The Watchfire Pact (storyline)/2023-06-07 - Elections and Eruptions (log)

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This is a log of the weekly Icemule storyline event captured from the viewpoint of Aliashyrah.

The Virtue of Waiting

[Icemule Trace, Meeting Pavilion - ]

Banners of blue and white frame a mule-printed tent flap marking the entrance to the spacious pavilion. Supported by a central pillar of hoarbeam that is heavily carved with penguins, polar bears, and wolves, the enclosed space is heated and perfumed by a number of pierced censers hanging from the support beams by chains of iron. The eastern quadrant of the pavilion is dominated by a raised pine stage festooned with blue and white banners with a weathered spruce podium at the front. You also see the orange Richlynn disk, the Unravel disk, the Imrys disk, a heartbroken wasteland spirit that is flying around and a burled pine voting booth.

Also here: Lady Teaberry, Queatus, Lord Sorlu, Trisscar, Great Lord Richlynn, Unravel, Seneschal Dendum, Squire Alosaka, Imrys, Tikba, Mistress Lithyia, Lord Grutak, Roelon, Chronicler Falvicar, Lady Opalina

Lithyia says, "At least I think so."

Lithyia waves to you.

Lithyia waves to Sorlu.

Roelon nods to Sorlu in greeting.

Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod.

Lithyia curtsies to you.

Sorlu warmly greets, "Good evening, Icemule."

Dendum laughs!

Imrys nods in greeting.

You formally greet, "Blessed evening to all."

Tikba nods in greeting.

Sorlu offers a polite nod, touching two fingers against his forehead in a brief salute as he tucks his opposite hand into the bloodjewel-fastened pocket of his obsidian waistcoat.

Trisscar smiles.

Alosaka rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Tikba nods understandingly at Dendum.

Dendum nods understandingly at Tikba.

Queatus just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.

Opalina shrugs.

Lithyia waves to Queatus.

Lithyia gives Queatus a friendly hug.

Dendum nods at Queatus.

Lithyia puckers her lips at Grutak.

Lithyia chuckles to herself.

Tikba nods to Queatus in greeting.

Lady Teaberry just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.

Grutak gives Lithyia a lingering kiss on the forehead.

Queatus waves.

Speaking to Lithyia, Alosaka asks, "I apologize Lithyia, I'm not sure I ever managed to ask for your opinion. You mention that Loyalty is important, but is there a virtue that is most important to you?"

Imrys waves to Queatus.

Farseeker just went into a mule-printed tent flap.

Unravel just went into a mule-printed tent flap.

Imrys takes a drink from her red ale.

For the briefest of moments, your gaze alights on the booth.

Lithyia says, "Oh... I.. can i answer that tomorrow ALosaka? I want to think on it a lot more."

Lithyia says, "And not just answer right off the cuff."

Alosaka nods understandingly at Lithyia.

Lithyia says, "As so many things are important to me."

Speaking to Lithyia, Sorlu asks, "Patience?"

Lithyia smiles at Alosaka.

Sorlu appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Alosaka says, "Of course."

Imrys grins.

Alosaka grins at Sorlu.

Lithyia says, "Patience..a thing i lack terribly at times."

Lithyia grins at Sorlu.

Speaking to Alosaka, Queatus asks, "You writing an article or something?"

Sorlu chuckles.

Speaking to Queatus, Grutak says, "Self edification if I remember."

Speaking to Queatus, Alosaka says, "I am surveying opinions on what folks consider the most important virtue."

Alosaka rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Tikba appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as she glances at Queatus.

Queatus nods at Alosaka.

Opalina asks, "'Inclusion?"

Speaking deeply to Lithyia, Roelon says, "Aye, it is ah struggle with such. But perhaps this makes it most important to master."

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Speaking to Queatus, Alosaka asks, "I don't think I've managed to ask you yet... if you don't mind, what virtue would you say is most important to you?"

Lithyia nods at Roelon.

Haliyna just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.

Queatus says, "Hmm."

Speaking to Lithyia, you suggest, "I hear passion is one that has not been given often enough."

Lithyia grins at you.

Alosaka rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Queatus grins at Imrys.

Mikkeller just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.

Imrys grins wryly.

Lithyia asks, "Is passion a virtue?"

Lithyia ponders.

Alosaka grins at you.

Queatus says, "Loyalty is a good one."

Speaking to Lithyia, you say, "To some."

Sorlu nods at Lithyia.

Speaking to you, Alosaka says, "Far more people have offered Compassion than Passion."

Falvicar gazes thoughtfully at a burled pine voting booth.

Lord Randsford just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.

Roelon grins.

Trisscar wistfully says, "I wonder what a not-crazy-event MMT feels like."

Lithyia says, "See, this is why I wish to think on it before answering."

Roelon nods to Randsford in greeting.

Trisscar giggles.

Speaking to Alosaka, Imrys asks, "Has anyone said modesty?"

Speaking to Lithyia, Alosaka says, "Anything you like can be a virtue. I am not limiting responses."

Randsford nods to Roelon in greeting.

Queatus says, "I will say loyalty."

Lithyia nods at Alosaka.

Queatus nods.

Farseeker just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.

Imrys gently brushes her pearl blonde hair away from her eyes and, with a deft twist of her wrist, tucks it back into its bindings. As Haliyna raises her witchwood scepter into the air, a beam of incandescent light shoots forth from the glowing orb.

Speaking to Imrys, Alosaka says, "No, but three people said Humility was their prime virtue."

Queatus gazes in wonder at his surroundings.

Alosaka nods at Queatus.

You gaze in amusement at Alosaka.

Imrys laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Queatus says, "Nobody around here, I reckon."

Speaking to Queatus, Alosaka asks, "That is one of the more poopular responses so far. May I ask why you say so?"

Queatus asks, "Without loyal friends and family, what do you really have?"

Speaking quietly to Queatus, Alosaka suggests, "Disloyal friends and family?"

Speaking to Alosaka, Queatus says, "Exactly."

Queatus nods.

Alosaka grins.

Mayor Election Announcement

A Clovertooth Hall clerk just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.

Lithyia turns to face a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

Roelon grins slowly.

Lithyia nods to a Clovertooth Hall clerk in greeting.

Sorlu nods to a Clovertooth Hall clerk in greeting.

Tikba nods politely to the Hall clerk.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "Good evening."

Opalina smiles at Falvicar.

Lithyia exclaims, "Evening!"

Alosaka turns to face a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

Nalver just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.

Imrys nods in greeting to the Hall clerk.

Speaking deeply to Queatus, Roelon says, "The kilt flare, ah would say, perhaps lack such strength in this."

A grumpy little gremlin darts up to Nalver in a breathless hurry.

Roelon pulls the folds of his black woolen kilt more tightly around his waist.

Nalver joins Sorlu's group.

Nalver basks in the glow of the sphere.

In a perfect imitation of Falvicar, the voice of Scribs says, "We are hiring an invoker."

Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod.

Speaking to a Clovertooth Hall clerk, Sorlu says, "Indeed, and to you as well."

Roelon grins.

Nalver glances at a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

Imrys laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Roelon nods to a Clovertooth Hall clerk in greeting.

Lithyia agrees with Queatus.

A crier announces, "A town meeting with a representative from Clovertooth Hall is beginning now in the pavilion at Town Center."

Opalina laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Opalina nods.

Opalina nods.

Opalina exclaims, "We are!"

Lithyia begins chuckling at Alosaka!

Falvicar frowns.

Scribs suddenly fades into view.

Dendum says, "Err..."

Speaking to a Clovertooth Hall clerk, Nalver asks, "Are you the one with the statue on your desk?"

Tikba gazes in amusement at Alosaka.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk shakes its head.

Nalver says, "No, that's the secratery."

Also here: Nalver, Farseeker, Lord Randsford, Great Lord Scribs, Mikkeller, Haliyna, Seneschal Dendum, Lady Teaberry, Queatus, Lord Sorlu, Trisscar, Great Lord Richlynn, Squire Alosaka, Imrys, Tikba, Mistress Lithyia, Lord Grutak, Roelon, Chronicler Falvicar, Lady Opalina

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "I barely have a desk."

Roelon chuckles.

Falvicar whispers something to Opalina.

Falvicar grins.

Sorlu nods slowly at Nalver.

Grinning amusedly, Opalina tickles Falvicar, causing him to giggle.

Sorlu just opened a plainly wrapped package.

Imrys takes a drink from her red ale.

Great Lord Scribs just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.

Opalina briskly rubs her hands over the sleeves of her white bearskin coat, dislodging snow that has accumulated on its surface. As it hits the ground, it swiftly melts away.

Grutak removes a bleached skull jug with a sinew-hinged leather lid from in his onyx oilcloth greatcloak.

Lifting up his skull jug, Grutak takes a measured drink of the whiskey inside.

Opalina shuffles her feet.

Lithyia whispers something to Alosaka.

Lithyia smiles at Alosaka.

Speaking to Tikba, Alosaka asks, "Has becoming a politician changed your thoughts on virtue?"

A Clovertooth Hall clerk glances around hesitantly.

Lithyia raises an eyebrow.

Lithyia nods at Alosaka.

Tikba gazes in amusement at Alosaka.

Lithyia smiles at Alosaka.

You nod in agreement at Imrys.

Roelon furrows his brow.

Imrys takes a drink from her red ale.

Tikba amusedly says, "I am not sure running for office once makes one a politician."

Lithyia grins at Tikba.

Alosaka glances dubiously at Tikba.

Queatus grins at Alosaka.

Queatus nods.

Grutak says, "Asking Tikba about virutues is like asking a halfling about long pants."

The little gremlin picks at his inner ear until producing a sufficiently delicious morsel to devour.

Alosaka suggests, "Some people might say that's the definition of being a politician."

Lithyia begins chuckling at Grutak!

Roelon grins slowly.

Queatus says, "Politician's answer."

Lithyia nods at Queatus.

Speaking to Falvicar, Opalina says, "Your smile is making me melt."

Adalfuns just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "Councill--ah, that is, Master O'Mallory very much wanted to be here to preside, but his health wouldn't permit the stress."

Imrys moves to Adalfuns's side and they lace their fingers together.

Queatus waves to Adalfuns.

Tikba nods sympathetically to the Hall clerk.

Adalfuns smiles.

Lithyia turns an inquisitive ear toward a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

Roelon nods once.

You chuckle at Imrys.

Perigourd just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.

Nalver says, "Some people like to sleep in birthday suits. I like to sleep in halfling boots."

Perigourd turns toward Alosaka and renders a sharp salute with his kelyn warsword.

You smirk.

Alosaka nods in greeting at Perigourd.

Lithyia begins chuckling at Nalver!

