will strive to not keep those that gather here long, in case they wish to attend."
Roelon nods at Grutak.
Speaking to Grutak, Nalver says, "I'm conflicted that I'm glad to see you."
Sorlu smiles at Queatus.
Roelon deeply says, "As Councilor Sorlu has stated."
Lithyia says, "Ah, my fellow Thorns."
Lithyia smiles.
Anyauma smiles at Lithyia.
Roelon nods to Nalver in greeting.
Queatus nods to Sorlu in greeting.
Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak says, "I would think a matter of Town Meeting would take precedence over a House."
Speaking deeply to Nalver, Roelon says, "Good to see ye survived the...scarab encounter."
Nalver says, "It's still in there."
Lithyia glances at Nalver and cringes.
Grutak asks, "Is she implying that the House is more important than the town? Or that the Town is subservient to the House?"
Lithyia raises an eyebrow in Grutak's direction.
Sorlu looks thoughtfully at Grutak.
Speaking deeply to Grutak, Roelon says, "Now now, the services of White Haven were well planned. The House has also served this town greatly."
Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "A fair question, though one I can not answer for her."
Speaking deeply to Grutak, Roelon says, "If it is yir wish to divert tonight in this direction."
Roelon glances south.
Speaking to Roelon, Grutak says, "An occasional giving by the House surely would not impact it's ability."
Grutak says, "No..."
Grutak says, "It is not."
Grutak nods.
Grutak says, "Just making a point."
Lithyia rests a gentle hand on Grutak's arm.
Fropple just came prancing in.
Fropple says, "Halos."
Roelon deeply says, "Tonight's anouncement was rushed, it is unfortunate we conflicted with White Haven."
Sorlu agrees with Roelon.
Roelon folds his arms over his chest.
Fropple blinks at Roelon.
Fropple buries his face in his hands.
Sorlu says, "And my apologies to White Haven, as I did not realize their event was tonight."
Sorlu frowns.
A trumpeting note of alarm suddenly pierces the air, a distress call from somewhere nearby.
Lithyia raises an eyebrow.
Nalver says, "Hrm."
Sorlu cocks his head and examines the amber headband.
Dendum blinks.
Nalver stands up.
Fropple gasps.
Fropple says, "What is it."
Sorlu stares off into space.
Queatus frowns.
Dendum asks, "What is that?"
Lithyia asks, "Now? of all times?"
Sorlu squints.
Grutak says, "You'll have to pardon me."
Faerinn asks, "Is that the door prize?"
Flashing a quick grin and stifling a laugh, Dendum gazes with a bemused expression at his surroundings.
Sorlu nods at Grutak.
High Lord Grutak just went south.
Lithyia sighs.
Fropple says, "Distress call."
Roelon folds his arms over his chest.
Roelon nods slowly.
Fropple says, "Someone need halp."
Speaking to Roelon, Sorlu asks, "Do we know what caused the alarm?"
Nalver says, "It's nothing."
Lithyia softly says, "Well it was nice to see him for a brief bit."
Nalver says, "Just a stoopid giant."
Perigourd furrows his brow.
Speaking deeply to Sorlu, Roelon says, "Nae at all. Nothin' ah kin sense in the air." Sorlu nods at Roelon.
Speaking to Roelon, Sorlu says, "Though right on time, perhaps that is the sign to begin."
Fropple gasps.
Roelon nods at Sorlu.
Roelon turns to face Sorlu.
Roelon sits down.
Sorlu casually glances around the room.
A Unified North
Sorlu warmly greets, "Good evening, Icemule."
You nod at Sorlu.
You smile.
Lithyia turns to face Sorlu.
Flashing a quick smile, Dendum nods in greeting at Sorlu.
Sorlu says, "I will attempt to be brief this evening, as I know many of you are anxious to get to the service night that White Haven is currently holding."
Sorlu nods.
Fropple grins at Lilanna.
Sorlu says, "As many of you are already well aware, and others just now learning, Mayor Dabbings has spoken recently to express his belief that for the North to remain strong and become truly prosperous, Icemule must unify with our neighboring communities."
Lithyia nods at Sorlu.
Looking satisfied, Dendum nods in agreement.
Queatus nods.
Roelon nods slowly.
Lilanna adopts an agreeable expression.
Sorlu says, "Though it has now reached the highest authority in Icemule in Mayor Dabbing's, this sentiment has been brewing for quite some time. The cries for a unified Free North have become a near ceaseless chant, and I for one will not turn a deaf ear to the wishes of those that I serve..."
Lithyia nods at Sorlu.
Queatus nods.
Sorlu says, "Now... we must remember that a new Nation can not be built on dreams alone, nor simply held together with hope and well meant intentions. No, a new Nation requires structure, a framework on which to cling as it grows...much like a lattice in a rose garden."
You nod approvingly at Sorlu.
Lithyia smiles at Grutak.
