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The Winter War (storyline)/2022-11-25 - Ta'Vaalor Meeting Aureliano part 1 (log)

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2022-11-25-Ta’Vaalor Meeting Aureliano part 1(log)

Log captured from the view of Falvicar

[Ta'Vaalor, King's Court - 3519] (u14100047)

A small cluster of trees stands near the edge of the court, providing a shady spot and a chance for a brief respite from the bustle of the city. Several elven guards stand beneath a nearby tree, chatting quietly amongst themselves as they scan the crowded court. You also see a wooden barrel and a darkly stained wooden bench with some stuff on it.

Speaking quietly to you, Opalina says, "I was looking for someplace nice to dine for breakfast."

You ponder.

Aureliano nods politely.

Opalina takes a few steps toward a darkly stained wooden bench.

You nod once.

You say, "Hmm."

You point west.

Speaking quietly to Aureliano, Opalina asks, "Good morning!..Might you know of a nice location for a hungry halfling elf to get something to eat?"

Opalina leans against a darkly stained wooden bench.

Opalina points at herself.

You lean on Opalina, resting your hand upon her shoulder.

Aureliano says, "Good morning, travelers." He makes a brief motion withis his hand in the direction Falvicar indicated, "Your companion is correct; Malwith's is an excellent location."

You quietly whisper to Opalina, "I think two west of here."

You nod politely.

Opalina quietly asks, "Malwith's.. Do they serve hotchocolate?"

You remove a lacquered square basket from in your night-hued silk cape.

Opalina pokes you in the ribs.

You say, "Oof."

You ask, "What?"

Opalina quietly says, "Put your basket away! Im buying."

What were you trying to stow? See STOW HELP for usage.

You say, "Yes Darling."

You put a lacquered square basket in your night-hued silk cape.

Opalina wraps her arms around you and rests her head on your shoulder.

You wrap Opalina in a tender embrace.

Aureliano cautiously asks, "I.. believe they do? It would likely be sold upstairs with the coffee. Are you just getting into the Fortress?"

Speaking quietly to Aureliano, Opalina says, "I am Opalina from Icemule and this here is my husband Falvicar."

Aureliano nods faintly.

You grasp the edge of your night-hued silk cape and hold it out as you bow low.

Aureliano diplomatically says, "It is a pleasure to meet you. I am Aureliano Tiberius Vaalor. Welcome to the Fortress of Ta'Vaalor."

You say, "Thank you."

Opalina quietly says, "Its beautiful here."

Opalina gazes about with intense interest at her surroundings, her brilliant cerulean eyes pausing briefly on everything nearby.

Aureliano proudly asks, "Thank you for the compliment; I believe you will all find the environment a bit more temperate here. May I ask what brings you to visit our home?"

Aureliano continues, "Our Sovereign has opened our Gates in the prior years and we are proud to share our culture with those who visit."

You say, "My wife brings me here."

You snicker.

Opalina laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Aureliano smirks at you!

Opalina quietly says, "I wanted to visit and see if I can learn more about a treaty that is between Icemule and Ta'Vaalor."

Marcadian just strode in.

Marcadian smiles.

Marcadian bows to Aureliano.

You see Marcadian the Cadet.

He appears to be a Vaalor Elf.

He is taller than average. He appears to be young and robust. He has sparkling crystal blue eyes and bronze skin. He has short, shiny platinum hair shaved at the temples. He has a classical nose and sharp pointed ears.

He is in good shape.

He is wearing a dark crimson jacket adorned at the shoulders with gold braid tied into one knot of rank, a billowing crimson cape, a crimson silk half-coat with four gold buttons at each cuff, a molded wyvern-headed vaalorn pauldron slung over his shoulder, a carnelian red lacquered back scabbard inlaid with crimson blazestars, a set of ornamental silver-plated brigandine, a wyvern-etched hammered gold armcuff, a pair of polished crimson and gold bracers, some wrist-buckled mahogany leather gloves, a leather-cornered black willow case, a silver-edged ash knife case, a pair of crimson-woven black twill pants, a thigh-strapped slim vaalorn kit, some rich ebon leather boots with faenor buckles, and a polished wyvern-winged helm inset with two dragonseye sapphires.

