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The Watchfire Pact (storyline)/2024-04-09 - Communion With Kai (log)
This is a log captured from the point of view of Myharl posted by the player.
On the evening of Volnes, day 8 of the month of Charlatos in the year 5124, at 22:00 ET, Evii, High Priestess of Kai, arrives at the altar of Kai in the Hall of the Body inside the Temple located in town of Icemule Trace to perform a communion with her Lord. She was invited at the behest of the Icemule Trace Town Council by request of councilmember Jastalyn. The topic of focus was to seek further information about the artifact known as the Orb of Kai.
Townsfolk and interested parties gather in the Hall where a communion altar has been erected to honor Kai in preparation for the ceremony. At two minutes past the hour, as the sizable crowd grows hushed, High Priestess Evii begins the communion ceremony.
Disclosed Information
Condensed Summary of Kai's Interactions |
The glow of the candles pales, taking on a scintillating silver sheen that bathes the surroundings in monochromatic light. One by one, the lights flare brighter, casting off coruscating sparks as they grow nigh blinding to look upon. All is cast into a stark chiaroscuro, humanoid figures around you cast into glowing light or darkest shadow. Robbed of sight by the blinding radiance, your ears rush to supply more detail of your surroundings. The fervent prayers of others, the crackling of the candles... all are but a dull whisper at the sound of great footsteps that send tremors through the ground. A voice, brassy and bold, booms through the chamber like thunder. "The fight continues, but it is not a war of sword and shield, but of daggers and false faces. Who calls the Lord of Battles at such an ill-fated time?" "And what people are those?" The voice laughs, but it is a sound as bitter as it is pealing. "The true-hearted, or those who would bring dusk crashing down upon you from within?" "A pure heart cannot suffer the taint of evil deeds," says the voice, nearly as oppressive in its volume as the surrounding light is blinding. "So it is that a pure folk cannot suffer workers of evil within their ranks." "Whisperers in the darkness. Daggers in the dusk. They mock you even now, despite your show of faith," asserts the voice. The speaker takes another thunderous step forward, and the sound of steel ringing free from a scabbard echoes through the hall. "I do not fight small fights of poisoned words and hidden blades. My place is on the field of battle, and when battle comes, so shall my eye fall upon the righteous and the strong." "But I have already given you what you need," the scintillating figure continues. "A weapon, for those bold enough to claim it." The voice chuckles, a patient sound but mirthful nonetheless. "That remains to be seen. A weapon to one eye may be entirely different to another." One of the candles throws off a cascading waterfall of sparks, filling the chamber with the acrid scent of smoke. "Bold warriors, know this: you are not alone. Another moves in Liabo's light. Another plucks at the threads of destiny," says the voice. "Though your foes are legion and cleave to the shadows, there is an artful hand that guides you, if you only allow yourselves to be guided." "No," says the voice, firm and cold for an instant. Though your eyes have begun to adjust to the scintillating light, they still cannot look entirely upon the silvery figure, leaving the surrounding shadows to offer it a suggestion of hulking form. It gestures down the hall, and with a note of finality, says, "Look not to the brush, but to the hand that wields it. You will not go alone into twilight." At once, color surges back into the candleflames and the surroundings, making the hall look jewel-brilliant as your eyes struggle to adjust. Afterimages are seared into your eyes, including one that has no answer in the departing radiance. You see a paintbrush imposed against a sphere, but as you blink away the radiance, the image fades away. |
Non-Player Characters Involved
Gathering at Kai's Altar in Icemule Trace
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 21:33 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
[Hall of the Body - 2347] Solid walls and towering pillars of ice imbue this room with an aura of dignity and strength. The south wall is inlaid with two side-by-side symbols, and the walls to the east and west provide a backdrop for an altar and a large tapestry. A woven rug threaded with hues of crimson, silver, azure and ivory covers most of the frozen floor, its intricate sigils forming an interwoven pattern of great beauty. An ivory statue of a steed and an owl stands before the two wall symbols. You also see a volatile will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around and a mosaic mural. Also here: Jastalyn, Miss Evii, Olgretien who is kneeling Obvious exits: north, down
Evii smiles.
Speaking deeply to Evii, Olgretien says, "I am ere to help wutever mat happin."
> LOOK at Evii
You see Miss Evii Natanial the High Priestess of Kai. She appears to be a Human. She is moderately tall and has a delicately lithe build. She appears to be young and robust. She has luminous variegated crystal blue eyes and sun-kissed, lightly freckled skin. She has shoulder-length, brightly glazed inky black hair snipped in a precise swing of sharply textured layers. She has a slender face, a freckled nose and thin, lithely muscled arms and dainty wrists. Narrow of waist, her slim hips descend into well-toned and slender legs that are supported by dainty ankles which echo her delicate bone structure. She has a red fox tattoo on her neck. She gives off a devious demeanor. She is in good shape. She is wearing a sheer silver robe with a laced train of pale blue ribbons, and some spiral-outlined silk ankle-tied sandals laced with curled silk ribbon.
Jastalyn removes a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design from in her pashmina wrap.
Jastalyn beams!
Jastalyn waves.
You smile.
Olgretien agrees with Evii.
You wave to Evii.
Jastalyn gives Olgretien a friendly hug.
You wave to Olgretien.
You deeply exclaim, "Good evening!"
Jastalyn hugs Evii, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
You smile.
Jastalyn carefully places a flat silver serving tray on the floor.
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 21:37 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
Jastalyn removes a filamentous knitted clenched fist-motif crimson maedatha brooch from in her crimson case.
Evii warmly agrees, "I very much appreciate that."
Speaking deeply to Jastalyn, Olgretien says, "Hail Fenog's."
Jastalyn offers Evii a filamentous knitted clenched fist-motif crimson maedatha brooch.
Evii says, "Oooo."
Evii accepts Jastalyn's maedatha brooch.
Speaking softly to Olgretien, Jastalyn exclaims, "Hail, Fury!"
Jastalyn turns toward Olgretien and renders a sharp hand salute.
Jastalyn grins at Evii.
Evii puts on a filamentous knitted clenched fist-motif crimson maedatha brooch.
You grin at Olgretien.
Evii gazes at her reflection in the gold-etched mirror.
Olgretien deeply says, "I also think someone is trying to play a joke on us."
Evii takes off a filamentous knitted clenched fist-motif crimson maedatha brooch.
Olgretien points at a delicate silver orb on a carved oak altar.
You lean heavily on your gnarled ko'nag staff, taking a moment to rest.
Jastalyn removes a delicate silver orb from on a carved oak altar.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched.
The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Jastalyn put a delicate silver orb on a carved oak altar.
Jastalyn softly exclaims, "Sorry!"
Jastalyn removes an engraved gold orb from in her crimson case.
Jastalyn giggles.
Evii gives Jastalyn a warm buss on the lips.
Jastalyn put an engraved gold orb on a flat silver serving tray that is on the ground.
Evii beams, her eyes filled with delight!
Jastalyn beams happily at Evii!
Jastalyn giggles.
Olgretien deeply says, "It has a note from Naamit."
Olgretien grins.
Evii says, "Oh, I'll be right back, I forgot something."
Jastalyn carefully places a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design on the floor.
Jastalyn nods.
Evii put a filamentous knitted clenched fist-motif crimson maedatha brooch in her silver robe.
Miss Evii just went down.
Jastalyn just opened a compact platinum wild silk carryall with a winter rose-patterned strap.
Jastalyn removes an ivory rose-painted match box from in her wild silk carryall.
Jastalyn opens an ivory rose-painted match box, revealing plentiful ivory matches.
Jastalyn gets a match from an ivory rose-painted match box.
Jastalyn puts a pink-tipped ivory match into a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design.
Miss Evii just arrived.
Evii smiles.
Evii kneels down.
Jastalyn giggles.
Jastalyn softly exclaims, "Hi!"
Speaking deeply to Jastalyn, Olgretien exclaims, "I came in and saw that orb and thought, OH! Kai already brung it!"
Evii removes a candle votive from in her silver robe.
Evii reverently places a candle votive on the floor.
You grin at Olgretien.
Evii picks up a candle votive.
Olgretien takes a drink from his strong black coffee.
Jastalyn put a pink-tipped ivory match in her pashmina wrap.
Jastalyn put an ivory rose-painted match box in her pashmina wrap.
Jastalyn just closed a compact platinum wild silk carryall with a winter rose-patterned strap.
Jastalyn grins.
Evii put a candle votive in her silver robe.
Evii smiles.
Olgretien removes a jet black mithril claidhmore from in his wolverine pelt sheath.
Olgretien leans on his claidhmore.
Olgretien closes his eyes for a moment.
Evii removes some silvery Kai bracers from in her silver robe.
Evii waves some silvery Kai bracers around.
Jastalyn grins.
Evii grins.
Evii put some silvery Kai bracers in her silver robe.
Evii removes an ornate Kai statuette from in a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design.
Evii put an ornate Kai statuette in her silver robe.
Evii nods.
Evii says, "Hrm."
Jastalyn removes a topaz-inset Kai miniature from in a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design.
Jastalyn put a topaz-inset Kai miniature on a flat silver serving tray that is on the ground.
Evii stands up.
Miss Evii just went down.
Miss Evii just arrived.
Evii removes an onyx-inlaid white lacquered bowl from in her silver robe.
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 21:41 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
Evii put an onyx-inlaid white lacquered bowl in her silver robe.
Evii nods.
Jastalyn grins at Evii.
Jastalyn squeals.
Evii gives a lopsided grin.
Jastalyn removes a silvery red clenched fist candle from in a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design.
Jastalyn offers you a silvery red clenched fist candle. Click ACCEPT to accept the offer or DECLINE to decline it. The offer will expire in 30 seconds.
You accept Jastalyn's offer and are now holding a silvery red clenched fist candle.
Jastalyn removes a silvery red clenched fist candle from in a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design.
Speaking wryly to Jastalyn, Evii admits, "I'm excited too."
Evii nods appreciatively.
You give Jastalyn a lingering kiss on the lips.
Jastalyn grins at Evii.
Jastalyn kisses you, her mouth lingering on yours.
Jastalyn softly says, "Oh."
Jastalyn softly says, "Evii."
Jastalyn softly says, "This is my fiance, Myharl."
Evii raises an eyebrow in Jastalyn's direction.
Jastalyn grins from ear to ear.
You grin.
Evii turns to face you.
You bow to Evii.
Speaking warmly to you, Evii greets, "Nice to meet you."
Evii's eyes twinkle with merriment as she playfully drops into a quick curtsy before you, letting out a soft giggle as she rises.
Speaking warmly to Evii, you say, "It's nice to meet you as well. Thank you for doing this tonight."
You pull Jastalyn closer to you.
You grin at Jastalyn.
Jastalyn reaches into her invitation pouch and removes an onyx-trimmed black vellum invitation framed with an argent knotwork border.
Jastalyn offers Evii an onyx-trimmed black vellum invitation framed with an argent knotwork border.
Speaking to you, Evii gushes, "Oh, I'm super excited."
Evii accepts Jastalyn's black vellum invitation.
Jastalyn reaches into her invitation pouch and removes an onyx-trimmed black vellum invitation framed with an argent knotwork border.
Jastalyn offers Olgretien an onyx-trimmed black vellum invitation framed with an argent knotwork border.
Evii says, "Ooo."
You flash a wide grin.
Speaking deeply to Evii, Olgretien says, "Oh soories. I am Olgretien."
Jastalyn beams!
Olgretien blushes a nice shade of light pink.
Speaking brightly to Jastalyn, Evii says, "Thank you."
Evii put an onyx-trimmed black vellum invitation framed with an argent knotwork border in her silver robe.
Evii turns to face Olgretien.
Jastalyn softly exclaims, "You're welcome!"
Evii walks toward Olgretien.
Evii holds her palm out toward Olgretien, looking for a handout.
Jastalyn giggles.
Olgretien just opened an ermine-lined fleece pouch.
Speaking warmly to Olgretien, Evii introduces, "I'm Evii Natanial. High Priestess of Kai of Whenimers Landing by way of the Abandoned Inn."
Olgretien removes an uncut ruby from in his fleece pouch.
Evii nods once at Olgretien.
Olgretien offers Evii an uncut ruby.
Evii says, "Umm."
Evii accepts Olgretien's uncut ruby.
Jastalyn offers Olgretien an onyx-trimmed black vellum invitation framed with an argent knotwork border.
Evii lamely quips, "Thanks."
Olgretien accepts Jastalyn's black vellum invitation.
Evii squints at an uncut ruby.
Jastalyn grins.
Olgretien beams happily at you!
You flash a wide grin at Olgretien.
Olgretien deeply exclaims, "Nice!"
Jastalyn grins at Olgretien.
You nod enthusiastically!
Olgretien just opened an elk hide journey pack.
You chuckle.
You hug Jastalyn, and she wraps you in a warm embrace in return.
Evii carefully places an uncut ruby on the floor.
Jastalyn hugs you, and you wrap her in a warm embrace.
Evii smiles.
Jastalyn turns to Olgretien and cheers!
Olgretien put an onyx-trimmed black vellum invitation framed with an argent knotwork border in his journey pack.
Evii removes a silvery red clenched fist candle from in a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design.
Evii carefully places her clenched fist candle on the ground.
Evii picks up a silvery red clenched fist candle.
Evii carefully places her clenched fist candle on the ground.
> LOOK in case
In the crimson case: other (25): some silvery Kai bracers, a silvery red clenched fist candle (24). collectible (10): an ornate Kai statuette (10). jewelry (2): a silvery Kai medallion, a silvery Kai ring. clothing (2): a silvery Kai robe, a silvery Kai sash.
Olgretien removes an onyx-trimmed black vellum invitation framed with an argent knotwork border from in his journey pack.
Evii lights the clenched fist candle, which flickers and begins to burn.
Olgretien flips his black vellum invitation over in his hand.
Evii hums distractedly to herself.
Wolfloner just arrived.
Jastalyn beams!
Jastalyn hugs Wolfloner.
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 21:45 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
Inclining your head, you lift your right hand in greeting to Wolfloner, the motion drawing attention to the tower signet ring on your right middle finger.
Jastalyn offers Wolfloner a silvery red clenched fist candle.
You flash a wide grin.
Wolfloner performs a traditional Tehir bow, his practiced movements imbued with elven grace.
Wolfloner accepts Jastalyn's clenched fist candle.
Evii takes a moment to observe one of the solid ice walls.
Evii sashays gracefully up to a carved oak altar.
