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The Winter War (storyline)/2023-01-04 - Ta'Vaalor invites Icemule to Dinner (log)
Catspaw-2023-1-4 - Ta'Vaalor invites Icemule to Dinner (Log)
Log Captured from the perspective of Kakoon
Pre-Dinner Gathering
Lady Uniana just arrived.
Uniana nods politely.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana respectfully acknowledges, "Ambassador."
You nod to Uniana in greeting.
You say, "Good evening."
Speaking in Elven, Uniana asks, "If you do not mind, I shall like to ensure everything is in order assuming you have already not checked the tablecloths?"
Speaking to Uniana, you say, "Wasn't open last time I tried to enter."
Lord Thrassus just arrived.
Uniana curtsies politely to Thrassus.
Thrassus nods once.
Thrassus says, "Good evening."
Carew just arrived.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana warmly greets, "Lord Feydark, how good of you to travel all this way."
Speaking in Elven, Thrassus asks, "And miss such entertainment?"
Thrassus snickers.
Carew put a slender platinum tuner in her velvet bodice.
Speaking in Elven, Thrassus says, "I was too curious to stay away."
Speaking dismissively in Elven to Thrassus, Uniana says, "A simple dinner."
Uniana gives a sidelong glance at an expansive crimson silk pavilion framed in gilt-forged dragonstalks.
Speaking in Elven, Thrassus says, "From what I heard there were some rather outlandish claims being uttered at the last meeting."
Thrassus leans on his staff.
Mistress Lithyia just arrived.
Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry just arrived.
Lithyia says, "Evening everyone."
Thrassus nods in greeting.
Carew leans to her left slightly.
You nod to Lithyia in greeting.
Uniana formally says, "Hello and welcome."
Drawing her left leg behind her right, Teaberry briefly dips into a respectful curtsy before Uniana and bows her head.
Speaking to Uniana, Carew whispers aloud, "Pardon, do you recall where she wanted me? Behind the screen or in front? My mind was filled with song so I got a little lost."
A cloud of dense silvery fog suddenly appears. The fog quickly dissipates to reveal Traiva.
Traiva flutters her wings at Uniana.
Traiva kisses Lithyia tenderly, first on one cheek, then the other.
Lord Teveriel just arrived.
Lithyia hugs Traiva, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Teveriel surveys the area.
Teveriel nods approvingly.
Traiva flutters her wings at Teaberry.
Traiva flutters her wings at Teveriel.
Uniana bobs a quick curtsy to Traiva.
Traiva warmly says, "Good evening."
With straightened posture and a firm chin, Teveriel presents himself to Traiva with a short, courteous bow.
Teaberry beams!
Uniana cocks her head at Carew.
Traiva smiles at Uniana.
Traiva removes a knitted multihued satchel from in her back-slit cloak.
Teveriel greets, "Good evening, all of you. And welcome to the Ravelin."
Traiva shows Uniana her multihued satchel.
Carew quietly says, "Maybe you didn't notice, forgive me."
Speaking to Carew, Uniana whispers aloud, "I think it would be rather a shame to expect you to hide that outfit behind a screen."
Thrassus draws his black staff close. A collection of glistening black tentacles burrow into his skin coming from his staff.
Uniana beams happily at Traiva!
Traiva offers Uniana a knitted multihued satchel.
Uniana accepts Traiva's multihued satchel.
Uniana places a hand over her heart.
Lord Xorus just arrived.
Speaking sincerely to Traiva, Uniana says, "Thank you."
Uniana put a knitted multihued satchel in her green silk backpack.
Carew appreciatively says, "Oh, do you like it? I wanted to do something cool but with a nod to the Vaalorian colors."
Speaking to Uniana, Traiva says, "Of course."
Traiva leans on Lithyia, giving her a companionable grin.
Thrassus nods to Xorus in greeting.
Lithyia folds her hands.
Xorus nods to Thrassus in greeting.
(Uniana regards Carew once more, her lilac gaze focused uneasily on the golden hawk pendant.)
Speaking kindly to Carew, Teveriel says, "I think it most appropriate. Well done."
Speaking to Carew, Uniana assures, "It is smartly done."
Carew says, "Oh, should I not have..."
Carew places her hand on her golden hawk pendant.
Teveriel nods understandingly at Uniana.
Uniana suddenly says, "Pardon me, I do need to see to one more item."
Lady Uniana just went down.
Carew tucks her golden hawk pendant underneath her cloth-of-silver pelisse.
Carew blushes a dark rose hue to the tips of her ears.
Traiva nods slowly
A tiny creature pops up from Kakoon's pocketwatch and shouts, "It's seven fifty-seven Elven Daylight time! Now, lemme get some sleep!" With that, the bizarre critter disappears once more, snapping the lid shut behind itself.
Teveriel casts a bemused glance at you.
Lithyia blinks.
Lithyia cringes.
Speaking comfortingly to Lithyia, Traiva says, "Better now than the middle of dinner."
Speaking to you, Teveriel says, "A clever device, if a bit.. loud."
Lithyia nods at Traiva.
Lithyia says, "Indeed."
Lithyia blushes a nice shade of dark red.
Teveriel smiles at Lithyia.
Speaking to Teveriel, you say, "Helps to make sure I can hear it."
Lithyia smiles at Teveriel.
Lithyia pushes her hands down against her bliaut in an elegant gesture.
Teveriel appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as he glances at you.
Missoni flounces in amidst a diffuse cloud of prismatic glitter.
A yellow-eyed silvery lor mandrake sprouting snowball hydrangeas toddles into the area and up to Missoni.
Lithyia gives Missoni a friendly hug.
Missoni smiles.
Missoni gives Lithyia a friendly hug.
Traiva flutters her wings at Missoni.
Traiva kisses Missoni tenderly, first on one cheek, then the other.
Missoni cheerfully greets, "Fair eve."
Imperatrix Lylia just arrived.
Lithyia says, "Good to see you."
Missoni gives Traiva a lingering kiss on the cheek.
Lylia joins Xorus's group.
Lithyia smiles at Missoni.
Lylia smiles.
Xorus gives Lylia a lingering kiss on the wrist.
Traiva flutters her wings at Lylia.
Speaking to Lithyia, Missoni exclaims, "You, too!"
Thrassus nods to Lylia in greeting.
Lylia gives Xorus a lingering kiss on the wrist.
Lithyia nods to Lylia in greeting.
Speaking to Lithyia, Teveriel reassures, "If that is the most egregious disruption to the night's proceedings, I will call them a rousing success indeed."
High Lady Immianthe just arrived.
Lylia says, "Good evening, all."
Missoni's face lights up with joy for Lylia.
Lithyia laughs at Teveriel!
Lithyia says, "Agreed."
Teaberry smiles at Missoni.
Missoni kisses Lylia on the cheek.
Traiva begins chortling at Teveriel.
Missoni smiles at Teaberry.
Drawing her left leg behind her right, Teaberry briefly dips into a respectful curtsy before Lylia and bows her head.
With a graceful movement of her hands, Immianthe lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before you.
You nod to Immianthe in greeting.
Drawing her left leg behind her right, Teaberry briefly dips into a respectful curtsy before Xorus and bows her head.
Teveriel politely acknowledges, "High Lady Wysaceran."
Missoni nods to Teveriel in greeting.
Lady Uniana just arrived.
With straightened posture and a firm chin, Teveriel presents himself to Immianthe with a short, courteous bow.
Missoni nods to Xorus in greeting.
Immianthe politely says, "Ambassador."
Lylia nods at Teaberry.
Xorus nods in greeting.
Immianthe nods to Teveriel in greeting.
Missoni smiles at Uniana.
Teveriel adds, "And Lady Sabretache, a pleasure to see you again."
Immianthe says, "Lord Anduin."
Lylia nods at Thrassus.
Speaking cheerfully to Teveriel, Missoni says, "Likewise, Lord Anduin."
Lylia put a purple leather book embossed with a diamond-eyed rhimar verlok'ar design in her wrap.
Teveriel kindly offers, "Lady Rashere, good evening."
Lylia smiles at Teveriel.
Uniana cheerfully observes, "Ah, how lovely."
Alraz just arrived.
Uniana adds, "Good evening, all."
Uniana bows her head slightly toward Immianthe as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy before her.
With a graceful movement of her hands, Immianthe lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before Uniana.
Teveriel nods in greeting at Thrassus.
Lylia replies, "Lord Anduin, Lady Anduin. I trust you are both well tonight."
Thrassus nods to Teveriel in greeting.
Lylia says, "The evening is full of promise. I have been looking forward to it."
Speaking politely to you, Immianthe whispers aloud, "I shall open this for you and then you won't notice me."
Miss Lissaya just arrived.
You nod at Immianthe.
Speaking to Immianthe, you say, "Thank you."
Speaking kindly to Lylia, Uniana says, "As are we and it is very kind of you once again to travel all this way. Your observations at the last meeting cannot be undervalued."
Jiarine suddenly fades into view.
Jiarine dusts off her hands.
Carew furrows her brow.
Lylia inclines her head.
Uniana nods in greeting at Jiarine.
Teaberry waves to Jiarine.
Jiarine curtsies.
Several sigils incised along Missoni's lor staff flicker briefly with glittery prismatic energy.
High Legionnaire Aureliano's group just arrived.
Aureliano says, "Crimson Legion, halt."
Lithyia smiles.
Teveriel casually observes his surroundings.
Malinya snaps smartly to attention!
Aerinson snaps smartly to attention!
Lithyia grins at Traiva.
Speaking affably to Lissaya, Uniana says, "Miss Vaillancourt."
Roelon surveys the area.
Lithyia nods.
Dezter beams!
Lylia demurs, "It seemed only right to be there at the culmination of matters as I was for the beginning of them, if I could shed any light on proceedings."
Aureliano says, "Crimson Legion, parade rest."
Opalina gazes about with intense interest at her surroundings, her crystal blue eyes pausing briefly on everything nearby.
Lithyia says, "Evening everyone."
Dezter waves to Lithyia.
Falvicar winks at Opalina with a suggestive glint in his eyes.
Lithyia waves to Dezter.
Malinya folds her hands behind her back.
Lithyia waves to Opalina.
Dezter gives Lithyia a friendly hug.
Aphaedra gives Lithyia a friendly hug.
Aerinson folds his hands behind his back.
Speaking to Uniana, Lissaya greets, "Good evening, Lady Anduin."
Traiva warmly greets, "Good evening."
Lilanna waves to Lithyia.
Immianthe lightly informs, "We are serving small plates in the reception, followed by the main course on the patio."
Lissaya smiles.
Lithyia gives Aphaedra a friendly hug.
Lithyia hugs Dezter, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Lylia smiles at Roelon.
Traiva flutters her wings at Jaysehn.
Traiva flutters her wings at Akenna.
Akenna folds her hands.
Teaberry hugs Opalina, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Jaysehn smiles at Traiva.
Speaking to Lithyia, Dezter exclaims, "You look so nice tonight!"
Jaysehn gives a quick nod and tips his hat to Traiva.
Traiva gives Akenna a lingering kiss, first on one cheek, then the other.
Akenna grins at Traiva.
Aphaedra says, "Hello everyone! Pleasure to see you all."
Teaberry gives Akenna a friendly hug.
Aphaedra smiles.
Lithyia exclaims, "Why thank you!"
Opalina hugs Teaberry, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Speaking to Roelon, Jiarine teases, "You are not wearing the gift I sent?"
Lylia nods at Aphaedra.
Akenna gives Traiva a lingering kiss, first on one cheek, then the other.
Missoni smiles.
Lithyia dips her body, pulling the lower portion of a jade green wool bliaut cinched at the waist by an embroidered silk girdle out to either side of her so that the fabric drapes down like a gentle mist around her feet. As Lithyia completes the formal curtsy, she rises to her feet.
Akenna hugs Traiva, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Missoni nods to Akenna in greeting.
Lithyia preens.
Missoni waves to Opalina.
Opalina removes a wooden crate from in her eahnor-plated pack.
Opalina waves to Missoni.
Roelon grins at Jiarine.
Akenna nods to Missoni in greeting.
Missoni smiles at Falvicar.
Speaking to Lithyia, Dezter says, "Not that I'd ever be surprised."
Traiva flutters her wings at Opalina.
Akenna grins.
Dezter giggles.
Lithyia laughs!
Opalina pulls a translucent winter white glass bottle out of a wooden crate.
Lithyia waves her hand in a dismissive gesture.
Traiva flutters her wings at Roelon.
Teveriel greets, "Delegate Falvicar, I am pleased to see you made the journey."
Opalina put a wooden crate in her eahnor-plated pack.
Immianthe trails her fingers over the pavilion opening the seam with ease.
Missoni nods to Dezter in greeting.
Missoni waves to Roelon.
Dezter beams!
Dezter waves to Missoni.
With a graceful flutter of her hands, Immianthe sinks down in a formal curtsy.
Jiarine says, "It was frilly enough to impress the elves."
Teveriel nods in greeting at Roelon.
Jiarine touches one finger to her lips.
Speaking deeply to Jiarine, Roelon says, "Ah hae the gift with me yet still. It needs to be fitted ah bit."
Missoni nods to Lilanna in greeting.
Dezter exclaims, "We got us a pretty good lil crowd here!"
Roelon forcefully crosses one arm over his leather coat-of-plates and offers a formal bow.
Nueleth curtsies to Immianthe and takes her arm.
Speaking quietly to Dezter, Opalina says, "Which one is our host."
Aureliano nods politely at Immianthe.
Lithyia agrees with Dezter.
Roelon forcefully crosses one arm over his leather coat-of-plates and offers Traiva a formal bow.
Dezter giggles.
Dezter nods once at Opalina.
Opalina bites her lip.
Missoni nods sympathetically at Uniana.
Dezter nods to you.
Opalina turns to face you.
Opalina stands in front of you.
Aphaedra smiles at you.
Speaking to you, Dezter says, "Lord Arakhor...
You bow to Opalina.
Speaking quietly to Immianthe, Carew whispers aloud, "Should I go set up my music?"
Opalina offers you a translucent winter white glass bottle.
Speaking cordially to Immianthe, Aureliano says, "High Lady Wysaceran, I present our guests from Icemule.".
You say, "It is a pleasure to finally put a face to the name."
Speaking to you, Dezter says, "A super great friend of mine and ours, Opalina, and Falvicar."
Dezter smiles.
Speaking discreetly to Carew, Immianthe whispers aloud, "Yes, please do."
Carew inclines her head.
Opalina quietly says, "Thank you M'lord Kakoon for your invitation. Please accept this gift."
Immianthe smiles at Aureliano.
Carew just entered an expansive crimson silk pavilion framed in gilt-forged dragonstalks.
Speaking to you, Dezter confirms, "Somea the best people around."
Dezter nods.
Roelon adopts an agreeable expression.
Roelon forcefully crosses one arm over his leather coat-of-plates and offers you a formal bow.
(Aphaedra slides her arm through Jaydo's with a soft smile.)
Speaking politely to Aureliano, Immianthe says, "You are too kind."
Lithyia folds her hands.
Teveriel folds his hands behind his back.
Akenna cheerfully greets, "Good evening, everyone."
Aphaedra agrees with Dezter.
Lithyia smiles.
Speaking to Opalina, you ask, "Oh? Are we doing the gift exchange already?"
You smile.
Opalina quietly says, "It's from Falvicar's and My private reserve."
Teveriel smiles at Akenna.
Roelon blinks.
Opalina's offer to you has expired.
Teveriel nods almost imperceptibly.
Jaysehn smiles.
Aureliano briefly says, "Crimson Legion, take up positions outside the Pavilion entrance until further orders."
Opalina blushes sheepishly to herself.
Speaking to Opalina, Dezter says, "Opalina, now, mister Kakoon here...he's just about the most famous ranger you can find round these parts."
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "I thought maybe we could head inside before we start the proceedings. No need to stand out here in the cold."
Speaking brightly to Jaysehn, Teveriel greets, "Commodore, full glad you were able to join us."
Falvicar smiles at Opalina.
Speaking in Elven, Malinya says, "Yes, High Legionnaire."
Falvicar leans on Opalina, resting his hand upon her shoulder.
Speaking in Elven, Aerinson says, "Yes sir."
Lithyia waves to Jaysehn.
Opalina strides over to stand before Falvicar.
Dezter says, "And for good reason too."
Malinya marches back and forth, sharply turning at the end of each stride.
Lilanna's concentration shifts and becomes more focused as she slightly tilts an ear in a particular direction.
Dezter nods firmly.
Malinya turns sharply on her heel, reversing direction with military precision.
Speaking to Teveriel, Jaysehn says, "I am honored to be here. I wish I could have accomidated the passage, but the Eclipse cannot leave the Bay at the moment."
Opalina nods.
Malinya tilts her head up.
Aphaedra curtsies to Malinya.
Aphaedra curtsies to Aerinson.
Aerinson marches back and forth, sharply turning at the end of each stride.
Aureliano nods approvingly at Malinya.
Roelon nods slowly.
Jaysehn gives a quick nod and tips his hat to Lithyia.
Opalina joins Aureliano's group.
Lylia nods understandingly at Jaysehn.
Aureliano nods approvingly at Aerinson.
Speaking to Malinya, Aphaedra says, "Thank you both for your work tonight."
(Uniana looks on past Teveriel to offer a gracious nod of the head to Jaysehn and then draws closer to Akenna.)
Aphaedra smiles eaerin
Dezter agrees with Aphaedra.
Opalina quietly says, "As you wish."
Akenna smiles at Uniana.
Teveriel cocks his head at Jaysehn.
You notice Dendum moving stealthily into the area.
Malinya gazes confidently at her surroundings.
Falvicar smiles.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Teveriel asks, "Have things grown so dire?"
Dendum says, "Eh."
Speaking to Immianthe, Nueleth whispers aloud, "I hope the accommodations are to their liking."
Speaking to Jaysehn, Lylia says, "It is my most fervent hope that matters in Darkstone Bay are settled soon and that tranquil waters soon prevail."
Lithyia nods to Dendum in greeting.
Dendum joins Aureliano's group.
[Wyvern Plaza - 13920] (u14200006)
Broad, shallow stairs of alternating flint and slate lead down toward the river and up toward the top of the bluff. Terraced gardens line the sides of the stairways, their flowers and dwarf fruit trees exquisitely espaliered and cultivated. Between the two sets of stairs, a large plaza paved in checkerboard squares of flint and slate surrounds a sculptural fountain. Four curved benches, placed at the points of the compass, provide an opportunity to sit and watch elven society meander by. You also see a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, the web-draped Missoni disk, a yellow-eyed silvery lor mandrake sprouting snowball hydrangeas, a lazy wild deep black dog, a tiny angular lilac-point kitten, a sinuous bone white serpent, a white-chested black wolf, an expansive crimson silk pavilion framed in gilt-forged dragonstalks, a wooden barrel and a twisted stone doorframe.
Also here: Dendum, Lady Nueleth, Lady Akenna, Grand Lady Opalina, Jaydo, Grand Lord Falvicar, Lord Dezter, Lady Aphaedra, Roelon, Lilanna, Commodore Jaysehn, Squire Legionnaire Aerinson, Squire Legionnaire Malinya, High Legionnaire Aureliano, Miss Lissaya, Lady Uniana, High Lady Immianthe, Imperatrix Lylia, Missoni, Lord Xorus, Jiarine, Lord Teveriel, Chatelaine Traiva, Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry, Mistress Lithyia, Lord Thrassus
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest, northwest, up, down
Dezter flashes a toothy grin.
Speaking amusedly to Immianthe, Nueleth says, "Otherwise they may freeze out here."
Lithyia giggles to herself.
Teveriel nods gravely at Jaysehn.
You ask, "Shall we head inside then?"
Opalina smiles at Dezter.
You nod to the crimson silk pavilion.
Speaking in Elven, Jiarine adds, "As someone who has spent more time than is healthy in Icemule I assure you this is much better than they could expect there."
Dinner Begins -First Course-
[Dragonstalk Landing, Reception - ] (u14121200)
Gilt-threaded banners of crimson velvet decorate the walls of the pavilion, the stylized wyverns standing rampant above a fortress adorned in a row of rounded shields. A circular table of carved mahogany splits the center of the room, surrounded by high-backed chairs padded in leather, each one given equal space across the wood-planked floor. Spherical lanterns are scattered along braided ropes strapped across the ceiling, each piece caged in brilliant eahnor. You also see a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Obvious exits: out
High Lady Immianthe's group just arrived.
You say, "Shy crowd it seems."
Nueleth laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Immianthe says, "'Indeed."
Lithyia gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Dendum pushes the leather-strapped warg fur hood of his buckskin jacket onto his shoulders, glancing about his surroundings.
Jaysehn glances around the room..
Speaking discreetly to you, Immianthe whispers aloud, "We will fade into the background as you dine. You'll barely notice us."
Roelon deeply says, "Ah am curious to the menu mahself."
Lord Teveriel's group just arrived.
Missoni casually observes her surroundings.
Speaking to Immianthe, you say, "Thank you for all the help."
Lithyia grins at Roelon.
Lylia rests a gentle hand on Xorus's arm.
With a graceful movement of her hands, Immianthe lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before you.
Lithyia nods to Hazelnut in greeting.
Hazelnut slowly empties his lungs..
Lylia smiles at Hazelnut.
Opalina curtsies to Hazelnut.
Roelon deeply says, "Seems the kilts are comin' in like ah blizzard tonight."
Hazelnut exclaims, "Good evening!"
Roelon nods to Hazelnut in greeting.
Roelon grins at Falvicar.
Aphaedra grins.
Missoni smiles.
Missoni nods to Hazelnut in greeting.
Drawing her left leg behind her right, Teaberry briefly dips into a respectful curtsy before Hazelnut and bows her head.
Opalina quietly says, "Good evening."
You say, "Much nicer here inside where we have some finger food for folks to enjoy."
Uniana nods graciously at Hazelnut.
Jaydo gives Aphaedra a lingering kiss on each fingertip.
Traiva curtsies gracefully to Hazelnut.
Aphaedra gazes fondly at Jaydo.
Missoni blushes a nice shade of dark red.
Immianthe light moves about adjusting the lay of dishes, the seat, and makes small enough movements that she eventually seems to blend with the surroundings.
On the mahogany table:
Containers [2]: several vellum-labeled bottles of dark blackberry wine, a gilded ivory porcelain teapot encircled in crimson enamel dragonstalks
Special [1]: a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks
Total items: 3
Roelon surveys the area.
Dendum joins Aureliano's group.
You nod to the mahogany table.
Folding his left arm behind his back and dipping to one knee, Hazelnut bows respectfully to Teaberry and inclines his head.
Roelon gazes with interest at a carved mahogany table.
Falvicar nods to Hazelnut in greeting.
You light the glass lantern, and a small flame flares into existence, casting a dancing shadow along the ground.
Uniana carefully places her green silk backpack on the floor alongside her.
Teveriel clears his throat.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Teveriel says, "Master Hazelnut, I believe? Welcome to Ravelin."
Nueleth abruptly says, "I should see about preparing the main courses, please do let me know if anything seems amiss."
Teveriel inclines his head.
Teveriel folds his hands behind his back.
Opalina gulps.
Falvicar kisses Opalina on the hand for what seems like an eternity.
Speaking to Roelon, Aureliano admits, "More thoughtful minds than my own have prepared it. I am certain it will be excellent."
Speaking to Teveriel, Hazelnut says, "It's my pleasure. I do speak a little elven."
Dendum whispers something to Opalina.
Roelon nods at Aureliano.
Lithyia grins.
Speaking to Opalina, you ask, "Now then, are we waiting for anybody else or shall we kick off this little dinner?"
You peer out and see ...
[Wyvern Plaza - ] (u14121200)
Broad, shallow stairs of alternating flint and slate lead down toward the river and up toward the top of the bluff. Terraced gardens line the sides of the stairways, their flowers and dwarf fruit trees exquisitely espaliered and cultivated. Between the two sets of stairs, a large plaza paved in checkerboard squares of flint and slate surrounds a sculptural fountain. Four curved benches, placed at the points of the compass, provide an opportunity to sit and watch elven society meander by. You also see a resplendent obsidian black raven that is flying around, a yellow-eyed silvery lor mandrake sprouting snowball hydrangeas, a lazy wild deep black dog, a tiny angular lilac-point kitten, a sinuous bone white serpent, a white-chested black wolf, an expansive crimson silk pavilion framed in gilt-forged dragonstalks, a wooden barrel and a twisted stone doorframe.
Also here: Squire Legionnaire Aerinson, Squire Legionnaire Malinya
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest, northwest, up, down
Nueleth pulls a small notebook from her case and begins to flip through it, wandering away from the crowd.
Uniana nods politely.
Dezter raises an eyebrow in Hazelnut's direction.
Dezter flashes a wide grin.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Teveriel says, "Truly? What a pleasant surprise."
Aphaedra curtsies to Hazelnut.
Aphaedra curtsies to Teaberry.
Speaking to Dendum, Uniana greets, "Hello to you, Master Dendum."
Speaking deeply to Aureliano, Roelon says, "Far more skillful then mahself ah am sure. Ah am excited to indulge."
Dendum bows to Uniana.
Roelon nods to Dendum in greeting.
Aureliano nods respectfully at Roelon.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dezter says, "I was just lookin at that eat stud a yours."
Dezter nods at Hazelnut.
Missoni nods politely at Dendum.
Dendum nods at Roelon.
Aphaedra begins chuckling at Dezter!
Speaking to Dezter, Hazelnut asks, "Oh?"
Lithyia giggles at Traiva.
Dezter shrugs at Aphaedra.
Speaking to Dezter, Aphaedra says, "You and your love of piercings."
Speaking to Aphaedra, Dezter says, "It's really neat."
Dezter flashes a toothy grin.
Dezter nods enthusiastically!
Akenna nods at Jaysehn.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dezter says, "I do a lil bitta piercin myself."
Akenna smiles.
Lithyia smirks at Uniana.
Dendum nods at Missoni.
Speaking quietly to you, Opalina says, "Would appear to most are here .. others may be fashionably late."
Dezter says, "Well, myself...others."
Dezter shrugs.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dezter says, "Whatever I can get my hands on, really."
Jiarine folds her hands.
Dezter wiggles his eyebrows at Hazelnut.
You nod at Opalina.
Drawing her left leg behind her right, Teaberry briefly dips into a respectful curtsy before Aphaedra and bows her head.
Traiva gives a sidelong glance at Dezter.
Missoni agrees with Lylia.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aphaedra says, "As his sister I feel like he has chased me around with the awl a time or two."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dezter exclaims, "I'm Dez!"
You recite:
"Thank you for joining us this evening as we sit together and break bread. Many here probably think that we have gathered to talk politics, while I am sure that topic will almost certainly come up, I am a soldier at heart and have never had much interest in such things. I have invited everybody here to talk, talk about events in our homes, the weather, your parents, a chance for us to get to know each other a little better."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dezter says, "S'my sister, Apha..."
Dezter points at Aphaedra.
Speaking to Dezter, Hazelnut exclaims, "Hazelnut!"
Dezter giggles.
Aureliano turns an inquisitive ear toward you.
Hazelnut nods at Aphaedra.
Hazelnut shakes Dezter's hand enthusiastically.
Roelon grins.
Aphaedra smiles at Hazelnut.
Dezter nods respectfully.
Uniana folds her hands.
Lylia nods at Missoni.
Lissaya murmurs, "Oh please, not my parents."
Jaysehn smiles at you.
Jaydo smirks.
Jaydo nods once to you.
Lissaya shakes her head.
Speaking softly to Lissaya, Traiva says, "Then leave those to another time."
Jiarine amusedly asks, "Do you want the truth or the elven version of truth?"
Missoni smiles.
Dendum gazes at his reflection in the oak-framed mirror.
Speaking to Lissaya, you say, "See now that just begs the question of why that reaction."
You grin.
Traiva smiles faintly.
Roelon grins at Jiarine.
Lissaya clears her throat.
Uniana gently encourages, "And please, do partake in the first course while we wait for the others."
Akenna murmurs, "I rather like my father."
Aureliano casually glances out.
Uniana reaches out and touches a carved mahogany table.
Speaking in Elven to Teveriel, Hazelnut says, "I am pleased to be here. Thank you for sharing your cow with us."
Dezter glances at Aphaedra.
Dezter appears to be struggling to keep a straight face.
You recite:
"Now I expect that some of us will have differing opinions on our ideas. Just deciding the menu for this dinner was a challenge simply because each of us has different palates. But there is no reason for us to get nasty. If tensions rise and heads become heated, feel free to step away for a moment. We have a wonderful band and dance floor for such things if needed."
Speaking to Teveriel, Hazelnut asks, "Was that... mostly right?"
The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger..
Missoni nods appreciatively at Uniana.
Jaysehn smiles at Akenna.
Jiarine snickers to herself.
Dezter giggles at Hazelnut.
Aphaedra grins at Hazelnut.
(Traiva hides a giggle behind her hand.)
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dezter says, "That was SO good."
Xorus says, "Flawless."
Falvicar nods.
Hazelnut beams!
Dezter nods in agreement to you.
Lylia gazes admiringly at Hazelnut.
Missoni gazes in amusement at Hazelnut.
Lithyia folds her hands.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dendum inquires, "'Harder than giant?"
Traiva smiles warmly at Kakoon.
Aureliano nods approvingly at Hazelnut.
Jaydo grunts.
Speaking diplomatically to Hazelnut, Teveriel answers, "Mostly right, but the intentions were as crystal."
You recite:
"While I was just a soldier, I know that there are certain protocols that should be followed when dealing with politics. Last time Icemule visited our fortress they brought some beautiful gifts. As they were willing to make this trip a second time, I feel it only fair that we present gifts this time around"
Lithyia begins chuckling at Jaydo!
Akenna whispers something to Hazelnut.
Lithyia turns an inquisitive ear toward you.
You nod at Uniana.
Hazelnut blushes a soft pale rose shade at Akenna.
Speaking to Uniana, you ask, "If you would please Lady Anduin?"
Speaking quietly to Hazelnut, Aureliano compliments, "Your elven may be better than my common."
Teveriel smiles at Uniana.
Lithyia turns to face Uniana.
Missoni flashes a quick grin at Jaysehn.
Speaking quietly in Giantman to Dendum, Hazelnut says something you don't understand.
Jaysehn grins at Missoni.
Teveriel nods encouragingly.
Hazelnut grins at Aureliano.
Opalina gawks at Hazelnut.
Aphaedra gives Jaydo a lingering kiss on the hand.
Uniana clears her throat.
Dendum begins chortling at Hazelnut.
Jaysehn pours himself a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine.
Jaydo grins slowly at Hazelnut.
Uniana turns to face Falvicar.
Lissaya casually glances at Uniana.
Roelon grins.
Jaydo nods respectfully at Hazelnut.
Uniana removes a ribbon-tied grey parchment box from in the green silk backpack placed alongside her.
Jaysehn offers Akenna a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine.
Falvicar peers quizzically at Uniana.
Aphaedra smiles at Uniana.
Akenna smiles at Jaysehn.
Akenna accepts Jaysehn's blackberry wine.
Jaysehn pours himself a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine.
Thrassus pours himself a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine.
Lissaya pours herself a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine.
Missoni gazes thoughtfully at a carved mahogany table.
Missoni pours herself a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine.
Squire Legionnaire Malinya's group just came marching in.
Malinya turns sharply on her heel, reversing direction with military precision.
Aerinson marches back and forth, sharply turning at the end of each stride.
Falvicar tilts his head toward Uniana, examining her intently as the tip of one ear twitches briefly.
Thrassus takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Dendum pours himself a gilded teacup of bergamot-infused white tea.
Aerinson turns in a slow, precise circle, assessing his surroundings from every direction.
Aphaedra pours herself a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine.
Dendum sniffs at his bergamot tea.
Dezter wiggles his eyebrows.
Teveriel pours himself a gilded teacup of bergamot-infused white tea.
Speaking to Falvicar, Uniana says, "Each of these boxes contains gifts for the Delegates from local artisans. Aqilorn shoes crafted Lady Akenna Laeraun-Ranshai and jewelry of eahnor set by the Lady Lynaera Ariamiel."
Dezter says, "Whadda we got here..."
Aureliano nods approvingly at Malinya.
Malinya tilts her head up.
Uniana offers Falvicar a ribbon-tied grey parchment box.
Jaysehn smiles.
Dezter pours himself a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine.
Dendum takes a drink from his bergamot tea.
Jaysehn takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Jaysehn looks rather relaxed.
Hazelnut whispers something to Akenna.
Traiva pours herself a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine.
Lilanna pours herself a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine.
Falvicar nods.
Lithyia pours herself a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine.
Falvicar accepts Uniana's grey parchment box.
Uniana removes a ribbon-tied grey parchment box from in the green silk backpack placed alongside her.
Lissaya takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Uniana offers Falvicar a ribbon-tied grey parchment box.
Falvicar put a ribbon-tied grey parchment box in his night-hued silk cape.
Falvicar accepts Uniana's grey parchment box.
Speaking in Elven, Jiarine says, "Oh a shame... I was hoping to see a snake in a can instead."
Dendum nods with satisfaction.
Akenna grins at Hazelnut.
Falvicar put a ribbon-tied grey parchment box in his night-hued silk cape.
Dendum takes a drink from his bergamot tea.
Missoni takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Missoni looks rather relaxed.
Dezter sniffs at his blackberry wine.
Speaking to Jiarine, Aphaedra says, "At the afterparty."
Uniana removes a ribbon-tied grey parchment box from in the green silk backpack placed alongside her.
Aphaedra winks at Jiarine.
Uniana offers Falvicar a ribbon-tied grey parchment box.
Dezter wiggles his eyebrows at Aphaedra.
Falvicar accepts Uniana's grey parchment box.
Akenna laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Speaking in Elven, Jiarine says, "Now that just sounds dirty."
Falvicar put a ribbon-tied grey parchment box in his night-hued silk cape.
Uniana places a hand over her heart.
Dezter nods once.
Dezter takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Falvicar smiles at Uniana.
Dezter nods approvingly.
Traiva takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Lilanna takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Speaking to Uniana, Falvicar says, "Thank you very much. I shall see they get them."
Teveriel appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as he glances at Jiarine.
Speaking to Aphaedra, Dezter says, "Mm."
Jaydo begins chuckling at Jaysehn!.
Jaydo pours himself a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine.
Lithyia takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Jiarine smirks.
Uniana kindly says, "Additionally, the community has heard the plight of your people and have come together to craft warm clothing for the people of your town."
Opalina put a translucent winter white glass bottle on a carved mahogany table.
Roelon smiles.
Akenna takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Akenna looks rather relaxed.
Opalina takes a few steps to her left.
Opalina runs her hand over the leather chair.
Opalina gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Jaysehn takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Jaydo takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Jaydo looks rather relaxed.
Jaydo grunts.
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "They are very comfortable."
Lithyia glances at a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine in her hand.
Lithyia takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Teveriel takes a drink from his bergamot tea.
Uniana says, "And this was not just a Vaalorian effort, but rather the work of many who were so moved and wish to see your people healthy and prosperous."
Lithyia nods at Missoni.
Lithyia agrees with Missoni.
A tiny ember sparks into the air, yet quickly turns to harmless ash lost to an errant rush of air.
Speaking quietly to you, Opalina asks, "Oh are you waiting for me to sit?"
Opalina walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Jaydo grunts.
Uniana says, "We had donations from Lady Travia Verethundi, Missoni Sabretache, Lithiya Medeea, Ferghal Naer'shazbanon, Lady Missandai Brindlebrook, Lady Oirisu, and Lady Penelia."
Opalina quietly says, "Sorry I didn't realize I was holding everyone up. Please everyone sit."
Uniana picks up a cypress green silk backpack from alongside her.
Uniana offers Falvicar a cypress green silk backpack.
Speaking deeply to Aphaedra, Jaydo asks, "Shall we sit, love?"
Jiarine sighs loudly.
Lithyia smiles.
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "I was able to test them out last evening. Only fair others get the chance to sit and try them out."
Falvicar gibbers incoherently.
Speaking to Opalina, Falvicar says, "Darling..."
Jaydo appears less secure.
Jaydo begins to breathe less deeply.
Jiarine says, "Fine. If everyone wants to hear my comments they can."
Jiarine examines her fingernails.
Speaking to Opalina, Falvicar says, "I love you, but you need to hold this."
Roelon smirks.
Falvicar just handed Opalina some coins.
Falvicar accepts Uniana's green silk backpack.
Dezter walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating himself at the table.
Lilanna walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Opalina nods at Falvicar.
Dezter scoots over next to Opalina.
Dendum glances between Falvicar and Opalina.
Roelon grins at Falvicar.
Traiva walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Falvicar grins.
Aureliano glances between Opalina and Falvicar.
Traiva smooths the metallic fabric of her gown, and it glitters in the ambient light.
(Jaysehn gently pulls out a chair for Akenna to sit.)
Falvicar bows to Uniana.
Roelon grins slowly.
Akenna smiles at Jaysehn.
Jaysehn smiles at Akenna.
Akenna walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Speaking to Falvicar, Uniana concludes, "Lastly, you will find a stake of crates filled with goods suitable for long storage such as flour, root vegetables and salted meat direct from farmers from our countryside who were similarly moved."
Falvicar gazes in amusement at Roelon.
Speaking to Opalina, Aureliano asks, "May I take this seat next to you?"
Jaysehn sits down next to Akenna.
Uniana bows her head slightly toward Falvicar as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy before him.
Roelon chuckles.
Thrassus takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Teaberry just tried to pull a high-backed leather chair.
Lithyia walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Jaysehn takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Jaysehn looks rather relaxed.
Jaydo takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Teaberry walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Jaydo leans back.
Speaking to Uniana, Falvicar says, "Much obliged by thy generosity m'Lady Uniana."
Falvicar takes the edge of his night-hued silk cape and holds it out, as he bows low in a courtly fashion.
Akenna takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Akenna looks rather relaxed.
Uniana prays, "May you feel somewhat fortified for the weather ahead."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dendum remarks, "That will help with hunger problem."
Speaking quietly to Aureliano, Opalina says, "Im sorry sir, But that side is reserved for my husband unless he's being seated elsewhere."
Jiarine walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Traiva takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Speaking quietly to Dendum, Hazelnut says, "It will. Especially with our half-krolvin neighbors, we have a lot of mouths to feed this winter."
Roelon slowly empties his lungs.
Speaking to Opalina, Aureliano says, "Ah, I meant the seat next to the pair of you. I am sorry for the confusion."
Lithyia takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Roelon pulls the folds of his black woolen kilt more tightly around his waist.
Jaysehn nods at Hazelnut.
Roelon nods once.
Thrassus takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Roelon walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating himself at the table.
Missoni agrees with Traiva.
Lissaya glances around the room.