(Lithyia holds her hand out to Grutak.)
Grutak joins Lithyia's group.
Perigourd chuckles to himself.
Grutak says, "Nothing attacking the city as far as I can tell."
Sorlu says, "As such, I wish to present to you the first draft of such a framework, with the hopes that it will stimulate conversation and thought about the future of Icemule, and indeed all of the North."
Anyauma raises an eyebrow.
Lithyia turns an inquisitive ear toward Sorlu.
Sorlu removes a snowflake-carved wooden case from his oiled leather belt.
Sorlu just opened a snowflake-carved wooden case.
Sorlu put a slender Nalfein-styled cane in his midnight suede rucksack.
Sorlu removes an oversized off-white proclamation from in his wooden case.
Dendum works his fingers under his warg leather hood and scratches his head.
Speaking to Sorlu, you ask, "Would you like help, Councillor?"
Sorlu says, "Please, if you would form a line..."
Sorlu carefully places a snowflake-carved wooden case on the floor.
Faerinn takes a bite of his rolton burger.
A gob of creamy egg yolk from the burger sticks to Faerinn's face.
Faerinn removes an oversized off-white proclamation from in a snowflake-carved wooden case.
Speaking to you, Sorlu says, "I trust those that have attened tonight."
Sorlu glances at a snowflake-carved wooden case.
You nod at Sorlu.
You smile.
Roelon nods to a snowflake-carved wooden case.
Sorlu says, "Within, you will find the first draft...please, do take one."
(Everyone grabs an oversized off-white proclamation)
Proclamation of the Establishment of the Northern Confederated Realm
In the Common language, it reads:
Proclamation of the Establishment of the Northern Confederated Realm
Guided by the Desire to establish a more Free and Secure existence, Aligned with our Spiritual and Geographic Brethren of all Northern Counties, We the Peoples of The Northern Confederated Realm do henceforth declare Ourselves coalesced against the encroachment of foreign adversarial Powers.
**** Article I ****
All Northern Counties shall be granted equal attendance in convening to form a Senate body.
Section 1. Each County, with elected terms and qualifications to be set by the local governing structure and bylaws of said County, shall be allowed to seat one representing Senator. Each representing Senator shall cast one vote, of equal weight, during the process of legislation.
Section 2. The Senate shall be presided over by an additional elected representative from the Capital, who shall be granted the designation of High Chair, with unique powers and authority to mediate as further outlined below, and granted an equal vote in all matters.
Section 3. The Senate shall convene as prudence dictates, meeting within the vicinity of Icemule Trace, the Capital of the Northern Confederated Realm. In cases of emergency or as necessitated by disaster, this may be temporarily relocated as agreed upon by the High Chair.
Section 4. The Senate shall have authority to legislate laws and define borders as serves the People of the Northern Confederated Realm. This includes, but is not limited to, tax assessments, tariffs, standards for criminal punishment, border enforcement, national security response, and admittance of new Peoples and territory.
Section 5. All matters shall be settled as agreed upon by a majority vote of the Senate. In instances of a tied vote, a deciding vote shall be cast by the High Chair. The High Chair also shall be granted the Right of Veto, to strike down any such legislation deemed unfit for a Free People.
Section 6. In times of national crisis which does not permit for a convening of the Senate, the High Chair may declare a temporary Martial Law that supersedes the Senate.
**** Article II ****
All Northern Counties shall produce and supply militarily capable soldiers in accordance with their size and population dedicated to the service of the Northern Confederated Realm's Army.
Section 1. Each County, while retaining a small reserve for local law enforcement, shall be expected to provide no less than ten percent of their able-bodied populace for military service, as determined by annual census.
Section 2. Each county shall be granted, in accordance with its local customs and governance, autonomy in determining service time limitations and individual restrictions, but shall not exceed twenty percent of the expected lifespan of that soldier's race. These limitations pertain to service within the Northern Confederated Realm's Army, and shall not include years served at the County level.
Section 3. Each County shall be responsible for establishing a pension for retired soldiers that includes any long term aid necessitated by damage, to mind, body, or spirit, received while in the service of the Northern Confederated Realm's Army.
Section 4. No soldier having yet to reach the age of accepted maturity shall be allowed admittance into the Northern Confederated Realm's Army, unless faced with such calamity that the Senate or High Chair determines necessary.
Section 5. All active soldiers shall serve no less than two consecutive years, with renewal based on the local bylaws of their home County, and to remain in accordance with minimums set by Section 1.
Section 6. The structure of the Northern Confederated Realm's Army shall be determined by the Officers of the Northern Confederated Realm's Army, but shall include one Captain from each designated County to directly oversee the soldiers of that County. The head officer of the Northern Confederated Realm's Army shall report to and receive orders directly from the Senate, except during times of Martial Law whereby this responsibility shall be conferred to the High Chair.