Wolfloner nods to you.
Jastalyn removes a silvery red clenched fist candle from in a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design.
A silvery red clenched fist candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to life again, burning merrily.
Olgretien put an onyx-trimmed black vellum invitation framed with an argent knotwork border in his journey pack.
Speaking carefully to a glaes plaque, Evii mispronounces, "Kai: Gawd of Strenth, Ath... Ath-let... *sighs* Atheletes, and ... *gives up*."
Evii sighs.
Jastalyn grins.
Jastalyn hugs Evii, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Evii takes a few steps away from a glaes plaque.
A silvery red clenched fist candle burns with a warm golden light.
Evii appears to be ignoring everything going on around her.
Evii sniffs.
Evii gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.
Evii rubs a large tapestry.
>READ plaque
In the Common language, it reads: Kai: God of Strength, Athletic Prowess, and Skill at Arms
Jastalyn smiles.
You squint at a glaes plaque.
You notice Dendum moving stealthily into the room.
Evii cocks her head and examines the large tapestry.
>LOOK at tapestry A verdant forest serves as the background for a tall male figure and a young elven woman, walking together down a narrow path. Golden embroidery surrounds the man like an aura, and there is some resemblance to him in the features of the girl. In the foreground, a moss-framed pool glints with sunlight and frolicking red and white fish. Stitched along the bottom edge in silver thread is the legend, "Lord Kai and his daughter, Leya."
Speaking absently to Jastalyn, Evii mentions, "You don't hear about Leya very often."
Jastalyn adopts an agreeable expression.
A small draft catches the flame of a silvery red clenched fist candle and it flickers brightly.
Recruiter Lilanna's group just arrived.
A plains osprey glides into view.
Lilanna says, "Ah."
You wave to Lilanna.
You wave to Ibar.
You flash a wide grin.
Jastalyn beams!
Jastalyn hugs Lilanna, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Lilanna waves to you.
Lilanna hugs Jastalyn, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Jastalyn gives Ibar a friendly hug.
You deeply exclaim, "Evening!"
Ibar gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.
Evii smiles at Lilanna.
Olgretien turns toward Lilanna and renders a sharp hand salute.
Ibar bows to you.
Ibar smiles.
You wave to Dendum.
Lilanna turns toward Olgretien and renders a sharp hand salute.
Ibar exclaims, "Evenin!"
Jastalyn softly says, "Place offerings on the tray. Yes, you can have them back after. Feel free to grab a candle in the case."
Olgretien performs a bow characteristic of the Wsalamir Clan before Ibar.
Ibar ponders.
Lilanna ponders.
A wisp of smoke rises from a silvery red clenched fist candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.
Dendum nods to you.
Reaching over your shoulder, you secure your gnarled ko'nag staff into a series of straps on the back of your buckled armor harness.
Jastalyn softly says, "It's okay if you didn't bring anything."
The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger.
Lilanna renews her songs.
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 21:49 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
Evii nods appreciatively.
Lilanna says, "Ah."
Lilanna removes a jagged rift crawler tooth from in her ebon silk gem pouch.
You quietly whisper to Jastalyn, "I brought the statuettes in case someone didn't have anything, if that helps."
Miss Lithyia just arrived.
Lithyia bows.
Evii softly whispers aloud, "It looks like we are very well prepared."
Lilanna says, "The tooth of the first crawler i've killed."
Lithyia says, "Good evening."
You wave to Lithyia.
You flash a wide grin.
Lithyia gives Wolfloner a lingering kiss on the cheek.
Lithyia joins Wolfloner's group.
Evii smiles at Lithyia.
Lithyia bows to Evii.
A bit of melted wax drips from a silvery red clenched fist candle with a hiss. The flame jumps, burning high for a moment, then settles into a warm glow.
Lithyia says, "I brought an offering."
With a graceful movement of her hands, Evii lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Lithyia.
Wolfloner nods at Lithyia.
Lilanna put a jagged rift crawler tooth on a flat silver serving tray that is on the ground.
Jastalyn gives Lithyia a friendly hug.
Lithyia offers Evii a silvery red clenched fist candle.
Jastalyn beams!
Evii accepts Lithyia's clenched fist candle.
Lithyia says, "This is from Wolf and I."
Lithyia bows to Evii.
Jastalyn softly says, "Place any offerings on the tray. Yes, you can have them back after. Feel free to grab a candle in the case."
Speaking warmly to Lithyia, Evii says, "Thank you so much."
Lilanna gently bites Ibar.
Wolfloner slings a shadow black spike-riddled buckler over his shoulder.
Lord Darphin's group just arrived.
Lithyia nods.
Jastalyn grins.
A plains osprey hovers briefly near the ceiling.
Ibar gazes fondly at Lilanna.
Jastalyn waves to Darphin.
Jastalyn softly says, "Place any offerings on the tray. Yes, you can have them back after. Feel free to grab a candle in the case."
Lilanna gives Lithyia a friendly hug.
Darphin smiles.
Evii carefully places her clenched fist candle on a flat silver serving tray.
Lilanna waves to Wolfloner.
Darphin says, "Hello."
Lithyia hugs Lilanna, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Lithyia gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.
Lithyia gives you a friendly hug.
Dendum removes a single arrow shaft from a bundle of rough ghostwood arrow shafts.
Lilanna nods to Darphin in greeting.
Lithyia waves to Dendum.
Evii kisses Lithyia tenderly, first on one cheek, then the other.
Ibar ponders.
Lithyia waves to Olgretien.
A muted crackle emanates from Lilanna's leopard pelt tote.
Dendum put a single ghostwood arrow shaft on a flat silver serving tray that is on the ground.
Lithyia smiles at Evii.
Lithyia gives Ibar a friendly hug.
You wave.
Lilanna gives Loralaii a friendly hug.
Olgretien performs a bow characteristic of the Wsalamir Clan before Lithyia.
Lilanna hoots at Dendum.
Chronicler Falvicar just arrived.
Chronicler Falvicar just went north.
Jynxa just arrived.
You deeply say, "Good evening."
Lithyia gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Chronicler Falvicar just arrived.
Lilanna bows to Evii.
Lithyia waves to Falvicar.
Falvicar rubs his black steel athame, and it glimmers with a faint silvery light.
You notice Jynxa slip into a hiding place.
With a graceful movement of her hands, Evii lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Lilanna.
Loralaii gives Lilanna a friendly hug.
The glow from a silvery red clenched fist candle softly illuminates the shadows.
Jastalyn waves to Falvicar.
Jastalyn softly says, "Place any offerings on the tray. Yes, you can have them back after. Feel free to grab a candle in the case."
Loralaii just licked Falvicar!
Falvicar nods in greeting.
Dendum remarks, "We very much find these things dangerous and ill advised......however things are such that this particular power may not take offesnse at the attempt?"
Speaking warmly to Lilanna, Evii whispers aloud, "Thank you for coming."
You hear very soft footsteps.
Lilanna removes a silvery red clenched fist candle from in a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design.
Falvicar gives Loralaii a playful bite.
Lithyia says, "There is an orb on the altar."
Loralaii gives Ibar a friendly hug.
Lithyia chuckles.
Falvicar grins.
Speaking to Evii, Lilanna says, "Thankee fer yer aide in this endeavor."
Olgretien deeply says, "It has a note from Naamit on it."
Speaking carefully to Dendum, Evii assures, "I will do my utmost to ensure everyone's safety during the ceremony."
Darphin taps an engraved gold orb on a flat silver serving tray.
Lithyia nods at Olgretien.
Jastalyn smiles.
Darphin asks, "Are you special?"
Lithyia asks, "Is who special?"
Lithyia glances at Darphin.
The clenched fist candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the surroundings.
Falvicar breathes in deeply as he clenches a pipe in his mouth, then exhales slowly, causing some red amorphous clouds of puffy smoke to float up from his mouth.
Lilanna says, "We're all special."
Lilanna starts chortling.
Falvicar inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out two rings of smoke before him briefly.
Lithyia grins at Lilanna.
Speaking resignedly to Evii, Dendum informs, "When faced with such power one must do what one can to accept the fate given."
Ibar starts to snorfle, but suddenly turns purple and erupts into a coughing fit!
Speaking to Lithyia, Darphin says, "You, but i was asking the orb."
Jastalyn beams happily at Dendum!
Lithyia rolls her eyes at Darphin.
Jastalyn softly says, "Place any offerings on the tray. Yes, you can have them back after. Feel free to grab a candle in the case."
Lithyia chuckles to herself.
Speaking respectfully to Dendum, Evii agrees, "Yes. You are very wise. Thank you."
Lithyia gazes with interest at a large tapestry.
Speaking to himself, Dendum says, "Still hopefully we do not all end up dead."
Lilanna suddenly pauses, a look of consternation crossing her features as she listens intently.
Lithyia agrees with Dendum.
Draelor nods.
The glow from a silvery red clenched fist candle softly illuminates the shadows.
Lithyia says, "Most communes I have attended, the people overall do not end up dead."
Dendum removes some yew and moonstone prayerbeads from his neck.
Lithyia nods at Dendum.
Lilanna says, "Heopfully he let's me have my tooth back."
Lilanna chuckles.
Lithyia says, "Someones the one doing the communing does though."
Ibar grins at Lilanna.
Lithyia says, "Sometims."
Lithyia coughs.
Speaking politely to Lilanna, Evii mentions, "Maybe ask after?"
Speaking to Lithyia, Dendum says, "Hrmm...that is odd..."
Lithyia glances at Evii.
You grin at Lilanna.
Lithyia says, "I do hope Evii does not."
Evii smiles.
Lilanna glances at a jagged rift crawler tooth on a flat silver serving tray.
Lilanna pokes her finger at a jagged rift crawler tooth.
Jastalyn smiles at Evii.
Speaking quietly to Lithyia, Evii offers, "I have a good record with these things."
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 21:53 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
Olgretien picks up an uncut ruby.
Lithyia says, "Well that's good."
Lithyia grins at Evii.
Falvicar clenches his rolaren sword symbol and takes a deep breath. After a moment his eyes fill with a look of peaceful calm.
Olgretien put an uncut ruby on a flat silver serving tray that is on the ground.
Lithyia waves to Draelor.
Jastalyn grins.
Draelor waves to Lithyia.
Lithyia says, "Let us continue that record this evening then."
Lithyia smirks.
A silvery red clenched fist candle burns with a warm golden light.
Falvicar breathes in deeply as he clenches a pipe in his mouth, then exhales slowly, causing some red amorphous clouds of puffy smoke to float up from his mouth.
Evii smiles.
Jastalyn waves to Draelor.
Jastalyn softly says, "Place any offerings on the tray. Yes, you can have them back after. Feel free to grab a candle in the case."
Jastalyn softly says, "Also, I have matches."
Falvicar inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out a small stream of smoke before him briefly.
Speaking wryly to herself, Evii muses, "We see soon enough, won't we."
You smile at Evii.
Speaking curiously to you, Evii whispers aloud, "Did I say the quiet part out loud?"
Evii frowns.
Evii clasps her hand over her mouth.
Ibar removes an uncut ruby from in his cotton sack.
You hold up your hand and tilt it side to side in a so-so gesture.
Evii shakes her head, clucking her tongue.
Jastalyn grins at Evii.
Ibar put an uncut ruby on a flat silver serving tray that is on the ground.
Lilanna glances at Lithyia.
Lithyia glances at Lilanna.
Ibar rocks back on his heels.
Speaking to Lithyia, Lilanna asks, "Samplin yer wears again?"
The clenched fist candle flickers softly, casting a warm light throughout the room.
Speaking quietly to Evii, you say, "I don't think many heard, though."
Lilanna says, "Wares."
You smile.
You notice Jynxa slip out of hiding.
Lithyia asks, "What?"
Lilanna gazes heavenward.
Lilanna says, "Nothin."
Jynxa removes a faded gold ring from in her boarhide pack.
Jynxa put a faded gold ring on a flat silver serving tray that is on the ground.
You notice Jynxa slip into a hiding place.
Ibar grins at Lilanna.
Lilanna glances around, looking a bit less confident.
Lithyia says, "I havent had a drink in a week."
Lilanna's sentient potato whistles a jaunty little ditty!
Jastalyn smiles.
Lilanna says, "Ohh."
Ibar nods slowly.
Lithyia says, "Quite terrible i Must say."
Lilanna says, "Withdrawal... that's awful."
Speaking to Lilanna, Ibar says, "Explains it."
Ibar nods.
Speaking to Lithyia, Evii asks, "Ooof, want some of mine?"
Speaking to Lithyia, Dendum reminds, "Last time we had summoning in this temple there was definately one dead body and two or three insane watchers."
Lithyia just opened a beaded bauble bag.
Lilanna rubs Lithyia gently.
Lithyia gazes at her reflection in the pendant mirror.
Evii giggles.
Blade Yardie just arrived.
Lithyia just closed a beaded bauble bag.
Lithyia waves to Yardie.
You wave to Yardie.
Evii smiles at Yardie.
Jastalyn softly says, "There are candles and statues in the case if you wish to hold one."
With a graceful movement of her hands, Evii lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Yardie.
Lilanna hoots at Yardie.
Jastalyn waves to Yardie.
Jastalyn softly says, "Place any offerings on the tray. Yes, you can have them back after. Feel free to grab a candle in the case."
Yardie gives Lithyia a friendly hug.
Speaking to Dendum, Draelor says, "It's good you said that before Yardie appeared."
Yardie gives Lilanna a friendly hug.
Yardie hugs Jastalyn, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
Yardie gives you a friendly hug.
A silvery red clenched fist candle glows warmly with a soft, flickering light.
You give Yardie a friendly hug.
Dendum nods knowingly at Draelor.
Ibar chuckles.
Olgretien just closed an elk hide journey pack.
Ibar bows to Yardie.
Lilanna begins chuckling at Draelor!
Jastalyn hugs Yardie, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Jastalyn grins.
Lithyia gazes with interest at an ivory statue.
Yardie asks, "So, I can offer a combat demonstration for Kai's approval?"
Olgretien just closed an ermine-lined fleece pouch.
You grin at Yardie.
Yardie leans his forehead against the heel of one of his palms as he slowly shakes his head, before banging his glove-covered hand against his head several times.
Lithyia asks, "Did you bring oil, Yardie?"
Lithyia glances at Yardie.
Ibar chuckles.
Evii wrinkles her nose.
A frigid helical miasma of wintry mist coalesces around your black alloy neckchain before condensing into hoary frost particulates that embrace its deep glacial facets.