Roelon nods to Perigourd in greeting.

Perigourd turns toward Roelon and renders a sharp hand salute.

Tikba nods to Perigourd in greeting.

Lithyia nods to Perigourd in greeting.

Lithyia waves to Adalfuns.

Missoni flounces out of a mule-printed tent flap amidst a diffuse cloud of prismatic glitter.

Perigourd bows to Tikba.

Perigourd bows to Lithyia.

Opalina hugs Perigourd.

Missoni moves to Perigourd's side and they lace their fingers together.

Lithyia waves to Missoni.

Tikba smiles at Missoni.

Perigourd bows to Opalina.

Missoni smiles.

Opalina hugs Missoni.

Alosaka smiles at Missoni.

Missoni gives Opalina a friendly hug.

Queatus nods to Perigourd in greeting.

Missoni waves to Tikba.

Lithyia withdraws what appears to be a tiny perfume stopper from her wide wristcoil. With deft movements, she dabs the slender glass wand behind each ear before returning it to the wristcoil.

Perigourd nods in greeting at Queatus.

Missoni gives Lithyia a friendly hug.

Queatus nods to Missoni in greeting.

Lithyia gives Missoni a friendly hug.

Imrys leans softly against Adalfuns.

Missoni nods to Queatus in greeting.

Missoni waves to Alosaka.

Adalfuns gently bites Imrys.

Imrys smiles quietly to herself.

Lithyia winks at Grutak.

Sorlu leans on his cane, taking a momentary rest.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "I suppose you all know why we are gathered here this evening."

Roelon forcefully crosses one arm over his leather coat-of-plates and offers Missoni a formal bow.

Nalver says, "Speaking of politics. Here are two people who aided in the kidnapping of someone who showed up to a political meeting."

Lithyia nods to the Hall clerk.

Dendum says, "No."

Nalver glances between Missoni and Perigourd.

Dendum says, "Have no idea."

Adalfuns chuckles to himself.

Lithyia turns to face Nalver.

Lithyia grins at Nalver.

Missoni cocks her head at Nalver.

Dendum says, "Just kept hearing voices so followed them."

Roelon raises an eyebrow.

Missoni looks rather confused.

Tikba nods at Dendum.

Roelon begins chuckling at Dendum!

Alosaka begins chuckling at Grutak!

Queatus grins.

Lithyia grins at Grutak.

Lithyia leans softly against Grutak.

Speaking to a Clovertooth Hall clerk, Grutak says, "Get to the point."

Tikba politely says, "Yes, we have no idea."

Sorlu glances between Missoni and Perigourd.

Also here: Draelor, Missoni, Perigourd, Adalfuns, Great Lord Scribs, Nalver, Farseeker, Lord Randsford, Mikkeller, Haliyna, Seneschal Dendum, Lady Teaberry, Queatus, Lord Sorlu, Trisscar, Great Lord Richlynn, Squire Alosaka, Imrys, Tikba, Mistress Lithyia, Lord Grutak, Roelon, Chronicler Falvicar, Lady Opalina

Speaking to Nalver, Perigourd says, "I don't recall doing anything but standing in the vicinity."

Sorlu raises an eyebrow.

Perigourd shrugs nonchalantly at Nalver.

Trisscar briskly moves to stand behind you.

Opalina asks, "Well we are all gathered here in unity to .. um.. why are we here again?"

You give a short glance over your shoulder.

Roelon grins.

Sorlu smiles at Opalina.

Speaking to Opalina, Grutak says, "I will not be in Unity with the Empire."

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "It is my pleasure to announce that Icemule Trace will hold an election for its Council seats and the office of Mayor."

Trisscar giggles.

You smile quietly to yourself.

Alosaka says, "I came to bother people with questions about Virtues."

Lithyia looks at a Clovertooth Hall clerk and claps her hands.

Roelon nods slowly.

Missoni nods approvingly at Alosaka.

Imrys nods.

Speaking to a Clovertooth Hall clerk, Alosaka exclaims, "Ah!"

Speaking to a Clovertooth Hall clerk, Dendum says, ""Oh...thought this was tradition..."

Alosaka nods approvingly.

Lithyia says, "Nor will I, Grutak."

Lithyia nods at Grutak.

Roelon grins at Dendum.

Dendum works his fingers under his warg leather hood and scratches his head.

Lithyia says, "Or several others that are here."

Speaking to a Clovertooth Hall clerk, Grutak asks, "Open election of the Mayor?"

Grutak peers quizzically at a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk nods at Dendum.

Grutak asks, "As in any citizen my run?"

Lithyia raises an eyebrow in Grutak's direction.

Lithyia glances at a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

Raising the tips of her fingers briefly to one earlobe, Trisscar seems to be channeling sounds from the clerk's very being.

Roelon deeply says, "Ah suspect those backed by the burrows."

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "The office of the Mayor is open only to nominees of the various burrows. After some discussion, we have agreed to honor the Ancient Burrow's ability to nominate."

Speaking to a Clovertooth Hall clerk, you ask, "Have the burrows announced their selections?"

Grutak says, "Then it's not an open election of the Mayor... it'll be rigged."

Roelon nods slowly.

Tikba nods thoughtfully to the Hall clerk.

Great Lord Richlynn just went into a mule-printed tent flap.

Alosaka asks, "The... Ancient Burrow?"

Grutak waves his hand in a dismissive gesture.

Speaking to Alosaka, Perigourd says, "The one the Half-krolvin are occupying."

Grutak says, "Rigged... as usual."

Speaking to Alosaka, Sorlu says, "A wonderful place. Where I keep my office, in fact."

Sorlu nods at Alosaka.

Roelon raises an eyebrow.

Speaking to Tikba, Alosaka whispers aloud, "Populated by the half-remembered horrors of the past?"

Sorlu frowns at Alosaka.

You smirk at Imrys.

Nalver nods.

Grutak glances at Alosaka.

Tikba casts a bemused glance at Alosaka.

Speaking to Grutak, Haliyna remarks, ""You can always leave behind this odd custom of voting and be guided in the proper manner under noble rule in the empire."

Speaking to Sorlu, Alosaka says, "I'm sure it's a lovely place with an unusual name."

Sorlu gazes in amusement at Alosaka.

Sorlu chuckles to himself.

Lithyia says, "Heh."

Lithyia glances at Haliyna.

Speaking to Haliyna, Grutak says, "Smaller words, single syllables."

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "However, we have only received official nominations from the Temple Burrow and the Commerce Burrow, as yet."

You are grouped with Sorlu who is leading and Nalver.

Speaking uncertainly to Alosaka, Tikba says, "As Perigourd says, I think it is populated by half-krolvin."

Speaking to Tikba, Perigourd says, "Those of the Crawling shore."

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Lithyia nods to the Hall clerk.

Tikba nods understandingly at Perigourd.

Great Lord Scribs just went into a mule-printed tent flap.

The mirror images surrounding Imrys undulate and grow stronger.

Imrys renews her songs.

Farseeker just went into a mule-printed tent flap.

Speaking to Alosaka, Grutak says, "Kin of my blood."

Alosaka nods at Grutak.

Speaking slowly to Grutak, Haliyna says, "There are more ways than by vote."

Haliyna nods with satisfaction.

Lithyia glances at Haliyna.

The air calms down around Haliyna.

Tikba gazes in amusement at Haliyna.

Grutak asks, "Then why didn't ya say that in the first place?"

Missoni cocks her head at a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

Grutak mutters imperials.

Lithyia chuckles to herself.

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

Roelon smiles.

Sorlu smiles quietly to himself.

Queatus grins.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk clears his throat.

Speaking to a Clovertooth Hall clerk, you guess, "Ellusine and the current Mayor?"

Lithyia raises an eyebrow.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk nods at you.

Speaking to Grutak, Haliyna says, ""I assure you the failure was entirely on my end, I overestimated."

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "So far, yes."

Lithyia snickers.

Lithyia glances at Haliyna.

Lithyia snickers.

Speaking to a Clovertooth Hall clerk, you ask, "Is there a timeline for when nominations must be submitted?"

Speaking to Haliyna, Grutak says, "Next time remember that."

Speaking to a Clovertooth Hall clerk, you add, "Or a timeline in general?"

Haliyna adopts an agreeable expression.

Grutak says, "Always overestimate the big dumb giantkin."

Adalfuns grins wryly at Grutak.

Lithyia looks over at Grutak and shakes her head.

Speaking appreciatively to you, Trisscar remarks, "Clued in, good go."

Lithyia says, "Not dumb..."

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "We are planning to hold stump speeches on Leyan, the 5th of Koaratos, with voting to begin a week after."

Lithyia nods to the Hall clerk.

Lithyia nods at Grutak.

Randsford nods slowly at Roelon.

Missoni nods slightly at Perigourd.

Town Council Election Announcement

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "There will also be a Town Council election."

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "Town Council seats do not require a nomination, and will be held by open vote."

Sorlu nods appreciatively at Grutak.

Tikba nods approvingly.

Grutak adopts an agreeable expression.

Teaberry nods.

Roelon nods slowly.

Grutak asks, "They do require them being citizens though correct?"

Speaking to a Clovertooth Hall clerk, you ask, "Any particular requirements or will it follow closely the way things have been held in the past?"

Opalina nods understandingly.

Grutak asks, "And for more than a year?"

Speaking to Grutak, you say, "I do not believe either of those were requirements before."

Trisscar muses, "So about four weeks until speeches, and then a week after we vote."

A faint white aura flickers around Falvicar.

You nod at Trisscar.

Grutak says, "I know in the Landing you can't run unless you were a citizen in the previous year."

Imrys takes a drink from her red ale.

Randsford asks, "New term or completing existing terms?"

Grutak says, "I tried."

Randsford squints.

Grutak smiles.

Roelon deeply says, "The previous seats were under special circumstance."

Roelon nods at Grutak.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "Members of the Town Council must *reside* in Icemule Trace."

Speaking to Grutak, Dendum says, ""Hrmph."

Farseeker just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.

Speaking to Grutak, Nalver says, "Ask Sorlu and Jiarine about citizenship requirements."

Tikba gazes in amusement at Grutak.

Missoni nods at Perigourd.

Nalver grins at Sorlu.

Speaking to Grutak, you say, "I believe in the past here it has been about showing a stake in the town, which can supercede the need to be a citizen."

Roelon grins at Nalver.

Roelon nods to you.

Speaking to Tikba, Grutak asks, "I would do almost anything to ruin your day. YOu know that right?"

Speaking to Grutak, you say, "And therefore it also does not have the hard time requirement for length of time spent in town."

Speaking to Nalver, Sorlu says, "I'm a citizen."