Aureliano nods vaguely at Opalina.

Speaking cheerfully to Aureliano, Marcadian greets, "Good afternoon, sir!"

You quietly whisper to Opalina, "I'm sorry Darling. I nae could resist."

Speaking carefully to Opalina, Aureliano says, "That does seem to be of interest suddenly.."

You nod in agreement.

Marcadian blinks.

Marcadian glances between Aureliano and Opalina.

You see Marcadian the Cadet.

He appears to be a Vaalor Elf.

He is taller than average. He appears to be young and robust. He has sparkling crystal blue eyes and bronze skin. He has short, shiny platinum hair shaved at the temples. He has a classical nose and sharp pointed ears.

He is in good shape.

He is wearing a dark crimson jacket adorned at the shoulders with gold braid tied into one knot of rank, a billowing crimson cape, a crimson silk half-coat with four gold buttons at each cuff, a molded wyvern-headed vaalorn pauldron slung over his shoulder, a carnelian red lacquered back scabbard inlaid with crimson blazestars, a set of ornamental silver-plated brigandine, a wyvern-etched hammered gold armcuff, a pair of polished crimson and gold bracers, some wrist-buckled mahogany leather gloves, a leather-cornered black willow case, a silver-edged ash knife case, a pair of crimson-woven black twill pants, a thigh-strapped slim vaalorn kit, some rich ebon leather boots with faenor buckles, and a polished wyvern-winged helm inset with two dragonseye sapphires.

J>look aure

You see High Legionnaire Aureliano Tiberius Vaalor the Soldier.

He appears to be an Elf.

He is taller than average and has a muscular, able-bodied physique. He appears to be in the prime of life. He has piercing stormy grey eyes and milky white skin. He has long, braided chestnut hair. He has an angular face, a straight nose and muscular thighs.

He is in good shape.

He is wearing a dark crimson jacket adorned with a gold braid tied with four knots of rank, a billowing crimson cape, a blazestar wyvern hanging from a twisted black cord, a veniom threaded harness slung over his shoulder, a trim crimson aqilorn gambeson vertically clasped down the right by golden eahnor, a pair of polished crimson and gold bracers, a seven-gemmed silver ring, a pair of slim black silk trousers belted with veniom wire, and some tall ebon leather boots buckled with vaalorn.

Speaking politely to Marcadian, Aureliano says, "Good morning, Squire Legionnaire. Good to see you as always."

Marcadian folds his hands behind his back.

Marcadian smiles proudly.

Marcadian nods firmly.

Opalina quietly says, "I do think there are folks who do not understand the full extent of the treaty. I wanted to gather more information to return home and keep our two citys at peace."

Opalina nods.

Speaking to Aureliano, Marcadian asks, "Is everything...all right?"

Marcadian raises an eyebrow.

Opalina turns to face Marcadian.

Aureliano nods politely.

Marcadian takes a polished wyvern-winged helm inset with two dragonseye sapphires off his head.

As you rub your rolaren sword symbol it briefly gives off a silvery glow.

Marcadian runs a hand through his short platinum hair, trying to make himself presentable.

Speaking to Marcadian, Aureliano says, "Certainly. These fine people are visiting and seeking to make connections."

Opalina quietly says, "Good morning! I am Opalina from Icemule."

Aureliano glances between Opalina and yourself.

Marcadian grins slowly.

Leaning gently against you, Opalina closes her eyes and sighs contentedly. You respond by slipping your arm around her.

Aureliano asks, "I hope I did not misstate your intentions with that summary?"

Opalina quietly says, "Falvicar here is my husband."