Speaking to Yardie, Lilanna asks, "Like ye failed to do last night?"
Speaking to Yardie, Dendum remarks, "Demonstrate the way of perfect stillness and silence, like the tiger before pouncing...."
Yardie clenches his ebon leather gloves, then methodically works his way through several jabs and punches as he spars an imaginary opponent, before ending with a series of uppercuts.
Ibar glances over at Lilanna and winces.
Dendum says, "Everyone will be most impressed."
Dendum nods sagely.
Lithyia grins at Dendum.
The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger.
Lilanna renews her songs.
A wisp of smoke rises from a silvery red clenched fist candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched. The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Speaking to Lilanna, Yardie exclaims, "I didn't fight last night! I got sucker punched!"
Darphin gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Ibar teasingly says, "Naps are important though."
Greatlor's group just arrived.
Ibar grins at Yardie.
A floppy-eared white puppy with a patch of tan over one eye suddenly careens into the room, landing on the floor in a heap of sleek tan and white fur.
Loralaii produces a small wooden carton from the depths of her nacre velvet robe.
Falvicar nods once at Yardie.
Elronae waves.
Loralaii gets a few grains of fish food out of a small wooden carton.
Speaking to Yardie, Dendum remarks, "Ahh....that is not the way of tigers."
Yardie gives Ibar a firm handshake.
Yardie gives Falvicar a firm handshake.
Lithyia whispers something to Wolfloner.
Lithyia grins at Wolfloner.
Lithyia chuckles to herself.
Dendum shakes his head.
Peatwyn just arrived.
Loralaii slides off the cover of her glass fishbowl and drops a few grains of brown fish food into it. The food quickly arouses the curiosity of the fish in her fishbowl. The black comet goldfish swims up to the food rapidly and gobbles it up.
Loralaii gets a few grains of fish food out of a small wooden carton.
Darphin asks, "Would it be rude to draw a circle inwhich to add my prayers from?"
Loralaii slides off the cover of her glass fishbowl and drops a few grains of brown fish food into it. The food quickly arouses the curiosity of the fish in her fishbowl. The black comet goldfish swims up to the food rapidly and gobbles it up.
Speaking to Dendum, Yardie says, "I'm not a tiger. Mongoose."
Jastalyn waves to Peatwyn.
Jastalyn softly says, "Place any offerings on the tray. Yes, you can have them back after. Feel free to grab a candle in the case."
Lilanna looks at Yardie and hums.
Evii nods in greeting at Peatwyn.
Lilanna says, "Shoulda saw it comin."
Peatwyn nods to Evii in greeting.
Speaking to Yardie, Draelor asks, "You're a goose?"
Loralaii's wooden carton vanishes into the depths of her nacre velvet robe.
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 21:58 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
Speaking to Yardie, Dendum remarks, "Mongoose makes excelent soup."
Greatlor grabs a fine deringo long bow from inside his thick leather knapsack.
Dendum nods at Yardie.
Elronae removes a scorched steel claidhmore from in her blue chainsil cloak.
Speaking excitedly to Evii, Peatwyn exclaims, "Good luck!"
Lithyia chuckles.
A silvery red clenched fist candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to life again, burning merrily.
A resplendent obsidian black raven suddenly crashes into Lithyia, landing in a tangle of feathers on the floor. With an irate caw at her, the raven quickly flaps back into the air.
Jastalyn grins.
Yardie says, "Or a wolf spider."
Greatlor put a fine deringo long bow on a carved oak altar.
Peatwyn waves.
Lithyia glances at a resplendent obsidian black raven.
Elronae's fish bobs along lazily, its eyes half-lidded. All of a sudden, its eyes fly open, and orient directly on you! The fish charges, its toothy maw snapping furiously, right at you! You feel yourself leaning back instinctively as the fish stares you down, its jaws flashing. You just begin to cringe when you see the fish bounce harmlessly off the inside of the sack. You blush slightly and glance around to see if anyone noticed, turning away from the beast in the sack.
Greatlor nods.
Crossing the web-incised shadarl vambraces of his dark shadarl hunts in front of his chest, Yardie bows his head and whistles a set of three notes in a descending scale, his face shadowed beneath his matte shadarl hood. Threads of black-edged violet light pulse over the surface of the dark shadarl hunts in time to the notes, coalescing into the ethereal form of a giant wolf spider on the floor at his feet. Clicking its mandibles warily, a giant ethereal wolf spider skitters in a protective circle around Yardie, multifaceted eyes alert for threats and fangs bared. In a burst of black-edged violet motes, it dissolves back into the dark shadarl hunts.
Lithyia chuckles.
Lilanna gives Elronae a friendly hug.
Dendum says, "Wolf spiders do not make good soup at all."
Elronae put a scorched steel claidhmore on a flat silver serving tray that is on the ground.
Elronae gives Lilanna a friendly hug.
Greatlor removes a fine deringo long bow from on a carved oak altar.
Ibar agrees with Dendum.
Lithyia agrees with Dendum.
Lithyia waves to Elronae.
Lithyia gives Elronae a friendly hug.
Greatlor put a fine deringo long bow on a flat silver serving tray that is on the ground.
Yardie waves to Elronae.
Elronae waves to Yardie.
You wave.
Elronae grins at Lithyia.
Grand Lady Mystiq just arrived.
Draelor says, "Quite weak against boots too."
Jastalyn waves to Mystiq.
Jastalyn softly says, "Place any offerings on the tray. Yes, you can have them back after. Feel free to grab a candle in the case."
Lithyia folds her hands.
Evii smiles at Jastalyn.
Lord Sorlu just strode in, his group following close behind.
A silvery red clenched fist candle glows warmly with a soft, flickering light.
Elronae removes a silvery red clenched fist candle from in a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design.
Lithyia waves to Sorlu.
Sorlu casually glances around the room.
Lithyia bows to Aliashyrah.
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy. She inclines her head as well, giving a brief nod.
Greatlor removes a silvery red clenched fist candle from in a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design.
A burly swamp rat clambers out from Elronae's tooled ebony satchel and climbs its way back up to her shoulder, looking quite pleased with itself.
Sorlu warmly greets, "Good evening, all."
Jastalyn smiles at Evii.
Sorlu offers a polite nod, touching two fingers against his forehead in a brief salute as he tucks his opposite hand into the bloodjewel-fastened pocket of his obsidian waistcoat.
Mystiq nods to Jastalyn in greeting.
Aliashyrah politely greets, "A blessed evening to all."
Elronae gazes thoughtfully at her clenched fist candle.
Lithyia says, "Fair evening."
You deeply say, "Evening."
Elronae nods to Sorlu in greeting.
Lithyia smiles.
Mystiq moves to Darphin's side and they lace their fingers together.
Sorlu smiles.
Greatlor glances at his crimson flame tattoo and snaps his fingers.
Jastalyn softly says, "Place any offerings on the tray. Yes, you can have them back after. Feel free to grab a candle in the case."
Greatlor's eyes crease slightly downward.
Jastalyn waves to Sorlu.
Ibar shifts his weight.
Jastalyn waves to Aliashyrah.
Loralaii gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid... Loralaii gestures into the air. Loralaii momentarily gets a faroff look in her eyes, and then returns to normal.
Jastalyn grins.
Aliashyrah nods in greeting.
Ibar begins to breathe less deeply.
The dim aura fades from around Ibar.
The powerful look leaves Ibar.
The dully illuminated mantle protecting Ibar begins to falter, then completely fades away.
Loralaii traces a sign while petitioning the spirits for cognition... Loralaii gestures into the air. A silvery fog coalesces around Loralaii, obscuring her form. When the fog dissipates, Loralaii is gone.
Elronae nods at Greatlor.
The clenched fist candle flickers softly, casting a warm light throughout the room.
Yardie flips a notched invar cigar cutter down and out, letting it spin around his index finger to smack comfortably back against his palm.
Speaking to Evii, Sorlu says, "I've been looking forward to this for some time. There's quite a buzz in the air tonight. I'm sure success will follow."
Sorlu smiles at Evii.
Peatwyn removes a silvery red clenched fist candle from in a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design.
Yardie draws a notched invar cigar cutter open, pulling past the point of full aperture until the blades slip out of sight. He then slides the handles inward along hidden inner tracks until, once touching, they snap down and lock into place with a soft click. With a nudge of his thumb, Yardie unfolds the finger rings outward, revealing them to be doubled, readjusting his grip on the invar knuckle-duster once finished.
Darineah exclaims, "Could we get on with it? i've got people to kill......i mean work to do!"
Lithyia glances at Darineah.
Evii smiles at Sorlu.
Falvicar gazes in amusement at Darineah.
Sorlu gazes in amusement at Darineah.
You notice Aeith moving stealthily into the room.
Lithyia says, "No one is forcing you to stay."
Lithyia scoffs at Darineah.
Yardie says, "I can put my knuckle duster for the moment."
Ibar asks, "Afraid someone else might get to them first?"
Yardie gives Aeith a friendly hug.
Ibar grins at Darphin.
Ibar coughs.
Jastalyn recites softly: "Alright, it's time. Let's let Evii do her thing"
Lithyia nods at Dendum.
Ibar grins at Darineah.
Speaking warmly to Sorlu, Evii replies, "Thank you so much Town Councilor for having me here this evening."
Falvicar says, "Time is not important. Only life."
Jastalyn nods at Evii.
Lithyia agrees with Dendum.
Aeith smiles at Yardie.
You yank your black golvern dagger from a secret compartment in your black alloy vambraces and wield it menacingly.
With a graceful movement of her hands, Evii lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Sorlu.
Sorlu smiles at Evii.
Peatwyn slings a dark ruic heavy crossbow webbed in filamentous mycelium over his shoulder. A trail of olivine particles quickly disperses.
Greatlor reaches inside one of the containers hanging from his ashen leather harness and grabs a matte black matchbook inked with a skeletal design.
Elronae nods to Darphin in greeting.
You put a black golvern dagger with a pale-haloed ivory crescent set in its hilt on a flat silver serving tray that is on the ground.
Lithyia turns to face Evii.
Speaking to Evii, Sorlu says, "Of course. It is our honor, and pleasure."
Evii smiles.
Greatlor absent-mindedly drops a silvery red clenched fist candle into his thick leather knapsack.
Yardie put an invar knuckle-duster covered in black tally marks on a flat silver serving tray that is on the ground.
A bit of melted wax drips from a silvery red clenched fist candle with a hiss. The flame jumps, burning high for a moment, then settles into a warm glow.
Evii beams, looking quite pleased!
Yardie says, "I want my dusters back."
Darphin put a sigil-inlaid dark faewood walking stick in his black leather jacket. As it leaves his hands, the illumination of its sigils slowly ebbs away.
A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Loralaii.
Aryleste just arrived.
Darphin removes some waxy translucent chalk from in his black leather jacket.
Elronae's fish suddenly darts to one side of the sack, its gills flaring wide in excitement. After a long moment, the fish allows itself to be carried around by the gentle motions of the sack, appearing bored.
A plains osprey soars lazily overhead.
Darphin put some waxy translucent chalk in his black leather jacket.
Darphin removes a long-bladed vultite alfange coated with thick blood from in his black leather jacket.
Lord Randsford just arrived.
Jastalyn smiles.
Speaking quietly to Jastalyn, Evii whispers aloud, "Did you want to say anything on behalf of the council, or would you like me to move foward?"
Mystiq removes a firestone Eorgina symbol from in her spidersilk hip-satchel.
Evii turns to face Jastalyn.
Loralaii joins Darphin's group.
Mystiq rubs a firestone Eorgina symbol in her hand.
Aryleste glances at Evii and clasps her hands in a reverent gesture.
Greatlor opens a matte black matchbook inked with a skeletal design, revealing several matches.
Randsford places an arm against his waist and courteously bows.
Darphin crouches slightly, a cold smile fixed on his face as he murmurs a quiet prayer to Luukos while mock-drawing his vultite alfange across his neck, clearly threatening Mystiq.
Greatlor gets a match from a matte black matchbook inked with a skeletal design.
Mystiq put a burled fireleaf asaya ringed by spidery sigils in her cropped leather jacket. As it leaves her hands, the illumination of its sigils slowly ebbs away.
Evii smiles at Aryleste.
Aryleste glances at Randsford and clasps her hands in a reverent gesture.
Perigourd just arrived.
Greatlor offers Elronae a match.
Speaking softly to Evii, Jastalyn says, "This is your show sweetheart. I'm ready for you to do your thing."
Darphin kisses Mystiq for what seems like an eternity.
Elronae accepts Greatlor's match.
A silvery red clenched fist candle burns with a warm golden light.
Greatlor gets a match from a matte black matchbook inked with a skeletal design.
Aryleste says, "Good evening."
Sorlu grins at Aliashyrah.
Evii nods briskly!
Olgretien nods at Perigourd.
Mystiq smiles at Darphin.
Darphin raises his vultite alfange in triumph!
Perigourd turns toward Olgretien and renders a sharp hand salute.
Greatlor tosses a matte black matchbook inked with a skeletal design into one of the containers hanging from his ashen leather harness.
Lithyia nods to Aryleste in greeting.
An incandescent veil fades from Randsford.
Mystiq puts on a firestone Eorgina symbol.
Greatlor grabs a silvery red clenched fist candle from inside his thick leather knapsack.
Aryleste smiles at Lithyia.
Aliashyrah smiles at Sorlu.
Greatlor lights a match by flicking it against his thumb.
Wolfloner removes an ornate Ivas statuette from in his silk cloak.
Randsford bows to Aryleste.
Lithyia winks at Aryleste.
Perigourd casually observes his surroundings.
Communion with Kai Begins
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 22:02 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
Evii recites: "Good Evening Everyone. Thank you for your attendance, patience, and respect."
Lithyia glances at Wolfloner.
Randsford smiles at Aryleste.
Lithyia peers quizzically at Wolfloner.
Perigourd removes a fine mithril Kai statue from in his suede cloak.
Perigourd put a fine mithril Kai statue on a flat silver serving tray that is on the ground.
You notice Yunni moving stealthily into the room.
Great Lord Bassui just arrived.
Aryleste removes a white crystal from in her cotton cape.
Lithyia waves to Yunni.
Aryleste put a white crystal on a flat silver serving tray that is on the ground.
Jastalyn smiles at Evii.
Wolfloner offers Sorlu an ornate Ivas statuette.
Darphin kneels down.
Bassui leans on Peatwyn, giving him a companionable grin.