**** Article III ****
The Senate shall pass no law which denies or infringes upon the innate individuality, personal or religious choices, or political beliefs of any of the People of the Northern Confederated Realm.
Section 1. All Peoples of the Northern Confederated Realm contain the assumptive Right of Freedom. No law passed shall violate this innate Right, unless deemed a Hazard to the health and posterity of the Northern Confederated Realm as voted on by the Senate, or declared during Martial Law.
Section 2. Any legal matter which is unable to be determined at a local County level may be brought before the Senate for ruling. This ruling may be presided over by either the Senate, or delegated to an appointed Judge, or Judges, numbered as determined by the Senate. Such ruling shall be limited in scope to the County of the party which presented the case, but may be applied across the entirety of the Northern Confederated Realm by a standard Senate vote.
Section 3. No Northern County shall wage war against any other Northern County, or its People. Any local governance that violates this shall see its Senatorial Seat revoked and shall be met with a unified response from the Northern Confederated Realm to alleviate the source of aggression. Such lands may be either redistributed to other Counties, or new local leadership may be placed, as determined by the Senate.
Section 4. Borders, drawn at the National, County, and individual ownership level, shall be established and recognized, and not infringed upon by any law, with the exception of Section 3 and as determined necessary during times of Martial Law.
Section 5. Each County shall be granted its own Right of Governance regarding the taxation of its local People and products, as necessitated to meet the demands of the individual County and the Northern Confederated Realm. No tolls may be placed at County borders, but may be placed along roadways and at gatehouses. The Senate shall hold exclusive authority over setting tolls, taxes, and tariffs at National Borders.
Section 6. No religion shall be denied its Right to Open Worship within the protected borders of the Northern Confederated Realm, and may assemble to perform religious rites and ceremony as befitting their Deity.
Any attempt to subvert or circumvent this proclamation shall lead to the immediate and inevitable termination of all Rights of the individual within the Northern Confederated Realm.
Comments, Concerns, and Queries
Lilanna stands up.
Faerinn says, "Interesting...."
Roelon nods at Faerinn.
Nalver says, "That's a lot of words."
You chuckle at Nalver.
Roelon grins at Nalver.
Sorlu says, "There is quite a bit to digest, and surely I would not expect that to happen tonight. But I would quite enjoy hearing your feedback."
Speaking darkly to Nalver, Loralaii asks, "Read it to me?"
Speaking to Nalver, you say, "Nations are often built not only on swords and blood, but words and ink."
Dendum raises his hand.
Eofora softly asks, "Who kin read?"
Faerinn says, "Yeah, fortunately I have experience with such documents."
Nalver says, "Rule 1. Sylvans are best."
Lithyia grins at Nalver.
Lithyia chuckles.
Sorlu begins chuckling at Nalver!
Roelon grins.
Nalver says, "Scuse me. Article I."
Roelon nods at Nalver.
Speaking to Sorlu, Dendum inquires, ""This is made without input from potential future members of...alliance...nation...thing yes?"
Speaking to Dendum, Sorlu says, "This is simply a first draft, and any adjustments can be made as needed."
Sorlu nods at Dendum.
Lithyia nods to Randsford in greeting.
Fropple rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking to Sorlu, Dendum asks, ""What is this pension thing?"
(Faerinn puts on some tiny eye glasses, some yolk from his burger splatters on his copy of the proclamation.)
Randsford says, "Evening everyone."
Fropple and Randsford clasp forearms in greeting.
Speaking to Dendum, Sorlu says, "So that retired soldiers might not be forced to live a life of poverty after their service time is up."
Roelon deeply says, "Ah consider this ah good start. But from mah own opinion, this is nae set in stone. We will change what needs to, to fit what we all would envision."
Sorlu nods at Dendum.
Dendum blinks.
Speaking to Dendum, you say, "Perhaps it will help them to see that this new nation will be one built on equality as was a concern raised by Gorga."
Roelon nods.
Sorlu agrees with Roelon.
Lithyia nods at Sorlu.
Lilanna says, "I do recall the emissary saying the giantkin would nae be ruled by any others."
Speaking to Sorlu, Dendum remarks, ""You have burdened the shorter lived races for the long lived ones with this yes?"
Lithyia nods at Lilanna.
Speaking to Randsford, you say, "Good evening. Please, help yourself to a proclamation in the box."
Fropple rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Sorlu says, "Indeed, as Councillor Roelon has pointed out, this is not set in stone, but only a point from which to start."
Dendum glances between Sorlu and yourself.
Lithyia says, "He did say that."
You point at a snowflake-carved wooden case.
Avondell whispers something to Anyauma.
Speaking to Randsford, you correct, "Sorry, the case."
Lilanna nods at Lithyia.
Fropple paces back and forth.
Draelor ponders.
Eofora waves.
Perigourd glances skeptically around the room.
Lilanna waves to Eofora.