Lissaya walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Hazelnut walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating himself at the table.
Jiarine asks, "Can they not go hunting for seals amoung the ice flows?"
Uniana walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Lithyia glances at Traiva.
Missoni sits down next to a carved mahogany table.
Speaking quietly to Aureliano, Opalina says, "Please, "Gestures the seat next to Falvicar."
Lithyia smirks.
Lithyia takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Teveriel sits down next to Uniana.
Uniana says, "That does bring up a good point that my lord husband was curious about."
Aureliano sits down next to a carved mahogany table.
Uniana nods at Jiarine.
Lylia nods at Xorus.
Aureliano stands up.
Aureliano walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating himself at the table.
Uniana cocks her head at Falvicar.
Falvicar whispers something to Hazelnut.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Jaysehn says, "Hopefully the Crawling Shore can be reclaimed soon."
Lylia walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Falvicar blushes a crimson shade at Hazelnut.
Teveriel nods once at Uniana.
Speaking to Jiarine, Traiva counters, "Have they not been through enough? Why should those of us who prosper not share our good fortune?"
Lylia beckons Xorus toward her with a fancy flourish of the hand.
Thrassus walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating himself at the table.
Thrassus takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Thrassus looks rather relaxed.
Xorus sits down next to Lylia.
Missoni takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Lithyia nods at Traiva.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Jiarine says, "I have hunted bandits enough outside Icemule often enough. They have plenty of caribou and other beasts who would provide a lot of meat."
Uniana offers Opalina a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks.
Lissaya takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Akenna takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Falvicar nods at Hazelnut.
Thrassus takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Thrassus looks rather relaxed.
Malinya gazes confidently at her surroundings.
Jaysehn takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Opalina accepts Uniana's crimson glass plate.
Dezter appears to be struggling to keep a straight face.
Akenna lets out a long, contemplative breath.
Speaking to Opalina, Uniana wishes, "I hope you find it suitable."
Dezter takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Dezter looks rather relaxed.
Jaysehn glances at Akenna and quirks an eyebrow in her direction.
Teveriel asks, "I spent some time in Icemule at the turn of the century myself, and always found game plentiful. Has this winter truly been so harsh as to change that?"
Teveriel glances about with a look of concern on his face.
Akenna whispers something to Jaysehn.
Uniana turns to face Falvicar.
Jaysehn nods in agreement at Akenna.
Uniana offers Falvicar a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks.
Speaking to Jiarine, Hazelnut says, "Our town's population has swelled with the addition of the half-krolvin, who have taken up much of the work of hunting for game."
Speaking to Opalina, Dezter asks, "Looks pretty good, huh?"
Dezter flashes a wide grin.
Lylia smiles at Xorus.
Lilanna agrees with Hazelnut.
Falvicar accepts Uniana's crimson glass plate.
Opalina nods at Dezter.
Falvicar bows to Uniana.
Roelon nods slowly.
Teveriel looks thoughtfully at Hazelnut.
Dendum asks, "Game hunting is slower than accepting carts of flour though yes?"
Teveriel takes a drink from his bergamot tea.
Jiarine asks, "Then why are the they still starving?"
Hazelnut nods at Dendum.
Uniana offers Hazelnut a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks.
Falvicar smiles at Uniana.
Hazelnut accepts Uniana's crimson glass plate.
Hazelnut nods at Uniana.
Lithyia takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Speaking deeply to Hazelnut, Roelon says, "Ah wonderful addition they are. Though, aye, we must at least try to reclaim what they lost."
Lithyia folds her hands in her lap.
Uniana inclines her head.
Speaking quietly to Dezter, Opalina says, "It looks delicious."
Traiva takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Jaysehn nods at Roelon.
Jiarine says, "Several decent sized mammoth should provide food for some time."
Dezter beams happily at Opalina!
Speaking to Jiarine, Hazelnut says, "Things are spare, not absent."
Akenna says, "It must be very hard to hunt in the dead of winter... even if there is game. I know in the Wyrdeep, the snows would get so high you could barely scramble through them."
Teveriel points his bergamot tea at Jiarine.
Speaking to Opalina, Dezter says, "I'm so glad."
Speaking to Roelon, Jaysehn says, "You can count on the assistnce of the Order."
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Opalina takes a bite of the bread.
Speaking to Jiarine, Teveriel says, "My thoughts precisely."
You walk over and pull out a high-backed leather chair, seating yourself upon the leather cushion.
Akenna takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
You smile.
Missoni agrees with Akenna.
Roelon nods at Falvicar.
Jaysehn takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Roelon bows to Jaysehn.
Falvicar hugs Roelon.
Falvicar says, "Excuse us both for a moment."
Jiarine says, "Then maybe you should arrange for those who want to live there to go on a town hunt."
Dezter flashes a wide grin at you.
Falvicar bows to Uniana.
Jiarine makes a flicking motion with her wrist and a tiny fiery glow briefly appears in her hand.
Opalina gasps.
Teveriel takes a drink from his bergamot tea.
Falvicar kisses Opalina on the hand for what seems like an eternity.
Speaking to Akenna, Missoni says, "I expect one would not leave the safety of the hearth, if one did not need to."
Roelon stands up.
Falvicar nods once at Hazelnut.
Opalina wonderingly exclaims, "Oh!"
Jaysehn nods at Missoni.
Opalina beams happily at Dezter!
Speaking to Missoni, Akenna says, "Exactly."
Roelon heavily pounds both his fists against his chest and bows his head slightly.
Speaking to Jiarine, Hazelnut says, "You depended upon the largesse of Icemule Trace for quite some time. I would invite you to experience some empathy for its people."
Lithyia whispers something to Traiva.
Roelon joins Falvicar's group.
Lilanna says, "Not everyone is capable of hunting for themselves."
Speaking to Missoni, Jaysehn says, "The tragedy at the Crawling Shore has displaced many. At the worst time of year."
Motes of silvery light sparkle across Falvicar's skin, twinkling like stars, as he prepares a spell...
Falvicar gestures.
Falvicar's group is surrounded by a brilliant white light and vanishes!
Aphaedra sits down.
Missoni nods firmly at Jaysehn.
Jaysehn nods at Lilanna.
Dezter raises an eyebrow in Opalina's direction.
Opalina gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Lithyia glances at Jiarine.
Hazelnut nods at Jaysehn.
Traiva curiously muses, "Is it safe for them in the cold? Not everyone is able to withstand the harsh air around Icemule."
Speaking to Opalina, you ask, "I am not all that familiar with those that made the trip all the way here to Ta'Vaalor. I was hoping you might be able to educate me a little on who some of these people might be?"
Jiarine says, "I lack empathy for everyone. That is old news."
Jaydo pulls Aphaedra to her feet.
Lilanna asks, "How many caribou could you carry on your own shoulders down the mountain at one time?"
Aphaedra walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Opalina quietly says, "Well."
Jaydo walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating himself at the table.
Jaydo scoots over next to Aphaedra.
Aphaedra's cheeks flush with a soft shade of apricot.
Jaydo nods once.
Lithyia snickers.
Jaydo smirks.
Jaydo gives Aphaedra a lingering kiss on the cheek.
Lissaya chuckles.
Jaydo winks at Aphaedra.
Lissaya takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Speaking sympathetically to Jiarine, Akenna apologizes, "I feel pity for you."
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Opalina takes a bite of the bread.
Traiva whispers something to Lithyia.
Dezter says, "Just wait till she puts down a few."
Dezter giggles at Aphaedra.
Lithyia nods at Traiva.
Lithyia agrees with Traiva.
Aureliano nods politely at Uniana.
Jaysehn smiles quietly to himself.
Nueleth peeks back through the curtain, glancing at the untouched plates upon the table. "Please feel free to take a plate, the servers are more than capable of assisting you." She disappears back behind the velvet.
Jaydo rubs Aphaedra tenderly.
Traiva takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Traiva looks rather relaxed.
[People grabbing plates of food]
Akenna takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Akenna looks rather relaxed.
Aureliano politely comments, "We should certainly start eating before the food cools.."
[More food grabbing]
Uniana nods in agreement at Aureliano.
Dezter nods enthusiastically at Aureliano!
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Opalina takes a bite of the bread.
Missoni nods.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Teveriel takes a bite of the bread.
Missoni smiles.
Teaberry removes a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from on her crimson glass plate.
Teaberry takes a bite of her smoked salmon.
Opalina removes a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from on her crimson glass plate.
Jaysehn ponders.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Lithyia takes a bite of the bread.
Teaberry takes a bite of her smoked salmon.
Thrassus gazes thoughtfully at a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a carved mahogany table.
You put a wolf-capped haon cane inlaid with silver scrollwork in your cloak.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Akenna takes a bite of the bread.
Teaberry exclaims, "Mmmm!"
Lilanna takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Teaberry removes a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from on her crimson glass plate.
Traiva admiringly says, "These plates are quite beautiful, fine craftmanship."
Jaydo grunts.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from her crimson glass plate, Lissaya takes a bite of the salmon.
Akenna says, "Oh, this is lovely."
Jaydo nods appreciatively.
Teaberry takes a bite of her goat milk bread.
Jaydo nods in agreement at Akenna.
Teaberry takes a bite of her goat milk bread.
Jaysehn says, "Indeed, the food is so carefully done, I hesitate to disturb it."
Lylia nods appreciatively.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from his crimson glass plate, Aureliano takes a bite of the salmon.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Hazelnut takes a bite of the bread.
Teaberry takes a bite of her goat milk bread.
Dendum takes a drink from his bergamot tea.
Uniana comments, "The bread is a staple of Loenthran households and the cheese is from our local farms to the west."
Lylia offers Xorus a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks.
Xorus put a warped black rowan runestaff with twisted stygian sigils in his xenium-threaded backpack. As it leaves his hands, the illumination of its sigils slowly ebbs away.
Xorus accepts Lylia's crimson glass plate.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Lithyia takes a bite of the bread.
Lithyia pours herself a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Jaysehn takes a bite of the bread.
Speaking deeply to Akenna, Jaydo says, "They really did pore over these decisions, I assure you."
Falvicar turns toward Roelon and renders a sharp hand salute.
Lilanna takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Jaydo smirks at Aphaedra.
Lilanna takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Roelon dusts off his black woolen kilt.
Roelon walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating himself at the table.
Akenna smiles at Jaydo.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from her crimson glass plate, Traiva takes a bite of the salmon.
Jaydo takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Falvicar joins Aureliano's group.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from his crimson glass plate, Xorus takes a bite of the salmon.
Lilanna takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Lilanna looks rather relaxed.
Roelon joins Aureliano's group.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from her crimson glass plate, Lissaya takes a bite of the salmon.
Teaberry removes an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from on her crimson glass plate.
Teaberry takes a bite of her slice of flax bread.
Speaking to Uniana, Jaysehn asks, "You planned the menu, I presume?"
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Thrassus takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from her crimson glass plate, Missoni takes a bite of the salmon.
Teaberry takes a bite of her slice of flax bread.
Speaking to Jaydo, Akenna replies, "Of that I have no doubt, everything is very well done here always."
Teaberry takes a bite of her slice of flax bread.
Falvicar wraps Opalina in a tender embrace.
Hazelnut softly says, "For all those who are strong enough or wealthy enough to feed themselves well, there are two who cannot, for various means."
Dezter grins slowly at Jaysehn.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Uniana says, "It was a grand collaboration between a handful of us."
Traiva nods in agreement at Hazelnut.
Missoni remarks, "The salmon is delightful."
Jaysehn smiles at Uniana.
Lilanna removes a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from on her crimson glass plate.
Aureliano turns an inquisitive ear toward Hazelnut.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Akenna takes a bite of the bread.
Roelon nods slowly at Hazelnut.
Lilanna takes a bite of her goat milk bread.
Speaking to himself, Dendum says, ""Also hard to make a tart out of mammoth...."
Jaysehn says, "My compliments. It is fit for royalty."
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Thrassus takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from her crimson glass plate, Lithyia takes a bite of the salmon.
Lylia chuckles.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Jaysehn takes a bite of the bread.
Lylia removes a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from on her crimson glass plate.
Teveriel appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as he glances at Dendum.
Falvicar smiles at Opalina.
Lylia takes a bite of her goat milk bread.
Speaking emphatically to Hazelnut, Traiva says, "Very much so."
Dendum takes a drink from his bergamot tea.
Opalina takes a bite of her smoked salmon.
Lilanna takes a bite of her goat milk bread.
Hazelnut says, "I have found that a measure of a society is not in how it treats its greatest, but rather its meekest."
Aphaedra smiles.
Jaysehn nods at Hazelnut.
Lithyia turns an inquisitive ear toward Hazelnut.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from his crimson glass plate, Hazelnut takes a bite of the salmon.
Jaysehn says, "Well said."
Dezter nods in agreement at Hazelnut.
Teaberry nods at Hazelnut.
Speaking to Dendum, Teveriel says, "I have witnessed the variety of Icemule's tarts. The halflings will find a way."
Traiva surveys the area.
Lylia gazes with interest at Hazelnut.
Aphaedra leans on Jaysehn.
Lilanna agrees with Hazelnut.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dezter says, "Very well said."
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Lissaya takes a bite of the bread.
Aureliano nods thoughtfully at Hazelnut.
Jiarine asks, "Are meat tarts not a thing now?"
Dendum nods in agreement at Teveriel.
Lithyia gazes heavenward.
Lithyia takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Jaysehn takes a bite of the bread.
Lilanna takes a bite of her goat milk bread.
Opalina takes a bite of her smoked salmon.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from her crimson glass plate, Lithyia takes a bite of the bread.
Falvicar nods.
Falvicar smiles.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Xorus takes a bite of the bread.
Falvicar sits down next to Opalina.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Missoni takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Akenna takes a bite of the bread.
Lilanna removes a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from on her crimson glass plate.
Dezter says, "There's meat pies."
Traiva proposes, "What might you all think of me, now that I have means to support myself many times over, if I did not share this fortune with those who are barely on the edge of existence, as I once was near these very lands?"
Dezter grins weakly.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Thrassus takes a bite of the bread.
Traiva raises an eyebrow.
Roelon gazes with interest at a carved mahogany table.
Lilanna takes a bite of her smoked salmon.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from her crimson glass plate, Traiva takes a bite of the salmon.
Hazelnut nods at Traiva.
Missoni nods approvingly at Traiva.
Dendum takes a drink from his bergamot tea.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Lissaya takes a bite of the bread.
Uniana gazes fondly at Traiva.
Dezter takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Lilanna takes a bite of her smoked salmon.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from his crimson glass plate, Jaysehn takes a bite of the salmon.
Speaking to Teveriel, Hazelnut says, "I do not doubt that we will. But why would any society want to make things more difficult on those who have the least? That seems to be cruelty for cruelty's sakes."
Uniana pours herself a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine.
Akenna smiles at Traiva.
Lilanna smiles at Traiva.
Lylia nods at Thrassus.
Speaking to Traiva, Uniana praises, "Well said."
Lithyia agrees with Uniana.
Aphaedra gives Jaydo a lingering kiss on the hand.
Lithyia nods at Traiva.
Roelon agrees with Hazelnut.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from his crimson glass plate, Jaysehn takes a bite of the salmon.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from his crimson glass plate, Hazelnut takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from his crimson glass plate, Xorus takes a bite of the salmon.
Jaydo gazes fondly at Aphaedra.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Missoni takes a bite of the bread.
Roelon gazes with interest at the crimson glass plate in his hand.
You remove a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from on your crimson glass plate.
Lylia notes, "Some would say that circumstance can force a hardening and strengthening, tempering the steel of the entire community."
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from her crimson glass plate, Akenna takes a bite of the salmon.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from her crimson glass plate, Opalina takes a bite of the bread.
Lylia takes a bite of her goat milk bread.
You take a bite of your goat milk bread..
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Lissaya takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from his crimson glass plate, Thrassus takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Jaydo takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from her crimson glass plate, Lithyia takes a bite of the salmon.
Traiva idly remarks, "Certainly, I could have taken a stone and sharp stick into the forests to kill my own food..."
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from his crimson glass plate, Aureliano takes a bite of the salmon.
Falvicar removes a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from on his crimson glass plate.
Falvicar takes a bite of his smoked salmon.
Speaking to Lylia, Hazelnut says, "Ah, so it's being done with our best interests in mind."
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from his crimson glass plate, Dezter takes a bite of the salmon.
Uniana takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Falvicar smiles at Uniana.
Roelon removes a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from on his crimson glass plate.
Aphaedra takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Aphaedra looks rather relaxed.
Traiva emphatically says, "But I am ever grateful for the Elves and others who helped my people."
Jaysehn says, "Over tempered steel breaks on first impact, of course. Finding the balance is difficult."
Traiva takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Missoni takes a bite of the bread.
Lithyia nods at Traiva.
Roelon takes a bite of his goat milk bread.
Missoni smiles.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from his crimson glass plate, Thrassus takes a bite of the bread.
Roelon gazes with interest at the goat milk bread in his hand.
Roelon nods slowly.
Lylia nods at Jaysehn.
Akenna reasons, "It is good to be hardened, but having a community that shares in times of hardship and celebrates in times of bounty is the better option."
Falvicar nods at Roelon.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Lylia says, "Just so."
Traiva nods in agreement at Akenna.
Lithyia agrees with Akenna.
Jaysehn nods at Akenna.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from his crimson glass plate, Thrassus takes a bite of the bread.
Lissaya takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Lissaya looks rather relaxed.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Xorus takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from her crimson glass plate, Missoni takes a bite of the salmon.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Traiva takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from his crimson glass plate, Dezter takes a bite of the salmon.
Roelon takes a bite of his goat milk bread.
Uniana takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from her crimson glass plate, Opalina takes a bite of the bread.
Lylia says, "Perhaps it is not a matter of one or the other but of having a well-designed society that incorporates both a certain amount of...tempering, shall we say, and of ease."
Dezter comments, "Salmon's real good."
Roelon put a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold on his crimson glass plate.
Lithyia agrees with Dezter.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Teveriel says, "I believe you misunderstand me, Master Hazelnut. It is not my intention to impose difficulty on any society; I was merely remarking on Dendum's concern regarding the logistics of mammoth tarts."
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from his crimson glass plate, Roelon takes a bite of the salmon.
Traiva smiles at Dezter.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from his crimson glass plate, Thrassus takes a bite of the salmon.
Lylia lightly adds, "But of course this is all theoretical. I do not discuss anything meatier until the third course."
Roelon slowly empties his lungs.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Teveriel takes a bite of the bread.
Lilanna removes an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from on her crimson glass plate.
Hazelnut nods at Teveriel.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Hazelnut takes a bite of the bread.
Traiva begins chortling at Lylia.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Lithyia takes a bite of the bread.
Dezter snickers at Teveriel.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from his crimson glass plate, Jaysehn takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from her crimson glass plate, Lissaya takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from his crimson glass plate, Thrassus takes a bite of the salmon.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from her crimson glass plate, Missoni takes a bite of the bread.
Lilanna takes a bite of her slice of flax bread.
Malinya casually observes her surroundings.
Lylia says, "This is why it is 'the meat course,' after all."
Lylia nods knowingly at Traiva.
Lylia takes a bite of her goat milk bread.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Xorus takes a bite of the bread.
Lilanna takes a bite of her slice of flax bread.
Speaking lightly to Lylia, Traiva says, "You are, to use a phrase, rather more tempered than I am at times."
Traiva winks at Lylia and flashes a sly grin.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Jaydo takes a bite of the bread.
Lylia laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Jaydo grunts.
Dendum draws a gleaming crystal-tipped fork from one of the bearskin weapon loops secured with jade buttons sewn inside of his buckskin jacket.
Jaydo nods approvingly.
Opalina giggles at Lylia.
Falvicar takes a bite of his smoked salmon.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from his crimson glass plate, Jaysehn takes a bite of the bread.
Speaking knowingly to Lylia, Uniana says, "Until the third course, then."
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from her crimson glass plate, Traiva takes a bite of the bread.
Falvicar smiles.
Uniana takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Jaydo deeply mumbles, "Needs more meat."
Lilanna takes a bite of her slice of flax bread.
Lylia winks at Uniana.
Aphaedra grins at Jaydo.
Using his crystal-tipped fork, Dendum takes a bite of his smoked salmon.
Teveriel gazes in amusement at Jaydo.
Malinya tilts her head up.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from his crimson glass plate, Xorus takes a bite of the bread.
Speaking to Jaydo, Aphaedra says, "Next course, my love."
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from her crimson glass plate, Opalina takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from his crimson glass plate, Jaysehn takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from her crimson glass plate, Lithyia takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from his crimson glass plate, Hazelnut takes a bite of the salmon.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from her crimson glass plate, Lissaya takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from his crimson glass plate, Roelon takes a bite of the bread.
Jaydo nods slowly.
Jaydo glances at Aphaedra.
Speaking to Lylia, Missoni admits, "I often take far too much time on the fish course, I think."
Aphaedra takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Aphaedra smiles at Jaysehn.
Lilanna asks, "What should we do with our empty plates?"
Speaking deeply to Aphaedra, Jaydo whispers aloud, "The meat is only one course?"
Aphaedra gazes lovingly at Jaydo.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from her crimson glass plate, Akenna takes a bite of the salmon.
Lissaya's eyes glaze over as she stares, unfocused, into the distance.
Speaking to Uniana, Traiva says, "These breads and cheeses are a delight."
Aphaedra nods at Jaydo.
Speaking to Falvicar, you ask, "I have heard tell of thirsting dead around Icemule but have not had the misfortune of running into any yet. Are they a trouble dealing with?"
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from her crimson glass plate, Lithyia takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from her crimson glass plate, Missoni takes a bite of the bread.
Jaydo grunts.
Lithyia takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Traiva takes a bite of the bread.
Using his crystal-tipped fork, Dendum takes a bite of his smoked salmon.
Speaking to Jaydo, Aphaedra says, "It is a lot of meat to be fair."
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from her crimson glass plate, Lissaya takes a bite of the bread.
Aphaedra winks at Jaydo.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from her crimson glass plate, Akenna takes a bite of the bread.
Opalina put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a carved mahogany table.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from his crimson glass plate, Xorus takes a bite of the bread.
Jaydo flashes a wolfish grin.
Lissaya put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a carved mahogany table.
Teaberry put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a carved mahogany table.
Speaking to Missoni, Lylia says, "You may linger lovingly over the fish course when it produces results like your fishcakes."
Lady Aliashyrah just arrived.
Tikba just arrived.
Speaking to you, Falvicar says, "Some are and some aren't.. I've trouble with some that seem to be absorbing my spells."
Missoni's face lights up with joy for Lylia.
Tikba nods in greeting.
Traiva smiles at Tikba.
Lylia smiles at Tikba.
Lithyia glances at Aphaedra.
Dezter raises an eyebrow in Aliashyrah's direction.
Tikba flutters her wings at Traiva.
Lithyia smiles at Aphaedra.
Missoni smiles.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from her crimson glass plate, Akenna takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from his crimson glass plate, Roelon takes a bite of the salmon.
Missoni nods to Aliashyrah in greeting.
Aphaedra smiles at Lithyia
Speaking warmly to Tikba, Traiva says, "Kala Ylliras."
Dezter flashes a toothy grin.
Missoni nods to Tikba in greeting.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from his crimson glass plate, Xorus takes a bite of the bread.
Dezter waves to Aliashyrah.
Missoni traces a finger over her smooth stone. A small spark follows the path of her finger across the stone.
Speaking warmly to Traiva, Tikba says, "Kala ylliras."
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy. She inclines her head as well, giving a brief nod.
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Dezter. She inclines her head as well, giving Dezter a brief nod.
Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "You know who would adore that bread."
Aphaedra smiles at Aliashyrah.
Dezter stands up.
Speaking to Falvicar, you ask, "Absorbed when being cast at or do they absorb your protective spells?"
Teveriel stands up.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from her crimson glass plate, Akenna takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from her crimson glass plate, Missoni takes a bite of the bread.
Xorus nods at Lylia.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dezter exclaims, "Welcome!"
Falvicar ponders.
Aliashyrah says, "My apologies for the very late arrival. I was held up and then had some trouble locating this place."
With straightened posture and a firm chin, Teveriel presents himself to Aliashyrah with a short, courteous bow.
Lithyia smiles at Aliashyrah.
Speaking quietly in Aelotian to Tikba, Traiva says something you don't understand.
Lylia smiles at Aliashyrah.
Traiva clears her throat.
Uniana explains, "The gouda cheese is called Glimaerstone Gouda. Made from gak's milk, the cheese develops copious crystals in its brittle paste that lend a delightful crunch to its dry and flaky texture and inspired its lapidary namesake as noted by the Lady Elaejia Silithyr Loenthra."
Aphaedra takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dezter says, "We were just gettin started."
Tikba grins at Traiva.
Dezter flashes a toothy grin.
Hazelnut nods at Aliashyrah.
Aphaedra takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Aphaedra looks rather relaxed.
Dezter sits down.
Aphaedra takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Aphaedra looks rather relaxed.
Jaysehn smiles at Uniana.
Dezter takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Speaking to you, Falvicar says, "I believe they absorb what I cast though like the Rift.. spells alien to oneself does seem to falter."
Lylia nods appreciatively at Uniana.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Hazelnut says, "Please, there is an open seat by me."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Teveriel says, "There is no need for apologies. Please, join us."
Speaking deeply to you, Roelon says, "As one of our skill, it takes ah different approach to release them."
Uniana stands up.
Hazelnut beckons.
Speaking amusedly in Aelotian to Traiva, Tikba says something you don't understand.
Uniana bows her head slightly toward Aliashyrah as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy before her.
Aphaedra removes a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from on her crimson glass plate.
Aliashyrah smiles.
Aphaedra tries to eat her crimson glass plate.
Roelon bows to Aliashyrah.
Traiva laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Aliashyrah sits down next to Hazelnut.
You nod at Falvicar.
Aphaedra takes a bite of her goat milk bread.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "Very kind of you."
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Jaydo takes a bite of the bread.
Speaking to Tikba, Traiva says, "I can make some room next to me.."
Using his crystal-tipped fork, Dendum takes a bite of his goat milk bread.
Aliashyrah nods in greeting at Roelon.
Speaking to Roelon, you ask, "Oh? How so?"
Tikba smiles at Traiva.
Tikba walks toward Traiva.
Using his crystal-tipped fork, Dendum takes a bite of his slice of flax bread.
You take a bite of your goat milk bread. The piquant flavor of Vaaloran Gold melds into the peppery bread, the toasted spice tempering the richness alongside bits of fresh herbs..
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Traiva takes a bite of the bread.
Tikba walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Speaking deeply to you, Roelon says, "As Falvicar said, some kin dismiss our magic, or flee from our attacks only to return healed shortly after."
Aureliano whispers something to Hazelnut.
Teveriel nods approvingly at Tikba.
Pale amber light softly glows about the flickering flames of the glass lantern.
Teveriel smiles at Uniana.
Uniana walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Speaking to you, Falvicar says, "The longer one is within the place, the less likely you have the will to fight."
Jaysehn smiles at Akenna.
Missoni takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Akenna gazes thoughtfully at Jaysehn, a small smile crossing her lips.
Teveriel sits down next to Uniana.
Jaysehn stands up.
Speaking to you, Falvicar says, "You must not be there very longer."
Tikba smiles at Uniana.
You give your eyebrow a little workout.
Aureliano nods reassuringly at Hazelnut.
Speaking to you, Jiarine says, "There is nothing like chasing your weapon as it chases you."
Speaking to Falvicar, you ask, "Is there nothing that can help strengthen ones will to stay longer?"
Jaysehn says, "Please excuse me. I apologize for an early depature, but I have appointments at the docks I must meet."
Falvicar nods in agreement at Jiarine.
Speaking to Jiarine, Dezter says, "My weapon leads me most places."
Jaysehn whispers something to Akenna.
Her hand lowered, Missoni gives Jaysehn a subtle wave.
Aphaedra smiles at Jaysehn
Aureliano whispers something to Uniana.
Akenna places a gentle kiss on Jaysehn's lips.
Jaysehn places a gentle kiss on Akenna's lips.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Uniana wishes, "Fair Winds, Commodore."
Lilanna put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a carved mahogany table.
Teveriel nods understandingly at Jaysehn.
Speaking to Roelon, you say, "That sounds very similar to the Ithzir."
Speaking to you, Falvicar says, "Other than seek sanctuary and recover then go back and fight again."
Falvicar nods.
Tikba removes a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks from on a carved mahogany table.
Roelon nods slowly.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Aphaedra says, "Lovely to see you again, as always."
A servant politely appears, bows, and says, "Please feel free to leave your plates upon the table. We will clear them before the desert course and when you are on the patio."
Jaysehn gives a quick nod and tips his hat.
Dezter shrugs at Aphaedra.
Traiva flutters her wings at Jaysehn.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Lylia says, "Be well."
Tikba put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a carved mahogany table.
Commodore Jaysehn just went out.
Jaydo grunts.
Jaydo nods respectfully.
Aphaedra takes a bite of her goat milk bread.
Tikba put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a carved mahogany table.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Teveriel takes a bite of the bread.
Speaking deeply to Aphaedra, Jaydo says, "We will have to look him up sometime."
Aphaedra nods at Jaydo.
Tikba nods approvingly.
Aliashyrah gazes with interest at her surroundings.
Dildelgun just arrived.
Lylia smiles slightly and nods in acknowledgement to the servant before turning her attention back to her husband.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Lithyia put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a carved mahogany table.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Roelon takes a bite of the bread.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from her crimson glass plate, Traiva takes a bite of the bread.
Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "We shall have to tell her, of course."
Aliashyrah nods in greeting at Dildelgun.
Xorus put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a carved mahogany table.
Speaking to Jaydo, Aphaedra says, "I would love to talk to him about sailing."
Dildelgun waves to Aliashyrah.
Missoni takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Missoni looks rather relaxed.
Speaking quietly to Uniana, Tikba says, "Thank you for your kind letter and invitation. I have a few scarves that I prepared for your guests. I am sorry I was too late to have them here when they arrived."
Uniana looks over at Tikba and shakes her head.
Lylia removes an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from on her crimson glass plate.
Aphaedra takes a bite of her goat milk bread.
Lylia carefully placed a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a carved mahogany table.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from her crimson glass plate, Tikba takes a bite of the salmon.
Speaking to Falvicar, you say, "Have the thirsting dead raided Icemule at all? I can't imagine they would be satisfied just standing around waiting for victims to come to them."
Dildelgun hums a fancy little tune to himself.
Servants slip between the diners, silent as church mice and nimble as ghosts. They slowly collect spent plates and glasses.
Falvicar ponders.
Malinya whispers something to Aerinson.
Falvicar glances at Roelon.
Falvicar glances at Opalina and quirks an eyebrow in her direction.
Lylia takes a bite of her slice of flax bread.
Lilanna shudders.
Speaking cheerfully to Tikba, Uniana says, "Not at all too late, I am sure they are still willing to take them."
Dezter takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Dezter looks rather relaxed.
Lissaya takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Lissaya looks rather relaxed.
Tikba smiles at Uniana.
Akenna pours herself a gilded teacup of bergamot-infused white tea.
Dildelgun drools at a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks!
Falvicar says, "I don't recall them but I was sick for a bit."
Jiarine removes a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from on her crimson glass plate.
Lylia gazes in amusement at Xorus.
Aerinson smiles.
Falvicar asks, "Maybe one of you know?"
Akenna takes a tiny sip of her bergamot tea, warming her lips and making sure it's cool enough to drink.
Falvicar peers quizzically at Roelon.
Dildelgun removes a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from on his crimson glass plate.
Missoni takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Missoni looks rather relaxed.
Falvicar peers quizzically at Opalina.
Jiarine takes a bite of her goat milk bread.
Dildelgun gobbles down his smoked salmon in one enormous bite.
Tikba produces a knitted ham pink silk and magenta scarf from the depths of her white flyrsilk toqua.
Aerinson turns in a slow, precise circle, assessing his surroundings from every direction.
Opalina acts puzzled.
Dildelgun smacks his lips.
Aphaedra removes a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from on her crimson glass plate.
Malinya tilts her head up.
Aphaedra takes a bite of her smoked salmon.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Hazelnut takes a bite of the bread.
You take a bite of your goat milk bread.
That was the last of it!
Malinya casually observes her surroundings.
Speaking quietly to Falvicar, Opalina says, "Sorry dear I wasn't paying attention."
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from her crimson glass plate, Traiva takes a bite of the bread.
Jiarine looks at Dildelgun blankly, at a loss to express herself.
Missoni pours herself a gilded teacup of bergamot-infused white tea.
Speaking deeply to you, Roelon says, "The ones we encountered, nae, as far as ah know."
Dildelgun gives Jiarine a rather puzzled look.
Malinya sharply turns to the left and marches back and forth.
Dezter giggles at Opalina.
Jiarine stares down her nose, haughtily surveying the room.
Dezter just nudged Opalina.
Dildelgun removes a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from on his crimson glass plate.
Roelon deeply says, "They stay to their own."
Malinya takes a few steps to her left.
Opalina smiles at Dezter.
Lylia takes a bite of her slice of flax bread.
Dildelgun gobbles down a big bite of his goat milk bread.
Akenna takes a drink from her bergamot tea.
Lithyia takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Speaking to Roelon, you say, "Hopefully it stays that way. Nothing worse than having citizens disappearing in the middle of the night."
Jiarine blandly says, "Clearly that one is one of your starving townspeople."
Tikba nods understandingly at Uniana.
Aureliano glances askance between Malinya and Aerinson.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dendum remarks, ""Would the wards of Icemule work on this new type of undead thing?"
Lylia nods to you.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dezter exclaims, "Hope ya like what we picked out for ya!"
Malinya tilts her head up.
Malinya folds her hands behind her back.
Dezter smiles broadly.
Aerinson folds his hands behind his back.
Roelon nods to you.
Missoni takes a drink from her bergamot tea.
Hazelnut glances at Jiarine.
Speaking to Dezter, Aliashyrah says, "It is an impressive and delightful selection."
Malinya whispers something to Aerinson.
Speaking raspily to Jiarine, Dildelgun says, "The faster you eat, the faster you can get more."
Lylia takes a bite of her slice of flax bread.
Dildelgun nods at Jiarine.
Hazelnut surreptitiously rolls his eyes. Not *that* surreptitiously, though.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Aphaedra says, "I am so glad you could make it."
Dildelgun gobbles down his goat milk bread in one enormous bite.
You remove a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from on your crimson glass plate.
Traiva put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a carved mahogany table.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dezter exclaims, "And the food looks good too!"
You take a bite of your smoked salmon. The thin disk of red potato has been crisped to perfection, adding a nuance of flavor to the well-salted fish.
Dezter just nudged Aliashyrah.
Dezter flashes a toothy grin.
Speaking to Opalina, Falvicar says, "Ohh did they attack our town? I don't recall them doing so yet but I could be wrong."
Akenna clears her throat.
Akenna takes a drink from her bergamot tea.
Aureliano glances at Jiarine.
Lithyia raises an eyebrow.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dezter says, "I'm Dez."
Dezter coughs.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dezter says, "Dezter Aandryl."
Dezter nods once.
Speaking to Falvicar, Teveriel says, "A stroke of fortune, then."
Jiarine put a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold on her crimson glass plate.
Speaking politely to Dezter, Aliashyrah introduces, "I am Aliashyrah."
Speaking deeply to you, Roelon says, "Ah hope it stays that way. But ah like to prepare for such possibilities."
Speaking politely to Falvicar, Tikba says, "I have knitted a pair of scarves that I hope will keep you and Opalina warm in Icemule."
Teveriel says, "The High Legionnaire, my lady wife, and I ventured to this Moonsedge somewhat recently. To say they are formidable would be an understatement."
You agree with Roelon.
Dezter repeats, "Al-ee-a-shy-rah."
Dezter nods slowly.
Tikba shows Falvicar her silk scarf.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from his crimson glass plate, Hazelnut takes a bite of the bread.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dezter exclaims, "That's a real pretty name!"
Lithyia chuckles to herself.
Lithyia takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Lithyia looks rather relaxed.
Aureliano nods in agreement at Teveriel.
Speaking hesitantly to Teveriel, Hazelnut says, "Formidable is one way to put it."
Falvicar's eyes take on a glassy look as he appears to fall into a vivid daydream.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dezter says, "It's gonna get harder to say the more a this wine I drink."
Uniana takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
A pained expression crosses Missoni's face.
Akenna takes a drink from her bergamot tea.
Dezter pours himself a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine.
Aphaedra glances at Dezter.
Dezter nods once.
Lissaya appears to be struggling to keep a straight face.
Aphaedra takes a bite of her smoked salmon.
Dezter raises his blackberry wine in a toast!
Missoni takes a drink from her bergamot tea.
Malinya whispers something to Aerinson.
Dezter nods at Aliashyrah.
Speaking to Teveriel, Aureliano agrees, "The magicks there are surprisingly powerful. It has been a few years since I have seen comparable."
Tikba offers Falvicar a knitted ham pink silk and magenta scarf.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dezter says, "That's my sister Apha and her husband Jay."
Speaking to Dezter, Aliashyrah says, "Excellent pronunciation. A shortened version is acceptable, of course."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Traiva asks, "Does anyone ever shorten your name to Ali? Or Alia?"
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from his crimson glass plate, Roelon takes a bite of the bread.
Speaking to Opalina, you ask, "Do these thirsting dead pose the greatest threat to icemule at the moment?"
Jaydo smirks at Aliashyrah.
Jaydo nods at Aliashyrah.
Speaking grimly to Aureliano, Teveriel says, "An oppressive gloom."
Jiarine removes a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from on her crimson glass plate.
Dezter giggles.
Akenna takes a drink from her bergamot tea.
Jiarine takes a bite of her smoked salmon.
Dendum blinks at you.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dezter says, "I'll keep that in mind, thanks."
Speaking to Teveriel, Hazelnut says, "There is a palpable feeling of dread over the entire place and it is unkind to strangers, yes."
Lissaya smiles at Uniana.
Speaking quietly to you, Opalina says, "Undead pose a threat to everyone."
Uniana lets out a sigh of relief.
Akenna takes a drink from her bergamot tea.
Xorus whispers something to Lylia.
Hazelnut whispers something to Aliashyrah.
Akenna folds her hands in her lap.
Traiva pours herself a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from her crimson glass plate, Tikba takes a bite of the bread.
Dezter takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Dezter looks rather relaxed.
Traiva takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "A plague across most places but I have not seen any of these thirsting dead this far east yet."
Lissaya nods in agreement at Uniana.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from his crimson glass plate, Roelon takes a bite of the bread.
Jaydo smirks at Dezter.