Speaking to Opalina, Marcadian says, "Of course..."

Marcadian bows to Opalina.

Marcadian bows to you.

You grasp the edge of your night-hued silk cape and hold it out as you bow low.

Marcadian says, "Marcadian Malkolos Vaalos, at your service."

Marcadian bows.

Opalina beams!

Marcadian says, "I hope you're enjoying the Fortress so far."

You say, "Thus far, as m'wife said.. place is beautiful."

You nod once.

Marcadian smirks.

Marcadian nods in agreement.

Speaking to Opalina, Aureliano inquires, "Are you concerned that peace is in jeopardy, Opalina of Icemule? I had heard that there are council members who want to terminate the agreement, but to lose peace over such a small diplomatic opinion seems escalatory.. no?" Speaking quietly to Marcadian, Opalina says, "Wonderful to meet you. Ohh yes the lodging last night was wonderful we checked in at th Malwith Inn."

You nod in agreement at Aureliano.

Marcadian nods respectfully.

You glance skeptically around the area.

Opalina gasps.

Marcadian says, "If I may be of any assistance, please don't hesitate to ask."

Aureliano glances appraisingly at Marcadian.

Speaking quietly to Aureliano, Opalina says, "You've heard that? my my news travels on wicked ears.. I believe there are some trouble makers wishing to ruffle the feathers between our two towns indeed."

Opalina nods at Aureliano.

Marcadian shifts his weight.

Opalina quietly says, "I am not one of those."

Aureliano explains, "I visit your town now and then without overtly wearing my colors unless on official duty. I have a few friends there especially within my order."

Opalina quietly says, "I believe Ta'Vaalor would be in our interest to remain in the best of terms."

Aureliano politely says, "So I think it is more that I traveled and the news did not, so to speak."

Opalina agrees with Aureliano.

Opalina quietly says, "That makes more sense."

You quietly whisper to Aureliano, "I agree whole heartedly, and though a councol I am not.. I do have my own concern of that very thing. I don't want war, but it would seem the militia commander (From what I have both seen and heard) is a warmonger. He hath even all but accused my wife of treason and without proof. My good sir, on my honor as a Night Blade, she is not a traitor nor working with the fellow we call "yellow eyes" - the serial killer that we've not caught yet."

You nod once at Aureliano.

Aureliano thoughtfully says, "I do not speak for my Sovereign and do not know his mind on the issue, so please take what I say with that knowledge in mind."

Aureliano raises an eyebrow in your direction.

Speaking quietly to Aureliano, Opalina asks, "Do you think it would be difficult to gain a visit with you Sovereign or someone who may know of the treaty?"

Speaking softly to Aureliano, Marcadian says, "If all if well, sir, I'll return to my guild work."

Marcadian's cheeks darken with a deep carmine shade.

Marcadian shifts his weight.

You quietly whisper to Aureliano, "A long story in itself. Be weary of Grutak - the militia warmonger. But this is just me as both Night Blade and as a citizen."

You nod firmly at Aureliano.

Marcadian runs a hand through his short platinum hair, trying to make himself presentable.

Marcadian puts a polished wyvern-winged helm inset with two dragonseye sapphires on his head.

Speaking quietly to Marcadian, Opalina asks, "Do you have a dock in town?"

Aureliano comments, "I do not keep abreast of all our movements or positions due to my stationing here, though this seemingly rancorous posiiton from some members of the council there seems.. ill-advised. To my knowledge, we have not even used the agreement outside of moving troops to the town to offer aid during recent attacks, at the request of a previous council."

Marcadian smiles at Opalina.

Marcadian nods firmly.

Speaking to Opalina, Marcadian says, "We do. Newly named."

Marcadian says, "It's beautiful. You must see it."

Speaking to Marcadian, Aureliano encourages, "All is certainly well, though please do not feel you cannot join in the conversation if you would like. We are not acting in official capacity."

Marcadian smiles bashfully.