Speaking to Grutak, you say, "It is more about involvement and the spirit."

Tikba shakes her head at Grutak and clucks her tongue.

Imrys glances between Grutak and Tikba.

Lithyia bites her lip.

Nalver blinks.

Speaking to Grutak, Dendum asks, ""Hrmm what did the Aelotian do to anger the Grutak so?"

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "There will also be a citizens' referendum on the length of the terms. Mayor Dabbings has requested an extension to two-year terms, given his... efforts in diplomacy."

Lithyia nods to the Hall clerk.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "He feels that stability is greatly needed."

Draelor nods.

Tikba nods thoughtfully to the Hall clerk.

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Dendum asks, ""Two years for Mayor?"

Speaking to you, Grutak says, "I mean no harshness here, but eligibility requirements are standard as I recall. So what goes in the Landing goes in Icemule."

Randsford nods understandingly to the Hall clerk.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "For the Council."

Speaking to a Clovertooth Hall clerk, you ask, "Would that be for only the mayor or the councillors as well?"

Farseeker loses some awareness.

Grutak asks, "Unless we have different rules for different people?"

Grutak glances at a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Tikba gazes in amusement at Queatus.

Speaking to Grutak, a Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "We are not governed by Wehnimer's Landing."

Speaking to Grutak, you say, "That has not been the way of it in the past. I am merely sharing what I know based on research and personal experience."

Roelon grins slowly.

Grutak says, "I see."

Speaking to Grutak, Opalina says, "That's not entirely true. What happens in landing does not always happen here in Icemule."

Farseeker looks at a Clovertooth Hall clerk and claps his hands.

Perigourd takes a drink from his amber Wildwood whiskey.

Speaking to a Clovertooth Hall clerk, Dendum says, ""Two years for Council and for the Mayor? Less elections but still be led by the vote? Sounds like win win."

Grutak says, "So... we will be having foriegners running for councilors."

Opalina says, "We are our own City with our own Rules."

Speaking to Grutak, a Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "I'm surprised that any citizen of Icemule Trace would advocate for us to bow to Wehnimerian rule."

Tikba gazes in amusement at a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk shrugs.

Tikba nods firmly to the Hall clerk.

Speaking to Grutak, Opalina exclaims, "Just be sure you vote!"

Opalina says, "Or run."

Dendum says, "Worse about about being led by elections is all the voting and speeches and things...."

Perigourd chuckles.

Opalina ponders.

Queatus grins.

Lithyia says, "I look forward to voting."

Speaking deeply to Grutak, Roelon says, "Those who reside here, defend our land and protects its people."

Roelon shrugs.

Speaking to Grutak, Perigourd says, "I have no intention to run, don't worry."

Roelon begins chuckling at Perigourd!

Perigourd takes a drink from his amber Wildwood whiskey.

Speaking to Grutak, you say, "A foreigner would not meet the requirement of showing an active role in the community and choosing to live here."

Alosaka grins.

Trisscar cocks her head at Grutak.

Speaking to Opalina, Sorlu says, "Not just that, but we are the Capital of a budding new nation."

Speaking to Roelon, Grutak says, "By your definition, Perigourd can run for Councilor."

Grutak says, "He has claimed all of those."

Opalina agrees with Sorlu.

Alosaka says, "So, the people of Icemule get to choose their leaders, unless they want to choose the wrong person..."

Alosaka says, "Enlightened."

Speaking deeply to Grutak, Roelon asks, "Running and winning are quite different. Nae?"

Imrys grins wryly at Alosaka.

Haliyna smiles at Alosaka.

Roelon deeply says, "The voice of the people must decide."

Roelon shrugs.

Tikba nods in agreement at Roelon.

Grutak says, "I have nothing further to say."

Perigourd nods at Roelon.

Roelon casually observes his surroundings.

Lithyia rests a gentle hand on Grutak's arm.

Speaking mildly to Grutak, a Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "It does not sound like you trust the people of Icemule Trace to make decisions. Clovertooth Hall does."

Missoni lets out a sigh of relief.

Alosaka chuckles.

Speaking softly to Alosaka, Trisscar says, "I think the boroughs represent different groups of people, so in a way, all the choices are still from the people here."

Roelon nods at Trisscar.

Dendum nods sagely.

Adalfuns asks, "Let them run. Who's going to vote for them?"

Dendum inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out a small stream of smoke before him briefly.

Tikba mildly says, "The people of Icemule should lead themselves, and choose leaders they trust."

You nod in agreement at Adalfuns.

Sorlu glances between Grutak and a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

Adalfuns says, "Might be a nice smack in the face, especially if the counts are public."

Missoni agrees with Tikba.

Speaking to Adalfuns, Alosaka says, "That only works if you trust your voters."

Adalfuns flashes a quick grin at Grutak.

Lithyia grins at Adalfuns.

Adalfuns says, "I trust me."

Speaking to Adalfuns, you say, "They have never been."

Roelon grins at Adalfuns.

Roelon nods once.

Speaking to Adalfuns, you say, "Despite my earnest efforts to find record of the official vote counts."

You frown.

Adalfuns says, "Wouldn't mind seeing the look on the face of someone with zero votes."

Adalfuns says, "And a big ego."

Imrys bites her lip.

Sorlu begins chuckling at Adalfuns!

Roelon grins.

Imrys glances away.

Randsford grins at Adalfuns.

Alosaka rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Alosaka says, "I would imagine every candidate would have at least one vote."

Falvicar kisses Opalina lovingly.

Tikba gazes in amusement at Alosaka.

Imrys smirks at Alosaka.

You grin at Alosaka.

Some Ground Rules

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "There are, of course, rules."

Opalina asks, "Are the current counclers exluded from running?"

Teaberry turns an inquisitive ear toward a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

You chuckle at Imrys.

Lithyia nods at Imrys.

Speaking to Opalina, a Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "Current Councillors are eligible to run."

Speaking to Opalina, Sorlu exclaims, "I should certainly hope not!"

Perigourd begins chuckling at Sorlu!

Sorlu nods to the Hall clerk.

Lithyia grins at Sorlu.

Speaking to Sorlu, Opalina exclaims, "I just makin sure!"

Speaking to Sorlu, Perigourd says, "You worked so hard to get there."

Perigourd nods knowingly at Sorlu.

Opalina giggles.

Sorlu grins at Opalina.

Sorlu smiles at Perigourd.

Opalina nods at Perigourd.

Speaking to a Clovertooth Hall clerk, Teaberry asks, "What are the rules, please?"

Tikba nods approvingly to you.

Speaking curiously to Opalina, Trisscar says, "I think the more interesting thing is if someone can run for both councilor and mayor."

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "Voting is handled by Clovertooth Hall, which is an impartial civic body. Mayor Dabbings does not have any special say in the vote or how it will be handled."

Lithyia nods to the Hall clerk.

Speaking to Trisscar, Opalina says, "They can't."

Trisscar nods.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "Bribery, malfeasance, vote tampering, and other such crimes will result in imprisonment or fines."

Tikba grins at you wryly.

Falvicar shrugs.

You nod to the Hall clerk.

Lithyia raises an eyebrow in Grutak's direction.

Lithyia grins.

Grutak nods at Lithyia.

Falvicar pulls Opalina into his arms and snuggles lovingly.

Haliyna begins to breathe less deeply.

Lithyia winks at Grutak.

Dendum asks, "Is this bribery of the Hall, or of the candidates...or of the voters?"

Opalina wraps Falvicar in a tender embrace.

You chuckle at Dendum.

Sorlu grins slowly at Dendum.

Adalfuns grins wryly at Imrys.

Imrys gently brushes her pearl blonde hair away from her eyes and, with a deft twist of her wrist, tucks it back into its bindings.

Falvicar yawns loudly before wandering off.

Speaking to Dendum, a Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "Yes."

Imrys grins.

Sorlu begins chuckling at a Clovertooth Hall clerk!

Dendum nods sagely.

Lithyia asks, "Is handing out free booze considered bribery?"

Lithyia says, "Asking...for a friend."

Lithyia chuckles.

Imrys gazes in amusement at Lithyia.

Adalfuns surreptitiously glances at Grutak.

Adalfuns nods vigorously at Lithyia!

Speaking to Dendum, you say, "The last election I believe one candidate was handing out papers promising future services in exchange for a vote. They were not disqualified, so if you wish to risk the grey area..."

Opalina laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Speaking to Lithyia, Perigourd says, "Likely not unless it's contingent on them voting for your candidate."

Speaking to Lithyia, a Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "Should it be exchanged for a vote, then yes."

You flash a quick grin at Dendum.

Lithyia says, "Oh, i just want to brew booze for any candidates that wish free booze at their events."

Lithyia chuckles.

Tikba grins at you wryly.

Trisscar ponders, "What is a campaigning gift, and what is a bribe? A line many like to investigate."

Sorlu removes a piece of ebon parchment from in his dark hematite overcoat.

Roelon grins.

Lithyia says, "It's an excuse for me to brew."

Queatus says, "If free booze is a crime, we have a major problem."

Sorlu carefully places a piece of ebon parchment on the floor.

Roelon grins at Trisscar.

Sorlu hums quietly to himself.

The page, written in Common, reads as follows:

The holder of this parchment is entitled to a single favor to be granted if Jiarine is elected to assist the town of Icemule and its Mayor. Present the parchment in person to discuss terms and limited to one request.

Lithyia grins at Queatus.

Queatus says, "Time for revolution."

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "The Hall will also not tolerate the interference of foreign governments."

Missoni gazes thoughtfully at a piece of ebon parchment.

Sorlu nods approvingly to the Hall clerk.

Draelor nods.

Grutak snorts derisively at a Clovertooth Hall clerk!

Lithyia mutters landing.

Imrys laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Lithyia coughs.

Opalina exclaims, "Having a party and everyone can enjoy the food for free without obligation.. But you share your insite and allow folks to hear you and see you and talk with you .. is Not bribery!"

Roelon nods to the Hall clerk.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "That is to say, if a position of superseding loyalty is held with another town, city, or nation, it must be relinquished before you are eligible to run."

Lithyia whispers something to Sorlu.

Opalina exclaims, "But saying .. here take this beer but before you drink it you have to vote for me.. Is bribery!"

Queatus glances at a piece of ebon parchment and grins.

Sorlu smiles at Lithyia.

Opalina says, "And bad."

Lithyia grins at Sorlu.

Lithyia nods at Sorlu.

Lithyia whispers something to Sorlu.

You smile at Tikba.

Haliyna says, "Oh well I am sure the Sentinels were all just planning to come up here and run....they will be so sad to learn of this condition in this...hamlet."

Tikba gazes in amusement at her surroundings.

Lithyia glances at Haliyna.