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from his crimson glass plate, Jaydo takes a bite of the salmon.
Jiarine says, "I can see how the vampires could have an allure to them. To be youthful forever and all you need is blood to do it."
Lifting a sliver of smoked salmon upon a disk of roasted red potato from his crimson glass plate, Jaydo takes a bite of the salmon.
Dildelgun removes an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from on his crimson glass plate.
Missoni takes a drink from her bergamot tea.
Teveriel gives a sidelong glance at Jiarine.
Dildelgun gobbles down a big bite of his slice of flax bread.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Teveriel takes a drink from his bergamot tea.
Speaking quietly to you, Opalina says, "As for the Vampires at Moonsedge It seems to be thus far confined to the Manor."
Speaking understandingly to Opalina, Aureliano says, "Our House has seen the threat over the course of millenia."
Speaking to Jiarine, Dendum remarks, ""Hrmm yes one only needs to lose all sanity and take liking to dusty blood soaked kitchens."
A rhythmic *click-click-click* sound emanates from around Aphaedra.
Opalina agrees with Aureliano.
Akenna surreptitiously glances at Jiarine.
Aliashyrah smiles quietly to herself.
Speaking to Jiarine, Hazelnut says, "I'm sure there are all sorts of face paints and the like if that is a concern."
Hazelnut nods at Jiarine.
Jiarine says, "It is not my place to judge your mental state or lack of it."
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Dezter takes a bite of the bread.
Tikba gazes in amusement at Hazelnut.
Roelon grins.
Lithyia gazes heavenward.
Lithyia takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Lithyia looks rather relaxed.
Dildelgun gobbles down his slice of flax bread in one enormous bite.
Aphaedra smiles at Dezter.
Dezter slowly empties his lungs.
Dendum slips a gleaming crystal-tipped fork into one of the bearskin weapon loops secured with jade buttons sewn inside of his buckskin jacket.
Lithyia removes a translucent winter white glass bottle from on a carved mahogany table.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Dezter takes a bite of the bread.
Speaking quietly to you, Opalina says, "And as to the spread of such a sickness.. Only the one spreading it would have that knowledge and thus far we have not found the source."
Uniana smiles quietly to herself.
Teaberry says, "The prospect of being limited to nothing but blood forever is not a great one. I like food."
Aphaedra agrees with Teaberry.
Speaking quietly to Roelon, Opalina says, "Unless Rammael is that source."
Soothing light, cast from the glass lantern, glows softly, the merest hint of a wisp of smoke drifting along the flame's edges.
Lylia nods at Opalina.
Traiva whispers something to Tikba.
Dildelgun surreptitiously glances around the room.
You raise an eyebrow in Opalina's direction.
Lithyia put a translucent winter white glass bottle on a carved mahogany table.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Jiarine says, "Worry not. I will be sure to visit your grave as I will still be aging gracefully at that time."
Missoni takes a drink from her bergamot tea.
Dildelgun put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks in his ivory silk backpack.
Traiva takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Speaking to Teaberry, Aphaedra says, "A world without bread is not one I wish to be in."
Lylia gazes with interest at Opalina.
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "That is concerning."
Lithyia pours herself a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine.
Lissaya gets a blank look on her face.
Lithyia begins chuckling at Aphaedra!
Lilanna nods at Teaberry.
Tikba nods in agreement at Traiva.
Jaydo grunts.
Jaydo deeply says, "Or meat."
Speaking deeply to Opalina, Roelon says, "Perhaps, he seems to hae ah hand...or paw? in many things."
Teaberry nods at Aphaedra.
Jaydo nods at Aphaedra.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Aphaedra grins at Jaydo.
Teaberry nods at Jaydo.
Opalina adopts an agreeable expression.
Uniana stands up.
Speaking to Opalina, you ask, "Are there any theories that stand out as to what the source might be?"
Uniana walks toward Lithyia.
Speaking to Jiarine, Hazelnut says, "Well, best start now."
Speaking to Roelon, Missoni agrees, "As did Barlan Kane, I think."
Lylia says, "The name Rammael is one I have heard on many lips of late."
Lithyia smiles at Uniana.
Hazelnut flashes a wide grin.
Uniana glances between Lithyia and Traiva.
Dezter glances at Opalina.
Speaking to Jaydo, Aphaedra says, "You know I eat very little of it, but pastries? An eternity without cookies? No. I cannot."
Roelon nods at Missoni.
Lithyia takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Lithyia looks rather relaxed.
Dezter nods encouragingly at Opalina.
Speaking to Traiva, Aliashyrah says, "My apologies. My mind wandered. Yes, there are some who shorten it to Alia or Ash, and my mother prefered Shy."
Uniana whispers aloud, "Are you two planning to visit Ta'Illstim tomorrow?"
Tikba whispers something to Traiva.
Hazelnut glances at Lylia.
Jiarine asks, "Was that your best attempt at trying to rattle me?"
Jiarine smirks.
Jiarine takes a bite of her smoked salmon.
Lithyia says, "Perhaps."
Lithyia smiles.
Speaking to Lylia, you ask, "I have heard mention this name as well. Do you know more about them?"
Tikba looks thoughtfully at Lylia.
Dildelgun squints.
Jaydo smirks at Aphaedra.
Traiva smiles at Aliashyrah.
Aphaedra gives Jaydo a lingering kiss on the hand.
Dildelgun pours himself a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine.
Speaking deeply to Aphaedra, Jaydo says, "I will feed you pastries every day."
Speaking to Lylia, Hazelnut asks, "What of him?"
Dildelgun takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Traiva nods at Uniana.
Aureliano whispers something to Uniana.
Immianthe discreetly slips from the curtain and politely clears her throat.
Immianthe folds her hands.
Speaking quietly to Uniana, Traiva murmurs, "I am hoping to be there, yes."
Missoni takes a drink from her bergamot tea.
Speaking quietly to Hazelnut, Opalina asks, "Perhaps you have insight to that? does the Mayor have any insites as to where the illness stemmed from?"
Lissaya surreptitiously glances at Immianthe.
Speaking deeply to Aphaedra, Jaydo says, "I will fill my basket to the brim with all of the pastries."
Immianthe announces, "Your main course is ready on the patio."
Speaking deeply to Missoni, Roelon says, "Aye, ah searched his place top and bottom. He and his conjurors had their fingers over many things they shouldn't hae."
Speaking amusedly to Opalina, Aliashyrah says, "I suppose that would depend on who you ask."
Speaking to Jaydo, Aphaedra says, "And that is the secret to a happy life."
You smile at Immianthe.
Jaydo grunts.
Speaking to Immianthe, you say, "Thank you."
Dildelgun takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Dildelgun looks rather relaxed.
Opalina agrees with Aliashyrah.
Jaydo gazes lovingly at Aphaedra.
Akenna smiles.
With a graceful movement of her hands, Immianthe lowers her head and sinks into a formal curtsy before you.
Jaydo nods once.
High Lady Immianthe just went through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Aphaedra smiles immia
Hazelnut stands up.
Speaking thoughtfully to you, Tikba says, "They say that he is the Claw of Andelas."
Akenna stands up.
Lylia says, "Only obliquely. Word has to travel south to reach my ears in the Landing, but that name is one I have heard more frequently, and in connection with matters too bloody for table conversation."
Dezter stands up.
Tikba stands up.
Missoni agrees, "It is certainly a curious place."
Dezter nods.
You say, "If you head through the curtain and move north you will arrive on the patio."
Falvicar suddenly blinks and wakes up from his daydream.
Falvicar stretches.
Aphaedra stands up.
Lithyia stands up.
Speaking softly to Opalina, Hazelnut says, "I worry that the sickness was a transformation of sorts."
Speaking to Traiva, Uniana suggests, "Perhaps we should," glances over her shoulder to offer Aureliano a faint look before turning back to Lithyia and Traiva, "visit the bathhouse after. My hands could certainly use a soaking."
Roelon stands up.
Lylia stands up.
Dildelgun takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Lifting a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from his crimson glass plate, Dezter takes a bite of the bread.
Falvicar's concentration shifts and becomes more focused as he slightly tilts an ear in a particular direction.
Lylia fidgets and fusses with her voided velvet gown, making certain of the fit.
Lissaya stands up.
Falvicar stands up.
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from his crimson glass plate, Dezter takes a bite of the bread.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Uniana leans back.
Falvicar removes a slice of pepper-flecked goat milk bread covered in shredded Vaaloran Gold from on his crimson glass plate.
Dezter says, "Mm."
Falvicar takes a bite of his goat milk bread.
Traiva raises her voice in merry laughter.
Dezter nods once.
Lithyia smiles.
Hazelnut says, "Who knows how Barlan managed to transform his people, but whatever it was... it does not seem to be spreading."
Speaking to Tikba, you say, "I would be very interested in continuing this conversation."
Roelon nods slowly.
Falvicar ponders.
Thrassus stands up.
Tikba nods understandingly to you.
Jiarine put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a carved mahogany table.
Missoni stands up.
Aphaedra put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a carved mahogany table.
Jaydo smiles.
You stand back up.
Jaydo stands up.
Aureliano stands up.
Xorus nods slowly.
Lilanna stands up.
Hazelnut put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a carved mahogany table.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "Indeed, despite some who have ventured into that cursed place being bitten."
You put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a carved mahogany table.
Uniana takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Xorus stands up.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Missoni says, "And what a relief that is."
Jaydo gives Aphaedra a lingering kiss on the hand.
High Lady Immianthe just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
You take a bite of your smoked salmon. The smoky bite of dill-sprinkled salmon gives way to the crisp, roasted red potato, each infused with the taste of rich garlic butter.
That was the last of it!
Smiling to herself, Lithyia slides the fabric of her bliaut through her fingers.
Speaking deeply to Hazelnut, Roelon says, "If we do see it, we know they are movin' past their manor then."
Hazelnut nods at Aliashyrah.
Speaking quietly to Uniana, Traiva whispers aloud, "I am not one to turn down a relaxing visit to the baths."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "It would seem it requires a more in depth process."
Aphaedra gazes lovingly at Jaydo.
Traiva grins impishly.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Uniana nods eagerly at Traiva.
Falvicar nods at Roelon.
Uniana gives a sidelong glance at Thrassus.
Falvicar sits down next to Opalina.
Immianthe says, "Lady Carew Asta'laer will provide a background of music to your dinner."
Thrassus stretches.
Dildelgun takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Dildelgun looks rather relaxed.
Akenna folds her hands.
Lylia nods appreciatively at Immianthe.
Traiva stands up.
Speaking deeply to Opalina, Roelon says, "We best keep continue keepin' an eye over there."
Traiva gives the skirts of her gown a shake, and they settle into graceful folds.
Miss Lissaya just went through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Opalina agrees with Roelon.
You point at a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Hazelnut just went through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Jiarine stands up.
Jiarine just went through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Tikba just went through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Lilanna just went through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Lord Dezter just went through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Immianthe insistently says, "She awaits you, with your main course, on the patio."
Uniana walks toward Teveriel.
Dildelgun just went through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Chatelaine Traiva just went through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Opalina stands up.
Jaydo nods once.
Imperatrix Lylia's group just went through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Teveriel stands up.
Lady Aphaedra just went through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Jaydo smirks.
Dinner -Main Course
[Dragonstalk Landing, Gardens - ] (u14121201)
Tall curved arches of verdant foliage enclose the open air garden, the structures entwined with lanterns of gilded glass draped at various intervals across the soft grass. A square of mahogany planks sits in the middle of the garden, inlaid with a stylized eahnor wyvern framed in enamel dragonstalks. Placed behind a gilt-clawed table is a fortress-painted screen, the vellum revealing faint silhouettes of the band as they organize their instruments. You also see an elven bandleader and a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Also here: Lady Aphaedra, Roelon, Lord Xorus, Imperatrix Lylia, Chatelaine Traiva, Dildelgun, Lord Dezter, Tikba, Jiarine, Hazelnut
Obvious paths: north
Tikba just went north.
[Dragonstalk Landing, Patio - ] (u14121202)
Several crimson-draped tables are scattered across the wooden floor, surrounded by velvet-cushioned chairs perched upon wyvern-carved legs. A gilded chandelier of gently curved dragonstalks curls across the pole-centered ceiling radiating bolts of silk, its crystalline leaves casting glinting motes of light over the area as the fixture sways in the ambient breeze. Lattices of vine-worked greenery frame part of the open-air patio, decorated with hand-drawn sketchings of the fortress. You also see a gleaming gilded music stand with some stuff on it.
Also here: Tikba, Lilanna, Miss Lissaya, Carew
Obvious paths: south
Jiarine just arrived.
Jiarine just went south.
Lady Akenna just arrived.
You notice Roelon moving stealthily into the area.
Tikba's crimson glass plate vanishes into the depths of her white flyrsilk toqua.
Chatelaine Traiva just arrived.
You say, "This is what I have been waiting for, some of these dishes we planned had my mouth watering quite a bit."
Hazelnut just arrived.
Imperatrix Lylia's group just arrived.
Dildelgun just arrived.
You pull a brushed velvet chair out from beneath a gilded crimson-draped table and seat yourself, the chandelier above casting glinting constellations across your skin.
Hazelnut pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats himself, his profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Tikba pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats herself, her profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Jiarine just arrived.
Lord Thrassus just arrived.
Jaydo's group just arrived.
You say, "And what's even better, the chairs are even more comfortable."
Lissaya pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats herself, her profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
You chuckle.
You notice Roelon moving stealthily south.
Jaydo smiles.
Jaydo nods.
Carew searches through the sheets of music in her notebook until she finds the one she wanted. Carew pulls the sheet out of the stack and places it on top.
Lissaya appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as she glances at you.
Lord Dezter just arrived.
Lady Aliashyrah just arrived.
You notice Roelon moving stealthily into the area.
Lissaya agrees, "They are indeed."
Lylia pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats herself, her profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Dezter beams happily at Carew!
Dezter waves to Carew.
Traiva starts chortling at you!
Lord Teveriel's group just arrived.
Lilanna pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats herself, her profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Dezter pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats himself, his profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Grand Lady Opalina's group just arrived.
Roelon blinks.
Falvicar smiles.
Missoni flounces in amidst a diffuse cloud of prismatic glitter.
You notice Dendum moving stealthily into the area.
Jaydo smiles at Aphaedra.
Jaydo nods to a brushed velvet chair.
Speaking to Tikba, you ask, "Now then, claw of who now?"
Roelon pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats himself, his profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Speaking amusedly to you, Traiva says, "You seem to be a chair afficionado."
Mistress Lithyia just arrived.
Teveriel gazes admiringly at his surroundings.
Carew removes a traditional elven ballad sheet of music from in her colored music notebook.
Dildelgun removes an herb-dusted fillet of Mistydeep trout garnished in sauce of garlic butter from on his ecru porcelain plate.
Opalina pulls Falvicar closer to herself..
Speaking to Traiva, you say, "I have been waiting a long time to do nothing but sit on my backside."
Falvicar nods knowingly.
Carew put a brightly colored music notebook in her cloth-of-silver pelisse.
Dildelgun sniffs at his fillet of trout.
Aphaedra pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats herself, her profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Speaking to Tikba, Lylia asks, "Did I hear you say Claw of Andelas?"
Dildelgun takes a bite of his fillet of trout.
Aliashyrah pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats herself, her profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Traiva chortles softly at some secret joke.
Speaking to you, Tikba continues, "I can only say what I have heard. It is said Andelas has an avatar that does his bidding on Elanthia. They are called the Claw of Andelas."
Falvicar leans on Opalina, resting his hand upon her shoulder.
Tikba nods in agreement at Lylia.
Lithyia pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats herself, her profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Falvicar says, "Rammael."
Dendum taps something in a buckskin jacket with warg fur cuffs.
Falvicar nods knowingly at Lylia.
Roelon nods slowly.
Roelon slowly empties his lungs.
Dezter nods in agreement at Falvicar.
You give your eyebrow a little workout.
Thrassus smiles quietly to himself.
Traiva cocks her head at Lylia.
(Carew gazes across the assemblage before moving towards the gilded music stand. She absently moves a hand to her chest as is searching for something before quickly reaching for her instrument.)
(Teveriel makes his way to one of the tables and draws forth a chair, nodding for Uniana to sit.)
Dendum grabs a ko'nag spoon from a warg fur-lined pocket with wyrwood toggles inside of his buckskin jacket.
Lylia murmurs, "I see."
Tikba says, "It was said that Rammael was this avatar."
Carew removes a silvery mistwood flute encrusted with faceted firestones from on a gleaming gilded music stand.
Aphaedra smiles at Carew.
Dendum scoops some of his bowl of rabbit stew up with his spoon and takes a sip.
Speaking to Tikba, Hazelnut says, "Whether he is the Claw or just a pretender, he certainly had powers that set him apart from a run-of-the-mill murderer."
Uniana gazes thoughtfully at Teveriel, a small smile crossing her lips.
Akenna pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats herself, her profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Carew put a traditional elven ballad sheet of music on a gleaming gilded music stand.
Uniana pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats herself, her profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Speaking to Opalina, Dezter says, "That's the one you mentioned in your letter..."
Tikba nods understandingly at Hazelnut.
Thrassus pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats himself, his profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Roelon nods at Hazelnut.
Dildelgun gobbles down a big bite of his fillet of trout.
Dezter bites his lip.
Speaking to Falvicar, you say, "I suppose that is to be expected, our own High Priestess is an avatar of Goseana. If there is one avatar there are bound to be others."
Teveriel sits down next to Uniana.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "Or at least an extra flair and perhaps some help." Uniana draws a hand up to her collarbone, manicured nails grazing along her neck as she takes on a ruminative expression.
Dezter nods to you.
Hazelnut nods at Aliashyrah.
Roelon deeply says, "It is true, we only guess at this from what we hae seen."
Falvicar nods slowly to you.
Dendum scoops some of his bowl of rabbit stew up with his spoon and takes a sip.
Teveriel leans on Uniana, resting his hand upon her shoulder.
Carew slowly empties her lungs.
Dendum says, "We know this claw has one weakness."
You listen carefully to Dendum.
Aliashyrah raises an eyebrow in Dendum's direction.
Teveriel takes a moment to observe Dendum.
Dendum says, "Lack of patience..."
Dendum starts chortling.
Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry just arrived.
You smirk.
Dezter smirks.
Roelon grins at Dendum.
Tikba grins at Dendum.
Traiva paces to her left, moving in a circle around Tikba.
Dendum says, "Could have stayed making chaos for a long time."
Carew clearly says, "I present to you a traditional elven ballad. I'm sure many of you have heard it before."
Traiva pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats herself, her profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Teveriel takes a drink from his bergamot tea.
Tikba smiles at Traiva.
Carew nods once.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Hazelnut says, "The simplest answer is likely the truest: he is blessed by the Lord of Cats in some way."
Taking a deep breath, Carew begins to play long notes on her flute, slowly developing a melody.
Dendum scoops some of his bowl of rabbit stew up with his spoon and takes a sip.
Lithyia smiles at Carew.
Uniana pours herself a wyvern-etched glass of Vaaloran chablis.
Opalina turns an inquisitive ear toward Carew.
Lissaya turns an inquisitive ear toward Carew.
Uniana turns to face Carew.
Uniana takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Uniana looks rather relaxed.
Lithyia pours herself a wyvern-etched glass of Vaaloran chablis.
Tikba reticently smooths and straightens out the organza fabric of her surplice.
Lithyia sniffs at her Vaaloran chablis.
Lilanna nods slightly to the server standing nearby and he approaches, carefully removing a bowl from the table. He carefully ladles the rabbit stew into the bowl before handing it to Lilanna, bowing deeply as he returns to his spot.
Relaxation floods your limbs as you listen to the slow notes of Carew's composition.
Opalina quietly says, "Or the illusion of cats."
Lithyia takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Lithyia looks rather relaxed.
Lylia nods in agreement at Xorus.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "That would seem likely. However, he seems to have left our town for perhaps a more interesting playground."
Dildelgun gobbles down a big bite of his fillet of trout.
Dezter takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Dezter looks rather relaxed.
Hazelnut nods at Aliashyrah.
Opalina quietly says, "I was thinking more of a jackel myself."
Thrassus says, "It's never a good idea to take such folk lightly, I would say."
Traiva takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Dendum nods at Aliashyrah.
Roelon raises an eyebrow.
Hazelnut turns an inquisitive ear toward Carew.
Missoni furrows her brow.
Roelon nods.
Lilanna scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
The haunting beauty of Carew's song echoes in your mind in protracted phrases, ringing with heart-wrenching emotion.
Dezter nods at Opalina.
Aphaedra gives Jaydo a lingering kiss on the hand.
Traiva put a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Uniana takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Uniana looks rather relaxed.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Lylia asks, "Have you heard word of where he wandered, presuming he has?"
Xorus sits down next to Lylia.
Jaydo grunts.
Speaking to Dendum, Aliashyrah says, "I am not certain I can agree with you on that. The amount of patience and time he put into Icemule is very much in line with a hunter of Andelas. However, hunters may often get bored. It is likely that he has moved on."
Jaydo pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats himself, his profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Lilanna scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Aliashyrah looks over at Lylia and shakes her head.
Tikba takes a drink from her bowl of rabbit stew.
Jaydo scoots over next to Aphaedra.
Aphaedra smiles at Jaydo.
High Legionnaire Aureliano just arrived.
Jaydo put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Carew's rambling tune seems somehow happy and confused at the same time, tumbling along like a babbling brook.
Tikba's silk scarf vanishes into the depths of her white flyrsilk toqua.
Dildelgun gobbles down his fillet of trout in one enormous bite.
Speaking to Lylia, Aliashyrah says, "There are troubles enough in Icemule to worry about rather than attempting to track someone who does not wish to be tracked."
Aliashyrah smiles at Lylia.
Tikba scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Falvicar says, "His glowing eyes was very similar to the Sheruvian sign of the Dark Alliance with his glowing eyes if not exact. Sometimes I think it's a big coincidence but it is bringing back memories that I wish I could forget."
Roelon takes a drink from his bowl of rabbit stew.
Traiva scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dendum remarks, ""It is true it matters little if you are the prey that is killed if the cat gets bored after the meal and moves on...this is true."
Speaking to Tikba, you ask, "Does this Raemmel person make attacks on Icemule or do they do most of their work from the shadows?"
Uniana takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Roelon blinks.
Akenna gestures crisply and utters a practiced phrase as raw elemental energies issue forth from her dimly glowing eyes.
Akenna gestures.
Dildelgun removes a crisp vert purslane salad drizzled in lemon vinaigrette from on his ecru porcelain plate.
Hazelnut nods at Falvicar.
Aphaedra folds her hands in her lap.
Dildelgun gobbles down a big bite of his vert purslane salad.
Carew's fingers skip along the length of her flute in no particular predictable fashion, somehow still eliciting a lovely melody.
Missoni pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats herself, her profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Speaking to Falvicar, Hazelnut says, "No one wants a repeat of that mess."
Speaking deeply to Falvicar, Roelon says, "Ah hope nae... but if that's true..."
Falvicar nods in agreement.
Thrassus says, "In fact, I would suggest that good King Qualinor accelerate the construction of that keep at the end of the trail across the Dragonspine."
Thrassus nods once.
Lissaya pours herself a wyvern-etched glass of Vaaloran chablis.
Roelon agrees with Hazelnut.
Dildelgun gazes thoughtfully at his vert purslane salad.
A dreary melody drifts from Carew's flute as she plays, her eyes downcast and thoughtful.
Roelon slowly empties his lungs.
Speaking to Dezter, Aphaedra asks, "Have you tried the purslane?"
Roelon takes a drink from his bowl of rabbit stew.
Lylia nods in agreement at Thrassus.
Thrassus pours himself a wyvern-etched glass of Vaaloran chablis.
Akenna scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Aliashyrah folds her hands in her lap.
Aphaedra smiles sweetly at Dezter.
Hazelnut removes a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks from on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Lilanna scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Dezter asks, "Oooooooh...purslane?"
Dezter says, "I looove purslane."
Hazelnut pours himself a wyvern-etched glass of Vaaloran chablis.
Hazelnut takes a drink from his Vaaloran chablis.
Hazelnut looks rather relaxed.
Lilanna scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Dezter put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Dildelgun gobbles down a big bite of his vert purslane salad.
Traiva scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Lithyia takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Carew's dismal notes follow one after the other, each sadder than the last.
Falvicar removes an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from on his crimson glass plate.
Missoni scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Speaking to Thrassus, Lylia says, "I did not have an opportune time to wish Chamberlain Retassal success and speed with the building there. I wish I had taken the chance."
Uniana takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Uniana looks rather relaxed.
Akenna scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Speaking quietly to Thrassus, Opalina asks, "Constructing a keep?"
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dendum remarks, ""That one was the one cut by the garden shears as well eh?"
Falvicar ponders.
Lifting a crisp vert purslane salad drizzled in lemon vinaigrette from her ecru porcelain plate, Aphaedra takes a bite of the salad.
Thrassus nods at Opalina.
As Carew continues her somber melancholy, her flute's song flows like a quiet requiem, bringing its lament home to roost in your soul.
Teveriel pours himself a horn-handled stein of roasted coffee stout.
High Lady Immianthe just arrived.
Traiva scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Dezter removes a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks from on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Relaxation floods your limbs as you listen to the slow notes of Carew's composition.
Aliashyrah nods at Dendum.
On the crimson-draped table:
Containers [2]: a wyvern-stamped keg of roasted coffee stout, several vellum-labeled bottles of Vaaloran chablis
Food/Drink [1]: a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine
Special [5]: a dragonstalk-etched bowl of sherry-infused rabbit stew, an ecru porcelain plate inked with a banner-lofted fortress silhouette, a gilded porcelain plate centered with a crimson wyvern rampant, a curved aged gold spoon held by a crimson glass dragonstalk, a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk
Akenna asks, "I imagine you mean the the Elven settlement?"
Lylia nods understandingly at Aliashyrah.
Lilanna scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Akenna cocks her head at Thrassus.
Speaking to Dendum, Aliashyrah says, "So the stories go."
Lithyia gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Dildelgun gobbles down his vert purslane salad in one enormous bite.
Speaking to Opalina, Teveriel says, "Fortifying the elven village that lies at the edge of the Vipershroud."
Lylia nods at Akenna.
Thrassus nods at Akenna.
The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger.
Lilanna renews her songs.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dendum remarks, ""Then we know the avatar can bleed at least....."
Missoni scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
You pour yourself a horn-handled stein of roasted coffee stout.
Thrassus says, "The same."
Dildelgun belches.
Hazelnut says, "Thankfully, this so-called Claw of Andelas seemed to be acting alone."
Speaking to Dendum, Aliashyrah says, "That was before my time in Icemule."
Akenna nods once.
Lithyia begins chuckling at Dildelgun!
Dildelgun removes a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine from on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Lithyia takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Lithyia looks quite relaxed.
Speaking quietly to Thrassus, Opalina asks, "Is he moving?"
Lilanna scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Traiva scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Speaking to Akenna, Lylia says, "I do indeed."
The haunting beauty of Carew's song echoes in your mind in protracted phrases, ringing with heart-wrenching emotion.
Speaking to you, Tikba says, "I believe Hazelnut and the other delegates actually witnessed Rammael's work. For my part, I had heard he hunted some citizens. And, of course, he purloined a letter."
Falvicar nods understandingly at Uniana.
Hazelnut nods at Tikba.
Carew continues playing her flute.
Speaking to Opalina, Thrassus asks, "Moving?"
Traiva scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Dildelgun surreptitiously glances around the area.
Dildelgun put an ecru porcelain plate inked with a banner-lofted fortress silhouette in his ivory silk backpack.
Thrassus takes a drink from his Vaaloran chablis.
Thrassus looks rather relaxed.
Carew's fingers trip lightly along her flute. The joyous notes begotten by her talent and inspiration lift and swell, and all sorrows flee before them.
Jiarine says, "He carved them beautifully."
Lithyia begins chuckling at Dildelgun!
Lifting an herb-dusted fillet of Mistydeep trout garnished in sauce of garlic butter from her ecru porcelain plate, Aphaedra takes a bite of the trout.
Dildelgun takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Dendum scoops some of his bowl of rabbit stew up with his spoon and takes a sip.
Dildelgun hums a fancy little tune to himself.
Lithyia takes a drink from her blackberry wine.
Lithyia looks quite relaxed.
Dildelgun glances at Lithyia.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you ask, "Is there concern that being blessed by an arkati may draw followers to him?"
Traiva scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Dildelgun touches one finger to his lips.
Speaking to Lylia, Akenna says, "As long as they don't distrub the shrine to Jaston there."
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Lithyia smirks.
Lylia diplomatically says, "Misplaced letters...well, cats are always knocking something off a table or desk."
Lithyia shakes her head.
Falvicar takes a bite of his slice of flax bread.
Lithyia giggles to herself.
Speaking quietly to Thrassus, Opalina asks, "Well usually when someone builds a keep they live in it?"
Teveriel admits, "I have heard little enough regarding our own house's interest in the west since the conclusion of the Valley of Gold discussions."
Traiva put a curved aged gold spoon held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Nueleth arrives, rolling a velvet-draped cart into the room. "If you'd like to add your empty plates on this cart, please do so. There are quite a few choices and we wouldn't want to limit your hands." She curtsies and steps away.
Tikba appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as she glances at Lylia.
Opalina ponders.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Jaydo smirks.
Lithyia put a fluted glass of citrus-immersed blackberry wine on a velvet-draped cart of pale linden.
Missoni scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Carew blows expertly across her flute, drawing forth a merry, joyful trill.
A funereal mood permeates the area as Carew plays, the very air seeming to become still and reflective.
Lithyia takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Lithyia looks quite relaxed.
Immianthe discreetly fades into the background.
Dendum scoops some of his bowl of rabbit stew up with his spoon and takes a sip.
Akenna scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Falvicar whispers something to Opalina.
Tikba scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Aliashyrah playfully teases, "Ah yes, theft of documents is perhaps his most well known and far reaching crime."
Falvicar glances at Opalina and breaks out in a silly grin.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking to you, Hazelnut says, "Most assuredly. There are always some who will flock to evil's banners when they are raised."
You take a drink from your roasted coffee stout. Bitter and hoppy, the stout is balanced by the sweetness of the roasted malt. Notes of freshly ground coffee and black currant run through each sip, leaving the brew infused with a faint aftertaste of oak.
Speaking to Opalina, Thrassus says, "No, it would only be a defensive fortification securing the trail. That is all."
Opalina quietly asks, "If he isn't going to live there is he kicking out a child?"
Traiva pours herself a wyvern-etched glass of Vaaloran chablis.
Traiva takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Traiva looks rather relaxed.
Tikba looks thoughtfully at Hazelnut.
Roelon nods slowly.
Lithyia grins at Dildelgun.
As a trudging dirge groans from her flute, Carew's fingers move in precisely measured motion.
Dildelgun grins.
Missoni scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dendum remarks, ""Shame the murders are overshadowed by stolen letter."
Speaking to Teveriel, Lylia says, "Of course, it has only been a few brief years. I look forward to further developments, though."
The tune dances from Carew's flute in merry undulation, her fingers skillfully drawing music forth ever more quickly as the melody develops.
Dendum scoops some of his bowl of rabbit stew up with his spoon and takes a sip.
Jiarine asks, "Are they only evil because one does not agree with them?"
Falvicar nods in agreement at Dendum.
Dendum tucks a ko'nag spoon into a warg fur-lined pocket with wyrwood toggles inside of his buckskin jacket.
Lifting an herb-dusted fillet of Mistydeep trout garnished in sauce of garlic butter from her ecru porcelain plate, Aphaedra takes a bite of the trout.
Akenna scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you ask, "I'm guessing there have been attempts to track down and find this Raemmel person. Has there been any luck or rumors as to where they might be hiding?"
Speaking to Jiarine, Hazelnut says, "They are evil because they kill and torture people for sport."
Speaking quietly to Thrassus, Opalina asks, "So a home to military men then?"
Speaking to Dendum, Aliashyrah says, "The murders plagued our streets and hit to the heart of Icemule. The letter has stretched beyond the walls of our little <hamlet>"
Traiva carefully places her Vaaloran chablis on the ground alongside her.
Hazelnut looks over at you and shakes his head.
Lissaya takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Watching Carew's fingers makes you dizzier and dizzier as they flit over her flute!
Dezter nods at Hazelnut.
Dendum nods at Aliashyrah.
Carew's eyes fall closed as she loses herself in the beauty of each rhythmic note of her song.
You take a drink from your roasted coffee stout. The malty brew imparts the flavors of caramel and fig across the palate, leaving each sip of the stout to linger with an aftertaste of dark chocolate.
Speaking to Dendum, Aliashyrah says, "That is just the nature of politics. A life is only of value to those who know them when all is said and done."
Lissaya blinks at Carew.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dezter says, "That qualifies."
Lylia lightly says, "Ah, and I thought we would have to wait for the nuts before we got into the 'what is evil, really?' portion of the evening's discussion."
Lylia gazes in amusement at Jiarine.
Carew sways back and forth.
Thrassus nods at Opalina.
Akenna scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Dezter frowns at Aliashyrah.
Falvicar takes a bite of his slice of flax bread.
Missoni flashes a quick grin at Lylia.
Tikba reticently smooths and straightens out the organza fabric of her surplice.
Jiarine asks, "You are positive, without a doubt, that it was done for sport?"
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dezter says, "Well, that ain't true at all."
Speaking to you, Hazelnut says, "He seems to be able to move unfettered by the restraints of distance. Whether it is by magic or... I don't know, running very fast? It is unsettling."
Roelon takes a drink from his bowl of rabbit stew.
Missoni scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Long, drawn out notes emerge from Carew's flute, her breathing slow and even.
Thrassus takes a drink from his Vaaloran chablis.
Thrassus looks rather relaxed.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
You frown.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Xorus says, "Mixing the nuts into dishes without warning for allergies. This is the essence of evil."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Aphaedra says, "All life has meaning. We are all connected."
Speaking to Jiarine, Aliashyrah asks, "Do you have knowledge that would suggest it was not for sport?"
As Carew continues her ditty, the notes seem to twist and collide with one another recklessly, evoking a dizzy, bemused feeling.
Grand Lady Opalina just went south.
Lifting a crisp vert purslane salad drizzled in lemon vinaigrette from his ecru porcelain plate, Thrassus takes a bite of the salad.
Jiarine murmurs, "This is a fascinating topic to be spoken of over dinner. Bloody murder and whatnot."
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "That does complicate things."
Lylia says, "Sorcery allows us to move unfettered by distance, if we will it. It is not an insurmountable challenge."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dendum remarks, ""Still, this one claw was able to make Ta'vaalor act forgetting how the Paradis came to them in ancient times of need over one stolen letter....this required knowledge of Ta'vaalor as much as Icemule."
Speaking to Aphaedra, Aliashyrah says, "You are Apha, yes? I apologize, in the noise of the dinner I missed the first introduction."
Dildelgun takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Dildelgun looks quite relaxed.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Akenna scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Thrassus takes a drink from his Vaaloran chablis.
Thrassus looks rather relaxed.
Speaking to you, Hazelnut says, "Still, there is always a habit of overestimating one's foes. An elderly widow's gardening shears unmanned him for a bit, once."
Carew's melody wanders here and there like a drunken sailor, happy yet slightly distracted.
Lithyia takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Lithyia looks quite relaxed.
Jiarine blithely says, "I know many things."
Missoni scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Aphaedra nods at Aliashyrah.
Tikba asks, "Would it matter if he had an excellent reason?"
Roelon chuckles.
Dildelgun removes a curved aged gold spoon held by a crimson glass dragonstalk from on a gilded crimson-draped table.
The acute emotion induced by Carew's profound melody threatens to overflow its bounds as might a river swollen by a winter's thaw.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Akenna carefully placed a curved aged gold spoon held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on a velvet-draped cart of pale linden.
Dildelgun surreptitiously glances around the area.
Lylia blinks at Hazelnut.
Dildelgun put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk in his ivory silk backpack.
Dildelgun put a curved aged gold spoon held by a crimson glass dragonstalk in his ivory silk backpack.
Lissaya takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Grand Lady Opalina's group just arrived.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Aphaedra says, "Yes. I am Dezter's sister. A pleasure to meet you."
Opalina moves to Falvicar's side and they lace their fingers together.
Hazelnut grins at Lylia.
Speaking to Aphaedra, Aliashyrah asks, "Yes, life has value, as a priestess and one who often petitions on behalf of those who have died, I am very familiar with this. However, the movement of nations often overshadows any one life, yes?"
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dendum whispers aloud, "" was just a finger yes?"
Falvicar nuzzles his face against Opalina's.
Lylia flashes a quick grin at Hazelnut.
Carew's melody climbs and reaches, ever higher, the notes growing ever more intense.
Dezter put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Hazelnut nods at Dendum.
Dendum nods at Hazelnut.
Lissaya takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Lylia nods at Aliashyrah.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Teveriel nods slightly to the server standing nearby and he approaches, carefully removing a bowl from the table. He carefully ladles the rabbit stew into the bowl before handing it to Teveriel, bowing deeply as he returns to his spot.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Dezter slowly empties his lungs.
You feel a lump rising in your throat unbidden as the tide of Carew's exquisitely wrought music washes over you.
Speaking to Lylia, Missoni says, "Apparently one does not underestimate a Butterfur."
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Speaking politely to Aliashyrah, Tikba asks, "What is a nation, except many single lives?"
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Aphaedra says, "This is true. I think the best nations are those that keep the smallest of their citizens in mind before making decisions, however."
Speaking politely to Jiarine, Aureliano says, "Perhaps we could focus on the theme of friendship tonight and lean away from the more controversial statements?" He glances between Jiarine and the Icemule delegates, "Since so many are guests here, after all."
Nalver put a ki-lin horn in his pearlescent boots.
Nalver put a chunk of pale blue ice stone in his elesine cloak.
Dildelgun idly says, "Yep. Evil is bad. Good is good."
Aphaedra agrees with Tikba.
Nalver just closed a pair of pearlescent silk boots tied with veniom-laced cords.
The beauty and ferocity of Carew's melodic skill with her flute leave you stricken, unable to speak for a brief moment as you struggle to control your emotions.
Nalver removes a set of anemone-carved pale driftwood chopsticks from in his elesine cloak.
Dildelgun removes a curved aged gold spoon held by a crimson glass dragonstalk from on a velvet-draped cart of pale linden.
Lithyia begins chuckling at Dildelgun!
Aliashyrah nods at Tikba.
Traiva put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her ecru porcelain plate.
Dildelgun put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk in his ivory silk backpack.
Dildelgun put a curved aged gold spoon held by a crimson glass dragonstalk in his ivory silk backpack.