Speaking quietly to Marcadian, Opalina says, "That we'd love to see, when you are available for a small tour."

Marcadian blinks.

You stretch.

Speaking politely to Opalina, Aureliano says, "King Qalinor is always quite busy and an audience may be hard to obtain. I am happy to discuss with you the best of my knowledge, and you could certainly put in a request to speak with a dignitary though that would have to go through appropriate diplomatic channels, as I understand it."

Speaking to Opalina, Marcadian asks, "Certainly, m'Lady...perhaps a bit later, once I've completed my training for the day?"

Opalina agrees with Marcadian.

Speaking to Marcadian, Aureliano says, "I was considering taking one of the ships out later today, if you would be so inclined to join." He glances towards the visitors, "Certainly, as visitors here, I would like to extend the hospitality to you as well."

Opalina nods understandingly at Aureliano.

Marcadian nods firmly at Aureliano.

Opalina gasps.

Opalina quietly exclaims, "That would be amazing!"

Speaking to Aureliano, Marcadian says, "I wouldn't miss it, sir."

Opalina quietly says, "I've only ever been on one airship."

Opalina bounces around happily.

Opalina applauds.

Marcadian beams happily at Opalina!

Aureliano apologizes, "Sorry, I do not have access to those types of ships. I was referring to one of our docked ships in the water."

Marcadian chuckles to himself.

Speaking quietly to Aureliano, Opalina exclaims, "Ohh!"

Opalina's cheeks flush with a soft pale rose shade, darkening her freckles even more.

Speaking to Opalina, Aureliano explains, "My apologies for the confusion. Our airships are only taken out under direct orders from our superiors."

Marcadian nods firmly.

Marcadian exclaims, "Then I shall return shortly!"

Marcadian waves.

Marcadian smiles.

You quietly whisper to Aureliano, "Do as ye will with that information. I truly do not want war anywhere, and especially over such a small matter if that is even what we'd want to call it. There's no reason both Mule and Ta'Vaalor cannot be friendly to each other."

You nod.

Aureliano asks, "So why is it, if you do not mind me asking, that people in your town are generating such emotion about this?"

Speaking quietly to Aureliano, Opalina says, "It's perfectly fine! I love sailing so much."

You ask, "I don't suppose there's a Ronan shrine or temple somewhere about?"

Opalina ponders.

You peer quizzically at Aureliano.

Aureliano whispers, "That is all quite interesting. I Am quite confused by all of this, to be honest. I did not know relations were strained until recently."

Speaking to you, Aureliano replies, "I believe the Shining City has one, if I am not mistaken."

You quietly whisper to Aureliano, "It caught our attention too. The whole thing honestly makes no sense as I believe it's safe to say that both Opal and I and many others weren't really aware of it til just recently."

Speaking quietly to Aureliano, Opalina says, "I think they are afraid of losing something."

Aureliano nods slowly.

Speaking to Opalina, Aureliano asks, "Why now, though?"

You quietly whisper to Aureliano, "Grutak and I forgot who else.. brought it up as of late. I wasn't even aware of said contract or treaty but even that is hardly a reason to to war over. Not like either of us are attacking anybody. The only person that seems to be wanting war more than anybody else is Grutak."

You nod at Aureliano.

Aureliano nods understandingly to you.

Opalina quietly says, "We have a recently elected members to the council."

Aureliano says, "The treaty, to my understanding, was just a concession made by previous leadership over a small diplomatic faux paux, I believe."

Opalina quietly says, "So far that's what I've heard as well."

Aureliano says, "Again, I do not speak for the Crown, but I believe it allowed us free movement of troops and use of airspace, neither of which have been used with the exception of the invitation from your Council to aid."

You quietly whisper to Aureliano, "I'm sure she can't talk of such things being a council, but I .. on the other hand.. can though I would appreciate some discreetness though if it comes down to it then can say it was I to keep my wife safe since it's her that was being accused of "treason"."