Queatus peers quizzically at Haliyna.

Roelon casually observes his surroundings.

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Speaking to Haliyna, Perigourd says, "Those of more local orders would likewise be disqualified."

Queatus asks, "Who's that?"

Lithyia shrugs at Queatus.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk asks, "Are there any questions?"

Speaking helpfully to Haliyna, Tikba suggests, "Perhaps Aurmont Anodheles might run for council. He might adopt the platform of noble rule you proposed."

Haliyna nods understandingly at Perigourd.

Sorlu glances appraisingly at Haliyna.

Lithyia says, "Someone who clearly thinks poorly of our...hamlet."

Missoni gazes in amusement at Tikba.

Trisscar glances at a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

Lithyia glances at Haliyna.

Queatus shrugs.

Queatus says, "She can think what she likes."

Speaking to Tikba, Missoni says, "The Sun Throne must get hot."

Speaking to Lithyia, Haliyna says, ""I apologize I did not mean anything overly negative it was just an estimation based on size."

Perigourd surreptitiously glances at Missoni.

Tikba nods in agreement at Missoni.

Lithyia raises an eyebrow.

Lifting up his skull jug, Grutak takes a measured drink of the whiskey inside.

Lithyia ponders.

Perigourd whispers something to Missoni.

Perigourd nods thoughtfully at Missoni.

Missoni nods slowly at Perigourd.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "We are very much hoping that Councillor O'Mallory will be well enough to preside over the election, but..."

Lithyia nods at Queatus.

Trisscar nods approvingly.

Perigourd furrows his brow.

Lithyia asks, "But?"

Missoni thoughtfully asks, "How is he doing?"

Sorlu darkly warns, "Should those not truly with Icemule find a way onto our Council through manipulation, it surely will not end well for them."

Roelon frowns.

Lithyia raises an eyebrow.

Roelon nods slowly to the Hall clerk.

Lithyia agrees with Sorlu.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "...if that is not feasible, an election coordinator will be selected from within Clovertooth Hall to ensure continuity and election safety."

Speaking to Sorlu, a Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "Just so."

Roelon smiles.

Roelon nods at Sorlu.

Sorlu nods once.

Lithyia grins at Queatus.

Speaking to a Clovertooth Hall clerk, you suggest, "And perhaps store the votes in a fireproof room."

Lithyia glances at Queatus.

You flash a quick grin at a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

Lithyia glances at her flyrsilk ankle sheath.

Lithyia nods at Queatus.

Dendum blinks at you.

Trisscar takes a moment to observe a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

Speaking to you, Perigourd asks, "Have there been past incidents?"

Speaking to you, a Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "We've made plans to protect the votes this year, yes."

Farseeker just went into a mule-printed tent flap.

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Alosaka nods at Perigourd.

Perigourd ponders.

Roelon nods to the Hall clerk.

Teaberry nods.

Speaking to Perigourd, Alosaka says, "The other year, a fire attended the election."

Speaking to Perigourd, you say, "The last election there was an incident, yes."

Opalina says, "Im glad to hear that precautions are being taken."

Sorlu adopts an agreeable expression.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk nods at Opalina.

Mikkeller just went into a mule-printed tent flap.

Speaking to Perigourd, you say, "Many of the votes were lost to a fire that took a good portion of the Hall with it."

Lithyia gawks at you.

Tikba looks thoughtfully at you.

Nalver asks, "Didn't the last mayor get ill and just never reappear?"

Missoni winces.

Nalver says, "Before Talliver."

Lifting up his skull jug, Grutak takes a measured drink of the whiskey inside.

Grutak looks rather relaxed.

Lithyia leans softly against Grutak.

Speaking to Nalver, you say, "I believe you are thinking of two mayors past."

Tikba glances at a piece of ebon parchment.

Tikba picks up a piece of ebon parchment.

Nalver asks, "So there was sick mayor, then mayor that stole a page of a book from Zeban, then Talliver?"

Tikba politely asks, "Do you think Jiarine will run again?"

Missoni gazes in amusement at Tikba.

You wonder, "Am I the only one who spends her free time pouring over the records in Clovertooth Hall?"

Sorlu grins at Tikba.

Lithyia wryly says, "Let's hope not."

Lithyia snickers.

Sorlu begins chuckling at Lithyia!

Speaking to you, a Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "I rather enjoy the process myself."

Lithyia wryly says, "Just being honest."

Lithyia shrugs.

You grin at a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

Dendum says, "Ohh, think Jiarine moved east....much sadness about her now that she is not with her favorite city."

Tikba grins wryly at Lithyia.

Speaking to Lithyia, Missoni says, "She would want nothing less."

Speaking approvingly to a Clovertooth Hall clerk, you say, "That is encouraging to hear."

Lithyia says, "Yes...much...sadness."

Tikba carefully places a piece of ebon parchment on the floor.

Dendum nods at Lithyia.

Lithyia begins to twitch.

Sorlu mutters something about book-elves.

Imrys gazes in amusement at Dendum.

Draelor peers quizzically at Lithyia.

Sorlu surreptitiously glances at you.

Final Note on Election

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "A final note, on advertising."

Speaking to Lithyia, Dendum says, ""Her blood may call for the Nation of Elves but it is clear her heart belongs to Icemule."

Speaking excitedly to you, Trisscar asks, "There are records there?"

A Clovertooth Hall clerk exclaims, "Please do not clutter up the town with signs and gaudy decorations. There is decorum to maintain!"

Lithyia begins chuckling at a Clovertooth Hall clerk!

You nod at Trisscar.

Imrys laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Roelon grins at a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

Tikba gazes in amusement at a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

Imrys nods approvingly to the Hall clerk.

Sorlu nods in agreement to the Hall clerk.

Farseeker just came out of a mule-printed tent flap.

Dendum blinks at a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

Trisscar quietly continues, "More and more to read, goodness."

Sorlu smiles.

Adalfuns whispers something to Imrys.

Opalina says, "Well it would be awesome if we could make pins."

Imrys laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from Adalfuns.

Opalina ponders.

Roelon mutters something about tartanbanners.

Imrys prods Adalfuns's ribs gently with her elbow and he flinches.

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

Lithyia asks, "So I should not overuse my papermaker then?"

Lithyia glances at a Clovertooth Hall clerk.

Lithyia says, "But everyone loves pretty paper."

Tikba lightly says, "Indeed, such signs would no doubt distract travelers from their gambling."

Speaking to Lithyia, Draelor says, "I'm sure you can find other uses for it."

Speaking to Lithyia, Dendum says, ""Ehh...said nothing about informative pamphlets."

Sorlu grins at Tikba.

Lithyia grins at Dendum.

Dendum nods at Lithyia.

Trisscar jests, "So many notes are going to be under the bench, its going to be lifted up a few inches."

Opalina says, "I was going to play with Origami too."

Alosaka nods at Tikba.

Lithyia laughs at Trisscar!

Opalina snaps her fingers.

Perigourd leans on Missoni, resting his hand upon her shoulder.

Speaking to Opalina, Dendum exclaims, ""Said nothing about folded informative pamphlets!"

Lithyia exclaims, "Or knitting!"

Sorlu begins chuckling at Trisscar!

Trisscar winks at Lithyia.

Missoni rests a gentle hand on Perigourd's arm.

Speaking to Lithyia, Opalina says, "A nitted sweater that reads, Vote for.."

Sorlu winks at Lithyia.

Opalina mutters knitted.

Lithyia grins at Sorlu.

Lithyia nods at Sorlu.

Sorlu smiles quietly to himself.

You gaze in amusement at Imrys.

Randsford whispers something to Roelon.

You laugh softly, trying to hide your amusement from Imrys.

Draelor says, "Informative scarves perhaps."

Lithyia grins at Grutak.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk asks, "It seems to me that there are no questions, then?"

Adalfuns flashes a quick grin at Draelor.

Dendum says, "Just label new drink `Why one should vote for Sorlu: Four Hundred Words of Wisdom`...and so on and so on...leave them around city everything is good and proper and by the rules."

Lithyia begins chuckling at Dendum!

Sorlu grins at Dendum.

Tikba grins wryly at Dendum.

Opalina says, "Oh I like that one.. I may have to use it."

Meeting Adjourned (aka. More Earthquakes)

The ground bucks ungently, and then a series of short tremors rock the area.

Lithyia glances down.

Perigourd gazes west.

You glance down.

Lithyia says, "Not again."

Tikba wobbles, looking a bit faint.

Randsford squints.

Missoni tilts her head down.

Imrys gives a short little hum of surprise.

Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.

Sorlu frowns.

Opalina gulps.

Lithyia fidgets.

Adalfuns hums happily to himself.

Alosaka says, "Oh, the volcano is still active."

Dendum yells, "Dwi!"

Queatus laughs!

Speaking to a Clovertooth Hall clerk, you suggest, "You should seek shelter, I think."

Trisscar says, "The volcano has words."

Imrys looks at Adalfuns and hums.

Lithyia glances at Grutak.

Speaking to Dendum, Draelor says, "Dwi is making the ground shake? Impressive."

Grutak glances at Lithyia.

Lithyia fidgets.

Lifting up his skull jug, Grutak takes a measured drink of the whiskey inside.

Alosaka says, "I'm always amazed at how the people up here take such tremors in stride, without panicking."

Imrys leans softly against Adalfuns.

Speaking to Draelor, Dendum says, ""She has magic beans or some such.....very annoying those."

Opalina says, "Maybe The Volcano wants to run for Mayor."

Draelor nods at Dendum.

Speaking amusedly to Alosaka, Tikba says, "You did not panic either."

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Roelon glances out.

Roelon grins at Opalina.

Randsford nods slowly at Roelon.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk frowns.

Speaking to Draelor, Dendum adds, ""Suppose could also be flaming mountain that threatens to destroy all."

Draelor frowns.

Alosaka shrugs at Tikba.

Roelon deeply says, "The stirrin' of it is troublin'."

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "Very well, then."

Imrys grins at Adalfuns.

Speaking to Draelor, Dendum says, ""Also annoying."

Lithyia asks, "We going to investigate?"

Speaking to Dendum, Draelor says, "I suppose I'll hope it's just Dwi and beans."

Lithyia glances at Roelon.

Speaking to Teaberry, Grutak asks, "We have business to finish yes?"

Alosaka asks, "Oh, are we panicking?"

Imrys laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Lithyia glances between Teaberry and Grutak.

Teaberry says, "No."

Lithyia sighs.

Lifting up his skull jug, Grutak takes a measured drink of the whiskey inside.

Perigourd ponders.

Speaking to Imrys, Adalfuns says, "Told you."

Adalfuns gazes in amusement at Alosaka.