Nalver asks, "May I join you all?"
Aliashyrah smiles at Aphaedra.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Lylia says, "Just so -- when leading a nation, or even a town, one must consider the grander tapestry of history, not simply one errant thread."
Roelon grins.
Dildelgun hums a fancy little tune to himself.
Roelon takes a drink from his bowl of rabbit stew.
Traiva picks up a wyvern-etched glass of Vaaloran chablis from alongside her.
Aphaedra smiles at Nalver.
Lithyia begins chuckling at Dildelgun!
Lilanna nods to Nalver in greeting.
Lithyia shakes her head.
Speaking to Nalver, Aphaedra exclaims, "Please!"
Uniana nods at Nalver.
Lifting a crisp vert purslane salad drizzled in lemon vinaigrette from his ecru porcelain plate, Thrassus takes a bite of the salad.
Tikba looks thoughtfully at Lylia.
Lithyia takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Lithyia looks quite relaxed.
Traiva takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Traiva looks rather relaxed.
Lithyia nods to Nalver in greeting.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dezter says, "I see your point."
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Lylia nods in agreement at Missoni.
Uniana stands up.
Dezter nods once.
Speaking to Lylia, Hazelnut says, "He attacked a widow named Meglin Butterfur and she was fortunate enough to injure him during their struggle. I think it must have shocked him to the point that he did not move openly for several weeks."
Uniana walks toward Nalver.
Traiva carefully places her Vaaloran chablis on the ground alongside her.
The intensity of Carew's song deepens, reaching to touch your soul, as it climbs toward its climax.
Speaking quietly to Nalver, Opalina says, "They were discussing many things Rammael being one of them."
Speaking to Nalver, Uniana encourages, "Please, come join us."
Traiva removes a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk from on her ecru porcelain plate.
Nalver asks, "I do not know how formal this is. Excuse my attire. Do I need to be announced?"
Missoni put a curved aged gold spoon held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her ecru porcelain plate.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Lylia smiles at Nalver.
Lilanna just tried to pick up a gilded porcelain plate centered with a crimson wyvern rampant with both hands full.
Aliashyrah says, "Indeed. That is what I have kept in mind when being chosen as a delegate. To speak for the smallest voices that may not be able to travel and speak for themselves, or could easily be drowned out by louder, stronger, more fortified voices."
Speaking quietly to Lylia, Opalina exclaims, "She took off his finger!"
Lord Vandryl just arrived.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Speaking raspily to Hazelnut, Dildelgun asks, "Maybe she's a god too, eh?"
Vandryl grins.
Aliashyrah smiles quietly to herself.
Vandryl coughs.
Speaking discreetly to Nalver, Uniana assures, "You are welcome as you are, please have a seat."
Lithyia waves to Vandryl.
Speaking to Nalver, Dendum remarks, ""Ahh surely such white pants are fancy enough yes?"
Teaberry removes a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks from on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Lissaya takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Carew's melody climbs and reaches, ever higher, the notes growing ever more intense.
Lithyia points at a brushed velvet chair.
Nalver pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats himself, his profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Vandryl sits down next to Lithyia.
The quiet flow of the music seems restful, and Carew's face is serene as her flute's delicate tune floats past.
Falvicar nods at Opalina.
Lithyia smiles at Vandryl.
Jiarine dismissively says, "Oh... of course. My mistake. Please carry one and act like everything is just fine."
Speaking quietly to Dildelgun, Opalina says, "Absolutely a heroine."
Aphaedra smiles at Vandryl.
Speaking vaguely to Lylia, Hazelnut says, "But that is always the way of great evils, is it not? They are undone by small things they deem to be beneath their notice."
Lifting a crisp vert purslane salad drizzled in lemon vinaigrette from his ecru porcelain plate, Thrassus takes a bite of the salad.
Uniana nods appreciatively at Lithyia.
Lithyia says, "Hello Vandryl."
Vandryl smooches Lithyia on the cheek.
Aphaedra winks at Vandryl.
Dildelgun nods at Opalina.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dezter says, "That's real inspiring to hear."
Aureliano nods in agreement at Jiarine.
Dezter grins slowly.
Akenna lets out a long, contemplative breath.
Vandryl snaps to attention and crisply strikes his chest with a closed fist in a display of respect to Dezter.
With quiet grace, Carew allows her flute's melody to drop off, ever softer, until there is nothing but the intense silence left in its wake.
Dezter beams happily at Vandryl!
Falvicar takes a bite of his slice of flax bread.
Dezter stands up.
Vandryl winks at Dezter.
Dezter hugs Vandryl.
Vandryl flashes an evil grin. The tips of his sharp-tipped fangs are clearly visible, protruding from beneath his upper lip.
Teaberry removes an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from on her crimson glass plate.
Tikba mildly says, "I have seen many people do many things. I have looked for nations, but I have not seen them."
Dendum carefully plucks a ghostly white lotus free of his kelyn vasculum.
Vandryl stands up.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Vandryl gives Dezter a friendly hug.
Teaberry takes a bite of her slice of flax bread.
Vandryl gives Aphaedra a friendly hug.
Teaberry takes a bite of her slice of flax bread.
Jiarine says, "Excuse me. I really do have better things to do."
Lifting an herb-dusted fillet of Mistydeep trout garnished in sauce of garlic butter from his ecru porcelain plate, Dildelgun takes a bite of the trout.
Jiarine just went south.
Roelon takes a drink from his bowl of rabbit stew..
Lissaya takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Speaking to Vandryl, Dezter says, "Uncle Van! As I live and friggin breath."
Nalver picks up a piece of the vert purslane salad with his pale driftwood chopsticks, lifts the salad from his ecru porcelain plate, and brings it to his mouth.
Teaberry put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Roelon glances south.
Speaking amusedly to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "I have always found the fact that the only injury catalogued against Rammael was executed by a widow with garden sheers."
Speaking politely to Hazelnut, Lylia counters, "Ah, but then we get into the tangled thicket of the nature of evil once again -- and here it is not yet the right course for such a matter."
Hazelnut glances south.
Vandryl nods at Dezter.
Dezter hugs Vandryl.
Carew says, "That was a song about love lost, then found, then lost again...then found again..."
Roelon takes a drink from his bowl of rabbit stew.
Lylia smiles.
Lithyia says, "Well..wasnt she a peach."
Vandryl says, "Lithy DEMANDED my presence."
Lithyia snickers.
Speaking to Vandryl, Dezter says, "Good to see ya, Unk."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah teases, "Perhaps we should arm the guards with a set each."
Vandryl winks at Dezter.
Dezter flashes a toothy grin.
Lithyia nods at Vandryl.
Aphaedra nods at Vandryl.
Nalver smiles chop
Lithyia says, "I did."
Nalver coughs.
Dezter cackles!
Lithyia says, "I see I got what i wanted."
Roelon grins at Aliashyrah.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Carew quickly says, "Something to which many of us can relate."
Dezter nods at Lithyia.
Lithyia smirks.
Lissaya applauds Carew politely.
Dendum asks, "Eh...where did she go?"
Speaking to Vandryl, Aphaedra asks, "Lithy, you say?"
Speaking deeply to Aliashyrah, Roelon says, "Special trainin' perhaps."
Speaking in Aelotian, Traiva quietly mutters something you don't understand.
Speaking to Lithyia, Dezter says, "Well done, Lithy."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Using her aged gold fork, Lylia takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Vandryl leans on Lithyia, giving her a companionable grin.
Dildelgun snickers at Aliashyrah.
Teveriel wryly says, "Ever the consummate diplomat, Jiarine."
Aphaedra grins at Vandryl.
Tikba grins at Carew.
Speaking softly to herself, Akenna murmurs, "By the Drake and all my ancestors...some people."
Lithyia smirks at Dezter.
Vandryl winks at Aphaedra.
Dildelgun removes an herb-dusted fillet of Mistydeep trout garnished in sauce of garlic butter from on his ecru porcelain plate.
Aliashyrah appears less secure.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Thrassus says, "There would be a rather easy solution to that for them... pay attention to everything."
Opalina gazes at her reflection in the ruby red mirror.
Dildelgun gobbles down a big bite of his fillet of trout.
Dezter grins.
Thrassus snickers.
Traiva gives a sidelong glance at Teveriel.
Jaydo smirks.
Falvicar kisses Opalina on the hand for what seems like an eternity.
Lithyia asks, "Does it matter where she went?"
Lithyia shrugs.
Jaydo nods knowingly at Aphaedra.
Lylia nods at Thrassus.
Thrassus takes a drink from his Vaaloran chablis.
Lithyia takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Lithyia looks quite relaxed.
(Aureliano walks over and stands besides the Lord and Lady Anduin.)
Traiva clears her throat.
Tikba grins wryly at Traiva.
Vandryl looks thoughtfully at Jaydo.
Hazelnut idly says, "No doubt she ran out of bitter asides and needed to go look up more in her book."
Aureliano joins Teveriel's group.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Uniana turns to face Aureliano.
Carew removes a traditional elven ballad sheet of music from on a gleaming gilded music stand.
Speaking to Lithyia, Dendum says, ""Well got her flower to remind her of home."
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Carew put a traditional elven ballad sheet of music in her cloth-of-silver pelisse.
Dendum taps a ghostly white lotus, which is in his right hand.
Aphaedra winks at Vandryl.
Vandryl smirks at Aphaedra.
Aliashyrah laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from Hazelnut.
Traiva laughs!
Speaking to Lithyia, Dendum says, ""Sometimes being away from home will make one grumpy."
Teveriel nods in greeting at Aureliano.
Vandryl winks at Aphaedra, tossing his head and striking a pose.
Uniana pleasantly says, "Lord Tiberius."
Aphaedra giggles at Vandryl.
Traiva clears her throat.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "It would seem yours are still in plentiful supply."
Uniana leans forward.
Aliashyrah smirks at Hazelnut.
Lilanna begins chuckling at Hazelnut!
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Vandryl tugs at a few of the folds of his blue leather pants, shifting uncomfortably.
Carew put a silvery mistwood flute encrusted with faceted firestones on a gleaming gilded music stand.
Speaking to Thrassus, Lylia says, "It is precisely the way of it, yes."
Vandryl smirks at Aphaedra.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Hazelnut says, "I memorize."
Thrassus grins at Lylia.
Lithyia says, "Sometimes one is just grumpy because they are unpleasant."
Dildelgun gobbles down a big bite of his fillet of trout.
Vandryl snuggles up to Lithyia, resting his head on her shoulder.
Lithyia shrugs.
Carew removes a brightly colored music notebook from in her cloth-of-silver pelisse.
Lithyia snickers.
Dendum places his white lotus into his kelyn vasculum, then gathers a piece of chalk from inside the container. With a quick flourish, he notes the foraged item with a few strokes of chalk before placing the writing instrument back into the vasculum.
Aliashyrah nods approvingly at Hazelnut.
Speaking lightly in Aelotian to Traiva, Tikba says something you don't understand.
Lithyia giggles at Vandryl.
Speaking to Vandryl, Dezter says, "Either way, welcome back."
Vandryl yawns.
Dezter grins.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Speaking to Lithyia, Dendum remarks, ""This is also true sometimes."
Roelon grins.
Lithyia nods at Dendum.
Vandryl says, "The chronomages suck the life right out of me."
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Speaking to Vandryl, Dezter says, "You gotta stay at least a few days this time."
Vandryl sighs at Dendum.
A look of concentration briefly passes across Opalina's face.
Lifting a crisp vert purslane salad drizzled in lemon vinaigrette from his ecru porcelain plate, Roelon takes a bite of the salad.
Dezter snickers.
Carew rummages through a brightly colored music notebook but it's clear she hasn't a clue if what she is looking for is there.
Lithyia laughs at Aphaedra!
Vandryl nods at Dezter.
Dezter nods understandingly.
Speaking wryly in Aelotian to Tikba, Traiva says something you don't understand.
Carew removes some hastily scribbled music from in her colored music notebook.
Aphaedra grins at Lithyia.
Using her aged gold fork, Lylia takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Lithyia pours herself a wyvern-etched glass of Vaaloran chablis.
Traiva slowly empties her lungs.
Tikba grins at Traiva.
Speaking to Vandryl, Dezter says, "C'mon, sit down, there's fancy food."
Dildelgun gobbles down his fillet of trout in one enormous bite.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Lifting a crisp vert purslane salad drizzled in lemon vinaigrette from his ecru porcelain plate, Thrassus takes a bite of the salad.
Dezter pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats himself, his profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Vandryl sits down next to Lithyia.
Speaking to Dildelgun, Aliashyrah says, "Her actions would seem more than just a mild tempered widow would be able to do. I have had the chance to speak to her and there is an intelligence and fierceness to her that she hides under layers of frumpy clothing."
You take a drink from your roasted coffee stout.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Speaking to Dezter, Aphaedra says, "Now now... We do not know what his plans, or Lithyia's, are."
Traiva whispers something to Lithyia.
Vandryl nods at Dezter.
Carew says, "Ah, this one is one I learned on a trip to Icemule Trace. I do hope it's appropriate."
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Carew put a brightly colored music notebook in her cloth-of-silver pelisse.
Lithyia grins at Traiva.
Carew removes a silvery mistwood flute encrusted with faceted firestones from on a gleaming gilded music stand.
Dildelgun nods at Aliashyrah.
Lithyia gazes up into the heavens.
Thrassus takes a drink from his Vaaloran chablis.
Thrassus looks rather relaxed.
Traiva shakes her head at Lithyia and clucks her tongue.
Lithyia takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Lithyia looks quite relaxed.
Vandryl says, "I try to plan nothing these days."
Carew put some hastily scribbled music on a gleaming gilded music stand.
Vandryl winks at Aphaedra.
Aphaedra smiles like a cat who found cream.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Aureliano nods faintly.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Speaking raspily to Aliashyrah, Dildelgun says, "She's a weirdo. Always thought so."
Speaking to Aphaedra, Dezter says, "I don't care, he's comin over to see the library at least."
Carew says, "I hate to jot it down quickly."
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Carew chuckles.
Nalver picks up a piece of the vert purslane salad with his pale driftwood chopsticks, lifts the salad from his ecru porcelain plate, and brings it to his mouth.
(Uniana favors Aureliano with a brief though gentle gaze.)
Lylia says, "I daresay many old widow women are underestimated, being seen as the rump state of the nation that was once their marriage -- yet they are often the very foundations of it."
With a mischievous glint in her eye, Carew lifts her flute to her lips and lights into a jaunty little number!
Vandryl snickers at Aphaedra.
Dildelgun removes a crisp vert purslane salad drizzled in lemon vinaigrette from on his ecru porcelain plate.
Nalver whispers something to Dendum.
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his vert purslane salad.
Aliashyrah flushes slightly, some color reaching her cheeks.
Dildelgun surreptitiously glances around the area.
Lylia says, "It does not surprise me in the slightest that her aim was true."
Missoni gazes fondly at an herb-dusted fillet of Mistydeep trout garnished in sauce of garlic butter on an ecru porcelain plate inked with a banner-lofted fortress silhouette.
Lylia nods once.
Tikba nods thoughtfully at Lylia.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Carew sways back and forth.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Dildelgun put a crisp vert purslane salad drizzled in lemon vinaigrette on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Dildelgun put an ecru porcelain plate inked with a banner-lofted fortress silhouette in his ivory silk backpack.
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Vandryl says, "Have some things...from my travels, for the store while im in town."
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his vert purslane salad.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Vandryl winks at Aphaedra.
Carew pulls a gleaming gilded music stand a bit nearer as she squints at some hastily scribbled music.
Nalver picks up a piece of the fillet of trout with his pale driftwood chopsticks, lifts the trout from his ecru porcelain plate, and brings it to his mouth.
Squire Legionnaire Aerinson's group just arrived.
Carew's adventurous composition trips along from her flute briskly and merrily, its notes veritably dancing.
Speaking to Lylia, Hazelnut says, "She also keeps a bowl of the most exquisite candies at home."
Nalver blinks.
Hazelnut nods at Lylia.
Speaking lightly to Vandryl, Traiva says, "It does not do to plan too much. We never know what the next day brings."
Aerinson marches back and forth, sharply turning at the end of each stride.
Lithyia nods at Traiva.
The buoyant melody raises your spirits, and with a glint in her eye, Carew takes the mood even higher.
Lifting a crisp vert purslane salad drizzled in lemon vinaigrette from his ecru porcelain plate, Roelon takes a bite of the salad.
Speaking to Lylia, Hazelnut says, "Interviewing her was a pleasure."
Lylia nods knowingly at Hazelnut.
Aerinson turns in a slow, precise circle, assessing his surroundings from every direction.
Speaking to Lylia, Aliashyrah says, "I do not believe any in Icemule will ever make that mistake with Widow Butterfer any longer."
Lissaya nods encouragingly at Carew.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Lithyia says, "Yes, I have learned to...not plan..."
Speaking proudly to Missoni, Uniana informs, "Caught from our beloved river."
Lithyia chuckles.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Malinya marches back and forth, sharply turning at the end of each stride.
Vandryl nods at Lithyia.
Malinya turns sharply on her heel, reversing direction with military precision.
Speaking to Lylia, Nalver asks, "Hae you tried the new bug candies that are all the rage?"
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Lylia nods in agreement at Aliashyrah.
Aerinson folds his hands behind his back.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Hazelnut takes a drink from his Vaaloran chablis.
Hazelnut looks rather relaxed.
Aphaedra manages to take a bite of a crisp vert purslane salad drizzled in lemon vinaigrette, which is on a gilded crimson- draped table.
Lithyia says, "Because...I'm always thrown for a loop."
Lithyia snickers.
Tikba scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Lithyia takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Lithyia looks quite relaxed.
Dendum exclaims, "Warrior Butterfer!"
Watching Carew's fingers makes you dizzier and dizzier as they flit over her flute!
Dendum raises his fist defiantly.
Speaking to Uniana, Missoni says, "Oh, I was just about to ask if it was sourced locally. It is a dream."
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Speaking to Lithyia, Vandryl says, "Better to let the whim take me."
Lifting an angular slice of flax bread crowned with a layer of gouda cheese from his crimson glass plate, Hazelnut takes a bite of the bread.
Vandryl winks at Lithyia.
Missoni nods appreciatively at Uniana.
Vandryl leans on Lithyia, giving her a companionable grin.
Lithyia nods at Vandryl.
Speaking interestedly to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah asks, "Is there a copy of that intereview kept in the archives?"
Lithyia giggles.
Speaking to Nalver, Lylia says, "No, but chocolate-dipped crickets were a favorite of mine as a child."
Lylia smiles.
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Nalver coughs.
Teveriel takes a drink from his roasted coffee stout.
Teveriel looks rather relaxed.
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his fillet of trout.
Uniana remarks, "And it goes so well with the chablis. Lady Bayvel's father wrote about this very same blend."
Uniana tilts her Vaaloran chablis side to side, making the light play off it.
Lifting an herb-dusted fillet of Mistydeep trout garnished in sauce of garlic butter from his ecru porcelain plate, Hazelnut takes a bite of the trout.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
The tune dances from Carew's flute in merry undulation, her fingers skillfully drawing music forth ever more quickly as the melody develops.
(Carew taps her foot to the music, leaning down and playing her flute with a fury.)
Traiva put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her ecru porcelain plate.
Nalver asks, "Has anyone seen these new eating implements that the Erithi are so found of?"
Speaking to Lylia, Aphaedra exclaims, "That sounds interesting. I'd love to try those!"
Traiva picks up a wyvern-etched glass of Vaaloran chablis from alongside her.
Vandryl pours himself a horn-handled stein of roasted coffee stout.
A quick and agile tune floats from Carew's flute as her fingers skip lightly along its length.
(Nalver indicates his chopsticks.)
Missoni declares, "Then I must pair them."
Lylia says, "Spiced crickets are a more traditional delight, but chocolate is a popular confection in New Ta'Faendryl just as it is everywhere else."
Lylia chuckles.
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Speaking to Nalver, Traiva says, "When you used yours a few moments ago."
Speaking in Elven to Uniana, Teveriel asks, "A suitable vintage to keep by the firepit?"
Dezter repeats, "Sha-blee."
Lylia nods at Aphaedra.
Dezter takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Dezter looks rather relaxed.
Traiva takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Nalver picks up a piece of the vert purslane salad with his pale driftwood chopsticks, lifts the salad from his ecru porcelain plate, and brings it to his mouth.
Lithyia leans softly against Vandryl.
Carew's nimble fingers fly across her flute, the notes of her song almost, but not quite, running together.
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Speaking raspily to Nalver, Dildelgun asks, "You mean them fancy food stabbers?"
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Speaking to Lylia, Aphaedra asks, "What flavors do the Faendryl prefer, my lady?"
Falvicar carefully placed a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Vandryl raises his roasted coffee stout in a toast!
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "It seems there are quite a few troubles with Icemule as of late. From avatars blessed by arkati to thirsting dead and from my understanding during the Lord Chamberlain this trade deal that Briarmoon Cove set up. Perhaps one of two things might be a coincidence but so many bad things I would think Icemule may be cursed or something else is behind it all."
Dildelgun tilts his aged gold fork side to side, making the light play off it.
The dashing, jaunty song spins and dances as Carew nimbly plays her flute.
Speaking in Elven, Vandryl says, "To Family and the friends you hold even dearer."
Lithyia grins at Dildelgun.
Nalver says, "They are interesting to get used to, but I am good at being delicate, yet firm, with my fingers."
Aliashyrah raises an eyebrow in your direction.
Aphaedra smiles at Vandryl.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Aphaedra nods at Vandryl.
Dildelgun surreptitiously glances around the area.
Vandryl raises his roasted coffee stout in a toast!
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his fillet of trout.
Dildelgun put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk in his ivory silk backpack.
Lifting an herb-dusted fillet of Mistydeep trout garnished in sauce of garlic butter from his ecru porcelain plate, Roelon takes a bite of the trout.
Lithyia begins chuckling at Dildelgun!
Dildelgun grins.
Vandryl takes a drink from his roasted coffee stout.
Vandryl looks rather relaxed.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Vandryl takes a drink from his roasted coffee stout.
Lithyia takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Lithyia looks quite relaxed.
Vandryl takes a drink from his roasted coffee stout.
Opalina ponders.
Carew's lively tune rushes heedlessly along, bringing spontaneous smiles to the lips of those who hear.
Vandryl takes a drink from his roasted coffee stout.
Vandryl looks rather relaxed.
Vandryl takes a drink from his roasted coffee stout.
Vandryl takes a drink from his roasted coffee stout.
Vandryl takes a drink from his roasted coffee stout.
Speaking to you, Aliashyrah asks, "That is a rather harsh appraisal of our town. Cursed?"
Aureliano glances south.
Vandryl lets out a cheer!
Aliashyrah chuckles to herself.
Dendum glances at you.
Speaking discreetly to Aureliano, Immianthe asks, "Commander, do you have a moment?"
Teaberry put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her ecru porcelain plate.
Speaking to you, Dezter asks, "All due respect, maybe the question of the hour is what we can do to help?"
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Falvicar ponders.
Carew's tune invokes a mischievous bent of long-forgotten laughter, delightful memories that bubble to the surface as the notes effervesce in the air around you.
Aureliano nods politely at Immianthe.
Traiva whispers something to Vandryl.
Aphaedra agrees with Dezter.
Speaking to Immianthe, Aureliano says, "Certainly."
Speaking to Teveriel, Uniana murmurs, "We do have the rest of the counterparts readily at hand between the trout and garlic butter."
Roelon surveys the area.
Speaking to Aphaedra, Lylia says, "It is like asking what the Elves eat, I fear -- tastes as broad as the Southron Wastes are wide, although certainly the most traditional dishes feature local flora and fauna."
Vandryl nods at Traiva.
Aureliano joins Immianthe's group.
Uniana takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Vandryl winks.
Lifting an herb-dusted fillet of Mistydeep trout garnished in sauce of garlic butter from his ecru porcelain plate, Roelon takes a bite of the trout.
Teveriel takes a drink from his roasted coffee stout.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Lithyia turns to face Vandryl.
Speaking to you, Dendum reminds, "Long has the Icemule stood at the gates of darkness and kept them at bay, small though it is."
Lithyia grins at Vandryl.
Traiva whispers something to Vandryl.
Immianthe says, "Please do pardon us, no need to rise."
Aphaedra smiles at Lylia.
Lithyia takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Lithyia looks quite relaxed.
Traiva appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Immianthe smiles politely to those around.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Traiva carefully places her Vaaloran chablis on the ground alongside her.
High Lady Immianthe's group just went south.
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his fillet of trout.
Tikba surreptitiously glances south.
The dashing, jaunty song spins and dances as Carew nimbly plays her flute.
Lithyia whispers something to Vandryl.
Using her aged gold fork, Lylia takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Traiva removes a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk from on her ecru porcelain plate.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Carew's tune invokes a mischievous bent of long-forgotten laughter, delightful memories that bubble to the surface as the notes effervesce in the air around you.
(Akenna pushes her food around the plate with her fork, her face blank.)
Lithyia smirks at Vandryl.
Dezter glances at Dendum.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
The vivacious, lively song tumbles over itself as Carew's flute emits notes strung into joyous measures and phrases.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Lithyia glances at Traiva.
Teveriel carefully places his roasted coffee stout on the ground alongside him.
Lithyia raises an eyebrow in Traiva's direction.
Missoni put an ecru porcelain plate inked with a banner-lofted fortress silhouette on a velvet-draped cart of pale linden.
Teveriel takes a drink from his bowl of rabbit stew.
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his fillet of trout.
Lylia notes, "Seafood is a more modern evolution in Faendryl cuisine, broadly speaking."
Traiva looks at Lithyia and hums.
Tikba scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Vandryl blinks at Lithyia.
Lithyia snickers.
Vandryl smirks at Lithyia.
Lithyia takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Lithyia looks quite relaxed.
Speaking worriedly to Akenna, Uniana whispers aloud, "Did you find a bone?"
Speaking to Lylia, Aphaedra says, "That makes incredible sense. I would love to visit New Ta'Faendryl and try some traditional cuisine there."
Missoni pours herself a wyvern-etched glass of Vaaloran chablis.
Dildelgun scoops some of his bowl of rabbit stew up with his spoon and takes a sip.
Teveriel put a curved aged gold spoon held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Teveriel cocks his head at Falvicar.
Lifting an herb-dusted fillet of Mistydeep trout garnished in sauce of garlic butter from her ecru porcelain plate, Aphaedra takes a bite of the trout.
The buoyant melody raises your spirits, and with a glint in her eye, Carew takes the mood even higher.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Dildelgun smacks his lips.
The tune dances from Carew's flute in merry undulation, her fingers skillfully drawing music forth ever more quickly as the melody develops.
Carew sways back and forth.
Speaking to you, Hazelnut says, "Here, behind mighty walls and legions, evil is a little less likely to show its true face."
Speaking to Lylia, Nalver asks, "Are you being crass?"
Speaking quietly to you, Opalina says, "A Curse is a powerful word.. I sure hope we are not cursed.. I."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, you say, "Sometimes reality can be harsh. I am simply trying to understand better your home."
Missoni takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Missoni looks rather relaxed.
Speaking to Aphaedra, Lylia says, "It is my fond hope that sometime, more people are --"
Tikba looks thoughtfully at Hazelnut.
Lilanna removes a gilded porcelain plate centered with a crimson wyvern rampant from in her black leather longcloak.
Lylia turns her head toward Nalver to favor him with a silent, withering gaze.
Speaking to Aphaedra, Thrassus says, "Spider tastes a lot like seafood, I find."
Speaking icily to Nalver, Lylia asks, "I do not know. Am I?"
Speaking distractedly to Uniana, Akenna replies, "Hm? Oh no, it's lovely. I was just thinking."
Dezter rubs Opalina gently.
Lylia raises an eyebrow.
Vandryl smirks at Lithyia.
Carew's nimble fingers fly across her flute, the notes of her song almost, but not quite, running together.
Roelon slowly empties his lungs.
Uniana lets out a sigh of relief.
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Aphaedra grins at Lylia.
Lilanna removes an ecru porcelain plate inked with a banner-lofted fortress silhouette from in her black leather longcloak.
Traiva begins chuckling at Lithyia!
Uniana nods understandingly at Akenna.
Speaking to you, Hazelnut says, "But out in the wilderness, at the furthest reaches of the frontier, there is no need for masks. We see bad things often."
Lithyia giggles.
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his fillet of trout.
Lithyia gazes up into the heavens.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "We have our own troubles. There was a demon plaguing our Fortress for a decade before it made an appearance."
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Speaking concernedly to Lylia, Nalver says, "Faendryl and seafood. Seems like a shot at the house that is no longer represented."
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his fillet of trout.
The tune dances from Carew's flute in merry undulation, her fingers skillfully drawing music forth ever more quickly as the melody develops.
Xorus smirks.
Roelon deeply says, "There are simply more shadoes here fir evil to cower in.."
Thrassus put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on his ecru porcelain plate.
The whirling, dashing notes of Carew's song nearly tumble over one another in their eagerness to reach your ears.
Lifting an herb-dusted fillet of Mistydeep trout garnished in sauce of garlic butter from his ecru porcelain plate, Roelon takes a bite of the trout.
Hazelnut looks thoughtfully at you.
Thrassus put an ecru porcelain plate inked with a banner-lofted fortress silhouette on a velvet-draped cart of pale linden.
Lylia coolly says, "It was a reference to being in a desert."
Speaking to you, Aliashyrah says, "If one were to list every difficulty facing any town, then it would be rather easy to label a town as cursed. I will not bore you with some of the challenges of our neighbors nor would I wish to recount the troubles your own town has faced, but I fear that there is danger in attempting to add a supernatural element such as a curse to what can really be seen as a resilient town that has yet to face a foe up to the challenge of taking her down."
Vandryl smirks at Lithyia.
Missoni sets her mouth in a thin line of disapproval.
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
High Lady Immianthe just arrived.
Missoni takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Missoni looks rather relaxed.
Falvicar nods at Teveriel.
Carew's lively tune rushes heedlessly along, bringing spontaneous smiles to the lips of those who hear.
Speaking quietly to you, Opalina says, "I am more inclined to believe we tend to attract a more seedier group of people from verious walks of life and some of them tend to feel more secure in their persuites of wealth and power because they think our town is quiet and won't disturbe their plans."
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Uniana leans back.
Speaking to Lylia, Nalver asks, "And why were you in the desert?"
With a wink and a grin, Carew trills her final notes, lowering her flute.
Uniana takes a few steps back.
Speaking to you, Hazelnut exclaims, "A demon, you say? Do tell us of this. It sounds exciting!"
Nalver says, "Or the Faenndryl."
Dildelgun scoops some of his bowl of rabbit stew up with his spoon and takes a sip.
Carew removes some hastily scribbled music from on a gleaming gilded music stand.
Lylia darkly says, "And if it was taken as anything else, I suggest you fill your mouth with wine and not your words."
Vandryl says, "Ahhhh."
Carew put a silvery mistwood flute encrusted with faceted firestones on a gleaming gilded music stand.
Speaking discreetly to you, Immianthe whispers aloud, "The High Legionnaire was called away, miliary matters, I'm sure you understand."
Carew removes a brightly colored music notebook from in her cloth-of-silver pelisse.
Lithyia leans softly against Vandryl.
Lithyia chuckles.
Lissaya applauds Carew politely.
You nod at Immianthe.
Using her aged gold fork, Lylia takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Teveriel cocks his head at Falvicar.
Immianthe inclines her head.
Speaking to Immianthe, you say, "He was able to let me know before he stepped away. Thank you."
Uniana nods almost imperceptibly.
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Tikba scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Aphaedra leans softly against Jaydo.
Vandryl gnaws lightly on his lower lip, as if lost in thought. The razor-sharp tip of one of his fangs breaks the skin and causes a tiny bead of blood to appear. Almost absent-mindedly, he catches it with the tip of his tongue.
Immianthe smiles graciously.
Vandryl winks at Lithyia.
Lithyia smirks at Vandryl.
Lithyia turns to face Vandryl.
Lithyia blushes a nice shade of dark red.
Lithyia glances down.
Dildelgun scoops some of his bowl of rabbit stew up with his spoon and takes a sip.
Traiva put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her ecru porcelain plate.
Aliashyrah folds her hands in her lap.
Traiva picks up a wyvern-etched glass of Vaaloran chablis from alongside her.
Vandryl gives Lithyia a playful bite.
Vandryl blinks.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "It is a very long tail, as I said it covered an entire decade. However it was the source of many bad events that happened for our town."
Aphaedra grins at Vandryl.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Falvicar sighs.
Lithyia blinks.
Lithyia snickers at Vandryl.
Vandryl casually runs the tip of his tongue over the point of one of his sharp-tipped fangs, somehow managing to appear both threatening and seductive at the same time.
Missoni takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Missoni looks rather relaxed.
Teaberry carefully places her ecru porcelain plate on the ground alongside her.
Traiva takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Lithyia gazes up into the heavens.
Vandryl chuckles.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Speaking to you, Hazelnut says, "It sounds like the Vaalor have endured their own share of misfortune."
Vandryl snickers at Aphaedra.
Speaking to you, Dezter says, "The point is, we can empathize."
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "Some might have even said our town was cursed but was later revealed a mastermind was behind it."
Aliashyrah nods in agreement at Hazelnut.
Dezter nods at Hazelnut.
Lissaya put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on a velvet-draped cart of pale linden.
Lissaya put a gilded porcelain plate centered with a crimson wyvern rampant on a velvet-draped cart of pale linden.
(Carew absently gazes across the assemblage, her eyes landing on Falvicar. She turns her attention to her notebook, searching for something.)
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Carew put some hastily scribbled music in her colored music notebook.
Teaberry removes a curved aged gold spoon held by a crimson glass dragonstalk from on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Lifting a crisp vert purslane salad drizzled in lemon vinaigrette from his ecru porcelain plate, Roelon takes a bite of the salad.
Traiva takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Traiva looks rather relaxed.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Speaking to you, Hazelnut asks, "I am curious, did the other elven houses offer assistance?"
Lylia nods at Hazelnut.
Vandryl smirks at Aphaedra.
Traiva removes a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk from on her ecru porcelain plate.
Carew removes a sylvan song of Yuriqen sheet of music from in her colored music notebook.
Speaking to you, Nalver asks, "What was the name of the hero of that incident?"
Aphaedra grins at Vandryl.
Opalina whispers something to Dezter.
You nod at Hazelnut.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Traiva put an ecru porcelain plate inked with a banner-lofted fortress silhouette on a velvet-draped cart of pale linden.
Speaking suddenly to you, Uniana asks, "Is the food suitable?"
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Carew put a brightly colored music notebook in her cloth-of-silver pelisse.
Akenna carefully placed an ecru porcelain plate inked with a banner-lofted fortress silhouette on a velvet-draped cart of pale linden.
Uniana touches you.
Teaberry scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Lithyia shivers.
Speaking to Uniana, you say, "I have enjoyed it."
Nalver picks up a piece of the vert purslane salad with his pale driftwood chopsticks, lifts the salad from his ecru porcelain plate, and brings it to his mouth.
Akenna pours herself a wyvern-etched glass of Vaaloran chablis.
Traiva removes a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks from on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Traiva put a rectangular crimson glass plate encircled by gilded dragonstalks on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Speaking to you, Hazelnut asks, "Oh, that is very kind of them. None of them took the opportunity to harm Ta'Vaalor while it was suffering, I assume?"
Akenna takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Uniana smiles charmingly, stepping closer to Kakoon, turning and offering a glance towards Hazelnut.
Lilanna pours herself a wyvern-etched glass of Vaaloran chablis.
Carew removes a silvery mistwood flute encrusted with faceted firestones from on a gleaming gilded music stand.
Carew put a sylvan song of Yuriqen sheet of music on a gleaming gilded music stand.
Carew tilts her head up.
Speaking to Uniana, Dezter says, "So good."
Dezter nods enthusiastically!
Speaking to Hazelnut, Uniana asks, "Is everything suitable to your tastes as well?"
Falvicar nods at Teveriel.
Aliashyrah gazes with interest at Hazelnut.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking brightly to Uniana, Hazelnut says, "It is truly delightful."
Lithyia gazes fondly at Vandryl.
Akenna takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Akenna looks rather relaxed.
Teveriel nods thoughtfully at Falvicar.
Opalina pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats herself, her profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Aphaedra says, "Hazel Our houses my disagree on many things, but when it comes to protecting our home we unify."
Carew says, "For a delegate in the group, something from their people, perhaps? I hope you like it."
Using her aged gold fork, Lylia takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Opalina stands up.
Aphaedra smiles at Hazelnut.
Uniana whispers, "He is walking you into a trap, Ambassador," a low urgency in her voice, "say no more."
Carew smiles at Falvicar.
Dildelgun glances between Hazelnut and yourself.
Lylia nods at Aphaedra.
Missoni takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Missoni looks rather relaxed.
Carew raises her flute to her lips and begins to play an aimless, nonchalant little tune.
Akenna takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Akenna looks rather relaxed.
Hazelnut nods at Aphaedra.
Tikba mildly asks, "I had heard a little of those times. This was the end of King Tyrnian's reign, yes?"
Opalina gazes in wonder at her surroundings.
Opalina pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats herself, her profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Dildelgun scoops some of his bowl of rabbit stew up with his spoon and takes a sip.
Falvicar nods in greeting at Carew.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Dezter recites, "Through Unity, Strength."
Speaking quietly to Nalver, Hazelnut says, "I have not heard about this hero, and I am a collector of stories."
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "I couldn't say. It's possible some took the opportunity to find fortune in our misfortune but as I was more concerned fighting on the front lines I did not pay much attention to the machinations of merchants and politicians."
Aphaedra agrees with Dezter.
Dezter says, "That's the old Aandryl family motto."
Carew's fingers fly heedlessly along her flute, eliciting a strangely melodic song of emotional confusion.
Dezter nods.
Akenna takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Akenna looks rather relaxed.
Hazelnut nods to you.
Vandryl nods at Dezter.
Vandryl snaps to attention and crisply strikes his chest with a closed fist.
Opalina smiles at Vandryl.
As Carew's song soars onward, your heartbeat quickens and a hopeful smile blooms on your face.
Speaking to Dezter, Aphaedra says, "Much better than the ones I come up wtih at parties."
Vandryl winks at Opalina.
Dezter giggles.
Speaking to Dezter, Traiva says, "It carries a great truth."
Falvicar nods at Teveriel.
Opalina blushes sheepishly to herself.
Akenna takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Akenna looks rather relaxed.
Nalver asks, "I might be confused as I was only half listening to the conversation. We are talking about the undead that were in town here years ago?"
Speaking to Traiva, Dezter agrees, "I think so too."
The world brightens perceptibly, almost as if the music flowing from Carew's flute illuminates and fortifies it.