Aureliano says, "So I struggle to understand what is feared here. It is .. odd." He looks a bit perplexed, "And honestly makes me wonder at other motives."

Aureliano says, "For it seems we have only given more than we agreed to in this treaty without taking what was offered."

Speaking quietly to Aureliano, Opalina exclaims, "Indeed me too. As I've spent time with Citizens from Ta'vaalor who have visited Icemule and they were all lovely!"

You quietly whisper to Aureliano, "I have no idea who the yellow eye killer is, and I truly suspect we, if not somebody else, will have to figure it out on our own since Grutak seems otherwise incapable of it with his fixstation upon trying to say Opal is working with him when that is not true."

Aureliano whispers, "My new friend, you have my word before my King on the discretion on the information thus far. I will warn you if I feel you provide me with something I must share with my command chain. Is that fair?"

Opalina quietly says, "I don't want that to change."

Aureliano nods appreciatively at Opalina.

Opalina quietly says, "I am not here on behalf of the council though I am here of my own interests."

Aureliano nods understandingly at Opalina.

You nod in agreement at Aureliano.

Speaking to Opalina, Aureliano says, "My House does not actively seek out war, we are simply always prepared for it when it becomes necessary. I cannot imagine a small easement-like agreement would trigger my Sovereign to move our legions."

Opalina giggles.

Opalina quietly says, "That is wonderful to know."

You quietly whisper to Opalina, "Just be careful my Lady. Like it or not, with thee being a council member.. people will say things and treat as such. But I have your back no matter what my Love. I just don't want you to get in trouble nor give Grutak more arrows to try to pin something on thee my Love."

Aureliano asks, "Further, we are quite accustomed to dealing with ... barking dogs? Is that the right idiom in the common tongue?"

Opalina laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

You push on the crossguard of your ebon high steel katana with the thumb of your opposite hand, loosening it in the pure white scabbard. With a flourish, you draw the ebon high steel katana forth!

You turn toward Aureliano and render a sharp salute with your ebon high steel katana.

You grasp your pure white scabbard by the locket with your opposite hand, adjusting its position slightly. With practiced ease, you draw the blade of your ebon high steel katana back across the scabbard's opening before smoothly sheathing it with a barely audible *snick.*

You nod at Opalina.

Aureliano says, "It is not always necessary for us to bare our teeth; I believe everyone knows we have them."

Opalina nods at Aureliano.

Opalina quietly says, "Well sometimes small dogs show teeth but they are still .. .small dogs."

Opalina laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.

Aureliano nods in agreement at Opalina.

Opalina quietly says, "I hope the majority of both our towns see the small dogs for who they are and pet them lightly on the head in understanding."

Speaking sincerely to Opalina, Aureliano says, "I would be surprised if much of my command structure has feelings about the issue currently."

Aureliano says, "It would be a fool's errand to declare war on our Nation or to take meaningful, negative diplomatic steps in our relationship. I am certain cooler heads will prevail in your town."

Opalina quietly says, "You have quite a few Soldiers marching around."

Aureliano responds, "Our Legions are greater than ten thousand strong of trained soldiers."

Speaking quietly to you, Opalina asks, "We are lucky to have what .. 5?"

Aureliano proudly comments, "Our nation is far better to have as an ally than anything else.”

You say, "Five sounds right."

Aureliano thoughtfully asks, "Perhaps those who are.. stirring discord are not quite aware of these military realities?"

Opalina quietly says, "It is possible."

Aureliano hopefully says, "Perhaps they will change their thoughts once they look at all the information that is available."

Aureliano sincerely says, "I lead the Troupe that sought to aid your townwhen there was trouble developing further north; I admit that, despite its distance, I have a soft spot in my heart for your town and hope our relationships can remain good."

Opalina quietly says, "I am hoping to learn what I can so I can keep Icemule from causing issues for Ta'Vaalor and keep our peace."

