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Unburied Treasure

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Unburied Treasure is a shop in Kraken's Fall that sells locksmith supplies. It is located at the northeast corner of Wandering Eye Market in a large wooden wagon painted black and silver.

The proprietor is Smiley. Johannos offers lockpicking in the east room

Unburied Treasures

[Unburied Treasures] Room: 7118381, RNUM: 28935
The salt-bleached floorboards of this wagon groan ominously underfoot, and a stuffed seagull eyes you suspiciously from a prominent perch directly over the driftwood countertop that dominates the space. Small chests and crates litter the floor, stacked haphazardly atop each other in places, and each containing some manner of bauble or trinket. The air is humid and dank in this place, combining with the small room to create a stifling ambience. You also see Smiley.
Obvious exits: east, out


  1. a tarnished brass circle hook      7. a translucent golden glaes hook
  2. a twisted invar circle hook        8. an amber-hued laje circle hook
  3. a dull silver circle hook          9. a spilt-barbed rolaren fishing hook
  4. a pitted grey ora circle hook      10. a set of professional calipers
  5. a white ivory fishing hook         11. a black suede lockpick case
  6. a blue-hued mithril fishing hook   12. a black byssus tool kit

Unburied Treasures, Smithing

Directions: east from entry

[Unburied Treasures, Smithing] Room: 7118382
Leached of color, the driftwood walls curve to form a peaked roof that converge upon a single, thick oak beam. Brass lanterns, shielded by rainbow glaes windows, hang from hooks over a leather-topped dark oak counter, their steady glow illuminating both the counter's surface and a nearby mahogany sign. A low cloth-covered bench pressed against one wall looks to have served as someone's bed in recent history, and discarded clothing strewn about the space bespeaks a history of residence in this small room. You also see an iron-bound driftwood wastebarrel and Johannos.
Obvious exits: west
|                                                            |
|               Welcome to Unburied Treasures!               |
|                                                            |
|  LOCKPICKING SERVICES                                      |
|                                                            |
|  To get a price quote, hold a locked box in one of your    |
|  hands and ring the bell.  If you agree to the price       |
|  quoted, simply PAY <amount> to have the lock picked.      |
|                                                            |