Speaking to Teaberry, Grutak asks, "Have you chosen to withdraw your words?"

Roelon deeply asks, "We kin gaze from it from the docks, nae?"

Imrys grins at Adalfuns ruefully.

Speaking to Alosaka, you say, "The first time there was a lot more scrambling."

A Clovertooth Hall clerk says, "I believe I shall return to my paperwork, then. It's... difficult to write with the earth shaking so."

Lithyia nods to the Hall clerk.

Speaking to Alosaka, you say, "But once something becomes commonplace..."

Speaking to you, Trisscar asks, "Gonna go?"

You shrug at Alosaka.

Adalfuns holds his palm out toward Imrys, looking for a handout.

Sorlu nods understandingly to the Hall clerk.

Speaking to a Clovertooth Hall clerk, Opalina says, "Thank you for you time this evening sir."

You nod at Trisscar.

Haliyna asks, ""May I join you?"

Imrys takes a drink from her red ale.

Tikba nods sympathetically to the Hall clerk.

Randsford nods at Roelon.

Queatus nods at Haliyna.

Haliyna glances at Roelon.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk inclines his head.

Roelon forcefully crosses one arm over his leather coat-of-plates and offers a formal bow.

Speaking to Teaberry, Grutak says, "I'll take your silence as a no."

Roelon deeply says, "Then ah kin guide us, with luck, to the docks."

Imrys whispers something to Adalfuns.

A Clovertooth Hall clerk just went into a mule-printed tent flap.

Missoni nods slightly at Perigourd.

Grutak removes a dragonfly etched vultite no-dachi from in his threaded war harness.

Lithyia glances between Grutak and Teaberry.

Haliyna says, "I have no idea what he just said but it sounds like a yes."

Speaking to Teaberry, Grutak says, "I'll even fight one handed."

Roelon chuckles.

Lithyia grins at Grutak.

Roelon grins at Grutak.

Lithyia chuckles.

Grutak says, "And drunk."

Lithyia asks, "With a rolton sausage skewer in one hand?"

Lithyia grins at Grutak.

Teaberry says, "I am not going to fight you, Grutak. That is silly."

Roelon deeply says, "Let us move then."

Speaking to Teaberry, Grutak says, "Then I'll just kill ya outright."

Grutak nods.

Lithyia frowns.

Missoni frowns.

Adalfuns frowns at Grutak.

Roelon deeply says, "Gatherin' yir nerves, drinks and kilts."

Speaking to Teaberry, Grutak says, "Your choice."

Teaberry says, "No."

Speaking to Grutak, Perigourd says, "You will stay your blade."

Speaking to Haliyna, you say, "The Councillor's accent takes a little getting used to."

Speaking to Grutak, Dendum asks, ""Will not just murder end position with guards?"

[Travel to the docks]

Imrys whistles a complicated ditty, impressing you with her virtuosity.

Speaking to Grutak, Opalina says, "I doubt you'd get a swing in."

Speaking to Perigourd, Grutak says, "She called my honor and my integrity into question. Publically and refuses to recind it."

Grutak shrugs.

Speaking to Grutak, Perigourd says, "She is entitled to her opinion."

Perigourd says, "As are we all."

Grutak says, "And I am entilted to my satisfaction."

Lithyia gazes up into the heavens.

Missoni says, "Responding with violence to a verbal accusation does nothing to refute it."

[The Frostmain, Shore - 32338] (u7133001)

Frigid winds whip the black sand shoreline as it clings to sheer, dark bluffs of basalt as if pinned between the stone and sea. Salt is heavy on the icy breeze. Leading up to an old dock of time-silvered wood, the stone-strewn sands are spattered with white droppings. A switchback trail climbs to the lip of a ridge crowning the bluffs. You also see a massive snowy white tiger, a large board and a gaunt dock master.

Also here: Lord Sorlu, Trisscar, Squire Alosaka, Imrys, Tikba, Mistress Lithyia, Lord Grutak, Magister Raelee who is invisible, Lady Opalina, Queatus, Lady Teaberry, Seneschal Dendum, Haliyna, Lord Randsford, Adalfuns, Perigourd, Missoni, Draelor, Roelon

Dendum exclaims, "Oh it is Duel of honor!"

Grutak says, "Just as Falvicar was, and Wolfloner... and half a dozen others."

Adalfuns grins at Dendum.

Roelon casually observes his surroundings.

Randsford squints.

Teaberry says, "I said that you had never met Thurfel. You said that you had. This is Icemule, and we are allowed to disagree with each other."

Imrys leans on her lance.

Grutak says, "I see... again... double standards."

Roelon nods at Teaberry.

Grutak says, "Seems to be the way of the empire. Do as we say, not as we do."

Grutak nods.

Alosaka furrows his brow.

Missoni looks rather confused.

Sorlu says, "Disagreement is often what binds us as a community."

Sorlu chuckles to himself.

You grin at Sorlu.

Roelon grins at Sorlu.

Grutak says, "I'm proving a point."

Tikba gazes in amusement at Sorlu.

Alosaka asks, "How did the Empire get into this dispute?"

Speaking to Sorlu, you say, "An argument can be rather invigorating, when done correctly."

Speaking to Sorlu, Tikba says, "Some things are the same all over, I suppose."

Speaking to Grutak, Haliyna says, ""The way of the empire is to bring peace and wisdom, it sounds like you could use a little bit of both tonight."

Speaking to Grutak, Queatus says, "Leave off of Teaberry."

Lithyia gazes in wonder at her surroundings.

Sorlu grins at you.

Roelon deeply says, "If we always agreed, we would nae be Icemule."

Speaking to Grutak, Trisscar remarks, "You seem quick to disregard other viewpoints as of the empire."

Roelon shrugs.

Lithyia glances at Haliyna.

Sorlu nods at Tikba.

Tikba gazes in amusement at Haliyna.

Sorlu says, "Indeed."

Lithyia asks, "The way of the empire is to bring peace and wisdom?"

Lithyia laughs!

There is Still a Volcano

In the distance, a plume of lava fountains out of the blackness of the seas, glowing orange against the dark night sky.

Lithyia says, "I'm sorry, that was funny."

Imrys squints.

Lithyia says, "Oh my."

Sorlu gazes west with interest.

Randsford stares off into space.

Speaking knowingly to Alosaka, Missoni says, "The Empire is the ghoul that looms over everything, so powerful is it."

Dendum frowns.

Tikba glances apprehensively west.

A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.

Teaberry says, "Oh. That's...not good."

Opalina says, "A plume of Lava .. sounds like we are too late to warn any Krolvin."

Missoni glances away.

Roelon deeply says, "Hmm...Seems even the volcano disagrees."

Speaking to Missoni, Grutak says, "I'm glad you finally understand."

Grutak says, "And can admit it."

Imrys nods at Adalfuns.

Missoni rolls her eyes.

You cheerfully tease, "Well, the good news is that fountain of lava may put an end to all of our aurguments."

Missoni turns away from Grutak, ignoring him.

Adalfuns begins chuckling at Grutak!

Perigourd gazes west with interest.

Speaking to Missoni, Grutak says, "Lithy's got a better backside."

Trisscar laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Grutak adopts an agreeable expression.

Sorlu grins at you.

Lithyia winks at Grutak.

Roelon grins at you.

Lithyia flirts with Grutak, tossing him an inviting smile.

Speaking to you, Opalina says, "At least in reguards to the Krolvin anyway."

Crossing his arms over his chest, Perigourd sighs in annoyance and rolls his umber eyes.

Adalfuns mouths, "Wow."

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.

Imrys laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

The small eruption is lost to the darkness of night, but the smell of it--an acrid tang of superheated earth and the chalky, burnt odor of ash--travels on the shrieking ocean breeze.

Lithyia says, "Oh..."

Lithyia fidgets.

Draelor frowns.

Dendum says, "Hrmmm."

Missoni breathes in slightly.

Grutak says, "Smells like Teras."

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

Dendum says, "Far away but..."

Lithyia says, "This is... so concerning."

Lithyia nods.

You say, "I do not believe that was the full force of it."

Roelon deeply says, "Closer..."

Roelon nods at Dendum.

Lithyia nods to you.

Dendum says, "There is no way the Krolvin are not already aware of this."

Draelor says, "Not quite far enough."

Missoni wiggles her nose.

You say, "But I would think that there is no longer a need to warn the Krolvin."

Trisscar sadly says, "I didn't think it would happen so far, from the talk a few days ago."

Queatus frowns.

Lithyia nervously says, "It's going to get worse..."

Trisscar agrees with you.

You say, "For certainly they see much more closely the danger than we ever could."

Draelor agrees with Lithyia.

Randsford nods grimly at Lithyia.

Roelon deeply says, "If they are. They will seek safety. By choice or force."

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Tikba nods thoughtfully to you.

Opalina agrees with you.

Speaking to you, Perigourd says, "One might consider where they'll land to if they have to leave their own lands."

Queatus nods to you.

Leland's hands begin to shake before he quickly clasps both behind his back.

Sorlu nods slowly at Roelon.

Opalina nods at Roelon.

Lithyia nervously asks, "If they come to us...what do we do?"

Dendum says, "By the left toe of the ancestors it is unlikely anyone with a ship in the north is not aware of this."

Missoni frowns at Perigourd.

Imrys grins slowly at Adalfuns.

Speaking to Perigourd, you say, "Yes, a thought that has been considered and only time will answer."

Dendum inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out a small stream of smoke before him briefly.

Queatus says, "Well, we can't abide slavers."

Queatus shakes his head.

Draelor nods at Queatus.

Tikba concernedly says, "Glaoveln is close to many ports."

Dendum nods.

Missoni agrees with Tikba.

Speaking deeply to Lithyia, Roelon asks, "This is where deplomacy comes into play. Nae?"

Speaking to Perigourd, Grutak says, "The Landing."

Lithyia nods at Roelon.

Speaking to Lithyia, Opalina says, "I think it will depend on if they come in peace or if they come with swords drawn."

Grutak put a bleached skull jug with a sinew-hinged leather lid in his onyx oilcloth greatcloak.

Roelon nods at Opalina.

Speaking to Grutak, Perigourd says, "They might be less pressed to land in an imperial protectorate than a softer target."

Lithyia nervously says, "If they come, we must demand they free their slaves...."

Speaking grimly to Lithyia, Trisscar says, "With one hand, open and tell them of how we live our life, and the other hand on our swords, in case they do not listen."

Speaking to Perigourd, you say, "I would think that the landing might also be concerned. Historically, the Krolvin tend to like to go there more often than to these waters."

Tikba looks thoughtfully at Lithyia.

Speaking to Perigourd, Grutak says, "The Landing will be the softer target."