Perigourd put an oversized off-white proclamation in his suede cloak.
Fropple squints at an oversized off-white proclamation.
Eofora stands up.
Speaking to Dendum, Sorlu says, "I have set limitations on how long one might serve, so that one might still enjoy the pleasures of life."
Avondell smiles.
Falconblood just arrived.
Speaking to Sorlu, Nalver asks, "A new nation, do you plan to do trade through the current path south? Through the plains and over the glacier into Upper Trollfang?"
Speaking to Sorlu, Dendum remarks, ""But you did not set limitation on pension."
Falconblood just went south.
Lithyia glances between Dendum and Sorlu.
Lilanna says, "Tha point is on a very long stick...."
Roelon grins at Dendum.
Speaking to Nalver, Sorlu says, "I would set no limitation in trade, personally. Though others might speak differently."
Eofora just went south.
Randsford removes an oversized off-white proclamation from in a snowflake-carved wooden case.
Faerinn says, "Article 1, section 6 definitely needs a term limit and very well defined powers." Randsford squints at an oversized off-white proclamation.
Grutak and Randsford clasp forearms in greeting.
Randsford nods to Grutak in greeting.
In the wooden case: Special [13]: an oversized off-white proclamation (13) Total items: 13
Speaking to Dendum, Sorlu says, "Some things can be worked out on the local level."
Faerinn says, "And terms of said martial law."
Lithyia whispers something to Lilanna.
Speaking to Sorlu, Nalver asks, "Did you consult with the two otehr active council members about this?"
Queatus nods.
Speaking to Nalver, Grutak asks, "Does he need to?"
Speaking to Nalver, Sorlu says, "I have presented it to them already. Again, this is not law."
Loralaii stands up.
Commodore Loralaii just went south.
Queatus says, "A very good start."
Fropple furrows his brow.
Speaking to Grutak, Nalver says, "I'm just asking about how official this is."
Anyauma agrees with Queatus.
Grutak shakes his head.
Nalver says, "Because it sounds very unofficial but is being presented in an official way."
Lithyia whispers something to Lilanna.
Lilanna ponders.
Grutak says, "Man, if people can hate something with little or no effort around here it's amazing."
Lithyia begins chuckling at Grutak!
Speaking playfully to Nalver, you counter, "Would you have preferred he stand in town center and hand it out there?"
Lithyia nods at Lilanna.
Speaking deeply to Nalver, Roelon says, "It is being done so we kin listen to the voices regarding this idea."
Dendum asks, "This is err....just thing to start conversation not end it yes?"
Speaking to Nalver, Sorlu says, "It is being presented in an official way only to allow a measure of transparency, and to allow feedback to be received."
Fropple paces back and forth.
Nalver nods.
Fropple nods in agreement.
Dendum nods.
Fropple says, "Yes yes, listens and thinks abouts it."
Fropple rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Roelon deeply says, "The Mayor will need to deem anything official in regards to this, of course."
Fropple squints at an oversized off-white proclamation.
Speaking to Grutak, Nalver says, "Perhaps if every time you hear a conversation you hear vile and hate, you should look inward, not outward."
Sorlu says, "My hopes is that perhaps you will be struck by inspiration that might further advance our shared goal. A way to improve this that might help with negotiation with our neighbors."
Lithyia glances at Nalver.
Anyauma smiles.
Speaking to Sorlu, Nalver says, "Simply asking questions to make sure I understand."
Nalver nods at Sorlu.
Anyauma flutters her wings at Sorlu.
Fropple nods.
Anyauma agrees with Avondell.
Sorlu agrees with Nalver.
Avondell winks at Anyauma.
Faerinn takes a bite of his rolton burger.
Speaking to Nalver, Sorlu says, "I take no offense."
Sorlu smiles at Nalver.
Perigourd takes a drink from his amber Wildwood whiskey.
Speaking to Sorlu, Dendum remarks, ""Is is presumed capital will be Icemule?"
Fropple smiles.
Queatus says, "The martial law bits.... should be confirmed by the senate or ended within a defined timeframe."
Speaking to Sorlu, Dendum asks, ""Why not the Cove?"
Sorlu looks thoughtfully at Dendum.
Perigourd says, "I'm surprised it includes conscription."
Perigourd nods thoughtfully.
Speaking to Nalver, Grutak says, "I look in all the time. the Councilors provide a rough draft and instantly there's griping and moaning and this and that. Celebrate people. Enjoy your victory. We have a chance at a Northern Alliance. A new power being born in the world."
Grutak says, "Don't be afraid of it, embrace it and help it grow."
Perigourd says, "And I'm curious what happens if a member decides not to send it's required alotment of troops."
Speaking to Dendum, Sorlu says, "Icemule has shown itself to be a stalwart against the darkness. I can not imagine a world in which we did not continue to lead the way."
Lithyia smiles at Grutak.