Yunni beams!
Lithyia grins at Wolfloner.
Evii recites: "We are gathered today to seek information regarding an object. An Artefacte known as the Orb of Kai."
Sorlu accepts Wolfloner's Ivas statuette.
Lilanna's leather sword bandolier shifts and rustles a bit, the sounds of high-pitched squeaks emanating from it.
The burning match that Greatlor was holding just went out. It disappears in a small puff of smoke.
Lithyia turns an inquisitive ear toward Evii.
Sorlu gazes with interest at Wolfloner.
Yunni waves to Lithyia.
Sorlu nods appreciatively at Wolfloner.
You listen carefully to Evii.
A silvery red clenched fist candle burns with a warm golden light.
Elronae tilts her head toward Evii, examining her intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.
Evii removes an onyx-inlaid white lacquered bowl from in her silver robe.
Lithyia grins at Dendum.
Evii kneels before a woven rug.
Evii reverently places an onyx-inlaid white lacquered bowl on the floor.
Evii removes a silver clenched fist symbol marked with crimson streaks from in her silver robe.
Evii raises her clenched fist symbol skyward!
A pained expression crosses Darphin's face as he grimaces at a long-bladed vultite alfange coated with thick blood.
Evii reverently places a silver clenched fist symbol marked with crimson streaks on the floor.
Bassui removes a silvery red clenched fist candle from in a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design.
Evii quietly begins, "We gather this evening to call upon the favor of the Arkati."
Wolfloner nods at Sorlu.
The air around Loralaii briefly shimmers.
Darphin continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Evii confidently prays, "Tonight, allow me to become a conduit."
Yunni removes a blue sapphire from in her dark sienna backpack.
Evii quietly continues, "A vessel of faith."
Olgretien just opened an elk hide journey pack.
Darphin continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Evii loudly cries, "Lord Kai~! Arms-Brother. Shield of my Soul. Fist of Liabo and Patron of Strength!"
The clenched fist candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the surroundings.
Elronae's fish bobs along lazily, its eyes half-lidded. With a sharp motion, it opens its eyes and mouth wide in what appears to be a yawn of some sort. It rushes forward, as if to shake off its malaise, but it's clearly not watching where it's going, as it bounces off the inside of the sack harmlessly.
Evii humbly beseeches, "We humbly request a moment of your regard."
Evii removes some clear spring water from in her silver robe.
Lithyia smiles at Wolfloner.
Evii carefully pours a little bit of clear liquid from her clear spring water into the white lacquered bowl.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Jastalyn closes her eyes for a moment.
Olgretien removes a brown jade Kai statue from in his journey pack.
Evii softly intones, "Water for Purity."
Adopting an agreeable expression, Dendum nods.
Evii reverently places some clear spring water on the floor.
Darphin continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
The dim aura fades from around Darphin.
Darphin begins to breathe less deeply.
The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger.
Lilanna renews her songs.
Jastalyn hangs her head.
A massive snowy battle-scarred lynx glances at a tiny scrap of discarded food and bats the morsel about with half-hearted interest before turning away in search of other pursuits.
A massive grey wolf's tail wags slowly back and forth!
Randsford closes his eyes for a moment.
Jastalyn just opened a compact platinum wild silk carryall with a winter rose-patterned strap.
Jastalyn removes an opalescent imflass knife with a spiraled golden hilt from in her wild silk carryall.
Jastalyn offers Evii an opalescent imflass knife with a spiraled golden hilt.
Evii accepts Jastalyn's imflass knife.
Perigourd folds his hands behind his back.
Jastalyn just closed a compact platinum wild silk carryall with a winter rose-patterned strap.
(Evii smoothly draws the imflass knife across her palm with a quick deliberate stroke, then makes a fist and squeezes, letting the blood drizzle slowly into the water of the bowl.)
Ibar glances between Jastalyn and Evii.
A small draft catches the flame of a silvery red clenched fist candle and it flickers brightly.
Peatwyn winces.
Yardie flinches.
Evii gasps, "Blood for Strength."
You are nominating Evii for good roleplaying for the following reason: "Running a service for Kai in the Temple in Icemule"
(Evii leans forward, bowing her forehead low over the white lacquered bowl. The blood mixes with the water as two sparkling tears fall from Evii's cheeks, contacting the surface with the sound of two tiny crystal bells. The water begins to glow blood red, pulsing in time with her heartbeat.)
A pained expression crosses Lilanna's face.
Perigourd furrows his brow.
Evii loudly whispers aloud, "The catalyst ... is ... Sacrifice."
Darphin continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Closing her eyes, Evii lowers her forehead to an onyx-inlaid white lacquered bowl in a reverent gesture.
Sorlu smiles quietly to himself.
Evii chants a short but reverent orison, asking to be blessed with strength and endurance.
Evii continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Lady Opalina just arrived.
Evii falls into a deep trancelike state while muttering softly, the exact words you cannot discern. After a few silent moments, Evii calmly opens her eyes.
Falvicar clasps Opalina's hand gently and pulls her into his tight embrace.
Evii humbly beseeches, "The faithful have gatherd. We request knowledge of your Holy Artefact, the Orb of Kai."
A silvery red clenched fist candle burns with a warm golden light.
Darphin continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Lithyia gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 22:06 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
Evii continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Ibar shifts his weight.
Loralaii beseeches her deity for some divine assistance.
Aryleste kneels down.
Suddenly, the air around Opalina is drawn toward her plumille houppelande.
Falvicar kneels down.
Aryleste continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Falvicar rubs his black steel athame, and it glimmers with a faint silvery light.
Kai Makes His Presence Known
The glow of the candles pales, taking on a scintillating silver sheen that bathes the surroundings in monochromatic light.
Dendum winces.
Elronae casually observes her surroundings.
Yardie blinks.
Evii holds back her tears, her eyes glistening with pain.
Olgretien continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Randsford stares at a silvery red clenched fist candle.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Kontii just arrived.
A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.
Evii recites: "He. Is. With. Us."
Opalina lights the scented candle, which flickers and begins to burn.
Umber eyes alert and expression wary, Perigourd gazes at his surroundings.
Jastalyn closes her eyes for a moment.
A small draft catches the flame of a silvery red clenched fist candle and it flickers brightly.
Yunni furrows her brow.
Yardie shivers.
Draelor ponders.
Elronae's fish flops over onto its back, the cloudy white of its belly showing as it allows itself to drift slowly toward the top of its sack. After a few moments of stillness, the fish suddenly flips over, eyes wide and teeth bared, poised to strike! After a moment, it flicks its tail once and resumes its meanderings.
Bassui kneels down.
Aeith smiles.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Evii recites: "Please, Lord Kai, give us a Sign to aid us in our quest to locate the Orb of Kai."
Lifting first one foot and then another, Dendum slowly backpedals.
Darphin continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Evii continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Lithyia smirks at Dendum.
Jastalyn nods slowly.
Bathcwyn Missoni flounces in amidst a diffuse cloud of prismatic glitter.
A lazy wild ash grey dog arrives.
Perigourd surreptitiously glances at Missoni.
Perigourd takes Missoni's hand into his own.
A bit of melted wax drips from a blueberry scented candle with a hiss. The flame jumps, burning high for a moment, then settles into a warm glow.
Darphin continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
One by one, the lights flare brighter, casting off coruscating sparks as they grow nigh blinding to look upon. All is cast into a stark chiaroscuro, humanoid figures around you cast into glowing light or darkest shadow.
A silvery red clenched fist candle burns with a warm golden light.
Lithyia closes her eyes for a moment.
Kontii seems to slow down and become a bit less nimble.
Evii places a hand over her heart.
Your body tenses as you tighten your grip on your clenched fist candle.
Lithyia gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Peatwyn chants a short but reverent orison, asking to have rightful vengeance delivered upon the deserving.
The tingling sensation and sense of security leaves Lilanna.
Evii makes a shushing sound!
Evii inclines her ear, listening intently.
Loralaii wrinkles her nose.
Perigourd rubs his umber eyes.
Kontii's surge of empowerment fades.
Opalina slowly empties her lungs.
Aeith's concentration shifts and becomes more focused as she slightly tilts an ear in a particular direction.
Jastalyn closes her eyes for a moment.
Sorlu glances suspiciously around the room.
Yardie searches around for a moment.
The glow from a blueberry scented candle softly illuminates the shadows.
A silvery red clenched fist candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to life again, burning merrily.
Dendum moves to stand behind Yardie.
The air stops shimmering around Kontii.
The swamp rat on Elronae's shoulder makes a sudden flying leap, apparently trying to gain access to the top of her head. Muttering under her breath, she manages to herd the recalcitrant rodent back to her shoulder.
Yunni watches the surroundings in breathless anticipation.
Yardie blinks at Dendum.
A look of introspection flits across Elronae's face.
Speaking nervously to Dendum, Yardie mouths, "What are you doing?!"
The dog hovers protectively by Missoni's side, baring its teeth at nothing in particular.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Loralaii glances warily around the room.
(Evii remains still, repsectfully kneeling on the rug, praying quietly.)
Dendum looks over at Yardie and shakes his head.
Jastalyn folds her hands.
Elronae's fish suddenly darts to one side of the sack, its gills flaring wide in excitement. After a long moment, the fish allows itself to be carried around by the gentle motions of the sack, appearing bored.
Jastalyn hangs her head.
A bit of melted wax drips from a blueberry scented candle with a hiss. The flame jumps, burning high for a moment, then settles into a warm glow.
Elronae looks up, as though searching for something.
A silvery red clenched fist candle glows warmly with a soft, flickering light.
Robbed of sight by the blinding radiance, your ears rush to supply more detail of your surroundings. The fervent prayers of others, the crackling of the candles... all are but a dull whisper at the sound of great footsteps that send tremors through the ground.
Loralaii's sentient potato whistles a jaunty little ditty!
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 22:10 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
Evii trembles.
Missoni tilts her head down.
Kontii raises an eyebrow.
Lithyia glances down.
Jastalyn bites her lip.
Evii's eyes widen as she trembles in quiet panic.
Darphin flashes an evil grin. The tips of his gleaming white fangs are clearly visible, protruding from beneath his upper lip.
Randsford gazes in wonder at his surroundings.
Perigourd crouches low and leans forward, tilting his head sideways to place his ear against the ground. After a few moments of concentrated listening, he straightens up, gazing thoughtfully at his environs with a keen eye.
Lithyia rests a gentle hand on Wolfloner's arm.
A muted crackle emanates from Lilanna's leopard pelt tote.
Aryleste gazes heavenward.
Greatlor kneels down.
Olgretien cocks his head at Perigourd.
Perigourd furrows his brow.
The scented candle flickers softly, casting a warm light throughout the room.
Olgretien continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
A small draft catches the flame of a silvery red clenched fist candle and it flickers brightly.
Evii recites: "We respectfully bow our heads in humble prayer before the Arkati this night. If you have faith, let your prayers be heard now."
Evii continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Evii chants a short but reverent orison, asking to be blessed with strength and endurance.
Mystiq arches a skeptical eyebrow as she takes in her surroundings.
Olgretien beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Jastalyn hangs her head.
Loralaii beseeches her deity for some divine assistance.
Aryleste continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Elronae observes her surroundings with an almost excruciating slowness.
Yunni hangs her head.
Peatwyn kneels down and begins to recite prayers.
Bassui beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Elronae kneels down.
Kontii kneels down and begins to recite prayers.
Draelor places a clenched fist against a burnished ebonwood L'Naere symbol on a braided silver chain, closing his eyes and whispering quietly for a moment.
Darineah yawns.
Jastalyn kneels down.
Jastalyn continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Pressing her hand to the center of her chest, Aeith lowers her head in concentration.
Ibar squints.
Loralaii's black acorn amulet flickers various shades of purple.
Falvicar rubs his black steel athame, and it glimmers with a faint silvery light.
The dog suddenly turns and focuses its eyes upon Aryleste.
A faint, flickering light emanates from a blueberry scented candle, warming the room with its glow.
A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.
Dendum touches his moonstone prayerbeads lightly as he ponders.
The dog wanders over to Greatlor and sniffs at him suspiciously for a moment.
Mystiq glances at Darineah.
[Hall of the Body - 2347] Solid walls and towering pillars of ice imbue this room with an aura of dignity and strength. The south wall is inlaid with two side-by-side symbols, and the walls to the east and west provide a backdrop for an altar and a large tapestry. A woven rug threaded with hues of crimson, silver, azure and ivory covers most of the frozen floor, its intricate sigils forming an interwoven pattern of great beauty. An ivory statue of a steed and an owl stands before the two wall symbols. You also see a lazy wild ash grey dog, some clear spring water, a silver clenched fist symbol marked with crimson streaks, an onyx-inlaid white lacquered bowl, the Bassui disk, the Yunni disk, a fierce snow leopardess, the repousse copper Perigourd disk raised in leafy designs, a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx, the Peatwyn disk, a floppy-eared white puppy with a patch of tan over one eye, the Elronae disk, the Greatlor disk, the glaesine Yardie disk streaked with cobalt veins, a massive grey wolf, the glossy pink Lilanna disk shaped like a jellyfish, a plains osprey that is flying around, the Ibar disk, a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, the Wolfloner disk, a silvery red clenched fist candle, a volatile will-o-wisp spirit that is flying around, a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design, a flat silver serving tray with some stuff on it and a mosaic mural. Also here: Bathcwyn Missoni, Kontii who is kneeling, Lady Opalina, Great Lord Bassui who is kneeling, Yunni, Perigourd, Lord Randsford, Aryleste who is kneeling, Miss Loralaii, Aeith, Lady Aliashyrah, Lord Sorlu, Grand Lady Mystiq, Peatwyn who is kneeling, Elronae who is kneeling, Greatlor who is kneeling, Blade Yardie, Draelor, Chronicler Falvicar who is kneeling, Lord Darineah, Lord Darphin who is kneeling, Miss Lithyia, Ibar, Recruiter Lilanna, Seneschal Dendum, Wolfloner, Miss Evii who is kneeling, Jastalyn who is kneeling, Olgretien who is kneeling Obvious exits: north, down
A silvery red clenched fist candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to life again, burning merrily.
Mystiq smirks as a haughty expression flits across her face.
The air stirs around Opalina for a moment.
Bassui gently takes hold of Peatwyn's hand.