Dildelgun scoops some of his bowl of rabbit stew up with his spoon and takes a sip.
Lady Qiana just arrived.
Nalver asks, "And the accolades of Vilorcasadra and Menos, right?"
Speaking to Nalver, you say, "Among other events."
Uniana glances at a gilded crimson-draped table.
Qiana sits down next to you.
You beam at Qiana with love and admiration, your eyes gleaming proudly.
Vandryl smirks at Lithyia.
Qiana moves to your side, twining her fingers with yours.
Missoni takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis..
Qiana leans over and whispers, "Sorry I'm late."
Qiana smiles.
Aphaedra beams happily at Qiana!
Speaking flirtatiously to Qiana, you say, "Hello beautiful."
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Uniana asks, "Is the venison out yet?"
Qiana giggles.
Lithyia begins chuckling at Vandryl!
Uniana takes a moment to observe a gilded crimson-draped table.
Teaberry scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Traiva nods at Uniana.
Lifting an herb-dusted fillet of Mistydeep trout garnished in sauce of garlic butter from his ecru porcelain plate, Roelon takes a bite of the trout.
Speaking to Qiana, Aphaedra exclaims, "I am so glad you were able to make it!"
As Carew's song soars onward, your heartbeat quickens and a hopeful smile blooms on your face.
Carew's melody climbs and reaches, ever higher, the notes growing ever more intense.
Opalina pours herself a horn-handled stein of roasted coffee stout.
Dezter gasps.
Lithyia blushes a nice shade of dark red.
Uniana nods approvingly.
Dezter waves to Qiana.
Uniana turns to face Qiana.
Teaberry scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Malinya folds her hands behind her back.
Vandryl shrugs.
Teveriel smiles at Uniana.
Opalina sniffs at her roasted coffee stout.
Uniana curtsies politely to Qiana.
Dezter gives Qiana a friendly hug.
Vandryl leans on Lithyia, giving her a companionable grin.
Opalina takes a drink from her roasted coffee stout.
Speaking to Uniana, Traiva says, "I have not tasted it, but the vegetables to the side are wonderful."
Vandryl winks at Lithyia.
Speaking lovingly to you, Qiana says, "Hello my handsome."
Teveriel takes a drink from his bowl of rabbit stew.
Speaking to Qiana, Dezter exclaims, "Hey bud!"
Lithyia giggles at Vandryl.
Dezter giggles.
Akenna happily says, "Oh, venison! That is my favorite."
Speaking to you, Nalver asks, "What ever happened to the relationship between the Crimson Legion and the Ta'Mori?"
Lithyia waves a hand at Vandryl, dismissing him indifferently.
Lithyia giggles.
Qiana smiles.
Lithyia leans softly against Vandryl.
Her hand lowered, Qiana gives a subtle wave.
Speaking quietly to Nalver, Hazelnut asks, "I'm afraid these names are unfamiliar to me. Vilorcasdra and Menos?"
Nalver says, "That was an odd one."
You feel a lump rising in your throat unbidden as the tide of Carew's exquisitely wrought music washes over you.
You peer quizzically at Nalver.
Speaking to Dezter, Aphaedra asks, "Did you just call Lady Qiana bud?"
Aphaedra stares at Dezter.
Dezter giggles.
Lithyia laughs!
Speaking to Nalver, you say, "I am not sure I understand the question."
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Qiana nods at Aphaedra.
Lithyia begins chuckling at Dendum!
Lithyia begins chuckling at Dezter!
Speaking to Aphaedra, Dezter says, "What, she's my buddy...."
Lithyia sighs.
Lithyia snickers.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Speaking to Aphaedra, Qiana says, "Of which I approve. I've been called worse."
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
The intensity of Carew's song deepens, reaching to touch your soul, as it climbs toward its climax.
Hazelnut takes a drink from his Vaaloran chablis.
Dildelgun raspily asks, "Ta'Mori? Ain't them all dead?"
Teaberry scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Teveriel's expression towards Nalver gives the impression that perhaps a different approach is in order.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Aphaedra laughs at Qiana!
Dildelgun works his fingers under his silk hat and scratches his head.
Dezter flashes Qiana a toothy grin.
Speaking kindly to Traiva, Uniana says, "Do tell the Ambassador that. He was worried they may be too forward."
Teaberry scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Uniana nods to you.
Speaking to Qiana, Aphaedra says, "I retract my protest."
Speaking to Aphaedra, Dezter asks, "Ha! see?"
Traiva blinks at Uniana.
Teaberry scoops some of her bowl of rabbit stew up with her spoon and takes a sip.
Dezter gives Aphaedra a friendly prod against the back.
Speaking to Uniana, Hazelnut says, "This fish really is delightful."
Aphaedra grins at Dezter.
Aliashyrah looks over at Dildelgun and shakes her head.
Jaydo chuckles.
Lifting an herb-dusted fillet of Mistydeep trout garnished in sauce of garlic butter from his ecru porcelain plate, Hazelnut takes a bite of the trout.
Aphaedra agrees with Hazelnut.
Speaking confusedly to Uniana, Traiva asks, "Forward? In what way?"
Vandryl asks, "Okay to smoke in here?"
Vandryl ponders.
Lithyia begins chuckling at Vandryl!
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nalver says, "I am, again, likely saying the name wrong, but Vilorcasadra was the commander of the Legion. She kept...interesting company."
Speaking to Dildelgun, Aliashyrah says, "I do not believe so."
Her brow wrinkled in concentration, Carew draws forth each note slowly and deliberately, building her melody.
Vandryl pulls on Lithyia, trying to get her closer.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aphaedra says, "Lady Anduin is a genius when it comes to meal planning."
Carew sways back and forth.
Lithyia giggles at Vandryl.
Nalver says, "And Menos is a frierce fighter, but very quiet."
Vandryl winks at Lithyia.
Lithyia laughs!
Lifting an herb-dusted fillet of Mistydeep trout garnished in sauce of garlic butter from her ecru porcelain plate, Aphaedra takes a bite of the trout.
Lithyia leans softly against Vandryl.
Speaking to Uniana, Lylia murmurs, "I have been terribly remiss and must apologize."
Nalver glances at Teveriel.
Using her aged gold spoon, Tikba takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
The subtle yet piercing notes flow and collide in a menage of heart-rending emotion as Carew intricately fingers her flute.
Vandryl smirks.
Speaking to Teveriel, Nalver asks, "Is that a sore topic?"
Vandryl gives Lithyia a playful bite.
Dezter nods in agreement at Aphaedra.
Speaking vaguely to Traiva, Uniana says, "I recall something about only potatoes count where some are concerned with side dishes."
Speaking to Nalver, Teveriel says, "Vilorcasdra, blessedly, never attained a rank higher than Squire Legionnaire before her dismissal."
Tikba put a curved aged gold spoon held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Speaking to Nalver, you say, "You are misinformed I'm afraid. That particular person was banished from Ta'Vaalor by King Qalinor."
Tikba removes a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk from on a velvet-draped cart of pale linden.
Lithyia pokes Vandryl in the ribs.
Lithyia snickers.
The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger.
Lilanna renews her songs.
Traiva begins chortling at Uniana.
Using her aged gold fork, Tikba takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Speaking to Uniana, Lylia says, "If I were to extol the virtues of each dish as it arrived, as I should, then I should not let anyone else speak. You set a magnificent table."
(Carew gazes out across the crowd, her eyes glassy as she plays with an ever-increasing intensity.)
Vandryl yawns.
Speaking to Nalver, Teveriel says, "She was never a commander either in rank or in spirit, and her name is a curse."
Deep, soul-penetrating notes flow from Carew's flute as she succumbs to the mood she is creating.
Vandryl nods.
Lithyia nods at Vandryl.
Lilanna agrees with Lylia.
Using her aged gold spoon, Teaberry takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Nalver nods at Teveriel.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Vandryl nods at Lithyia.
Tikba nods slowly at Teveriel.
Lissaya gazes with interest at Teveriel.
Lithyia smiles at Vandryl.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Using her aged gold fork, Tikba takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
(Uniana presses her hands together and closes her eyes blissfully.)
Dildelgun scoops some of his bowl of rabbit stew up with his spoon and takes a sip.
Vandryl flashes an evil grin. The tips of his sharp-tipped fangs are clearly visible, protruding from beneath his upper lip.
Dildelgun surreptitiously glances around the area.
Dildelgun put a curved aged gold spoon held by a crimson glass dragonstalk in his ivory silk backpack.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Speaking softly to Uniana, Traiva says, "The salad with the trout, and vegetables with the venison, are wonderful. I will be telling my cook at home about them."
You feel a lump rising in your throat unbidden as the tide of Carew's exquisitely wrought music washes over you.
Hazelnut blinks at Teveriel.
Speaking to Teveriel, Nalver says, "I feel we can make some common ground on understanding people who misrepresent those they supposedly serve."
Lithyia snickers at Vandryl.
Speaking to Lylia, Uniana notes, "You honor me, Imperatrix."
Carew's eyes fall closed as she loses herself in the beauty of each rhythmic note of her song.
Lylia nods at Teveriel.
Vandryl sighs at Lithyia.
Tikba vaguely says, "Many things happened in those days that might be better forgotten."
Lithyia glances at Vandryl.
Lylia places a hand over her heart.
Lithyia snickers.
Lylia inclines her head.
Lithyia gazes up into the heavens.
Lithyia giggles.
Using her aged gold spoon, Teaberry takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
You agree with Tikba.
As her last note fades away like a sigh on the wind, Carew lowers her flute.
Dildelgun raspily asks, "What she do so bad that made her name a curse?"
Speaking to Tikba, you say, "It was not the brightest time in our history."
Dezter grins crookedly at you.
Uniana surreptitiously glances around the area.
Vandryl sighs at Dendum.
Opalina gazes at her reflection in the ruby red mirror.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Vandryl sighs at Dezter.
Using her aged gold fork, Tikba takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
You take a drink from your roasted coffee stout.
Lilanna takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Lilanna looks rather relaxed.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Carew says, "That was a song from Yuriquen, in honor of the sylvan people."
Aliashyrah gazes with interest at her surroundings.
You quietly whisper to Qiana, "I am glad you were able to make it."
Tikba nods sympathetically to you.
Speaking to you, Nalver says, "It is interesting how one person can taint the image of a group so effectively that no one sees the true nature of said group."
Carew bows to Falvicar.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
You kiss Qiana on the cheek, letting your lips linger softly.
Traiva smiles at Carew.
Carew removes a sylvan song of Yuriqen sheet of music from on a gleaming gilded music stand.
Speaking to Carew, Hazelnut says, "And it was lovely."
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Carew inclines her head.
Uniana graciously states, "Though one can hardly dismiss Ambassador Arakhor's preference. The potatoes come directly from a species that is favored by the Sovereign and often served in his royal box at the Festival of the Fallen and other state events."
Vandryl scoffs at Dezter.
Carew politely says, "Thank you."
Dildelgun winks.
Dildelgun removes a curved aged gold spoon held by a crimson glass dragonstalk from on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Qiana leans over and whispers, "I'm not so mean as to sick all the wolves upon you without giving you a little company."
Lilanna applauds Carew.
Using her aged gold fork, Lylia takes a bite of her vert purslane salad.
Speaking sincerely to Carew, Aliashyrah says, "Your skills are beyond any I have had the pleasure of listening to in quite some time. You honor the gathering with your music."
Dildelgun hums a fancy little tune to himself.
Aliashyrah smirks at Dildelgun.
Aerinson smiles.
Lithyia giggles at Vandryl.
Vandryl sighs.
Missoni ponders.
Vandryl leans on Lithyia, giving her a companionable grin.
Carew says, "I will take a momentary break while you gather your thoughts."
Speaking to Uniana, Aphaedra says, "I am just glad we managed to keep potatoes from being everywhere."
Carew pushes a gleaming gilded music stand a bit farther away as she squints at a slim golden swirl-embossed songbook.
Aphaedra grins.
Lithyia gives Vandryl a lingering kiss on the nose.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Lithyia winks at Vandryl.
Vandryl snuggles up to Lithyia, resting his head on her shoulder.
Vandryl yawns.
Qiana warmly says, "Oh those are wonderful potatoes."
Speaking to Nalver, you say, "One bad apple ruins the bunch as the saying goes. Though the recent recruits as well as High Legionnaire Aureliano's leadership has made the Legion a beautiful harvest if we want to continue the analogy."
Carew takes a few steps back.
Dezter cackles at Aphaedra!
Vandryl nods at Dezter.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Aphaedra gives Jaydo a lingering kiss on the hand.
Carew put a silvery mistwood flute encrusted with faceted firestones on a gleaming gilded music stand.
Dildelgun surreptitiously glances around the area.
Uniana gazes confidently at you.
Speaking to you, Hazelnut says, "You must forgive me. From afar, it seems like Ta'Vaalor has a sort of... imposing perfection to it. I was unaware that its recent history was so colorful."
Dildelgun put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk in his ivory silk backpack.
Dildelgun put a curved aged gold spoon held by a crimson glass dragonstalk in his ivory silk backpack.
Carew removes a brightly colored music notebook from in her cloth-of-silver pelisse.
Lylia smiles at you.
Jaydo nuzzles his face against Aphaedra's.
Aerinson smiles at Opalina.
Jaydo smirks at Aphaedra.
Carew put a sylvan song of Yuriqen sheet of music in her colored music notebook.
Aphaedra smiles at Jaydo.
Aphaedra manages to take a bite of a crisp vert purslane salad drizzled in lemon vinaigrette, which is on a gilded crimson- draped table.
Lithyia yawns.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Speaking boldly to you, Nalver says, "I know there was one someone who came to represent Icemule, Tawariell, who many would love to have stricken from our record."
Falvicar smiles.
Vandryl nods at Jaydo.
Uniana whispers, "...please, shall we return to discussing the concerns at hand?"
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dezter says, "We got lotsa color here."
Hazelnut nods at Dezter.
Hazelnut takes a drink from his Vaaloran chablis.
Malinya gazes confidently at her surroundings.
Nalver says, "Though we are much less formal and structured than the mightly Legion. Just a tiny town on a glacier."
Traiva gently rests her hand on Lithyia's shoulder.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Dezter flashes a wide grin.
Speaking to you, Lylia says, "I do not know that I had occasion to say so the last time I saw you, but when the Firebird descended and I saw you there to greet the delegation from Icemule, I was immediately put at ease."
Lithyia smiles at Traiva.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Akenna put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her porcelain plate.
Speaking mildly to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "I believe that is the intended feeling and reputation that is set forth, though surely you have spent enough time near Mayor Dabbings to know and recognize that not all is at it seems."
Using her aged gold spoon, Teaberry takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Using her aged gold spoon, Teaberry takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Akenna carefully placed a gilded porcelain plate centered with a crimson wyvern rampant on a velvet-draped cart of pale linden.
Traiva grins impishly.
Speaking to you, Nalver says, "Aureliano hosted me well when I spent time here about a year ago."
Lifting a crisp vert purslane salad drizzled in lemon vinaigrette from his ecru porcelain plate, Hazelnut takes a bite of the salad.
Carew carefully removes several pages of music from in her notebook and sorts them into a preferred order, then neatly stores them away again.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Using her aged gold spoon, Teaberry takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Using her aged gold spoon, Teaberry takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Carew rummages through a brightly colored music notebook but it's clear she hasn't a clue if what she is looking for is there.
Lithyia leans softly against Vandryl.
Teaberry put a gilded porcelain plate centered with a crimson wyvern rampant on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Falvicar's concentration shifts and becomes more focused as he slightly tilts an ear in a particular direction.
Speaking to Nalver, Aphaedra says, "I believe I have seen you about Solhaven as well."
Speaking to Lylia, you say, "That is kind of you to say. I was happy to see the airship docks being put to use."
Carew removes an erithian aria sheet of music from in her colored music notebook.
Jaydo grunts.
Carew put a brightly colored music notebook in her cloth-of-silver pelisse.
Lissaya nods in agreement to you.
Jaydo nods in agreement at Aphaedra.
Akenna pours herself a wyvern-etched glass of Vaaloran chablis.
Speaking idly to Aliashyrah, Hazelnut says, "It gives me some hope that even great civilizations have to deal with such... disorder at home."
Carew removes a silvery mistwood flute encrusted with faceted firestones from on a gleaming gilded music stand.
Carew put an erithian aria sheet of music on a gleaming gilded music stand.
Tikba gazes in amusement at Hazelnut.
Speaking to Aphaedra, Nalver says, "I travel wherever the coins flow, though I try to avoid the empire as much as possible."
Aliashyrah nods slightly at Hazelnut.
Carew removes a pale white ash mandolin from in her cloth-of-silver pelisse.
Opalina smiles.
Dildelgun snickers.
Speaking to you, Uniana agrees, "It is so rare to see it used for anything besides military movements and merchant lanes."
Akenna takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Akenna looks rather relaxed.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aphaedra says, "Disorder is a fact of life."
Carew put a silvery mistwood flute encrusted with faceted firestones in her cloth-of-silver pelisse.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "Perhaps a humbling truth to keep in mind."
Carew carefully checks the strings of her mandolin, plucking them lightly and adjusting the tension until the sound is perfectly pitched.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah adds, "For all."
Lylia whispers something to Aphaedra.
Hazelnut nods at Aliashyrah.
Using her aged gold fork, Lylia takes a bite of her fillet of trout.
Lithyia turns to face Vandryl.
Lithyia raises an eyebrow in Vandryl's direction.
Akenna takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Vandryl nods at Aphaedra.
Speaking to Uniana, you say, "As far as I know it's mostly for trade and military movement. I am not sure how many privately owned airships fly Elanthia's skies."
Carew plucks at the strings of her mandolin, checking the tone.
The string makes an off key sound as she releases it.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her bowl of vegetables.
Lifting an herb-dusted fillet of Mistydeep trout garnished in sauce of garlic butter from his ecru porcelain plate, Hazelnut takes a bite of the trout.
Speaking honestly to you, Nalver says, "It is interesting that we sit here because of past bad apples, as you say."
Carew carefully checks the strings of her mandolin, plucking them lightly and adjusting the tension until the sound is perfectly pitched.
Aphaedra grins at Lylia.
Immianthe silently slips into the room, discreetly clearing her throat as she politely waits.
Carew plucks at the strings of her mandolin, checking the tone.
The string makes a high pitched *twang* as she releases it.
Carew stares off into space.
Using her aged gold fork, Tikba takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Opalina takes a drink from her roasted coffee stout.
Opalina looks rather relaxed.
Uniana kindly recites, "What good is a blade that is never tested? Merely an ornament."
Speaking to Nalver, Vandryl asks, "Have you not met my niece, Aphaedra?"
Hazelnut glances at Immianthe.
Vandryl looks thoughtfully at Nalver.
Carew plucks at the strings of her mandolin, checking the tone.
The string makes a high pitched *twang* as she releases it.
Falvicar nuzzles his face against Opalina's.
Aphaedra smiles at Nalver.
Carew nods once.
Akenna nods in agreement at Uniana.
Dildelgun removes a crisp vert purslane salad drizzled in lemon vinaigrette from on his ecru porcelain plate.
Opalina smiles at Falvicar.
Hazelnut sets his plate down.
Dildelgun wrinkles his nose.
Nalver smiles at Aphaedra.
Speaking to Nalver, Aphaedra says, "Apha, please."
Dezter stands up.
Dezter says, "Just a sec."
Dezter flashes a wide grin.
Dildelgun put a crisp vert purslane salad drizzled in lemon vinaigrette on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Dezter bounces around happily.
Hazelnut takes a drink from his Vaaloran chablis.
Vandryl sighs at Aphaedra.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Lord Dezter just went south.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Dildelgun removes an herb-dusted fillet of Mistydeep trout garnished in sauce of garlic butter from on his ecru porcelain plate.
Dildelgun gobbles down a big bite of his fillet of trout.
Speaking to Aphaedra, Vandryl says, "Ever the progressive."
Vandryl winks at Aphaedra.
Speaking to Vandryl, Aphaedra says, "I know... I know... Formal dinner."
Aphaedra winks at Vandryl.
You take a drink from your roasted coffee stout.
Immianthe announces, "I'm delighted to share that dessert is now in the reception. At the insistence of the Vaalorian Delegation, tarts of a wide variety have been presented."
Lithyia grins at Dildelgun.
Speaking to Aphaedra, Nalver says, "I am just Nalver, unless there is one from the empire here? Then I'd gladly claim my full title."
Lylia put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her ecru porcelain plate.
Aliashyrah stands up.
Lylia carefully placed an ecru porcelain plate inked with a banner-lofted fortress silhouette on a velvet-draped cart of pale linden.
Nalver stands up.
Speaking to Nalver, Aphaedra says, "I do not believe so."
Speaking to Immianthe, Hazelnut exclaims, "Ah, a lovely gesture!"
Nalver bows to Aphaedra.
Lilanna takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Lilanna looks rather relaxed.
Aliashyrah sets about preparing herself to be as presentable as possible.
Hazelnut stands up.
Lithyia giggles at Dildelgun.
Dildelgun gobbles down a big bite of his fillet of trout.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Lissaya stands up.
Akenna takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Akenna looks quite relaxed.
Lord Dezter's group just arrived.
Nalver pulls a brushed velvet chair out from beneath the crimson-draped table and seats himself, his profile cast in glinting constellations from the chandelier above.
Lylia stands up.
Immianthe sinks down in a deep curtsy before Hazelnut, her lashes lowered.
Dezter beams!
Dildelgun perspires delicately.
Teveriel takes a drink from his bowl of rabbit stew.
Esana nods appreciatively at Dezter.
Speaking quietly to Aphaedra, Opalina says, "I thought it was simi-formal."
Carew put a pale white ash mandolin in her cloth-of-silver pelisse.
Esana clasps her hands in a reverent gesture.
Hazelnut just went south.
Esana inclines her head.
Dezter says, "Look who I found, y'all."
Opalina blushes a soft pale rose shade at Aphaedra.
Aphaedra grins at Opalina.
Lilanna stands up.
Xorus stands up.
Dezter giggles.
Lithyia smiles at Vandryl.
Dildelgun slowly empties his lungs.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Qiana waves to Esana.
Uniana grins at Dezter.
Lithyia laughs at Dildelgun!
Dildelgun gobbles down his fillet of trout in one enormous bite.
Lilanna takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Lilanna looks rather relaxed.
Missoni put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her porcelain plate.
Carew says, "You were all very kind to allow me to play for you."
Vandryl grins at Lithyia.
Akenna takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Akenna looks quite relaxed.
Lithyia grins at Vandryl.
Teveriel gazes in amusement at Dezter.
Missoni put a gilded porcelain plate centered with a crimson wyvern rampant on a velvet-draped cart of pale linden.
Dildelgun belches.
Lithyia blushes a nice shade of dark red.
Lylia places a hand over her heart.
Traiva smiles at Carew.
Dendum bows to Carew.
Lilanna takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Lilanna looks rather relaxed.
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Carew. She inclines her head as well, giving Carew a brief nod.
Esana applauds Carew.
Lylia bows to Carew.
Lissaya nods to Esana in greeting.
Tikba applauds Carew.
Lady Aliashyrah just went south.
You stand back up.
Speaking to Opalina, Aphaedra says, "When it comes to Uncle Van, formal and semi-formal have the same rules."
Heavy droplets of sweat drip from Dildelgun's brow.
Carew smiles.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Lilanna applauds Carew.
Esana nods in greeting at Lissaya.
Thrassus stands up.
Opalina applauds Carew.
Dildelgun put an ecru porcelain plate inked with a banner-lofted fortress silhouette in his ivory silk backpack.
Lithyia stands up.
Immianthe discretely slips out of sight.
Aphaedra beams happily at Esana!
Teaberry applauds Carew.
Missoni applauds.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Roelon applauds.
Teaberry applauds Carew.
Akenna applauds Carew politely.
Dildelgun nods once.
Lilanna takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Missoni nods appreciatively at Carew.
Traiva put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her porcelain plate.
Lithyia applauds Carew.
Qiana applauds Carew.
Deep blue motes swirl away from Vandryl and fade.
Teaberry applauds Carew.
Traiva applauds Carew.
Vandryl begins chuckling at Aphaedra!
Akenna takes a drink from her Vaaloran chablis.
Akenna looks quite relaxed.
Speaking respectfully to Esana, Uniana says, "It was hardly fitting to have this in your absence. I am thrilled you could come."
Carew removes an erithian aria sheet of music from on a gleaming gilded music stand.
Speaking amusedly to Nalver, Tikba says, "Lady Sabretache Faendryl is a citizen of the Empire, I believe."
Traiva put a gilded porcelain plate centered with a crimson wyvern rampant on a velvet-draped cart of pale linden.
Uniana curtsies to Esana.
Carew removes a slim golden swirl-embossed songbook from on a gleaming gilded music stand.
Carew put an erithian aria sheet of music in her swirl-embossed songbook.
Vandryl says, "That is to say none....."
You say, "If we would like to move back to the entrance of the pavilion I am sure we can enjoy a nice sweet treat."
Speaking to Esana, Dezter says, "There's comfy chairs and fancy food too."
Carew picks up a gleaming gilded music stand.
Vandryl leans on Opalina, giving her a companionable grin.
Dildelgun cackles!
Vandryl flashes an evil grin. The tips of his sharp-tipped fangs are clearly visible, protruding from beneath his upper lip.
Lilanna just went south.
Carew put a slim golden swirl-embossed songbook in her cloth-of-silver pelisse.
Nalver says, "I do not think I've met her."
Lithyia giggles at Dildelgun.
Speaking sincerely to Uniana, Esana says, "Thank you, I apologize for my tardiness."
Nalver nods at Tikba.
Dezter's cheeks flush with a shade of red.
Speaking to Esana, Aphaedra says, "The purslane salad is particularly lovely."
Lithyia smirks at Dildelgun.
With military precision, Malinya turns sharply on her heel to face Esana.
Tikba nods at Missoni.
Dildelgun snickers.
Opalina peers quizzically at Vandryl.
Malinya snaps smartly to attention!
Speaking to Esana, Dezter says, "Sorry, i guess it's dessert time after all."
Dezter giggles.
Speaking to Esana, Teveriel says, "Welcome, High Priestess. Nonsense, you are just in time to join us for dessert."
(Uniana looks over several guests, offering a hand up and pushing in a stray chair.)
Tikba stands up.
Lithyia nods at Vandryl.
Speaking in Elven to Esana, Malinya asks, "Our orders?"
Vandryl stands up.
Uniana nods in agreement at Teveriel.
Using her aged gold fork, Tikba takes a bite of her cider-enriched venison.
Vandryl stretches.
Tikba nods approvingly to a gilded porcelain plate centered with a crimson wyvern rampant.
Opalina giggles.
Lylia nods at Xorus.
Speaking to Tikba, Missoni says, "Oh, I am."
Tikba put a gilded porcelain plate centered with a crimson wyvern rampant on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Speaking to Malinya, Esana says, "Oh.."
Tikba nods in agreement at Nalver.
Jaydo gives Aphaedra a lingering kiss on the cheek.
Traiva pours herself a horn-handled stein of roasted coffee stout.
Vandryl removes a gilded porcelain plate centered with a crimson wyvern rampant from on a gilded crimson-draped table.
Tikba smiles at Missoni.
Dildelgun just went south.
Aphaedra gazes fondly at Jaydo.
Esana whispers something to Malinya.
Traiva takes a drink from her roasted coffee stout.
Traiva looks quite relaxed.
Vandryl carefully inspects his porcelain plate.
Speaking to Missoni, Nalver says, "I have never heard you called by that name."
Lissaya glances around the area.
Speaking to Tikba, Missoni says, "But I would not say I respresent the Empire in any official capacity."
Miss Lissaya just went south.
Esana whispers something to Malinya.
Esana nods at Malinya.
You say, "Perhaps if there is an opportunity for Icemule to host us I would be happy to share some of the stories of Ta'Vaalor's colorful history."
Speaking to Jaydo, Vandryl asks, "How are ...things,boy?"
Speaking lightly to Missoni, Tikba says, "Yes, but I would like to hear the titles."
Speaking to Tikba, Nalver says, "In that case."
Teveriel takes a drink from his bowl of rabbit stew.
Speaking to Nalver, Missoni says, "Missoni Sabretache Faendryl is my full name."
Malinya nods once.
Tikba glances between Missoni and Nalver.
Qiana smiles at you.
Nalver takes a deep breath.
Jaydo smirks at Vandryl.
Missoni gazes in amusement at Tikba.
Vandryl winks at Jaydo.
Vandryl coughs.
Vandryl blinks.
Uniana covers her mouth, then gives a small, discreet cough.
Speaking deeply to Vandryl, Jaydo says, "We train very hard, sir."
Vandryl scowls.
Vandryl nods at Jaydo.
Akenna glances at her fingers and steeples them together.
Lithyia begins chuckling at Traiva!
Speaking to Vandryl, Aphaedra says, "If you are asking about children, Uncle, you must wait."
Aphaedra grins at Vandryl.
Jaydo smiles.
Vandryl sighs at Aphaedra.
Jaydo blushes a delicate shade of pale pink.
Uniana promptly encourages, "Tarts and coffee."
Thrassus snickers.
Teveriel takes a drink from his bowl of rabbit stew.
Lord Thrassus just went south.
Speaking commandingly in Elven to Aerinson, Malinya says, "When the assemblage has completely their movement, we will follow them."
You pull Qiana to her feet.
Akenna stands up.
Traiva stands up.
Tikba nods understandingly at Uniana.
Speaking to Qiana, you ask, "Shall we?"
Speaking deeply to Aphaedra, Jaydo says, "We have many more ships to sink before those days."
Aphaedra stands up.
Lithyia begins chuckling at Traiva!
Qiana says, "Oh yes, lets."
Traiva shakes her head at Lithyia and clucks her tongue.
Aphaedra nods at Jaydo.
Akenna gives the skirts of her cotehardie a shake, and they settle into graceful folds.
Teveriel takes a drink from his bowl of rabbit stew.
Aerinson nods understandingly at Malinya.
Jaydo grunts.
Akenna folds her hands.
Lithyia shakes her head.
Jaydo stands up.
Speaking to Lithyia, Vandryl asks, "My dear?"
Lithyia gazes up into the heavens.
Lithyia joins Vandryl's group.
Teveriel stands up.
Speaking to Jaydo, Aphaedra says, "I am not taking a baby to the bog."
Dezter smiles.
Speaking to Qiana, you say, "I have been wanting to try this raspberry lemon tart."
Lady Akenna just went south.
Chatelaine Traiva just gracefully sashayed south.
Speaking to Uniana, Teveriel says, "I believe I will join you for that."
Qiana beams!
Jaydo deeply says, "Best not to."
Tikba just went south.
Dinner -Dessert-
[Dragonstalk Landing, Gardens - ] (u14121201)
Tall curved arches of verdant foliage enclose the open air garden, the structures entwined with lanterns of gilded glass draped at various intervals across the soft grass. A square of mahogany planks sits in the middle of the garden, inlaid with a stylized eahnor wyvern framed in enamel dragonstalks. Placed behind a gilt-clawed table is a fortress-painted screen, the vellum revealing faint silhouettes of the band as they organize their instruments. You also see an elven bandleader and a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Also here: Tikba, Chatelaine Traiva, Lady Akenna, Lord Thrassus
Obvious paths: north
[Dragonstalk Landing, Reception - ] (u14121200)
Gilt-threaded banners of crimson velvet decorate the walls of the pavilion, the stylized wyverns standing rampant above a fortress adorned in a row of rounded shields. A circular table of carved mahogany splits the center of the room, surrounded by high-backed chairs padded in leather, each one given equal space across the wood-planked floor. Spherical lanterns are scattered along braided ropes strapped across the ceiling, each piece caged in brilliant eahnor. You also see a wyvern-shaped cart of bright eahnor with some stuff on it and a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Also here: Dildelgun, Miss Lissaya, Lilanna, Lady Aliashyrah, Hazelnut
Obvious exits: out
Speaking to you, Qiana says, "It sounds delicious."
Tikba just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
On the mahogany table: Food/Drink [1]: a translucent winter white glass bottle Total items: 1
Chatelaine Traiva just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Lady Akenna just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Imperatrix Lylia's group just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
On the wyvern-shaped cart:
Containers [2]: several vellum-labeled bottles of rich red port, several vellum-labeled bottles of pale gold riesling Special [2]: a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk, a pale ivory glass plate hand-painted in blue-violet larkspurs
Lord Thrassus just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
You take a drink from your roasted coffee stout. The malty brew imparts the flavors of caramel and fig across the palate, leaving each sip of the stout to linger with an aftertaste of dark chocolate.
You feel your nerves loosening as you begin to relax.
Lylia nods slightly to the crimson-clad server standing nearby and she approaches, carefully removing a plate from the wyvern-shaped cart. She places a trio of desserts upon the plate before handing it to Lylia, curtsying politely before returning to her designated spot.
Lord Teveriel's group just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Missoni flounces through a pooling crimson velvet curtain amidst a diffuse cloud of prismatic glitter.
Akenna pours herself a dragonstalk-shaped flute of pale gold riesling.
Tikba gazes with interest at a pale ivory glass plate hand-painted in blue-violet larkspurs on a wyvern-shaped cart of bright eahnor.
Lord Vandryl's group just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Dildelgun flashes a wide grin.
Qiana's orase runestaff vanishes into the depths of her sigil-stitched cape.
You walk over and pull out a high-backed leather chair, seating yourself upon the leather cushion.
Lifting a buttery slice of cinnamon almond cake cradling a cognac-poached pear from his ivory glass plate, Dildelgun takes a bite of the cake.
Using her aged gold fork, Tikba takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Lissaya walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Akenna takes a drink from her pale gold riesling.
Akenna looks quite relaxed.
Vandryl nods.
Qiana sits down next to you.
Lylia breathes, "Almond cake..."
Missoni walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Lithyia sits down next to Vandryl.
You take a drink from your roasted coffee stout.
That was the last of it!
Using her aged gold fork, Lylia takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Lady Aphaedra's group just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
You remove a circular tartlet of raspberry lemon custard from on your ivory glass plate..
Aphaedra put an ecru porcelain plate inked with a banner-lofted fortress silhouette on a carved mahogany table.
Akenna carefully placed a dragonstalk-shaped flute of pale gold riesling on a carved mahogany table.
Tikba appreciatively says, "Beautiful."
Nalver just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Using her aged gold fork, Tikba takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
You take a bite of your raspberry lemon custard.
Lithyia exclaims, "Oh cake!"
Speaking to Tikba, Nalver says, "You did not hear my full title."
Aliashyrah whispers something to Hazelnut.
Hazelnut walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating himself at the table.
Lifting a buttery slice of cinnamon almond cake cradling a cognac-poached pear from her ivory glass plate, Lithyia takes a bite of the cake.
Tikba nods.
Lifting a circular tartlet of raspberry lemon custard from her ivory glass plate, Qiana takes a bite of the custard.
Lilanna says, "These look too good to eat."
Tikba turns to face Nalver.
You notice Roelon moving stealthily through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Speaking to Tikba, Nalver says, "It's a really long one."
Missoni happily says, "Oh, and strawberries."
Tikba gazes with interest at Nalver.
Roelon walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating himself at the table.
Hazelnut nods at Aliashyrah.
Lord Dezter's group just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Lifting a fan of sliced fresh strawberries filled with Ravelin clotted cream from his ivory glass plate, Dildelgun takes a bite of the strawberries.
Nalver says, "I am Duke Nalver Nadador of the Danjirlands, Major General Commander of the Fusiliers of the Knuckleheads, Grenadier of the Drakes Vanguard under General Chamorr, Master of Voln, and purveyor of the finest gems west of the Dragonspine."
Grand Lord Falvicar's group just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his cinnamon almond cake.
Dezter beams!
Dezter nods at Esana.
Vandryl just tried to pull a high-backed leather chair.
Tikba nods understandingly at Nalver.
Vandryl just tried to pull a carved mahogany table.
Lylia whispers something to Missoni.
Traiva put a horn-handled stein of roasted coffee stout in her back-slit cloak.
Speaking mildly to Nalver, Hazelnut says, "That is quite the title."
Lylia chuckles.
Missoni nods knowingly at Lylia.
Lithyia begins chuckling at Hazelnut!
Nalver nods at Hazelnut.
Vandryl sits down next to a carved mahogany table.
Uniana proudly offers, "The pears are local but Ambassador Arakhor insisted the raspberries be imported especially."
Vandryl stands up.
Akenna says, "I didn't realize we were presenting our titles."
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his cinnamon almond cake.
Falvicar leans on Opalina, resting his hand upon her shoulder.
Vandryl sits down next to Lithyia.
Falvicar's eyes take on a glassy look as he appears to fall into a vivid daydream.
Lylia nods at Thrassus.
Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Lithyia smiles at Vandryl.
Dezter flashes a wide grin at Uniana.
Crossing her legs at the ankles, Teaberry slowly lowers herself to the floor and sits tailor fashion.
Traiva can offer Nalver only a blank expression.
Qiana gazes fondly at you.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
You say, "I've always been a fan of raspberries."
Teaberry stands up.
Teaberry walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Lifting a fan of sliced fresh strawberries filled with Ravelin clotted cream from her ivory glass plate, Lithyia takes a bite of the strawberries.
Vandryl sticks out his tongue and lets loose with a loud, "Thbtbtbtbt" from his lips!
Tikba walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Vandryl snickers at you!
Speaking to you, Qiana says, "Some of my favorite as well."
Traiva nods slightly to the crimson-clad server standing nearby and she approaches, carefully removing a plate from the wyvern- shaped cart. She places a trio of desserts upon the plate before handing it to Traiva, curtsying politely before returning to her designated spot.
Teveriel explains, "Lingonberries were deemed too bold a choice."
Speaking kindly to Aliashyrah, Uniana says, "We had heard that they are favored in the north in well, when in season."
Lithyia snickers at Vandryl.
Qiana removes a fan of sliced fresh strawberries filled with Ravelin clotted cream from on her ivory glass plate.
Carew just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Using her aged gold fork, Lylia takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Carew just went through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Qiana takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
High Lady Immianthe just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Aphaedra takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Aliashyrah smiles at Uniana.
Using her aged gold fork, Tikba takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Carew just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Carew carefully surveys her surroundings.
Aphaedra smiles.
Using his aged gold fork, Vandryl takes a bite of his bowl of vegetables.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nalver says, "I hope to add Grand Lord to that in the near future."
Speaking to Uniana, Aliashyrah says, "The obvious care in choosing the menu does not go without notice."
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Teveriel pours himself a dragonstalk-shaped flute of pale gold riesling.
Vandryl says, "They are good."
Speaking to you, Aphaedra says, "The raspberries were an excellent choice."