Fropple says, "Yes yes...very wise, civilian control of military."
Dendum nods at Sorlu.
Speaking deeply to Perigourd, Roelon says, "Indeed, and ah good question."
Speaking to Sorlu, Dendum remarks, ""Hopefully others see the same thing..."
Faerinn asks, "Am I missing how the counties are to hold their elections for senate?"
Fropple glances at an oversized off-white proclamation and rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Lithyia glances at an oversized off-white proclamation in her hand.
Speaking to Faerinn, you say, "I believe it is to be decided locally."
(Faerinn adjusts his comically tiny eyeglasses.)
Sorlu nods to you.
Faerinn cringes.
Speaking to Faerinn, you say, "Since each group may do things differently."
Faerinn takes a bite of his rolton burger.
Speaking to Faerinn, you say, "It would be a lot to presume that we can tell the giants how to select their representative."
Speaking to Faerinn, you say, "As an example."
Roelon deeply says, "The Mayor said we need to learn to walk aye? before we run. All these will be answered in time."
You shrug.
Nalver nods.
Faerinn wipes some creamy egg yolk off his face with his hand.
Fropple adopts an agreeable expression.
Sorlu says, "I do not know if it is prudent for us, should tribes of giants decide to stand with us, to tell them how they much change their ways of setting their local leadership. The intent is to find a way to work together to form one body, not to dominate them."
Lithyia nods at Sorlu.
You nod in agreement at Sorlu.
Faerinn says, "That could lead to one faction gamifying the county elections to dominate them..."
Perigourd says, "I'm also curious why the High Chair position can only be appointed from the Capital city, as compared to any existing member town or nation."
Roelon deeply says, "We still need to seek the Giants. Speak further with the Half Krovlin, if the Wsalamir and scattered Kindred will gather to talk."
Perigourd says, "That would seem to be unfair representation."
Nalver pensively says, "I feel that this is a great framework, but like others are saying, I worry how other groups will take it."
Fropple agrees with Perigourd.
Fropple rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Perigourd says, "Especially considering the seat has a higher degree of authority."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Roelon nods at Perigourd.
Nalver says, "Just mentioning the idea of a nation stirred so inner strife with Valflad."
Speaking to Nalver, Sorlu says, "Then I encourage you to speak with myself, or with any member of the Council, with suggestions and advice on how to improve this document."
Faerinn says, "Maybe consider this more of a living document too."
Naliya just went south.
Sorlu nods at Nalver.
Grutak says, "There are others that need to be brought into this discussion not mentioned yet."
Nalver says, "And he's the even tempered one."
Roelon nods at Grutak.
Lithyia says, "I believe Sorlu already said this was just a starting point..."
Speaking amusedly to Faerinn, you ask, "Or one might say a first draft even?"
You chuckle.
Fropple says, "Many rules, much complexities...."
Fropple rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Queatus says, "The executive could be elected by the senate from among the senators."
Roelon deeply says, "Aye, ponder this, these are questions that must be addressed."
Roelon nods.
Randsford suddenly looks drained!
Speaking to Sorlu, Nalver says, "Simple. Don't show someone a farm that has a cottage and fields full of plants to engage them in the dream of building it. Show them the land and ask what they could do with it."
(Faerinn moves some yellow egg yolk around on his copy of the proclaimation.)
Draelor nods.
Speaking to Nalver, Sorlu says, "Indeed...and this seems to be a repeating pattern amongst our neighbors. They will of course be leery, and so we must move slowly with them."
Lilanna nods at Queatus.
Roelon shifts his weight.
Speaking to Sorlu, Nalver says, "So start simple. Literally two lines or so."
Lithyia softly says, "I do not believe he meant for everyone to simply agree with this and accept it this evening."
Lithyia chuckles.
Speaking to Nalver, Sorlu says, "I believe this is quite the simple start. There is much, much more I could have added...but I wish to receive input from others to further improve it."
Nalver says, "Article I establishes a nation between first peoples, second peoples, third peoples and further agrees to send one representative to discuss the framework of the new nation,"
Roelon nods at Lithyia.
Lithyia nods at Sorlu.
Anyauma smiles at Sorlu.
Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak says, "It is as I suspected, the weak wish to water things down."
Lithyia smiles at Roelon.
Lithyia raises an eyebrow in Grutak's direction.
Nalver whispers something to Roelon.
Speaking to Nalver, you say, "If things are too vague, it may be difficult to help others see the possible vision."
Nalver whispers something to Roelon.
Speaking to Nalver, you say, "It is a delicate balance."
Sorlu says, "In fact, this truly only speaks on three items. The formation of a ruling body, the formation of the army to protect this Nation, as well as the mentioning of indivual Rights within this Nation."
Nalver nods to you.
Speaking to you, Nalver says, "That is a fair point."
Speaking to Nalver, you say, "One that I believe Councillor Sorlu did a good job in handling."