Mystiq rubs her Eorgina symbol.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Kai Speaks
A voice, brassy and bold, booms through the chamber like thunder. "The fight continues, but it is not a war of sword and shield, but of daggers and false faces. Who calls the Lord of Battles at such an ill-fated time?"
The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger.
Lilanna renews her songs.
Aryleste hangs her head.
The fish in Elronae's translucent sack comes to a sudden stop, and one of its milky white eyes rotates in place, tracking the movement of something unseen. After a short while, the eye snaps back to the front, and the fish resumes its normal meanderings.
Yardie mouths, "The Coven."
Randsford nods slowly.
Dendum points at Evii.
Wolfloner gazes in amusement at a lazy wild ash grey dog.
Jastalyn just nudged Yardie.
Elronae appears uncomfortable as she observes her environment.
Evii recites: "We, the People of Icemule, the People of Elanthia, The Faithful. We clamour for your Guidance."
Lilanna shushes Yardie!
Lilanna's leather sword bandolier shifts and rustles a bit, the sounds of high-pitched squeaks emanating from it.
Olgretien beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Frowning to himself, Perigourd runs a finger across the surface of his belt as he seems to fall into unhappy thoughts, if his expression is any indication.
Yardie blinks at Lilanna.
A small draft catches the flame of a blueberry scented candle and it flickers brightly.
The clenched fist candle flickers softly, casting a warm light throughout the room.
Lithyia whispers something to Wolfloner.
Yunni gazes with awe at Evii.
Evii recites: "Please bless us, for we wish to exemplify your aspects with Victory and Resilience."
Evii continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Evii chants a short but reverent orison, asking to be blessed with strength and endurance.
The air around Loralaii shimmers slightly.
The dully illuminated mantle protecting Draelor begins to falter, then completely fades away.
The dim aura fades from around Draelor.
Darphin continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Evii recites: "We seek your Orb, Shield of Souls."
Evii recites: "The Orb of Kai"
"And what people are those?" The voice laughs, but it is a sound as bitter as it is pealing. "The true-hearted, or those who would bring dusk crashing down upon you from within?"
A blueberry scented candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to life again, burning merrily.
Draelor appears less powerful.
A wisp of smoke rises from a silvery red clenched fist candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
You notice Roelon moving stealthily into the room.
A resplendent obsidian black raven flaps with a sudden beating of his wings, the ordinarily graceful maneuver cramped without the wide expanse of the sky available.
Draelor looks less aware of the surroundings.
Evii smiles bitterly, and flinches as if slapped.
Darphin flashes an evil grin. The tips of his gleaming white fangs are clearly visible, protruding from beneath his upper lip.
Perigourd grunts.
Draelor seems to lose some internal strength.
Roelon pulls the folds of his black woolen kilt more tightly around his waist.
Licks of flame rise up from Roelon's leather hiking boots.
The swirling breeze around Draelor finally settles.
Evii's eyes well with tears as her lower lip quivers.
Draelor seems to lose an aura of confidence.
Olgretien raises his Kai statue skyward!
Peatwyn's face turns slightly pale.
Draelor is no longer moving so silently.
Olgretien continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Opalina places a hand over her heart.
Olgretien hangs his head.
A massive grey wolf glances about briefly and then rapidly disappears from view.
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 22:14 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
Evii recites: "We are not perfect. But we are Brave In Your Name and Your Grace, Milord."
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
A blueberry scented candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to life again, burning merrily.
Olgretien reaches out and touches a carved oak altar.
A silvery red clenched fist candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to life again, burning merrily.
Evii recites:
"We do not Yield. We Fall and Rise again as you Teach to take the field once more. But we need your help."
Evii hangs her head.
Loralaii coughs.
Ibar just left.
Evii recites: "I Request Your Help. I am the Faithful. I will pay if need be."
Elronae's fish spasms suddenly and rockets around the inside of the sack, racing through a few quick circuits before coming to an abrupt halt, floating motionless except for its gills, which flare wildly. One milky white eye twitches spasmodically for a brief moment, then the fish relaxes and resumes its meanderings.
Evii closes her eyes for a moment.
Evii continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
A massive snowy battle-scarred lynx flops to the ground and begins grooming his fur with long rasps of his tongue.
Kai Condemns the Dusk Coven
"A pure heart cannot suffer the taint of evil deeds," says the voice, nearly as oppressive in its volume as the surrounding light is blinding. "So it is that a pure folk cannot suffer workers of evil within their ranks."
A massive snowy battle-scarred lynx scrambles back up onto his feet.
Mystiq smirks as a haughty expression flits across her face.
A wisp of smoke rises from a blueberry scented candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.
A wisp of smoke rises from a silvery red clenched fist candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.
Evii nods almost imperceptibly.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Darineah says, "Well thats me scuppered."
Jastalyn closes her eyes for a moment.
Sorlu adopts an agreeable expression.
Bassui continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Roelon furrows his brow.
Perigourd furrows his brow.
Mystiq rocks back on her heels.
The dog hovers protectively by Missoni's side, baring its teeth at nothing in particular.
Randsford bows his head and chants a short prayer, causing vibrant red and pale pink light to momentarily coalesce in front of him.
Dendum trembles.
Evii recites gratefully: "Thank You, Milord. For Your Wisdom."
Jastalyn smiles at Randsford.
Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.
Jastalyn continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
An icy gust of air blows in from Roelon's ebon leather gloves.
"Whisperers in the darkness. Daggers in the dusk. They mock you even now, despite your show of faith," asserts the voice.
The scented candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the surroundings.
A faint, flickering light emanates from a silvery red clenched fist candle, warming the room with its glow.
A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.
Loralaii's black comet goldfish blows a few visible bubbles from its gills from within its glass fishbowl.
Evii holds back her tears, her eyes glistening with pain.
A massive snowy white tiger twitches her whiskers, shaking her head with lazy boredom.
Randsford nods.
Evii recites: "In your Name, I do not Yield."
Loralaii hums distractedly to herself.
Aeith pauses in introspection, her forest green eyes vacant and unblinking.
Evii stands up.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Yunni clenches her jaw.
Kontii casually observes his surroundings.
Mystiq looks slightly alarmed as she begins to gag for no reason. During a short coughing fit, a shadowy vultite-scaled shard is exposed under Mystiq's tongue.
Evii raises her fist defiantly.
Greatlor's black acorn amulet flickers various shades of red.
Perigourd shrugs nonchalantly at Yardie.
Evii recites:
"We are strong in spite of them!"
A holy aura radiates from Opalina's plumille houppelande.
Speaking to himself, Yardie whispers aloud, "Even Kai doesn't like the Coven."
Evii raises her fist defiantly.
You agree with Evii.
You raise your fist in a display of defiance.
Evii recites:
"We Stand With You, Milord."
Evii gazes heavenward.
Dendum glances between Evii and a small emerald sprite.
A bit of melted wax drips from a blueberry scented candle with a hiss. The flame jumps, burning high for a moment, then settles into a warm glow.
The dog opens its mouth wide in an extended yawn.
The clenched fist candle flickers softly, casting a warm light throughout the room.
You recognize Wolfloner using the Symbol of Recognition.
Opalina kneels before Falvicar.
Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.
Elronae's fish flops over onto its back, the cloudy white of its belly showing as it allows itself to drift slowly toward the top of its sack. After a few moments of stillness, the fish suddenly flips over, eyes wide and teeth bared, poised to strike! After a moment, it flicks its tail once and resumes its meanderings.
Opalina drops a clenched silver fist candleholder.
Mystiq removes a black golvern dagger with a pale-haloed ivory crescent set in its hilt from on a flat silver serving tray.
Evii breathlessly begs, "Give us the strength to fight."
Mystiq put a black golvern dagger with a pale-haloed ivory crescent set in its hilt on a flat silver serving tray that is on the ground.
Darphin continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Mystiq mutters under her breath.
Opalina closes her eyes for a moment.
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 22:18 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
Mystiq removes an ora falchion from in her cropped leather jacket.
The scented candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the surroundings.
A silvery red clenched fist candle burns with a warm golden light.
Elronae leans back, trying to ignore the shuffling of a burly swamp rat as it creeps from one of her shoulders to the other, whacking her a few times in the chin with its long hairless tail.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Lithyia closes her eyes for a moment.
Licks of flame rise up from Roelon's leather hiking boots.
Ibar just arrived.
A plains osprey glides into view.
Ibar slowly empties his lungs.
Jastalyn continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Randsford nods slowly at Roelon.
Jastalyn closes her eyes for a moment.
The dog twists its neck to raise one of its ears up to one side and begins sniffing furiously while staring vacantly ahead.
Evii chants a short but reverent orison, asking to be blessed with strength and endurance.
Jastalyn nods slowly.
Lilanna renews her songs.
A blueberry scented candle glows warmly with a soft, flickering light.
A faint, flickering light emanates from a silvery red clenched fist candle, warming the room with its glow.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Evii gazes with interest at a clenched silver fist candleholder.
Kai Unsheathes His Blade
The speaker takes another thunderous step forward, and the sound of steel ringing free from a scabbard echoes through the hall. "I do not fight small fights of poisoned words and hidden blades. My place is on the field of battle, and when battle comes, so shall my eye fall upon the righteous and the strong."
Lithyia nods.
Closing his eyes, Peatwyn lowers his forehead to a clenched silver fist candleholder in a reverent gesture.
Evii lets out an involuntary gasp.
Evii trembles.
Evii clenches her jaw.
The purple corona surrounding Loralaii's black acorn amulet rotates around in a circle.
Perigourd nods.
Evii recites quietly: "Yes, Milord."
Evii nods respectfully.
Opalina smiles quietly to herself.
Adopting an agreeable expression, Dendum nods.
A faint, flickering light emanates from a blueberry scented candle, warming the room with its glow.
Roelon kneels down.
A small draft catches the flame of a silvery red clenched fist candle and it flickers brightly.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Evii recites respectfully: "Thank you."
A plains osprey soars in lazy circles overhead.
Loralaii casts her eyes upward, begging Eorgina for guidance.
Elronae's fish bobs along lazily, its eyes half-lidded. With a sharp motion, it opens its eyes and mouth wide in what appears to be a yawn of some sort. It rushes forward, as if to shake off its malaise, but it's clearly not watching where it's going, as it bounces off the inside of the sack harmlessly.
"But I have already given you what you need," the scintillating figure continues. "A weapon, for those bold enough to claim it."
Yardie blinks.
Randsford squints.
A plains osprey swiftly flies off.
Jastalyn softly says, "I claim it."
Lilanna raises an eyebrow.
Perigourd scratches at his beard.
Aeith rests her hands on the hilts of her sheathed weapons.
Draelor frowns.
A blueberry scented candle burns with a warm golden light.
A faint, flickering light emanates from a silvery red clenched fist candle, warming the room with its glow.
Greatlor ponders.
A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.
Jynxa comes out of hiding.
Evii recites:
"What weapon, Milord. I apologize for our humble questions."
Kontii removes an engraved gold orb from on a flat silver serving tray.
Loralaii makes a choking sound.
Evii hangs her head.
The dog wanders over to Evii and sniffs at her suspiciously for a moment.
(Mystiq turns the falchion over in the plam of her hand.)
You notice Jynxa slip into a hiding place.
Roelon surveys the area.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Kontii raises an eyebrow.
A thin layer of frost forms on the surface of Roelon's ebon leather gloves for a moment, before melting away.
Mystiq glances at Loralaii.
The voice chuckles, a patient sound but mirthful nonetheless. "That remains to be seen. A weapon to one eye may be entirely different to another."
The dog paws at the ground, and its fur twitches and quivers for a moment.
Evii nods in agreement.
A long-legged black rat suddenly peeks its head out from Lilanna's leather sword bandolier, sniffing the air before ducking back inside.
Kontii put an engraved gold orb on a flat silver serving tray that is on the ground.
Sorlu grins slowly.
Evii bows her head slightly as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy.
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 22:23 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
A blueberry scented candle burns with a warm golden light.
A silvery red clenched fist candle glows warmly with a soft, flickering light.
You cock your head.
Evii recites: "We will wait for your wisdom to be made clear."
A faint white aura flickers around Opalina.
One of the candles throws off a cascading waterfall of sparks, filling the chamber with the acrid scent of smoke.
Dendum frowns.
Elronae blinks.
Aliashyrah wrinkles her nose.
Evii recites reverently: "Thank you, Your Grace."
Roelon shifts his weight.
The air around Loralaii shimmers slightly.
A muted crackle emanates from Missoni's illthorn kit.
Draelor nods.
Sorlu glances at Aliashyrah.
Evii gazes with interest at a clenched silver fist candleholder.
Evii kneels before a clenched silver fist candleholder.
Speaking to herself, Mystiq says, "They do not wish the orb to besafe but use it for a weapon for themselves."
The air stops shimmering around Ibar.
The fish in Elronae's translucent sack comes to a sudden stop, and one of its milky white eyes rotates in place, tracking the movement of something unseen. After a short while, the eye snaps back to the front, and the fish resumes its normal meanderings.
A blueberry scented candle burns with a warm golden light.
Lithyia raises an eyebrow in Mystiq's direction.
Aeith slowly empties her lungs.
A silvery red clenched fist candle glows warmly with a soft, flickering light.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Lilanna frowns.
Suddenly you have the strangest feeling that you are being watched. The feeling fades as quickly as it came.
Draelor gestures while calling upon the lesser spirits for aid...
Aliashyrah's fingers traverse down the chain of her necklace, the perfumed tendrils of smoke constricting across her body, engufling her. Aliashyrah's voice utters a single command, causing the haze to dissipate as her silhouette emerges from the curtain.
Sorlu surreptitiously glances between Mystiq and Darphin.
Draelor gestures.
Draelor momentarily gets a faroff look in his eyes, and then returns to normal.
Ibar sighs.
Yardie says, "It would seem he's keeping the orb from us...because of the Coven among us."
Lithyia nods at Yardie.
Loralaii grins from ear to ear.
Lilanna nods at Yardie.
Randsford looks over at Yardie and shakes his head.
The air around Roelon becomes hot, as waves of heat rise from his leather hiking boots.
You notice Jynxa slip out of hiding.
Lilanna peers quizzically at Randsford.
You carefully place your clenched fist candle on the ground.
Speaking to Yardie, Randsford says, "It seems the Orb has always been there, waiting for us. As past tales have told. When the time is right."
Yardie brags, "So hah! Even an Arkati agrees with me! I'm not crazy!"
Evii recites quietly: "He Has Spoken. His Will Is Known."
Evii trembles.