Dendum nods to you.

Perigourd says, "The Landing would be reinforced by treaty by the imperial navy."

Speaking to Perigourd, Queatus says, "No soft targets here, fortunately."

Perigourd chuckles.

Imrys agrees with Queatus.

Speaking to you, Dendum says, ""They do however seem to like the cold...the Krolvin..."

Alosaka says, "Your confidence is heartening."

Speaking to Perigourd, Grutak says, "They'll still be the softer target."

Speaking to Dendum, you say, "It's very bracing."

Alosaka nods at Grutak.

You smile.

Tikba says, "Vaemyr mentioned this danger last week."

Lithyia nods at Tikba.

Missoni agrees with Tikba.

Sorlu nods at Tikba.

Roelon raises an eyebrow in Tikba's direction.

Speaking to Grutak, Perigourd says, "I would be concerned that Barlan Kane may even be interested in bartering with them, and vice versa."

Tikba says, "We must do what we can to prepare."

Imrys prods Adalfuns's ribs gently with her elbow and he flinches.

Queatus nods at Perigourd.

Grutak says, "They won't get that far."

Grutak says, "He'd have to meet them at sea."

Opalina says, "Maybe they will go to the other side of the frostmain and take out Briarmoon Cove."

Opalina ponders.

Lithyia whispers something to Missoni.

A pair of glowing white eyes briefly flash amongst the shadows.

Dendum says, "Truly they could just as easily land in Seareach as anywhere...they have many many boats the Krolvin."

Lithyia blinks.

Imrys gives a short little hum of surprise.

Grutak says, "They won't reach the northern coast."

Speaking deeply to Opalina, Roelon says, "Ah dinnae wish ah disruption in trade again with Briarmoon."

Speaking to Dendum, Draelor says, "May land in many places at once."

Raelee suddenly fades into view.

Dendum nods at Draelor.

Teaberry says, "They're a seagoing people. Some of them are at sea now. They will go wherever they can, I think."

Missoni whispers something to Lithyia.

Perigourd nods in greeting at Raelee.

Opalina says, "'I don't either but there is that possibility too."

Opalina says, "Didn't want to leave anything out."

Missoni blushes a dark red shade at Lithyia.

Alosaka nods at Teaberry.

Raelee nods faintly.

Lithyia grins at Missoni.

Sorlu leans leisurely on his Nalfein-styled cane, a thoughtful expression upon his face.

Tikba nods respectfully at Raelee.

Roelon deeply says, "Nor do ah wish ah new army added to Barlan's lot, should the Krolvin venture too close,"

Queatus says, "They come here, we repel them."

Sorlu surreptitiously glances at Raelee.

You try hard not to grin.

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Queatus shrugs.

Lithyia nods at Queatus.

Opalina agrees with Roelon.

Trisscar calmly says, "I still hope for something other than bloodshed from this, though."

Roelon forcefully crosses one arm over his leather coat-of-plates and offers Raelee a formal bow.

You chuckle at Imrys.

Roelon raises an eyebrow.

Slaves and Slavers

Lithyia asks, "But what DO we do if they ask for peace?"

Imrys rolls her eyes at you.

Lithyia asks, "Can we trust them?"

The distant sound of seagulls fills the air.

Grutak nods at Roelon.

Imrys appears to be trying hard not to grin.

Opalina says, "They could be used.. and changed like the ones who lived here on the coast."

Lithyia gazes up into the heavens.

(Raelee gazes out over the water, towards the volcano.)

Opalina shudders.

Perigourd begins chuckling at Raelee!

Lithyia says, "Watch your heads...seagulls."

Speaking to Lithyia, Draelor says, "No more than you can trust a snake at your feet."

Speaking surprisedly to Lithyia, Trisscar says, "If they ask, why don't we listen and start there."

The dog gazes ahead blankly, seemingly oblivious to its surroundings.

Speaking to Raelee, Alosaka says, "We have been confidently assured that Icemule is in no danger from the Krol."

Speaking deeply to Lithyia, Roelon says, "In desperate times, they mae make such choices...."

Speaking to Roelon, Dendum reminds, "The Krolvin are not fools when it comes to Magic and Barlan's masks is removed, will not easily fool a Storm Crow any better than a Magister or Monk of Voln."

Speaking to Alosaka, Raelee says, "I have been listening."

Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.

Missoni smiles at Raelee.

Speaking to Trisscar, Randsford says, "We will listen if they free their slaves."

Idly picking at her chipped fingernail, Tikba seems distant, but you get the impression she is taking in everything.

Randsford nods at Trisscar.

Queatus grins.

Speaking sternly to Roelon, Trisscar says, "And such choices might mean change."

Roelon nods at Trisscar.

Grutak says, "You'll listen, I'll kill them."

Roelon nods slowly at Perigourd.

Perigourd nods thoughtfully.

Trisscar agrees, "That, I am with you on. I won't stand to see a slaver enter the walls."

Queatus nods.

Leland paces back and forth impatiently.

Sorlu says, "Krolvin blood magic mixed with the aid of vampires...surely that isn't a recipe for additional disaster."

Tikba quietly says, "Even if they agree to free their slaves, you must then consider what the slaves would prefer."

Queatus says, "They giving up slaving, we can talk. Don't see that happening though."

Haliyna asks, "Is it true these lights on the ocean represent a danger to the Krolvin Scourge?"

(Grutak looks out toward the distant west.)

Lithyia sarcastically says, "Nothing to be concerned of at all there Sorlu."

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Speaking to Grutak, Trisscar says, "You sound just like how everyone else describes the Krolvin, sometimes."

Sorlu begins chuckling at Lithyia!

Teaberry nods at Haliyna.

Tikba quietly says, "Perhaps they would not like to be companions with the krolvin."

Defensive wards surround Queatus, pulsating a silvery light for a moment.

Speaking to Haliyna, Dendum says, ""Eh...this is what some halfling says anyway....and it is fire on water is danger for any boat or people of the boat."

Grutak says, "I have reason to understand them like I do."

Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Sorlu says, "We believe so. Glaoveln has erupted before, a few centuries ago."

Lithyia nods at Grutak.

Sorlu nods at Haliyna.

Tikba looks thoughtfully at Sorlu.

Haliyna nods at Sorlu.

Perigourd nods at Roelon.

Speaking to Sorlu, Grutak says, "Look farther west."

Opalina gazes west.

Speaking to Sorlu, Haliyna says, ""Well, it couldn't happen to a better group of people."

Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "Indeed, there are those stories as well."

Haliyna nods firmly.

Sorlu nods at Grutak.

Roelon's face turns slightly pale.

Speaking to Haliyna, you say, "It is predicted that there could be a cataclysmic eruption that might threaten the Krolvin on Glaoveln."

A New Vision

Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.

Sorlu smiles at Haliyna.

Roelon kneels down.

You notice a vein pulsing in Roelon's forehead.

Tikba slowly says, "Perhaps such an eruption would be for the best."

Opalina peers quizzically at Roelon.

Dendum gazes west.

Perigourd looks at Roelon with concern.

Dendum gazes in awe at Roelon.

Raelee absently remarks, "Fire on the water is a remarkable clash of elements. Dangerous, but also very much worth study."

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

You say, "A sentiment shared the other evening."

Roelon deeply says, "It..."

Roelon glances west.

Randsford squints at Roelon.

Roelon rubs his eyes.

Speaking to Tikba, you say, "But there are some who also wish to warn the Krolvin."

Speaking to Tikba, Missoni murmurs, "It would solve a fair few problems."

Tikba nods slowly to you.

You say, "Though I still maintain that they must be aware of the threat."

Alosaka nods to you.

Lithyia asks, "How could they not be?"

Lithyia nods to you.

Looking satisfied, Dendum nods in agreement at you.

Speaking to you, Alosaka says, "If we can see the volcano from here, I don't see how they could miss it from there."

Perigourd says, "Willful ignorance, perhaps."

Dendum says, "The Krolvin are not ignorant."

Raelee nods slightly at Alosaka.

Grutak says, "If you think the Krolvin are unaware what's happening, your foolish. If you think they haven't figured out a plan, you are also foolish."

Trisscar nods to you.

Speaking to you, Opalina says, "Im pretty sure they've figured it out by now with that active lava happening."

Grutak says, "THey will not come north and they will not go south or east."

Grutak says, "They will go West."

Lithyia says, "My concern is what that plan may be and how it involves Icemule."

Roelon reaches out and touches his ebony symbol of Ronan.

Speaking to Opalina, you say, "Which was my point some evenings past."

Grutak says, "THat's the soft spot."

Speaking to Opalina, you say, "This is not the first lava."

Randsford stares at Roelon.

Alosaka uncertainly says, "The Krol are adapted to the cold..."

Speaking to Alosaka, Opalina says, "Some are."

Randsford glances west.

Roelon stands up.

Lithyia glances west.

Grutak says, "Ruin Creek."

Randsford bows his head and chants a short prayer, causing vibrant red and pale pink light to momentarily coalesce in front of him.

Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.

Leland shifts his weight.

Perigourd removes a burnished silver spyglass from in his suede cloak.

Perigourd peers west through his silver spyglass and slowly turns the eyepiece to focus it.

Perigourd put a burnished silver spyglass in his suede cloak.

Sorlu says, "We don't know the krolvin reaction. It's quite possible they believe the volcano is some omen or sign of approval from V'tull."

Speaking to Perigourd, Grutak says, "With the Empire in the south and us in the north, Ruin Creek is the softest target."

Roelon deeply says, "What of we're wrong, and we allow the Krolvin to the fate of the volcano.."

Speaking to Sorlu, Dendum says, ""The Krolvin follow their own gods..."

Roelon rubs his eyes.

Lithyia says, "Ruin Creek... you'll need to tell me about that one evening."

Lithyia nods at Grutak.

Roelon glances west.

Speaking to Sorlu, Opalina exclaims, "Ooor they could think their god is upset and they have to take more prisoners and sacrafice them to ease the gods wrath!"

Speaking to Lithyia, Grutak says, "Not unless I am extremely druink."

Tikba says, "But the councilor is right nevertheless. If the krolvin have not begun to flee, perhaps they do not think they will need to."

Speaking to Dendum, Sorlu says, "I have heard some worship V'tull. But truth be told, I have never put krolvin lore at the top of my priority list."

Lithyia asks, "That... that bad eh?"

Dendum nods at Sorlu.

Lithyia frowns at Grutak.

Randsford nods impatiently at Roelon.

Speaking to Sorlu, Dendum remarks, ""Well would not suprise anyone if some of them learned of that Great Spirit and found kindship."

Dendum starts chortling.

Roelon cringes.