Anyauma says, "I am quite content that this is a fertile beginning."
Perigourd scratches at his beard.
Anyauma nods.
Sorlu smiles at Anyauma.
Anyauma smiles.
Lithyia nods at Roelon.
You ask, "Despite many comments and even possible objections, would any here say they cannot at least see more of a nation forming just from reading the paper?"
You smile.
Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak says, "I might offer one other thing... strongly..."
Sorlu smiles at you.
Lithyia smiles at Roelon.
Sorlu nods at Grutak.
Grutak says, "If we are forming a "Northern" alliance, I would say that those not in the Alliance have no say on how it is run or formed."
Speaking to you, Dendum says, ""It is good work."
You smile at Dendum.
Perigourd chuckles.
Speaking to Dendum, you say, "The people did well in choosing their Councillors."
Faerinn asks, "Are you married to the name Northern Confederated Alliance?"
Lilanna says, "Alliance or nation... they not the same."
Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "We shall always strive to move forward in a way that benefits all. Such will be the legacy of our Nation."
Sorlu smiles.
Grutak says, "Too much outside interferance bleeds us as it is. Attempting to push us to be this that or the other. We should be ourselves. Despite what they seek."
Speaking to Faerinn, you correct, "Northern Confederated Realm I believe."
Queatus says, "Also, we should have a procedure for adding new counties..... just in case more of our neighbors to the South wish to join...."
Lithyia softly says, "I commend you Sorlu for this draft, i do."
Lithyia nods at Roelon.
Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "I can certainly understand your concerns."
Sorlu nods at Grutak.
Faerinn says, "Ah, alas."
Sorlu smiles at Lithyia.
Lithyia says, "I will need to spend more time looking over it...not now of course...I'm...distracted."
Lithyia chuckles.
Lithyia blushes a nice shade of dark red.
Speaking to Queatus, Draelor says, "Or any neighbors find themselves without their current predicaments."
Queatus nods.
Speaking to Queatus, you say, "An excellent suggestion."
Sorlu says, "I believe, as I understand law, that what we are looking for is more akin to a confederation."
Dendum says, "Is not pupose of allinace to expand circle from the tiny one you are in now? By definition a pact will have more voices than a single tribe...a single tribe has more voices than a single tent...a tent more voices than an individual."
Sorlu nods.
Dendum says, "Well unless the individual is Mother of Rooks then she has plenty of voices on her own."
Lithyia begins chuckling at Dendum!
You chuckle at Dendum.
Sorlu grins at Dendum.
Lithyia leans softly against Grutak.
Roelon grins at Dendum.
Grutak smiles at Lithyia.
Lithyia smiles at Grutak.
Anyauma flutters her wings at Dendum.
Lilanna put an oversized off-white proclamation in her dun leather corset.
Speaking to Dendum, Sorlu says, "As populations expand, and more voices are needed to carry their message, so to can the drawing of county this way, the Senate would grow as the lands grew."
Roelon deeply says, "Right. Mull over these documents. They are just seeds that kin be changed to fit what this nation could be."
Roelon stands up.
Sorlu nods at Roelon.
Roelon dusts off his black woolen kilt.
Faerinn says, "Yeah, I'll have several new names very soon."
Sorlu says, "Thank you all for meeting with us tonight. Do remember that White Haven is currently holding a service night, to take care of those needs which they can meet." Roelon grins at Faerinn.
Lithyia nods at Sorlu.
Speaking to Sorlu, Queatus says, "Excellent work, my friend."
Dendum plops an oversized off-white proclamation into a large compartment inside the grey leather case.
Queatus nods.
Sorlu smiles at Queatus.
Lithyia agrees with Queatus.
Queatus put an oversized off-white proclamation in his worn and faded trousers.
Speaking humbly to Queatus, Sorlu says, "Thank you."
Avondell put an oversized off-white proclamation in his Faendryl pack.
Lithyia says, "I will mull over this more tomorrow."
Lithyia nods.
Lithyia just opened a ruffled silk taffeta wrap pinned with a large satin rosette.
Lithyia put an oversized off-white proclamation in her silk taffeta wrap.
Sorlu nods at Lithyia.
Lithyia just closed a ruffled silk taffeta wrap pinned with a large satin rosette.
Queatus says, "We will have Freedom in the North."
Roelon deeply says, "Aye come for spells, drinks and more."
Draelor slips a hand into the depths of his leather cloak and places an oversized off-white proclamation into an inner pocket, causing the claws to rattle with the movement.
Sorlu agrees with Queatus.
Lithyia agrees with Queatus.
Roelon nods.
Sorlu grins at Roelon.
Perigourd folds his hands behind his back.
Dendum nods once.
Grutak glances at Perigourd and rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Sorlu surreptitiously glances at Perigourd.
Perigourd raises an eyebrow.