Speaking to Yardie, Mystiq asks, "You so sure about that?"
A blueberry scented candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to life again, burning merrily.
Loralaii darkly asks, "What was wrong with the world before the coven?"
The clenched fist candle flickers softly, casting a warm light throughout the room.
Ibar grins at Yardie.
Speaking humbly to Yardie, Dendum whispers aloud, "This one has ever sought out those who would test is not one of easy paths."
Sorlu grins at Aliashyrah.
Yunni gazes heavenward.
Aliashyrah grins at Sorlu.
Jastalyn smiles at Evii.
Kontii ponders.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Olgretien put a brown jade Kai statue in his journey pack.
You nod once.
Perigourd nods appreciatively at Evii.
Falvicar ponders.
Olgretien just closed an elk hide journey pack.
Speaking to Yardie, Draelor says, "You could still be crazy, but at least correct."
The warm glow fades from around a massive snowy battle-scarred lynx.
Kai Tells of Another Warrior of Light
"Bold warriors, know this: you are not alone. Another moves in Liabo's light. Another plucks at the threads of destiny," says the voice. "Though your foes are legion and cleave to the shadows, there is an artful hand that guides you, if you only allow yourselves to be guided."
Lithyia raises an eyebrow.
Evii gasps in surprise.
Lithyia gazes heavenward.
Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.
Randsford bows his head and chants a short prayer, causing vibrant red and pale pink light to momentarily coalesce in front of him.
Sorlu smiles quietly to himself.
Perigourd nods knowingly.
Evii glances at Jastalyn.
Randsford nods slowly.
Jastalyn softly asks, "Is it the woman in white armor?"
Mystiq smirks as a haughty expression flits across her face.
Dendum and the sprite flying above his shoulder glow slightly.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
A faint, flickering light emanates from a blueberry scented candle, warming the room with its glow.
Sorlu appears to be trying hard not to grin.
The dog cocks its head to one side and raises its muzzle up into the air, sniffing anxiously. After a moment, the fur of its ruff bristles, and it begins to growl at the shadows.
The clenched fist candle flickers softly, casting a warm light throughout the room.
Mystiq says, "Not in this town."
Loralaii chortles softly at some secret joke.
Evii stands up.
"No," says the voice, firm and cold for an instant.
Jynxa prods an engraved gold orb with the tip of her finger.
Evii shivers.
Peatwyn's face turns slightly pale.
Yardie says, "I didn't trust her either."
Jastalyn nods slowly.
Evii offers Jastalyn an opalescent imflass knife with a spiraled golden hilt.
Jastalyn accepts Evii's imflass knife.
Lithyia smiles.
A resplendent obsidian black raven's movements no longer appear to be influenced by a divine power as the spiritual force fades from around his arms.
Elronae grins at Greatlor.
Falvicar ponders.
Ibar shifts his weight.
Falvicar carefully removes his rolaren sword symbol from around his neck and settles it gently in the palm of his hand.
As Falvicar rubs his rolaren sword symbol it briefly gives off a silvery glow.
Darphin continues to beseech the gods for mercy and guidance.
Randsford whispers something to Roelon.
A small draft catches the flame of a blueberry scented candle and it flickers brightly.
Perigourd raises an eyebrow in Sorlu's direction.
The dog opens its mouth wide in an extended yawn.
A faint, flickering light emanates from a silvery red clenched fist candle, warming the room with its glow.
Mystiq put an ora falchion in her cropped leather jacket.
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 22:27 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Roelon nods at Falvicar.
Elronae's fish suddenly darts to one side of the sack, its gills flaring wide in excitement. After a long moment, the fish allows itself to be carried around by the gentle motions of the sack, appearing bored.
Mystiq looks slightly alarmed as she begins to gag for no reason. During a short coughing fit, a shadowy vultite-scaled shard is exposed under Mystiq's tongue.
Jastalyn softly says, "We are greatly appreciative and humbled."
Yardie whispers aloud, "Who would be worthy for this weapon? Perhaps one of you all?"
Jastalyn closes her eyes for a moment.
Greatlor's sentient potato whistles a jaunty little ditty!
The dog opens its mouth wide in an extended yawn.
The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger.
Lilanna renews her songs.
Ibar points at himself.
Ibar shakes his head.
Loralaii looks over at Yardie and shakes her head.
Lithyia glances at Roelon.
Falvicar carefully hangs his rolaren sword symbol around his neck, adjusting the pendant so that it hangs properly.
Lithyia smiles.
Roelon raises an eyebrow.
Perigourd nods slowly at Sorlu.
Evii hangs her head.
Peatwyn says, "A weapon, already given, perceived differently by one than another."
The scented candle flickers softly, casting a warm light throughout the room.
Evii folds her hands.
Lithyia whispers something to Roelon.
Speaking to Yardie, Darphin says, "Who better than me."
A wisp of smoke rises from a silvery red clenched fist candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.
Darphin winks at Yardie.
A pale blue light flickers across the surface of Roelon's ebon leather gloves.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Speaking to Darphin, Draelor says, "Almost anyone."
Roelon raises an eyebrow.
Yardie snickers at Draelor.
Lilanna begins chuckling at Draelor!
Opalina's form is distorted for a moment.
Speaking to Yardie, Dendum remarks, "It is perhaps the greatest path to place things where they are meant to be."
Kai Bids Farewell
Though your eyes have begun to adjust to the scintillating light, they still cannot look entirely upon the silvery figure, leaving the surrounding shadows to offer it a suggestion of hulking form. It gestures down the hall, and with a note of finality, says, "Look not to the brush, but to the hand that wields it. You will not go alone into twilight."
Sorlu grins at Aliashyrah.
Mystiq glances at Draelor.
The dog suddenly turns and focuses its eyes upon Jynxa.
Jastalyn raises an eyebrow.
Closing his eyes and extending his neck slightly, Dendum slowly bows his head, taking a moment to pause in a silent display of respect.
Speaking to Draelor, Darphin asks, "To the bold, aye?"
The glow from a blueberry scented candle softly illuminates the shadows.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
The glow from a silvery red clenched fist candle softly illuminates the shadows.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
A resplendent obsidian black raven glides idly overhead, playing with the various eddying currents in the air.
A massive snowy white tiger flops to the ground and begins grooming her fur with long rasps of her tongue.
Jastalyn softly asks, "Prinn?"
You trace the lines of your shard-shaped mark.
A massive snowy white tiger scrambles back up onto her feet.
Roelon nods slowly.
Draelor sighs.
Elronae surveys her surroundings warily.
Aliashyrah smiles at Sorlu.
Yardie says, "More questions than answers. But even the Arkati seem to oppose the Coven."
Kontii softly asks, "Is he referencing another of the pantheon that's joining? seems to mention arts quite a bit... Cholen?"
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Jynxa says, "Koar."
Elronae nods at Greatlor.
Evii recites respectfully: "Where Your Wisdom Guides Us, We Faithfully Follow."
Lithyia ponders.
Roelon furrows his brow.
Aliashyrah nods in agreement at Sorlu.
Speaking to Yardie, Mystiq says, "Not all I am sure."
At once, color surges back into the candleflames and the surroundings, making the hall look jewel-brilliant as your eyes struggle to adjust. Afterimages are seared into your eyes, including one that has no answer in the departing radiance. You see a paintbrush imposed against a sphere, but as you blink away the radiance, the image fades away.
A blueberry scented candle burns with a warm golden light.
The clenched fist candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the surroundings.
Speaking to Kontii, Dendum inquires, ""An Avatar for the Light?"
Peatwyn squints.
Falvicar blinks.
Ibar blinks.
Roelon closes his eyes for a moment.
Evii lets out an involuntary gasp.
Aeith's amber-infused forest green eyes suddenly grow round and wide.
Missoni looks lost in thought.
You close your eyes for a moment.
You blink.
Lithyia whispers something to Wolfloner.
The swirling breeze around Aeith finally settles.
Lithyia fiddles with the top of the pink lace tote, causing the metal plates to open.
Lithyia picks up a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design.
Mystiq takes off a firestone Eorgina symbol.
Jynxa just went north.
A muted crackle emanates from Lilanna's leopard pelt tote.
Mystiq taps a small black spidersilk hip-satchel that she is wearing.
Lithyia drops a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design.
Lithyia removes a lacquered art supply case from in her pink lace tote.
Evii softly gasps, "A vision of the Orb."
You nod slowly.
Afterthoughts and Discussion
Lithyia removes a fine-tipped wooden paintbrush with natural bristles from in her art supply case.
Mystiq put a firestone Eorgina symbol in her spidersilk hip-satchel.
Lithyia put a lacquered art supply case in her pink lace tote.
Lithyia fiddles with the top of the pink lace tote, causing the metal plates to snap closed.
Jastalyn nods at Roelon.
Lithyia glances at a fine-tipped wooden paintbrush with natural bristles in her hand.
Randsford nods slowly at Evii.
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Aryleste reaches out and touches her Oleani prayer beads.
Lithyia shows Wolfloner her wooden paintbrush.
The scented candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the surroundings.
Aryleste stands up.
A frigid helical miasma of wintry mist coalesces around your black alloy neckchain before condensing into hoary frost particulates that embrace its deep glacial facets.
Kontii softly asks, "Who of the pantheon of liabo is the god of the Arts?"
A small draft catches the flame of a silvery red clenched fist candle and it flickers brightly.
Dendum hangs some yew and moonstone prayerbeads around his neck.
Lithyia indicates her wooden paintbrush with a smile.
Olgretien points down.
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 22:31 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
Speaking to Lithyia, Draelor says, "Oh you have the weapon already."
Lithyia nods at Draelor.
Lithyia says, "Apparently."
Dendum seems to be waiting for something.
Lilanna says, "Jastev."
Speaking to Kontii, Falvicar says, "Lord Jastev I believe."
Lithyia says, "Always cryptic...they are always cryptic..."
Lithyia sighs.
You deeply say, "There is one we know who has painted images... unknown to herself."
Speaking to Kontii, Aliashyrah asks, "I think Cholen?"
Ibar smiles at Lilanna.
You nod once.
Kontii nods.
Kontii nods at Aliashyrah.
Lithyia nods to you.
Lithyia says, "Indeed."
Kontii softly says, "That's what i was thinking as well."
Speaking to Lithyia, Yardie says, "I get the impression that had it been Charl it would just be growls and waves."
Olgretien stands up.
A wisp of smoke rises from a blueberry scented candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.
Lilanna looks at Yardie and hums.
Sorlu brushes his fingers lightly against his Ivas statuette.
A wisp of smoke rises from a silvery red clenched fist candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.
Lithyia says, "Charl put a vision in my head once... it was rather unpleasant."
Lithyia smiles at Wolfloner.
Aeith softly says, "Cholen is the patron of the arts."
Darphin beseeches his deity for some divine assistance.
Lithyia gives Wolfloner a lingering kiss on the cheek.
Ibar grins.
Evii breathlessly whispers aloud, "Thank You, Kai. Shield of my Soul."
Kontii glances around the room.
Evii places a hand over her heart.
Jynxa just arrived.
Evii closes her eyes for a moment.
Kontii stands up.
Kontii just went down.
Lilanna says, "Perfoming arts, Jastev is visual arts."
Falvicar points at Lilanna.
Falvicar nods.
A plains osprey soars in and circles around Ibar.
Wolfloner's group just went down.
Randsford glances at Roelon.
Falvicar says, "Exactly."
Speaking curiously to Jastalyn, you say, "I believe perhaps Kai was speaking of the benefactor of Prinn."
Jynxa put a gold crown-shaped candelabra on a carved oak altar.
A volatile will-o-wisp spirit fades into ethereal form and wafts away.
A low chirping sound comes from within an iridescent quartz cricket box.
Speaking to Evii, Aliashyrah says, "I have only attended a few communes, but it would seem you have held a very successful one. You do your faith justice."
Olgretien agrees with you.
Greatlor stands up.
Evii bows respectfully before Aliashyrah, her eyes fixed firmly on the ground.
A blueberry scented candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to life again, burning merrily.
The clenched fist candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the surroundings.
Olgretien deeply asks, "She is the brush...?"
Speaking wonderingly to Evii, Dendum remarks, "You are not dead."
Olgretien cocks his head at you.
Kontii just arrived.
You nod at Olgretien.
Dendum nods at Evii.
Speaking quietly to Dendum, Evii remarks, "Yet."
Speaking curiously to Olgretien, you say, "Perhaps."
Kontii softly says, "Cholen's altar has a deep black artist's brush."
Speaking to Dendum, Aliashyrah says, "I suppose it's not too late for that to change."
Kontii whistles tunelessly to himself.
Kontii softly says, "Just sayin..."
Elronae nods.
Speaking deeply to you, Olgretien says, "I thought the same."
Elronae stands up.
Speaking to Dendum, Falvicar asks, "Implying something?"
Speaking to Evii, Dendum says, "You will be a Matriarch of your people perhaps."
Speaking to Evii, Randsford says, "Thank you for leading us tonight. Could not have done this without you."
Opalina starts to giggle loudly before calming herself.
Randsford bows to Evii.
Evii recites quietly: "The Price is yet unknown. But I will bear it, whatever He Requests."
Roelon bows to Evii.
Jastalyn smiles at Evii.
Greatlor's group just went down.
A faceted sliver of grey shadowglass on Roelon's forehead glimmers in the ambient light, swirling with liquid flecks of silver, gold, and pale grey.
Stubby tail wagging happily, a floppy-eared white puppy with a patch of tan over one eye trots out of sight.
Speaking to Evii, Yardie says, "Great job, Evii."
Evii bows her head slightly as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy.
Jastalyn nods to you.
Olgretien deeply says, "Aye, many thanks for takin the time an effort, Kai's praise be on you."
Darphin stands up.
Jastalyn just opened a compact platinum wild silk carryall with a winter rose-patterned strap.
Jastalyn put an opalescent imflass knife with a spiraled golden hilt in her wild silk carryall.
Sorlu agrees with Yardie.
Jastalyn just closed a compact platinum wild silk carryall with a winter rose-patterned strap.
Jastalyn grins.
Darphin puckers up and blows a kiss at a long-bladed vultite alfange coated with thick blood in his hand.
Kontii just went down.
Olgretien performs a bow characteristic of the Wsalamir Clan before Evii.
Jastalyn hugs Evii, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
The scented candle flickers softly, casting a warm light throughout the room.
Darphin put a long-bladed vultite alfange coated with thick blood in his black leather jacket.
