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Tincture bandage

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A tincture bandage is a scripted item that can be used to tend and heal wounds.

It cannot heal missing limbs or blinded eyes.

The bandage must be treated with the correct healing tincture for the wound or scar, then applied to the wounded person (self or other) via TEND. After 60 seconds, the tincture works its way into the wound and is healed.


A bandage that can be treated with healing tinctures to tend a wound.


This item is a Tincture Bandage which can be treated with various healing potions and then used to tend a wound with.  One simply POURs a healing potion on to the bandage and then TEND yourself or someone with it.  The bandage can be used in two ways.  If the bandage is ROLLed, it is bunched up and used to externally tend a wound.  If the bandage is PULLed, it is straightened out and may be wrapped around the wounded area and worn, which is the default setting for a bandage.  The bandage may then be UNWRAPped or REMOVEed.


Verb Argument First Third
POUR You pour some of the bubbling brown ale on your linen bandage and carefully work the liquid into it.

You have 2 doses left.
Roundtime: 5 sec.

Vanah pours some of her bubbling brown ale on a linen bandage and carefully works the liquid into it.
TEND Self You carefully wrap the injury on your right arm with your linen bandage and feel it slowly begin to heal.

You feel the wound beneath the linen bandage on your right arm stop tingling as it loosens slightly.

Vanah carefully wraps her right arm with a linen bandage.
TEND Self - Invalid You begin to apply the linen bandage but quickly realize it is not appropriate for treating back injuries, and stop yourself. None
UNWRAP/REMOVE You carefully unwrap the bandage from around your right arm and discard it. Vanah carefully unwraps the bandage from around her right arm and discards it.
ROLL You bunch up the linen bandage in your hand. It will not be visible in inventory when TENDed. None
PULL You unbunch the linen bandage, smoothing it out. It will now be visible in inventory when TENDed. None


A roll of bandages can create individual bandages via TEAR.


This item is a roll of Tincture Bandages, which one can TEAR to create 8 bandage.  If altered, only the noun should be changed, and it must be some type of fabric such as linen, cotton or silk.


Verb First Third
TEAR You carefully unwind the roll of linen and tear away a length of it suitable for a bandage.

Roundtime: 2 sec.

Vanah carefully unwinds a small roll of linen and tears away a length of it suitable for a bandage.


A garment can create individual bandages via TEAR.


This item is a garment which one can TEAR to create 9 Tincture Bandages.
Only the adjective and noun of this item may be altered.  The adjective must remain some kind of fabric, such as linen, silk or cotton and may contain no other words.  The article will change once you TEAR bandages away from the garment.


Verb First Third
TEAR You tear a section of your linen tunic away into a length suitable for a bandage.

Roundtime: 2 sec.

Vanah tears a section of her linen tunic into a length of it suitable for a bandage.
Tincture bandage Information
Type Fluff
Item Classification Miscellaneous
Item(s) Applied to Bandage
Alterable Yes
Original Release Venue Revel of the Anfelt
Original Release Year 2006
Item Verbs