You nod in agreement.

Opalina quietly says, "That is what I'd like as well."

Speaking to Opalina, Aureliano asks, "What other information might I offer you that would help you in your endeavor?"

Aureliano whispers, "The use of the term traitor seems unnecessarily strong during peace times."

Speaking quietly to Aureliano, Opalina asks, "I heard you were fighting things at your boarders Some undead creatures?"

Speaking quietly to you, Opalina asks, "Did I get it wrong not undead?"

Speaking politely to Opalina, Aureliano says, "We always face threats; I wonder if you could elaborate more on what you had heard."

Speaking to Opalina, you say, "I don't know of things over here my Love though if you're talking of Moonsedge then yes.. those are undead."

(Opalina looks through her sack for her notes, "One moment let me look for my notes.. I thought I wrote it down at the fireside tales" her face scrunches with determination.)

Speaking to Opalina, you say, "Roelon showed me the broken blade while you were gone and we "met" some of the vampires. There wasn't much talking save for our the casting of our spells though those things do hurt."

You grin at Opalina.

Aureliano comments, "Those vampires, amongst the other undead near your town, are quite concerning."

You say, "One cannot let down their guard while there."

You say, "The Griffin sword, though very rusted, is there.. if you know of which I talk of."

You say, "That.. I found very interesting."

Speaking to you, Aureliano says, "Is it the actual sword? Commodore Jaysehn showed me it but I thought he commented that it was a replica.."

Aureliano admits, "I am not knowledgable about it."

Speaking to Aureliano, you say, "Roelon and I both think it is, but there's no way to confirm if it is or not but thus far.. what we see and recall of the past is telling our gut that it is."

You say, "Roelon is our giant friend, also part of House White Haven."

Aureliano faintly says, "That is interesting indeed.."

You say, "He wears a kilt all the time."

Speaking to you, Aureliano says, "I have met him on a few ocassions. He seems like a good man."

You nod in agreement.

Opalina quietly says, "Ohh here! Savages.."

Opalina quietly asks, "Teveriel of the Red legion mentioned having to deal with Savages?

Speaking proudly to Opalina, Aureliano says, "Lord Anduin spoke with you? That is excellent. I hold him in the highest of regards." He nods once, "He might be referring to our ever present grimswarm threat."

Opalina quietly says, "Awe yes! Grimswarms.. they are quite savage."

Aerinson says, "Hiyas."

Speaking to Marcadian, Aerinson asks, "Whatcha dooin?"

Speaking to Aerinson, Marcadian says, "Good afternoon, Aerin."

Speaking to Aerinson, Marcadian says, "Just finished a short hunt. Headed back out soon though."

Aerinson asks, "May i join you?"

Aerinson says, "Im assuming grimswarm."

Alenwyn softly says, "I'll go find a camp."

Speaking politely to Opalina, Aureliano asks, "Did you have other plans while you are visiting beyond information gathering? Perhaps you would like to join for a raid on a camp or perhaps a trip to the Old City?"

Marcadian agrees, "Always Grimswarm."

Aerinson says, "Excellent."

Marcadian mutters, "Lady's like a warcamp bloodhound."

Aerinson says, "I need to kill 16 of the Bas/// suckers."

Marcadian says, "Something about a totem. I'm sure we'll find it after we kill them all."

Opalina quietly says, "We would love to help with taking out A camp side by side."

Speaking quietly to you, Opalina says, "Sorry I voluteered you again."

Aureliano asks, "Squire Legionnaires, would you be opposed to letting our visitors and I join you to siege a camp?"

Marcadian exclaims, "Of course not, sir!"

Aureliano says, "Form on me, then."

Marcadian says, "I'm sure Alenwyn will be back..."

Aureliano says, "I am glad she is sighting one."

Alenwyn softly says, "Oh."

Marcadian says, "We...have help."

Alenwyn softly says, "I found one."

(we go hunting)