Faerinn gazes at his reflection in the smooth seaglass mirror.
Lithyia softly asks, "Something on your mind Perigourd?"
Lithyia smiles at Perigourd.
Roelon deeply says, "For all it's people. Giants, Half Krolvin, Kindred, Truefolks and all."
Faerinn says, "Nope too small."
Nalver says, "Excuse me."
Sorlu nods at Roelon.
Nalver stands up.
Speaking to Lithyia, Perigourd says, "I stated some of my concerns already."
Nalver bows.
Nalver just went south.
Lithyia nods at Perigourd.
Roelon nods at Perigourd.
Lithyia smiles.
Avondell stands up.
Speaking to Perigourd, Grutak says, "I'm sure you have lots of concerns."
(Faerinn takes off his comically small eye glasses and crushes them to powdwer in his hand.)
Speaking to Perigourd, Queatus says, "Always interested in hearing more input from the future senator from the Landing."
Queatus grins at Perigourd.
Speaking to Roelon, Dendum remarks, ""Wish to again request asylum in the north for those displaced by the human empire...."
Perigourd chuckles.
Queatus winks.
Speaking to Queatus, Perigourd says, "I'm sure they have their own politicians to send."
Perigourd nods at Queatus.
Faerinn's off-white proclamation vanishes into the depths of his maroon silk kimono.
Anyauma turns an inquisitive ear toward Dendum.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Grutak says, "I wouldn't think the Landing would be part of it."
Grutak says, "Seeing as they are part of the Empire."
Anyauma stands up.
Queatus grins.
Faerinn says, "The Landing has a history of not filling vacant seats so that will be an issue."
Lithyia says, "I doubt you could convince the landing at this point..."
Lithyia chuckles.
Queatus says, "Not yet, they aren't."
Faerinn says, "Also the imperial encroachment thing."
Speaking deeply to Grutak, Roelon asks, "Those displaced, fleein' from the south. Perhaps they seek ah new home?"
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Queatus idly traces the length of one of the straps on his ghezyte-buckled bandolier.
Sorlu says, "Perhaps we can gather again in a week or so, and discuss any thoughts that might come to you in that time."
Anyauma nods at Roelon.
Lithyia nods at Sorlu.
Speaking to Roelon, Grutak says, "Then they wouldn't be Landingers would they."
Faerinn says, "But remember once the Empire finishes integrating the Landing they will turn their eyes up North."
Grutak says, "THe Landing is a protectorate of the Empire, so says Thadston and the Council."
Grutak shrugs.
Sorlu nods slowly at Faerinn.
Perigourd says, "It is."
Lithyia softly says, "I am starting to wonder if i should seek citizenship here instead of the landing."
Grutak says, "Don't see where it matters after that."
Perigourd nods thoughtfully.
Speaking to Faerinn, you say, "One of the many reasons the formning of the confederation is so cruicial."
Anyauma says, "There are those of us who do not want the Empire's protection."
Avondell whispers something to Anyauma.
Grutak says, "That would not make the Landing a friend of the Northern Alliance."
Avondell agrees with Anyauma.
Speaking to Faerinn, you say, "As the good mayor and many others have had the foresight to realize."
Lilanna nods at Lithyia.
Sorlu picks up a snowflake-carved wooden case.
Lilanna grins.
Lithyia smiles at Lilanna.
Sorlu asks, "Did everyone receive a copy who wished one?"
Anyauma asks, "May I have one to gift to another?"
Sorlu nods at Anyauma.
Anyauma cocks her head.
Speaking deeply to Faerinn, Roelon says, "This is the idea of this new nation. So such powers would nae do so. Against the dark ones slinkin' through the shadows."
Anyauma smiles.
Sorlu offers Anyauma an oversized off-white proclamation.
Roelon pulls the voluminous tartan-lined hood of his black leather duster over his head, preparing himself for the capricious elements of the outdoors.
Speaking to Grutak, you ask, "Did you get one, Commander?"
Roelon forcefully crosses one arm over his leather coat-of-plates and offers a formal bow.
Anyauma accepts Sorlu's off-white proclamation.
Anyauma says, "My thanks."
Grutak looks over at you and shakes his head.
Sorlu nods at Anyauma.
Grutak says, "I did not."
Anyauma put an oversized off-white proclamation in her cloth-of-veniom satchel.
Sorlu removes an oversized off-white proclamation from in his wooden case.
Sorlu offers Grutak an oversized off-white proclamation.
Speaking to Roelon, Dendum remarks, ""We know there are those around the landing unhappy....if the human empire continues to meet such things with the sword as it always has in the past there may be Reivers in need of new homes....or humans...or any number of people. Would be good if they know there are options in the north."
Grutak accepts Sorlu's off-white proclamation.
Speaking deeply to Sorlu, Roelon says, "If such ah meetin' is needed, ah will make mah self available."
Sorlu bows to Roelon.