Speaking to Teveriel, you say, "I wouldn't say bold, just new. Tonight was already going to be full of surprises, I wanted some comfort."
Lylia grins at Thrassus.
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his cinnamon almond cake.
You take a bite of your raspberry lemon custard.
Teaberry removes a shiny spoon from in her hooded cloak.
Using her aged gold fork, Lylia takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Qiana smiles at you.
Teveriel nods knowingly to you.
Lifting a circular tartlet of raspberry lemon custard from her ivory glass plate, Lithyia takes a bite of the custard.
Speaking to you, Uniana allows, "Hard to fault that."
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Speaking to you, Dezter asks, "How'd it turn out?"
Teaberry put a shiny spoon in her hooded cloak.
Teveriel takes a drink from his pale gold riesling.
Lithyia says, "This custard is perfection."
Lithyia nods.
Vandryl put a gilded porcelain plate centered with a crimson wyvern rampant on a carved mahogany table.
Hazelnut abruptly says, "I must admit, it gratifies me to see this sort of reception from the people of Ta'Vaalor. If I am being frank, it is a surprise after how the city's seneschal chose to receive our requests."
(Traiva leans back against one of the chairs as she admires the sweets on her plate.)
Hazelnut takes a drink from his rich red port.
Hazelnut looks rather relaxed.
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his cinnamon almond cake.
Speaking to Dezter, you say, "As delicious as I imagined it would be."
Aliashyrah nods in agreement at Hazelnut.
Using his aged gold fork, Vandryl takes a bite of his cinnamon almond cake.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dezter says, "We wanna help."
Lylia gazes with interest at Hazelnut.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aliashyrah says, "Very succinctly put, Hazelnut."
Vandryl says, "Hmmm."
Roelon adopts an agreeable expression.
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Opalina put a horn-handled stein of roasted coffee stout on a carved mahogany table.
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Traiva says, "The people of Ta'Vaalor truly should not be judged by officials."
Vandryl offers Lithyia a pale ivory glass plate hand-painted in blue-violet larkspurs.
Dezter says, "However we can."
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Dezter shrugs.
Roelon pours himself a glass of champagne cocktail.
Lithyia accepts Vandryl's ivory glass plate.
Vandryl offers Lithyia a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Tikba looks thoughtfully at Traiva.
Hazelnut nods at Dezter.
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Roelon glances at a glass of champagne cocktail in his hand.
Speaking to Dezter, Aliashyrah says, "Perhaps the citizens can impress that same desire on the Lord Chamberlain."
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Roelon takes a drink from his champagne cocktail.
Lithyia says, "Oh my hands are so full."
Lithyia laughs!
Speaking soothingly to Hazelnut, Immianthe says, "Admit Ruffled feathers often produce more cluck than purr, Master Hazelnut."
Carew removes a fan of sliced fresh strawberries filled with Ravelin clotted cream from on her ivory glass plate.
Dendum taps a round river reed basket that he is wearing.
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Lithyia put a pale ivory glass plate hand-painted in blue-violet larkspurs on a carved mahogany table.
Lithyia accepts Vandryl's aged gold fork.
Roelon blinks.
Hazelnut nods at Immianthe.
Lithyia says, "Thank you."
Traiva gratefully says, "They have been nothing but warm towards me."
Dendum pours himself a mug of bitter evergreen tea.
Lithyia smiles at Vandryl.
Carew takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Carew closes her eyes for a moment.
Dendum takes a drink from his evergreen tea.
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "Politicians have their own flare for these sort of things. I think they wanted a little different atmosphere to ease some of the fears that the treaty may have put forth."
Using her aged gold fork, Lithyia takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Speaking gratefully to Uniana, Missoni says, "Truly, this has been a gorgeous repast." She nods briefly to Teverial as well. "The attention to detail has not gone unnoticed."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dezter says, "I sure hope so."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Thrassus says, "I assume he has many, many things he has to deal with and has little time for else."
Lylia says, "After the prior meeting, I know some seemed crestfallen, but...well, one must not mistake allies and friends. Often similar but not alike."
Dezter flashes a toothy grin.
Brilliant flames of reds, oranges, and yellows from the glass lantern flicker and fade, before flaring into new life. Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Lithyia nods at Vandryl.
Vandryl smiles.
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his sliced fresh strawberries.
Qiana smiles.
Tikba diplomatically says, "I was quite curious as to the confusion Retassal alluded to with the Briarmoon Cove agreement." Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
You peer quizzically at Tikba.
Immianthe slips quietly back into the shadows.
Speaking to Tikba, Hazelnut asks, "Perhaps he was misinformed?"
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his sliced fresh strawberries.
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Roelon gazes with interest at the champagne cocktail in his hand.
Speaking raspily to himself, Dildelgun says, "Or a liar."
Lifting a buttery slice of cinnamon almond cake cradling a cognac-poached pear from his ivory glass plate, Dildelgun takes a bite of the cake.
Lifting a circular tartlet of raspberry lemon custard from his ivory glass plate, Hazelnut takes a bite of the custard.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
You frown at Dildelgun.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Teaberry says, "The stawberries are magnificent."
Uniana says, "And perhaps we can extend a bit of grace to the Lord High Chamberlain. An unidentified airship landing, the lateness of the hour."
Vandryl winks at Lithyia.
Speaking to Dildelgun, you say, "No need to get nasty."
Qiana takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Uniana looks thoughtful for a moment, then shrugs.
Carew takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Roelon deeply says, "This drink is ...impressive."
The scratch of a fork against a plate is blatantly audible in the room.
Speaking raspily to you, Dildelgun says, "Huh? Oh, no.I meant the cake."
Dildelgun nods to you.
Lithyia leans softly against Vandryl.
Carew winces.
Roelon wiggles his ears.
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Lylia says, "Chamberlain Retassal is an admirable man who clearly has the well-being of his sovereign and his city foremost in mind. Hard to fault him for any of these virtues."
Akenna clears her throat.
Hazelnut clears his throat.
Teveriel wryly says, "It was a night without shortage of surprises, indeed."
Lithyia nods at Vandryl.
Vandryl nods at Lithyia.
Teveriel nods at Uniana.
Dezter raises an eyebrow in your direction.
Vandryl kisses Lithyia tenderly.
Speaking neutrally to Hazelnut, Tikba says, "Certainly there is some disagreement, and it is hard to know why."
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Speaking quietly to Teaberry, Traiva says, "The strawberries are too pretty for me to eat just yet."
Lithyia whispers something to Vandryl.
Lithyia giggles at Vandryl.
Vandryl winks at Aphaedra.
Using her aged gold fork, Teaberry takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Dildelgun snickers.
Aphaedra takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Lifting a buttery slice of cinnamon almond cake cradling a cognac-poached pear from his ivory glass plate, Dildelgun takes a bite of the cake.
Aliashyrah says, "I believe it is just that it can be a bit confusing to have such a warm and thoughtful reception from the citizens and a rather dismissive if not outright rude reception from more official channels. We are grateful for the obvious time and attention put into this meal."
Roelon takes a drink from his champagne cocktail.
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his sliced fresh strawberries.
Aphaedra grins at Vandryl.
Using her aged gold fork, Lithyia takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Speaking to Tikba, you ask, "What confusion are you speaking of?"
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Qiana takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Vandryl just nudged Dezter.
Vandryl blinks.
Vandryl coughs.
Dildelgun agrees with Aliashyrah.
Speaking to Traiva, Carew says, "They are delicious, don't let the cream get too warm before you try them."
Nalver smiles at Aliashyrah.
Dildelgun raspily says, "Food was real good, folks."
Aliashyrah says, "However, it does not negate that our requests and delegation was treated like an erring child."
Dildelgun nods approvingly.
Hazelnut says, "We appreciate the help from the citizens of Ta'Vaalor."
Teaberry put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her ivory glass plate.
Dezter asks, "Hm?"
Dezter blinks.
Lithyia agrees with Dildelgun.
Lithyia grins at Dildelgun.
Dezter says, "I din do it."
Traiva smiles at Carew.
Teaberry put a pale ivory glass plate hand-painted in blue-violet larkspurs on a carved mahogany table.
Dezter takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Dezter looks rather relaxed.
Speaking to Dezter, Aphaedra asks, "Are you sure?"
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Dildelgun raspily exclaims, "Real nice plates and food stabbers too!"
Roelon nods once.
Dezter blinks.
Roelon takes a drink from his champagne cocktail.
Dezter admits, "No..."
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Uniana reminds, "This reception is only made possible by those official channels. The Lord Chamberlain selected Lady Wysaceran and her staff especially to assist in coordinating this."
Carew takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Aphaedra grins at Dezter.
Speaking to Dezter, Vandryl says, " is your fault by DEfault."
Speaking to you, Tikba explains, "Chamberlain Retassal informed us all that, to his knowledge, the exclusivity of the Briarmoon agreement was by their request."
Lifting a buttery slice of cinnamon almond cake cradling a cognac-poached pear from his ivory glass plate, Dildelgun takes a bite of the cake.
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his sliced fresh strawberries.
Aphaedra agrees with Uniana.
Lithyia glances between Dezter and Vandryl.
Dezter sighs.
Lithyia raises an eyebrow.
Vandryl smirks at Dezter.
Using her aged gold fork, Lithyia takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Dezter nods slowly.
Lithyia attempts to hum a merry little tune.
Vandryl nods at Dezter.
Hazelnut says, "But it does feel like one hand gives as the other takes, with this Briarmoon agreement strangling us so. Perhaps I am mixing my metaphors."
Using her aged gold fork, Lithyia takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
You nod at Tikba.
Vandryl says, "Now apologize."
Dezter hangs his head.
Vandryl chuckles.
Lylia lightly says, "It is almost as if an entire nation cannot be summed up with a few strokes of a pen as caricature, rather than a nuanced portrait capturing true character."
Hazelnut says, "One hand gives while the other... squeezes."
Vandryl winks at Aphaedra.
Akenna says, "I know my opinion here might be a bit...against the grain. Your town gave their word, now you want to back out after services were rendered. To back out of a contract is dishonorable and you should remain steadfast friends with the House of Vaalor."
Dezter whispers aloud, "Sorry..."
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Speaking to you, Tikba says, "Mayor Dabbings is equally confident that it was not."
Vandryl pulls on Dezter, trying to get him closer.
Roelon blinks.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Akenna shrugs.
Dezter grins slowly.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Aliashyrah nods slightly at Uniana.
Speaking to Dezter, Vandryl exclaims, "But it makes us love ya more!"
Vandryl begins chortling at Dezter.
Lithyia chuckles to herself.
Dendum says, "Whether the chamberlain or Icemule, who is much closer to the Cove, is more correct about Briarmoon....certainly the increase in airships can not be denied in the fortress."
Lifting a fan of sliced fresh strawberries filled with Ravelin clotted cream from his ivory glass plate, Dildelgun takes a bite of the strawberries.
Using her aged gold fork, Lithyia takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Speaking to Tikba, you ask, "Interesting. Was Mayor Dabbings informed by Briarmoon Cove of this?"
Dezter flashes a toothy grin.
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his sliced fresh strawberries.
Dezter leans on Vandryl.
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Speaking curiously to Akenna, Aliashyrah asks, "What services rendered do you speak of?"
Speaking quietly to Hazelnut, Opalina says, "Not all squeezing is bad... sometimes you have to squeeze to make lemonaide."
Tikba glances inquiringly between Hazelnut and yourself.
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his sliced fresh strawberries.
Carew takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Speaking to Akenna, Hazelnut says, "That is an interesting take on honor. Icemule Trace does not have a voice or an opinion of its own. It is just buildings and a glacier. One group of people made an agreement. A wholly separate group are bound by it."
Using her aged gold fork, Lithyia takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Speaking to Akenna, Uniana says, "We are well past the entrees, it is time for the respectful opinions, regardless of how differing."
Vandryl nods at Opalina.
The dim aura fades from around Lylia.
Lylia begins to breathe less deeply.
The dully illuminated mantle protecting Lylia begins to falter, then completely fades away.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Akenna asks, "I believe the Vaalor came to your aid with the lich was causing havoc, did they not?"
Traiva put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her ivory glass plate.
Speaking to Akenna, Hazelnut says, "What I find dishonorable, of course, is the powerful using that power to harm the weak."
Traiva pours herself a galleon-etched glass of rich red port.
Speaking to you, Tikba says, "Hazelnut knows the details."
Traiva takes a drink from her rich red port.
Traiva looks quite relaxed.
Lithyia leans softly against Vandryl.
Carew takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Carew takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Dildelgun nods enthusiastically! Aliashyrah says, "The agreeement had nothing to do with what happened with the lich."
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Lithyia whispers something to Vandryl.
Lithyia grins at Vandryl.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Akenna asks, "How have they harmed you?"
Lithyia winks at Vandryl.
Speaking to Akenna, Aliashyrah says, "You are combining and confusing two very different things."
Using her aged gold fork, Lithyia takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Traiva carefully places her rich red port on the floor alongside her.
Traiva removes a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk from on her ivory glass plate.
Uniana gazes with interest at her surroundings.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nalver says, "Much like the reputation of Ta'Vaalor was not correctly reflected because of a few bad apples, not too long ago."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Akenna says, "I apologize."
Vandryl grins at Lithyia.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Thrassus put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on his ivory glass plate.
Speaking quietly to Akenna, Opalina asks, "Harm is a strong word.. More like.. disturbed?"
Speaking to Hazelnut, you ask, "May I inquire as to where Mayor Dabbings received his information about the trade between Briarmoon Cove and Ta'Vaalor?"
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Thrassus removes a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk from on his ivory glass plate.
Roelon raises an eyebrow.
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his raspberry lemon custard.
Speaking to you, Hazelnut says, "From his contacts in Briarmoon Cove, of course."
Lifting a circular tartlet of raspberry lemon custard from his ivory glass plate, Dildelgun takes a bite of the custard.
Lithyia smirks at Vandryl.
Hazelnut nods at Nalver.
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Speaking to Carew, Traiva says, "You are quite right about the cream. It is divine, and perfect for the strawberries."
Using her aged gold fork, Carew takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Vandryl winks at Lithyia.
Speaking to Opalina, Akenna says, "Disruption is of course, regrettable."
Lithyia smirks at Vandryl.
Using her aged gold fork, Tikba takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his raspberry lemon custard.
Dezter frowns at Hazelnut.
Speaking to you, Dendum adds, ""We got information on increase of airships with eyes."
Nalver put a set of anemone-carved pale driftwood chopsticks in his elesine cloak.
Dendum nods.
Using her aged gold fork, Missoni takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Tikba appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as she glances at Dendum.
Uniana smiles gratefully in the direction of Traiva and Carew.
Nalver removes a chunk of pale blue ice stone from in his elesine cloak.
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his raspberry lemon custard.
Using her aged gold fork, Lylia takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Using his aged gold fork, Thrassus takes a bite of his raspberry lemon custard.
Aliashyrah gently brushes her auburn hair away from her eyes and, with a deft twist of her wrist, tucks it behind one ear.
Lithyia nods at Vandryl.
Thrassus put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on his ivory glass plate.
Thrassus put a pale ivory glass plate hand-painted in blue-violet larkspurs on a wyvern-shaped cart of bright eahnor.
Missoni put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her ivory glass plate.
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Aphaedra leans softly against Jaydo.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Speaking politely to Uniana, Carew says, "Everything is perfect, I see now why all the conversation yesterday."
Vandryl begins chuckling at Dezter!
Speaking to Akenna, Hazelnut says, "We had thriving trade with Briarmoon Cove. Now we lack it because Ta'Vaalor entered knowingly into a restrictive trade agreement with our neighbor. An agreement that provides Ta'Vaalor with little benefit, according to our the efforts of our clerks."
Qiana takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Vandryl snickers at Dezter.
Speaking in Faendryl to Xorus, Lylia murmurs something you don't understand.
Aliashyrah glances between Akenna and Hazelnut.
Xorus leans softly against Lylia.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Aphaedra grins at Carew.
Lylia smiles at Xorus.
Roelon adopts an agreeable expression.
Roelon takes a drink from his champagne cocktail.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you ask, "So Briarmoon Cove has told your mayor that it was our idea while it seems that Briarmoon Cove was the one who reached out to us for the trade according to the Lord Chamberlain. As I do not wish to be nasty and call either side a liar, perhaps there is some workings inside Briarmoon Cove we are not aware of?"
Tikba looks thoughtfully at Hazelnut.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Akenna asks, "Then wouldn't it be beneficial to work with the House of Vaalor to be included in that agreement?"
Dezter nods to you.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nalver asks, "Brashton talked about how expensive it is to fly out here. Can you imagine the price to send multiple airships day after day?"
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Using her aged gold fork, Lylia takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Missoni pours herself a dragonstalk-shaped flute of pale gold riesling.
Squire Legionnaire Aerinson's group just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Speaking to you, Dezter says, "Clearly there's some manipulation goin on here."
Aerinson marches back and forth, sharply turning at the end of each stride.
Malinya marches back and forth, sharply turning at the end of each stride.
Speaking to Akenna, Hazelnut says, "With the cost of feeding soldiers, keeping airships maintained, and the astronomically high prices that the Vaalor are paying for common staples that you already have here in abundance..."
Aerinson turns in a slow, precise circle, assessing his surroundings from every direction.
Vandryl pours himself a dragonstalk-shaped flute of pale gold riesling.
Dildelgun raspily says, "Yeah Briarmoon Cove always wants more trade. They love the silvers there. Don't make no sense they wouldn't want to trade with Icemule no more. Can't be their own choice."
Speaking to Akenna, Hazelnut says, "There is only one read of the situation."
Dildelgun shrugs.
Malinya turns sharply on her heel, reversing direction with military precision.
Malinya casually observes her surroundings.
Lifting a circular tartlet of raspberry lemon custard from his ivory glass plate, Dildelgun takes a bite of the custard.
Aerinson folds his hands behind his back.
Missoni takes a drink from her pale gold riesling.
Missoni looks rather relaxed.
Vandryl offers Lithyia a dragonstalk-shaped flute of pale gold riesling.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Dezter agrees with Dildelgun.
Vandryl kisses Lithyia tenderly.
Aphaedra takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Lithyia put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her ivory glass plate.
Lithyia accepts Vandryl's pale gold riesling.
Lithyia smiles at Vandryl.
Roelon whispers something to Opalina.
Lithyia says, "Thank you."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking to Akenna, Nalver says, "Work with Vaalor? It's pretty obvious this was done in response to a hastily scribbled note by a passionate Nalfein that was never meant to see the light of day."
Dezter says, "I think that's the real point, there ain't no good reason for Briarmoon to cut you off."
Traiva raises an eyebrow in Lithyia's direction.
Vandryl begins chuckling at Lithyia!
Speaking to you, Hazelnut says, "Perhaps, and perhaps Rammael's machinations have entrapped Ta'Vaalor as well."
Speaking to you, Aliashyrah says, "There is always a chance of duplicity in many places. However, you cannot deny that the trade agreement with Briarmoon Cove and the timing of it and the exclusivity do seem rather suspect."
Teveriel says, "While I understand your distress, you will find that there is not a bureaucrat among us. Only citizens of Ta'Vaalor who wished to extend a hand to you and yours."
Vandryl pulls on Lithyia, trying to get her closer.
Speaking quietly to Vandryl, Traiva asks, "Was that your intent?"
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
You ask, "May I make a suggestion then? Perhaps a committee from both Icemule and Vaalor could perhaps investigate Briarmoon Cove separate of each other?"
Roelon nods at Hazelnut.
Tikba looks thoughtfully at Hazelnut.
Dezter snickers at Hazelnut.
Traiva moves to stand in front of Lithyia.
Using her aged gold fork, Lylia takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Akenna says, "I think you catch more flies with honey than you do with vinegar and I think the House of
Vaalor is more willing to aid than you might think. They do want to remain friends, it seems."
Vandryl scoffs at a silvery tail.
Traiva whispers something to Lithyia.
Tikba looks at Lithyia with concern.
Roelon glances at Lithyia.
Vandryl scoffs.
You ask, "Collect information to then present to each other at a later time?"
Roelon grins.
Traiva gently rests her hand on Lithyia's shoulder.
Lissaya gives a sidelong glance at Lithyia.
Lithyia stands up.
Roelon takes a drink from his champagne cocktail.
Uniana strides over to stand before Lithyia.
Using her aged gold fork, Carew takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Traiva put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her ivory glass plate.
Speaking to you, Nalver asks, "Why not together?"
Tikba nods approvingly at Akenna.
Speaking to Traiva, Vandryl says, "Never."
Speaking to you, Hazelnut says, "I think perhaps there is a simpler way to cut the knot."
Qiana takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Aphaedra takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Lithyia blushes a nice shade of dark red.
Traiva begins chuckling at Vandryl!
Vandryl sighs at Traiva.
Lylia gazes admiringly at Akenna.
Lithyia sighs.
Qiana takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Speaking to Akenna, Traiva says, "You got to it before I could."
Hazelnut says, "Ta'Vaalor should end its trade agreement with Briarmoon Cove."
Missoni nods sympathetically at Lithyia.
Lithyia gazes heavenward.
Akenna nods at Uniana.
Uniana dusts Lithyia off.
Akenna smiles at Uniana.
Aphaedra pours herself a dragonstalk-shaped flute of pale gold riesling.
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Dildelgun nods.
Speaking to Nalver, you say, "We could certainly do it together as well though I thought you may have enjoyed the independence of doing your own investigation."
Opalina sighs.
Opalina walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Aliashyrah gazes admiringly at Hazelnut.
Tikba appears to be struggling to keep a straight face as she glances at Traiva.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Akenna asks, "Why?"
Using her aged gold fork, Lylia takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Hazelnut says, "If it was entered into in good faith, then it seems that whoever authorized it was not competent. It is costing the city more than they gain."
Lithyia walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Lithyia blushes a nice shade of dark red.
Using her aged gold fork, Lylia takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Traiva glances at Tikba.
Traiva shrugs her shoulders, lifting her wings slightly.
Speaking to Tikba, Traiva mouths, "Paupers."
Thrassus pours himself a glass of champagne cocktail.
Lithyia put a dragonstalk-shaped flute of pale gold riesling on a carved mahogany table.
Carew carefully asks, "If I may be so bold, would an intermediary with no interest in this trade be an option?"
Lylia put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her ivory glass plate.
Tikba laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement from Traiva.
Thrassus takes a drink from his champagne cocktail.
Thrassus looks rather relaxed.
Speaking to Akenna, Hazelnut says, "Unless you believe that flour and vegetables and the like are in short supply in a place with so much farmland."
Lithyia agrees with Missoni.
Lithyia blushes a nice shade of dark red.
Traiva picks up a galleon-etched glass of rich red port from alongside her.
Speaking to Carew, you say, "Would probably be best."
Lifting a buttery slice of cinnamon almond cake cradling a cognac-poached pear from his ivory glass plate, Teveriel takes a bite of the cake.
Lylia carefully placed a pale ivory glass plate hand-painted in blue-violet larkspurs on a carved mahogany table.
Traiva takes a drink from her rich red port.
Traiva looks quite relaxed.
Aphaedra takes a drink from her pale gold riesling.
Aphaedra looks rather relaxed.
Speaking to Carew, Nalver says, "I feel like less people involved is better. Not more."
Nalver chuckles.
A tiny ember sparks into the air, yet quickly turns to harmless ash lost to an errant rush of air.
Lithyia says, "I do that so often. Please forgive me."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Akenna asks, "Is that what they are trading?"
Lithyia blushes a nice shade of dark red.
Speaking deeply to Akenna, Roelon says, "It does little good to Ta'Vaalor and greater harm to Icemule. If it is the work of ah malicious third party..... keeping such an agreement..."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Aphaedra smiles at Lithyia.
Lylia pours herself a galleon-etched glass of rich red port.
Lissaya gazes in amusement at Lithyia.
Lylia offers Xorus a galleon-etched glass of rich red port.
Lylia pours herself a galleon-etched glass of rich red port.
Xorus accepts Lylia's rich red port.
Speaking to Lithyia, Lissaya says, "Happens to the best of us."
Xorus takes a drink from his rich red port.
Traiva carefully places her rich red port on the floor alongside her.
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Dezter slowly empties his lungs.
Traiva removes a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk from on her ivory glass plate.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Akenna asks, "I mean, do you specifically know what is being traded?"
Lithyia says, "I should stop spending time with Gutstorm."
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Roelon takes a drink from his champagne cocktail.
Lithyia snickers.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Nalver asks, "May I ask a bold question?"
Akenna asks, "Is it flour and vegetables?"
Vandryl begins chuckling at Lithyia!
Nalver glances between Aliashyrah and Hazelnut.
Speaking to Nalver, Aliashyrah says, "Certainly."
Carew quickly says, "I recommend the dwarven Greetok clan."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Uniana says, "I appreciate your passion but Jatherthar Daeten Vaalor is one of the finest mathematicians in the City-States. It is hard to consider the Commerce and Trade Minister is not taking the appropriate ratio of give and take into account."
Aphaedra takes a drink from her pale gold riesling.
Aphaedra looks rather relaxed.
Carew says, "They have a distinct appreciation for trade."
Using her aged gold fork, Carew takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Thrassus takes a drink from his champagne cocktail.
Thrassus looks rather relaxed.
Carew says, "All those gems...and all..."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dezter asks, "Why in the world would we be holdin onto a deal that ain't profitable, just to make y'all mad?"
Dezter sighs.
Carew coughs.
Speaking mildly to Uniana, Aliashyrah says, "Unless there is something beyond trade that is going into those calculations."
Using her aged gold fork, Qiana takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Speaking to Dezter, Dendum remarks, ""That is good question."
Speaking soothingly to Hazelnut, Immianthe admonishes, "Pease, Master Hazelnut. We are here to break bread, learn from one another. Surely hurling accussations as this peaceful endeavor expands can not help either cause. You seek recompense, yet those gathered can not offer it. Come, enjoy the offerings and ease your body for this one moment."
Aphaedra takes a drink from her pale gold riesling.
Aphaedra looks rather relaxed.
Using her aged gold fork, Carew takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Immianthe smiles politely and gestures at the cart.
Hazelnut slowly empties his lungs.
Lithyia put a pale ivory glass plate hand-painted in blue-violet larkspurs on a wyvern-shaped cart of bright eahnor.
Missoni takes a drink from her pale gold riesling.
Lithyia folds her hands in her lap.
Missoni furrows her brow.
Aliashyrah rests a gentle hand on Hazelnut's arm.
Nalver says, "Is there someone from Ta'Vaalor that can explain what it is that is so important in the west all of a sudden? We have seen an increase in activity of airships and now this trade. It would seem that Ta'Vaalor is either seeking political gains or maybe actually seeking something."
Speaking to Immianthe, Hazelnut says, "I am eating while people in Icemule Trace go hungry."
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
The mirror images surrounding Lilanna undulate and grow stronger.
Lilanna renews her songs.
(Carew keeps her fork in her mouth a moment longer than necessary, closing her lips tightly around it briefly.)
Speaking mildly to Dendum, Tikba says, "A question which brings us back to the whereabouts of Rammael."
Lylia nods in agreement at Xorus.
Speaking to you, Dezter asks, "And the whole point of this is, we wanna help, right?"
Speaking raspily to Hazelnut, Dildelgun says, "Not all of us. Some of us came to Ta'Vaalor to get a dinner."
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Carew put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her ivory glass plate.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "If evidence is found that Briarmoon Cove is trying to act dishonorable I am sure the trade agreement will be looked over again. However, I think the first steps would be to see why Briarmoon Cove is acting in such a way."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Immianthe says, "Yes, that is ever the way when a delegation must seek aid else. We will ease that concern and more with those that can properly address it. For this moment, rest assured."
Lifting a circular tartlet of raspberry lemon custard from his ivory glass plate, Dildelgun takes a bite of the custard.
Dildelgun belches.
Speaking to Dezter, you say, "That was the hope."
Dezter nods to you.
Speaking to Nalver, Teveriel says, "As I said, none of us gathered here is a bureaucrat. We do not have the answers, and I think we are all rather weary of accusations."
Dezter points at you!
Dezter says, "Yes."
Dezter says, "What he said."
Dildelgun raspily says, "Best food I had in months too."
Vandryl asks, "Orrrrr...perhaps looking to keep closer eyes on the reported expansion in the area of the landing and icemule?"
Lithyia leans softly against Vandryl.
Lithyia stands up.
Vandryl kisses Lithyia tenderly.
Lithyia blushes a nice shade of dark red.
Lithyia giggles.
Vandryl waves to Lithyia.
Traiva smiles at Dildelgun.
Aphaedra nods to you.
Lithyia says, "If you would all....excuse me...I should be going."
Speaking to Tikba, Dendum remarks, ""Yes...but some suggest he is in the Cove...but what explains the fortress? Can this claw cut two places at once?"
Lithyia nods.
Lithyia curtsies.
Lithyia says, "Thank you for the lovely dinner."
Uniana rests a gentle hand on Teveriel's arm.
Lithyia blushes a nice shade of dark red.
Aphaedra grins at Lithyia.
Aphaedra gives Lithyia a friendly hug.
Traiva kisses Lithyia tenderly, first on one cheek, then the other.
Lithyia gives Aphaedra a friendly hug.
Lithyia blushes a nice shade of dark red.
Lifting a fan of sliced fresh strawberries filled with Ravelin clotted cream from his ivory glass plate, Dildelgun takes a bite of the strawberries.
Missoni smiles at Lithyia.
Mistress Lithyia just went out.
Tikba grins.
Vandryl winks at Traiva.
Commodore Jaysehn just arrived.
Tikba glances out.
Dezter blinks.
Aphaedra smiles at Jaydo.
Speaking to Teveriel, Nalver says, "I was not meaning to sound accusatory. I am just hoping someone knows what is going on. It is not an accusation that there has been an increase in activity and interest in the west in recent years."
Vandryl snaps to attention and crisply strikes his chest with a closed fist in a display of respect to Jaysehn.
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Dezter mumbles, "Bye...."
Nalver says, "And to great expense."
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Qiana leans over and whispers, "You're doing wonderfully."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Jaysehn smiles quietly to himself.
Aliashyrah says, "It is difficult to enjoy the lavish meal set forth for us when the town is struggling and the Lord Chamberlain met our questions and requests with a vague promise to speak to your King and then a jab about how you all will have to save us from ourselves. That is not a place of mutual respect or how I would expect Ta'Vaalor to treat a visiting delegation."
Speaking carefully to Nalver, Carew says, "Having heard two rounds of, I feel confident in saying it has not really gone anywhere."
Opalina quietly says, "Well I was just going to ask if the airships would find their way to fly on the outskirts of our town instead of over it."
Dezter glances at Vandryl.
Akenna smiles at Jaysehn.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Speaking to Dendum, you say, "If that is the case then I hope we can both join together to flush out this Raemmel character."
Dezter squints at Vandryl.
Aphaedra rubs Dezter gently.
Vandryl begins chuckling at Traiva!
Hazelnut nods at Akenna.
Carew says, "Trying something different may be warranted."
Opalina quietly says, "That might have been a more reasonable request."
Lylia asks, "A better question might be, why would they not?
Name me a nation-state that does not seek to have greater knowledge of its neighbors. 'Knowing what is going on' is rather the point of it, is it not?"
Carew removes a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk from on her ivory glass plate.
Opalina shrugs.
Akenna adds Jaysehn to her group.
Roelon grins at Opalina.
Using her aged gold fork, Carew takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
(Uniana holds up one hand, waiting for silence.)
Thrassus takes a drink from his champagne cocktail.
Speaking to Dendum, Tikba says, "Hazelnut did suggest that Rammael has rapid methods of travel. His hunt may cross continents."
Carew tilts her head up.
Missoni turns an inquisitive ear toward Uniana.
Speaking to Nalver, Lylia asks, "Unless your real point is to pick other people's scabs and eat them publicly so you can disgust them?"
Roelon deeply says, "Some would say to go fir the whole package, then the little sack."
Vandryl winks at Traiva.
Tikba gazes at Uniana.
Roelon nods at Opalina.
Vandryl flashes an evil grin. The tips of his sharp-tipped fangs are clearly visible, protruding from beneath his upper lip.
Xorus takes a drink from his rich red port.
Xorus looks rather relaxed.
Lylia smiles over her glass of port before taking a sip.
Vandryl looks over at Dezter and shakes his head.
Hazelnut says, "I believe that to tolerate cruelty is to be party to cruelty. All that I ask this delegation is that they work to force the king's hand onto a kinder path."
Carew turns to face Uniana.
Lylia takes a drink from her rich red port.
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Vandryl gnaws lightly on his lower lip, as if lost in thought. The razor-sharp tip of one of his fangs breaks the skin and causes a tiny bead of blood to appear. Almost absent-mindedly, he catches it with the tip of his tongue.
Speaking softly to Aliashyrah, Immianthe says, "When one rises to alarm, oft times one is in no mind for negotiations. Surely, when the claxon rises over your hamlet you are quick to feet and slow to breath."
Vandryl looks thoughtfully at Traiva.
Hazelnut says, "Sorlu's letter caused offense and for that we are sorry. The young should not starve for it."
Speaking to Lylia, Dezter says, "That was vivid."
Vandryl shrugs at Traiva.
(Malinya stiffens noticably for a brief moment.)
Dezter wrinkles his nose.
Vandryl grins.
Malinya folds her hands behind her back.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Akenna says, "I believe if you approach it expertly, you will find that path."
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Lifting a fan of sliced fresh strawberries filled with Ravelin clotted cream from his ivory glass plate, Dildelgun takes a bite of the strawberries.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Uniana says, "You arrived a bit late, and so I apologize but we have crates and stores of flour and hearty root vegetables as well as some salted meat waiting for you at to return to your town with at Mistwatch."
Squire Legionnaire Malinya just went out.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you ask, "And what happens should Ta'Vaalor end the trade agreement and Briarmoon Cove sets up trade with the Empire and you are in the same position you were before?"
Dezter nods to you.
Speaking quietly to Hazelnut, Immianthe says, "Of course, and not one elf among you wishes the young to starve. Though, if you have ever attended to royalty then you know "forcing" is not easy, though guiding is."
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her cinnamon
almond cake.
Lifting a circular tartlet of raspberry lemon custard from his ivory glass plate, Dildelgun takes a bite of the custard.
Roelon winks.
Using her aged gold fork, Tikba takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking to Lylia, Nalver says, "Quite the contrary. I think we see two groups of people that live in different places but are very similar. It's all this back and forth of people who are wanting to further some agenda that is causing tension when those it affects really have no idea why anything is happening nor do they want contention."
Lylia nods in agreement at Xorus.
Speaking to Uniana, Aliashyrah says, "Again, my apologies if I am being unclear. There can be no fault found in the reception this evening. It is kind, extravagant, and there is obvious thought put into each selection."
Lifting a fan of sliced fresh strawberries filled with Ravelin clotted cream from his ivory glass plate, Dildelgun takes a bite of the strawberries.
Jaydo gives Aphaedra a lingering kiss on the cheek.
Squire Legionnaire Malinya just arrived.
Jaydo yawns.
Speaking to Lylia, Nalver says, "It's tit for tat."
Uniana says, "And if you heartily believe that all of Icemules problems will be cured with Ta'Vaalor breaking their trade agreement with Briarmoon Cove, then now we know the clear wishes of your delegation and can put that forth to be reviewed by the High Lord Chamberlian and those in the Guardian Keep."
Vandryl flashes an evil grin. The tips of his sharp-tipped fangs are clearly visible, protruding from beneath his upper lip.
Jaydo takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Vandryl smirks at Traiva.
Lifting a fan of sliced fresh strawberries filled with Ravelin clotted cream from her ivory glass plate, Missoni takes a bite of the strawberries.
Malinya joins Aerinson's group.
Speaking to Nalver, Immianthe says, "And what is yours, sir."
Speaking deeply to Hazelnut, Roelon asks, "Perhaps, while the the delgates work over here, we must also turn our attention to Briarmoon as well?"
Akenna nods in agreement at Uniana.
Vandryl looks over at Traiva and shakes his head.
Aphaedra smiles at Jaydo.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you ask, "I am not a merchant and do not understand the finer things of how it works but I would think having more folks to sell to would be better then only one. You're able to move product quicker and I would think affect the bottom line. Perhaps we should be asking Briarmoon Cove as to why they only want a single trade partner instead of more?"
Speaking to you, Hazelnut says, "That is unlikely."
Lylia nods at Roelon.
Missoni takes a drink from her pale gold riesling.
Missoni looks rather relaxed.
Speaking to you, Hazelnut says, "And yes, that is a good thought."
Lifting a fan of sliced fresh strawberries filled with Ravelin clotted cream from his ivory glass plate, Dildelgun takes a bite of the strawberries.
Hazelnut nods at Roelon.
Tikba looks thoughtfully at Hazelnut.
Opalina agrees with Roelon.
Using her aged gold fork, Traiva takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Qiana nods to you.
Hazelnut says, "There is also the matter of Icemule Trace's airspace."
Roelon deeply says, "Less we seek to undo what we wish to here."
Traiva put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her ivory glass plate.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Tikba asks, "Why is it unlikely for Briarmoon to trade with the Empire?"
Roelon takes a drink from his champagne cocktail.
Speaking to Uniana, Aliashyrah says, "However, there is perhaps more to be said for official negotiations being treated with as much care as this meal was. I do not think the Lord Chamberlain suffered from any confusion on what we wished when we met with him. But perhaps he will be more willing to hear it from his own people."
Using her aged gold fork, Carew takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Speaking to Roelon, Teveriel says, "That was suggested by the Lord Chamberlain as well, and I am uncertain why the topic is being avoided."
(Dildelgun licks the last of the custard from his plate.)
Traiva put a pale ivory glass plate hand-painted in blue-violet larkspurs on a carved mahogany table.
Dildelgun surreptitiously glances around the room.
Speaking to Immianthe, Nalver says, "My agenda? To keep Icemule safe so I can continue to run my shop."
Dildelgun put a pale ivory glass plate hand-painted in blue- violet larkspurs in his ivory silk backpack.
Lylia agrees, "It does seem that Briarmoon Cove should be the venue for the next meeting."
Using her aged gold fork, Lissaya takes a bite of her raspberry lemon custard.
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Speaking to Tikba, Hazelnut says, "Briarmoon Cove imports most of its staples from the Empire already. It would be unlikely for it to then sell them back to other imperial states."
Speaking to Immianthe, Nalver says, "And I made friends here, so I know that whatever all this not what I experienced."
Lissaya put a pale ivory glass plate hand-painted in blue- violet larkspurs on a carved mahogany table.
Jaysehn glances at a carved mahogany table.
Lissaya put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on a carved mahogany table.
Jaysehn removes a dragonstalk-shaped flute of pale gold riesling from on a carved mahogany table.