A wisp of smoke rises from a silvery red clenched fist candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.
Yardie removes an invar knuckle-duster covered in black tally marks from on a flat silver serving tray.
Speaking deeply to Evii, Roelon says, "Ah mae hae ah kilt he could want."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking in Guildspeak to Evii, Aryleste says something you don't understand.
Perigourd rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Yardie folds the outer rings of his invar knuckle-duster in flush against its inner rings and tugs at them until they pull out slightly. Rotating them on hidden inner tracks, Yardie guides the handles outward and apart until they snap back down into opposite, locked positions. Adjusting his grip, Yardie gives his invar cigar cutter a test squeeze, checking that the cutting blades have been reengaged.
Jastalyn grins from ear to ear.
Falvicar gazes in amusement at Roelon.
Evii smiles at Aryleste.
Speaking to Evii, Sorlu says, "You should be quite proud of your efforts, and being so rewarded for your devotion."
Opalina's plumille houppelande bends inward for a brief moment.
Peatwyn says, "Spoken plainly and with bravery. Of course he answered. I hope you are proud, friend Evii."
Bassui says, "Well done Evii."
Sorlu nods approvingly at Evii.
Missoni agrees with Perigourd.
Evii recites respectfully: "Thank you all for your respect this evening."
Aeith agrees with Sorlu.
Aliashyrah nods in agreement at Sorlu.
Bassui bows to Evii.
Speaking deeply to Evii, you say, "Your Lord hears your words. You are surely worthy. Well done."
Jastalyn softly says, "Please feel free to take a candle or a stutette from the case."
Ibar bows to Evii.
You bow to Evii.
Jastalyn smiles at you.
Missoni nods appreciatively at Evii.
Evii bows respectfully, her eyes fixed firmly on the ground.
A low thrum and grind of gears emanates from Yardie's leather herb kit.
Opalina stands up.
A blueberry scented candle glows warmly with a soft, flickering light.
Falvicar stands up.
The dog twists its neck to raise one of its ears up to one side and begins sniffing furiously while staring vacantly ahead.
A small draft catches the flame of a silvery red clenched fist candle and it flickers brightly.
Peatwyn smiles.
Falvicar breathes in deeply as he clenches a pipe in his mouth, then exhales slowly, causing some red amorphous clouds of puffy smoke to float up from his mouth.
Falvicar inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out a small stream of smoke before him briefly.
Miss Lithyia's group just arrived.
Evii recites: "We all have faith. We are all candles in the darkness. Lights in the night."
Falvicar put a silver-edged black steel athame inlaid with tiny diamond stars in his night-hued silk cape.
The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger.
Lilanna renews her songs.
Speaking softly to Evii, Jastalyn says, "We are so honored to have you here this evening and so grateful for your faith."
Bassui put a silvery red clenched fist candle in a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design that is on the ground.
Dendum intones, "Blessed are the Great Spirits and those who walk in the light."
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 22:35 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
Peatwyn reverently echoes, "Lights in the night."
Jynxa just went north.
Evii recites: "If you find yourself alone, scared, or too quiet in the dark. Remember, there are other lights there with you. Just past your vision."
Evii recites respectfully: "Thank you All."
Ibar smiles.
Aryleste nods at Evii.
Fiery hues dance over the surface of Roelon's leather hiking boots.
Randsford applauds Evii.
Aeith smiles warmly
Yunni gazes admiringly at Evii.
Lithyia bows to Evii.
A small draft catches the flame of a blueberry scented candle and it flickers brightly.
A faint, flickering light emanates from a silvery red clenched fist candle, warming the room with its glow.
Olgretien smiles at Evii.
Yunni applauds Evii.
With a graceful flutter of her hands, Evii sinks down in a formal curtsy.
Opalina bows her head slightly toward Evii as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy before her.
Lady Opalina just went down.
Roelon nods.
Ibar says, "Aye, thank you for your devotion to your lord, this eve especially."
Ibar bows to Evii.
You notice Dendum moving stealthily down.
Kontii just arrived.
Evii smiles at Ibar.
With a graceful movement of her hands, Evii lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Ibar.
Roelon deeply says, "It is nae ah simple thing."
Jynxa just arrived.
Jastalyn stands up.
Lilanna bows to Evii.
Ibar nods at Roelon.
Speaking deeply to Evii, Roelon says, "Well done indeed."
Evii smiles at Roelon.
Perigourd nods at Missoni.
Perigourd joins Sorlu's group.
Jastalyn put a silvery red clenched fist candle in her pashmina wrap.
Falvicar ponders.
Missoni nods slightly at Perigourd.
Kontii softly says, "Turns out it's Jastev's altar... not Cholen's."
You lightly scratch Jastalyn's back, moving in small, soothing circles along her spine.
Roelon nods at Falvicar.
Speaking warmly to Roelon, Evii says, "Thank you for coming."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Miss Lithyia's group just went down.
Ibar grins at Kontii.
Kontii softly says, "As I think Perigourd said."
Kontii nods appreciatively at Perigourd.
Roelon bows to Evii.
Jastalyn squirms.
Bassui bows to Evii.
Speaking to Roelon, Evii says, "We appreciate it so much."
Jastalyn leans softly against you, and you note the scent of ripe pears, golden champagne, white tea, and clover honey clinging to her.
The glow from a blueberry scented candle softly illuminates the shadows.
You quietly whisper to Jastalyn, "Well done in organizing this, love."
Perigourd raises an eyebrow.
Aeith nods in agreement.
A silvery red clenched fist candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to life again, burning merrily.
Jastalyn grins from ear to ear.
Miss Lithyia's group just arrived.
Bassui just left.
Jastalyn whispers, "You helped!"
Loralaii's sentient potato whistles a jaunty little ditty!
Yardie asks, "This mean we're doing a summoning for Jastev now?"
Jastalyn hugs you, and you wrap her in a warm embrace, and you detect the faint scent of ripe pears, golden champagne, white tea, and clover honey around her.
Ibar says, "Aye Cholen is the god of festivals and performances, not one to paint a picture id assume."
Randsford nods appreciatively at Olgretien.
Roelon deeply says, "We must be united in this."
Speaking to Kontii, Perigourd says, "I believe someone else, perhaps, but yes, Jastev would be more sensible to me."
Ibar grins at Kontii.
Lithyia whispers, "We need to see Prinn's paintings I think."
Yardie says, "Because I...I can't draw."
Kontii nods at Ibar.
Roelon nods at Evii.
Aliashyrah smiles.
Lilanna nods at Ibar.
You agree with Lithyia.
Ibar leans softly against Lilanna.
Sorlu nods.
Lilanna says, "I said that..."
Speaking to Olgretien, Randsford says, "Well done on the suggestion."
Jastalyn softly says, "I don't think he meant paintbrush literally."
Kontii adopts an agreeable expression.
Ibar says, "Yes, you did."
Ibar nods at Lilanna.
Roelon deeply says, "Kilt and kiltless."
Lilanna nods at Jastalyn.
Speaking to Lilanna, Yardie says, "Well done."
Evii smiles at Roelon.
You notice Jynxa slip into a hiding place.
Lilanna agrees with Jastalyn.
Ibar grins at Jastalyn.
Aeith says, "Jastev is indeed often depicted with brush in hand, and sometimes with a silver orb."
Sorlu nods.
Jastalyn softly says, "Myharl had a good point, maybe he means Prinn's benefactor."
Speaking to Jastalyn, Evii sighs, "I'm not sure I was much help."
Sorlu quickly turns on the heel of one of his leather boots.
The scented candle flickers softly, casting a warm light throughout the room.
Lord Sorlu strides away moving down, his group following close behind.
The clenched fist candle flickers softly, casting a warm light throughout the room.
Evii trips over something and lands right in front of Jastalyn.
Evii wobbles, looking a bit faint.
Lithyia says, "Need to see Prinn's paintings."
Speaking to Evii, Yardie says, "No, you gave us clarity."
Speaking softly to Evii, Jastalyn says, "You were more than we could have hoped for."
Lilanna asks, "Aye but when does an Arkati ever answer anything so directly?"
Jastalyn hugs Evii, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Randsford nods in agreement at Yardie.
You nod at Lithyia.
A fierce snow leopardess yawns widely and lashes her tail from side to side.
Jastalyn gives Evii a lingering kiss on the forehead.
Evii leans on Jastalyn, giving her a companionable grin.
Jastalyn hugs Evii, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Speaking deeply to Lithyia, you say, "Or at the very least ask her more about them."
You nod at Lithyia.
Lithyia nods to you.
Speaking to Jastalyn, Evii sighs, "Thank you. Let me lean on you a little?"
Speaking knowingly to Evii, Yardie teases, "So cute."
Speaking softly to Evii, Jastalyn says, "Always."
Jastalyn smiles.
Speaking to Evii, Randsford says, "The town still stands and we have some new information, you did beautifully."
Evii laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from Yardie.
Randsford grins at Evii.
You notice Jynxa slip out of hiding.
Olgretien put a jet black mithril claidhmore in his wolverine pelt sheath.
Ibar chuckles.
A pale blue light flickers across the surface of Roelon's ebon leather gloves.
Evii blushes a soft pale rose shade at Randsford.
Jynxa just went down.
Darphin kisses Mystiq for what seems like an eternity.
The scented candle flickers softly, casting a warm light throughout the room.
Kontii just went down.
A silvery red clenched fist candle burns with a warm golden light.
Speaking to Randsford, Evii replies, "Thank you. I was just glad to be of service."
Peatwyn says, "I thought, since I had wrestled an avatar of Kai once, I would be prepared for this evening."
Peatwyn starts chortling.
Darineah just left.
The dog wanders over to Olgretien and sniffs at him suspiciously for a moment.
Evii raises an eyebrow in Peatwyn's direction.
Speaking to Peatwyn, Yardie says, "You too? I beat hiim."
Jastalyn grins at Peatwyn.
Aryleste says, "And my temple still stands.... I really would prefer not to move to the Abbey, should you all set my home ablaze."
Roelon removes a hinged azure glass liquor bottle from in his black fur jacket.
Ibar begins chuckling at Yardie!
Roelon slides a hinged azure glass liquor bottle open and reveals a collection of tiny azure snowflake candies.
You recognize Peatwyn using the Symbol of Recognition.
Roelon offers Evii a tiny azure snowflake candy from his glass liquor bottle.
Evii selects a tiny azure snowflake candy from Roelon's glass liquor bottle.
Roelon deeply says, "Something refreshin'."
Randsford nods in agreement at Aryleste.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Aryleste.
Roelon slides a hinged azure glass liquor bottle closed.
The Bassui disk arrives in the room, shivering violently. It then disintegrates.
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 22:39 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
Speaking gratefully to Roelon, Evii says, "Thank you."
The very powerful look leaves Aryleste.
The white light leaves Aryleste.
Roelon put a hinged azure glass liquor bottle in his black fur jacket.
First taking a quick breath, Evii pops a tiny azure snowflake candy into her mouth and chews.
Roelon nods slowly.
Evii slowly exhales, and the air surrounding her smells of sweet and salty caramel offset by the bitterness of smokey absinthe.
Evii smiles.
Lithyia whispers, "Prinn has also been controlled via a mirror or other reflective surfaces..crystal ball and orbs are reflective..."
Roelon slowly empties his lungs.
Roelon nods at Evii.
Falvicar ponders.
Jastalyn giggles at Evii.
Jastalyn just opened a compact platinum wild silk carryall with a winter rose-patterned strap.
Jastalyn removes a folded cream paper packet painted with raspberries from in her wild silk carryall.
Mystiq kisses Darphin for what seems like an eternity.
A blueberry scented candle burns with a warm golden light.
A silvery red clenched fist candle glows warmly with a soft, flickering light.
Speaking agreeably to Peatwyn, you say, "The Arkati are beings with power mostly beyond our comprehension."
Randsford says, "Now the question becomes what we do about those that remain loyal to the Coven instead of Northwatch."
With a brief but appraising look, Jastalyn inspects a collection of tiny round candies before selecting a single one from a folded cream paper packet painted with raspberries.
Jastalyn put a folded cream paper packet painted with raspberries in her wild silk carryall.
Jastalyn just closed a compact platinum wild silk carryall with a winter rose-patterned strap.
First taking a quick breath, Jastalyn pops a tiny round candy into her mouth and chews.
Randsford frowns.
Speaking warmly to Lithyia, Evii says, "Thank you for being here."
Grand Lady Mystiq just went down.
Lithyia says, "Thank you for doing this."
Randsford says, "That is the other half to this message."
Lithyia bows to Evii.
Speaking to Randsford, Draelor says, "Hopefully we find out soon."
Speaking warmly to Yunni, Evii whispers aloud, "You made it."
Evii bows her head slightly toward Lithyia as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy before her.
Jastalyn nods at Randsford.
With a wave and a kiss blown into the wind, Loralaii leaves the area.
Lilanna nods at Randsford.
Yunni smiles at Evii.
Aryleste curtsies.
Speaking to Draelor, Randsford says, "That is what worries me, Talliver's ultimatum may likely be the next phase."
Randsford shakes his head.
Aryleste just went down.
The glow from a blueberry scented candle softly illuminates the shadows.
Lithyia says, "They made their choice Rands..."
Speaking quietly to Evii, Yunni admits, "I did not want to miss it."
Roelon nods slowly at Randsford.
A silvery red clenched fist candle glows warmly with a soft, flickering light.
Evii beams happily at Yunni!
Lithyia says, "They will have to accept the consequences of that choice."
Fiery hues dance over the surface of Roelon's leather hiking boots.
Speaking grimly to Randsford, you say, "Icemule has my blade if it comes to that."
Evii nods at Lithyia.
You nod once.
Ibar nods at Lithyia.
You adjust your black alloy platemail, reinforcing weak spots.
Speaking to Lithyia, Randsford says, "We will all have to accept it and whatever it brings."
Randsford sighs.
A plains osprey hovers briefly near the ceiling.
Randsford looks over at Roelon and shakes his head.
Lithyia says, "I did not make the choice for them."
Speaking deeply to Randsford, Olgretien says, "I dunt think Talliver wouda been surprised by Kai's werds."
Speaking to you, Falvicar says, "And my blades."
You nod at Falvicar.
Falvicar nods reassuringly to you.
Speaking interestedly to Jastalyn, Evii implores, "Would it be possible for me to come to the next council meeting and sit in?"
You grunt in tribute to Falvicar as you bang your fist sharply upon your black alloy platemail in a barbaric salute.