Roelon nods at Dendum.
Grutak put an oversized off-white proclamation in his onyx oilcloth greatcloak.
Lithyia asks, "Grutak, we can talk about this more while you are here briefly, yes?"
Lithyia smiles at Grutak.
Speaking to Dendum, Perigourd says, "The Reivers have a village here."
Faerinn says, "Just as Hochstib did Aurmont has taken up at least the expansionist polices of his predeccessor."
Speaking deeply to Dendum, Roelon says, "Ah hae heard such whispers."
Perigourd shrugs nonchalantly at Dendum.
Speaking to Roelon, Sorlu says, "I have no doubt, Councillor."
Sorlu smiles at Roelon.
Speaking to Roelon, Dendum says, ""Err Reivers are humans but there are other humans as well."
Speaking to Dendum, Perigourd says, "Few know of it."
Fiery hues dance over the surface of Roelon's leather hiking boots.
Speaking to Lithyia, Grutak asks, "About which?"
Speaking to Roelon, Dendum says, ""Hard to keep track of all the humans."
Lithyia says, "This document."
Faerinn becomes solid again.
Lithyia says, "And perhaps me becoming a citizen of Icemule."
Speaking to Dendum, Grutak says, "Nothing wrong with Humans."
Lithyia smiles at Grutak.
Dendum nods at Grutak.
Lithyia says, "I'm...human."
Roelon deeply says, "Now if ye pardon me, ah must aid White Haven of Icemule."
Sorlu says, "I am quite fond of the Reivers...I knew many of them during my years spent in River's Rest. Quite loyal to their cause."
You chuckle.
Avondell agrees with Grutak.
Sorlu nods.
Roelon's eyes suddenly flash with a deep sanguine glow.
Roelon playfully flips the folds of his black woolen kilt.
Lithyia waves to Roelon.
You hear very soft footsteps.
Speaking to Lithyia, Grutak says, "If you wish."
Lithyia grins at Sorlu.
Lithyia nods at Grutak.
Sorlu rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Anyauma smiles.
Lithyia grins at you.
Lithyia blushes a nice shade of dark red.
Sorlu says, "In fact, should any of you come across them in your let them know they have a friend here in the North."
Sorlu smiles.
Lithyia nods at Sorlu.
Lithyia smiles.
Grutak says, "I am angry about the reaction tonight though."
Dendum nods at Sorlu.
Lithyia says, "I'm sure...the message can be passed along."
Anyauma adopts an agreeable expression.
Anyauma waves.
Anyauma joins Avondell's group.
Lithyia smiles at Grutak.
Avondell nods at Anyauma.
Anyauma smiles happily.
Anyauma adopts an agreeable expression.
Lithyia glances down.
Speaking to Grutak, Queatus says, "Wouldn't be a proper meeting if you weren't at least a little angry."
Great Lord Avondell's group just went south.
Queatus grins at Grutak.
Faerinn says, "I'll definitely take the time to pour over these documents. While I'm hiding from Big Hat having the displaced of Caligos poke at Charl again."
Lithyia smiles at Grutak.
Lithyia nods.
Dendum inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out a small stream of smoke before him briefly.
Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "Such things are to be expected. Do not let it be too much of a burden. This is Icemule...our largest commodity is disagreement."
Sorlu laughs softly, trying to hide his amusement.
Sorlu nods at Faerinn.
Speaking to Faerinn, Queatus asks, "You don't think the tidal wave can reach all the here, do you?"
Queatus babbles something unintelligible.
You chuckle at Sorlu.
Lithyia says, "Everyone, a fair evening to you all."
Lithyia nods at Grutak.
Grutak says, "Good night."
You stand back up.
Lithyia sinks into a deep curtsy.
Dendum bows to Lithyia.
Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy to Lithyia. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod in her direction.
Lilanna renders a sharp hand salute.
Mistress Lithyia's group just went south.
Envoy Lilanna just went south.
Taeffryl stands up.
Faerinn says, "I've come to learn that snow and ice are frozen water."
Taeffryl curtsies gracefully.
Great Lady Taeffryl just went south.
Queatus frowns.
Dendum blinks at Faerinn.
Faerinn says, "So I cannot be certain Charl has no influence over it."
Perigourd takes a bite of his grey haon nut.
Sorlu grins.
Fropple just pranced away energetically, moving south.
Speaking to Faerinn, Dendum offers, "Would this make...the great spirit of oceans the great spirit of frozen tundras?"
Faerinn says, "So I will be taking shelter on Dragonspine Fane."
Dendum nods at Faerinn.
Fropple just came prancing in.
Speaking to Dendum, Faerinn says, "Possibly. I mean have you seen an avalance."
Draelor says, "Perhaps the Firebird will be a good spot to watch it from."
Speaking to Faerinn, Dendum says, ""Will just stay as far away as possible."
You say, "Excuse me a moment."