Qiana whispers something to Lissaya.
Lylia says, "As answers can only come from that source, not from those here, who are clearly well-intentioned on all sides."
Jaydo sighs.
Akenna whispers something to Jaysehn.
Jaydo glances at you.
Lissaya smiles at Qiana.
Jaysehn takes a drink from his pale gold riesling.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Tikba says, "You have said that Ta'Vaalor is making just such an unlikely and unprofitable trade."
Vandryl winks at Traiva.
Roelon nods at Teveriel.
Speaking to you, Hazelnut says, "The problem is that Briarmoon Cove will not respond to us. We believe that King Qalinor has applied great pressure to keep them silent."
Tikba says, "If Rammael has influenced that, surely he could influence another."
Traiva smiles at Vandryl.
Uniana nods appreciatively at Lylia.
Speaking sincerely to Uniana, Aliashyrah says, "Truly, this night has been graciousness itself. Please do not mistake the passion of Hazelnut and others here as any form of slight for what the citizens are clearly attempting to do."
Dezter nods slowly.
Dezter says, "Finally."
Carew asks, "That's an excellent point. What do the Briarmoon Cove representatives have to say to all this?"
Uniana shoots Hazelnut the smallest of dismayed glances, conveying her disapproval.
Dezter nods to you.
Teveriel echoes, "You 'believe,' of course."
Using her aged gold fork, Carew takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Qiana agrees with Teveriel.
Speaking to you, Dezter says, "That's the problem."
Dezter nods at Teveriel.
Immianthe discreetly slips away.
Qiana agrees with Lissaya.
Speaking to Teveriel, Hazelnut asks, "Very well. What have they said in response to Ta'Vaalor's inquiries?"
Speaking to Hazelnut, you ask, "Perhaps someone here from Ta'Vaalor can reach out to them?"
Dezter says, "They think we leveraged them out of Briarmoon Cove."
Vandryl smirks at Traiva.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "If they are not responding to your letters, we can only hope they will respond to ours."
Using her aged gold fork, Lilanna takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Opalina picks idly at a pale ivory glass plate hand-painted in blue-violet larkspurs.
Hazelnut nods to you.
Speaking timidly to Aliashyrah, Nalver says, "You are right. I've been speaking too passionately. I care about this relationship and am trying to force it to work. Which is never a good thing."
Speaking to you, Hazelnut says, "That is a hope I can enthusiastically support."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Teveriel says, "I will gladly restate for your benefit, Master Hazelnut, that I am not a bureaucrat and am not privy to those who may or may not have such correspondence."
Speaking to Nalver, Aliashyrah says, "Icemule breeds passionate folk. It is our strength and perhaps our downfall at times."
Nalver joins Hazelnut's group.
Nalver mutters under his breath.
Lilanna agrees with Aliashyrah.
Ghostly shadows jerk and twitch as a movement of air toys with the flames of the glass lantern.
Opalina quietly says, "I don't think the King is behind it at all."
Speaking to Nalver, Aliashyrah says, "But I do not think that we should shy away from difficult things because it makes a dinner slightly uncomfortable. Otherwise nothing can be accomplished."
Teveriel says, "But I 'believe' with certainty that hurling baseless accusations without proof is doing none of us any favors."
Opalina folds her arms over her chest.
Aliashyrah joins Hazelnut's group.
Lissaya nods in agreement at Teveriel.
Aphaedra leans on Opalina, giving her a companionable grin.
Speaking to Opalina, Aphaedra says, "I do not either."
Jaysehn whispers something to Akenna.
Dezter sighs.
Vandryl winks at Traiva.
Speaking to Teveriel, Hazelnut says, "It is difficult to ignore that this all occurred after Sorlu's letter made its way to King Qalinor."
Vandryl nods at Traiva.
Opalina gives Aphaedra a friendly hug.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "That is wonderful, we are agreeing on something and that's where it starts to improve relationships."
Lylia takes a drink from her rich red port.
Speaking to you, Dezter asks, "You want me to try to contact Briarmoon Cove? see what's goin on on their end?"
Uniana clears her throat.
Aphaedra gives Opalina a friendly hug.
Jaysehn takes a drink from his pale gold riesling.
Jaysehn looks rather relaxed.
Thrassus takes a drink from his champagne cocktail.
Vandryl blinks at Traiva.
Dildelgun raspily says, "King Qalinor sure musta been mad to do all this to Icemule."
Dildelgun frowns.
Dezter asks, "I mean, that's really what we gotta know, right?"
Lylia nods at Dezter.
Speaking to Dezter, you say, "If that is something you are willing to shoulder."
Jaysehn says, "I do not claim to know the mind of the King....but petty retributions of that sort seem to not be his particular style."
Using her aged gold fork, Carew takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Lylia nods at Jaysehn.
Speaking to you, Dezter says, "If it gets us closer to a real solution, I'd be happy to."
Malinya tilts her head up.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you ask, "Is Lord Aandryl someone you can trust to collect more information?"
Akenna shifts her weight.
Traiva picks up a galleon-etched glass of rich red port from alongside her.
Traiva takes a drink from her rich red port.
Traiva looks quite relaxed.
Missoni takes a drink from her pale gold riesling.
Missoni looks rather relaxed.
Dezter raises an eyebrow in Hazelnut's direction.
Dezter grins slowly.
Speaking raspily to Jaysehn, Dildelgun asks, "You thinking then that the King is under some magic to make him act like this?"
Dildelgun peers quizzically at Jaydo.
Speaking to you, Hazelnut says, "Yes."
Speaking to Teveriel, Aliashyrah says, "If I might, I believe the difficulty is that while the citizens seem to show nothing but care and compassion, the only authority we have been allowed to meet with did not seem to share that care, compassion, or frankness of speech that is being offered tonight. Since it has been brought up that none here has the power to change or influence what is being decided by those in power, it leaves us feeling frustrated."
Uniana evenly says, "If he was of a mind to hurt your people, I do not believe he would have extended a hand of kindness to the Lady Opalina during the Military Ball."
Uniana smiles at Opalina.
Dezter smiles.
Opalina quietly says, "Maybe he is cursed."
Speaking to Dildelgun, Jaysehn says, "I do not. And it would seem that to suggest that might be rumormongering."
Nalver asks, "Maybe we can hold our next meeting in the Pinefar Lodge, if an official of the Ta'Vaalor court would come?"
Dildelgun rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Aerinson seems to lose some dexterity.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "If not anything else I hope we can at least get a public response from Briarmoon Cove."
Dildelgun raspily asks, "Rumor what now?"
Dildelgun peers quizzically at Jaysehn.
Vandryl grins at Traiva.
Opalina quietly says, "But I do not feel that is in anyway true.."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dezter says, "I got friends in Icemule. Friends I wanna see happy and healthy. We all do."
Dezter nods at Opalina.
Speaking to Dezter, Aphaedra says, "Let me know how I can be of service, brother."
Vandryl nods at Dezter.
Speaking to you, Hazelnut asks, "If I might ask, though, why not consider the shortest number of steps to get the answer?"
Speaking to Nalver, you say, "I would be happy to attend. I am not sure how long this whole ambassador appointment is going to last. Someone else may be representing Ta'Vaalor at that time."
Speaking to Dezter, Vandryl asks, "Dexflex is of Icemule is he not?"
Speaking to Hazelnut, Nalver says, "Ship the goods by sea from Ice Mule port."
Nalver coughs.
Hazelnut says, "This agreement was between the Vaalor crown and Briarmoon Cove. You are of Ta'Vaalor."
Dezter smiles.
Vandryl snaps to attention and crisply strikes his chest with a closed fist in a display of respect to Hazelnut.
Missoni glances appraisingly around the room.
Lylia says, "With respect, it is not an official's business to show care and compassion but to look after the well-being of his own people, and that of his sovereign."
Dezter nods at Vandryl.
Hazelnut asks, "Would not the simplest route be to receive an answer from the crown?"
Speaking to Vandryl, Dezter says, "I think so."
Xorus takes a drink from his rich red port.
Vandryl nods at Dezter.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dendum reminds, ""Eh this is not the Icemule...."
Hazelnut nods at Vandryl.
Vandryl nods at Traiva.
Missoni takes a drink from her pale gold riesling.
Missoni looks rather relaxed.
Tikba glances meaningfully at Dendum.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dendum says, ""They have that steward to deal with to get to crown just as the Hazelnut did."
Using her aged gold fork, Qiana takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Speaking to Hazelnut, you say, "Because I don't believe the same as you do. Simple as that. Where you might see things as our fault, I don't. Something doesn't smell right and a challenge isn't something we usually turn away from here."
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Hazelnut nods at Dendum.
Dezter nods firmly to you.
Traiva appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Aphaedra agrees with you.
Jaysehn takes a drink from his pale gold riesling.
Vandryl smirks at Traiva.
Carew put a pale ivory glass plate hand-painted in blue-violet larkspurs on a carved mahogany table.
Carew put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on a carved mahogany table.
Traiva takes a drink from her rich red port.
Traiva looks quite relaxed.
Teaberry nods to you.
Hazelnut says, "Then yes, I enthusiastically support your efforts to inquire with Briarmoon Cove."
Carew pours herself a glass of champagne cocktail.
Using her aged gold fork, Qiana takes a bite of her cinnamon almond cake.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Aphaedra says, "Vaalor does not wish the people of Icemule harm. We will do what we can to find out what is at the root of this."
Using her aged gold fork, Akenna takes a bite of her sliced fresh strawberries.
Jaysehn takes a drink from his pale gold riesling.
Hazelnut says, "But taken with the frequent flyovers and now the presence of Ta'Vaalor's ground forces in the Western Dragonspine, I worry this is but one tine of the fork."
Opalina ponders.
Traiva walks over and pulls out a high-backed leather chair, seating herself at the table.
Jaysehn glances at Hazelnut.
(Carew moves her cocktail to her lips, mumbling before taking a sip.)
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dezter says, "And then we can come back, have a coffee, and figure this all out."
Jaysehn whispers something to Akenna.
Dezter sighs.
Carew mumbles, "Neutral party."
Nalver nods at Hazelnut.
Carew takes a drink from her champagne cocktail.
Traiva removes a silk-webbed glowbark fan from in her crushed velvet satchel.
Traiva flicks open her fan with a casual flick of her wrist.
Thrassus asks, "Ground forces?"
Teaberry says, "I think what I've always thought. That this is part of Rammael's hunt for Andelas. He wants us to disturst potential allies and each others. Divide the prey from the herd."
Akenna asks, "Ground forces?"
Thrassus raises an eyebrow.
Traiva lightly fans herself with her glowbark fan.
Roelon nods at Teaberry.
Vandryl bows to Esana.
Speaking to you, Aliashyrah says, "But while you sit and eat lavish meals and have the time to investigate at your leisure, Icemule is having to find ways to provide for her citizens with one of her main trade partners cut off. It is this sense of urgency that I believe you are seeing this evening."
Tikba nods thoughtfully at Teaberry.
Jaysehn says, "Indeed...I've not heard of troop movements."
Esana nods at Vandryl.
Dezter nods at Teaberry.
Dezter winks at Teaberry.
Opalina taps herself on the chest.
Dildelgun raspily asks, "Vaalor is marching an army at Icemule now??"
Dildelgun groans.
Speaking to you, Aliashyrah says, "We all want answers and Briarmoon Cove may hold some of those answers, but Ta'Vaalor is not without a say in the matters happening."
Opalina quietly says, "I agree partially with Teaberry."
Teveriel says, "Nonsense."
Speaking to Hazelnut, Thrassus asks, "Where did you happen to get this information from?"
Dendum offers, ""There is obviously some poor communication between Icemule, home of the Paradis who in ancient time came to the aid of Ta'vaalor, and the Fortress...word of the arrival did not come...the only letter arriving is based on a lie."
Speaking to Teaberry, Jaysehn says, "You speak with the wisdom we have come to expect, Lady."
Missoni takes a drink from her pale gold riesling.
Missoni looks quite relaxed.
Hazelnut says, "We have seen signs of the airships depositing forces in the Dragonspine. None of our rangers have found a passable route to approach whatever they are trying to fortify."
Speaking demurely to Aliashyrah, Uniana says, "This meal was taken from our winter stores especially as an offering of good will and show of kindness. This is not something we do flippantly but out of respect."
Tikba gazes with interest at Hazelnut.
Thrassus raises an eyebrow.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, you say, "And urgent is how we will take this. If there is something untoward happening within Briarmoon Cove I will adamantly voice my opinion to cancel the trade."
Jaysehn says, "Signs? Signs are not the same as soldiers."
Speaking to Dendum, Nalver says, "We are also home to a lot of the giants who helped to build this fortress."
You say, "But I want proof first."
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Uniana. She inclines her head as well, giving Uniana a brief nod.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Tikba says, "I had not heard this."
Speaking deeply to Teaberry, Roelon says, "Ah cannae find head of tail of him. But then we were easily fooled."
Nalver says, "Kind of funny when you say it outloud. Halfling living with giants."
Speaking to Jaysehn, Hazelnut says, "We have seen them with our own eyes."
Dildelgun raspily says, "Bet they building a fort, and gonna attack Icemule from it."
Dildelgun sighs.
Jaysehn nods slowly.
Teveriel glances skeptically at Hazelnut.
Dendum nods.
Speaking to Dildelgun, Nalver says, "No. That's the empire and Wehnimer's."
Roelon deeply asks, "Who is to know what Briarmoon is to believe at this moment?"
Teaberry says, "Well, we have seen air ships, and we have been told that they are from Ta'Vaalor."
Speaking raspily to Nalver, Dildelgun says, "Oh good then."
Dildelgun nods.
Speaking to Dildelgun, Nalver says, "And their citizens are helping them build a ballista tower facing the town, as we speak."
Nalver chuckles.
Speaking to Dezter, you ask, "Will you be able to reach out to Briarmoon Cove before the week is over?"
Speaking to Teaberry, Dendum says, ""Multiple at once."
Aphaedra agrees with Teaberry.
Teaberry nods at Dendum.
Speaking to Teaberry, Hazelnut says, "Indeed. Unless someone else has a fleet of crimson-hulled airships of Vaalorian design."
Speaking to you, Dezter says, "I'll do it right away."
Speaking to Teaberry, Aphaedra says, "That is an excellent point, my lady."
Speaking to Dildelgun, Nalver says, "That only adds to stress as we have two empires at our gates."
Speaking raspily to Nalver, Dildelgun says, "Seems Icemule and the Landing almost be in the same boat."
Akenna whispers something to Jaysehn.
With a subtle tilt of his head, Thrassus's slender finger taps lightly on his bottom lip as he becomes lost in thought.
Speaking to you, Dezter says, "This ain't hangin in the air any longer."
Teveriel curiously asks, "Why was that detail not discussed with the Lord Chamberlain?"
Aliashyrah nods at Dildelgun.
Tikba glances inquiringly at Dildelgun.
Lylia nods at Xorus.
Speaking to Lylia, Tikba murmurs, "We must return together. Gutstorm also wishes me to bless the tower before you explain to him how it is built."
Speaking to Teveriel, Dendum reminds, ""The Chamberlain was....talking about putting troops into the west to solve problem."
Vandryl nods at Traiva.
(Malinya raises her head, staring off into the distance, her back stiffeningagain. Her usually impassive countenance falters momentarily before she quickly regains her stoic composure.)
Vandryl rests his hands at the open mouths of his empty scabbards.
You nod at Dezter.
Vandryl blinks.
Speaking to you, Aliashyrah says, "I appreciate your candor and promise to voice objections if something untoward is happening."
As Vandryl draws an ornate basket-hilted Vaalorian estoc inlaid with nightstone and kelyn runes, invisible currents of energy rumble along the blade, cloaking it in a hazy blur.
As Vandryl draws an ornate Vaalorian dagger inlaid with nightstone and kelyn runes, invisible currents of energy rumble along the blade, cloaking it in a hazy blur.
Lylia furrows her brow.
With a flourish, Vandryl sheathes an ornate basket-hilted Vaalorian estoc inlaid with nightstone and kelyn runes and an ornate Vaalorian dagger inlaid with nightstone and kelyn runes in opposing scabbards on his blue leather swordbelt.
Falvicar suddenly blinks and wakes up from his daydream.
Falvicar rubs his eyes.
Vandryl coughs.
Speaking to Teveriel, Hazelnut says, "With respect, the Lord Chamberlain was too busy trying to cut us to ribbons with his wit to hear our pleas."
Malinya reaches out and touches her lasimor scabbard.
Jaysehn whispers something to Akenna.
(Vandryl apologizes.)
Malinya narrows her eyes.
Vandryl nods.
Jaysehn glances at Missoni.
Vandryl says, "Though id lost the."
Vandryl reaches out and pats his blue leather swordbelt.
Missoni cocks her head at Jaysehn.
Speaking to Tikba, Lylia says, "Explain to him how it is built?" She glances down at her hands in dismay. "I am not an architect. Certainly not of towers."
Traiva lightly fans herself with her glowbark fan.
Speaking to you, Aliashyrah says, "However, if you find nothing or cannot determin the forces at work behind the scenes, does that mean the trade deal is left alone? That would leave Icemule in the same position we are in now."
Brilliant flames of reds, oranges, and yellows from the glass lantern flicker and fade, before flaring into new life.
Malinya takes a few steps back.
Tikba grins at Lylia.
Aerinson glances at Malinya.
Falvicar's concentration shifts and becomes more focused as he slightly tilts an ear in a particular direction.
Vandryl removes a small burled mahogany case of cigar leaf wrappers from in his slim vaalorn kit.
Speaking to Lylia, Traiva says, "Tell him sprites did it. He will believe it easily enough."
Vandryl removes a smooth pale kidskin face wrap from in his slim vaalorn kit.
Falvicar sits down next to Opalina.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Teveriel says, "This is the first any of us have heard of any movement of ground troops."
Lylia nods in agreement at Traiva.
Hazelnut nods at Teveriel.
Vandryl gives a smooth pale kidskin face wrap a quick glance over and drops the wrap into one of the small pouches hanging from his leather harness.
Vandryl closes the various containers on his leather harness, giving a final pat down to ensure everything is fully closed.
Speaking amusedly to Lylia, Tikba says, "Gutstorm has a high opinion of you. I am sure you can rise to the challenge."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, you say, "Then I hope we can come to some solution that works for both parties."
Speaking to you, Aliashyrah says, "That is why I admire your desire to get to the bottom of things, but at the root of it all, if the trade agreement remains as it is, the damage to Icemule will be the same regardless of what is found."
Lylia gazes in amusement at Tikba.
Lylia nods in agreement.
Vandryl rummages briefly in his mahogany case and pulls out a narrow cigar leaf wrapper.
Vandryl put a small burled mahogany case of cigar leaf wrappers in his slim vaalorn kit.
Vandryl removes a fig-stamped metal tobacco tin from in his slim vaalorn kit.
Thrassus takes a drink from his champagne cocktail.
Thrassus looks rather relaxed.
Carew takes a drink from her champagne cocktail.
Vandryl put a narrow cigar leaf wrapper in his black oilcloth pouch.
Vandryl opens his metal tobacco tin with a sharp snap.
Vandryl takes some apple-cured tobacco leaves from a fig- stamped metal tobacco tin.
Vandryl closes his metal tobacco tin with a sharp snap.
Vandryl put a fig-stamped metal tobacco tin in his slim vaalorn kit.
Speaking to Uniana, Aliashyrah says, "My Lady, you have my sincere thanks for the generosity of this evening and my apologies for such uncomfortable discussions at a lovely dinner party."
Vandryl removes a narrow cigar leaf wrapper from in his black oilcloth pouch.
With careful precision, Vandryl presses some apple-cured tobacco in a thin line down the length of a narrow cigar leaf wrapper that he cradles lovingly in his palm.
Speaking quietly to Teveriel, Hazelnut says, "I am sorry to be the bearer of news."
Vandryl rolls a tobacco leaf between forefinger and thumb with amazing skill.
A hungry gleam glints in Vandryl's eye as he winds the leaf to its end.
He licks the loose edge, presses it gently onto itself, and smiles broadly as he admires his work, a purple-banded cigar.
Speaking quietly to Uniana, Hazelnut says, "And I, for my part."
Speaking skeptically to Hazelnut, Teveriel replies, "Mm."
Vandryl asks, "May i?"
Vandryl gazes thoughtfully at his purple-banded cigar.
Aerinson returns to normal color.
Vandryl smirks at Lissaya.
Lissaya flashes a wide grin at Vandryl.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, you say, "As many have stated, our citizens would greatly like to help Icemule. Now we cannot dictate how our nations trade but we may be able to make trade agreements ourselves. If Briarmoon Cove has trade with Ta'Vaalor, perhaps they will trade with civilian contracts."
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dezter says, "I'm glad we got to meet."
Casting an expectant eye down to his purple-banded cigar, Vandryl sharply snaps his fingers, and a flame ignites the tip of the cigar. A curl of vanilla-tinged fig smoke wends up from his cigar, and he gives it a hearty puff.
Dezter nods at Aliashyrah.
Hazelnut says, "Obfuscation and trickery got us into this tangle. I see no way out but plain speech and candor."
Uniana honestly says, "There is nothing to apologize for, perhaps save the assumptions about our Sovereign and his intentions, we welcome your thoughts, in respect and candor."
Vandryl offers Lissaya a purple-banded cigar.
Uniana drops into a deep curtsy, moving smoothly as her arms sweep grandly to her sides.
Jaydo gives Aphaedra a lingering kiss on each fingertip.
Lissaya accepts Vandryl's purple-banded cigar.
Speaking to Lissaya, Vandryl says, "My special blend."
Dendum offers, ""If there was just the trade agreement, and disagreement about what started it, then this is one thing...but with increase of airships and movement of multiple near the mountains....some of the west see more than poorly thought out agreement for grain."
Vandryl beams happily at Lissaya!
Falvicar nods at Hazelnut.
Lissaya takes a long draw from her purple-banded cigar.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Teaberry says, "I agree, Hazelnut."
Traiva breathes in slightly.
Lissaya offers Vandryl a purple-banded cigar.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, you say, "And while I understand the need for the Lord Chamberlain to add a mark up for these trade goods. I doubt the citizens of Ta'Vaalor would feel that way and will openly trade at cost."
Vandryl accepts Lissaya's purple-banded cigar.
Vandryl puffs slowly from his cigar.
Aliashyrah gazes with interest at you.
Lissaya nods appreciatively at Vandryl.
Uniana gives a sidelong glance at you.
Speaking softly to Vandryl, Traiva says, "Do stand closer, that is a delightful scent."
Aphaedra leans softly against Jaydo.
Speaking to you, Aliashyrah says, "As I said to your Lord Chamberlain that would be such a waste of time and resources, but your heart is in the right place."
Lylia takes a drink from her rich red port.
Vandryl leans softly against Traiva.
Taking a puff of his purple-banded cigar, Vandryl causes the tip of it to burn with a brilliant orange-red for a moment before fading.
Dezter winks at Aphaedra and flashes a sly grin.
Nalver says, "Maybe I'll open up a shop in the Ravelin and sell goods from Briarmoon myself."
Nalver rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Traiva lightly fans herself with her glowbark fan.
Vandryl winks at Traiva.
Jaydo gives Aphaedra a lingering kiss on the forehead.
Traiva clears her throat.
Vandryl offers Traiva a purple-banded cigar.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, you say, "It is not a waste if it saves lives."
Speaking casually to Nalver, Uniana says, "No thank you."
Nalver nods to you.
Traiva sheepishly says, "Not quite -that- close."
Traiva accepts Vandryl's purple-banded cigar.
Vandryl begins chuckling at Traiva!
Lylia grins at Thrassus.
Traiva presses a cigar to her nose and inhales the aroma with gusto.
Speaking to you, Dezter says, "Well said, sir."
Speaking to you, Aliashyrah says, "In truth, this is not the place for such discussions, but we were rather shut down through official channels. It would seem the citizens and those who are leading Ta'Vaalor perhaps have very different motivations or at the least very different ways in which they choose to express themselves."
Opalina slowly empties her lungs.
Traiva offers Vandryl a purple-banded cigar.
Falvicar wraps Opalina in a tender embrace.
Hazelnut sincerely says, "I would rather sit down and tell stories of our two peoples, but this food tastes of ash in my mouth and sits sour in my stomach. I fear we see only a small part of a darker and grander design."
Akenna put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her ivory glass plate.
Vandryl accepts Traiva's purple-banded cigar.
Vandryl puts his cigar to his lips and puffs lightly, a vanilla-tinged fig aroma surrounding him.
Akenna carefully placed a pale ivory glass plate hand-painted in blue-violet larkspurs on a carved mahogany table.
Speaking to Vandryl, Traiva says, "I appreciate them, but I do not smoke."
Tikba looks thoughtfully at Hazelnut.
Vandryl nods at Traiva.
Jaysehn raises an eyebrow in Hazelnut's direction.
Vandryl winks at Opalina.
Vandryl offers Opalina a purple-banded cigar.
Vandryl takes a few short puffs from his purple-banded cigar.
Speaking disappointedly to Hazelnut, Uniana says, "Really? We added so much lemon and anise to prevent just that."
Opalina quietly says, "Ohh."
Teveriel says, ";dry And whose, I wonder."
Opalina accepts Vandryl's purple-banded cigar.
Falvicar glances at Vandryl.
Qiana stands up.
Qiana whispers, "Back in a moment."
Tikba nods thoughtfully at Teveriel.
Vandryl blinks at Falvicar.
Jaysehn says, "That seems unfortunate, after so much goodwill went into creating it."
Lady Qiana just went out.
Malinya appears to be struggling to keep a straight face.
Teaberry appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Speaking gently to Uniana, Aliashyrah says, "I do not think it has anything to do with the food."
Missoni agrees with Jaysehn.
Vandryl chuckles.
Speaking apologetically to Uniana, Hazelnut says, "Poetry, not criticism."
Malinya coughs.
Malinya tilts her head up.
Opalina raises a cigar to her nose and draws in the aroma.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Dezter says, "Unfortunately, I think you're right."
Hazelnut stands up.
Thrassus put a glass of champagne cocktail on a carved mahogany table.
Speaking to Hazelnut, Uniana says, "Mm."
Missoni frowns.
Opalina coughs.
Opalina coughs.
Hazelnut mops at his brow, looking ill.
Opalina's cheeks flush with a soft pale rose shade, darkening her freckles even more.
Falvicar frowns.
Uniana calculates for a brief moment with lips pursed derisively.
(Aerinson shifts his weight.)
Aliashyrah rubs Hazelnut tenderly.
Lady Qiana just arrived.
Traiva cocks her head at Hazelnut.
Missoni surreptitiously glances at Jaysehn.
Vandryl leans on Opalina, giving her a companionable grin.
Qiana sits down next to you.
Hazelnut quietly says, "Do pardon me."
Jaysehn stares at Hazelnut.
Hazelnut's group just went out.
Dezter frowns.
Traiva glances out.
Lylia sighs.
Opalina offers Vandryl a purple-banded cigar.
Missoni gazes out.
Xorus takes a drink from his rich red port.
Xorus looks rather relaxed.
Lilanna frowns.
Carew gazes out.
Dezter nods slowly.
Traiva concernedly says, "I hope he is alright.."
Opalina quietly says, "Uh thank you."
Tikba frowns.
Lady Aliashyrah just arrived.
Opalina blushes sheepishly to herself.
Dezter glances at you.
Lissaya glances out.
Jaysehn glances at Akenna and quirks an eyebrow in her direction.
Roelon glances around the room.
Vandryl accepts Opalina's purple-banded cigar.
Aphaedra folds her hands.
Jaysehn nods knowingly.
Speaking to Opalina, Falvicar asks, "Darling, are you okay?"
Akenna nods at Jaysehn.
Teaberry exclaims, "The food was flawless, Lady Uniana. Better than flawless. And your use of herbs is amazing!"
Speaking diplomatically to Aliashyrah, Tikba asks, "Has Hazelnut been unwell for some time?"
Nalver just arrived.
Lylia nods at Teaberry.
Missoni frowns.
Traiva nods in agreement at Teaberry.
Nalver sighs.
Speaking quietly to Falvicar, Opalina says, "Oh yes thank you."
Speaking to you, Dezter says, "I feel like I need to get on this right away."
Aphaedra nods at Dezter.
Roelon slowly empties his lungs.
Dendum reminds, "The Hazelnut's last two outreach diplomacy things were to giants and vampires....this one seems to be going better than the second one anyway!"
Speaking to Tikba, Aliashyrah says, "I believe he only suffers from passion for the people he represents."
Speaking to Dezter, Aphaedra says, "We are agreed."
Immianthe begins to gesture to several of the serving boys to clean up at the table.
Speaking to you, Dezter says, "It ain't gonna quit botherin me till I do."
Falvicar nods once.
Vandryl just nudged Aphaedra.
Speaking to Teaberry, Uniana says, "I will impart all praise to Lady Wysaceran and her staff."
Vandryl offers Aphaedra a purple-banded cigar.
Tikba glances skeptically at Aliashyrah.
Aphaedra declines Vandryl's offer.
Uniana nods graciously at Teaberry.
Vandryl winks at Aphaedra.
Roelon grins.
Tikba nods politely.
Falvicar shrugs.
(Aphaedra wrinkles her nose at Vandryl.)
You nod at Dezter.
Jaysehn leans to his right slightly.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Lylia says, "The same courtesy we could extend when speaking of Chamberlain Retassal, I am certain."
Jaydo smirks.
Lylia smiles.
Speaking to Uniana, Teaberry says, "Thank you, my lady."
Carew takes a drink from her champagne cocktail.
Vandryl snickers at Aphaedra.
Akenna nods at Missoni.
Vandryl snuffs his purple-banded cigar.
Uniana glances appreciatively at Lylia.
Vandryl put a purple-banded cigar in his black oilcloth pouch.
Dezter takes a drink from his blackberry wine.
Dezter looks rather relaxed.
Speaking quietly to Vandryl, Opalina says, "I don't think smoking is very good for me unless it's smoked meat."
Jaysehn whispers something to Teveriel.
Dezter nods once.
Roelon rubs his chin thoughtfully.
Traiva begins chortling at Opalina.
Dendum takes a drink from his evergreen tea.
The dull golden nimbus fades from around Qiana.
Speaking to Tikba, Aliashyrah says, "Though perhaps his stomach is not used to such rich foods. We have more simple fare in the West."
Teveriel gives a sidelong glance at Jaysehn.
Vandryl says, "Those are some special herbs i......aquired in my travels."
Vandryl nods at Opalina.
Speaking hopefully to Aliashyrah, Uniana whispers aloud, "I do hope we can still host you on Restday. I promise, we will only eat what we catch."
Roelon takes a drink from his champagne cocktail.
Uniana places a hand over her heart.
Teveriel nods almost imperceptibly at Jaysehn.
Speaking to Opalina, Dezter says, "I think I'm gonna get goin, missus..."
Akenna whispers something to Missoni.
Dezter walks toward Opalina.
Immianthe draws back to the curtain a bit more to incorporate air movement in order to help allow the smoke to filter out instead of lingering.
Dezter gives Opalina a friendly hug.
Dezter gives Falvicar a friendly hug.
Aphaedra gives Jaydo a lingering kiss on the hand.
Roelon grins.
Dezter giggles.
Vandryl pulls on Opalina, trying to get her closer.
Speaking confusedly to Uniana, Aliashyrah says, "I am sorry. I am not sure what you are speaking of."
Falvicar stands up.
Opalina's cheeks flush with a soft pale rose shade, darkening her freckles even more.
Missoni frowns at Akenna.
Akenna nods at Missoni.
Falvicar pulls Opalina to her feet.
Dezter pulls on Opalina, trying to get her closer.
Dezter nods.
Opalina hugs Dezter, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Lissaya nods appreciatively at Immianthe.
Vandryl smiles.
Speaking in Faendryl, Lylia says something you don't understand.
Nalver passionately says, "It's disheartening that Icemule is here, again, and the message that comes from the people is so vastly different than that from the official channels. And yet, in the end, it's the official channels that will determine outcomes."
Speaking to Opalina, Dezter says, "I'm on a mission now."
Falvicar nods at Dezter.
Speaking quietly to Dezter, Opalina says, "It was wonderful seeing you and your family again."
Dezter grins at Opalina weakly.
Speaking to Dezter, Aliashyrah says, "It was lovely meeting you. I only wish it had been under different circumstances."
Speaking to Opalina, Aphaedra says, "You are quiet popular with the Aandryl men this evening."
Opalina gives Aphaedra a friendly hug.
Aphaedra grins at Opalina.
Roelon stands up.
Thrassus grins at Lylia.
Vandryl says, "Ill take my leave with my younglings."
Vandryl coughs.
Opalina gives Jaydo a friendly hug.
Dezter slowly empties his lungs.
Vandryl joins Dezter's group.
Dezter nods in agreement at Aliashyrah.
Vandryl gives Opalina a friendly hug.
Opalina hugs Vandryl.
Missoni whispers something to Akenna.
Speaking hopefully to Opalina, Tikba says, "Before you go, I have knitted scarves for you and Falvicar."
Aphaedra gives Opalina a friendly hug.
Speaking to Opalina, Vandryl asks, "See you on the other side?"
Nalver bows to Tikba.
Tikba's ivory glass plate vanishes into the depths of her white flyrsilk toqua.
Nalver bows to you.
Jaysehn takes a drink from his pale gold riesling.
Nalver bows to Teveriel.
Speaking to Vandryl, Traiva says, "Do travel safely."
Tikba's aged gold fork vanishes into the depths of her white flyrsilk toqua.
Speaking to Aliashyrah, Dezter says, "We'll talk again someday."
Opalina nods at Vandryl.
Missoni nods slightly at Akenna.
Traiva stands up.
Vandryl winks at Opalina.
Dezter smiles.
Speaking to Xorus, Lylia says, "Someone wants you to figure out how to build a tower."
Falvicar frowns.
Speaking to Aphaedra, Uniana says, "Thank you for coming and all your kind words."
Traiva curtsies gracefully to Vandryl.
Opalina laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Dendum consolingly offers, "Food was good though!"
Teaberry stands up.
Vandryl says, "Ahh."
Vandryl coughs.
Xorus raises an eyebrow.
Her hand lowered, Qiana gives a subtle wave.
Speaking to Dezter, Uniana says, "And for the offer of assistance."
Tikba produces a knitted ham pink silk and magenta scarf from the depths of her white flyrsilk toqua.
Nalver smiles at Teaberry.
Speaking to Lylia, Jaysehn asks, "Not those kobolds from this morning I hope?"
Lilanna bows to you.
Tikba smiles at Opalina.
Lilanna bows to Uniana.
Dezter bows to Uniana.
Speaking to Traiva, Vandryl exclaims, "It was truly a pleasure!"
Speaking to Uniana, Aphaedra says, "Thank you for all of your work. It is always appreciated."
Speaking soothingly to Nalver, Immianthe says, "This was so the people to could speak unfettered by the chains of officialness. Surely, you must understand that intent."
Vandryl hugs Traiva, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
Aphaedra put a pale ivory glass plate hand-painted in blue- violet larkspurs on a carved mahogany table.
Lylia says, "Well, Gutstorm. He is not a kobold, but..."
Lilanna says, "Thank you for your hospitality."
Aphaedra removes a gold-edged sky blue pouch from her belt.
Aphaedra offers Uniana a gold-edged sky blue pouch.
Lylia holds up her hand and tilts it side to side in a so-so gesture.
Speaking to Lylia, Jaysehn says, "They were robbing all of the felled trees."
Speaking to Uniana, Dezter says, "Anything I can do to serve the Fortress, ma'am."
Roelon grins at Lylia.
Vandryl nods at Traiva.
Speaking to Nalver, you ask, "While the officials may make the final say, they do usually listen to the voice of the people. Perhaps if Icemule would be amicable to a middle ground the voice of the people could make a difference?"
Tikba grins at Lylia.
Uniana accepts Aphaedra's sky blue pouch.
Jaysehn grins at Lylia.
Speaking to Uniana, Aphaedra says, "My contribution to the knitting."
Aphaedra smiles.
Lylia gazes heavenward.
Dezter and Teveriel shake hands.
Immianthe smiles at you.
Teaberry says, "Thank you for hosting us and for speaking plainly and for your offers of help. You are very kind."
Tikba offers Opalina a knitted ham pink silk and magenta scarf.
Xorus says, "You simply build up. If it starts swaying, you have built too high."
Uniana offers Aliashyrah a gold-edged sky blue pouch.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Lylia says, "Public hangings should put an end to such nonsense."
Drawing her left leg behind her right, Teaberry briefly dips into a respectful curtsy before Uniana and bows her head.
Aphaedra curtsies.
Speaking to Lylia, Thrassus says, "Mind if I travel back with you? I don't feel like making another trek this evening."
Traiva grins impishly.
Speaking quietly to Tikba, Opalina says, "You are very kind m'lady."
Vandryl grins.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Missoni says, "Oh, they did not succeed in hindering us too much. We have finished the walls of one tower."
Speaking to Uniana, Akenna says, "This was all very well done and just wonderful."
Akenna smiles at Uniana.
Opalina accepts Tikba's silk scarf.
Vandryl leans softly against Traiva.
Speaking to Opalina, Tikba says, "I hope you will like it."
Aphaedra pulls Jaydo closer to herself.
Tikba produces a knitted magenta and coral orange scarf from the depths of her white flyrsilk toqua.
Tikba offers Opalina a knitted magenta and coral orange scarf.
Traiva kisses Vandryl, first on one cheek, then the other.
Roelon deeply says, "Thank ye fir the welcomin' meal and rather generous cocktail..."
Dezter nods once.
Speaking to Lylia, Jaysehn says, "I offered to pay for the logging rights. I figured a few crystal amulets and a good brick would do."
Speaking to Jaydo, Aphaedra asks, "Shall we?"
Carew takes a drink from her champagne cocktail.
Vandryl smirks at Traiva.
Opalina put a pale ivory glass plate hand-painted in blue- violet larkspurs on a carved mahogany table.
Speaking thoughtfully to you, Dendum remarks, ""If the plans of dark minds created good futures it would be true blow to the avatar."
Speaking to Opalina, Tikba says, "For this one I fear I did not have more pink."
Opalina accepts Tikba's knitted scarf.
Traiva grins slowly.
Speaking to Immianthe, you say, "I am glad you are here. I was hoping to get the chance for those present to thank the masterful chef for the work you have done this evening."
Dezter says, "G'night everyone."
Carew squeakily says, "Very generous."
Teveriel carefully suggests, "Do keep a close eye on your representative. The burden of leadership can be a heavy one to bear."
Dezter smiles.
Speaking to Thrassus, Lylia says, "I would love to, but I fear I cannot push you through the rift before it closes on me."
Speaking to you, Nalver says, "I believe it is a difference in perspectives. We have very real threats without having to worry about trade and food for the town."
Dezter nods once to you.