Leland's hands begin to shake before he quickly clasps both behind his back.

Tikba gazes in amusement at Dendum.

Speaking curiously to Sorlu, Trisscar asks, "Do we even have documents to learn about the Krol?"

Alosaka shrugs.

Opalina rocks back on her heels.

Randsford stares at Roelon.

Alosaka says, "Well, the volcano seems quiet for now."

Speaking lightly to Alosaka, Tikba asks, "Would it be virtuous to warn the krolvin?"

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

Speaking to Trisscar, Sorlu says, "All I know of krol are rumors, and what I have learned while killing them."

Alosaka grins at Tikba.

You notice a vein pulsing in Roelon's forehead.

Speaking to Tikba, Alosaka says, "Actually, yes."

Speaking to Tikba, Alosaka says, "Or, at least, I think it would be."

Sorlu rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Lithyia says, "Some might say it would be foolish to warn them."

Speaking deeply to Randsford, Roelon says, "Ah see....ah town much like our own. Children, merchants. But ah also see the Krolvin that we know..."

Trisscar softly says, "I just don't understand the venom, and I want to learn, not just blindly go for or against it."

Roelon rubs his eyes.

Dendum's ghezyte ring pulses with warm jacinthe light.

Dendum says, "If the Krolvin, on the sea, have not noticed the giant fire ON THE SEA they will surely not notice yammering warnings sent their way."

Randsford squints at Roelon.

Imrys laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from you.

Haliyna seems hesitant, looking unsure of herself.

Speaking to Roelon, Randsford asks, "Unity...?"

Sorlu says, "Perhaps Ellerel could teleport himself to Glaoveln, do a bit of scouting, and report back to us their status."

Perigourd looks thoughtfully at Roelon.

Roelon kneels down.

Tikba says, "The people of the town like yours have chosen to live alongside slavers like those."

Trisscar angrily says, "Besides slavery, but all races have engaged in slavery. It is a crime many can commit."

Roelon tilts his head down.

You gaze in amusement at Sorlu.

Alosaka says, "But it is also true that our warnings will likely have no impact, for they are either surely aware of the threat at this point, or little-inclined to believe us more than they believe their own eyes."

Sorlu grins slowly at you.

Sorlu shrugs at you.

Tikba glances appraisingly at Trisscar.

Dendum frowns at Trisscar.

(Roelon steadies himself.)

Speaking to Trisscar, Dendum says, ""The 'Gno have not kept slaves."

Speaking evenly to Trisscar, Tikba says, "Not all races have engaged in slavery."

Queatus peers quizzically at Tikba.

Missoni looks at Roelon with concern.

Speaking to Sorlu, you say, "Or perhaps those in the abbey could offer the warning as they are most aware of the particulars of the threat."

Missoni touches Roelon.

Sorlu nods to you.

Randsford glances west.

Roelon deeply says, "Its will be gone. All of them. The Innocent, the Merciless...their captives.."

Roelon tilts his head up.

Roelon stands up.

Lithyia glances at Roelon.

You ponder the meaning of Roelon's existence.

Alosaka wryly says, "Humans practiced slavery for many years, under the elves."

Trisscar sternly says, "To think a race is incapable of slavery is to think someone is incapable of murder just because they are your kin. Its how you become blind to it."

You ask, "Were you given another vision?"

Roelon rubs his eyes.

Grutak says, "The Krolvin, if given the opportunity, will raid any place they settle, set up shop, and use the inhabitants as fodder."

You gaze with interest at Roelon.

Speaking to Roelon, Perigourd asks, "Any idea as to where this village was?"

Tikba looks thoughtfully at Trisscar.

Grutak says, "It is how they have operated in the past."

Grutak says, "In the Present."

Lithyia nods at Grutak.

Lithyia agrees with Grutak.

Speaking deeply to you, Roelon says, "Ah dream, ah nightmare. Ah vision if ye call ye such."

Speaking to Roelon, Randsford asks, "Was it Him again?"

Grutak says, "And will operate in the future."

The dog wanders over to Trisscar and sniffs at her suspiciously for a moment.

Randsford squints at Roelon.

Lithyia raises an eyebrow.

Speaking to Roelon, you say, "If given while waking, I believe most would settle on vision."

Trisscar moves a little closer to a lazy wild black dog, closely watching every movement.

Speaking deeply to Perigourd, Roelon says, "Ah did nae see outside the town itself....."

The dog gazes ahead blankly, seemingly oblivious to its surroundings.

Roelon deeply says, "Ah only saw them....before...."

Grutak asks, "Are you sure what you saw was Icemule?"

Trisscar winks at a lazy wild black dog.

Sorlu looks thoughtfully at Roelon.

(Roelon makes a motion with his hands.)

Roelon deeply says, "Before it was gone. In an explosion of rocks..."

Draelor frowns.

Roelon deeply says, "The screams of them all...."

Teaberry rubs Roelon gently.

Randsford grumbles.

Dendum asks, ""This is a new vision?"

Lithyia shudders.

Tikba looks thoughtfully at Roelon.

Dendum blinks at Roelon.

Randsford nods grimly at Dendum.

Perigourd rubs his chin thoughtfully.

Speaking deeply to Dendum, Roelon says, "...Aye.."

Randsford glances west.

Missoni frowns at Roelon.

Speaking to Roelon, Grutak says, "I can't remember your vision with clarity, but I wonder if you were envisioning what was to happen on Glaovein."

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

Randsford says, "We cannot take in more when we can barely house the ones we have yet we should be ready to help how we can."

Randsford frowns.

Perigourd nods in agreement at Randsford.

Leland sways from side to side as he hums.

Tikba looks thoughtfully at Roelon.

Speaking deeply to Grutak, Roelon says, "If it is..they dinnae know what is to come.."

Grutak says, "The destruction of the Krovlin as we know them."

Speaking concernedly to Roelon, Dendum informs, ""Visions are a path to madness."

Dendum nods at Roelon.

Speaking deeply to Opalina, Roelon says, "Those Krolvin dinnae know their lives will end in pain. Their children...."

Tikba looks thoughtfully at Roelon.

Speaking deeply to Dendum, Roelon says, "Perhaps. Ah hear their screams yet still."

Roelon rubs his eyes.

Grutak says, "Death is a part of life. Embrace that or go mad."

You nod at Imrys.

Tikba evenly says, "They are children of your enemies, and one day they will be your enemies."

Alosaka says, "Life has value. If it can be saved, protected or preserved, it should be."

Haliyna sagely says, "Perhaps those Krolvin on the sea are being prevented from informing the greater numbers on land."

(Lithyia gazes towards the west.)

Speaking deeply to Grutak, Roelon says, "We hae the means to stop it from happening."

Missoni curiously says, "Has a plan been put forward to warn them? I expect one does not merely sail up to Glaoveln."

Perigourd nods in agreement at Alosaka.

Haliyna says, "To reduce panic or something."

Grutak says, "And yes... even children die. I know."

Roelon glances at Randsford.

Speaking to Grutak, Trisscar accuses, "An easy thing to say to divest yourself of responsibility if we can save them."

Speaking to Alosaka, Perigourd says, "Indeed."

Grutak bitterly says, "I know very well."

Randsford squints at Roelon.

Lithyia rests a gentle hand on Grutak's arm.

Dendum glances at Haliyna.

Raelee interjects, "... has any attempt been made to get closer to the volcano? Perhaps with the airship?"

Speaking to Raelee, Perigourd says, "Some of us have sailed to look for it."

Dendum says, "The straights are narrow and passage is hard in northern waters."

Speaking deeply to Sorlu, Roelon asks, "And ye Councilor?"

Speaking respectfully to Roelon, you request, "Can you share precisely the details of the new vision?"

Speaking to Roelon, Grutak asks, "We have the means to stop a volcano from erupting? Do tell?"

You gaze with interest at Imrys.

Speaking deeply to you, Roelon says, "What ah saw was like seeing through two eyes. Here and ....what will happen to them."

Lithyia smiles at Grutak.

Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.

Grutak gives Lithyia a lingering kiss on the forehead.

Lithyia gives Grutak a lingering kiss on the cheek.

Tikba looks thoughtfully at Roelon.

Speaking deeply to Grutak, Roelon says, "To prevent the lot of the Krolvin to be consumed by that volcano."

Sorlu cocks his head at Roelon.

Speaking to Roelon, Grutak asks, "And them being consumed is a bad thing in your opinion?"

Roelon deeply says, "Ah saw merchants selling wares, Children playing while their families watched."

Speaking to Grutak, Dendum offers, ""If the captured could be made free they would be grateful and valuable allies in the north."

Randsford sighs.

Adalfuns examines his fingernails.

You nod appreciatively at Imrys.

Roelon deeply says, "All krolvin. But ah also saw their soldiers. their Corsairs with chained captives."

Tikba looks thoughtfully at Dendum.

Speaking to Grutak, Alosaka says, "The Krol have much to answer for. They must change. But if they perish, they cannot make ammends and become better than they are now."

Lithyia frowns.

Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.

Speaking to Roelon, Randsford says, "Gorga will not be pleased if we accept more while her kin wait."

Dendum says, "Kill a stormcrow...kill a Czag and below you find a deck full of slaves."

Lithyia nods at Randsford.

Speaking to Grutak, Sorlu says, "It could have consequences. As was pointed out before...the krolvin do provide a bit of a shield against a fleet of Imperial ships moving into the North."

Speaking to Alosaka, Perigourd says, "Such an olive branch may render peace a possibility."

Speaking to Dendum, Grutak says, "If the captured could be freed they wou'd be useless. The battering and abuse they put on their slaves is horrendous. Better to put them out of their misery."

Speaking deeply to Randsford, Roelon says, "Ah could consider her opinion on this."

Randsford nods in agreement at Roelon.

You politely request, "Please, if we can allow the Councillor to share his vision uninterrupted, it would be helpful?"

Speaking to Grutak, Dendum asks, ""Were you made useless by the trials of time?"

Sorlu nods to you.

Speaking to Grutak, Dendum asks, ""Did not the fire of the past forge the Grutak of the present?"

Speaking mildly to Alosaka, Tikba says, "Enemies become better by perishing."

Alosaka dryly says, "Not all who have been slaves are rendered empty husks by it."

Roelon deeply says, "Because what happened next was their screams. Corsairs...women and children. Even the captives. consumed by fallin' rocks, fallin; buildings..."

Tikba nods slowly at Alosaka.

Speaking to Dendum, Grutak says, "Yes, I was. It was a long long long time before I became useful, and even still I bear the scars and horrors of what the Faendryl did to me."

Missoni nods sympathetically at Roelon.