Lilanna nods at Lithyia.
Speaking softly to Evii, Jastalyn says, "Everyone is welcome."
Kontii just arrived.
A massive snowy battle-scarred lynx purrs loudly, rubbing his head up against Aeith possessively.
Jastalyn smiles at Evii.
Lithyia says, "And it seems as if Kai wishes them...dealt with."
Speaking quietly to Jastalyn, Evii mentions, "I'm not interested in politics, but the Orb is of great consequence to my Faith."
The scented candle flickers softly, casting a warm light throughout the room.
Speaking to Olgretien, Randsford says, "I believe Talliver may be part of those threads of destiny that were mentioned."
The glow from a silvery red clenched fist candle softly illuminates the shadows.
Speaking to Missoni, Yardie says, "Weed out the Coven."
Jastalyn nods at Evii.
You nod at Lithyia.
Lithyia nods at Yardie.
Seneschal Dendum just strode in.
Olgretien agrees with Randsford.
The dog suddenly turns and focuses its eyes upon Yunni.
Falvicar agrees with Yardie.
Dendum says, "Well......"
Evii cocks her head at Yardie.
Dendum says, "Most interesting."
Lithyia amusedly asks, "Who am I to deny Kai that?"
Speaking deeply to Randsford, Olgretien says, "Mebee the leader Kai spoke of..."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking to Evii, Yardie exclaims, "He said so!"
Jastalyn grins.
Randsford says, "So hopefully Talliver's actions take us down the path of light..."
The dog suddenly turns and focuses its eyes upon Ibar.
Speaking to Yardie, Missoni says, "Perhaps."
Randsford gazes heavenward.
Jastalyn nods at Randsford.
Speaking deeply to Randsford, Roelon says, "Aye, but he will need our help as well."
Randsford nods in agreement at Roelon.
Speaking softly to Dendum, Evii offers, "Thank you for coming. I am glad you did not Fall tonight."
Evii smiles at Dendum.
A blueberry scented candle glows warmly with a soft, flickering light.
Jastalyn smiles.
A wisp of smoke rises from a silvery red clenched fist candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.
Darphin nods slowly.
Lord Darphin just went down.
Ibar ponders.
Speaking to Evii, Lilanna says, "He doesn't have far to go."
Roelon deeply says, "The thread entwines us all."
Speaking to Evii, Dendum remarks, "New paths were pointed out that had not been considered."
Speaking humbly to Dendum, Evii whispers aloud, "I have no power here, I wield only respect and appreciation."
Jastalyn smiles.
Ibar grins at Lilanna.
A muted crackle emanates from Missoni's illthorn kit.
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 22:43 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
Speaking to Evii, Randsford says, "The power to summon the voice of Kai is great power indeed, you are too humble."
Randsford grins at Evii.
A wisp of smoke rises from a silvery red clenched fist candle as the hot wax drips and splutters.
Peatwyn says, "I have never gazed upon my lady."
Aeith agrees with Randsford.
Speaking wryly to Randsford, Evii admits, "It was all our voices. He certainly does not appear when I call."
Speaking deeply to Evii, Roelon says, "Anything else mae hae answered. But ye were strong enough to reach him."
Roelon nods at Randsford.
Peatwyn says, "Only seen a crossing shadow. What a miracle witnessed today."
Ibar pokes Lilanna in the ribs.
Randsford nods understandingly at Evii.
Ibar grins.
Peatwyn says, "I am honored to be a witness."
The dog hovers protectively by Missoni's side, baring its teeth at nothing in particular.
An intense chill fills the air surrounding Roelon.
Ibar agrees with Peatwyn.
Jastalyn adopts an agreeable expression.
Speaking warmly to Peatwyn, Evii intones, "We're honored to have you."
Jastalyn grins.
Lithyia folds her hands.
Jastalyn adopts an agreeable expression.
Speaking to Evii, Randsford says, "At least he answered, I have not been as fortunate with my Lady."
Randsford reaches out and touches his Oleani pendant.
Speaking respectfully to Peatwyn, Evii says, "Thank you for coming."
Randsford says, "Other things have answered."
Randsford shudders.
A faint, flickering light emanates from a blueberry scented candle, warming the room with its glow.
Peatwyn reaches out and touches his lapis star symbol.
A silvery red clenched fist candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to life again, burning merrily.
Evii glances over at Randsford and winces.
Dendum starts chortling.
Ibar winces.
Evii softly jokes, "I am glad we did not need The Oil."
Evii glances at Jastalyn.
Lilanna glances at Randsford.
Jastalyn giggles at Evii.
Jastalyn softly says, "That was all Lithyia."
Randsford nods slowly at Lilanna.
Jastalyn softly says, "For wrestling."
Ibar grins at Evii.
Falvicar inhales deeply upon his pipe, puckering his lips and sending out three rings of smoke before him briefly.
Lithyia asks, "What?"
You grin at Jastalyn.
Lithyia glances at Jastalyn.
Peatwyn asks, "Do we think he meant, gathered here, enemies of justice?"
Lilanna shakes her head.
A bit of melted wax drips from a blueberry scented candle with a hiss. The flame jumps, burning high for a moment, then settles into a warm glow.
Jastalyn softly asks, "Does anyone want their own item from the tray before I clean up?"
A silvery red clenched fist candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to life again, burning merrily.
Evii sighs at Peatwyn.
Kontii softly says, "Have to admit... been a long time since I've witnessed one of the gods get involved with our mortal affairs."
Randsford nods grimly at Peatwyn.
Yunni raises an eyebrow in Lithyia's direction.
Falvicar casually glances around the room.
Evii nods knowingly at Kontii.
Jastalyn smiles at Kontii.
The dog hovers protectively by Missoni's side, baring its teeth at nothing in particular.
Lilanna removes a jagged rift crawler tooth from on a flat silver serving tray.
Peatwyn asks, "But, even he must not know. Kai would speak it plainly, yes?"
Peatwyn says, "Dire."
Ibar looks at Lilanna and hums.
Lilanna put a jagged rift crawler tooth in her ebon silk gem pouch.
Lithyia chuckles.
The dog opens its mouth wide in an extended yawn.
Lilanna just closed a leather-tied ebon silk gem pouch.
Aeith nods at Kontii.
Lithyia asks, "Notice who left the soonest when it was over?"
Dendum says, "The north is riddled with the does not need a Great Spirit to sense this."
Peatwyn says, "They are inscrutable."
Speaking softly to Peatwyn, Evii assures, "I have never known ANY Arkati to speak plainly."
Lithyia chuckles.
Speaking grimly to Peatwyn, you say, "My eyes spied what I'm nearly sure were assassins in the shadows even as Kai spoke to the crowd."
Randsford grins at Lithyia.
Lithyia asks, "Notice the folks who are not here any longer?"
Lithyia says, "In this very room."
Ibar attempts to hum a merry little tune.
Lithyia asks, "Do you all notice?"
Lithyia chuckles.
Evii nods slowly.
The glow from a silvery red clenched fist candle softly illuminates the shadows.
Falvicar nods at Lithyia.
You nod at Lithyia.
Speaking to Lithyia, Lilanna says, "If ye offered the oil, they might have stayed."
Lithyia amusedly says, "I cannot possibly imagine where they all are right this very moment."
Yunni surveys the area.
Speaking to Lithyia, Draelor asks, "The ones who spend the most time insisting it's not them?"
Lithyia grins at Lilanna.
Lithyia nods at Draelor.
Jastalyn removes a topaz-inset Kai miniature from on a flat silver serving tray.
Lithyia says, "They all heard Kai."
Jastalyn picks up a large crimson case decorated with a silver clenched fist design.
Draelor shrugs his shoulders, lifting his wings slightly.
Lithyia says, "He wants them flushed out."
Lithyia grins.
Ibar chuckles.
Lithyia asks, "Did anyone notice their tails tucked between their legs on the way out of here?"
Lithyia says, "I wasnt paying attention as they ran."
Lithyia chuckles.
Jastalyn grins at Lithyia.
Randsford says, "Tonight will only escalate things on their end. This was meant to give us clarity and believe it has."
You nod at Randsford.
Today is Volnes, day 8 of the month Olaesta in the year 5124. It is 22:48 by the elven time standard. It is currently late evening.
A bit of melted wax drips from a blueberry scented candle with a hiss. The flame jumps, burning high for a moment, then settles into a warm glow.
Olgretien deeply says, "I must be off."
Ibar says, "I didnt."
Ibar looks over at Lithyia and shakes his head.
A bit of melted wax drips from a silvery red clenched fist candle with a hiss. The flame jumps, burning high for a moment, then settles into a warm glow.
Speaking deeply to Evii, Olgretien says, "Agin, many thanks, Kai bless."
Lilanna nods at Randsford.
Peatwyn says, "Well, my soul was rattled at the first footfalls, truthfully."
Jastalyn gives Olgretien a friendly hug.
Jastalyn smiles.
Lilanna turns toward Olgretien and renders a sharp hand salute.
Draelor says, "If you find a pit of vipers you clear it out before it becomes a danger."
Lilanna gives Olgretien a friendly hug.
Olgretien bows to Evii.
Ibar whispers something to Lithyia.
Ibar rocks back on his heels.
Lithyia grins at Ibar.
Evii bows her head slightly toward Olgretien as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy before him.
A resplendent obsidian black raven suddenly crashes into Jastalyn, landing in a tangle of feathers on the floor. With an irate caw at her, the raven quickly flaps back into the air.
Olgretien just went down.
Wolfloner just left.
Ibar grins at Lithyia.
The dully illuminated mantle protecting Evii begins to falter, then completely fades away.
Jastalyn blinks.
Lithyia says, "I'll see him back at home...he was very sleepy."
Lithyia nods.
Evii faintly whispers aloud, "I need a drink."
Roelon shifts his weight.
You grin at Evii.
Roelon stands up.
Dendum pours himself a tumbler of Woodland Green whiskey.
Dendum offers Evii a tumbler of Woodland Green whiskey.
Speaking knowingly to you, Evii asserts, "Kai approves of this."
Speaking to Evii, Peatwyn says, "Any warrior after battle, after they surive an encoutner like that, deserves ale."
Evii accepts Dendum's Woodland Green whiskey.
Speaking to Evii, Dendum says, "It is green."
Peatwyn exclaims, "Grog. Spirits. Whatever you'd like!"
A small draft catches the flame of a blueberry scented candle and it flickers brightly.
The dog cocks its head to one side and raises its muzzle up into the air, sniffing anxiously. After a moment, the fur of its ruff bristles, and it begins to growl at the shadows.
Evii's face turns slightly pale.
The glow from a silvery red clenched fist candle softly illuminates the shadows.
Evii takes a drink from her Woodland Green whiskey.
Lilanna sighs.
Interlocking her fingers above her head, Lilanna stretches slowly, extending her spine in a satisfying stretch.
Ibar rubs Lilanna tenderly.
Roelon nods slowly.
Jastalyn reaches over and gently rests her hand on your arm.
Lithyia says, "Well, this was... an experience."
Ibar blinks at Jastalyn.
Lithyia smiles.
Evii nods at Lithyia.
Lithyia says, "I think I shall go wander off home as well."
Yunni adopts an agreeable expression.
Draelor nods.
Lithyia bows.
Jastalyn gives Lithyia a friendly hug.
Jastalyn smooches Lithyia on the cheek.
Lithyia gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.
Lithyia says, "Fair evening everyone."
Ibar bows to Lithyia.
Lithyia bows.
Lilanna nods at Lithyia.
Yunni waves to Lithyia.
Randsford waves to Lithyia.
Lilanna gives Lithyia a friendly hug.
Lithyia waves.
Lilanna waves.
You wave.
Aeith waves to Lithyia.
Miss Lithyia just went down.
A silvery red clenched fist candle flickers a moment and nearly goes out, then its flame springs to life again, burning merrily.
Jastalyn smiles.
You deeply exclaim, "Be safe!"
Jastalyn hugs Lilanna, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Lilanna clasps Ibar's hand tenderly.
Lilanna hugs Jastalyn, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Jastalyn gives Ibar a friendly hug.
Jastalyn grins.
Draelor says, "Safe travels, watch out for those skulking about the shadows...unless it's just Yardie."
Ibar gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.
Jastalyn hugs Dendum.
Ibar smiles.
Jastalyn hugs Roelon, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Aeith chuckles.
Evii smiles.
Roelon gives Jastalyn a warm buss on the lips.
Lilanna grins at Draelor.
A pale blue light flickers across the surface of Roelon's ebon leather gloves.
Peatwyn says, "It is the bent of the particular shadow."
Speaking to Draelor, Yardie exclaims, "That's not how I operate!"
Jastalyn hugs Missoni.
Speaking loftily to Yardie, Evii accuses, "This is your fault!?"
Missoni smiles.
Ibar chuckles.
The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger.
Lilanna renews her songs.
Peatwyn says, "You learn to watch for these things."
Missoni gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.
Jastalyn gives Randsford a friendly hug.
Ibar nods at Lilanna.
Evii smiles.
Evii hugs Yardie.
Speaking to Yardie, Draelor exclaims, "That's entirely how you operate!"
Jastalyn smiles.
Randsford gives Jastalyn a friendly hug.
Yardie gives Evii a friendly hug.
Evii giggles.
Randsford smiles.
Jastalyn hugs Yardie, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
A muted crackle emanates from Lilanna's leopard pelt tote.
Speaking to Draelor, Yardie exclaims, "I don't get caught save for animals!"
Ibar grins.
Yardie hugs Jastalyn, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
Lilanna waves to you.
You give Lilanna a friendly hug, stirring the scent of sandalwood, marshmallow, and vanilla from her skin.
Lilanna gives Randsford a friendly hug.
You wave to Ibar.
Lilanna bows to Roelon.
Evii beams happily at Aeith!
Draelor nods.
Ibar waves to you.
Randsford gives Lilanna a friendly hug.
Ibar smiles.
Lilanna waves.
Speaking warmly to Yardie, Evii says, "Thank you so much for coming."
Ibar says, "You all be safe."
Evii waves to Ibar.
The scented candle burns warmly, lending a soft light to the surroundings.
Ibar ponders.
Evii gives Ibar a friendly hug.
A bit of melted wax drips from a silvery red clenched fist candle with a hiss. The flame jumps, burning high for a moment, then settles into a warm glow.
Kontii nods appreciatively at Ibar.
You deeply exclaim, "Have a good evening!"
Kontii softly says, "You as well."