Jaysehn nods.
Carew coughs.
Jaydo grunts.
Thrassus nods.
Aphaedra agrees with you.
Uniana kindly says, "Once more, thank you all who took the time to travel. I hope the topic of discussion has not ruined an otherwise notable evening."
Lissaya gazes in amusement at Carew.
Opalina quietly says, "They are both quite lovely."
Jaydo nods in agreement at Aphaedra.
Thrassus sighs.
Akenna surreptitiously glances at Teveriel.
Pale amber light softly glows about the flickering flames of the glass lantern.
Traiva turns to face Carew.
Carew tilts her head up.
Aphaedra gives Jaydo a lingering kiss on the cheek.
Uniana gazes in amusement at Aliashyrah.
Carew smiles.
Speaking to you, Nalver says, "I must step away."
Roelon takes a drink from his champagne cocktail.
Speaking to Carew, Traiva asks, "Were you able to enjoy any of the dinner?"
Vandryl nods at Traiva.
Speaking deeply to Aphaedra, Jaydo whispers aloud, "It is your bed time."
Speaking kindly to you, Immianthe says, "I am more conductor than minstrel."
Jaydo grunts.
Speaking to Carew, Aphaedra says, "And thank you, so much for your playing."
You nod at Nalver.
Opalina curtsies to Tikba.
Aphaedra nods at Jaydo.
Dezter pulls Vandryl to his feet.
Nalver asks, "Will anyone see Gasen soon?"
Dezter nods.
Speaking to Nalver, you say, "Have a pleasant evening."
Dezter giggles.
Vandryl nods.
Aphaedra joins Dezter's group.
Lord Dezter's group just went out.
Carew says, "Oh, no, I was too jittery."
Jaydo just went out.
Speaking to Uniana, Missoni says, "I will remember the evening fondly regardless. Thank you."
You grin at Immianthe.
Aliashyrah says, "It is a long trip home and I should probably start."
Firmly planting her feet equidistance apart, Esana glances at Nalver as she clasps her hands in a reverent gesture.
Esana inclines her head.
Speaking to Uniana, Tikba says, "It was very kind of you to invite me."
Carew says, "You were all too kind, too kind indeed."
Traiva calmly flutters her wings at Carew to an unheard rhythm.
Uniana offers Aliashyrah a gold-edged sky blue pouch.
Falvicar casually glances out.
Nalver smiles at Esana.
Jaysehn looks lost in thought.
Aliashyrah accepts Uniana's sky blue pouch.
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Uniana. She inclines her head as well, giving Uniana a brief nod.
Speaking to Nalver, Immianthe says, "With any luck, he is tucked away safely."
Missoni stands up.
Speaking to Immianthe, you say, "A fine ballad you have conducted for our taste buds this evening."
Missoni nods at Uniana.
Immianthe sinks down in a deep curtsy before you, her lashes lowered.
Speaking to Uniana, Tikba says, "I hope to speak with you again soon."
Lylia says, "Lord Anduin, Lady Anduin, you and yours have richly and warmly received your visitors; the conversation merely lent spice to the proceedings, at least to my taste. It was all exquisite, and I thank you."
Akenna says, "Everything was lovely."
Speaking coyly to Carew, Traiva says, "I suppose this is not the time to ask you to consider travelling West to perform during Koaratos.."
Lylia glances between Uniana and Teveriel.
Speaking to Immianthe, Nalver says, "I found this today and thought of him. He loved the smaller ice gem I gave him months ago."
Nalver offers Immianthe a chunk of pale blue ice stone.
Akenna bows her head slightly toward Immianthe as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy before her.
Immianthe chuckles.
Speaking to Immianthe, Nalver asks, "Can you get this to him?"
Immianthe declines Nalver's offer.
Drawing her left leg behind her right, Teaberry briefly dips into a respectful curtsy before Immianthe and bows her head.
Aliashyrah put a gold-edged sky blue pouch in her obsidian satin robe.
Speaking to Lylia, Teveriel says, "As gracious as ever, Lady Rashere. We were glad to receive you."
Speaking amusedly to Nalver, Immianthe says, "I am hardly his attendant."
Drawing her left leg behind her right, Teaberry briefly dips into a respectful curtsy before Uniana and bows her head.
Lylia dryly says, "You set such a high bar, though. The Enclave's kitchens shall have to keep up."
Nalver sighs.
Immianthe smiles at Nalver.
Speaking to Traiva, Carew says, "Well, I do tend to travel between here and there a bit. Perhaps we could discuss it."
Uniana sinks down in a deep curtsy before Lylia, her lashes lowered.
Lylia places a hand over her heart.
Speaking to Lylia, Traiva says, "Everyone's kitchens will have to keep up."
Lylia inclines her head.
Falvicar shrugs.
Traiva turns towards Carew and flutters her wings out wide for Carew to see.
Lissaya nods in agreement at Traiva.
Speaking to Immianthe, Nalver says, "Then let me make you something as a token of faith that things will work out."
Jaysehn mutters under his breath.
Nalver sits down.
Nalver carefully unties the steel-tipped lathe and slips it off of his belt.
Traiva's face lights up with joy for Carew.
Carew smiles.
Speaking to Lylia, Uniana says, "I do not often hear of you traveling so much. We are honored that you thought to join us once more."
Carew inclines her head.
Lylia takes a drink from her rich red port.
Lylia looks rather relaxed.
Speaking to Akenna, Jaysehn says, "We do need to find a cook for the Eclipse."
Speaking excitedly to Carew, Traiva exclaims, "Very much so!"
Jaysehn slowly empties his lungs.
Carew takes a drink from her champagne cocktail.
Opalina wraps Falvicar in a tender embrace.
Speaking to Jaysehn, Akenna says, "That would be nice."
Falvicar wraps Opalina in a tender embrace.
Dildelgun hums a fancy little tune to himself.
Uniana nods.
Dildelgun just went out.
Speaking lightly to Nalver, Immianthe asks, "That is generous of you, however, I do not need reassuring. Perhaps the Ambassador or Delegates do?"
Uniana turns to face Xorus.
Uniana inclines her head.
Speaking to Immianthe, Nalver says, "I don't really know who those are."
Nalver chuckles.
Roelon nods.
Missoni put a pale ivory glass plate hand-painted in blue- violet larkspurs on a wyvern-shaped cart of bright eahnor.
Nalver sets a chunk of pale blue ice stone in his steel-tipped lathe, and makes it go! A carved pale blue ice disk pops out and falls into Nalver's right hand.
Roelon hugs Opalina, who wraps him in a warm embrace.
Roelon nods at Falvicar.
Immianthe says, "Ah, then let me enlighten you."
Speaking to Traiva, Carew says, "You can send me a letter or I will seek you out in a few days, perhaps. Whichever is best."
Nalver carefully ties the steel-tipped lathe onto his belt using the rawhide laces.
Traiva nods at Carew.
Falvicar wiggles his nose.
Opalina put a knitted magenta and coral orange scarf in her eahnor-plated pack.
Opalina put a knitted ham pink silk and magenta scarf in her eahnor-plated pack.
Nalver put a carved pale blue ice disk in his elesine cloak.
Aliashyrah says, "Thank you for the kindness and care put into this evening."
Speaking to Carew, Traiva says, "I certainly shall."
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy. She inclines her head as well, giving a brief nod.
Falvicar nods once at Roelon.
Xorus nods at Uniana.
Opalina pours herself a glass of champagne cocktail.
Immianthe says, "High Legionaiire Aureliano, who had to depart, Lady Esana Ilynov, Lady Uniana Anduin, and Ambassador Kakoon."
Speaking deeply to Opalina, Roelon says, "Ah will see if these legs will take me back across the spine."
Roelon nods at Falvicar.
Falvicar hugs Roelon.
Lylia murmurs, "Be well, all."
Roelon forcefully crosses one arm over his leather coat-of- plates and offers Lylia a formal bow.
Jaysehn gives a quick nod and tips his hat to Lylia.
Aliashyrah says, "I must take my leave. I wish only the best for each of you and pray that the voices of the citizens may be heard by those who can make the decisions."
Tikba regretfully says, "Now I must consider whether Marlu will deign to bless a roof."
Her hand lowered, Uniana gives a subtle wave.
Roelon glances at his black woolen kilt.
Missoni smiles at Lylia.
Roelon's eyes suddenly flash with a deep sanguine glow.
Roelon playfully flips the folds of his black woolen kilt.
Opalina quietly says, "We will be right behind you."
Tikba says, "Good evening, my friends."
Roelon nods once.
Esana glances at Lylia and clasps her hands in a reverent gesture.
Missoni waves to Lylia.
Esana inclines her head.
Speaking to Immianthe, Nalver says, "I know Aureliano."
Thrassus nods at Lylia.
Falvicar lightly brushes his fingers over his rolaren sword symbol in a reverent gesture.
Opalina hugs Roelon, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Speaking sincerely to Lylia, Esana says, "Safe travels."
Jaysehn gives a quick nod and tips his hat to Aliashyrah.
Traiva giggles at Tikba.
You notice Roelon moving stealthily out.
Missoni wishes, "Fair evening, everyone."
Straightening her back, Aliashyrah gives a formal, low curtsy to Jaysehn. She inclines her head as well, giving Jaysehn a brief nod.
Imperatrix Lylia's group just went out.
Nalver says, "And Kakoon."
Lady Aliashyrah just went out.
Nalver stands up.
Teaberry says, "Good evening. And safe travels."
Speaking amusedly to Tikba, Traiva says, "Kala Ylliras."
Defender of Mist Harbor Teaberry just went out.
Traiva gives Tikba a lingering kiss, first on one cheek, then the other.
Missoni flounces out amidst a diffuse cloud of prismatic glitter.
Dendum blinks.
Tikba hugs Traiva, who wraps her in a warm embrace.
Dendum looks around the room before placing his right hand over his heart and bending slightly at the waist in a short, but respectful, bow as he prepares to leave.
Speaking to Traiva, Tikba says, "Kala ylliras."
(Immianthe gestures at Uniana.)
Speaking to Tikba, Traiva whispers aloud, "Good luck."
Tikba stands up.
Tikba grins wryly at Traiva.
Lissaya stands up.
Nalver removes a carved pale blue ice disk from in his elesine cloak.
Tikba nods in agreement at Traiva.
Tikba just went out.
Immianthe says, "This is Lady Anduin."
Lilanna just went out.
Speaking to Uniana, Thrassus says, "I shall repeat what others have been saying, this has been an excellent dinner."
Immianthe gestures at Esana.
You gobble down your raspberry lemon custard in one enormous bite.
That was the last of it!
You accept Nalver's offer and are now holding a carved pale blue ice disk.
Thrassus nods once at Uniana.
Opalina takes a drink from her champagne cocktail.
Dinner Ends -Post conversation-
Nalver smiles at Uniana.
Speaking to Nalver, you say, "Thank you."
Nalver nods.
Immianthe says, "This is Lady Ilynov."
Akenna says, "This was so lovely, thank you so much for the opportunity to be here."
Jaysehn nods.
Esana glances at Nalver and clasps her hands in a reverent gesture.
You quietly whisper to Qiana, "What is this?"
Esana inclines her head.
Speaking to Uniana, Nalver says, "We have met in passing."
Opalina takes a drink from her champagne cocktail.
Akenna bows her head slightly as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy.
Carew takes a drink from her champagne cocktail.
Jaysehn says, "It was a delight, I am sorry I missed the larger part of it."
Qiana whispers, "Food?"
Uniana encourages, "There are several tarts. I do not believe the Lady Wysaceran," pausing to nod to Nalver, "would mind if some of these tarts disappeared from the table. There seems to be plenty."
Qiana whispers, "I have no idea."
Lissaya glances around the room.
Malinya turns in a slow, precise circle, assessing her surroundings from every direction.
Miss Lissaya just tiptoed out.
Nalver bows to Esana.
Malinya casually observes her surroundings.
Akenna frowns.
Traiva starts chortling.
Akenna sighs.
Jaysehn glances at Akenna and quirks an eyebrow in her direction.
Jaysehn nods at Akenna.
Immianthe lightly laughs, "Certainly not."
Lady Akenna's group just went out.
You say, "You missed the boring parts really. It seemed to pick up in excitement during dessert."
Teveriel says, "Your presence was a boon, brief as it may have been."
Aerinson falls back into a relaxed, neutral stance.
Nalver says, "I do really need to get back to Icemule."
Nalver waves.
Her hand lowered, Qiana gives a subtle wave.
Uniana notes, "He missed the venison. That was anything but boring."
Speaking to Nalver, you say, "Safe travels."
Nalver turns sharply on his heel, sending the folds of his elesine cloak swirling about his body.
Nalver just went out.
Traiva grins at Uniana.
Thrassus stretches out his right arm as several glistening black tentacles spread out from his black bracelet. They burrow beneath his skin as they spiral up and down his arm. Gradually they move into the palm of his hand as they begin to wrap around themselves. The undulating glistening black liquid in the palm of Thrassus's hand rapidly hardens as it stretches upward. The liquid from his black bracelet slowly takes shape into a staff as beads of glistening black liquid drop from its form.
... 59 points of damage!
Thrassus nods once.
Speaking to Uniana, Traiva says, "The food was a true delight. Though the..."
Traiva blinks at Thrassus.
A pained expression crosses Uniana's face as she grimaces at Thrassus.
Thrassus says, "Good evening, all."
Traiva stares at Thrassus.
Traiva winces.
Lord Thrassus just went through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Uniana strainedly says, "Good evening, indeed."
Traiva clears her throat.
Carew frowns.
Speaking to Uniana, Traiva continues, "The drinks seemed a bit strong."
Opalina takes a drink from her champagne cocktail.
A loud crash echoes from the kitchen followed by a stunned voice. "Did you see that guy?"
Immianthe messages the bridge of her nose.
Uniana shakes her head, totally at a loss.
Teveriel furrows his brow.
Immianthe politely says, "If you will excuse me."
Traiva lightly fans herself with her glowbark fan.
Immianthe slips behind the curtains.
Opalina ponders.
Speaking to Traiva, you say, "Really? I was asking for them to be even stronger, whiskey and bourbon."
Uniana gazes heavenward.
Qiana looks at you blankly, at a loss to express herself.
Speaking to Uniana, you say, "You were right to keep those off the menu."
Qiana smiles quietly to herself.
Opalina lifts her champagne cocktail to her nose and inhales deeply.
The sound of quiet, if tight voiced, scolding can be heard from somewhere far off, though the words are not audible enough to understand.
Opalina quietly asks, "Is someone upset?"
Traiva furrows her brow.
Carew says, "I believe someone dropped a tray."
Falvicar pours himself a glass of champagne cocktail.
Carew takes a drink from her champagne cocktail.
Opalina quietly says, "I hope they aren't in trouble."
Opalina quietly says, "I hope you enjoy the cocktail."
Falvicar takes a drink from his champagne cocktail.
Falvicar looks rather relaxed.
Carew says, "Oh, I am indeed enjoying it."
Carew takes a drink from her champagne cocktail.
Speaking to Opalina, you ask, "Will you be returning to Icemule this evening as well or staying around for a little while?"
Opalina quietly says, "It's from my private reserves."
Falvicar says, "That's.. a lot of sips."
Falvicar gazes with interest at the champagne cocktail in his hand.
Carew says, "And I might be enjoying it all night."
Opalina quietly says, "A gift for Kakoon."
Opalina quietly says, "And everyone here."
Speaking to Carew, Uniana says, "Thank you again for sharing your talents."
Carew says, "Very generous and thoughful."
Shadows cast from the glass lantern twist and twirl in an age- old dance with light.
Speaking quietly to you, Opalina says, "We will need to return soon yes."
Speaking to Uniana, Carew says, "I was pleased and honored to be included, I hope I wasn't too much of an intrusion on the proceedings."
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "I would say pass it around so we can all have a taste but I think that usually goes better in the barracks than during one of these types of things."
Qiana laughs softly, trying to hide her amusement.
Opalina points at a carved mahogany table.
Speaking to Carew, Traiva says, "It was a delight."
Opalina quietly says, "It's on the table sir everyone is welcome to a cup."
You put a carved pale blue ice disk in your cloak.
Carew smiles.
On the mahogany table:
Containers [3]: a pale ivory glass plate hand-painted in blue- violet larkspurs (3)
Food/Drink [4]: a glass of champagne cocktail, a horn-handled stein of roasted coffee stout, a dragonstalk-shaped flute of pale gold riesling, a translucent winter white glass bottle Misc [2]: a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk (2)
You remove a glass of champagne cocktail from on a carved mahogany table.
You lift your champagne cocktail to your nose and sniff, detecting notes of strawberry and citrus in the champagne.
Speaking to Carew, Uniana says, "Perhaps that is where the conversation turned, we were without your pleasant music during the final courses."
Uniana grins at Carew.
Opalina smiles at Uniana.
Opalina quietly says, "Hazelnut is very passionate about his beliefs."
Traiva smiles at Uniana.
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "I don't usually like champagne, don't like how the bubbles tickle my nose but if it is mixed with something, perhaps the bubbles won't be so bad."
Speaking sheepishly to Opalina, Traiva says, "I will admit I did not follow all of the heated talk.."
You take a drink from your champagne cocktail. The bubbly champagne has a faint almond-like body, the sweetened notes blending with citrus and strawberry to glide across your senses. The slight taste afforded by sliced strawberries enhances the champagne cocktail.
You feel tension draining away, giving way to a very relaxed state.
Carew says, "They do say music calms the savage beast. I appreciate how this could have turned...savage..."
You wiggle your nose.
You say, "Nope, still bubbles."
Teveriel says, "Hazelnut should focus less on what he believes and more on the indisputable facts of the matter."
Qiana smiles at you.
Speaking to Opalina, Traiva asks, "But why is no one able to speak with Briar Cove about any of this?"
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "But I do like the strawberries."
Speaking to you, Qiana says, "Hundredeth time is the charm."
Teveriel says, "And in the absence of those, work to uncover them."
You offer your champagne cocktail to Qiana.
Speaking to Qiana, you ask, "Care for a sip dear?"
Qiana wrinkles her nose.
Qiana has declined the offer.
Qiana shakes her head.
Qiana giggles.
Qiana says, "It tickles."
Speaking quietly to Traiva, Opalina says, "WE would love too.. but the way is blocked for us to enter."
Qiana put a four-tined aged gold fork held by a crimson glass dragonstalk on her ivory glass plate.
Traiva slowly empties her lungs.
Uniana casually glances at you.
Opalina quietly says, "'The last message we received was to inform us that our trade contracts were canceled and that they were going to exclusively trade with Ta'Vaalor going forward."
Speaking to Traiva, you say, "We are hoping to try to make contact with them before the end of the week."
Traiva thoughtfully says, "From what I was hearing, from both sides.. The suggestion that perhaps someone within Briarmoon Cove is stirring things up may not be a bad angle to examine."
Traiva nods slowly to you.
You agree with Traiva.
Teveriel says, "Someone certainly is. Within Briarmoon Cove or otherwise."
Opalina quietly says, "Some of us belive that to be true."
(Traiva slowly paces around the room.)
Traiva nods slowly.
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "It doesn't seem the majority."
Lifting a buttery slice of cinnamon almond cake cradling a cognac-poached pear from his ivory glass plate, Teveriel takes a bite of the cake.
Opalina quietly says, "Some of us also believe .. Rammael.. may be behind it."
Opalina looks over at you and shakes her head.
Opalina quietly says, "Mostly because we have very little proof."
Traiva slowly asks, "What has either Icemule or Ta'Vaalor to gain, really? What might someone else have to gain by having these two fine cities at each other's throats?"
Opalina quietly says, "The proof we have is your airships and messages."
Traiva lightly fans herself with her glowbark fan.
Speaking to Traiva, Carew says, "I'd say that list is long."
Speaking to Opalina, Traiva asks, "Rammael.. That is the one people are calling the Cat's Paw, yes?"
Opalina quietly says, "Pardon. Ta'Vaalorian ships."
Speaking to Traiva, you say, "Well I am hesitant to point this out but Ta'Vaalor does benefit from the exclusive trade. We are probably able to import things easier then we could before."
Opalina quietly says, "Yes."
Opalina nods at Traiva.
Traiva nods slowly to you.
Speaking gently to you, Traiva says, "I understand the hesitance."
Traiva furrows her brow.
Traiva turns to face you.
Opalina quietly says, "That was a claim Rammael himself made to several who chased him to a shrine under an Inn in Moonsedge."
Opalina quietly says, "That was the last he was seen."
Traiva asks, "Do you know how involved His Majesty is in the actual administration of things? Does he leave it all to Ministers?"
Teveriel bluntly says, "Icemule is of no threat to Ta'Vaalor whatsoever. If someone is seeking to manipulate one against the other, it is most assuredly their intent to cause harm to Icemule."
(Malinya stiffles a laugh, then coughs discreetly and returns her eyes forward.)
Traiva cocks her head at Malinya.
Opalina smiles at Teveriel.
Speaking to Traiva, you say, "I believe the Lord Chamberlain handles most of the paperwork though I dread having conversations on these topics so I have never asked King Qalinor directly."
(Uniana takes a step closer to Teveriel, offering him a gentle, drawn out smile.)
Traiva nods to you.
Speaking in Elven, Malinya unconvincingly says, "Ticklet in my throat."
Opalina smiles quietly to herself.
Speaking dryly in Elven to Malinya, Traiva says, "And I am about to hug a Kiramon."
Esana glances at Malinya.
Traiva raises an eyebrow.
Traiva appears to be trying hard not to grin.
Traiva slowly empties her lungs.
(Traiva resumes her pacing, her fingers lightly tracing the back of a chair as she passes it.)
Speaking to Traiva, Uniana says, "As I am sure you know, the Sovereign is an elected monarch. Part of why he was chosen by the council is that he works for the good of the people and he came from a working background."
Traiva nods slowly at Uniana.
Opalina quietly says, "I do not belive the King would want any harm to come to Icemule either through trade or any other means."
Falvicar frowns.
Traiva thoughtfully says, "His Majesty does not seem to want to harm anyone, no..."
Traiva nods in agreement at Opalina.
Opalina nods at Traiva.
Uniana continues, "He was the High Steward before his election and is frequently on the ground, taking an active hand in training the military and overseeing some matters of trade like the reveal of Mistwatch."
Traiva thoughtfully continues, "Why should Icemule have wish to harm anyone, especially a strength such as Ta'Vaalor..."
Opalina frowns at Falvicar.
Aerinson smiles.
Teveriel says, "He is not the sort of man whose pride would be cut by words written in a letter."
Uniana nods firmly.
Falvicar peers quizzically at Opalina.
Speaking quietly to Falvicar, Opalina asks, "Do we need to go home?"
Traiva taps her lacquered fingernails on her palm with an exasperated sigh.
Falvicar gibbers incoherently.
Traiva furrows her brow.
Brilliant flames of reds, oranges, and yellows from the glass lantern flicker and fade, before flaring into new life.
Qiana glances at a spherical glass lantern caged in eahnor.
Speaking to Qiana, you ask, "Quite beautiful isn't it?"
Qiana nods to you.
Speaking to you, Qiana says, "Yes it is."
Opalina simpers.
Traiva darkly muses, "So perhaps one within the Ta'Vaalor government, working behind His Majesty's back.. or one working for Briarmoon Cove.. or one in business for himself for whatever nefarious purpose."
Speaking in Elven, Malinya says, "Excuse me. Unless there is a need for us, Squire Legionniare Aerinson and I will be going out on patrol."
Esana nods once at Malinya.
Speaking sincerely in Elven to Malinya, Uniana says, "Thank you both for your posts."
Uniana nods gratefully at Aerinson.
Aerinson snaps smartly to attention!
Uniana smiles.
Speaking to Traiva, you say, "I am sad to say it would not be the first time Ta'Vaalor was betrayed from inside. This goes back to that demon that was causing trouble."
Speaking in Elven, Malinya says, "Our duty."
Esana glances at Aerinson and clasps her hands in a reverent gesture.
Malinya snaps smartly to attention!
Esana glances at Malinya and clasps her hands in a reverent gesture.
Esana inclines her head.
Her hand lowered, Qiana gives a subtle wave.
Traiva smiles at Malinya.
Aerinson marches back and forth, sharply turning at the end of each stride.
Malinya marches back and forth, sharply turning at the end of each stride.
Traiva smiles at Aerinson.
Squire Legionnaire Aerinson's group just went out.
Speaking softly to you, Traiva says, "It is never good when such a thing might happen, no."
Traiva looks lost in thought.
Carew takes a drink from her champagne cocktail.
Carew looks rather relaxed.
Speaking to Traiva, you say, "And the dishonor that goes along with it even worse."
You shudder.
Traiva slowly asks, "And why should it be only one side?"
Carew says, "Oof, good thing I didn't have any of those before I set to playing."
Carew raises her champagne cocktail in a toast!
Esana whispers, "Since I am at your service, sir. I ask to be dismissed."
Traiva smiles at Carew.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana faintly says, "It might be too early to be speaking of dishonored citizens."
Qiana grins at Carew.
Speaking lightly to Carew, Traiva says, "It could have made the music more interesting."
Uniana removes a dragonstalk-shaped flute of pale gold riesling from on a carved mahogany table.
Carew chuckles.
Carew says, "Indeed it might have."
Speaking quietly to you, Opalina asks, "Is it at all possible that Ta'Vaalorian airships are used by others?"
Uniana takes a drink from her pale gold riesling.
You quietly whisper to Esana, "Of course High Priestess, my appologies for keeping you here. Please, if there are other matters needing attending I believe we are just wrapping up here."
You rub your chin thoughtfully.
Teveriel says, "We have no shortage of guesses and too few facts at this juncture."
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "Anything is possible no matter how unlikely."
Esana nods once to you.
Traiva nods slowly at Teveriel.
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "I would like to think that there is enough of a guard on the airships that it would be impossible to get one away without notice or record of it."
Esana whispers, "Think nothing of it, sir. I am at the service of the Arakhors."
Esana apologetically wishes, "I wish you all a safe and wonderful evening."
Traiva offhandedly remarks, "A rogue soldier.."
Esana clasps her hands in a reverent gesture.
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "But I have been wrong many times in the past. I will ask High Legionnaire Aureliano if he could possibly look into such matters."
Esana inclines her head.
Traiva flutters her wings at Esana.
Uniana sinks down in a deep curtsy before Esana, her lashes lowered.
Miss Esana dissolves into motes of marigold light that flow out.
Opalina nods to you.
Speaking to Traiva, you say, "Again, wouldn't be the first time I'm afraid."
Uniana tilts her head up.
Her hand lowered, Qiana gives a subtle wave.
Traiva nods slowly to you.
Qiana says, "Oh."
Qiana snaps her fingers.
Opalina quietly says, "If he is allowed to share."
Teveriel says, "The theft of a single airship is rare enough that when the Dawn Rose was stolen we expended every effort to see it returned."
Uniana's eyes narrow, and her expression darkens as she swiftly averts her gaze downward.
Carew says, "Oof, I think I need to go find some coffee."
Carew begins to walk out but suddenly trips and goes flailing out of sight!
Opalina quietly asks, "What about sold?"
Opalina peers quizzically at Teveriel.
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "I don't think he'll be allowed to share the details such as how many guards and when their shifts are but basic knowledge I am sure can be made public."
Traiva glances at Uniana.
Uniana passes a hand over her ivory face.
Speaking quietly to you, Opalina says, "Oh Please I don't wish anything private."
Opalina shakes her head.
Opalina quietly says, "Military secrets should be kept."
Opalina nods understandingly.
Falvicar nods.
Traiva leans against a high-backed leather chair.
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "Now a sale of an airship would definitely be a big deal around here. If something like that was being sold a crowd would have gathered from far and wide."
Speaking to Traiva, Uniana asks, "Are you donating anything besides knitted goods tomorrow?"
Opalina quietly asks, "Unless it were a private sale?"
You rub your chin thoughtfully.
Speaking to Opalina, you ask, "Or a private trade? A deal for a deal maybe?"
Speaking to Uniana, Traiva says, "I do not have anymore footwear at the moment, no."
Traiva starts chortling.
Teveriel reminds, "Military airships are not private property."
Speaking to Uniana, Traiva asks, "Is there need for anything else?"
Speaking to Teveriel, you say, "I think this might be going back to maybe someone in our ranks acting dishonorable."
Opalina quietly says, "It just seems that while they are not private property not everyone is aware of their coming and goings here."
Speaking to Traiva, Uniana says, "Food items but I am no baker. I can assemble at best."
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "No more attention then a passing bird on the breeze I suppose."
A pained expression crosses Traiva's face.
Speaking quietly to you, Opalina says, "Even as we are speaking I am getting messages through our thought amulets that a fleet of Vaalorian airships have just dropped troops in the Wester Dragonspine just outside of Icemule."
Teveriel neutrally says, "I wonder."
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "I am sure these things can be investigated."
Speaking softly to Uniana, Traiva says, "There is a reason I went on a search for a cook and baker for our manor.. I am horrid."
Falvicar ponders.
The light of the glass lantern gutters as the flames wane, brilliant hues turning dull, almost smoky.
Uniana casually glances at Opalina.
Speaking sheepishly to Uniana, Traiva offers, "I can buy some foodstuffs? Perhaps take a bit from the Paupers pantry?"
Uniana cocks her head at Traiva.
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "I am not privy to troop movements so I cannot state their reasoning for being there I'm afraid."
Speaking to Traiva, Uniana says, "I had a mind to give some business to the grocer and buy raw items."
Traiva chortles softly at some secret joke.
Traiva nods at Uniana.
Traiva says, "That makes much more sense, yes."
Falvicar says, "I was whispered via a ranger whisper that Vaalorian looking ships were spotted dropping off troops not far from Trace. Tis odd."
Speaking quietly to you, Opalina says, "These kinds of actions are not helping our communications."
Speaking to Uniana, Traiva suggests, "Yardie enjoys making pies."
Uniana diplomatically says, "I have heard that."
Uniana whispers something to Traiva.
Uniana takes a drink from her pale gold riesling.
Traiva raises her voice in merry laughter.
Qiana leans over and whispers, "I would imagine of they were invading, then yes.... but the fact that NO ONE has seen the soldiers yet... it's a good sign."
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "Perhaps a different view might be needed? Helping to defend against the thirsting dead or even to help track down this Rammael, these troops could be a boon to Icemule."
Speaking to Opalina, you ask, "And as no swords have been drawn or blood has been shed, maybe we're getting ahead of ourselves?"
A pained expression crosses Traiva's face.
You quietly whisper to Qiana, "You make a very good point dear."
Speaking quietly to you, Opalina says, "Usually it's offered when asked for.. Perhaps I missed a request."
Falvicar ponders.
Speaking quietly to you, Opalina says, "I hope you are right sir they are there to support and help."
Teveriel says, "A number of purported details simply are not adding up."
Teveriel shakes his head.
Speaking quietly to Teveriel, Opalina says, "I agree."
Falvicar nods.
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "At this point I wish High Priestess Esana was still present as I believe she is more familiar with the treaty. I believe free troop movements were discussed during the treaty and as they have landed just outside of Icemule and not within, it might be a grey area within the treaty."
You hold up your hand and tilt it side to side in a so-so gesture.
Falvicar says, "This is why we need it in writing."
Falvicar sighs.
You nod at Falvicar.
Opalina nods.
Speaking to Falvicar, you say, "I can see having a treaty in writing would help and perhaps one can be penned with additions made by the sitting Icemule council and mayor. I am sure the Lord Chamberlain would be more amicable to add to it rather then detract from what was already agreed on."
You say, "But then again, as he is a politician I do not even begin to understand his thought process."
Falvicar nods slowly to you.
Speaking quietly to Falvicar, Opalina says, "I could see that happening."
Speaking quietly to Falvicar, Opalina says, "And unfortantly Icemule is not large enough or strong enough to counter such a powerful force as Ta'Vaalor head on."
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "I would hate for Ta'Vaalor to solidify a reputation of being bullies. Headstrong maybe, but not bullies."
Speaking quietly to you, Opalina says, "I will endevor to maintain my faith that Ta'Vaalor is honorable and will do the right thing by Icemule."
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "Thank you for putting trust in us and I will do what I can to make sure that trust is not misplaced."
Speaking hopefully to Opalina, Traiva says, "Perhaps you can yet be a voice to reason within Icemule. You rather seem to have earned a fair amount of respect."
You say, "As I am sure we all will."
You gaze with interest at your surroundings.
A tiny ember sparks into the air, yet quickly turns to harmless ash lost to an errant rush of air.
Qiana reaches over and gently traces her finger along your cheek.
Opalina smiles at Qiana.
You smile at Qiana.
Falvicar says, "I understand honor and everything but given the circumstance it's still a he said, she said and unfortuantely those of Icemule don't live nearly as long as Vaalor and thus word of mouth leaves out details when it's just a verbal contract from a mayor that is no longer in power - let alone up and about. I'm sure something can still be drawn up to be fair for both town to benefit from each other."
Speaking quietly to Traiva, Opalina says, "I will try. but even my voice is small when so many are afraid."
Traiva nods slowly at Opalina.
Traiva slowly empties her lungs.
Traiva quietly says, "Fear does horrible things to people, yes."
Opalina nods.
Speaking coolly to Falvicar, Uniana says, "But Lady Lylia is still up and about and the High Priestess Esana, surely no one would question -their- recollection of the events."
Opalina rubs Falvicar's shoulders gently.
Speaking quietly to Uniana, Opalina says, "No one is doubting their truth m'lady They are quite honorable."
Speaking to Falvicar, you say, "I would definitely like to see what was previously agreed upon in the treaty written down but I am a firm believer in that a person's worth is that of their word. As the Lord Chamberlain did not see the need to write it down at the time, we probably have a similar mind set. Anything different from what was previously agreed on would probably be met with sour faces and upturned noses. Additions to the treaty that don't contradict previously agreed terms would be viewed as more reasponable I am sure."
Traiva says, "If you all will excuse me, the hour is growing late, and I have a long journey home for the night."
Uniana turns to face Traiva.
Uniana bows her head slightly toward Traiva as she drops into a deep, respectful curtsy before her.
Speaking to Traiva, you say, "Safe travels."
Speaking to Uniana, Traiva says, "Please, do let me know if I can be of any more assistance."
Her hand lowered, Qiana gives a subtle wave.
Traiva smiles.
Uniana softly says, "Rest well, Chatelaine."
Traiva says, "And thank you all for the wonderful hospitality, again."
Traiva sinks into a deep curtsy.
Opalina quietly says, "Yes we should also start heading home."
Traiva flutters her wings out wide for all to see.
Traiva closes her fan with a flick of her wrist.
Traiva waves.
Chatelaine Traiva just went out.
Opalina takes a drink from her champagne cocktail.
Falvicar nods in agreement.
Opalina put a glass of champagne cocktail in her velvet evening wrap.
Uniana kindly says, "I do hope that you were able to enjoy most of the evening. We were happy to host you again."
Speaking to Falvicar, you say, "That is my advice when dealing with the Lord Chamberlain at least."
Falvicar nods understandingly to you.
Speaking quietly to Uniana, Opalina says, "I found the dinner wonderful the ambiance was amazing."
Uniana casually observes her surroundings.
Teveriel says, "I am glad to know the conversation over dessert did not cast too dark a shadow over the meal."
Uniana says, "Perhaps we can host again under happier sentiments."
You say, "As the crowd has dwindled to just a few perhaps it might be best to call the evening to a close? I am sure the staff would like to go home."
Opalina quietly says, "I live in Icemule m'lady there's darkness around every corner and we still eat tarts and spicy foods."
Opalina giggles.
Teveriel gazes in amusement at Opalina.
Teveriel nods slightly.
Teveriel concedes, "That I recall well enough from my own time there."
Speaking to Opalina, you say, "Thank you again for making such a long trip to share some food. It was a very enjoyable evening."
Speaking quietly to Uniana, Opalina says, "I would be honored, and perhaps one day would be willing to attend a dinner of mine."
Uniana inclines her head.
Opalina quietly says, "You would be willing."
Opalina's cheeks flush with a soft pale rose shade, darkening her freckles even more.
Speaking to Falvicar, you say, "I hope next time I might be able to visit Icemule. I remember the ice fairies to be quite pretty."
Opalina nods to you.
Falvicar nods.
Falvicar smiles.
You stand back up.
Opalina curtsies.
You bow to Opalina.
Uniana curtsies gracefully.
Qiana stands up.
You bow to Falvicar.
Grand Lady Opalina's group just went out.
Her hand lowered, Qiana gives a subtle wave.
You say, "Well that went well, no added red to the banners."
Uniana turns away with a look of utter disgust on her face.
You carefully extinguish the glass lantern, causing a small jet of smoke which quickly dissipates.
Qiana rubs your shoulders soothingly, giving you a little affectionate squeeze.
Uniana rubs at the joints of her agile fingers for several moments.
Speaking to Uniana, you say, "Thank you for your help with this evening."
Speaking in Elven, Uniana begrudgingly allows, "It could have gone worse."
Speaking to Teveriel, you say, "Yours as well, it is nice when calmer heads can carry conversation instead of nothing but heated arguments."
Uniana glances over her shoulder.
Teveriel says, "All considered, I believe it went well."
You adopt an agreeable expression.
Qiana moves to your side, twining her fingers with yours.
Teveriel says, "At the very least our intentions were well received."
Carew just arrived.
Carew just went through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
You say, "Let us hope it makes a difference."
Carew just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana says, "We could have done with a little less of discussing old, dirty laundry but all in all I do believe that the disappointment was on Hazelnut."
You say, "If you will excuse us, I'm afraid I need to collect all the notes I made this evening to put them into a cohesive thought."
Carew just went through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Teveriel nods understandingly to you.
Carew just came through a pooling crimson velvet curtain.
Uniana nods once.
Carew just went out.
Uniana curtsies politely.
Teveriel says, "Take care, then, Lord Arakhor."
Teveriel cocks his head at Uniana.
Speaking in Elven, Uniana says, "Fair evening to you."
Her hand lowered, Qiana gives a subtle wave.
Speaking to Teveriel, you say, "You as well Lord Anduin."
Your group prevents you from moving stealthily.
[Wyvern Plaza - 13920] (u14200006)
Broad, shallow stairs of alternating flint and slate lead down toward the river and up toward the top of the bluff. Terraced gardens line the sides of the stairways, their flowers and dwarf fruit trees exquisitely espaliered and cultivated. Between the two sets of stairs, a large plaza paved in checkerboard squares of flint and slate surrounds a sculptural fountain. Four curved benches, placed at the points of the compass, provide an opportunity to sit and watch elven society meander by. You also see a large acorn, a white-chested black wolf, an expansive crimson silk pavilion framed in gilt-forged dragonstalks, a wooden barrel and a twisted stone doorframe.
Also here: Carew
Obvious paths: northeast, southwest, northwest, up, down
Qiana followed.