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

Trisscar mumbles, "I'm glad I didn't meet you before arriving here, then. I would have been "freed" before my hands could touch snow."

Roelon kneels down.

Roelon shakes his head.

Speaking to Grutak, Dendum replies, ""Yes you stand."

Lithyia glances down.

Dendum says, "They can stand."

Lithyia sighs.

Perigourd scratches at his beard.

Roelon furrows his brow.

Dendum says, "Amos was a slave it is said, now he is stupidest rich person in landing."

Grutak says, "Yer not going to get them off that Island alive. And you'll get a good lot of men and women killed attempting it."

Grutak says, "Risk versus reward."

Alosaka shrugs.

Alosaka says, "I would take that risk for myself."

Perigourd nods in agreement at Alosaka.

Sorlu cocks his head at Roelon.

Trisscar nods at Alosaka.

Missoni softly says, "It must have been difficult to watch such a thing."

Missoni frowns at Roelon.

Tikba quietly says, "Perhaps the slaves would say it is better to destroy the slavers at any cost."

Dendum says, "If the cause is just, some will take the risk. There are few greater causes than Freedom."

Lithyia quietly says, "I'm sorry you had to see such images Roelon."

Lithyia nods at Roelon.

The dock master glances the docks over.

Sorlu nods slowly at Roelon.

Grutak says, "Most of ya have no clue what your askin for. You think in terms of glory and honor and fairness. THere is no glory and honor and fairness in war like that. There is only survival."

Trisscar sighs.

Speaking to Tikba, Alosaka asks, "Would they rather see their captors dead, or themselves freed?"

Speaking deeply to Lithyia, Roelon says, "There must be ah reason..."

Roelon reaches out and touches his wendigo totem.

Trisscar lets out a long, contemplative breath.

Raelee nods faintly at Grutak.

Lithyia nods at Grutak.

Speaking softly to Grutak, Alosaka says, "I think most of us know something of war."

Tikba looks thoughtfully at Alosaka.

Speaking to Roelon, Randsford asks, "Are you certain who sends these visions?"

Randsford squints at Roelon.

Speaking quietly to Alosaka, Tikba says, "Opinions may differ."

Grutak says, "The first thing the Krolvin will do is kill the slaves. Lest they turn against them. Then they will focus on us."

Roelon stands up.

The dog hovers protectively by Missoni's side, baring its teeth at nothing in particular.

Perigourd says, "Without slaves, their power is lessened."

Speaking to Perigourd, Grutak says, "Their power isn't going to be their concern."

Grutak says, "Their survival is."

Perigourd says, "Much of their survival is based on the labor of slaves."

Perigourd chuckles.

Lithyia says, "People do desperate things when their survival is on the line..."

Alosaka says, "Perhaps we need to make them an offer, then."

Leland suddenly barks.

Grutak says, "Slaves are easier to aquire than life."

Speaking to Roelon, Dendum says, ""Visions can cause madness because they can be true, or false, or true now but false later....visions are madness waiting to be born. However...perhaps they are a warning."

Raelee distractedly asks, "... how frequent have the eruptions been? Has the rate increased?"

Missoni looks thoughtfully at Raelee.

Randsford nods slowly at Dendum.

Tikba looks lost in thought.

Speaking deeply to Randsford, Roelon says, "The dream, without question. But never hae ah been awake to experience the vision."

Speaking to Raelee, Dendum says, ""They are more frequent."

Dendum nods at Raelee.

Lithyia nods at Dendum.

Queatus nods.

Randsford nods.

Speaking to Perigourd, Grutak says, "You want to ascribe the Krolvin with noble attributes. They are savage beasts with little value for life outside of their own."

Raelee nods slightly at Dendum.

Grutak says, "Even among their own people it is kill or be killed."

Speaking to Grutak, Perigourd says, "I don't believe I've ascribed any noble virtues to them."

Imrys smirks at Adalfuns.

Perigourd says, "Not that they don't have some, in their own way."

Perigourd says, "Most living things do."

Lithyia says, "Who here is willing to risk their own life to make them an offer? I will freely admit I am not."

Roelon shakes his head.

Speaking sagely to Raelee, Dendum informs, ""They also increase in um....strength with time."

Dendum nods at Raelee.

Dendum says, "Bigger booms."

Speaking to Lithyia, Perigourd asks, "And offer of what?"

Roelon tilts his head up.

Speaking to Dendum, Raelee asks, "What is the average frequency now?"

Dendum says, "Once every seven days...perhaps faster now..."

Lithyia says, "Seems some folks want to give them a chance to come to the mainland..."

Lithyia shrugs.

Lithyia says, "Again, not I."

Roelon deeply says, "We hae to consider our allies thoughts on this. Gorga mae nae like us to aid the Krolvin."

Grutak says, "I think I can safely say that Admiral Loralaii will keep a blockade in the northern part of the Bay out from Briarmoon Cove."

Dendum nods at Roelon.

Randsford nods in agreement at Roelon.

Sorlu agrees with Roelon.

Speaking to Roelon, Sorlu says, "Yes, that is most certianly a concern."

Speaking to Roelon, Haliyna asks, ""Gorga?"

Raelee nods at Dendum.

Imrys grins at Adalfuns.

Lithyia nods at Haliyna.

Grutak says, "A potential Mayor of Icemule."

Queatus nods at Roelon.

Adalfuns agrees with Imrys.

Lithyia says, "Gorga speaks for the half-krol that live in Icemule."

The dog suddenly turns and focuses its eyes upon Randsford.

Roelon deeply says, "Half-krolvin ally and leader of her people."

Adalfuns holds his palm out toward Imrys, looking for a handout.

Trisscar touches Roelon.

Speaking to Haliyna, Perigourd says, "The representative of the Half-krolvin of the Crawling shore now residing in the Ancient burrow."

Roelon nods slowly.

Lithyia quietly says, "Jadedragan has quite the crush on her."

Lithyia giggles.

Haliyna says, "Ahh, yes I could see how that could be a difficult conversation."

Grutak glances at Adalfuns.

Adalfuns shrugs.

Speaking softly to Roelon, Trisscar says, "I hope the weight of those visions do not bear down on you too much."

Adalfuns says, "Too much talking, my head hurts."

Leland whispers almost inaudibly, "I need a nap."

Speaking to Raelee, Dendum adds, ""Of course what we feel and what we see is over a distance is hard to know for sure what happens at the center."

Speaking to Raelee, Dendum says, ""Which is important thing to not know."

Raelee nods at Dendum.

Lithyia asks, "I'm afraid I must be going... Grutak...I will see you at home soon?"

Grutak says, "I agre with Ada."

Lithyia smiles at Grutak.

Speaking to Dendum, Raelee says, "Agreed. Closer observation would be... helpful."

Lithyia joins Grutak's group.

Grutak's group blurs into a white fog and vanishes!

You hear very soft footsteps.

Speaking deeply to Trisscar, Roelon says, "Ah will hae to contemplate them. The paths ahead are nae easy. But they must need us to ah better future for the North."

Dendum slips an asymmetrical yumi into one of the bearskin weapon loops secured with jade buttons sewn inside of his buckskin jacket.

Dendum collects a round river reed basket from a large compartment inside the grey leather case.

Tikba mildly says, "The decision of whether Icemule will send a warning must rest with the people of Icemule, I think."

Alosaka says, "Well, some passionate discussion, and a surfeit of certainty."

Dendum pours himself a warm mug of herbaceous tea.

Dendum plops a round river reed basket into a large compartment inside the grey leather case.

Speaking softly to Roelon, Trisscar says, "Can I give you a supportive hug? It is all I can offer to help."

Dendum offers Roelon a warm mug of herbaceous tea.

Roelon accepts Dendum's herbaceous tea.

Alosaka says, "Be safe, friends."

Roelon forcefully crosses one arm over his leather coat-of-plates and offers Dendum a formal bow.

Alosaka nods respectfully.

Perigourd turns toward Alosaka and renders a sharp hand salute.

Roelon forcefully crosses one arm over his leather coat-of-plates and offers Alosaka a formal bow.

Missoni waves to Alosaka.

Queatus says, "I'm off."

Queatus waves.

Perigourd leans close to the large board, examining the available tasks.

Tikba says, "Good night, my friends."

Speaking deeply to Trisscar, Roelon says, "Such cannae hurt at all."

Roelon nods.

Teaberry leans close to the large board, examining the available tasks.

Trisscar smiles.

Trisscar hugs Roelon.

Roelon smiles.

Roelon forcefully crosses one arm over his leather coat-of-plates and offers Trisscar a formal bow.

Roelon playfully flips the folds of his black woolen kilt.

Speaking to Roelon, Dendum says, ""Drink this....can not hurt and may calm the mind. Will see if it is possible to find something better."

You nod in agreement at Sorlu.

Roelon slowly empties his lungs.

Sorlu frowns.

Opalina says, "I hope you all have a safe and ash free night."

Speaking warmly to Roelon, Trisscar says, "That looks like you, you kilted mess."

Haliyna seems hesitant, looking unsure of herself.

You say, "I believe I shall head back to town as well."

Teaberry nods at Opalina.

Lady Opalina just went up a switchback trail.

Trisscar seems slightly different.

You say, "Be well, everyone."

Teaberry removes a copper wire-wrapped mesille scepter from in her sanguine harness.

Straightening your back, you give a formal, low curtsy. In time with your greater movement, you incline your head as well in a brief nod.

Roelon's Vision

A faint pressure begins to build in the back of your skull, the headache slowly threading up your scalp like creeping talons.

The pain of the headache intensifies sharply, becoming almost blinding, and in the blackness that floods your field of view, you see shapes. You stand on a distant street, its rough-hewn stones and foreboding black buildings alive with a swirl of activity. Merchants hawk their wares, children run past in playful tangles, and here and there families thread through the throng--all of them krolvin. You see them as if they are an image laid over your view of the Frostmain.

There is darkness, too, to the scene you see. Krolvin corsairs with chained captives, gaunt and hollow-faced, their eyes devoid of hope. But for their presence and the krolvin faces around you, the sight could be from any seaside town you have visited. The pain builds, hot with anticipation that stings in your gut. An instant later, the ground shakes. It is no mere tremor, but a terrible writhing that overturns carts, sends oxen bellowing, and even knocks a few bystanders to the ground.

And then, in the east, a mountain explodes. There is no other word for it. Its black peak, swathed in a veil of clouds, detonates with incredible fury, sending lava fountaining violently into the air with an escort of superheated rock and gases. Screams peal out across the market square, but they are drowned out by the roaring of the tortured earth. The daylit sky grows black with the belching smoke, and fire begins to rain down around you. A building is destroyed by a falling boulder. More screams rise in chorus, and the vision ends.